TYBSc FS Syllabus Mumbai University

TYBSc FS Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Academic Council :
Item No. :


Syllabus for Semester V and VI
Program : B.Sc.
Course : Forensic Science

(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with
effect from the Academic Year 2017 -2018 )

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T.Y.B.Sc . (Forensic Science) (Semester V ) Credits
With effect from Academic Year 2017 -2018


Title Class Room Instruction Face to Face 50 Hours = 1 Credit
Sem. V Per Week 15 Weeks
(Per Sem) Per Sem
(Hours) Notional
(Hours) Credits
Credits L
Min) P
Min) L P L P L P L P
USFS 5 01 Forensic Science –V 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 5 02 Chemical Science - V 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 5 03 Physical Science –V 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 5 04 Biological Science – V 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 5 05 Psychology – V 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 506 Computer Science – V 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 507 Law – V 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 5P1 Forensic Science and
Chemical Science
Practical 6 90 72 100 2 2
USFS 5P2 Physical Scienc e and
Biological Science
Practical 6 90 72 100 2 2
USFS 5P3 Psychology and
Computer Science
Practical 6 90 72 100 2 2
Total -- 21 18 305 270 252 316 700 300 14 6 20

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Semester V – Theory

501 Forensic Science – V 2 Credits
(45 Lect. )
Course Overview : The course covers core modules in the field of forensic science namely, forensic
medicine, blood spatter analysis and questioned documents.
Course Objectives :
 To understand basic concepts of forensic medicine and its legal aspects.
 To learn importance, scope, classification, documentation and legal status of blood stain pattern
 To introduce need, qualification, scope and legal status of forensic document examiner.
Course Outcomes :
 Understand various stages of death.
 Classify and interpret different blood stain patterns.
 Examine and interpret the source of document under dispute and c onstruct reports related to
questioned document.
Unit I Forensic Medicine – I
Introduction and scope of Forensic Medicine -definition, duties and
responsibilities of medicolegal examiner. Legal aspects in view of Forensic
Medicine: inquest, exhumation, dying declaration, dying deposition,
medical certificates, post -mortem reports and MLR.
Forensic Thanatology - Definition and stages of death: somatic and
molecular death. Modes of death: Syncope, asphyxia and coma. Cause,
mechanism and manner of death. Signs of death, changes after death: Early
changes - Algor mortis, rigor mortis, cadav eric spasm, heat and cold
stiffening, changes in blood, cerebrospinal fluid and vitreous humor, post
mortem lividity. Late changes - putrefaction, adipocere, mummification,
destruction of body tissues by maggots and insects.
Asphyxia: Hanging, strangulatio n, smothering, suffocation and drowning
with case studies. 15 L
Unit II Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

Bloodstain patterns and its forensic significance. Biological properties of
human blood: functions and composition of human blood. Physical
properties of human blood: viscosity, surface tension and specific gravity.

Classification of bloodstains: Spatter blood stains - linear and non -linear 15 L

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spatter stains; non -spatter blood stains - irregular and regular margin stains.
Directionality and motion of blood st ains. Convergence and area of origin
of blood stains. Altered blood stain pattern.
Documenting blood stains and presenting blood stain evidence in the court
of law.

Unit III Forensic Document Examination -I

Functions of a Forensic Document Examiner: Training and qualifications.
Identification of writer from specimen/admitted writings/signatures.
Examination of anonymous writings.
Determining the age of documents from ink and paper.
Types of typewriting devices and identification of typewriter by comparison
of typescripts. Examination of alterations, erasures, obliterations,
overwriting, additions . Determination of sequence of strokes.
Expert Testimony: Definition of expert -IEA 45, presentation of evidence in
court, examination -in-chief, cross examination and re -examination.
Case studies related to questioned documents including report writing . 15 L

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502 Chemical Science –V 2 Credits
(45 Lect. )
Course Overview : The course covers three main domains in the field of F orensic Chemistry namely
separa tion and detection techniques, Forensic T oxicology, and Fuel (Petroleum) analysis.

Course Objectives :
 To introduce various separation and detection techniques with detailed principles and
 To understand the classification of poisons based on their composition dealt in Forensic
 To understand the importance and classification of different fuels (Petroleum products) and
their analysis.

