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(Appendix ‘B’)
New ordinances 6683 & 6684 relating to the Add – On
Online & Offline Diploma Course in CAD, CAM and
Computer Technologies in the Textile and Apparel
Industry – Advanced.
1. Necessity for starting these cours e:
A. a. To facilitate new skill development amongst students as per changing needs of the industry for
placements and internships.
b. To facilitate students to take up interdisciplinary courses based on their interests and aptitude.
c. This course is cre ated to develop professionals with expertise in CAD and CAM in the Apparel
Industry to cater to the ever -increasing need of the fashion and apparel industry.
Specific Objectives of the course:
i. To introduce a career oriented and skill enhancing course on CAD, CAM and Computer
Technologies in the Apparel Industry
ii. To impart knowledge regarding importance of CAD, CAM and Computer Technologies in
the Apparel Industry
iii. To enable the students develop entrepreneurial abilities in the field of fashion and apparel.
iv. To gain knowledge about use computer in textile apparel designing.
v. To observe and understand the designing of textile apparel through computers.
2. Whether UGC has recommended to start the said course?
A. Yes. UGC has recommended skill based/vocational/ technical courses.
3. Whether all the courses have commenced from the academic year 2019 -20
A, We plan to commence the courses from academic year 2022 - 23
4. The courses started by the University are self financed, whether adequate number of eligible
permanent Faculties are available?
A. The courses are self financed. Adequate permanent faculties are available to facilitate the running
of the courses.
5. To give details regarding duration of the course and is it possible to compress the course
A. It is possible to complete the courses during the academic year. It is not possible to further
compress the courses.
6. The intake capacity of each course and number of admissions given in the current academic year
2019 -20
A. Maximum 30 students in a batch
7. Opportunities of Employability/Employment available after taking these courses.
A. Many new opportunities are available after the courses
AC- 29/06/2021
Item No. – 8.6 (N)
(to be introduced with effect from the academic year 2022 -23)
Syllabus for Approval
Name & Signature of BOS Chairperson : Dr. (Mrs.) Geeta Ibrahim
Name & Signature of Dean: ____________________________
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the Course
2 Eligibility for Admission
O.668 4 Graduates from any Field of Education
3 Passing Marks
R - 9426 120
4 Ordinances / Regulations
( if any)
5 No. of Years / Semesters
R - 9427 2 Semesters (1 year)
6 Level P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
( Strike out which is not applicable)
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
( Strike out which is not applicable)
8 Status New / Revised
( Strike out which is not applicable)
9 To be implemented from
Academic Year From Academic Year 2022 -23
Type of Course - Add on One -year Diploma Course
Duration of Course : 72 hours of theory and practical
24 hours for self - work for gaining hands on experience through
Mode of instruction: Offline and online
Experts will be called from outside and linkages and networks will be tapped for inviting
resource persons involving participant learning
Vision: To develop professionals with expertise in CAD and CAM in the Apparel Industry to
cater to the ever -increasing need of the fashion and apparel industry.
Mission: To equip students with theoretical kno wledge and impart practical training as
envisaged in the vision. Thus, enabling the students to acquire additional applied skills while
pursuing the fulltime programme / occupation.
i. To introduce a career oriented and skill enhancing course on CAD, CAM and
Computer Technologies in the Apparel Industry
ii. To impart knowledge regarding importance of CAD, CAM and Computer
Technologies in the Apparel Industry
iii. To enable the students, develop entrepreneurial abilities in the field of fashion and
iv. To gain knowledge about use computer in textile apparel designing.
Graduate from any field.
Pre-requisite: CAD, CAM, and Computer Technologies in the Textile and Apparel
Industry Basic and Intermediate Course or its equivalence.
It is mandat ory for M.Sc. II Home Science Branch III students of Textile and Fashion
Technology to complete the one -year Diploma in CAD, CAM and Computer
Technologies in the Textile and Apparel Industry - Advanced course (as indicated in
the syllabus of the regular M.S c. Home Science Branch III Textile and Fashion
Technology Course)
Intake capacity : Minimum 09 students per batch.
