FYBA in Education_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC 14 -07-2016
Item No. 4.77
Syllabus for F.Y.B.A. in Education
Program : B.A.( Education)
(Choice Based Credit System with effect from the academic year 2016 ‐2017)
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Syllabus for F.Y.B.A. (Education) Course
under Choice Based Credit System
with effect from academic year 2016 -17 onwards
Ordinance ---
As per UGC guidelines relating to Choice Based Credit System t his Discipline Specific Core course (DSC) in
the subject of Education for First Year Bachelor of Arts (FYBA) course is designed .
The duration of the course shall be one year comprising of two semesters of 100 marks each. Each paper
contains four modules .
Eligibility: Admission to the course shall open to those who have passed HSC examination ( 12
th standard or
equivalent examination).
Standard of Passing: A learner needs to score a minimum of 35 marks out of 100.
The objective of this course is to introduce the learners about the fundamental concepts of education. Learners will be able to understand the emerging concept of education in the 21
st century. The learners will also be able
to assimilate and build on these concepts in developing deeper understanding of the su bject “Education” .
Question Pattern for Semester I and II
1. There will be 5 questions in all .
2. Question number 1 will be based on:
(a) Objective Type test (Recall and Recognition type). Five Fill in the Blank questions/True or
False/Yes or No, five Multiple Choice Questions/Match the Columns carrying one mark each .Objective
type questions will be developed keeping in mind all the modules of the course.
3. Question number 2 to 5 will have internal ch oices. From each module there will be three sub questions
out of which two questions carrying 10 marks each will have be answered .
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Syllabus for F.Y.B.A . (Education) Course under Choice Based Credit System
Course Code: DSC- EDU- 1A
Four lectures per week
First Semester , 100 marks
Semester end examination of Three hours duration (5 questions)
Theory Paper: 6 credits
i) To expose the students to the basic concept of education.
ii) To understand the aims and bas is of education.
iii) To orient the students to the basic concepts of teaching and learning
iv) To understand the role of a teacher as a professional .
Semester I: Course Code: DSC- EDU- 1A (June to November )
Module 1: Basic Concept of Education:
Unit -1 Meaning, Definition & Characteristics
a) Nature and meaning of education.
b) Scope and Functions of Education
c) Characteristics of Education
Unit -2 Pedagogy of Education
a) Pedagogy : meaning and Importance
b) Critical Pedagogy : Meaning and Need
c) Western and Indian Thinkers ideas of Education (Rabindranath Togore, Swami Vivekanand , John
Dewey and Maria Montessori)
Module 2: Aims and Bases of Education
Unit -3 Aims of E ducation
a) Individual
b) Social
c) Individual vs Social
Unit -4 Bases of Education
a) Philosophical
b) Sociological
c) Psychological
Module 3: Teaching and Learning
Unit -5
: Concept of Learning
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a) Learning: Meaning & Characteristics
b) Factors affecting Learning:
1. Attention (Meaning, Types & Educational Implications)
2. Motivation (Meaning, Types & Educational Implications), Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchy of Needs
Unit 6: Concept of Teaching
a) Teaching : Meaning & Characteristics
b) Approaches to Classroom Teaching : learner centric and teacher centric
Module 4: Teacher Professionalism at Different Levels
Unit -7 Qualities and Qualifications of T eacher
a) Pre primary
b) Primary
c) Secondary d) Higher Education
Unit -8 Role and C hallenges of T eacher
a) Professional G rowth
b) Professional E thics and code of conduct for teachers
c) Transitional Role of Teacher (teaching to facilitating)
Practical Work:
Visit a School (P re-primary /Primary /Secondary S chool) to study its functioning and write a detailed report
reflecting your own views. (The report may include a brief history of the institution, its organis ational
hierarchy, vision, mission, goals, infrastructure, curricular and co- curricular activities etc.)
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Core Course Title: Education for t he 21st Century
Course Code: DSC- EDU- 1B
Four lectures per week
Second Semester , 100 marks semester end examinations
Three hours theory paper (5 questions)
Theory Paper: 6 credits
• To understand the relationship between Education and Culture .
• To understand the need for Education for sustainable Development .
• To understand the relationship between education and sociology.
• To appreciate the emerging scenario and changing role of educati on for twenty first century.
Semester II: Course Code: DSC- EDU- 1B (November to April )
Module1 : Education Culture and Development
Unit -1 : Education and Culture
a) Concept of Culture
b) Concept of Modernisation
c) Relationship between Education and Culture
Unit 2 : Education for Development
a) National Integration
b) International Understanding c) Citizenship
Module 2: Education for Sustainable Development
Unit 3: Concept of Sustainable Development
a) Meaning
b) Need
c) Objectives
Unit -4 Role of Education for sustainable development
a) Place of Sustainable Development in school curriculum
b) Role of T eacher
c) Role of UNESCO
Module 3 Education and Sociology
Unit -5
Fundamentals of Sociology of E ducation
(a) Meaning and Scope of Sociology of Education
(b) Distinction between Sociology of Education and Educational Sociology. (c) Concept of Peace Education and Aims of Peace Education
Unit -6
Multiculturalism in the Indian context
a) Characteristics, Goals of Multicultural Educat ion
b) Dimensions of Multicultural Education
c) Approaches to Multicultural Education
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Module 4: Issues and T rends in E ducation
Unit -7 Issues in Education
a) Human Rights E ducation
b) Multicultural E ducation
c) Education for Values
Unit -8 Trends in Education
a) Open L earning
b) Online L earning
c) Information and C ommunication T echnology
Practical Work:
Every student must visit a Yoga centre/ NGO in Education/a Vocational Training Centre to study its
functioning and write a report on the same. (The report includes a brief history of the institution, its
organisational set up, its mission and goals, the activities or courses conducted etc)
1. Safaya,R N and B. D. Shaida(1998). Development of Educational Theory and Practice . Delhi: Dhanpat Rai
and Sons .
2. Agarwal,J C (2010). Theory and Principles of Education (13th Edition) .New Delhi: Vikas Publishing house .
3. Bhatia, K K and C.L.Narang(1998). Princip les of Education. Ludhiana: Prakash Brothers Publishers .
4. Taneja,V R (1997). Educational Thought and P ractice. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers .