SYBSc Botany SEM III PAPER I1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Syllabus for the S.Y.B.Sc. Program: B.Sc. Course: BOTANY
Course Code
Title Credits
2 Credits
(45 lectures )
Unit I : Thallophyta (Algae) & Bryophyta
General Characters of Div ision Phaeophyta: Distribution, Cell structure,
range of thallus , Economic Importance.
Structure, life cycle and systematic position of Sargassum
General Account of Class Anthocerotae and Musci
Structure, life cycle and systematic position of
o Anthoceros
o Funaria
15 Lectures
15 Lectures
Unit I I: Angiosper ms
Systematics: Objectives and Goals of Plant systematic
Plant Nomenclature
Taxonomy in relation to
Chemical constituents
o With the help of Bentham and Hooker’s system of Classification
for flowering plants study the vegetative, floral characters and
economic importance of the following families:
o Leguminosae
o Asterace
o Amaranthaceae
o Palmae 15 Lectures
Unit III :Modern Techniques to Study Plant Diversity
Preservation methods :Dry and Wet method
Microscopy – Principle and working of Light, and electron microscope.
Chromatography - Principles and techniques in paper and thin layer
Principles and techniques of Horizontal and Vertical electrophoresis.
15 Lectures
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Syllabus for the S.Y.B.Sc. Program: B.Sc.Course : BOTANY
Semester III USBOP3
PRACTICAL Paper I – Plant Diversity II 1
Algae & Bryophyta
1. Study of stages in the life cycle of Sargassum from fresh/ preserved
material and permanent slides.
2. Economic importance and range of thallus in Phaeophyta
3 Study of stages in the life cycle of Anthoceros from fresh/ preserved
material and permanent slides.
4 Study of stages in the life cycle of Funaria from fresh/ preserved
material and permanent slides.
5. Study of plants for anatomy in relation to taxonomy
6. Study of plants for Phenols and Flavanoids ( chemotaxonomy )
7. Study of one plant from each family prescribed for theory:
morphological peculiarities and economic importance of the members of
these families.
Techniques to study Plant Diversity
8. Preparation of herbarium and wet preservation technique
9. Chromatography: Separation of amino by circular paper chromatography
10. Separation of Carotenoids by thin layer chromatography
11. Horizontal and Vertical Gel Electrophoresis – Demonstration
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Syllabus for the S.Y.B.Sc. Program: B.Sc. Course: BOTANY
Course Code
Title Credits
USBO 401
2 Credits
(45 lectures )
Unit I : Thallophyta: Fungi, Pla nt Pathology and Lichens Fungi
General characters of Ascomycetae
Structure, life cycle and systematic position of Erysiphe and Xylaria
Plant Pathology - Symptoms, causative organism, disease cycle and
contr ol measures of o Powdery mildew and Late blight of potato
Lichens - Classification, Structure, Method of Reproduction, Economic
Importance and Ecological Significance of Lichens.
15 Lectures
15 Lectures
Unit I I: Pteridophyta and Paleobotany Pteridophyta -
Salient fea tures and classification upto orders (with examples of each)
of Psilophyta and Lepidophyta (G M Smith’s system of classification to
be followed)
Structure, life cycle and systematic position of Selaginella
Paleobotany - The geological time sc ale; Formation and types of fossils;
Structure and systematic position of form genus Rhynia
15 Lectures
Unit III : Gymnosperms
Salient features, classification up to orders (with examples of each) and
economic importance of Coniferophyta (Chamberlain’s s ystem of
classification to be followed)
Structure life cycle and systematic position of Pinus
Structure and systematic position of the form genus Cordaites 15 Lectures
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Syllabus for the S.Y.B.Sc. Program: B.Sc.Course : BOTANY
Semester III USBOP4
PRACTICAL Paper I – Plant Diversity II 1
Fungi and Plant Pathology
1 Study of stages in the life cycle of Erysiphe from fresh/ pr eserved material and
permanent slides.
2 Study of stages in the life cycle of Xylaria from fresh/ preserved material and
permanent slides.
3 Study of fungal diseases as prescribed for theory.
4 Study of Lichens (crustose, foliose, & fruiticose).
Pteridophyta and Palaeobotany
5-6 Study of stages in the life cycle of Selaginella from fresh/ preserved material
and permanent slides.
7 Study of form genera Rhynia with the help of permanent slides/
8- Study of stages in the life cycle of Pinus from fresh/ preserved material and
permanent slides.
9- Study of the form genus Cordaites with the help of permanent slide/
photomicrographs .