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Unit structure
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Formulation of Linear Programming Problem
1.3 Graphical Method
1.4 Special Cases of LPP
1.5 Summary
1.6 References
1.7 Exercise
1.0 OBJECTIVES After going th rough this chapter, students will able to:
● Learn how to develop linear programming models for simple
● Formulate a given simplified description of a suitable real world
problem as a linear programming model in general, standard and
canonical forms.
● Understand the importance of extreme points in obtaining the optimal
● Solve a two -dimensional linear programming problem graphically.
1.1 INTRODUCTION Linear programming is one of the most popular and widely used
quantitative techniques. Linear programming deals with the optimization
{maximization or minimization) of a function of variables. It consists of
linear functions which are subject to constraints in the form of linear
equations or in the form inequalities. Linear programming is considere d an
important technique to find optimum resource utilization. Linear
programming has been used to solve problems involving assignment of
jobs to machines, product mix, advertising media selection, least cost diet,
transportation, investment opportunity se lection and many others.
Linear programming is widely used in Mathematics and some other fields
such as economics, business, telecommunication and manufacturing fields.
In this chapter, we will learn meaning and formulation of linear
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2 Linear Programming Problem programming, its compo nents and various methods to solve linear
programming problems i.e. LPP.
Following are important terms used in LPP :
1. Optimization: It means ‘minimization’ or ‘maximization’ of some
mathematical function of any number of variables.
2. Objective Function: Any m athematical function to be optimized is
called an Objective function
3. Decision variables: Variables appearing in an objective function are
called decision variables.
4. Optimum Solution: The set of values of the decision variables giving
the ‘maximum’ or the ‘minimum’ value of an objective function is
called the optimum solution.
5. Constrained and unconstrained Optimization: If the decision
variable are subject to some limitations (constraints) on the values
which they can take the optimization is called constr ained
optimization otherwise the optimization called unconstrained
6. Mathematical Programing: Method of finding solution of a
constrained optimization problem is called mathematical
Example 1: Find the minimum of z = 2x1 + 5x 2 + 7x3
Example 2: Find the maximum of z = 2x12+ 5x 23+ 3x 3
Subject to x1 + x 2 + 3x 3 ≤ 10
3x1 + 5x 2 + 8x 3 ≤ 20
2x1 + x 2 + 4x 3 ≤ 30
And x1, x2, x3 ≥ 0
In Example 1, the objective function is linear in x 1, x2 and x 3. In Example
2 the objec tive function is non -linear but the constraints are linear function
of the decision variables.
7. Linear Programming: If the objective function as well as all the
constraints are linear function of the decision variables, an
optimization problem is called Lin ear Programming Problem (LPP).
Example 3: Maximize z = x 1 + 5x 2 + 7x 3 Objective Function
Subject to x1 + 3x 2 + 3x 3 ≤ 15
4x1 + 5x 2 + 8x 3 ≤ 25 Constraints
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3 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 3x1 + x 2 + 4x 3 ≤ 30
And x1, x2, x3 ≥ 0 Non negativity condition
8. Coefficient of Objective Function represent ‘profit’ per unit of the
decision variables for the maximization problem and they represent
‘cost’ for a minimization problem.
9. Coefficient of the variables in the constraints are called
technological coefficient / requirements.
10. Constants on the R. H. S. of the constraints represent the resource
availabilities in different departments.
11. General Statement of an LPP:
Optimize (Minimize / maximize)
Z = C 1x1 + C 2x2 + …………. + C nxn
Subject to
a11x1 + a11x1 + ………………+ a 1nxn
a21x1 + a22x1 + ………………+ a 2nxn
Am1x1 + am2x1 + ----------------- + a mnxn
And x 1, x2, ……………. xn ≥ 0
In the matrix notation the same problem can be stated as follows: -
Optimize z = C’x
Sunject to Ax
C =
, x =
, A =
and B =
And C’ = Tra nspose of C
Some more Definitions:
1. Feasible Area: Area bounded by all the constraints along with non -
negativity conditions is called the feasible area.
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4 Linear Programming Problem Max or min Z =
Subject to
bi; i = 1, 2 ….m
And x j ≥ 0; j = 1, 2…n
2. Feasible Solution: Any set of values of decision variables satisfying
all the constraints is called a feasible solution.
Number of feasible solution can be infinite. If there is no such
solution, the problem is said to have an infeasible soluti on.
3. Alternate Optimum Solution: If there are more than one set of
values of decision variables giving the optimum values of the
objective function, then the problem is said to have alternate optimum
4. Unbounded Solution: If for some problem the val ue of the objective
function can be increased or decreased infinitely, then such a solution
is called an unbounded solution.
5. Corner Point: In LPP, intersection of two (any) Constraints is
called a corner point of the feasible area.
6. Degenerate Solution: In an LPP an optimum solution always lies at
some corner point of the feasible solution. If more than two
constraints are passing through the corner point, it means a redundant
(excess/extra/not needed for the solution) constraint. In such situation
degenerac y occur.
1.2 FORMULATION OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEM Example 4: A company manufactures two products A and B, Each using
Machine I and Machine II. Processing time per unit of A are 5 and 6 hours
respectively and that of B are 4 and 5 respectively. Maximu m number of
hours available are 20 for machine I and 22 for machine II. Per unit, profit
of A and B are Rs. 6 and Rs. 5 respectively. Formulate LPP to determine
production of A and B for maximum profit.
Solution : Given A and B are products and I and II ar e products.
Processing time per unit of A are 5 and 6 hours respectively and that of B
are 4 and 5 respectively.
Available time 20 hrs for machine I and 22 hrs for machine II
Profit of product A and product B is Rs. 6 and Rs. 5 respectively.
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5 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Machine Machi ne hrs/unit Total Available Time Product A Product B I 5 4 20 II 6 5 22 Profit/unit(Rs) 6 5 -
Let x 1 and x 2 be the number of units of product A and product B to be
produced respectively. The p roblem can be stated as follows:
Maximize z = 6 x1 + 5 x 2
Subject to 5x1 + 4x 2 ≤ 20
6x1 + 5x 2 ≤ 30
And x1, x2
Example 5: ABC Company engaged in diet food. Two food A and B
contains three kinds of vitamins Vit A, Vit B and Vit C. One unit of A
costs Rs. 30 and B costs Rs. 60. One unit of A contains 36 unit of vit A, 3
units of vit B and 20 units of vit C. One unit of B contains 6 unit of vit A,
12 units of vit B and 10 units of vit C. Minimum requirement of vit A and
vit B ia 108 and 36 units and of vit C should not exceed 100 units.
Formul ate LPP.
Solution: Given A and B are two types of food.
Cost per unit of A is Rs. 30 and that of B is Rs. 60. Machine Machine hrs / unit Requirement A B Vit A 36 6 108 Vit B 3 12 36 Vit C 20 10 100 Cost/unit(Rs) 30 60
Let x 1 and x 2 be the number of units of food A and food B. The p roblem
can be stated as follows:
Min z = 30 x1 + 60 x 2
Subject to 36 x 1 + 6 x 2
3 x1 + 12 x 2
20 x 1 + 10 x 2 ≤ 100
And x1, x2
Example 6: CCD at Pune runs 24 hou rs coffee shop. Each waiter has to
work in continuity 8 hrs. But to have continuity in work, waiter are added
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6 Linear Programming Problem at every 4 hrs of interval to work along those who have already completed
4 hrs. The requirement for different 4 hrs period are estimated as follo ws.
Formulate an LPP. Duration (Hrs) Minimum number of waiter required 00 – 04 4 04 – 08 5 08 – 12 7 12 – 16 6 16 – 20 7 20 – 24 3
Solution: Let xj = number of waiters reporting at the beginning of the jth
time interval, j = 1, 2, …., 6
Min z = x 1 + x 2+ x 3+ x 4+ x 5 + x 6
Subject to x6 + x 1
x1 + x 2
x2 + x 3
x3 + x 4
x4 + x 5
x5 + x 6
And x1, x2
1.3 GRAPHICAL MET HOD Once a problem is formulated as mathematical model, the next step is to
solve the problem to get the optimal solution. If the number of decision
variables is only two, a linear programming problem can be solved
Steps for Graphical Method :
1. Formulate the mathematical model for the given problem.
2. Draw the x 1 and x 2 axes. The non -negativity conditions x 1
0 and x 2
0 implies that solution area lies only in the 1st quadrant of x 1x2.
3. Plot each of the constraint on the graph. For plotting any line (for each
constraint), choose two points:
One on x 1 axis putting x 2 = 0 and other on x 2 axis putting x 1 = 0
4. Identify the feasible region that satisfies all the
constraints. For the constraints with ≤ sign,
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7 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 solution area lies below the line (towards the
origin) and that of
sign, solution area lies above the line
(that side of line not facing the ori gin). The area common to all the
constraints is called feasible region. This area may be bounded or
unbounded. Show the feasible region by shading.
5. Find the optimum solution.
Example 7: Solve the following LPP by graphical method.
Maximize z = 4 x1 + 7 x 2
Subject to 6x1 + 12x 2 ≤ 60
5x1 + 5x 2 ≤ 30
And x 1, x2
Solution: The non -negativity conditions x 1
0 and x2
Solution area lies in first quadrant.
Constraints are of ≤ type, Solution area lies below
the line i. e. towards the origin.
For plotting the line,
Constraint 1: 6x 1 + 12x 2 ≤ 60
When x 1 = 0, x 2 = 5; x1 = 10, x 2 = 0
Constraint 2: 5x 1 + 5x 2 ≤ 30
When x 1 = 0, x 2 = 6; x1 = 6, x 2 = 0
Fig 1.1
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8 Linear Programming Problem Find the intersection of constraints.
Here the point of intersect ion is B (2, 4).
The feasible area is shown shaded and given by the polygon OABC.
Here the feasible area is bounded/closed.
Optimum solution: Optimum solution always lies at a corner point of the
feasible region/area.
Find the values of the objective function z at the corner points O, A, B
and C.
Maximize z = 4 x1 + 7 x 2
Corner Point Value of z
O (x 1 = 0, x 2 = 0) 4 x 0 + 7 x 0 = 0
A (x 1 = 6, x 2 = 0) 4 x 6 + 7 x 0 = 24
B (x 1 = 2, x 2 = 4) 4 x 2 + 7 x 4 = 36
C (x 1 = 0, x 2 = 5) 4 x 0 + 7 x 5 = 35
Since z = 36 is maximum at (x 1 = 2, x 2 = 4), this is the optimum solution
of the given LPP.
Example 8: Solve the following LPP by graphical method.
Minimize z = 2 x1 + 3 x 2
Subject to 2x1 + 2x 2
6x1 + 3x 2
And x1, x2
Solution: The non -negativity conditions x 1
0 and x 2
Solution area lies in first quadrant.
Constraints are of
type, Solution area lies above the line.
For plotting the line,
Cons traint 1: 2x 1 + 2x 2
When x 1 = 0, x 2 = 7; x1 = 7, x 2 = 0
Constraint 2: 6x 1 + 8x 2
When x 1 = 0, x 2 =6; x1 = 8, x 2 = 0
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9 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2
Fig 1.2
Find the intersection of constraints.
Here the point of intersection is B (3, 4).
Shade th e feasible area. Here the feasible area is unbounded.
Find the values of the objective function z at the corner points A(7, 0),
B(3, 4). and C(0, 8).
Minimum z = 2 x1 + 3 x 2
Corner Point Value of z
A (x 1 = 7, x 2 = 0) 2 x 7 + 3 x 0 = 14
B (x 1 = 3, x 2 = 4) 2 x 3 + 3 x 4 = 18
C (x 1 = 0, x 2 = 8) 2 x 0 + 3 x 8 = 24
Since z = 14 is minimum at (x 1 = 3, x 2 = 4), this is the optimum solution of
the given LPP.
Example 9: A company produces pen A and pen B. Profit is Rs. 5 and Rs.
per pen respectively. Raw mate rial requirement of pen A is twice of pen
B. Supply of raw material is sufficient for 1000 pens of type A and B. Pen
needs special clips, 400 such clips are available for A and for B 700 clips
are available. Formulate problem of LPP and solve it for maximi zing
profit by graphical method. Types of Pen Availability A B Raw Material 2 1 1000 Profit (Rs.) 5 4 -
Solution: First, we formulate the LPP as follows.
Objective Function,
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10 Linear Programming Problem Max z = 5x 1 + 4x 2
Subject to 2x1 + x 2 ≤ 1000
x1 ≤ 400
x2 ≤ 700
And x1, x2
The non -negativity conditions x 1
0 and x 2
Solution area lies in first quadrant.
Constraints are of ≤ type, Solution area lies below
the line i. e. towards the origin.
For plotting the line,
Constraint 1: 2x 1 + x 2 ≤ 1000
When x 1 = 0, x 2 = 1000; x1 = 500, x 2 = 0
Constraint 2: x 1 ≤ 400
x1 = 400
Constraint 3: x 2 ≤ 700
x2 = 700
Fig 1.3
Find the intersection of constraints.
Here the points of intersection are B (400, 200) and C (150, 700)
The feasible area is shown shaded and given by the polygon OABCD.
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11 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Here the feasible area is bounded/closed.
Optimum solution: Optimum solution always lies at a corner point of the
feasible region/area.
Find the values of the objective function z at the corner points O, A, B,
C and D.
Maximize z = 5x1 + 4x 2
Corner Point Value of z
O (x 1 = 0, x 2 = 0) 5 x 0 + 4 x 0 = 0
A (x 1 = 400, x 2 = 0) 5 x 400 + 4 x 0 = 2000
B (x 1 = 400, x 2 = 200) 5 x 400 + 4 x 200 =280 0
C (x 1 = 150, x 2 = 700) 5 x 150 + 4 x 700 = 3550
D (x 1 = 700, x 2 = 0) 5 x 700 + 4 x 0 = 3500
Since z = 3550 is maximum at (x 1 = 150, x 2 = 700), this is the optimum
solution of the given LPP.
Example 10: Solve the following LPP by graphical method.
Max z = 200 x + 300 y
Subject to 5 x + 4 y ≤ 200
3 x + 5 y ≤ 150
5 x + 4 y
And x, y
Solution: The non -negativity conditions x
0 and y
Solution area lies in first quadrant.
Constraints are of ≤ type as well as
For plotting the line,
Constraint 1: 5 x + 4 y ≤ 200
When x = 0, y = 50; x = 40, y = 0
Constraint 2: 3 x + 5 y ≤ 150
When x = 0, y = 30; x = 50, y = 0
Constraint 3: 5 x + 4 y
When x = 0, y = 25; x = 20, y = 0
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12 Linear Programming Problem
Fig 1.4
Find the intersection of constraints.
Here the point C is the intersection of constraint 1 and constraint 2.
To find the coordinate of point C, we solve constraint 1 and constraint 2
i.e. Constraint 1 x 3
15x + 12y = 600
and Constraint 2 x 5
15x + 25y =750
x = 30.8 and y = 11.5
The feasible area is shown shaded and given by the polygon ABCDE.
Optimum solution: Optimum solution always lies at a corner point of the
feasible region/area.
Find the values of the objective function z at the corner points A, B, C,
D and E.
Max z = 200 x + 300 y
Corner Point Value of z
A (x = 20, y = 0) 200 x 20 + 300 x 0 = 4000
B (x = 40, y = 0) 200 x 40 + 300 x 0 = 8000
C (x = 30.8, y = 11.5) 200 x 30.8 + 300 x 11.5 = 9610
D (x = 0, y = 30) 200 x 0 + 300 x 30 = 9000
A (x = 0, y = 25) 200 x 0 + 300 x 25 = 7500
Since z = 9610 is maximum at (x = 30.8, y = 11.5), this is the optimum
solution of the given LPP.