Course Outcome :
 Operate instruments and perform various separation techniques .
 Classify and identify the sour ce of various poisons dealt in Forensic T oxicology.
 Examine different Fuels (P etroleum products) using various analytical tools and devise new
methods to identify their composition and adulteration.
Unit I Separation and Detection Techniques
Introduction to C hromatographic techniques : Paper C hromatography,
Thin Layer Chroma tography, Column Chromatography (Experimental
methodology - Solvent selection, Forensic Applications).
Gas C hromatography: Introducti on, Principle, Instrumentation and
Technique, Columns, Stationary Phases, D etectors, Forensic Applications,
HPLC: Introduction, principle, Instrumentation, Technique, Column,
Detectors, Forensic Applications, HP-TLC , LC-MS. 15 L
Unit -II Forensic Toxicology
Introduction and concept of Forensic Toxicological Examination and its
Poisons: Classification of Poisons : Volatile, Met allic poison and Non -
metallic P oison, Organic and Inorganic poisons, Plant Poison and Animal
Agricultural P oison : Pesticides, types of Pesticides based on C hemical
Drugs of abuse : Classification of Drugs of abuse, C hemical analysis of
Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates, Amphetamines and Ca nnabis and their
hazardous effects on human. 15 L

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Unit I II Fuels
Introduction of Fuels, Properties, Calorific values, Classification.
Solid F uels: Different types , formation, c lassification of coal,
manufacture of coal gas, d istillation of coal tar, advantages and
disadvantages of solid fuels. sampling and a nalysis of solid fuel.
Liquid Fuels: Petroleum -characteri stics, origin and source, composition
and classification, fractional distillation, fractions of distillation, sampling,
analysis : chemical a nd instrumental.
Gaseous Fuel : Classification, type, water gas, prod ucer gas oil gas, LPG,
Biogas, advantages and disadvantages, sampling and a nalysis of fuel
gases. 15 L

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503 Physical Science – V 2 Credits
(45 Lect. )
Course Overview : The course covers core modules of Experimental Physics, Vehicular Accidents
Investigation and Forensic Ballistics.
Course Objectives :
 To understand different techniques in modern physics viz. magnetic, electrical and radiation
 To understand basic concepts of vehicular and rail accidents and their investigation.
 To understand and learn the concepts of forensic ballistics.
Course Outcomes :
 Apply different experimental techniques to identify magnetic materials and to carry out
examination of magnetic and e lectrical evidences. To examine tampered electric energy meters.
 Understand, apply and analyze the various investigation steps in vehicular and rail accidents viz.
Physical examination, crime scene photography, road accident reconstruction.
 Evaluate the knowledge about the wo rking of fire arms and to simulate bullet trajectory to
estimate range, time of flight, velocity etc.
Unit I Experimental Techniques -
Magnetic Measurements: Magnetic susceptibility and it’s measurement
by Quinck’s and Gouy’s method, Hall Effect and related measurements.
Electrical Measurements:
Resistivity measurement of thin samples by Four probe method, bulk
samples by Van -der Pauw method, Resistivity measurement of electrical
wires and cables and forensic examination for their source identification,
Forensic examination of tampered electric energy meters and various
tampering mechanisms adopted by criminals, Optical fiber communication
Radiat ion Detection and measurements:
Working principle of Geiger Muller counter, Radiation dose and it’s unit,
Exposure, absorbed and dose equivalent rate and calculation of exposure
and dose, Dose rates from natural and man -made sources, Radiation
permissible li mits, Shielding of radioactive sources. 15 L
Unit II Causes and Investigation of Vehicular Accidents -
Road Terminologies:
Cut, Final Grade, Surface, Existing Grade, Fill, Sub grade, Base, Traffic
lane, Travelled way, Shoulders, Roadbed, Roadway, Roadway ditch, Ditch
slope, Back slope, Fill slope, Interceptor ditch, Slope ratio, Central line,
Crown, Super elevation, Road dividers. Road signs, symbols and traffic
control mechanisms.
Vehicular accidents:
Primary causes of road accident, Types of road accid ent, sources of
information, eye witnesses, Tire and other marks, Pedestrian impacts and
vehicle speed, vehicle condition, vehicle speed and damage, types of skid
marks, curved scuffmarks, speed estimation from skid/scuffmarks. Time
and distance, reaction time and peripheral vision of a driver, Photography
and plans, Brake system and Steering failure, Motor vehicle examination. 15 L