Credits : 9 credits
Fees for the course : Rs. 7,000/ - (+ GST applicable) per student
Honorarium: Rs. 750/- per hour for Practical and Rs. 500/ - per hour for Theory
Coordinator fees for academic year/course: Rs. 5,000/ - entire course
Preamble to the Course
Textile and apparel industry are moving towards automation and computer aided designing
and manufacturing has taken prime importance in this aspect. Therefore, knowledge and
skills of CAD/CAM in the field of textile and apparel industry has become a need f or the
students pursuing their degree in this field. This course aims to develop professional with
expertise in CAD and CAM in the textile and apparel industry to cater to the ever -increasing
need of the fashion and apparel industry. It will equip students with theoretical knowledge
and impart practical training thus enabling the students to acquire additional applied skills
while pursuing the fulltime programme / occupation.
Title Internal
Marks Semester
Examination Total
Marks Total
Hours Credits
CAD CAM and Computer
Technologies in Textile &
Apparel Marketing Sectors
(Theory) - III 40 60 100 24 3
Computer Technologies in
Textile and Apparel
Marketing Sectors
(Practical) - V 40 60 100 24 3
Computer Technologies in
Textile and Apparel
Marketing Sectors
(Practical) - VI 40 60 100 24 3
Title of the Course Total
Hours Marks
allotted Credits for
the Course
CAD CAM and Computer Technologies in
Textile & Apparel Marketing Sectors (Theory) -
III 24 100 3
1. To introduce computer technologies used in marketing of textile, woven and
knitted fabrics and / visits to industries / organizations.
2. To introduce computer technologies used in retail and other sectors of apparel
industry using software and / visits to industries/organizations .
Unit Course Content Hours
I Fashion Marketing and Merchandising
Basic concept and objectives of fashion merchandising
Principles that underpins the fashion marketing and
merchandising concept development and adaptation 08
II Digital Marketing
Social Media
Using Social Media for Retail/Promotions 08
III Understanding World Wide Web
Basics of HTML 08
Learners to make presentations /assignments on selected topics which will be marked
References :
Anderson, C. (2006 ). The Long Tail. Hyperion Books.
Barker, L. (1978). Communication , New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc; 171.
Berkowitz , K., Hartley, R. (1994) . Marketing (4th Ed.)
Blau, P.M. (1964 ). Exchange and Power in Social Life . New York: Wiley.
Castro, Elizabeth and Hyslop . (2013 ). HTML5, and CSS (8th Ed.). Peachpit Press.
Daver, R. S. Modern (1992) . Marketing Management . Progressive Corporation
Devlin, Ian (2001) . HTML5 Multimedia: Develop and Design . Peachpit Press.
Diamond , E. (2006) . Fashion Retailing . New Jersey: Pearson Pre ntice Hall.
Donnellon , J. (1999) . Merchandizing Buying and Management . New York: Fairfield
Ed. Hines, T. and Bruce, M. (2001) . Fashion marketing . Oxford: Buttersworth
Felke -Morris (2019 ). Basics of Web Design: HTML5 & CSS3 (5th Ed.). Pearson
Felke -Morris (2020). Web Development & Design Foundations with HTML5 (10th
Ed.). Addison -Wesley.
Gandhi, R.S. , Mehta, Talele, A.B. (1992) . De-centralized sector of the Indian textile
industry . NICTAS Publication
Jackson, T. & Shaw, D. (2001) . Mastering fashion buying and merchandising
management . New York: Palgrave.
Jarnow, J., Guereira, M. & Judelle, B. (1987). Inside the fashion business (4thEd.).
New York: MacMillan.
Kale, N.G. (1997) . Principles and practices of marketing . Mumb ai: Vipul Prakashan.
Kotler, P. (1998) . Marketing Management. India: Prentice Hall.
Kunz , G. (2005) . Merchandizing: Theory Principles & Practice . New York: Fairfield
Publications & Practice.
Sengupta, S. (1990) . Brand positioning strategies for competitive advantage . Tata
Singh (1989). Marketing and consumer behaviour . India: Deep & Deep.
Stanton , W.J, Etzel, M.J., &Walker, B.J. (1994). Fundamental of marketing (10th
Ed.). McGraw Hill
Title of the Course Total
Hours Marks
allotted Credits for
the Course
Computer Technologies in Textile and Apparel
Marketing Sectors (Practical) - V 24 100 3
1. To introduce computer technologies used in textile, woven and knitted fabrics and /
visits to industries / organizations.