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13 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 1.4 SPECIAL CASES IN LPP 1. Redun dant Constraint: A constraint in a given programming problem
is said to be redundant if the feasible region of the problem is unchanged
by deflecting that constraint.
Example 11: Solve the following LPP by graphical method.
Max z = 25x 1 + 20 x 2
Subject to 6x1 + 4x 2 ≤ 240
2x1 + 4x 2 ≤ 200
3x1 + 4x 2 ≤ 360
And x 1, x2
Solution: The non -negativity conditions x 1
0 and x 2
Solution area lies in first quadrant.
For plotting the line,
Constraint 1: 6x 1 + 4x 2 ≤ 240
When x 1 = 0, x 2 = 60; x1= 40, x 2 = 0
Constraint 2: 2x 1 + 4x 2 ≤ 200
When x 1 = 0, x 2 = 50; x1= 100, x 2 = 0
Constraint 3: 3x 1 + 4x 2 ≤ 360
When x 1 = 0, x 2 = 90; x1= 120, x 2 = 0
Fig 1.5
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14 Linear Programming Problem In LPP, every constraint forms boundary of the feasible regio n. However
if any constraint does not define boundary of feasible region is called
redundant constraint. In above example third constraint does not define the
boundary of feasible region. Therefore, it is redundant constraint. It is not
necessary for the s olution and can be eliminate from the problem.
2. Multiple Solution: So far we have seen that the optimal solution of any
LPP lies at corner point of the feasible region and solution is unique.
However, in certain cases a given LPP may have more than on e optimal
Example 12: Solve the following LPP by graphical method.
` Max z = 100x 1 + 150 x 2
Subject to 8x1 + 12x 2 ≤ 720
x1 ≤ 60
x2 ≤ 40
And x 1, x2
Solution: The non -negativity conditions x 1
0 and x 2
Solution area lies in first quadrant.
For plotting the line,
Constraint 1: 8x 1 + 12x 2 ≤ 720
When x 1 = 0, x 2 = 60; x1= 90, x 2 = 0
Constraint 2: x 1 ≤ 60
x1 = 6
Constraint 3: x 2 ≤ 40
x2 = 40
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15 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2
Fig 1.6
The feasible area is sho wn shaded and given by the polygon OABCD.
Optimum solution always lies at a corner point of the feasible region/area.
Find the values of the objective function z at the corner points O, A, B,
C and D.
Max z = 100x 1 + 150 x 2
Corner Point Value of z
O (x 1 = 0, x 2 = 0) 100 x 0 + 150 x 0 = 0
A (x 1 = 60, x 2 = 0) 100 x 60 + 150 x 0 =6000
B (x 1 = 60, x 2 = 20) 100 x 60 + 150 x 20 = 9000
C (x 1 = 30, x 2 = 40) 100 x 30 + 150 x 40 = 9000
D (x 1 = 0, x 2 =40) 100 x 0 + 150 x 40 = 6000
Thus, the maximum value of Z is 9000 and it occurs at two corner points,
B and C.
The problem has multiple solution.
3. Unbounded Solution: LPP may have unbounded solution which means
it has no limit on constraints. The common feasible region is not bounded
at any respect.
Example 13: Solve the following LPP by graphical method.
Max z = 30x 1 + 15 x 2
Subject to 4x1 + 6x 2
4x1 + x 2
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16 Linear Programming Problem And x1, x2
Solution: The non -negativity conditions x 1
0 and x 2
Solution area lies in first quadrant.
For plotting the line,
Constraint 1: 4x 1 + 6x 2
When x 1 = 0, x 2 = 2; x1= 3, x 2 = 0
Constraint 2: 4x 1 + x 2
When x 1 = 0, x 2 = 4; x1= 1, x 2 = 0
Fig 1.7
In the given graph, feasible region has no upper boundary. Hence solution
is infinitely large (as we want to find Max). This is called unbounded
4. Infeasible Solution: If it is not possible to find a feasible solution that
satisfies a ll the constraints, then LPP is said to have an infeasible solution
or inconsistence.
Example 14: Solve the following LPP by graphical method.
Max z = 25x 1 + 35 x 2
Subject to 3x1 + 5x 2
2x1 + 3x 2 ≤ 6
And x1, x2
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17 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Solution: The non -negativity conditions x 1
0 and x 2
Solution area lies in first quadrant.
For plotting the line,
Constraint 1: 3x 1 + 5x 2
When x 1 = 0, x 2 = 3; x1= 5, x 2 = 0
Constraint 2: 2x 1 + 3x 2 ≤ 6
When x 1 = 0, x 2 = 2; x1= 3, x 2 = 0
Fig 1.8
As there is no common region. There is no point that satisfies both the
quadrant. Thus, the given LPP has no feasible solution.
Limitation of Graphical Method: It is possible to find a graphic solution
of LPP, even if number of decision variables are THREE, but it will be
cumbersome. For more than THREE variable case, a graphic solution will
be impossible.
1.5 SUMMARY Linear programming is widely used technique in various problems of
management. The problem should have well defined objective function
with decision variables. The objective function is of maximization when
we deal with profit and it is of type minimization when we deal with the
cost. The decision variable interact with each other through set of
A linear programming problem with two -decision variable can be solved
by graphical method. Any non -negative solution which satisfies all the
constraints is the feasible solution of the problem. The collection of all
feasible solution is ca lled feasible region. The optimum solution of LPP
always lies at a corner point of the feasible region/area. In some problems,
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18 Linear Programming Problem there may be more than one solution. It is also possible that LPP has no
finite solution, sometimes problem may have infeasible s olution. . If more
than three decision variables are there in LPP then graphical method will
be impossible.
1. Operations Research Techniques for Management – V. K. Kapoor
2. Operations Research – Prem Kumar Gupta and D. S. Hira
3. Quantitat ive Techniques in Management – Vohra
1.7 EXERCISE Exercise 1: A nutrition program for babies have proposed two types of
food (Food I and Food II) available in the standard packets of 50 grams.
The cost per packet are Rs. 2 and 3 respectively. Vitamin availability in
each of food per packet and minimum requirement for each type of
vitamin a re given in the following table. Vitamins Vitamins availability per packet Minimum Requirement I II A 2 1 6 B 6 2 14 Cost/packet 2 3 -
Formulate LPP to determine the optimal combination of food types with
minimum cost such that the minimum requirem ent of vitamins in each
type is satisfied.
Exercise 2: In a multispecialty hospital, nurses report for duty at the end
of hour period, as shown in the table. Each nurse will work for 8 hours
after reporting for the duty. Interval No. Time Period Minimum number of nurses required From To 1 12 mid night 4 am 18 2 4 am 8 am 23 3 8 am 12 noon 35
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19 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 4 12 noon 4 pm 30 5 4 pm 8 pm 22 6 8 pm 12 mid night 15
Formulate an LPP such that total number of nurses reporting for duty is
Exercise 3: Five items are to be loaded on a ship. The weight, volume and
return per unit of each item are given in the table below. The ship cannot
carry a weight more than 120 units and volume more than 115 units.
Formulate an LPP. Item No. Weight Volume Return (Rs) 1 6 2 5 2 7 8 9 3 3 5 7 4 3 6 6 5 7 4 3
Exercise 4: Solve the following LPP by graphical method.
Max z = 8 x1 + 9 x 2
Subject to 11x 1 + 9x 2 ≤ 9900
7x1 + 12x 2 ≤ 8400
6x1 + 16x 2 ≤ 9600
And x 1, x2
Exercise 5: Solve the following LPP by graphical method.
Max z = 4 x1 + 8 x 2
Subject to 2x1 + 4x 2 ≤ 48
x1 + 3x 2 ≤ 42
x1 + x 2 ≤ 21
And x 1, x2
Exercise 6: Solve the following LPP by graphical method.
Minimize z = 10x 1 + 20 x 2
Subject to x1 + 3x 2
x1 + x 2
And x 1, x2
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20 Linear Programming Problem Exercise 7: Solve the following LPP by graphical method.
Max z = 60x 1 + 100 x 2
Subject to x1 + x 2 ≤ 9
30 x 1 + 60 x 2 ≤ 360
And x 1, x2
Page 21
Unit structure
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Simplex Method
2.3 Big M Method
2.4 Two Phase Method
2.5 Summary
2.6 References
2.7 Exercise
Self-Learning Topics: S pecial Cases of LPP
2.0 OBJECTIVES After going through this chapter, students will able to:
● Identify and write a linear problem in standard form.
● Convert inequality constraints to equations.
● Know the use and interpretation of slack, surplus and artificial
● Check for opt imality (to determine entering and leaving variable) by
performing pivoting operations.
● Identify the optimal solution.
2.1 INTRODUCTION Linear programming is a very well -known method in the field of
optimization theory. In last chapter we used graphical method to solve the
linear programming problem. But when numbers of decision variables are
more than two, it is very difficult to solve LPP by graphical method. To
deal with this difficulty, a highly efficient method for solving LPP is used.
This method ca n applied for any number i. e. more than two decision
variables and is called Simplex Method.
2.2 SIMPLEX METHOD Simplex method is one of the most popular and used algorithms in
optimization theory. The Simplex method was developed during Second
World War by Dr. George Dantzig. His linear programming models
helped the Allied forces with transportation and scheduling problems.
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22 Simplex Method, Big M Method And Two Phase Method This method uses the basic concepts of matrix algorithm and theory of
To solve a linear programming prob lem using the si mplex method:
1. First we write the problem in standard canonical form by converting
inequalities into equations by introducing slack variables.
2. Write objective function and constraints in the matrix form. The table
contains n decision variables and m (equ al to number of the
constraints) slack variables. The variables with non -zero values are
called the basic variables, their constraint coefficient make an identity
3. Construct the initial simplex table.
4. Check for optimality (Determine entering variab le and select leaving
variable) and identify pivot element.
5. Create a new tableau (next iteration)
6. Identify optimal values.
Some definitions:
1. Basic variable: A variable whose coefficient is “unity: in only one of
the constraints and “zero” in the remaini ng constraints is called a
Basic variable.
2. Basis: The set of all basic variables (= m, the number of constraints)
is called the Basis.
3. Canonical Form: If in the standard form of an LPP, each constraint
has a Basic variable, then such form of the LPP is c alled Canonical
4. Basic Feasible Solution: Any solution of an LPP where exactly m
(equal to number of the constraints) variables have non zero values
satisfying all the constraints, is called a Basic Feasible Solution.
5. Basic variables: The variables w ith non -zero values are called the
vasic variables, their constraint coefficients make Identity Matrix.
Example 1: Max Z = 6x 1 +8x 2
Sub to 5x1 +10x 2
4x1 +4x 2
And x1, x2
Step 1: write the prob lem in standard canonical form by converting
inequalities into equations by introducing slack variables Si’s for each
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23 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 inequality. The coefficient of each slack variable is unity. All these slack
variables will also be appear in the objective function with zero
Max Z = 6x 1 +8x 2 + 0S 1 + 0S 2
Sub to 5x 1 +10x 2 + S 1
4x1 +4x 2 +S2 = 40
And x1, x2, S1, S2
Step 2: Write objective function and constraints in the matrix form.
Table 1 Variables x1 x2 S1 S2 bi Constraints 5 10 1 0 60 4 4 0 1 40 Cj 6 8 0 0 z
From above Table 1, it is clear that the problem now amounts to solve m
equations in m + n variables (m slack variables and n decision variables)
such that z is maximum.
Here m = 2 and n = 2
Put x 1 = 0 and x 2 = 0 in above equations,
We get, S 1
60 and S 2 = 40 --------------------- (1)
This is initial basic feasible solution.
Step 3: Construct the initial simplex table as follows:
Table 2: Initial Simplex Table CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 S1 S2 0 S1 5 10 1 0 60
6 ** 0 S2 4 4 0 1 40
10 Cj 6 8 0 0 - Zj 0 0 0 0 0 Cj - Zj 6 8* 0 0 -
First column in Table 2 is Objective Column (old value) which contain
coefficient of objective function of Basic Variables (Current solution
(CB i))
Second column is Basic Variable column. In the initial table slack
variables are Basic Variables.
Here, S 1
and S 2 are basic variables.
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24 Simplex Method, Big M Method And Two Phase Method To the right of basic variables column, columns of decision varia bles x 1 x2
, …and slack variables S 1, S2, … will be there.
First row contain coefficient of decision and slack variables of the first
Second row contain coefficient of decision and slack variables of the
second constraint.
Next column is sol ution column which contain value of basic variable.
To find the scope of improvement, calculate row title Z j and C j - Zj
Zj is the present contribution of the jth variable to the objective function z
Zj =
, j = 1, 2, ….., m + n
, j = 1, 2, ….., 4
i.e Z 1= (0.5) + (0.4) = 0; Z2= (0.10) + (0.4) = 0;
Z3= (0.1) + (0.0) = 0; Z4= (0.0) + (0.1) = 0
is the technological coefficient of the jth variable in the ith row
Cj - Zj is the change in the value of the objective function per unit of the
jth variable.
In the above Table 2, all Z j = 0
Step 4: Check for optimality:
To determine entering variable:
a. Maximization Problem: If all (Cj - Zj) values are
0, then present
solution i s optimal. Otherwise, select the variable with max (C j - Zj) as
the entering variable. Column corresponding to the selected variable
is called the Key Column and is marked by *.
For the present problem, all (C j - Zj)
0, therefore the current
solution is not optimal.
Max (C j - Zj) = 8 and corresponds to x 2. Hence x 2 enters the solution
and the 2nd column is the key column.
b. Minimization Problem: If all Cj - Zj values are
0, then present
solution is optimal. Otherwise the variable with highesr negative
value will enter the solution. Column corresponding to the selected
variable is called the Key Column and is marked by *.
Page 25
25 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Selecting the leaving variable: Feasibility Conditions :
In a basic feasible solution, number of non -zero var iable must be equal to
the number of constraints. Thus, one of the basic variables has to leave the
solution and take the position of entering variable. i.e. should become
equal to 0.
The following steps to be taken:
i. For each row, find the ratio of the el ements of the solution column to
the elements of the key column.
i.e. Ratio =
i.e. 60/ 10 = 6; 40/4 = 10
ii. The row corresponding to the smallest positive ratio will be the Key
Row and the corresponding basic variable will leave the solutio n.
For the above problem, the smallest +ve ratio is 6 corresponds to the 1st
Hence, row 1 is the Key Row
The corresponding basic variable S 1 will be the leaving variable.
Note: If there is tie in selecting Key -Column and Key -Row, the element
can be selected arbitrarily.
The intersection of Key Column and Key Row is called Key Element or
Pivot Element.
For the above example, Key Element is 10.
