PG Human Rights change marks2_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

PG Human Rights change marks2_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Studies in Politics which was held
on Friday, 3rd March, 2017 at 12.00 noon in the University Building, Fort
Campus, Mumbai -400 032. The following members were present: -

Dr. Sudha Mohan (Chairperson)
Dr. Avinash Oak
Mr. Tanaji J. Pol

PG Diploma in Human Rights.

* To change the minimum marks from 50 to 40 Marks in each
* If any student fails in any paper, he/she must reappear only in that
paper and not all subject.

It was resolved that it be recommended to the Academic
Council that BOS member agreed to change the minimum marks from
50 to 40 Marks in each subject. If any student fails in any paper, he/she
must reappear only in that paper and not all subject and that the same be
Brought into force with the from academic year 2017 -18.