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Rail Accidents: Investigation of rail crash:
Criminal and safety investigation, Investigation principles, Best Practices:
rail company tests, inspection of driving cab, examination of
electrical/electronic/technological system and their failure. Necessary
equipments required for forensic examination.
Unit III Elementary Ballistics -
General - Energy considerations, Propellants, Initiation, Combustion of
propellants, Density of loading, Atmospheric temperature, Shape of the
cartridge case. Heat problems, Barrel pressure and its determination,
Recoil, facts and measurement, Vibration and jump, Barrel fouling.
Exterior Ballistics - Trajectory formation, Vacuum trajectories, Range,
Experimental determination and shape of trajectory, Spin, Drift, Angle of
fire, Structure of the projectile, Sectional density, Influence of earth and
escape velocity, Air resistance, Retardatio n, Wind deflection, Firing guns
in the air, Ricochet.
Shotgun Ballistics - Shotguns, Strength of the firearm, Jump and vibration,
Recoil, Patterns, Stringing, Wounding power. 15 L

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504 Biological Science – V 2 Credits
(45 Lect.)
Course Overview : The c ourse in the field of Forensic B iology covers Forensic Serology, Wildlife
Forensics and Forensic DNA profiling.

Course Objective s :
 To understand and interpret various forensic serological techniques through theoretical
concepts and practical demonstration.
 To familiarize the students with the various aspects of wildlife forensics.
 To understand the concepts underlying DNA profiling and its interpretation.

Course O utcome s :
 Examination, evaluation and designing of various forensic se rological techniques.
 Performing investigation in wildlife crimes and developing better strategies for wildlife
 Examination, analysis, evaluation of DNA samples, followed by interpretation of DNA
profiling results to aid in legal investigatio n.
Unit I Forensic Serology :

Determination of origin of species: Determination of human and animal
origin from blood, semen, saliva , bones, h airs, nails, skin, body tissue and
other fluids, Immuno assays and immunochromatographic techniques.
Serogenetic markers : - Blood groups – biochemistry and genetics of ABO,
Rh, MN systems, determination of secretor / non secretor Lewis antigen,
Bombay Blood group
Polymorphic enzymes typing – PGM, GLO, ESD, EAP, AK, ADA, etc.,
and their forensic signifi cance, HLA typing,
Case studies involving body fluids and body tissues
15 L
Unit II Wildlife Forensics :

Role of Forensic Investigation in wildlife crimes : Definition of wildlife
crime, Illegal trade, Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
Identification of species of wildlife animals from various parts and
products : methods of poaching, weapons of crime, collection and
packaging of samples, iden tification of physical evidence.
DNA analysis of wildlife products : Sample types for identific ation,
species identification, individual identification, familial identification,
identification of geographical location
Forensic ornithology: species identification from fea thers and eggs,
analysis of artifacts, case studies.
Collection, preservation and transportation of wildlife specimen :
Collection and preservation of carcasses (Taxidermy), Specimen Shipment.
Forensic palynology and botany: Role of palynomorphs in forensic
investigation, analysis of pollen and spores, diato ms, identification of wood, 15 L

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Unit III Forensic DNA Profiling :

VNTR profiling : Introduction, history, technique (RFLP), application.
STR Profiling : Introduction, STR markers, commercially available kits,
techniques (RT -PCR, Capillary electrophoresis, genetic analyser etc) , Y-
Chromosome Profiling and Gender Typing
SNP Profiling : Introduction, Methods, Significance.
Mitochondrial DNA Profiling : Introd uction, Markers, Methods,
Interpretation of DNA profiles : DNA databases, Frequency Estimate
Calculations, Likelihood Ratios , Admissibility of DNA evidence by Frye,
Daubert, Federal Rules of Evidence, and The State of Debate. 15 L

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505 Psychology – V 2 Credits
(45 Lect. )
Course Overview : The course comprises the foundation of Forensic Psychology covering various
theories of crime and deviant behavior, to different psychological tools and tests used to identify the
causes of such behavior.
Course Objectives :
 To introduce the core elements in forensic psychology namely various psychological
theories related to offending behavior.
 To introduce various psychological tools and tests used in the field of Forensic Psychology.
 To identify the causes of Juvenile Delinquency and its prevention.
Course Outcome s :
 Understand and estimate from various theories the association between learning,
intelligence, personality and offending behavior.
 Perform various psychological tests and evaluate the predictors of criminal behavior as well
as predict the possible perpetrator.
 Devise new theories, methods and strategies to identify the causes of Juvenile delinquency.
Unit I Psychology and causes of offending behavior
Theories of offending behavior: Psychobiological theories,
psychodynamic theories , learning theories , cognitive -behavioral theories,
Control theories.
Introduction to various disorders: Major mental disorders (MMD),
Antisocial personality disorder (APD), Substance use disorders (SUD),
Sexual Disorders.
15 L
Unit II Psychology of Investigations and Police Psychology
Introduction to Investigative psychology .
Introduction to various psychological investigative tools: Psychological
autopsy: Cause and manner of death, methodology, applications.
Forensic Hypnosis: Definition, Procedure , Forensic hypnosis and
cognitive interviewing.
Polygraph: Introduction, procedure (Question formulation and result
Analysis), Narco Analysis, Brain Electrical Oscillation.
Nature, psychological testing and selection of police officers.
Stress and police : Types of police stress, fitness for duty evaluation, police
suicide .
15 L
Unit III Theories of crime and delinquency
Theories of crime: Economic, geographical, biological and sociological,
Classical theory, Rational Choice Theory, Eysenck’s theory of personality
and crime, Social learning theory, social control theory, social
disorganization theory, theory of differential association, labeling theory,
structural strain theory.
Delinquency: Definition, Biological and psychological approach,
Prevention and c ontrol of Juvenile delinquency. 15 L