Step 5: Next Iteration:
i. Replace the outgoing variable by the entering variable in the basic
variable colu mn and calculate , Key Row =
R1 (Key Row) = R 1 / (Key Element) i.e. R 1 (Key Row) = R 1 / 10
ii. Bring the column corresponding to the entering variable in the form
of the outgoing variable as follows:
New values of the next iteration table are gi ven by (in each row)
i.e. New ith Row = Old ith Row - (New element of R i) x (Key Row)
For above example,
R2(New) = R 2(old) – 4 R 1 (New)
a 21 = 4 – 4 (1/2) = 2; a 22 = 4 – 4 (1) = 0;
a 23 = 0 – 4 (1/10) = -2/5; a 24 = 1 – 4 (0) = 2;
b2 = 40 - 4(6) = 16
Page 26
26 Simplex Method, Big M Method And Two Phase Method Therefore, the Iteration 1 will be as follows:
Table 3: Iteration 1 CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 S1 S2 8 x2 1/2 1 1/10 0 6
12 0 S2 2 0 -2/5 1 16
8 ** Cj 6 8 0 0 - Zj 4 8 4/5 0 48 Cj - Zj 2* 0 -4/5 0 -
After computing New values of aij, bi and completing the entries of CBi
and Basic variable columns,
i. Compute the values of Z j
Zj =
, j = 1, 2, ….., m + n
, j = 1, 2, ….., 4
i.e Z 1= 8.(1/2) + (2 . 0) = 4; Z2= 8.(1) + (2 . 0) = 8;
Z3= 8.(1/10) + ( -2/5).0 = 4/5; Z4= 8.0 + 1.0 = 0
ii. Find C j - Zj
iii. Test for optimality (Decide the entering variable if required)
iv. Test for feasibility (Decide the leaving variable if required)
[Note that these above steps ( i to iv) form the part of each iteration]
From the above Table 3, all values of (C j - Zj) are
The only +ve value is 2, corresponds to the 1st column.
Thus, 1st column is the key column and variable x 1 enters the solution.
Minimum +ve ratio of solution column to key column is 8 and
corresponding variable S 2 leaves the solution.
The key element (element at the intersection of key column and key row)
is 2.
Now go for second iteration.
R2 (Key Row) = R 2 / (Key Element)
R1(New) = R 1(old) – ½ R 2 (New)
a 11 = 1/2 – (1/2)1 = 2; a 12 = 1 – (1/2)0 = 0;
Page 27
27 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 a 13 = 1/10 + (1/2)1/5 = 1/5; a 14 = 0 – (1/2)1/2 = ¼;
b1 = 6 - (1/2)8 = 2
Compute the values of Z j and Find C j - Zj
Table 4 below gives the values of second iteration using the method f or
first iteration.
Table 4: Iteration 2 CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 S1 S2 8 x2 0 1 1/5 -1/4 2 No need to calculate 6 x1 1 0 -1/5 1/2 8 Cj 6 8 0 0 - Zj 6 8 2/5 1 64 Cj - Zj 0 0 -2/5 -1 -
Now all (C j - Zj)
Present solution is optimal.
No need for feasibility test. No need to find ratio column.
Here x 1 = 2 and x 2 = 8
Max Z = 6x 1 +8x 2 = 6 x 2 + 8 x 8 = 64
Example 2: Max Z = 4x 1 + 3x 2 +6x 3
Sub to 2x 1 +3x 2+2x 3
4x1 +3x 3
2x1 +5x 3
and x1, x2, x3
Step 1: write the problem in standard canonical form by converting
inequalities into equations by introducing slack variables Si’s for each
inequality. The coef ficient of each slack variable is unity. All these slack
variables will also be appear in the objective function with zero
Max Z = 4x 1 + 3x 2 +6x 3 + 0S 1 + 0S 2 + 0S 3
Sub to 2x1 +3x 2+2x 3 + S 1 = 440
4x1 +3x 3 + S 2 = 470
2x1 +5x 3 + S 3 = 430
Page 28
28 Simplex Method, Big M Method And Two Phase Method and x1, x2, x3
Here Slack variables, m = 3 and decision variables, n = 3
Put x 1 = 0 , x 2 = 0 and x 3 = 0 in above equations,
We get, S 1
440, S 2 = 470 and , S 3 = 430 --------------------- (1)
This is initial basic feasib le solution.
Step 3: Construct the initial simplex table as follows:
Table 1: Initial Simplex Table CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 x3 S1 S2 S3 0 S1 2 3 2 1 0 0 440 440/2 220 0 S2 4 0 3 0 1 0 470 156.66** 0 S3 2 5 0 0 0 1 430
Cj 4 3 6 0 0 0 - Zj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cj - Zj 4 3 6* 0 0 0 -
Compute Z j =
, j = 1, 2, …..
For above example,
Z1 = 0.2 +0.4 + 0. 2 = 0 ; Z2 = 0.3 +0.0 + 0. 5 = 0;
Z3 = 0.2 +0.3 + 0. 0 = 0; Z4 = 0.1 +0.0 + 0. 0 = 0;
Z5 = 0.0 + 0.1 + 0. 0 = 0; Z6 = 0.0 +0.0 + 0. 1 = 0
Compute C j - Zj
Since it is a maximization problem, optima will be if (C j - Zj)
Now all (C j - Zj)
Largest +ve value 6 corresponds to third column.
Thus column 3 is the key column and x 3 is the entering variable.
Now find entries of the ratio.
i.e. Ratio =
i. e. 440/2 = 220; 470/ 3 =156.66; 430/0 =
Row corresponding to the smallest +ve ratio will be the key row.
Here it is 156.66 and corresponds to R 2.
Page 29
29 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Thus, R 2 is the Key Row and therefore S 2 is the outgoing variable.
The key element is 3. [Element at the intersection of Key row and Key
Next Iteration: Iteration 1 :
Replace the outgoing variable by the entering variable in the basic variable
i.e. Replace S 2 by x 3 and put the value of C 3 at CB 2.
and calculate Key Row =
R2 (Key Row) = R 2 / (Key Element) i.e.R 2 = R 2/3
Bring the column corresponding to the entering variable in the form of the
outgoing variable as follows:
New v alues of the next iteration table are given by (in each row)
i.e. New ith Row = Old ith Row - (New element of R i) x (Key Row)
For above example,
R1(New) = R 1(old) – 2 R 2 (New)
a 11 = 2 – 2(4/3) = -2/3; a 12 = 3 – 2(0) = 3;
a 13 = 2 – 2(1) = 0; a 14 = 1 – 2(0) = 1;
a 15 = 0 – 2(1/3) = -2/3; a 16 = 0 – 2(0) = 0;
b1 = 440 – 2(156.66) = 126.68
For above example, in row R3, element below key element is already 0.
Therefore, no need to do calculations for R3.
Find Z j
Zj =
, j = 1 , 2, …..
Z1 = 0.( -2/3) +6.(4/3) + 0. 2 = 8 ; Z2 = 0.3 +6.0 + 0. 5 = 0;
Z3 = 0.0 +6.1 + 0. 0 = 6; Z4 = 0.1 +6.0 + 0. 0 = 0;
Z5 = 0.( -2/3) +6.(1/3) + 0. 0 = 2; Z6 = 0.0 +6.0 + 0. 1 = 0
and C j - Zj
Therefore, the Iteration 1 will be as follows:
Page 30
30 Simplex Method, Big M Method And Two Phase Method Table 2: Iteration 1 CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 x3 S1 S2 S3 0 S1 -2/3 3 0 1 -2/3 0 126.68 42.22** 6 x3 4/3 0 1 0 1/3 0 156.66
0 S3 2 5 0 0 0 1 430 86 Cj 4 3 6 0 0 0 - Zj 8 0 6 0 2 0 936.96 Cj - Zj -4 3* 0 0 -2 0 -
Since it is a maximization problem, optima will be if (C j - Zj)
Now all (C j - Zj)
Largest +ve value 3 corresponds to second column.
Thus column 2 is the key column and x 2 is the entering variable.
Now find entries of the ratio.
i.e. Ratio =
i. e. 126.68/3 = 42.22; 156.66/ 0 =
; 430/5 = 86
Row corresponding to the smallest +ve ratio will be the key row.
Here it is 42.22 and corresponds to R 1.
Thus, R 1 is the Key Row and therefore S 1 is the outgoing variable.
The key element is 3. [Element at the intersection of Key row and Key
Next Iteration: Iteration 2
Replace the outgoing variable by the entering variable in the basic variable
i.e. Replace S 1 by x 2 and put the value of C 2 at CB 2.
and calculate
Key Row =
R1 (Key Row) = R 1 / (Key Element)
i.e.R 1 = R 1/3
Bring the column corresponding to the entering variable in the form of the
outgoing variable as follows:
New values of the next iteration table are given by (in each row)
Page 31
31 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 i.e. New ith Row = Old ith Row - (New element of R i) x (Key Row)
For above example,
R3(New) = R 3(old) – 5 R 1 (New)
a 31 = 2 – 5 (-2/9) = 28/9; a 32 = 5 – 5 (1) = 0;
a 33 = 0 – 5 (0) = 0; a 34 = 0 – 5 (1/3) = -5/3;
a 35 = 0 – 5 (-2/9) = 10/9; a 36 = 1 – 5 (0) = 1;
b3 = 430 – 5 (42.22) = 208.9
For above example, in row R2, element below key element is already 0.
Therefore, no need to do calculations for R2.
Find Z j
Zj =
, j = 1, 2, …..
Z1 = 3.( -2/9) +6.(4/ 3) + 0.(28/9) = -10/3; Z2 = 3.1 +6.0 + 0. 0 = 3;
Z3 = 3.0 +6.1 + 0. 0 = 6; Z4 = 3.(1/3) +6.0 + 0.( -5/3)
Z5 = 3.( -2/9) +6.(1/3) + 0.(10/9) = 4/3; Z6 = 3.0 +6.0 + 0. 1 = 0
and C j - Zj
Therefore, the Iteration 2 will be as follows:
Table 3: Iterati on 2 CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 x3 S1 S2 S3 3 x2 -2/3 1 0 1/3 -2/9 0 42.22 6 x3 4/3 0 1 0 1/3 0 156.66 0 S3 28/9 0 0 -5/3 10/9 1 218.9 Cj 4 3 6 0 0 0 - Zj 22/3 3 6 1 4/3 0 1066.62 Cj - Zj -10/3 0 0 -1 -4/3 0 -
All (C j - Zj )
The present solution is optimal.
Here x 1 = 0, x 2 = 42.22 and x 3 = 156.66
Max Z = 4x 1 + 3x 2 +6x 3 = (4 x 0) + (3 x 42.22) + (6 x 156.66) = 1066.62
Page 32
32 Simplex Method, Big M Method And Two Phase Method 2.3 BIG M METHOD If some of the constraints are of ‘=’ o r ‘
’ type, then in the standard form
such constraint will not have basic variables (and we will not have a
canonical form). To overcome this difficulty the Big M Method is used,
where M is a large positive quantity. For the constraints with ‘= ’ or ‘
sign we introduce new variables called the ‘Artificial Variables’. There are
two methods to deal with the artificial variables.
1. Big M Method
2. Two Phase Method
These artificial variables are fictitious and cannot have any physical
meani ng.
Following points to be consider while using artificial variable:
● Only one artificial variable will appear in any constraint.
● Coefficient of an artificial variable is unity in that constraint.
● Number of artificial variable is equal to the number of cons traints of
the type ‘=’ or ‘
● Cost coefficient of an artificial variable will be (+M) for a
minimization problem and ( -M) for a maximization problem.
● Once an artificial variable goes out of the solution, it is not allowed
to re -enter. For thi s purpose, the corresponding column is deleted
from the Simplex Table for further calculations usually.
Example 3: Min Z = 2x 1 + 3x 2
Sub to x 1 +x2
7x1 +x2
and x1, x2
Solution: Write the problem in the standard form.
Min Z = 2x 1 + 3x 2 + 0S 1 + 0S 2
Sub to x 1 +x2 - S1 = 6
7x1 +x2 - S2 = 14
and x1, x2, S1, S2
0 , Si’s are called surplus variables.
As the value of S 1 = S 2 = -1 so these are not basic variable and therefore
this is not a canonical form.
To convert it into canonical form, introduce artificial variables A 1 and A 2
with cost +M, where M is a large +ve number.
Page 33
33 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Now the problem can be expressed as,
Min Z = 2x 1 + 3x 2 + 0S 1 + 0S 2 + MA 1 + MA 2
Sub to x 1 +x2 - S1+ A 1 = 6
7x1 +x2 - S2 + A 2 = 14
and x1, x2, S1, S2, A1, A2
Now A 1 and A 2
are Basic Variables and the solution is A 1 = 6 and A 2
We make the initial simplex table.
Table – 1: Initial Simplex Table CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 S1 S2 A1 A2 M A1 1 1 -1 0 1 0 6
6 M A2 7 1 0 -1 0 1 14
2** Cj 2 3 0 0 M M - Zj 8M 2M -M -M M M 20M Cj - Zj 2- 8M* 3-2M M M 0 0 -
Compute Z j =
, j = 1, 2, …..
For above
Z1 = M.1 + M.7 = 8M; Z2 = M.1 + M.1 = 2M;
Z3 = M.( -1) + M.0 = -M; Z4 = M.0 + M.( -1) = -M;
Z5 = M.1 + M.0 = M; Z6 = M.0 + M.1 = M
Compute C j - Zj
Since it is a minimization problem optima will be if (C j - Zj)
[If C j - Zj include M, ignore the numeric term for big M method]
Now all (C j - Zj)
Largest –ve value -8M corresponds to first column.
Thus column 1 is the key column and x 1 is the entering variable.
Page 34
34 Simplex Method, Big M Method And Two Phase Method Now find entries of the ratio.
i.e. Ra tio =
Row corresponding to the smallest +ve ratio will be the key row.
Here it is 2 and corresponds to R 2.
Thus, R 2 is the Key Row and therefore A 2 is the outgoing variable.
The key element is 7. [Element at the intersection of Key row and Key
Next Iteration: Iteration 1
Replace the outgoing variable by the entering variable in the basic variable
i.e. Replace A 2 by x 1and put the value of C 1 at CB 2.
and calculate Key Row =
R2 (Key Row) = R 2 / (Key Element) i.e. R 2 = R 2/7
Bring the column corresponding to the entering variable in the form of the
outgoing variable as follows:
New values of the next iteration table are given by (in each row)
i.e. New ith Row = Old ith Row - (New element of R i) x (Key Row)
For a bove example,
R1(New) = R 1(old) – R2 (New)
a 11 = 1 – 1 = 0; a 12 = 1 – 1/7 = 6/7;
a 13 = -1 – 0 = - 1; a 14 = 0 – (-1/7) = 1/7;
a 15 = 1 – 0 = 1; a 16 = 0 – (1/7) = - 1/7;
b1 = 6 - 2 = 4
Find Z j and C j - Zj
Therefore, the Iteration 1 will be as follows:
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35 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Table 2: Iteration 1 CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 S1 S2 A1 A2 M A1 0 6/7 -1 1/7 1 -1/7 4
14/3 ** 2 x1 1 1/7 0 -1/7 0 1/7 2
14 Cj 2 3 0 0 M M - Zj 2
4M +4 Cj - Zj 0
* M
Note: We could have deleted the column 5 corresponding to the outg oing
artificial variable. Removing the outgoing artificial variable for
calculations of the next iteration does not affect future process of finding
the optima, but reduces the computations.
All (C j - Zj)
Largest –ve value corresponds to second column.
Thus column 2 is the key column and x 2 is the entering variable.
Now find entries of the ratio.
i.e. Ratio =
Row corresponding to the smallest +ve ratio will be the key row.
Here it is 14/3 and corresponds to R 1.
Thus outgoi ng variable is A 1 and key element is 6/7.