2. To introduce computer technologies used in retail and other sectors of apparel
industry using software and visits to industries/organizations .
Unit Course Content Hours
I Basics of HTML
Editing HTML 08
II Creating a Single Page Website
Using Images 08
III Batch Renaming
Creating a Gallery 08
Learners to make portfolios /assignments of all practical work done which will be
Visit to computerized quality control units
Visit to textile industries and craft centres
Visit to a fashion and apparel industry
Internship in design house and apparel
Castro, E . and Hyslop (2013) . HTML5, and CSS (8th Ed.). Peachpit Press.
David , S. M. (2013). CSS 3 – The Missing Manual (3rd Ed.). O’Reilly.
Devlin, I . (2011) . HTML5 Multimedia: Develop and Design . Peachpit Press.
Felke -Morris (2019 ). Basics of Web Design: HTML5 & CSS3 (5th Ed.). Pearson
Felke -Morris (2020). Web Development & Design Foundations with HTML5 (10th
Ed.). Addison -Wesley.
Keith, J . and Andrew, R . (2016 ). HTML5 For Web Designers . A Book Apart.
Lawson, B . and Sharp, R . (2010) . Introducing HTML5 . New Riders Press.
MacDonald , M. (2011) . Creating a Website – The Missing Manual (3rd Ed.). O’Reilly.
MacDonald , M. (2014 ), HTML 5 – The Missing Manual (2nd Ed.) O’Reilly.
Meiert, J . O. (2015) . The Little Book of HTML/CSS Coding Guidelines . O’Reilly.
Meiert, J . O. (2019 ). Upgrade Your HTML (the Booklet) . Amazon Digital Services
Pfeiffer, S . and Green, T . (2015 ). Beginning HTML5 Media . APress.
Powers, Shelley (2011) . HTML5 Media Integrating audio and video with the Web .
Thomas , A (2010) . HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference (5th Ed.). McGraw -Hill
Title of the Course Total
Hours Marks
allotted Credits for the
Computer Technologies in Textile and Apparel
Marketing Sectors (Practical) - VI 24 100 3
1. To introduce Computer Technologies used in Textile, Woven & Knitted fabrics
and / visits to industries / organizations.
2. To introduce Computer Technologies used in Retail and other sectors of Apparel
Industry using software’s and / visits to industries/organizations .
Unit Course Content Hours
I Understanding 3D
3d Illustrations 08
II Creating and Applying Textures 08
III Creating seamless Patterns 08
Learners to make portfolios /assignments of all practical work done which will be
Visit to computerized quality control units
Visit to textile industries and craft centres
Visit to a fashion and apparel industry
Internship in design house and apparel
Bang , M (2001). Picture This . Sea Star Books .
Birn, J (2014) . Digital Lighting and Rendering (3rd Ed.). New riders .
Brazell , D. & Davies , J. (2017), Becoming a Successful Illustrator . Bloomsbury
Visual Arts .
Gurney J. (2010). Colour and Light . Andrews McMeel Publishing .
Hunter , F., Biver , S. & Fuqua , P. (2015 ), Light Science & Magic: An Introduction to
Photographic Lighting . Focal Press .
Loomis , A. (2011 ). Figure Drawing for all it’s Worth . Titan Books .
Rees , D. (2008 ). How to Be a n Illustrator . Laurence King .
Scobie , L. (2017 ). 365 Days of Art . Hardie Grant Books .
Yot, R. (2014 ). Light for Visual Artists (2nd Ed.). Laurence King Publishing .
Title Internal
Marks Semester
Examination Total
Marks Total
Hours Credits
CAD CAM and Computer
Technologies in Textile &
Apparel Marketing Sectors
(Theory) - IV 40 60 100 24 3
Computer Technologies in
Textile and Apparel
Marketing Sectors
(Practical) - VII 40 60 100 24 3
Computer Technologies in
Textile and Apparel
Marketing Sectors
(Practical) - VIII 40 60 100 24 3
Title of the Course Total
Hours Marks
allotted Credits
for the
CAD CAM and Computer Technologies in Textile
& Apparel Marketing Sectors (Theory) - IV 24 100 3
1. To introduce Computer Technologies used in Marketing of Textile, Woven &
Knitted fabrics and / visits to industries / organizations.
