Nano Sciences 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Item No. 4.37
Eligibility for admission to the Ph.D.(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology) :-
It was resolved that the s yllabus of Ph. D. degree in Nanoscience and
Nanote chnology, as per the UGC norms (copy enclosed) have been
discussed in the meeting. Committee resolved to implement the said
syllabus to the Ph.D. candidate registered in Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology. This syl labus would also be post-facto implemented to
the candidates who has already done the course work in the said line.
Eligibility for admission to the Ph.D. (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)
There are many queries about the eligibility for the admission to the
Ph.D. (Nanoscience and Nanotechnology). Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary subject. Thus, committee resolved
that the students apply for Ph.D. course in Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology must have M.Sc. degree/ M.Phil. Degree in the following
subject: -
a) Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Physic s,Chemistry, Life sciences,
allied subject to Biophysics, Bio -Chemistry, Bio -technology, Micro -
Biology etc.
b) Candidate having bachelor degree in Engineering, Technology or
Pharmacy are also eligible for admission to Ph.D. (Nanoscience and
So, all the pending cases about topic approval due to eligibility criteria should be resolved
using above mentioned guideline.
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Item No. 4.37
Ph.D. Course work for PhD degree Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
(As per the UGC guidelines)
The coursework for the Ph. D. has been designed by the latest guidelines by the UGC
for minimum standard for awards of M.Phil. and Ph.D. degree regulations 2016.
Notified in the Gazette of India (No 28 part III section 4 for the week July 11 -July 17,
2009 )
1. Each candidate after having been admitted to the Ph.D. degree programme shall
be required to undertake course work for a minimum period of one semester. The
course work shall be treated as pre ‐Ph.D. preparation.
2. The Ph.D. course work shall be offered with credit system. The candidate will
have to earn 16 credits in maximum of three semesters.
3. The candidate is allowed to take the advantage of Credit Transfer from other
recognized university or the university department. In consultation of Board of
Studies, the Director is authorized to allow the candidate to avail this facility on a
case by case basis .
4. Course work will be handled by concerned guide/s in association with the
academic coordinator of the center.
5. Seven point scale will be fol lowed for assigning the final grade. C andidate should
get minimum ‘B+’ grade to qualify.
6. After completion of the course work guiding teacher will submit the certificate of
completion in following format.
7. The PhD candidate admitted in the other centers are also eligible to admit for this
course with a prior consent from the Director NCNNUM and written permission of
the HOD/ Director/Principal of the center.
National center for nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Mumbai University
This is to certify that Mr/Ms/Mrs… ………(Surname) ….………(First name) ……… …
(Second name)… …….. ……. has been a regular student of Ph.D. with registration
number ……………………………… He/She att ended the course work conducted at
the recognized research ce ntre/department from ………………………to…………….
during the year …………… He/She has successfully completed the Ph.D. course
work prescribed by the Universit y of Mumbai. He/She secured … grade in seven
point scale.
Date: - Signature Guiding teacher Head of the Department/principal
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Item No. 4.37
The course structure is as follows : -
Paper title Paper code Maxcredits Mode of evaluation
computational and
applications PHD -NANO -
101 04 40% internal in form of quizzes , multiple
choice questions 60% External in form of
subjective question answers and numerical
Term review paper: -
102 04 50% revie w writing on the chosen topic
(about 25 pages ) 50% power point
Optional Courses on
specialized subjects PHD -NANO -
201 through
208 Any two. 04 40% internal in form of quizzes, multiple
choice questions 60% External in form of
subjective question answers and numerical
Skill development: -
Hands on training of
highly sophisticated
Facility: Minimum 3
major instruments in
span of 3 semester PHD -NANO -
301 04 Instruments assigned by center director.
Handling and users training and samples
running at least for 8 hours a week. It wil l
be certified by the center director at end of
the third semes *ter.
The Course and the correspondin g detail syllabus is as follows: -
Compulsory Course I -(PHD -NANO -101) (4 credits, 60 Hours, (30 contact hours+ 30 non
contact hours)
Research Methodology computational and mathematical applications
Unit I :- Scientific Researc h :- Research Definition, Characteri stics, types, need of
research. Identification of the problem, assessing the status of the problem,
formulating the objectives, preparing design (experimental or otherwise), Actual
investigation .
Unit II: - Literature survey :- References, Abstraction of a research paper, search engines
viz. Scifinder scholar, Science Direct, Google scholar, Social sites in science
research viz. research gate, Linkedin.