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506 Computer Science – V 2 Credits
(45 Lect. )
Course Overview : The course covers core modules in the field of digital and cyber forensics
namely, structure of storage devices, file system analysis, and operating system specific investigation

Course Objectives :
 To define and explain computer foundation, digital investigation foundation, hard disk data
acquisition, and v olume analysis.
 To apply and exam ine analysis of file system, FAT concepts, NTFS concepts, and disk
 To assess and elaborate artifacts of windows and Linux system as well as to explain speaker

Course Outcomes : -
 Relate and interpret storage devices based on their structure.
 Solve and distinguish volume and system analysis.
 Choose and develop operating system specific investigation.
Unit I Computer Foundation: Data Organization, Booting Process, Hard Disk
Digital Investigation Foundation: Digital investigation and evidence,
digital crime scene investigation process, data analysis, overview of
toolkits .
Hard Disk Data Acquisition: Introduction, reading source data, writing
output data, case study using DD command .
Volume Analysis: Introduction, Background, analysis basics . 15 L
Unit II File System analysis: What is file system, File system category, metadata
category , File name category, application category , application level
search techniques
Fat Concept and analysis : File system category, metadata category , File
name category, application category , application level search techniques
NTFS Concepts and analysis : Introduction , MFT Concepts, MFT entry
attribute concepts, Other attribute concepts, indexes, a nalysis tools
Disk and File System Analysis: Media analysis concept, The sleuth kit,
partitioning and disk layouts, special containers, Hashing, carving, forensic
imaging . 15 L
Unit III Windows System and artifacts : Introduction, Windows File system,
Registry, events logs, prefect files, shortcut files, windows executables .
Linux System and artifacts: Introduction, Linux file system, Linux boot
process, Linux system organization and artifacts, user accounts, home
directories, logs, schedule tasks .
Introduction to speaker identification: Human vocal system, collecting
samples, linguistic analysis, acoustic analysis. 15 L

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507 Law – V 2 Credits
(45 Lect. )
Course Overview : The course covers core modules from Indian Evidence Act, 1872 viz. relevancy
of facts and expert opinion, oral and documentary evidence, production of evidence and
examination of witness.

Course Objectives :
 To introduce various Sections of IEA for relevancy of facts and expert opinion.
 To learn various Sections of IEA related to oral and documentary evidence.
 To understand various Sections of IEA for production of evidence, witness and examination
of witness.

Course Outcomes :
 Understand and relate to relevancy of facts and role of experts.
 Process, present and evaluate oral and documentary evidence in the court of law.
 Evaluate and propose production of evidence, witnesses and examination of witness.
Unit I Preliminary The Relevancy of Facts and Expert Opinion (Sec 5 - 55)
Motive, preparation and previous or su bsequent conduct, identification
parade, facts not other wise relevant become relevant, f acts showing
existence of state of mind, or of body or bodily feeling, facts bearing on
question whether act was accidental or intentional, admissions, entries in
books of account when relevant, dying declaration, Opinions of experts,
facts bearing upon opinions of experts, Opinion as to handwriting, when
relevant . 15 L
Unit II Oral and Documentary Evidence ( Sec 56-90-A)
Facts which need not be proved, Oral Evidence, Documentary Evidence,
Primary and Secondary evidence, evidence and admissibility of electronic
records, proof of signature and handwriting, proof of electronic signature,
comparison of signature, writing or se al with others admitted or proved,
proof as to verification o f electronic signature, public and private
docum ents, presumption of documents and electronic records . 15 L
Unit III Production of Evidence and Examination of Witness (Sec 91 -117)
exclusion of oral evidence by the documentary evidence, Burden of proof,
presumptions as to legitimacy, abetment of suicide and absence of consent in
rape cases, p resumption as to certain offences, birth during marriage,
conclusive proof of legitimacy, presumption as t o abetment of suicide by a
married women, presumption as to dowry death, Court may presume
existence of certain facts, Presumption to absence of consent in certain
prosecution for rape .
Witnesses and Examination of Witness (Sec 118 -167)
witness and examination of witness, protected communications, production
of documents, self incriminating statement, accomplice, provisions of
examination of witnesses, examination -in-chief, cross -examination, re -
examination, character o f witnesses, leading questions and other questions,
contradiction and omissions, refreshing memory of witness, production of 15 L

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translation of documents, provisions about improper admission and rejection
of evidence .