2. To introduce Computer Technologies used in Retail and other sectors of Apparel
Industry using software’s and / visits to industries/organizations
Unit Course Content Hours
I Understanding computer aided production process 08
II Fashion forecasting to predict trends and directions in fashion 08
III Mood board, theme board and c olour forecast 08
Learners to make presentations /assignments on selected topics which will be marked
Brannon, E. L. (2005). Fashion Forecasting (3rd ed.). New York: Fairchild
Regan, C. L. (2008). Apparel Product Design & Merchandising Strategies. Upper
Saddle River . New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Hethorn, J., &Ulasewicz, C. (2008). Sustainable Fashion: Why Now? New York:
Fairchild Publications.
Title of the Course Total
Hours Marks
allotted Credits for
the Course
Computer Technologies in Textile and Apparel
Marketing Sectors (Practical) - VII 24 100 3
1. To introduce Computer Technologies used in Textile, Woven & Knitted fabrics
and / visits to industries / organizations.
2. To introduce Computer Technologies used in Retail and other sectors of Apparel
Industry using software’s and / visits to industries/organizations
Unit Course Content Hours
I Fashion forecasting
Creating Mood board, theme board
Color Forecast 08
II Creating Digital Prints
Using Brushes
Outputs 08
III Portfolio Development - professional approach to design
presentation, use designs for commercial proposes 08
Learners to make portfolios /assignments of practical work done which will be marked
Visit to computerized quality control units
Visit to textile industries and craft centres
Visit to a fashion and apparel industry
Internship in design house and apparel
Brannon, E. L. (2005). Fashion Forecasting (3rd ed.). New York: Fairchild
Hethorn, J., & Ulasewicz, C. (2008). Sustainable Fashion: Why Now? New York:
Fairchild Publications.
Mendes , V.D. & Hinchliffe , F. (1987 ). Ascher: Fabric, Art, Fashion , V&A
Publishing .
Regan, C. L. (2008). Apparel Product Design & Merchandising Strategies. Upper
Saddle River . New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Wilson , E. (2003 ). Adorned in Dreams: Fashion and Modernity . Rutgers University
Press . New Brunswick .
Title of the Course Total
Hours Marks
allotted Credits for
the Course
Computer Technologies in Textile and Apparel
Marketing Sectors (Practical) - VIII 24 100 3
1. To introduce Computer Technologies used in Textile, Woven & Knitted fabrics
and / visits to industries / organizations.
2. To introduce Computer Technologie s used in Retail and other sectors of Apparel
Industry using software’s and / visits to industries/organizations .
Unit Course Content Hours
I Application of 3D illustrations
Creating and applying Textures 08
II Combining different applications for outputs
Creating boards 08
III Internship / Industry based project / final range collection
Develop range of different types of garments on specific
theme through research and development 08
Learners to make portfolios /assignments of practical work done which will be marked
Visit to computerized quality control units
Visit to textile industries and craft centres
Visit to a fashion and apparel industry
Internship in design house and apparel
Adobe Illustrator 8.0 User Guide Paperback
Clock . (2017 ). Graphic Design CC . Against the Clock, Inc.
Eddy , S. (2002 ). Adobe ® Illustrator ® 10: The Complete Reference . McGraw hills .
Faulkner , A. & Chavez , C. Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book (1st Ed.).
Official Training Manual
Hansen , H.N. (2019 ). Learn in 7 days Adobe Illustrato r. Independently published .
Hume , R. (2016 ). Fashion and Textile Design with Photoshop and Illustrator:
Professional Creative Practice . Fairchild Books .
Laskevitch , S. (2019 ). Adobe InDesign CC: A Com plete Course and Compendium of
Features . Rocky Nook .
Lazear , S. (2011 ). Adobe Illustrator for Fashion Design (2nd Ed.). Pearson .
Lazear , S. (2007 ). Adobe Photoshop for Fashion Design . Pearson .
Schneider , R. (2013 ). Adobe for fashion: illustrator cs6 .; Illustrated Edition .
Mode of assessment & evaluation for the course:
Regular internal assignments and project work will be given by the concerned faculty
and will have 40% weightage. It may include assignments, class tests, case studies or
project work.
The term end examination shall have 60% weightage and will be conducted by the
concerned faculty.