SYBA Geography Paper III Agriculture Geography of India2_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

SYBA Geography Paper III Agriculture Geography of India2_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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University of Mumbai
Revised Syllabus w.e .f. Academic Year, 2017 -18 (CBS GS)
S.Y.B.A. / S.Y.B .Sc. Geography , Sem ester - IV
Paper -III: Agriculture Geography of India
COURSE CODE: UAGEO 401 (2017 -18) Credit - 3

Unit -I: Introduction to Agricultural Geography 09 (lectures )

1.5 Definition, nature and scope of agricultural geography
Approaches: regional approach, systematic approach, commodity
approach, recent approaches
Importance of agriculture in Indian economy
Factors influencing agriculture in India
India a agro -product exporting country
Unit -II: Introduction to Indian Agriculture 09 (lectures)
2.5 Salient features of Indian a griculture
Types of farming in India
Major crops of India
Agro- climatic regions of India
Problems associated with Indian agriculture ( Natural , Socio-
Economic and Political )
Unit -III: Green Revolution in India 09 (lectures)
3.6 Introduction of G reen R evolution in India
Components of Green Revolution
Positive impacts of Green R evolution
Negative impacts of Green R evolution
Need for sustainable agriculture in India
Agriculture in drought prone region and watershed management
Unit -IV: Recent Trends in Agriculture 09 (lectures)
4.6 White revolution and livestock resources,
Genetic engineering, t issue culture and h orticulture
Poly house agriculture
Agro processing in India
Agro -tourism
Agro forestry
Unit - V

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Practica l Component 09 (lectures)

5.2 Interpretation/ question - answer on thematic maps related
to agriculture of India ( NATMO and other )
Drawing of Statistical Diagrams and Graphs : Simple line graphs,
multiple line, simple bar, compound bar and band graph

Reference books: -

1. Bansil, B. C. (1975): „Agricultural Problems of India‟, Delhi.

2. Bayliss Smith, T.P. (1987) : The Ecology of Agricultural Systems. Cambridge
University Press, London .
3. Berry, B.J.L. et. al. (1976) : The Geography of Economic Systems . Prentice Hall, New
4. Gregor, H.P.: Geography of Agriculture. Prentice Hall, New York, 1970.

5. Grigg, D. (1984): „An Introduction to Agricultural Geography‟, Hutchinson
Publication, London
6. Grigg, D.B. (1974) : The Agricultural Systems of the World. Cambridg e University
Press, New York .
7. Hartshorn, T.N. and Alexander, J.W. (1988) : Economic Geography . Prentice Hall,
New Delhi.
8. Morgan W.B. and Norton, R.J.C. (1971) : Agricultural Geography. Mathuen, London,
9. Morgan, W. B. and Munton, R. J. C. (1977): „Agricultural Geography‟ Methuen,
10. Morgan, W.B. (1978) : Agriculture in the Third World - A Spatial Analys is. Westview
Press, Boulde .
11. Sauer, C. O. (1952): „Agricultural Origins and Dispersals‟, American Geographical
12. Sauer, C.O. (1969) : Agric ultural Origins and Dispersals. M.I.T. Press, Mass, U.S.A.

13. Singh J.(1997): Agricultural Development in South Asia: A Comparative A Study in
the Green Revolution Experiences, national Books Organization, New
14. Singh, J. and Dhillon, S. S. (1984): „Agricultural Geography‟, McGraw Hill, New
15. Singh, J. and Dhillon, S.S. (1988), “Agricultural Geography”, 2nd edition, Tata
McGraw -Hill, NewDelhi
16. Symons, L. (1972): „Agricultural Geography‟, Bell and Sons, London

17. Tarrant, J.R.(1974): Agricultural Geography, Problems in Modern Geography Series,
John Wiley and Sons.

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18. The Hindu ( 2006): Survey o f Indian Agriculture 2006. New Delhi .

19. Wigley, G.(1981), Tropical Agriculture: The Development of Production, 4th edition,
Arnold, London

University of Mumbai
Question Paper Pattern
Revised Syllabus w.e.f. Academic Year, 2017 -18 (CBS GS)
S.Y.B.A. Geography, Semester - IV
Paper -III: Agriculture Geography of India
COURSE CODE: UAGEO401 (2017 -18)

Duration : 3 hours Marks : 100

N.B. 1. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
2. Use of Map Stencils and simple Calculator is allowed.
3. Attach appendix along with answer paper.

Q. 1 Practical, Unit - V 5.1 10 Marks
5.2 10 Marks

Q. 2 Unit-I 20 Marks
Q.2 Unit-I 20 Marks

Q. 3 Unit-II 20 Marks
Q. 3 Unit-II 20 Marks

Q. 4 Unit-III 20 Marks
Q. 4 Unit-III 20 Marks

Q. 5 Unit-IV 20 Marks
Q. 5 Unit-IV 20 Marks