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Semester V – Practical
Note: Every Department is advised to arrange maximum number of experiments from list
provided or experiments based on theory syllabus having forensic relevance. However,
minimum seven experiments should be reported in journal for the purpose of certification.

5P1 Forensic Science and Chemical Science Practical Credits: 02
Practical/Week : 06

5P1 Forensic Science Practical
1 To identify the given blood stains patterns.
2 To determine angle of impact from blood stains.
3 To study types of blood stain pattern on various surface.
4 To detect addition of strokes from various writing instruments in a given document .
5 To decipher obliterated writing .
6 To detect and decipher chemically erased writings/signatures.
7 To detect and decipher mechanically erased writings.
8 To examine various typescripts for their identification.
9 To examine style of a writer from the given document.
10 To identify the writer from the given document (i.e. from specimen/admitted

5P1 Chemical Science Practical
1 Preparation of TLC plate using Silica gel.
2 Identification of poisons by TLC.
3 Separation of pigments using TLC.
4 Separation of given mixture by Column C hromatography.
5 Extraction of Nicotine from given plant leaves.
6 Qualitative and quantitative analysis of poisonous metals by ICP/AAS.
7 Gravimetric estimation of toxic metal (Pb/Hg).
8 Titrimetric estimation of toxic metal (Pb/Hg/As).
9 Quantitative and qualitative analysis of Opiates.
10 Colour t ests for identification of given drug (CNS drug/ Analgesic /Anti -pyretic
11 Synthesis of Paracetamol.
12 Estimation of Aspirin from drug s ample .
13 Calculation of C alorific value by Bomb Calorimeter.
14 Identification and separation of petrol and kerosene mixture by distillation.
15 Identification and estimation of Dye from Kerosene/Diesel /Petrol .
16 Analysis of adulterants in P etrol.
17 Identifi cation of Petroleum product by D ensitometer.

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5P2 Physical Science and Biological Science Practical Credits: 02
Practical/Week: 06

5P2 Biological Science Practical
1 Scale patterns of human and animal hairs and medullary index .
2 Barr body exam ination from human hair, blood and saliva .
3 Blood grouping from liquid blood and stains - Abs.-elution .
4 Preparation of Anti -H from Eulex europeus seeds .
5 Electrophoresis techniques for separation of polymorphic Enzymes & serum
proteins (SDS -PAGE electrophoresis) .
6 Determination of secretor/non -secretor status .
7 Preparation of gel plates for electrophoresis .
8 Extraction of Mitochondrial DNA & its profiling .
9 Identification of birds from feathers .
10 Isolation and identification of palynomorphs .
11 Preparation of antisera of different animal .
12 Identification of mamm als from skull and dentition.
13 Identification and comparison of birds from mounted/cabinet specimen
14 Demonstration of Taxidermy techniques.

5P2 Physical Science Practical
1 Magnetic susceptibility measurement by Quinck’s / Gouy’s method.
2 Hall effect and Hall measurements.
3 Resistivity measurement by Four Probe / Van der Pauw method .
4 Examination and Identification of electrical wires / cables.
5 Forensic examination of tampered electric energy meters.
6 Study of optical fiber communication system.
7 Working with G eiger Mueller counter.
8 Study of road design and road measurements.
9 Examination of tire/ other marks
10 Physical examination accidental vehicle.
11 Peripheral vision measurement.
12 Side wall information of tire
13 Analysis of accident/ crime scene photography
14 Physical examination of accidental vehicle.
15 Trajectory simulation (sample calculations).
16 Remaining velocity (sample calculations).

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5P3 Psychology and Computer Science Practical Credits: 02
Practical/Week: 06

5P3 Psychology Practical
1 Forming Relevant/Irrelevant/Control Questions with Polygraph .
2 Rosenzw eig Picture Frustration (adult) .
3 Neuroticism Scale Questionnaire (NSQ) - Ivan H. Scheier & R.B. Cattell .
4 Eight state questionnaire (8SQ) – M. Kapoor, M. Bhargava .
5 Dimensional Personality Inventory .
6 Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI) - H.J. Ey senck.
7 NEO -PI Personality Inventory .
8 MMPI -2.
9 Rorschach Test .
10 Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) .
11 16PF – R.B. Cattell .
12 Test of variables of Attention (T.O.V.A) .
13 Vanderbilt Assessment Scale .