Next Iteration: Iteration 2
In the Simplex Table [Table 3], replace the outgoing variable by the
entering variable in the basic variable column
i.e. Replace A 1 by x 2 and put the value of C 2 at CB 1.
and calculate Key Row =
R1(Key Row) = R 1 / (Key Element) i.e. R 1 = R 2/(6/7)
New values of the next iteration table are given by (in each row)
i.e. New ith Row = Old ith Row - (New element of R i) x (Key Row)
Page 36
36 Simplex Method, Big M Method And Two Phase Method For above example,
R2(New) = R 2(old) – (1/7)R 1 (New)
a 21 = 1 – (1/7).0 = 1; a 22 = 1/7 – (1/7).1 = 0;
a 23 = 0 –(1/7).( -7/6) 0 = 1/6; a 24 = (-1/7) – (1/7).(1/6) = -1/6;
b2 = 2 – (1/7)(14/3) = 4/3
Find Z j and C j - Zj
Therefore, the Iteration 2 will be as follows:
[Note: Here we remove the c olumns A 1 and A 2]
Table 3: Iteration 2 CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 S1 S2 3 x2 0 1 -7/6 1/6 14/3 (14/3)/(1/6) =28 ** 2 x1 1 0 1/6 -1/6 4/3 (-ve) Cj 2 3 0 0 Zj 2
-19/6 1/6 50/3 Cj - Zj 0
19/6 -1/6 * -
Now there is still one C j - Zj value corresponds to column 4 which is < 0.
Thus column 4 is the key Column and S 2 is the entering variable.
The smallest +ve ratio [in this case only +ve ratio] is 28 corresponds to R 1.
Thus R 1 is the Key Row, x 2 is the outgoing variable and 1/6 is the Key
Next Iteration: Iteration 3
In the Simplex Table [Table 4], replace the outgoing variable by the
entering variable in the basic variable column
i.e. Replace x 2 by S 2 and put 0 in the place of 3 (CB 1).
and calculate
Key Row =
R1(Key Row) = R 1 / (Key Element)
i.e. Divide Key Row R 1 by the Key Element [R 1 = R 2/(1/6)]
New values of the next iteration table are given by (in each row)
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37 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 i.e. New ith Row = Old ith Row - (New element of R i) x (Key Row )
For above example,
R2(New) = R 2(old) – (-1/6)R 1 (New)
a 21 = 1 – (-1/6).0 = 1; a 22 = 0 – (-1/6).6 = 1;
a 23 = (1/6) – (-1/6).( -7) = -1; a 24 = (-1/6) – (-1/6).1 = 0;
b2 = 4/3 – (-1/6)(28) = 4/3
Find Z j and C j - Zj
Therefore, the Iteration 3 will be as follows:
Table 4: Iteration 3 CBi Basic
Variables Variables Solution (bi) x1 x2 S1 S2 0 S2 0 6 -7 1 28 2 x1 1 1 -1 0 6 Cj 2 3 0 0 Zj 2
-2 0 12 Cj - Zj 0
2 0 -
All (C j - Zj )
The pres ent solution is optimal.
Here x 1 = 6, S 2 = 28 and x 2 = 0
Min Z = 2x 1 + 3x 2 = 2 x 6 + 3 x 0 = 12
Example 4: Max Z = 10x 1 + 15x 2
Sub to 2x 1 + 2x 2
x1 + 2x 2
4x1 + 2x 2
and x1, x2
Solution: Write the problem in the standard form.
Max Z = 10x 1 + 15x 2 + 0S 1 + 0S 2 + 0S 3 + 0S 4
Sub to 2x 1 + 2x 2 + S 1 = 160
x1 + 2x 2 + S 2 = 120
4x1 + 2x 2 + S3 = 280
Page 38
38 Simplex Method, Big M Method And Two Phase Method x2 - S4 = 45
and x1, x2, S1, S2 , S3, S4
Since m = 4 there must be 4 basic variables and there are only 3.
The last x 2 - S4 = 45 does not have a basic variable.
Introducing artificial variable A 1, with cost coefficient as – M.
Max Z = 10x 1 + 15x 2 + 0S 1 + 0S 2 + 0S 3 + 0S 4 -M A 1
Sub to 2x 1 + 2x 2 + S 1 = 160
x1 + 2x 2 + S 2 = 120
4x1 + 2x 2 + S3 = 280
x2 - S4 + A 1= 45
and x1, x2, S1, S2 , S3, S4, A1
Now A 1 is Basic Variables and the solution is A 1 = 45
We make the initial simplex table.
Table – 1: In itial Simplex Table : CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 S1 S2 S3 S4 A1 0 S1 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 160
=80 0 S2 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 120
= 60 0 S3 4 2 0 0 1 0 0 280
= 140 - M A1 0 1 0 0 0 -1 1 45
45** Cj 10 15 0 0 0 0 -M Zj 0 -M 0 0 0 M -M -45M Cj - Zj 10 15+M* 0 0 0 -M 0 -
Compute Z j =
, j = 1, 2, …..
Compute C j - Zj
Since it is a maximization problem optima will be if (C j - Zj)
[If C j - Zj include M, ignore the numeric term for big M method]
Now all (C j - Zj)
Largest +ve value (15 + M) corresponds to second column.
Page 39
39 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Thus column 2 is the key column and x 2 is the entering variable.
Now find entries of the ratio.
i.e. Ratio =
Row corresponding to the smallest +ve ratio will be the key row.
Here it is 45 and corresponds to R 4.
Thus, R 4 is the Key Row and therefore A 1 is the outgoing variable.
The key element is 1. [Element at the intersection of Key row and Key
Next Iteration: Iteration 1
Replace the outgoing variable by the entering variable in the basic variable
i.e. Replace A 1 by x 2 and calculate
Key Row =
R4 (Key Row) = R 4/ (Key Element)
i.e. R 4 = R 4/1]
Bring the column corresponding t o the entering variable in the form of the
outgoing variable as follows:
New values of the next iteration table are given by (in each row)
i.e. New ith Row = Old ith Row - (New element of R i) x (Key Row)
For above example,
R1(New) = R 1(old) – 2R4 (New)
R2(New) = R 2(old) – 2R4 (New)
R3(New) = R 3(old) – 2R4 (New)
Find Z j and C j - Zj
Therefore, the Iteration 1 will be as follows:
Page 40
40 Simplex Method, Big M Method And Two Phase Method Table 2: Iteration 1 CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 S1 S2 S3 S4 0 S1 2 0 1 0 0 2 70
= 35 0 S2 1 0 0 1 0 2 30
= 15** 0 S3 4 0 0 0 1 2 190
= 95 15 X2 0 1 0 0 0 -1 45 -ve value Cj 10 15 0 0 0 0 Zj 0 15 0 0 0 -15 675 Cj - Zj 10 0 0 0 0 15* -
Note: We have deleted the column 7 corresponding t o the outgoing
artificial variable (A 1).
All (C j - Zj)
Largest +ve value corresponds to sixth column.
Thus column 6 is the key column and S 4 is the entering variable.
Now find entries of the ratio.
i.e. Ratio =
Row corresp onding to the smallest +ve ratio will be the key row.
Here it is 15 and corresponds to R 2.
Thus outgoing variable is S 2 and key element is 2.
Next Iteration: Iteration 2
In the Simplex Table [Table 3], replace the outgoing variable by the
entering variab le in the basic variable column
i.e. Replace S 2 by S 4 and and calculate
Key Row =
i.e R 2 = R 2/2
New values of the next iteration table are given by (in each row)
i.e. New ith Row = Old ith Row - (New element of R i) x (Key Row)
For abo ve example,
R1(New) = R 1(old) – 2R2 (New)
Page 41
41 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 R3(New) = R 3(old) – 2R2 (New)
R4(New) = R 4(old) + R 2 (New)
Find Z j and C j - Zj
Therefore, the Iteration 2 will be as follows:
Table 3: Iteration 2 CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 S1 S2 S3 S4 0 S1 1 0 1 -1 0 0 40
= 40 0 S4 1/2 0 0 1/2 0 1 15
= 30** 0 S3 3 0 0 -1 1 2 160
= 53.33 15 X2 1/2 1 0 1/2 0 0 60
= 120 Cj 10 15 0 0 0 0 Zj 15/2 15 0 0 0 0 900 Cj - Zj 5/2* 0 0 -15/2 0 0 -
All (C j - Zj)
Largest +ve value corresponds to first column.
Thus column 1 is the key column and S 1 is the entering variable.
Now find entries of the ratio.
i.e. Ratio =
Row corresponding to the smallest +ve ratio will be the key row.
Here it is 30 and corresponds to R 2.
Thus outgoing variable is S 4 and key element is 1/2.
Next Iteration: Iteration 3 :
In the Simplex Table [Table 3], replace the outgoing variable by the
entering variable in the basic variabl e column
i.e. Replace S 4 by x 1 and calculate Key Row =
i.e. R 1= R 1/(1/2)
New values of the next iteration table are given by (in each row)
i.e. New ith Row = Old ith Row - (New element of R i) x (Key Row)
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42 Simplex Method, Big M Method And Two Phase Method For above example,
R1(New) = R1(old) – R2 (New)
R3(New) = R 3(old) – 3R2 (New)
R4(New) = R 4(old) – 1/2 R 2 (New)
Find Z j and C j - Zj
Therefore, the Iteration 3 will be as follows:
Table 4: Iteration 3 CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 S1 S2 S3 S4 0 S1 0 0 1 -2 0 -2 10 10 x1 1 0 0 1 0 2 30 0 S3 0 0 0 -4 1 -6 70 15 x2 0 1 0 0 0 -1 45 Cj 10 15 0 0 0 0 Zj 10 15 0 0 0 0 975 Cj - Zj 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
Now, all (C j - Zj)
Solution is optimal.
x1 = 30 and x 2 = 45
Max Z = 10x 1 + 15x 2
= 10 (30) + 15 (45) = 975
2.4 TWO PHASE METHOD This is an alternative method of Big M method for computerized solution.
Following are the steps of Two phase Method:
Step 0 [Initial step]: Obtain canonical form [by introducing slack/sur plus
and artificial variables.]
Phase 1:
Step 1: Form the modified problem
Min z = sum of artificial variables i.e. min z = A 1 + A 2 + …. + A n
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43 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Subject to the same set of constraints and non -negativity conditions.
Note: Whatever the original problem (max /m in) the modified phase 1
problem will always be a minimization problem.
Step 2: Apply simplex method till the optimality is reached.
Step 3: Check
a) If the value of objective function (sum of artificial variables (i.e. z) is
0 in the optimal table.
b) If the mo dified z
0 then the problem has no feasible solution.
c) If the modified z = 0, go to Phase 2.
Phase 2:
Step 1: From the optimal table of Phase 1, drop all the columns of
artificial variables which are non -basic.
Step 2: If some artificial varia bles are in the basic solution with value 0
then in the original objective function put their cost coefficient = 0
Step 3: Find the optimal solution of the original problem using the optimal
solution of the Phase 1 as the initial solution. All cost coeffi cients will be
Example 5: Min Z = 12x 1 + 18x 2 + 15x 3
Sub to 4x 1 + 8x 2 + 6x 3
3x1 + 6x 2 + 12x 3
and x1, x2
Step 0: Min z = Min Z = 12x 1 + 18x 2 + 15x 3 + 0 S 1 + 0 S 2 + M A 1 + MA 2
Sub to 4x 1 + 8x 2 + 6x 3 - S1 + A 1 = 64
3x1 + 6x 2 + 12x 3 – S2 + A 2 = 96
and x1, x2 , x3, S1, S2, A 1, A2
This is required canonical form.
Phase 1:
Step 1: Form the modified problem
Min Z m = sum of artificial variables
Min Z m = A 1 + A 2 (cost coe. Of all other variables = 0)
Sub to 4x 1 + 8x 2 + 6x 3 - S1 + A 1 = 64
Page 44
44 Simplex Method, Big M Method And Two Phase Method 3x1 + 6x 2 + 12x 3 – S2 + A 2 = 96
and x1, x2 , x3, S1, S2, A 1, A2
Step 2: Find the optimal solution of this modified problem
Table – 1: Initial Simplex Ta ble CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 x3 S1 S2 A1 A2 1 A1 4 8 6 -1 0 1 0 64
= 32/3 1 A2 3 6 12 0 -1 0 1 96
= 8** Cj 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Zmj 7 14 18 -1 -1 1 1 160 Cj - Zmj -7 -14 -18* 1 1 0 0 -
All (C j - Zm j)
x3 is entering variable , A2 is outgoing variable and 12 is Key Element
Table – 2: Iteration 1 CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 x3 S1 S2 A1 1 A1 5/2 5 0 -1 1 /2 1 16
** 0 x3 1/4 1/2 1 0 -1/12 0 8
= 16 Cj 0 0 0 0 0 1 Zmj 5/2 5 0 -1 1 /2 1 16 Cj - Zmj -5/2 -5* 0 0 -1/ 2 0 -
All (C j - Zm j)
X2 is entering variable , A1 is outgoing variable and 5 is Key Element
Page 45
45 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Table – 3: Iteration 2 CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 x3 S1 S2 0 x2 1 /2 1 0 -1/5 1/10 16/5 0 x3 0 0 1 1/10 -2/15 32/5 Cj 0 0 0 0 0 Zmj 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cj – Zmj 0 0 0 0 0 -
Step 3: Since all (C j - Zm j)
This solution is optimal .
The value of Z mj = 0 therefore the problem is feasible and we can go to
Phase II
Phase II:
Steps 1 and 2: [ All cost coefficients will be originals]
Table – 4: Initial Table Phase II CBi Basic Variables Variables Solution (bi) Ratio x1 x2 x3 S1 S2 18 x2 1 /2 1 0 -1/5 1/10 16/5 15 x3 0 0 1 1/10 -2/15 32/5 Cj 12 18 15 0 0 Zj 9 18 15 -21/10 -1/5 768/5 Cj – Zj 3 0 0 21/10 1/5 -
Since, all (C j - Zj)
The current solution (the one given by Phase I itself) is optimal.
Optimal Solution: x 1 = 0, x 2 = 16/5 and x 3 = 32/5
Min Z = 12x 1 + 18x 2 + 15x 3
= 12(0) + 18(16/5) + 15(32/5) = 768/5
[Note: The optimal solution of Phase 1 need not be optimal for the
original problem and phase II will usually need more than one iterations.]
2.5 SUMMARY The Simplex method is an approach to solving linear programming models
by hand. After studying this chapter, students are able to introduce slack
variables, surplus variables and artificial variable to convert the
Page 46
46 Simplex Method, Big M Method And Two Phase Method inequalities into equalities and ab le to get canonical form. Also able to
find optimal solution using tableau and pivot variables (Key Element).
Students are able to used Big M Method and Two Phase Method to find a
best feasible solution by adding artificial variable. In Two Phase method,
the whole procedure of solving a linear programming problem involving
artificial variables is divided into two phases. In phase I, form a new
objective function by assigning zero to every original variable. Then we
try to eliminate artificial variables. The solution at the end of phase I
serves as a basic feasible solution for Phase II. In Phase II the original
objective function is introduced and by using usual method we find an
optimal solution.