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Unit III:- Documentation and scientific writing: -Preparation of manuscri pt, logical
presentati on of research articles for Publication of Research paper, Presenting a
paper in scientific seminar, t hesis writi ng. Structure and Components of Research
Report,Types of Report : -research p apers, thesis, Research Project Reports,
Pictures and Graphs, citation sty les, writing a review of paper, Bibliography.
Unit IV:- Use of program packages :- word processing, spreadsheet and database
Software. Plotting of graphs, Mathematical and stat istical analysis using so ftware
tools like MAT Lab, SPSS, PsiLAB ot her freeware tools, sigma plot, Origin.
Unit V: - Data analysis and fitting : - Probability, Laws of probability, Distribution functions and
characterisitics Applicable probability distribution functions Bin omial and Poisson
distributions, laws of permutation and combinations, Gaussian distribution, central
limits, chi squared and beta functions Monte -Carlo and random numbers Non-
Uniform random deviates, Monte -Carlo integration and Ma rkov ch ains Frequent
statistics Data with uncorrelated and correlated err or, Student’s t -test,
palcomponent analysis and Kolmogorov -Smirnov testin g Linear and Non -linear
fitting Least square fits, likelihood statistics, polynomial f its and fits with more than
one penden tvariables Bayesian statistics Introduct ions, mean, median, mode, multi -
parameter estimations, pothesis testing Fourier Analysis Basic treatment of fou rier
analysis, convolution and convolution o rem Power spectra Introduction, continuous
sequences, discrete sequences Analysis of equences, Convolutions,
deconvolutions, data reconstruction, auto covariance and cross -covariance
References :-
1) Thesis & Assignment Writing –J Anderson, B.H.Dursten & M.Poole, Wiley Eastern, 1977
2) A Hand Book of Methodology of Research – P. Rajammal and P. Devadoss, R. M. M.
Vidya Press, 1976.
3) The Craft of Scient ific Writing by Michael Alley, (Springer).
4) Research Methodology by R. Panneerselvam, PHI, New Delhi 2005
5) Data Analysis for Scientists and Engineers by E. L. Robinson, 2016, ISBN9780 -691-16992 -
6) Statistical and Computational Methods for Sc ientist and Engineers by S. Brandt, 2014,
ISBN 9783 -319-03762 -2.
Compulsory course II (PHD -NANO -102) : - (4 credits)
Term review paper: - In this course, the candidates are expected to carry out literature
resear ch. The topic will shortlisted in consultation designated research guides from
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The candidate is expected to do literature survey on the
chosen topic and present short report of about 20 -30 pages, having subsections such as
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Introduction, national and int ernational status and future scope. At the end of the course, the
power -point presentation will evaluated by the committee constituted by NCNNUM Director.
Optional Course I (PHD -NANO -201):-
Synthesis of Nanoparticles by Chemical, Physical and Biological routes (2credits, 30
Hours (20 contact hours + (10 non -contact hours))
Colloids : - Introduction to Colloids and Colloids in Solutions, Effect of Charges on Colloids,
Stearic Repulsion, Synthesis of Colloids, Nucleation and Growth of Nanoparticles
Chemical Methods :- Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles by Colloidal Route, Synthesis of
Semiconductor Nanoparticles by Colloidal Route, Langmuir -Blodgett (LB) Method ,
Microemulsions , Sol -Gel Method, Synthesis Using Micro -reactor or Lab -On-Chip
Physical Methods :- High Energy Ball Milling, Physical Vapour Deposition with Consolidation
Ionized Cluster Beam Deposition, Laser Vapourization (Ablation) , Laser Pyrolysis Sputter
Deposition, Chemic al Vapour Deposition (CVD), Electric Arc Deposition Ion Beam
Techniques (Ion Implantation), Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)
Biological Methods: - Synthesis Using Microorganisms, Synthesis Using Plant Extracts Use
of Proteins, Templates Like DNA, S -Layers,Synthesis of Nanoparticles Using DNA
Reference Books: -
1. Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices; Prof. S. K. Kulkarni, Springer Publication
2. The Chemistry of Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications; Prof. Dr. C.
N. R Rao. . Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
3. Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications; A.S Edelstein and R.C
4. Nanostructures and Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications; Cao &
Wang, World Scientific.