5P3 Computer Science Practical
1 Creating investigation environment
2 Incident response
3 Identification and seizure of evidence from the crime scene.
4 Acquiring the image
5 Basic analysis of image
6 Windows investigation
7 Linux investigation
8 FAT analysis
9 NTFS analysis
10 Study of toolkits.

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Semester V – References

USFS 501 : Forensic Science - V

No. Suggested Readings
1 Rai Bahadur Jaising P. Modi , Modi's Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology, Elsevier,
2 C. K. Parikh, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt.
Ltd., India.
3 Anil Aggrawal , APC Insight into Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,
Avichal Publishing Company.
4 R.K. Sharma, Concise Textbook of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Elsevier, India,
5 Stuart H. James , Paul E. Kish , T. Paulette Sutton , Principles of Bloodstain Pattern
Analysis: Theory and Practice, CRC Press, 2005.
6 Tom Bevel , Ross M. Gardner , Bloodstain Pattern Analysis with an Introduction to
Crime Scene Reconstruction, Third Edition, CRC Press, 2008.
7 Stuart H. James , Scientific and Legal Applications of Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation,
CRC Press, 1998.
8 Anita Y. Wonder , Bloodstain Pattern Evidence: Objective Approaches and Case
Applications, Academic Press, 2011.
9 Jan Seaman Kelly and B rian S. Lindblom, Scientific Examination of Questioned
Documents , Second Edition, Taylor and Francis, 2006.
10 Jan A.Lewis, Forensic Document Examination: Fundamentals and Current Trendsm,
Elsevier, 2014.
11 Ordway Hilton, Scientific Examination of Questioned Documents, Revised Edition,
CRC Press, South Carolina, 1992.
12 Wilson R. Harrison, Suspect Documents: Their Scientific Examination, Burnham Inc
Pub, 1981.

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USFS 502 : Chemical Science – V

No. Suggested Reading
1 Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd.
2 Organic Chemistry by John McMurry 5th Edn. 1999.
3 Organic Chemistry by I. L.Finar, Vol.II 5th Edn.
4 Qualitative organic analysis by Vogel .
5 Biochemistry by Lehninger .
6 Enzyme Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Clinical Chemistry , Trevor Palmer, first
edition .
7 Toxicology :The Basic science of poison, Casarett and Doll .
8 Analysis of Plant poisons, Dr. M. P. Goutam .
9 Analytical methods in Human Toxicology, Curry, 1986 .
10 Analytical Chemistry, 4th edition, Gary G. Christian .
11 Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 5th edition, Skoog, Holler and Nieman .
12 Basic concepts of Analytical Chemistry by S. M. Khopkar .
13 Instrumental methods of Chemical Analysis, Chatwal and Anand, Himalaya
Publications .
14 Advances in Chromatography, Brown P. R.
15 Applied Chemistry by S. S. Dara .
16 Applied Chemistry by P. Jain .
17 Applied Chemistry Theory and Practice, O. P. Vermani and A. K. Narula .
18 A Text book of Environmental Science, V. Subramanian, Narosa Publication .
19 Chemistry of the Environment, 2nd edition, Thomas G. Spiro, William M. Stigliani .
20 College Practical Chemistry by Ahluwalia and Dhingra .
21 Introductory Practical Biochemistry, S. K. Sawhney, R Singh, Narosa Publication
House .
22 Lab Manual in Biochemistry, J. Jayaraman, New Age International Publishers, 2nd
edition .

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USFS 503 : Physical Science – V