1. Operations Research Techniques for Ma nagement – V. K. Kapoor
2. Operations Research – Prem Kumar Gupta and D. S. Hira
3. Quantitative Techniques in Management – Vohra
https://www.cengage .com/resource_uploads/static_resources/0324312652/
8856/chap7.html sses/
54/handouts/LinearProgramming.pdf -m-method --introduction --1123/
2.7 EXERCISE Q.1 Solve by Simplex Method
a) Max Z = 10x 1 + 4x 2
Sub to 20x 1 + 10x 2
40x 1 +10x 2
and x1, x2, x3
0 [Ans: x1 = 20, x 2 = 80, Max Z = 520]
b) Max Z = 25 x + 20 y
Sub to 6 x + 4 y
2 x + 4 y
Page 47
47 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 and x, y
0 [Ans: x = 400, y = 300, Max Z = 16000]
c) Max Z = 3x 1 + 2x 2 + 5x 3
Sub to x 1 + 2x 2 + x 3
3x1 + 2 x 3
x1 + 4 x 3
and x1, x2, x 3
0 [Ans: x 1 = 250, x 2 = 550/8, x 2 = 170/4, Max Z =
d) Max Z = 12x 1 + 15x 2 + 14 x 3
Sub to 6x 1 + 5x 2 + 10 x 3
2x1 + x 2 - x3
3x1 - 3x2 + 6 x 3
and x1, x2, x3
e) Max Z = 10x 1 + 15x 2 + 20 x 3
Sub to 2x 1 + 4x 2 + 6 x 3
3x1 + 9x 2 + 6x 3
and x1, x2, x3
0 [ Ans: x 1 = 6, x 2 = 0, x 3 = 2, Max Z = 100]
Q.2 Solve by Big - M Method
a) Min Z = 2x 1 + 3x 2
Sub to 3x 1 + 5x 2
5x1 + 3x 2
and x1, x2
0 [ Ans: x 1 = 12, x 2 = 0, S 1 = 6, Min Z = 24]
b) Min Z = 25x 1 + 30x 2
Sub to 4x 1 + 3x 2
2x1 + 3x 2
and x1, x2
0 [Ans: x 1 = 12, x 2 = 4, Min Z = 420]
c) Min Z = 12x 1 + 20x 2
Sub to 6x 1 + 8x 2
7x1 + 12x 2
Page 48
48 Simplex Method, Big M Method And Two Phase Method and x1, x2
0 [ Ans: x 1 = 15, x 2 = 5/4, Min Z = 205]
d) Min Z = 10x 1 + 15x 2 + 20x 3
Sub to 2x 1 + 4x 2 + 6x 3
3x1 + 9x 2 + 6x 3
and x1, x2
Q.2 Solve by Two Phase Method.
a) Max Z = 5x 1 - 4x2 + 3 x 3
Sub to 2x 1 + x 2 - 6 x3
6x1 + 5x 2 + 10 x 3
8x1 - 3x2 + 6 x 3
and x1, x2, x3
0 [Ans: x 1 = 55/7, x 2 = 30/7, Max Z = 155/7]
b) Max Z = x 1 + 2x 2 + x 3
Sub to x 1 + x 2 + x3
2x1 - 5x2 + x3
and x1, x2, x3
0 [Ans: x 1 = 45/7, x 2 = 4/7, x 3 =0, Max Z = 53/7]
Self-Learning Topics: Special Cases of LPP
1. Tie between key column: If (C j - Zj) is most positive for two
variables indicating two entering variables are possible then select the
column with largest positive (C j - Zj) from left to right of matrix.
x1 x2 S1 S2 Cj - Zj -10 8 select 8 3
Example: Max Z = 10x 1 + 4x 2 + 6 x 3
Sub to 3x1 + 2x 2 + 6 x 3
2x1 + 3x 2 + 3 x 3
and x1, x2, x3
2. Unbounded Solution: If all (Cj - Zj) is positive indicating that
solution is not optimal but all the ratios are negative (negative or 0)
indicating that no variable is ready to come out. This is the case of
unbounded solution.
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49 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Example: Max Z = 4x 1 + x 2 + 3 x 3 + 5x 4
Sub to 4x1 - 6x2 - 5 x3 - 4x4
-3x1 - 2x2 + 4x 3 + 4x 4
-8x1 - 3x2 + 3x 3 + 2x 4
and x1, x2, x3, x4
3. Infeasible Solution: If artificial variable is in basic variable with non
zero value i.e. artificial variable is the part of the solution. Hence it is
called infeasible solution.
Example: Min Z = x 1 + 2x 2 + x 3
Sub to x1 +
x2 +
x1 + 2x 2 + x 3
and x1, x2, x3
4. Alternate Solution: If (Cj - Zj) = 0 for non basic variable and all other
(Cj - Zj)
0 or negative then it indicates case of alternate solution.
To get alternate solu tion, do one more iter ation by taking key column as
aentering column with (Cj - Zj) = 0 for non -basic variable.
Example: Max Z = 30x 1 + 20x 2
Sub to x1 + 2x 2
3x1 + 2x 2
and x1, x2
Page 50
Unit Structure
3.0 Transportation Problem
3.1. Objective
3.2 Introduction
3.3. Definition of Transportation Problem
3.3.1 Balanced Transportation Problem
3.3.2 Unbalanced Transportation Problem
3.3.2 a-demand Greater than supply
3.3.2 b-Demand less than supply
3.4 Solution of Transportation Problem
3.4.1 Initial Basic feasible solution
3.4.1 a. North West Corner method
3.4.1 b. Least Cost Method
3.4.1 c.Vogel’s Approximation method
3.5 Optimum solution
3.5.1 MODI method
3.6 List of Reference
3.1 OBJECTIVE This chapter would make you understand the following concepts:
● Discuss the concept of transportation problem
● Definition of transportation problem
● Three cases occur in transportation problem
● Method to find initial basic solution with example
● Method to find optimal solution with example
3.2 INTRODUCTION In mathematical science "operation research" acts important role. When
we are perform any operation means perform some action to solve
problem. In this unit we are discus s transportation problem technique. In
transportation problem transport goods from setup sources /origin to set of
destination in such a way that total transportation cost is minimised.
Page 51
51 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Discuss transportation concept with the help of example. Suppose a
manufacturer of soap company has three plants situated at place A,B and
C. Suppose his buyer are located in different region P,Q and R where he
has to supply then the soap(goods).Also assume the demand in the three
region and the production in different plant s per unit time period are
known and the cost out transporting one box to each center is given. The
manufacturer's problem is to determine as to how he should rate this his
product from his plant to the market place so that the total cost involved in
the transportation is minimised. In other word how many soap boxes are
deliver from A to P, Q and R; how many from B to P, Q and R; how many
from C to P,Q and R to achieve 8 and list transportation cost is minimum.
The place where the soap goods originate a re called source or origin and
place where they are supplied are called destination. In the above example
the manufacturer is to decide as how many units to be transported from
different origin to different destinations so the total cost is minimum and
this is the concept of transportation problem.
3.3 DEFINITION OF TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM (HITCH COCK PROBLEM) Transportation problem is linear programming problem. Consider a
transportation problem with m origin n destination with their respective
available c apacity a1, a2, a3….am and respect to demand as b1, b2…. bn.
Mathematically transportation problem may be stated as follows:
Minimise (Total cost) Z=
CijXij Subject to
……………..up to
Page 52
52 Transportation Problem
Demand / Requirement
…………up to
The problem is to transport the goods at minimum cost from source to destination. it is called transportation problem. The transportation problem can be stated as in th e following tabular form :
1 2 3 ………… N Supply 1 C11 C12 C13 C1n a1 X11 X12 X13 …………. X1n 2 C21 C22 C23 C2n a2 X21 X22 X23 ………… X2n 3 C31 C32 C33 C3n a3 X31 X32 X33 ………… X3n Demand b1 b2 b3 ………… bn
According to the tabular form,
ai = Quantity of product available at origin i
bj = Quantity of product available at origin j
Cij = Cost of transportation one unit of th e product from I th origin to j
th destination
Xij = Quan tity transported from i th origin to j th destination.
Then the problem is to determine the transportation operation so is to
minimise the total transportation cost satisfying supply and demand
Transportation problem can be divided into two cate gories.
3.3.1 Balanced Transportation Problem:
In balance transportation problem check sum of availability of constrain
(demand) equal to the sum of requirements (supply) means check
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53 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2
Demand = Supply
Consider a given example with three origin and three destination. P Q R Supply A 3 6 7 90 B 3 5 2 10 C 5 2 5 20 Demand 60 30 30 60+30+30=120 Equal to 90+10+20=120
3.3.2 Unbalanced Transportation Problem:
Unbalanced transportation problem arises due to shortage of raw mate rial,
improper planning, shortage of transport and time scheduling. In
unbalanced transportation problem check sum of availability of constraints
is equal or not equal to sum of it is not equal then either it
can be greater than or less than . In unbalanced transportation have two
3.3.2. a. Demand is grater is greater than supply:
For balancing the unbalanced the problem can be solved by introducing
the dummy source (row) added. The unit transportation cost to dummy
row are assigned t o zero value and perform demand - supply and place the
result to the corresponding dummy destination. Discuss the c oncept with
the help of example: P Q R Supply A 3 6 7 90 B 3 5 2 10 C 5 2 5 20 Demand 50 50 40 50+50+40=140> 90+10+20=120
Page 54
54 Transportation Problem The problem is unbalanced transportation problem.
140 > 120
To convert it into balanced transportation problem include a dummy
source(row). P Q R Supply A 3 6 7 90 B 3 5 2 10 Demand-supply (40-20=20) C 5 2 5 20 D1 0 0 0 20 Demand 50 50 40
After check demand = Supply.
P Q R Supply A 3 6 7 90 B 3 5 2 10 C 5 2 5 20 D1 0 0 0 20 Demand 50 50 40 140=140
Yes, Problem converted to balanced transportation problem.
3.3.2. b. Demand is less than supply :
In demand variation may be occur in real life because of customer of
preference, New product comes in market, product cost etc. Due to this
demand variation our problem is converted into unbalanced problem.
To solve this unbalanced the problem (demand is less than supply) and
destination ( column) with supply. The unit transportation cost for dummy
column are assigned to zero value and for subtract supply from demand
and place the result to corresponding dummy supply. P Q R S Supply A 5 4 2 6 10 B 8 3 5 7 50 C 10 11 3 1 30 D 9 12 6 3 20 Demand 30 40 20 10 100 < 110
Page 55
55 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 The given problem is unbalanced transportation problem.
Demand < Supply
To convert it into balanced transportation problem include a destination
(column). P Q R S S1 Supply A 5 4 2 6 0 10 B 8 3 5 7 0 50 C 10 11 3 1 0 30 D 9 12 6 3 0 20 Demand 30 40 20 10 10
Yes the problem converted to balanced transportation problem.
P Q R S S1 Supply A 5 4 2 6 0 10 B 8 3 5 7 0 50 C 10 11 3 1 0 30 D 9 12 6 3 0 20 Demand 30 40 20 10 10 110=110
Demand> Supply
Add a dummy row with cost zero and supply equal to (demand - supply)
DemandAdd column with cost zero and demand equal to (supply - demand)
3.4 SOLUTION OF TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM The solution of transportation problem can be obtained in two stages: A)
initial solution B) optimal solution.To update initial basic feasible solution
using any one of the three.
A-1) North West Corner Rule
A-2) least cost method/Matrix minima method
A-3) Vogel's approximation method
To obtain optimal soluti on using any one of the following:
B-1) MODI method
B-2) Stepping Stone Method
Page 56
56 Transportation Problem 3.4.1 Initial Feasible Solution:
In previous chapter we have learnt about solve transportation problem
with the help of simplex simplex method is complex to solve problem.
Hindi lesson we will look for an alternate solution to solve transportation
problem. To solve the transportation problem first check total capacity
equal to total requirement that is balanced problem.
The existence of initial feasible solution necessary and sufficient
condition -
1) Rim condition -
2) Number of allocation=m+n -1
(Where m is number of rows and n number of column)
If the above condition is satisfied the solution obtained is a non -
degenerate. When number of positive allocation in initial basic solution
less than m+n -1 the solution is said to be degenerate solution.
Number of allocation< m+n -1……….. degenerate solution
Number of allocation=m+n -1…………non - degenerate solution
The initial feasible solution can be obtained by following three method
1. North West Corner Method
2. Least cost method/ Matrix minima method
3. Vogel's approximation method/ penalty method
3.4.1. a. NCWR method :
Tabular form of transportation problem : 1 2 3 ………….. n Supply 1 C11 C12 C13 C1n a1 X(1,1) X(1,2) X(1,3) ……………. X(1,n) 2 C21 C22 C23 C2n a2 X(2,1) X(2,2) X(2,3) ……………. X(2,n) 3 C31 C32 C33 C3n a3 X(3,1) X(3,2) X(3,3) …………… X(3,n) Demand b1 b2 b3 ………….. bn Consider a transportation method Xij denote th e unit transportation cost
from ith origin to jth destination a1, a2, a3,………,an are respective supply
and b1,b2,b3……bn are respect demand.
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57 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Steps for the methods are:
1. Begin with the upper left hand corner X(1,1) cell of transportation
table and allocat e as many unit as possible equal to minimum between
available capacity/ supply and demand/ requirement.
2. Balance the supply and demand units in the respective rows and
column allocation.
a) If the supply for the first row is pending then move down (↓) to the
first sale in second row and first column 21 and locate minimum (bi -
ai, a2) then go to step to for balance the supply and demand unit.
b) If the demand for the first column is satisfied then moved horizontally
(→) to the next sale in the second column and first row and supplied
the quantity as per step 1 then go to step to for adjust the supply and
4. If for any cell supply equal demand then rim condition will occur in
this case move to next allocation can be made in sale other in the ne xt
row or column.
5. Continue the procedure until the total available quantity is fully
allocated to the same as required hence we have basic feasible
solution with m+n -1 positive allocation.
Question -Obtained initial basic feasible solution for the follo wing problem
using the NCWR method.
w1 w2 w3 w4 supply A 6 7 9 3 70 B 11 5 2 8 55 C 10 12 4 7 90 demand 85 35 50 45
Solution : Above problem is balanced transporta tion problem. Start with
the top cell aw1 and allocate min(85,70)=70 . First allocation 70 done here.
Check b1>a1 we move to cell( B,w1) here we are located min( 55,85 -
70)=15Second allocation satisfies 15. Hence we move horizontally to
(B,w2) we allocate min(55 -15,35)=35Third allocation satisfies 35.
According to step 3 b capacity of B still remains thus we move cell (B,w3)
allocate min(55 -15-35,50)=5
Forth allocation satisfies 5.Requirement of B is over. Move vertically
down to cell(c,w3) allocate min(90, 50-5)=45.Fifth allocation satisfy
45.Finally allocate 45 units.
Page 58
58 Transportation Problem 1 2 3 n Supply 1 6 7 9 3 70 0 70 2 11 35 5 2 8 55 40 5 0 15 5 3 10 12 4 7 90 45 0 35 45 45 Demand 85 0 50 45 15 45 0 0 0 Check positive location m=3,n=4 we have m+n -1=3+4 -1=6 positive
Calculate total cost -70*6+15*11+35*5+5*2+45*4+45*7=1265.
3.4.1. b. Least cost method:
This method consider lowest cost this method give optimum solution then
Step 1 : select the sale with lowest transportation cost among all rows and
column of table.
Step 2 : allocate as many unit as possible to the sale determined in step 1
and eliminate that rom on column either supp ly is exhausted or
demand satisfied.
Step 3 : search the next minimum cost in the table and repeat from step 2 -
repeat above step till all supply and demand are exhausted.
Question : Obtain initial basic sol ution for the following problem w1 w2 w3 w4 supply A 6 7 9 3 70 B 11 5 2 8 55 C 10 12 4 7 90 demand 85 35 50 45
Page 59
59 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Solution :
In given problem minimum cost is to which is unique. We select cell
(B,W3). Allocate min(50,55)=50. Requirement of w3 is satisfied a nd
reduced the capacity 55 by 50 and eliminate the column w3. w1 w2 w3 w4 supply A 6 7 9 3 70 B 11 5 2 8 55 5 50 C 10 12 4 7 90 demand 85 35 50 45 0 Search for next minimum in the remaining table. Next minimum cost is 3.
