FYBA Moral Philosophy_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC 24 -06-2016
Item No. 4.90
Syllabus for F. Y. B. A. Moral Philosophy
2016 – 2017
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F.Y.B.A.: Semester I
Paper Title: Moral Philosophy Marks: 100
Code: UAPHI 101
No. of Lectures: 60
Unit 1: Introduction to Moral Philosophy [ 15 lectures]
(a) Definition, nature and scope (branches) of philosophy
(b) Nature of moral philosophy (facts and values; intrinsic and extrinsic values) and areas
of ethics (descriptive ethics, normative ethics, meta -ethics and applied ethics)
(c) Ethical Relativism: arguments defending this position; critical evaluation
Unit 2: Moral concepts in Indian Philosophy [ 15 lectures]
(a) Philosophy of non -attachment (nishkama karma yoga)
(b) Sthitaprajna: the moral ideal
(c) Concepts of Rta, Rna, and purusartha
Unit 3: The Good Life: Greek Ethics [ 15 lectures]
(a) Socratic Ethics: virtue is knowledge; can ethics be taught?
(b) The Four Virtues: Plato (in the context of Republic )
(c) Ethics of Character: Aristotle
Unit 4: Are we Free?: Freedom and Determinism[ 15 lectures]
(a) Determinism: types of determinism: scientific determinism, religious determinism (i.e. predestination) and fatalism; critical appraisal of determinism
(b) Indeterminism (i.e. libertarianism): arguments in support of free will; agency theory of freedom; critical appraisal of indeterminism
(c) Compatibilism: reconciling determinism and freedom
Semester End Exam Evaluation [100 marks]
1. There shall be five compulsory questions
2. First four questions shall correspond to the four units
3. Question 5 shall be Short Notes (one from each unit and attempt any 2 of 4)
4. All questions shall contain internal choice
5. Each question shall carry a maximum of 20 marks
6. The standard of passing is 40 marks.
Reference and reading list
I. C. Sharma. Ethical Philosophies of India
Jacques Thiroux, Ethics: Theory and Practice
James Cornman, Keith Lehrer and George Pappas. Philosophical Problems and
Arguments: An Introduction
James Fieser and Norman Lillegard, Philosophical Questions: Reading and Interactive
Guides (New York/Oxford: OUP, 2005)
KedarNathTiwari, Classical Indian Ethical Thought (MotilalBanarasidas, 1998 )
William Frankena. Ethics (Prentice Hall, 1973)
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William Lawhead. The Philosophical Journey: An Interactive Approach (Mayfield
Publishing Company, 2000)
F.Y.B.A.: Semester I Paper Title: Moral Philosophy
Marks: 100
Code: UAPHI 201
No. of Lectures: 60
Unit 1: Morality of Self- interest [ 15 lectures]
(a) Hedonistic Egoism: Epicurus
(b) Psychological Egoism: Thomas Hobbes
(c) Ethical Egoism: Ayn Rand
Unit 2: Modern Ethical Theories [ 15 lectures]
(a) Ethics of altruism: David Hume: nature and origin of morality: sentiment (sympathy)
versus reason; Virtues: artificial and natural
(b)Deontological Ethics: Immanuel Kant: Categorical Imperative: formula of Universal
law and formula of End- in-itself, critical appraisal.
(c) Utilitarianism: John Stuart Mill: Critique of Jeremy Bentham’s view; Greatest
Happiness principle, higher and lower pleasures, two sanctions, critical appraisal.
Unit 3: Alternative Ethical Theories [15 lectures]
(a) Augustinian Ethics: Happiness and Virtue, love of God a nd neighbour
(b) Feminist Ethics: Ethics of Care: Carol Gilligan (against the backdrop of Lawrence
Kohlberg’s ‘Stages of Moral Development’)
(c) Existentialist Ethics: Jean Paul Sartre
Unit 4: Theories of Punishment [15 lectures]
(a) Retributive theory, c ritical appraisal
(b) Deterrent theory and reformative approach to punishment; critical appraisal
(c) Capital punishment: retentionists versus abolitionists
Semester End Exam Evaluation [100 marks]
1. There shall be five compulsory questions
2. First four questions shall correspond to the four units
3. Question 5 shall be a Short Note (one from each unit and attempt any 2 of 4)
4. All questions shall contain internal choice
5. Each question shall carry a maximum of 20 marks
6. The standard of passing is 40 marks.
Reference and reading list
Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness [Introduction, chpts. 1 and 3] (New York:
Signet Book, 1964)
H.B. Acton (ed.), The Philosophy of Punishment (Macmillan, 1969)
James Fieser and Norman Lillegard, Philosophical Questions: Reading and
Interactive Guides (New York and Oxford: OUP, 2005)
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James McGlynn& Jules Toner, Modern Ethical Theories (New York: Bruce
Publishing Company, 1962)
Jean Paul Sartre, “Existentialism is a Humanism” in Walter Kaufman (ed.),
Existentialism from Dostoyev sky to Sartre (New American Library - Meridian
Book, 1975)
Jeffery Olen and Vincent Barry, Applying Ethics (Wadsworth, 1998)
Neil Levy, Sartre (Oneworld Publications, 2007)
Norman Bowie & Patricia Werhane, Management Ethics (Blackwell Publishing, 2005)
Richard Norman, The Moral Philosophers: An Introduction to Ethics (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1983)
Ted Honderich, Punishment: The Supposed Justifications (Penguin Books, 1969)
William Lawhead, The Philosophical Journey: An Interactive Approach (Mayfield
Publi shing Company, 2000)