No. Suggested Reading
1 Criminalistics - An Introduction to Forensic Science By Richard Saferstein.
2 Advanced Practical Physics, Vol.II: Dr. S.P.Singh, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut.
3 Practical Physics: Worsnoff and Flint.
4 Electronic Principles By Albert Malvino and D. J. Bates.
5 Measurement, Instrumentation and Experiment Design in Physics and Engineering By
Michael Sayer and Abhaaiman Singh.
6 Instrumental Analysis By Skoog, Holler and Crouch.
7 Nuclear Forensic Analysis By Kenton J. Moody.
8 Nuclear Physics - An Introduction By S. B. Patel.
9 Transducers and Instrumentation By D V S Murty.
10 Laboratory Procedural manual, Physics Section, DFSL, Mumbai.
11 Laboratory Procedural Manual, Forensic Ballistics, DFS, New Delhi.
12 Electronics Communication Systems By Kennedy and Davis.
13 Elements of Civil Engineering By Mimi Das Saikia.
14 Encyclopedia of Forensic Science, Volume one: Jay A Siegel, Pekka J Saukko,
Geoffery Knupfer. Academic Press.
15 Forensic Medical Investigation of Motor Vehicle Incidence By Michel P. Burke.
16 Forensic Engineering Fundamentals By Harold Franck.
17 Fire arms in criminal investigation and trials By B R Sharma
18 Handbook of Fire arm and ballistics By Brian J Heard.
19 Fire Arms, Forensic Ballistics, Forensic Chemistry and Criminal Jurisprudence By S
N Gaur et .

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USFS 504 : Biological Science – V

No. Suggested Reading
1 Practical Crime Scene Analysis & Reconstruction – Roos M. Gardner & Tom Bevel .
2 Death Scene Investigation – Scott A. Wagner .
3 Forensic Science in criminal investigation and trials – B.R. Sharma .
4 Forensic Science in Crime Investigation – Dr. Mrs. Rukmani Krishnamurthy .
5 Forensic Science – An introduction to scientific and investigative techniques – Stuart
H. James & Jon J. Nordby .
6 Forensic Medicine – P.V. Guharaj& M. R. Chandran .
7 Bryant, V.M. Jr, Mildenhall, D.C. and Jones, J.G., Forensic Polynology in the United
States of America Polynology. 1990, 14.PP.193 -208.
8 Faegri, K. Iverson, J. and Krzywinski, K. Textbook of Pollen Ana lysic 4th Edition.
John Wiley & Sons, New York 1989.
9 Microbial forensics By Roger Breeze, Bruce Budowle, Steven E. Schutzer. Elsevier
Academic Press .
10 The Forensic Laboratory Handbook Procedures and Practice By Ashraf Mozayani,
Carla Noziglia.2nd edition. 2011. Human Press.
11 Forensic Science in Wildlife Investigations. Adrian Linacre Taylor and Francis, 2009 .
12 The Wildlife Detectives: How Forensic Scientists Fight Crimes Against Nature By
Donna M. Jackson, Wendy Shattil, Bob RozinskiUniversalAthenaeum (Denver, CO,
U.S.A.) .
13 Forensic Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations Jason H.
Byrd, James L. Castner Taylor and Francis, 2009 .
14 Forensic entomology: an introduction By Dorothy E. Gennard Wiley.
15 Forensic palynology Dallas Mildenhall, Patricia Wiltshire, Vaughn Bryant Elsevier,
2006 .
16 Forensic palynology: an in -depth look at its indispensable value National University,
San Diego, 2002 .
17 Molecular Biology By Watson .
18 Genome Analysis By Primrose .
19 Genome Analysis By Richard Reiss.
20 Biotechnology By B.D. Singh
21 Genetics By C.B. Pawar
22 Taxidermy : step by step by W.F. McFall.

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23 Wildlife -Crime -use-of-forensics -FWG -April -2014.pdf
24 Wildlife Specimen Collection, Preservation, and Shipment Chapter 4 of Section C,
Techniques in Disease Surveillance and Investigation Book 15, Field Manual of
Wildlife Diseases
25 https://lsa.umich.edu/ummz/herps/collections/preservation -techniques.html
26 Forensic biology by Dr.R.Krishnamurty
27 A laboratory Manual of Human Blood Analysis by M.K.Bhasin
28 A guide to Forensic DNA profiling by Allan.
29 Gene Cloning and DNA analysis by T.A. Brown.