We select (A,W4) can allocate min(45,70)=45 and reduce the capacity 75
by 45. Eliminate column w4. w1 w2 w3 w4 supply A 6 7 9 3 70 25 45 B 11 5 2 8 55 5 50 C 10 12 4 7 90 demand 85 35 50 45 0 0 Next minimum cost element is 5. Select cell (B,w2) and allocate
min(35,5)=5. Satisfies the requirement of w2 and eliminate the row B.
w1 w2 w3 w4 A 6 7 9 3 70 25 45 B 11 5 2 8 55 5 0 5 50 C 10 12 4 7 90
Page 60
60 Transportation Problem 85 35 50 45 30 0 0 Search next minimum cost element is 6. Sele ct cell (A,w1) allocate
min(85,25)=25 and reduce the capacity 85 by 25. Eliminate row A. w1 w2 w3 w4 A 6 7 9 3 70 25 0 25 45 B 11 5 2 8 55 5 0 5 50 C 10 12 4 7 90 85 35 50 45 60 30 0 0
Next minimum cost is 10 select cell (C,w1) and allocate min(60,90)=60
han reduce the capacity and eliminate column w1. w1 w2 w3 w4 A 6 7 9 3 70 25 0 25 45 B 11 5 2 8 55 5 0 5 50 C 10 12 4 7 90 30 60 85 35 50 45 60 30 0 0 0 Last minimum cost is 12 in the remaining table we select (C, w2) cell.
Allocate cell and satisfy the requirement of w3 warehouse. w1 w2 w3 w4 A 6 7 9 3 70 25 0 25 45 B 11 5 2 8 55 5 0 5 50 C 10 12 4 7 90 30 0 60 30
Page 61
61 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 85 35 50 45 60 30 0 0 0 0
Ther e is exactly 3 + 4 - 1= 6 allocation.
Total cost is: 25*6+45*3+5*5+50*2+60*10+30*12=1370
The cost is less than the cost determine in the solution by NCWR method.
Hence this method very useful and practical oriented.
3.4.1.C. Vogel's approximation method:
This method is also called Penalty method. This method is a pray for the
other two because the initial solution is a much closed to optimal solution.
Steps :
1. Find the difference between smallest cost and next smallest cost in
particular row or column or penalty. Calculate this penalty for each
row and column in the transportation table.
2. Select largest penalty of all transportation table. Hindi rope or column
choose the sale that how the smallest cost and locate the maximum
possible quantity to the cel l.
3. Adjust the row capacity and column requirement by amount a locate
to the cell in step 2.
4. If only one row or one column is left, we directly allocate the demand.
Question -solve the following transportation problem for initial basic
solution using VAM method : w1 w2 w3 w4 supply A 6 7 9 3 70 B 11 5 2 8 55 C 10 12 4 7 90 demand 85 35 50 45
Solution :
Calculate the difference between smallest cost and next s mallest cost i.e
calculate penalty. Penaulty
Page 62
62 Transportation Problem w1 w2 w3 w4 supply A 6 7 9 3 70 0 3 70 B 11 5 2 8 55 20 0 3 3 6← 35 20 C 10 12 4 7 90 60 15 0 3 3 3 3 15 30 45 demand 85 35 50 45 15 0 30 0 0 0 4↑ 2 2 4 1 7
↑ 2 1 1 2 1 1
Select largest penalty of all in above penalty 4 is the largest penalty but it
is not unique. Select any one between them within this column w1 select
smallest cost cell (A,w1) and allocate maximum possible quantity to this
Remove particular row/ column in which supply/demand is exhausted.
Similar way to calculate penalty for remaining table and allocate cost up to
one row and one cost left directly or locate the demand.
Number of allocation=m+n -1
Solution is a non - degenerate.
Total cost is:
Initial solution is nearest to optimal solution.
3.5 OPTIMALITY TEST: (APPROACH TO OPTIMAL SOLUTION) Once, we get the basic f easible solution for a transportation problem, the
next duty is to test whether the solution got is an optimal one or not?
Optimal solution is achieved when there is no other alternative solution
give lower cost.
Page 63
63 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 An optimality test can be applied to the f easible solution only if it satisfies
the following conditions:
(i) It contains exactly m+n -1 allocations where m and n represent the
number of rows and columns, respectively, of the transportation table.
(ii) These allocations are independent.
This can be done by two methods :
(a) By Modified Distribution Method, or MODI method.
(b) By Stepping Stone Method
3.5.1 Modified Distribution Method (MODI) :
In MODI, we can get the opportunity costs of empty cells without writing
the loop. After getting the op portunity cost of all the cells, we have to
select the cell with highest positive opportunity Cost for including it in the
modified solution.
For modified solution the method follows following steps:
1. First find an initial feasible solution using a suit able method.
2. Check optimality conditions for the current basic feasible solution if it
has exactly
(m+n -1) independent allocations, write the cost matrix for only the
allocated cells.
3. Row 1, row 2,…, row i of the cost matrix are assigned with va riables
U1, U2, …, Ui and the
Column 1, column 2,…, column j are assigned with variables V1, V2,
…,Vj respectively.
4. Using this cost matrix, determine the set of m+n numbers 𝑢𝑖(i
=1,2,…,m) and 𝑣𝑗 (j=1,2,..,n) such that for each occupied cell (i, j),
𝐶𝑖𝑗=𝑢𝑖+𝑣𝑗, taking one of 𝑢𝑖 or 𝑣𝑗 as zero.
5. Fill the vacant cells using 𝑢𝑖+𝑣𝑗.
6. Compute all unit cost differences
by subtract ing the values so obtained in Step 5 from the
corresponding values of the original cost matrix.
7. Examine the sign of each Δ 𝑖𝑗
● If all Δ𝑖𝑗>0, for all i, j; then the current basic feasible solution is an
optimal solution.
Page 64
64 Transportation Problem ● (b) If all Δ 𝑖𝑗≥0, for all i, j and at least one Δ 𝑖𝑗 is zero
then the current basic feasible solution is an optimal solution and
multiple basic initial feasible solution exists.
● (c) If some of Δ 𝑖𝑗<0 for some (i, j), the current solution is not optimal.
Then select the cell having the most negative Δ 𝑖𝑗 and tick it.
Question: In initial basic feasible solution is obtained by Matrix
Minimum Method and is shown in table : Distribution Centre D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply Plant P1 19 30 50
7 P2
60 10 P3
18 Requirement 5 8 7 15
Initial basic feasible solution
12 X 7 + 70 X 3 + 40 X 7 + 40 X 2 + 10 X 8 + 20 X 8 = 894.
Calculating u i and v j using u i + v j = cij
Substituting u 1 = 0, we get
u1 + v 4 = c 14 ⇒ 0 + v 4 = 12 or v 4 = 12
u3 + v 4 = c 34 ⇒ u3 + 12 = 20 or u 3 = 8
u3 + v 2 = c 32 ⇒ 8 + v 2 = 10 or v 2 = 2
u3 + v 1 = c 31 ⇒ 8 + v 1 = 40 or v 1 = 32
u2 + v 1 = c 21 ⇒ u2 + 32 = 70 or u 2 = 38
u2 + v 3 = c23 ⇒ 38 + v 3 = 40 or v 3 = 2 Distribution centre D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply ui Plant P1 19 30 50
7 0 P2
60 10 38 P3
18 8 Requirement 5 8 7 15 vj 32 2 2 12
Page 65
65 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Calculating opportunity cost using c ij – ( ui + v j ) Unoccupied cells Opportunity cost (P1, D1) c11 – ( u1 + v1 ) = 19 – (0 + 32) = –13 (P1, D2) c12 – ( u1 + v2 ) = 30 – (0 + 2) = 28 (P1, D3) c13 – ( u1 + v3 ) = 50 – (0 + 2) = 48 (P2, D2) c22 – ( u2 + v2 ) = 30 – (38 + 2) = –10 (P2, D4) c14 – ( u2 + v4 ) = 60 – (38 + 12) = 10 (P3, D3) c33 – ( u3 + v3 ) = 60 – (8 + 2) = 50 Distribution centre D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply ui Plant P1
7 0 P2
10 38 P3
18 8 Requirement 5 8 7 15 vj 32 2 2 12
Now choose the smallest (most) negative value from opportunity cost (i.e.,
–13) and draw a closed path from P1D1. The following table shows the
closed path. Distribution centre D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply ui Plant P1 7 0 P2 10 38 P3 18 8 Requirement 5 8 7 15 vj 32 2 2 12
Choose the smallest value with a negative position on the closed path(i.e.,
2), it indicates the number of units that can be shipped to the entering cell.
Now add this quantity to all the cells on the corner points of the closed
path marked with plus signs and subtract it from those cells marked with
minus signs. In this way, an unoccupied cell becomes an occupied c ell.
Page 66
66 Transportation Problem Now again calculate the values for u i & v j and opportunity cost. The
resulting matrix is shown below Distribution centre D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply ui Plant P1
7 0 P2
10 51 P3
18 8 Requirement 5 8 7 15 vj 19 2 –11 12
Choose the smallest (most) negative value from opportunity cost (i.e., –
23). Now draw a closed path from P2,D2 . Distribution centre D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply ui Plant P1
7 0 P2 10 51 P3 18 8 Requirement 5 8 7 15 vj 19 2 –11 12
Now again calculate the values for u i & v j and opportunity cost Distribution center D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply ui Plant P1
7 0 P2
10 28
Page 67
67 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 P3
18 8 Requirement 5 8 7 15 vj 19 2 12 12
Total cost -19*5+30*3+10*5+40*7+12*2+20*13=799
3.6 LIST OF REFERENCE 1. Hamdy A. Taha, University of Arkansas, “Operations Research: An
Introduction”, Pearson, 9th Edition, ©2011, ISBN -13:
2. Sharma, S.D. and Sharma, H. , “Operations R esearch: Theory,
methods and Applications”,KedarNath Ram Nath, 2010, 15, reprint
3. J. K. Sharma, “Operations Research : Theory And Applications” ,
Macmillan India Limited, 2006 (3 Edition),ISBN 1403931518,
4. S. C. Gupta, “Fundamentals of Statistics” – Himalaya Publishing
House, 2017, 7th edition, ISBN 9350515040, 9789350515044
5. Prem Kumar Gupta & D S Hira, S. Chand publications , “Operations
Research”, 7/e, ISBN -13: 978 -8121902816, ISBN -10:
6. A. Ravindran, Don T. Phillip s, James J. Solberg, “Operations
Research: Principles and Practice”, 2nd Edition, January 1987, ISBN:
978-0-471-08608 -6
7. Frederick S. Hillier, Gerald J. Lieberman, Introduction to Operations
Research, McGraw -Hill, 2001,Edition7, illustrated,ISBN
0071181 636, 9780071181631
8. Jerry Banks, John S. Carson, Barry L. Nelson, Contributor Barry L.
Nelson "Discrete -event System Simulation",Prentice Hall, 1996,
Edition 2, illustrated, ISBN 0132174499, 9780132174497
Web References :
1. Operations Research, Prof.Kusu m Deep, IIT -MADRAS,
2. Introduction to Operations Research, Prof. G. Srinivasan, IIT -
3. Fundamentals of Operations Research, Prof. G. Srinivasan, IIT -
Page 68
68 Transportation Problem 4. Modeling and simulation of discrete event systems,Prof.P. Kumar Jha,
5. Game Theory, Prof. K. S. MallikarjunaRao, IIT -BOMBAY, urses/110/101/110101133/
6. Decision Modelling, Prof. BiswajetMahanty, IIT -KHARGPUR,
7. Karmarkar's Method:
8. Karmarkar's Method :
Page 69
Unit Structure
4.0 Objectives
4.1 Assignment Model
4.2 Hungarian Method for Solving Assignment Problem
4.3 Travelling Salesman Problem
4.4 Summary
4.5 References
4.6 Exercise
4.7 Self Learning Topic
4.0 OBJECTIVES After studyi ng the unit you should be able to:
● Formulate mathematically an assignment problem
● Optimal solution can be obtained by using Hungarian Method
● Special cases of assignment problem viz maximization case, ,
unbalanced assignment problem, restricted assignment p roblem,
alternate optimal solution and travelling salesman problem can be
4.1 ASSIGNMENT MODEL An assignment problem is a type of linear programming problem or you
can say that it is a special case of transportation problem. The objective of
assign ment model is to allocate number of facilities to number of jobs on
one to one basis i.e. one facility can be assigned to only one job, so as to
minimize the costs and maximize the profits of the jobs. One can notice
situation of this kind in many areas li ke assigning salesmen in different
areas for sales, number of taxis to number of customers, assigning teachers
to classes etc.
4.2 MATHEMATICAL REPRESENTATION OF THE ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM The assignment problem can be represented by n × n matrix, where n
facilities are assigned to n jobs. The matrix is called as cost matrix (cij)
where cij is the cost of assigning ith facility to jth job.
Page 70
70 Assignment Model C11 C12 C13……… C1n C21 C22 C23............ C2n …………………………… Cn1 C2n C3n…………Cnn Mathematically, the assignment model can be represented as:
Xij = 1: if ith acility is assigned to jth job
= 0: if ith facility is not assigned to jth job
Minimize Z =
Subject to restrictions (cons traints)
4.2 HUNGARIAN METHOD FOR SOLVING ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM The Hungarian method is an efficient method of solving assignment
problem. The method involves the following steps:
Step 1:
Prepare a cost matrix of the given problem. If the number of rows and
number of columns are equal then matrix will be called as balanced
matrix. If number of rows and number of columns are not equal then
matrix is unbalanced matrix. To convert an unbalanced ma trix to balance
matrix, a dummy row/column is introduced so that matrix becomes
balanced (a square matrix).The cost entries of dummy are always zero.
Step 2:
Row Reduction: Subtract the smallest element of each row from all the
elements of the row. This wi ll result in at least one zero in each row.
Column Reduction: Subtract the smallest element of each column from
all the elements of the column. This will result in at least one zero in each
column. Now each row and column will have at least one zero.
Step 3:
Investigate the rows and columns sequentially, select a row or column
with a single zero element and encircle it (or square it). Mark a X (cross)
in the cells having zero element, lying in the same column or row so that
no further assignments can be don e in that particular column or row.
Page 71
71 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Again select the next row and encircle (or square) the zero element and
mark a X (cross) in the cells having zero element, lying in the same
column or row so that no further assignments can be done in that
particular col umn or row.
Repeat the process for the remaining rows till all the zero’s are assigned in
each row and column. Each row or column must have one encircled (or
square) zero element in it.
Step 4:
If the number of assignments (zero’s circled or squared) are e qual to
number of row/column, that means we have reached an optimal solution.
The total cost of assignment is obtained by adding original cost values
from the original given cost matrix.
If the number of assignments (zero’s circled or squared) are not equa l to
number of row/column that means no optimal solution is obtained. Go to
step 5.
Draw the minimum number of horizontal or vertical straight lines to cover
all the zeroes from the reduced cost matrix (matrix obtained using step 2).
If the number o f straight lines are equal to size of matrix (i.e number of
rows/columns of matrix), the present solution is optimal solution else go to
step 6.
Step 6:
Investigate the uncovered elements of the matrix (elements not covered by
any lines), find the smallest element from uncovered elements. Hence
subtract all the uncovered elements from this smallest uncovered element
and further add the smallest uncovered element to the elements at the
intersection point of two lines. Covered elements will remain unaffected,
no change in their values.