Optional Course II(PHD -NANO -202): -*
Magnetism in bulk and nanostructures: - (2credits, 30 Hours (20 contact hours + (10 non -
contact hours)
Magnetic moments of a body, alignment of atomic magnetic moments in a solid,
Ferromagnetism, Curie Point and exchange integral, Magnetisation and magne tic domains,
Temperature dependen ce of saturation magnetization, Coercive force and
hysteresis,coercivity in nano particles. Ferrimagnetism and Antiferromagnetic order, Neutro n
magnetic scattering Magnetism of transition metals (elements, alloys and compounds),
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Behavior of powders of ferromagnetic nanoparticles (Single/individual magnetic
nanoparticles); Measurement of superparamagnetism and blocking temperature; Nanopore
containment of magnetic particles; Antiferromagnetic nanoparticles; Rare -earths and Special
Oxides (Spinels, Garnets and Perovskites). Magneto -resistance, tunnel magnetoresistance,
Definitiohn of spintronics and examples of spintronic devices. Dilute magnetic
semiconductors, Magnetic storage and spin valves.
Suggested Reading: -
1. Solid State Physics by Charles Kittle Wiely Publication
2. Introduction to magnetic materials By B.D. Cullity Addison -Wesley Publishing company
3. The physics and chemistry of nanosolids , FJ Owens and Charles P Poole Wiely
Optional Course III (PHD -NANO -203):-
Nanomat erials for energy applications: -(2credits, 30 Hours (20 contact hours + (10 non -
contact ho urs)
Energy harvesting photodevices, Solar Cells, various types of solar cells, and physics and
chemistry of solar cells, nanomaterials in solar cells , Energy storage devices based on
nanomaterials, Supercapacitors and batteries, Fuel cells, various types of fuels cells,
hydrogen storage using nanomaterials. Energy nanocatalyst including photo -catalyst for water
splitting, electro -catalyst. Nanoscale Energy Devices and Thermoelectrics.
Reference: -
1. Nano -energy: Nanotechnology Applied for Energy Production, Souza, Flavio L., Leite,
Edson Roberto (Eds.) Springer.
2. Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Energy, Nanomaterials for solid state hydrogen storage,
Robert Warin, Tomasz Czujko, Zbigniwe S. Wrongski, Springer .
3. Nanostructured Materials for Solar Energy Conversion by Tetsuo Soga, Elsevier.
4. Nanomaterials in energy devices by Hieng Kiat Jun, CRC press, Taylor and Francis
5. Fuel Cell Systems Explained, James Larminie and Andrew Dicks, Willey international
Optional Course IV(PHD -NANO -204): -
Physics of Nano -electronic Devices (2credits, 30 Hours (20 contact hours + (10 non -
contact hours)
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Quantum Mechanics for Nanoelectronic Devices :- fundamental Concepts of Quantum
Mechanics, Solid State and Energy Bands, Energy Bands and Electrical Properties,
Nanostructure Applications. Electron Transport and device physics: Semiconductors and
carriers, career transport, generation, recombination an d continuity, p -n junctions, metal
semiconductor contacts and heterojunctions. MOS structure and CMOS devices: MOs
structure, MOSFET and its operations, CMOS circuits. Quantum Well Devices: Issue in
CMOS device scaling, Approach to overcoming scaling issue in nanoscale MOSFETs, Double
gate MOSFETs, Tunneling and resonant tunneling devices. Quantum wire devices: Transport
in one dimensional electron systems, Nanowire MOSFET. Quantum Dot devices: Zero
Dimensional electron systems, modeling of single electron transistor. MOSFET as A
molecular sensors: Basics of chemistry, and the importance of H+, EISFET, and Biomolecule
based FET.
Reference: -
1. Nanoelectronic Devices, Byung -Gook Park, Sung Woo Hwang, Young June Park, Pan
Stanford Textbook Series on Nanotechnology -Volume 1.
2. Lessons from Nanoelectronics: A New Perspective on Transport _ Basic Concepts
(Lessons from Nanoscience: a Lecture Notes Series) by Supriyo Datta
3. Quantum Transport: Atom to Transistor by Supriyo Datta
Optional Course V(PHD -NANO -205): -
Introduction to Crystallogra phy and X -ray Diffraction Analysis: (2credits, 30 Hours (20
contact hours + (10 non -contact hours)
Concept of lattices 2 and 3D lattices, Bravis Lattice and Crystal structure, Lattice planes,
lattice direction, Millar indices, diffraction of light on 1 -D, 2-D and 3 -D lattices, Laue condition
of diffraction of X -ray on lattice points, Reciprocal lattice. X -ray powder diffraction analysis,
Atomic sc attering factor, structure factor. Systematic absence of X -ray lines in simple cubic,
body Centered cubic and face center cubic structures. X -ray diffraction lines in rock -salt,
cubic spinel, wurtzite structures.
