Ph D Course work Library Information Science_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Ph D Course work Library Information Science_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC 24- 06-2016
Item No. 4.27

UNIversI ty of m Umb AI
DepA rtme Nt of l IbrAry& INform AtIoN
syllAbUs for
ph.D CoUrse Work IN lIbrAry AND INform AtIoN
(To be Introduced of Choice Based Credit System with effect
from the Academic year 2016-17)

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Syllabus for Ph.DCourse Work in Library & Information Science .

General Information
Department of Library & Information Science, University of Mumbai initiated Ph.Dp rogramme in the year 1995. As per the UGC norms, students enrolling for Ph. D in
the department are required to complete Ph.D course work. The course work was introduced in the Department with effect from the Academic Year 2015 – 16. Details
relating to the course are as under
Course Outline
1. The programme w ill consist of three compo nents which are structured to provide
exposure to the Ph.D students on different aspects of research.
2. The programme consist of 18 credits, with 6 credits for each component including
internal assessment.
3. The Course will be conducted at University Departme nt of Library and
Informatio n Science, University of Mumbai, Kalina Campus, Vidyanagari,
Mumbai – 400 098.
4. Durat ion of the course work will be 6 to 12 months with English as a medium of
5. Examinations will be conducted after completion of coursework.
6. Attendance for the entire programme is compulsory and as per University regulations, it is mandatory that students maintain 75% attendance during the
entire course.
A candidate of Mumbai University or any other University seeking admission to the
Ph.DProgramme and Course Work shall apply to the Registrar of this University for a Certificate of Eligibility. The Registrar may issue a provisional Certificate of Eligibility if

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he is satisfied that the applicant is prima facie eligible for admission to this University.
Such Provisional certificate shall enable the candidate to get admission to the c ourse at
his own risk, on the condition that he obtain a final certificate of Eligibility before the close of the academic term in which the student is provisionally admitted to the University. Application forms of candidates from other University will not be accepted, if they are not accompanied by Provisional Certificate of Eligibil ity. Similarly a Transfer
Certificate will h ave to produced by the candidate wherever necessary.
If the candidate fails to obtain the final certificate of eligibility and Migration (and/or Transfer certificate as the case may be), before the close of the academic term in which he is provisionally admitted to the University, his admission to the course and his
attendance at lectures during the term are liable to be cancelled.

Particulars of the Course
Component I
a) Research Methodology ( 4 Credit 60 Marks)
This includes quantitative, qualitative methods of research, use of Information and
communication technology in research, wherever applicable. The scholar will be required to appear for a written test.
1. Research : General Meaning, Need, Purpose , Scientific Methods, Components
of Scientific Methods, Spiral of Scientific Method, Research Ethics, Types of
Research , Pure (Fundamental), Applied and Action

2. An overv iew of Research Methods : Histo rical Methods, Survey, Case study,
Content Analysis, Experimental Methods, Delphi Method, Operations Research,
Evidence Based Librarianship.

3. Research Design : Problem Identification, Formulation of Objectives and
Hypotheses, Selection of suitable Approach : Qualitative/Quantitative, Field/Desk

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Research, Exploratory, Descriptive, Diagnostic, Experimental Approaches,
Qualitative and Quantitative Data Collection Techniques: Observation, Interview,
Questionnaire, Checklist, Schedules and Sampling, Synopsis Writing.

4. Statistical Analysis: Validation of Data, Use of Statistical Package/Ms.Excel.

5. Graphic Presentation of Data, Interpretation, Inference and Discussion.

6. Research Reporting : Structure of Synopsis and Research Reports, Style Manuals (Chicago, APA, MLA).

7. Evaluation of Research Work : Current Trends in LIS Research.

b) Review of RM Books (2 Credits 40 Marks)
Preparatio n of review of three books . Two books on ResearchM ethodology by Charles
Busha, CR Kothari and any one book related to research topic of the research scholar .

Component II
a) Concept Note (2 Credits 40 Marks)
Preparation of Concept Note covering the outline of the theme (i.e. concept) including formulation of objectives, hypothesis
Seminar presentation by the candidate based on his/her research topic including the out line of the research topic, Objectives, hypotheses, Scope and

b) Literature Review (4 Credits 60 Marks)
Purpose and process of formulating research problem through relevant Literature
Review of researcher’s selected area.

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(The research scholar has to submit a comprehensive literature review based on
his/her research theme)

This course is done under the supervision of the Guide.

Component III
a) Term Paper (4 Credits 60 Marks)
Preparation and submission of a term paper of approximately 2000 words related
to the themes of candidates ’ research.

b) Referencing Tools(2 Credits 40 Marks)
Practical familiarity with Referencing Tools such as MS -Word’s ‘Reference’ tool,
Mendeley and Zotero .

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Evaluation of the Course Work

Component Mode Credits Marks
Methodology Written Exam 4 60 marks
Book Review Written Assignment 2 40 marks

Concept Note Written Assignment 2 40 marks
Literature Review Written Assignment 4 60 marks

Term Paper Written Assignment 4 60 marks
Referencing Tools Practical Test 2 40 marks
Total 18 300 marks

There will be written theory examination for Component I (a) which will be of 60 marks and 2& 1/2 hour duration after the completion of course work.
For Component I(b), II(a,b) and III(a,b), there will be internal assessment and
seminar presentation as prescribed in the syllabus.
Candidates of the Ph.D Course Work will be evaluated by the guides in the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Mumbai.

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Standard for passing

1. To pass the examination, the candidate should get minimum 40% of marks in
each head of the three components and 50% of the overall aggregate marks in one and the same attempt.
2. For successful completion of the coursework candidate should pass in all the components of the coursework separately.
3. On the successful completion of the coursework, grades will be assigned as
follows –
65% and above A grade
50 -65% B grade
Less than 50% Fail
4. In case if the candidate fails in the examination or any of the component,
he/she will have to re- appear for the entire exam ination for all the
5. After the completion of the coursework, the department will provide a
certificate of completion of coursework to the candidate and to the University
in the prescribed format.

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This is to certify that ________________________________________ was a student of
Ph.D Course work in the subject of Library and Information Science with registration
no. ________________. He/She has attended the course work conducted at the
department during the academic year ____________.He/She has successfully
completed the Ph.D course work prescribed by the University of Mumbai. He/She
secured _______________ grade in the coursework .

Signature of Guiding Teacher Head
Department of Library and Department of Library and
Information Science Information Science
University of Mumbai University of Mumbai

Date :

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