Step 7:
Perform the step 3 and repeat the entire process until optimal solution is
Problem 1:
Solve the following assignment problem using Hungarian Method. The
given cost matrix represents the combination of 4 differ ent jobs on 4
different machines.
Page 72
72 Assignment Model
Since the number of rows and columns are equal we can say that problem
is balanced type.
Step 1:
Choose the minimum element in each row and subtract it from every
element of that row. In this case, 20, 10, 22 a nd 16 are minimum element
from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th row respectively. In this way we get row reduced
Step 2:
Choose the minimum element in each column and subtract it from every
element of that column. In this case, 0, 4, 4 and 0 are minimum el ement
from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th column respectively. In this way we get column
reduced matrix.
Step 3:
Page 73
73 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Starting with the first row (Machine 1) in table A.5, we examine each
rows until we found a row with single zero (Machine 4). We make an
assignment by encircling that cell. Then we cross other zeroes in that
particular column and row to eliminate the possibility of making further
assignments in that column and row. We repeat the process for other rows
till all the rows have exactly one encircled zero (and columns also). If all
the rows (and columns also) contains exactly one encircled zero or in other
words total number of assignments are equal to size of matrix, we can say
that we have reached an optimal solution.
From table A.5 it is evident that tot al number of assignments (encircled
zeroes) are 4 and size of matrix is also 4, hence we have obtained an
optimal solution.
The pattern of assignments for the combination of machine and jobs are as
The optimal cost is Rs 76.
Problem 2: Solve the following assignment problem using the Hungarian
method. The cost matrix in the table B.1 represents the combination of
employees and their job status.
Solution: The matrix consist of 5 rows (1,2,3,4,5) and 5 columns
(A,B,C,D,E), since the number of row s and columns are equal, we can say
that matrix is balanced and of minimization (as cost is given) type.
Step 1:
Choose the minimum element in each row and subtract it from every
element of that row. In this case, 10, 14, 8, 6 and 8 are minimum element
from 1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th and 5th row respectively. In this way we get row
reduced matrix.
Page 74
74 Assignment Model
Step 2:
Choose the minimum element in each column and subtract it from every
element of that column. In this case, 0, 0, 0,2 and 4 are minimum element
from 1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th and 5th column respectively. In this way we get
column reduced matrix.
Step 3:
Starting with the first row (Employees 1) in table B.3, we examine each
rows until we found a row with single zero (Employees 1). We make an
assignment by encircling that cell. Then we cross other zeroes in that
particular column and row to eliminate the possibility of making further
assignments in that column and row. We repeat the process for other rows
till all the rows have exactly one encircled zero (and columns also) . If all
the rows (and columns also) contains exactly one encircled zero or in other
words total number of assignments are equal to size of matrix, we can say
that we have reached an optimal solution.
From table B.4 it is evident that total number of assig nments (encircled
zeroes) are 4 and size of matrix is 5. The 3rd row (Employees 3) does not
have a single assignment (encircled zero), hence we have not obtained an
optimal solution.
The pattern of assignments for the combination of employees and jobs are
as follows:
Page 75
75 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2
Step 4:
Consider Table B.4 and draw minimum number of lines to cover all the
zeroes. We can draw vertical or horizontal lines to cover all the zeroes. To
get minimum number of lines we start with row/column which has
maximum zeroes. Hence we draw 1st horizontal line in the 4th or 5th row as
both the rows has two zeroes. So first horizontal line is drawn on 4th row
and then on 5th row. Now column C consist of two zeroes, to cover these
zeroes we draw a vertical line to cover the zeroes. Then co lumn B consist
of two zeroes out of which one zero ( employees 4 and job B) has
already been covered, so only remaining zero is 1st row (employees 1 and
job B), so we can draw either vertical or horizontal line. Drawing either of
the lines (vertical o r horizontal) will not affect the final outcome. Here we
are drawing a vertical line (employees 1 and job B).After drawing the
lines we will get the following matrix i.e. Table B.5
Identify the smallest value which is not covered by any line (minimum
uncovered value).From table B.5,it is evident that minimum uncovered
value is 2, this value will be subtracted from all the uncovered values and
will be added to the values at the point of intersection (where the two
lines are intersecting) and the remain ing values (covered values) will
remain the same . The resultant matrix is shown in the table B.6.
Page 76
76 Assignment Model Step 6:
Examine all the rows one by one and find the row which have a single
zero. The 1st row and 4th row have a single zero so we will encircle it and
cross other zeroes in that particular column to eliminate the possibility of
making further assignments in that column .Now 2nd row has a single zero
to be encircled (row -Employee -2, column -Job-C) as another zero (lying on
row-Employee -2, column -Job-E) can not be considered because it has been
crossed. We will examine the 3rd row and 5th row in a same way and
encircle the zeroes. Make sure each row consist of only one encircled
zeroes which indicates that all the columns will have single encircled
From Table B.7, number of assignments are 5 and size of matrix is also 5,
hence we can say we have reached an optimal solution. The assignment
schedule is given in Table B.8
The optimal cost is Rs 60.
Problem 3: Solve the following assignment problem usi ng the Hungarian
method. Three jobs A, B and C are to be assigned to the machines. The
processing cost of each job – machine combination matrix is given in the
table C.1
Page 77
77 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Solution: The matrix consist of 3 rows (1, 2, 3) and 4 columns (I, II, III,
IV), sin ce the number of rows and columns are not equal, we can say that
matrix is not balanced and of minimization (as cost is given) type. To
apply Hungarian Method the matrix should be of balanced type, so we will
introduce dummy row (as one row is less than th e number of columns)
under the name Dummy where all the entries will be zeroes. Refer Table
C.2 now the number of rows including dummy are 4 and number of
columns are also 4. Hence the matrix is balanced and of minimization type
(cost is given). We can now apply Hungarian Method.
Step 1:
Choose the minimum element in each row and subtract it from every
element of that row. In this case, 6, 1, 2 and 0 are minimum element from
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th row respectively. In this way we get row reduced
Step 2:
Choose the minimum element in each column and subtract it from every
element of that column. In this case, 0, 0, 0 and 0 are minimum element
from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th column respectively. In this way we get column
reduced matrix.
Step 3:
Startin g with the first row (Job A) in table C.4, we examine each rows
until we found a row with single zero (Job A). In this case 1st has single
zero and we encircle it and marking cross on all other zeroes lying in the
Page 78
78 Assignment Model first column. Now 2nd and 3rd row does not have zero to get encircled but
4th row has choice of three zeroes. We can select any zero out of the three
zeroes and encircled it. We make an assignment by encircling that cell.
Then we cross other zeroes in that particular column and row to eliminate
the possibility of making further assignments in that column and row.
From table C.5 it is evident that total number of assignments (encircled
zeroes) are 2 and size of matrix is 4. The 2nd and 3rd row (Job 2 and Job 3)
does not have a single assignment (en circled zero), hence we have not
obtained an optimal solution.
The pattern of assignments for the combination of jobs and machines are
as follows:
Consider Table C.6 and draw minimum number of lines to cover all the
zeroes. We can draw vertical or horiz ontal lines to cover all the zeroes. To
get minimum number of lines we start with row/column which has
maximum zeroes. Hence we draw 1st horizontal line in the Dummy row as
it has four zeroes. So first horizontal line is drawn on Dummy row and
then 1st column consist of four zeroes, to cover these zeroes we draw a
vertical line to cover the zeroes. After drawing the lines we will get the
following matrix i.e. Table C.6.
Identify the smallest value which is not covered by any line (minimum
uncovered value) .From table C.6,it is evident that minimum uncovered
value is 2, this value will be subtracted from all the uncovered values and
will be added to the values at the point of intersection (where the two
lines are intersecting) and the remaining values (cove red values) will
remain the same. The resultant matrix is shown in the table C.7
Page 79
79 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 .
Step 4:
Now we can do the assignments. Starting with the first row (Job A) in
table C.8, we examine each rows until we found a row with single zero
(Job A). In this case 1st row has single zero and we encircle it and marking
cross on all other zeroes lying in the first column. Now 2nd row has single
zero to be encircled and 3rd row does not have zero to get encircled but 4th
row has choice of two zeroes. We can select any z ero out of the two zeroes
and encircled it. We make an assignment by encircling that cell. Then we
cross other zeroes in that particular column and row to eliminate the
possibility of making further assignments in that column and row.
The number of assi gnments are 3 and size of matrix is 4, hence optimal
solution is not obtained.
Step 5:
Consider Table C.8 and draw minimum number of lines to cover all the
zeroes. We can draw vertical or horizontal lines to cover all the zeroes.
We draw 1st horizontal li ne in the Dummy row as it has three zeroes. So
first horizontal line is drawn on Dummy row and then 1st column consist
of three zeroes and 2nd column consist of two zeroes, and to cover these
zeroes we draw a vertical lines After drawing the lines we wil l get the
following matrix i.e. Table C.9
Step 6:
Identify the smallest value which is not covered by any line (minimum
uncovered value).From table C.9,it is evident that minimum uncovered
value is 2, this value will be subtracted from all the uncovered values and
Page 80
80 Assignment Model will be added to the values at the point of intersection (where the two
lines are intersecting) and the remaining values (covered values) will
remain the same. The resultant matrix is shown in the table C.10
Step 7:
Now we can do the assign ments. Starting with the first row (Job A) in
table C.11, we examine each rows until we found a row with single zero
(Job A). In this case 1st row has single zero and we encircle it and marking
cross on all other zeroes lying in the first column. Now 2nd row has two’s
zero out of which one is to be encircled, so we choose zero lying on 2nd
row and 2nd column (Job -B and Machine –II) and marking cross on the
zeroes lying in the 2nd column. 3rd row have single zero lying on 3rd row
and 3rd column (Job -C and M achine –III) to get encircled and 4th row has
also single zero lying on 4th row and 4th column (Job -Dummy and
Machine –IV) to get encircled. After, we obtained the resultant matrix i.e.
Table C.11
Number of assignments are 4 and the size of matrix i s also 4, we can say
that optimal solution is obtained.
The optimal cost is Rs 15
Problem 4: A sales manager has to assign 4 salesman to four territories.
The following table shows the annual profit (in Rs lakh) that has to be
Page 81
81 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 generated by each salesman in each territory. Find optimum assignment of
salesman and territory to maximize the profit.
Solution: The matrix consist of 4 rows (A, B, C.D) and 4 columns (T1,
T2, T3, T4), since the number of rows and columns are equal, we can say
that matrix is bala nced and of maximization type (as profit is given) type.
To apply Hungarian Method the matrix should be of minimization type, so
we will create a regret matrix by selecting the maximum value from the
entire matrix i.e. 80 and subtracting each value by 80. The matrix so
obtained will be consider as Regret Matrix. We can now apply Hungarian
Method to the matrix given in Table D.2
Step 1:
Prepare a Row Reduced matrix by selecting a minimum element from
each row of regret matrix and subtracting it from each e lement of that row.
The minimum elements from each row are 6,0,10 and 16. The following
matrix will be obtained (Table D.3).
Step 2:
Prepare a Column Reduced matrix by selecting a minimum element from
each column of Row Reduced matrix (Table D.3) and sub tracting it from
each element of that column. The minimum elements from each column
are 0, 0, 6 and 0. The following matrix will be obtained (Table D.4).
Page 82
82 Assignment Model
Step 3:
Now we can do the assignments. Starting with the first row (Salesman A)
in table D.4, In th is case 1st row has single zero and we encircle it and
marking cross on all other zeroes lying in the fourth column. 3rd row have
single zero lying on 3rd row and 1st column (Salesman -C and Territory -
T1) to get encircled and 4th row has also single zer o lying on 4th row and
2nd column (Salesman –D and Territory -T2) to get encircled. After, we
obtained the resultant matrix i.e. Table D.5
The number of assignments are 3 and size of matrix is 4, hence optimal
solution is not obtained.
Step 5:
Draw m inimum number of lines to cover all the zeroes.
Step 6:
Select the minimum uncovered element from Table D.6 and subtract from
other uncovered elements and minimum uncovered element to the
elements where the two lines are intersecting. In this case minimu m
uncovered element is 4. The following matrix (Table D.7) will be
Page 83
83 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 T1T2T3T4A01680B208120C02208D160812Table D.7 TerritoryAsignment MatrixSalesman
Step 7:
Now we can do the assignments. Starting with the first row (Salesman A)
in table D.8, In this case 1st row has single zero and we encircle it and
marking cross on all other zeroes lying in the first column. 2nd row has
single zero to be encircled, 3rd row and 4th row have single zeroes to be
encircled.. After, we obtained the resultant matrix i.e. Table D.8
The number of assignments are 4 and size of matrix is 4, hen ce optimal
solution is obtained.
Step 8:
The assignment schedule is given in Table D.
The optimal profit is Rs 278.
Problem 5: A manager wants to assign four jobs to four operators and
from his experience he knows that two operators are inefficient to d o two
specific jobs. This is indicated by ‘ - ‘in the cost matrix. Determine the
optimal assignment from the following matrix which gives cost (in
hundred rupees) for employing operators on different jobs.
Page 84
84 Assignment Model
Solution: The matrix consist of 4 rows (I, II, II I, IV) and 4 columns (A, B,
C, D), since the number of rows and columns are equal, we can say that
matrix is balanced and of minimization type (as cost is given).Since
operator II cannot perform Job A and operator III cannot perform Job B,
hence it is a pr ohibited or restricted problem. Cost of prohibited or
restricted problem is taken as ‘M’ which indicates infinity. The value ‘M’
will remain as it is throughout the solution. No assignments or no change
in values can happen to value ‘M’. The matrix so obta ined given in Table
Step 1:
Prepare a Row Reduced matrix by selecting a minimum element from
each row of given matrix and subtracting it from each element of that row.
The minimum elements from each row are 8,12,6 and 4. The following
matrix will be obtained (Table E.3).
Step 2:
Prepare a Column Reduced matrix by selecting a minimum element from
each column of Row Reduced matrix (Table E.3) and subtracting it from
each element of that column. The minimum elements from each column
are 0, 6, 2 and 0 . The following matrix will be obtained (Table E.4).
Page 85
85 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2
Step 3:
Now we can do the assignments. Starting with the forth row as it has only
single zero and we encircle it and marking cross on all other zeroes lying
in the 4th column , 3rd row has single zer o to be encircled, 1st row and 2nd
rows have zeroes to be encircled.. After, we obtained the resultant matrix
i.e. Table E.5
Step 4:
The assignment schedule is given in the following Table E.6.
The optimal profit is Rs 36.
Problem 6: A sales manager has to assign salesman to three territories. He
has four salesman of varying candidates. The manager assesses the
possible profit for each salesman in each territory as given below:
Page 86
86 Assignment Model Solution: The matrix consist of 4 rows (S1, S2, S3, S4) and 3 columns
(T1, T2, T3), since the number of rows and columns are not equal, we can
say that matrix is unbalanced and of maximization type (as profit is given)
Step 1:
To apply Hungarian Method the matrix should be balanced and of
minimization type, so we have t o add dummy column with all entries as
zeroes (Table F.2) and further have to create a regret matrix by selecting
the maximum value from the matrix (Table F.3) i.e. 220 and subtracting
each value by 220. The matrix so obtained will be consider as Regret
Matrix. We can now apply Hungarian Method to the matrix
Step 2:
Prepare a Row Reduced matrix by selecting a minimum element from
each row of given matrix and subtracting it from each element of that row.