Reference Books: -
(1) X-ray Methods : Analytical Chemistry by Open Learning , Whiston C. , John Wiley and
Sons , 1987.
(2) Essentials of Crystallography, M.A. Wahab, Narosa Publication House, 2009.
(3) Crystal Structure Determination, Second edition, Werner Massa, Springer 2011.
Optional Course VI(PHD -NANO -206): -
(2credits, 30 Hours (20 contact hours + (10 non -contact hours)
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Electroanalytical techniques: -
Basics of electon transfer, Electrochemical cell, Thermodynsmics of charge transfer,
Reference electrodes, Cyclic voltammetry, Randle Sevcic equation, Reversible,
quasireversible , irreversible charge transfer. Chronoamperometry, Cottrell equation rotating
ring electrodes, Levic equation kinetics of charge transfer, Butler volmmer equation,
Voltammetry of nanoparticles .
Books :-
(1) Elecrochemical methods, second edition, Allen J. Bard and Lary Folkner, John Wiley
and son, 2001.
(2) Electrode Potentials, Richard D. Compton, Oxford University Press, 1996
Optional Course VII(PHD -NANO -207): -
(2credits, 30 Hours (20 contact hours + (10 non -contact hours))
Introduction (Nanotechnology, Nanofabrication); Micro/nano fabrication using optical
Lithography techniques (Principle, Lithography at shorter wavelengths (deep UV, Extreme
UV, X -ray)); Lithography at low 𝒌 factor; Near field optical lithography; Maskless optical
lithography; Micro/nano fabrication using charged beams (principle, focusing charged beam
(sources, optics, aberrations)); Scattering and proximity effects; resists and materials;
Nanofabrication us ing scanning probes; Nanofabrication by replication; Nanoscale pattern
transfer (thin film deposition, pattern transfer by lift off, pattern transfer by plating, pattern
transfer by stencil mask); subtractive pattern transfer (Isotropic wet etching; Anisot ropic wet
etching; reactive ion etching (RIE); RIE by inductively coupled plasma; ion milling);
Nanofabrication by self - assembly (Introduction; self -assembly process, surface topography,
electrostatic force, magnetic force ), building blocks for future na no-systems (DNA scaffold;
CNT, porous alumina)
Reference Books: -
(1) The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication by S. A. Champbell:
(Oxford Univ. Press, New York 2001).
(2) The MEMS Handbook by M. Gad -el-Hak (Ed.): (CRC, Boca Raton 2002).
(3) Nanote chnology principles and practices by S. K. Kulkarni: (Capital Publishing
(4) Nanofabrication Handbook by G. Wiederrecht: (Elsevier)
(5) Micro and Nanofabrication technologies and applications by Z. Cui: (Springer)
Optional Course VIII Glasses and Glass Ceramics (2credits, 30 Hours (20 contact hours +
(10 non -contact hours)
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Introduction to glass & glass ceramics, Princi ples of glass formation, glass melting, Phase
Separation, Structure of glasses, Viscosity of glass forming melts, Transport, mechanical
and optical properties, Glass technology, Chemical analysis of glass, glass ceramics and
related materials, biocompos ites and bioceramics, Nano glass ceramics
Reference Books: -
1. P. McMillan - Basics of glass and glass ceramics
2. Shelby: Synthesis and Characterization of glasses and glass ceramics
3. D. Caurant: Glasses and glass ceramics for energy applications
4. Holland and Beall: Glass ceramic technology
5. Mineo Mizuno: Advances in Bioceramics and Biocomposites
6. Vahak Marghusian: Processing, Properties and applications, Nano Glass
7. Ceramics
PHD -NANO -301 ( 04 credits, working on Instruments, No formal contact hours ) : -
This paper will b e focused on Skill development, Hands on training of highly sophisticated
instrument facility of the candidate: Minimum 03 major instruments in span of 03 semesters
assigned by the director will be handled by the candidate for minimum 08 h ours a week. The
main idea of this paper is candidate will get opportunity to handle the sophisticated
instrumentation facility at NCNNUM. His/her training will be transcended into carried our
sample analysis assigned by the director. The course will help the candidate immensely in
his/her present thesis wo rk and future research career. The evaluation will be by the
instrument in charge in consultation with Center Director, on the basis of skill acquired by the
candidate and number of samples analysis carrie d out by them.