The minimum elements from each row are 40, 30, 56 , and 0. The
following matrix will be obtained (Table F.4).
Step 3:
Prepare a Column Reduced matrix by selecting a minimum element from
each column of Row Reduced matrix (Table F.4) and subtracting it from
each element of that column. The minimum element s from each column
are 24, 20, 0, and 164. The following matrix will be obtained (Table F.5).
Page 87
87 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 T1T2T3DummyS13626016S264026S30000S42610056Table F.5 TerritoryColumn Reduced MatrixSalesman
Step 4:
Now we can do the assignments. Starting with the first row (Salesman S1)
in table F.6, In this case 1st row has single zero and we encircle it and
mark ing cross on all other zeroes lying in the 3rd column. 3rd row has
single zero to be encircled, 2nd row and 4th row have no zeroes to be
encircled.. After, we obtained the resultant matrix i.e. Table F.6
The number of assignments are 2 and size of matrix is 4, hence no
optimum solution is obtained.
Step 5:
Draw minimum number of lines to cover all the zeroes.
Step 6:
Select the minimum uncovered element from Table F.7 and subtract from
other uncovered elements and minimum uncovered element to the
elemen ts where the two lines are intersecting. In this case minimum
uncovered element is 4. The following matrix (Table F.8) will be
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88 Assignment Model
Step 7:
Now we can do the assignments. Starting with the first row (Salesman S1)
in table F.9, In this case 1st row h as single zero and we encircle it and
marking cross on all other zeroes lying in the 3rd column. 2nd row and 3rd
row has single zero to be encircled, and 4th row have no zeroes to be
encircled. After, we obtained the resultant matrix i.e. Table F.9
Numbe r of assignments are 3 and size of matrix is 4 hence optimal
solution is not obtained
Step 8:
Draw minimum number of lines to cover all the zeroes.
Select the minimum uncovered element from Table F.10 and subtract from
other uncovered elements and add mi nimum uncovered element to the
elements where the two lines are intersecting. In this case minimum
uncovered element is 6. The following matrix (Table F.11) will be
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89 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Step 9:
Now we can do assignments on zeroes of each row. Every row must
conta in only one encircled zero.
Number of assignments are 4 and size of matrix is 4 hence we reached an
optimal solution.
Step 10:
The assignment schedule is given in the table F.13
The optimal profit is Rs 694.
Problem 7: The following matrix gives infor mation about the cost of
performing jobs on different machines. Find the optimum assignment.
The matrix consist of 4 rows (1, 2, 3, 4) and 5 columns (A, B, C, D, E)
since the number of rows and columns are not equal, we can say that
matrix is not balance d and of minimization (as cost is given) type. To
apply Hungarian Method the matrix should be of balanced type, so we will
introduce dummy row (as one row is less than the number of columns)
under the name Dummy where all the entries will be zeroes. Refer Table
G.2 now the number of rows including dummy are 5 and number of
columns are also 5. Hence the matrix is balanced and of minimization type
(cost is given). We can now apply Hungarian Method.
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90 Assignment Model
Step 1:
Choose the minimum element in each row and subtract it from every
element of that row. In this case, 12, 18, 22, 13 and 0 are minimum
element from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th row respectively. In this way we get
row reduced matrix.
Step 2:
Choose the minimum element in each column and subtract it from eve ry
element of that column. In this case, 0, 0, 0 and 0 are minimum element
from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th column respectively. In this way we get column
reduced matrix.
From table G.5 it is evident that total number of assignments (encircled
zeroes) are 3 an d size of matrix is 5. The 3rd and 4th row (Job 3 and Job 4)
does not have a single assignment (encircled zero), hence we have not
obtained an optimal solution.
The pattern of assignments for the combination of jobs and machines are
as follows:
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91 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2
Step 3:
Consider Table G.6 and draw minimum number of lines to cover all the
zeroes. We can draw vertical or horizontal lines to cover all the zeroes.
Identify the smallest value which is not covered by any line (minimum
uncovered value).From table G.6,it is evi dent that minimum uncovered
value is 2, this value will be subtracted from all the uncovered values and
will be added to the values at the point of intersection (where the two
lines are intersecting) and the remaining values (covered values) will
remain t he same. The resultant matrix is shown in the table G.7 ABCDE1052652230103010M3487650Dummy20002Table G.7 MachinesJobs
Step 4:
Now we can do the assignments. Starting with the first row (Job 1) in table
G.8, we examine each rows until we found a row with single zero (Job 1).
In this case 1st row has single zero and we encircle it and marking cross on
all other zeroes lying in the first column. Now 2nd row and 3rd row has
single zero to be encircled but 4th row does not have zero to get encircled.
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92 Assignment Model
The number of assignments are 4 and size of matrix is 5, hence solut ion is
not optimal.
Step 8:
Draw minimum number of lines to cover all the zeroes.
Identify the smallest value which is not covered by any line (minimum
uncovered value).From table G.9, it is evident that minimum uncovered
value is 1, this value will be s ubtracted from all the uncovered values and
will be added to the values at the point of intersection (where the two lines
are intersecting) and the remaining values (covered values) will remain the
same. The resultant matrix is shown in the table G.10 ABCDE1042552220003000M3486640Dummy30103JobsTable G.10 Machines
Step 9:
Now we can do assignments on zeroes of each row. Every row must
contain only one encircled zero.
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93 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 ABCDE1042552220003000M3486640Dummy30103Table G.11 MachinesAssignment MatrixJobs
Number of assignments are 5 and size of matrix is 5 hence we reached an
optimal solution.
Step 10:
The assignment schedule is given in the table G.12 TerritoryCostJobs 1A122C213B254E13DummyD0Total71Table G.12Assignment Schedule
The optimal cost is Rs 71 .
Problem 8: Solve the following assignment problem using the Hungarian
method. The cost matrix in the table F.1 represents the combination of
worker and the time taken to finish their respective jobs.
The matrix consist of 4 rows (W1, W2, W3, W4) and 4 columns (T1, T2,
T3, T4), since the number of rows and columns are equal, we can say that
matrix is balanced and of minimization (as cost is given) type.
Step 1:
Choose the minimum element in each row and subtract it from every
element of that row. In this case20, 10, 40 and 20 are minimum element
from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th row respectively. In this way we get row reduced
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94 Assignment Model
Step 2:
Prepare a Column Reduced matrix by selecting a minimum element from
each column of Row Redu ced matrix (Table F.4) and subtracting it from
each element of that column. The minimum elements from each column
are 24, 20, 0, and 164. The following matrix will be obtained (Table F.3)
Step 3:
Now we can do the assignments. Starting with the first row (Job 1) in table
F.4, we examine each rows until we found a row with single zero (W1). In
this case 1st row has single zero and we encircle it and marking cross on
all other zeroes lying in the 3rd column. Now 2nd row has choice of two
zeroes, we are sele cting zero from 1st column (T1), 3rd row and 4th row has
single zero to be encircled. The assignment matrix is given in Table F.4
1st row has single zero and we encircle it and marking cross on all other
zeroes lying in the 3rd column. Now 2nd row has choice of two zeroes, we
are selecting zero from 4th column (T4), 3rd row and 4th row has single
zero to be encircled. The assignment matrix is given in Table F.4 (B)
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95 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2
Step 4:
The assignment schedule for Table F.4 (A) is:
The optimal cost is Rs 110 .
The assignment schedule for Table F.4 (B) is:
The optimal cost is Rs 110.
4.3 TRAVELLING SALESMAN PROBLEM Travelling Salesman Problem is a special case of assignment problem with
certain restrictions .Consider a salesman who is assigned a job of vis iting
n different cities. He knows the distance between all pairs of cities. He is
allowed to visit each of the cities only once. The travel should be
continuous and he should be come back to the city from where he started
using the shortest route. These r estrictions imply that no assignment
should be made along the diagonal and no city should be travelled more
than once.
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96 Assignment Model
Solution: The matrix consist of 5 rows (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and 5 columns (1, 2,
3, 4, 5), since the number of rows and columns are equal, we can say that
matrix is balanced and of minimization type (as cost is given).Since
salesman 1 cannot travel to city 1 and salesman 2 cannot travel to city 2,
salesman 3cannot travel to city 3, salesman 4 cannot travel to city 4 and
salesman 5 cannot trav el to city 5, so we assigning value ‘M’ which. No
assignments or no change in values can happen to value ‘M’. The matrix
so obtained given in Table H.2
Step 1:
Prepare a Row Reduced matrix by selecting a minimum element from
each row of given matrix an d subtracting it from each element of that row.
The following matrix will be obtained (Table H.3).
Step 2:
Prepare a Column Reduced matrix by selecting a minimum element from
each column of Row Reduced matrix (Table H.3) and subtracting it from
each elem ent of that column.
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97 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2
Step 3:
Now we can do the assignments. Starting with the first row we obtained
the resultant matrix i.e. Table H.5
The number of assignments are 3 and size of matrix is 4, hence optimal
solution is not obtained.
Step 4:
Draw minimu m number of lines to cover all the zeroes.
Step 5:
Select the minimum uncovered element from Table H.6 and subtract from
other uncovered elements and minimum uncovered element to the
elements where the two lines are intersecting. In this case minimum
uncovered element is 10. The following matrix (Table H.7) will be
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98 Assignment Model
The assignment is 1 →3, 2 → 4, 3→ 5, 4→ 2, 5→ 1. The route is not
continuous it has two sub routes 2→4→2 and 1→3→5→1. The total
distance travelled is 50+50= 100 and 60+70 +40 = 170 i.e. is 100+170 =
270 Kms.
We resolve the problem by considering the first sub route 2 →4→2 by
making 2→4 not then 4→2 not possible by assigning large value M to
these routes. The new matrix is obtained
The number of assignments are 3 and size of matrix is 4, hence optimal
solution is not obtained.
Step 6:
Draw minimum number of lines to cover all the zeroes.
Select the minimum uncovered element from Table H.9 and subtract from
other uncovered elements and minimum uncovered element to the
elements where the two lines are intersecting. In this case minimum
uncovered element is 20. The following ma trix (Table H.10) will be
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99 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 Step 5:
The optimum assignment is
1 →3, 2→5, 3→4, 4→2, 5→1 i.e. 1→3→4→2→5→1
The total distance is 60+90+50+40 = 300Kms
Step 6 :
Consider 4 →2 is not possible by putting a large value M at (4, 2)
Prepare row reduced matrix.
Prepare column reduced matrix.
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100 Assignment Model
The optimum assignment is
1 →5, 2→4, 3→1, 4→3, 5→2 i.e. 1→5→2→4→3→1
The total distance is 40 + 60 + 50 + 90 + 60 = 300Kms.
1→3→4→2→5→1 or 1→5→2→4→3→1 are feasible routes which gives
the same distance travelled (300Kms). The salesman can choose either of
the two routes.
4.5 SUMMARY Assignment problem is a special case of transportation problem where
resources are allocated to equal number of activities to minimize the cost
or maximize the profit. A special method called Hungarian Method is used
to solve assignment problem. Hungarian Met hod is applied on a balanced
matrix i.e. number of resources and number of activities should be same.
If matrix is unbalanced, by introducing dummy row/column, a matrix can
be made balanced. Another type of assignment problem is Maximization
Problem (Profi t/Revenue etc.) has to convert into minimization case by
creating regret matrix. In Prohibited case, no reduction or assignment can
be done in restricted cells.
4.5 REFERENCES • Kapoor, V.K. and Kapoor, S. 2001. Operations Research Techniques
for Management. Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
• Sharma , S.D. 1999. Operations Research. Kedar Nath Ram Nath &
Co., Mereut.
• Swarup, K., Gupta, P.K. and Mohan, M. 1989. Operations Research.
Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
• Taha, H.A. 2005. Operations Research: An Intro duction. Prentice Hall
of India Private Limited, New Delhi.
• Wagner, H.M. 1982. Principles of Operations Research, with
Applications to Management Decisions. Prentice Hall of India, New
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101 Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science 2 4.6 EXERCISE Problem 1: Solve the following assignment problem to obtain optimal
Problem 2: Solve the following assignment problem to obtain optimal
solution. Table B.1 Jobs (Costs in Rs) A B C D Employees 1 30 32 33 42 2 33 39 34 45 3 40 29 37 38 4 29 37 30 33
Problem 3: Solve the following assignment problem to obtain optimal
Problem 4: Solve the following assignment problem to obtain optimal
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102 Assignment Model Problem 5: Solve the following assignment problem to obtain optimal
4.7 SELF -LEARNING TOPIC Applications of Assignment Problem in Daily Life :
It involves assignment of people to projects, jobs to machines, workers to
jobs and teachers to classes etc, while minimizing the total assignment
costs. One of the important characteristics of assignment pr oblem is that
only one job (or worker) is assigned to one machine (or project). An
assignment problem is a special type of linear programming problem
where the objective is to minimize the costs or time of completing a
number of jobs by a number of persons .
Though assignment problems finds applicability in various diverse
business situations, like assigning machines to factory orders, in assigning
sales/marketing people to sales territories. In assigning contracts to bidders
to systematic bid evaluation. In assigning teachers to classes, accountants
to accounts of the clients.
Page 103
Unit structure
5.0 Objective
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Essential features of Game theory
5.3 Operating characteristics of Game theory
5.4 Classification of Game theory
5.5 Summary
5.6 References
5.7 Exercise
5.0 OBJECTIVE After going throu gh this chapter, students will able to:
● Understand the situation of conflict.
● Estimate the probabilities of earning profits by reducing the
probabilities of losses.
● Examine and solve the game theory problems using Maximin -
Minimax and dominance principle.
● Understand the key elements and underlying mathematical concepts
of game theory.
● Understand strengths and weaknesses of game theory.
5.1 INTRODUCTION John Von Newman and Oscar Morgenstern developed the concept of
Game Theory in 1928. A game is a conflicti ng situation where two or
more than two players are involved. Game theory is a branch of Applied
Mathematics which provides devices to examine the situations where
players make decisions that are independent. The approach of game theory
to analyze the oppo nent’s best counter strategy to the one’s own best
strategy and to formulate the appropriate defensive measures. Game
theory deals with competitive situations of decision making under
uncertainty. A solution to game describes the optimal decisions of the
players, who may have similar, mixed or contrasts interest, and the
outcomes that may result from these decisions. The games can be
classified as two person and n person game, zero sum and non - zero sum
game, constant sum game, co -operative and non -cooperat ive games, pure
Page 104
104 Game Theory strategy and mixed strategy games etc. Any game in which the gains of the
winners are equal the losses of losers is called a zero sum game. A game
in which there is a difference between the gains and losses is called a non -
zero sum game.
5.2 ESSENTIAL FEATURES OF GAME THEORY 1) There are finite number of competitors or players say ‘n’ with
conflicting interest.
2) Every player has a finite number of alternative choices or strategies
available to them.
3) Before the game begins, each player knows the strategies available to
himself/herself and the ones available to his/her opponents.
4) To each play there corresponds particular outcome called pay off
which determines a set of gains to each player. Loss is considered as
negative gain.
5) Each player attempts to maximize gains or minimizes losses.
5.3 OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS OF GAME THEORY 1) Players: A set of competitors or decision makers or opponent are
termed as players. Any game involves two or more than two players
in a game. A game having two players con testing or playing any game
against each other is termed as” two person sum game” and if in a
game more than two contestants are playing that game is termed as n
– person sum game.
2) Strategies: Strategy in game theory refers to a situation where a
player ha s predetermined set of rules or finite number of alternatives
or course of action available to him. There are two types of strategies :