USFS 505 : Psychology - V

No. Suggested Readings
1 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM ) (5th Edition) by
American Psychiatric Association (2013) .
2 ‘Criminal Profiling -An Introduction to Behavioural Evidence analysis’, Brent Turvey,
Edition 2nd, 2006, Elsevier Academic press.
3 ‘Handbook of Forensic Psychology’, Prof Dr. Vimala Veeraraghwan, Edition 1st, 2009,
Selective and Scientific Books Publications, New Delhi.
4 ‘Handbook of Forensic Psychology’, Irving B. Weiner, Allen K. Hiss, Edition 3rd,
2006, Wiley Publication.
5 ‘Theoretical Psychology’, Moazziz Ali Beg, Sangeeta Gupta Beg, Vol [03], Edition
2nd, 2013, Global Vision Publishing Ho use, New Delhi.
6 ‘Theoretical Psychology’, Moazziz Ali Beg, Sangeeta Gupta Beg, Vol [04], Edition
2nd, 2013, Global Vision Publishing House, New Delhi.
7 ‘Abnormal Psychology -The Problem of Maladaptive Behaviour’, Irwin G. Sarson,
Barbara R. Sarson, Editon 11th, 2012, PHI Publication, New Delhi.
8 ‘Abnormal Psychology’, James N. Butcher, Susan M. Mineka, Jill M. Hooley, Edition
15th, 2014, Pearson.
9 ‘Stress Management’, Ruth Baer, Edition 1st 2010, Global Vision Publication
House,New Delhi.
10 ‘Handbook of Stress, Coping and Health’, Virginia Hill Rice, Edition 1st, 2000,
SagePublications, Inc.
11 ‘Juvenile and Crime In Indian’, Dr. Rajesh S. Vyas, Dr. Ashok M. Shroff, Edition
1st,2013, Shri Niwas Publications, Jaipur.
12 Parental development -Social & Emotional development - ‘A Textbook of Child

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Psychology’, D. N. Prabhakar, Editon 1st, 2014, Astha Publication, New Delhi.

USFS 506 : Computer Science – V

No. Suggested Readings
1 Brian Carrier, File System Forensic Analysis, Addison Wesley Professional .
2 Cory Altheide and Harlan Carvey , Digital Forensics with open source tools, Syngress .
3 Computer Forensics – Computer Crime Scene Investigation, Second Edition, John R.
Vacca, Charles River Media Inc., ISBN 1 -58450 -389-0.
4 Handbook of Digital Forensics and Investigation, Edited by Eoghan Casay, Elsevier
Academic Press, ISBN 13: 978 -0-12-374267 -4.
5 Computer Forensics : A Field Manual for Cancelling, Examining, and Preserving
Evidence of Computer Crimes by Albert J. Marcella .
6 Cyber Crime Investigator’s Field Guide by Bruce Middleton
7 Digital Forensics : Digital Evidence in Criminal Investigation by Angus M. Marshall

USFS 507 : Law – V

No. Suggested Readings
1 The Indian Evidence Act, 1872, Bare Act .
2 Criminal manual, (Major Acts), Justice M.R.Mallick, Professional Publication, 2014 .
3 The Law of Evidence/Batuklal .
4 Law of Evidence/Vepa P. Sarthi .
5 Textbook on The Law of Evidence - M. Monir .
6 Sarkar's Commentary on Law of Evidence (Dwivedi Law Agency) .
7 C.D. Field's Commentary on Law of Evidence Act/Gopal Chaturvedi .
8 Principles of the Law of Evidence/ Avtar Singh .
9 C.D. Field's expert evidence: expert evidence and opinions of third person (medica l and
non-medical)/Rajesh Gupta .
10 Expert evidence and criminal justice/Radmayne .

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T.Y.B.Sc. (Forensic Science) (Semester VI) Credits
To be implemented from Academic Year 2017 -2018


Title Class Room Instruction Face to Face 50 Hours = 1 Credit
Sem. VI Per Week 15 Weeks
(Per Sem) Per Sem
(Hours) Notional
(Hours) Credits
Credits L
Min) P
Min) L P L P L P L P
USFS 6 01 Forensic Science – VI 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 6 02 Chemical Science – VI 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 6 03 Physical Science – VI 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 6 04 Biological Science – VI 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 6 05 Psychology – VI 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 606 Computer Science – VI 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 607 Law – VI 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 6P1 Forensic Science and
Chemical Science
Practical 6 90 72 100 2 2
USFS 6P2 Physical Science and
Biological Science
Practical 6 90 72 100 2 2
USFS 6P3 Psychology and
Computer Science
Practical 6 90 72 100 2 2
Total -- 21 18 305 270 252 316 700 300 14 6 20

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Semester VI – Theory

601 Forensic Science – VI 2 Credits
(45 Lect. )
Course Overview: The course covers core modules in the field of forensic science namely, forensic
medicine, fire and arson investigation and questioned documents.
Course Objectives :
 To understand the objectives, procedure of medical autopsy and medico legal aspects of
 To introduce chemistry of fire and investigation procedure in arson case.
 To learn principle and examination of questioned documents.
Course Outcomes :
 Understand the collection procedure of samples during post -mortem and to differentiate
betwe en various types of injuries.
 Carry out the extraction and analysis in arson cases.
 Examine various questioned documents including secret writings, security documents and
printed documents and their subsequent decipherment.
Unit I Forensic Medicine -II
Medical Autopsy: Introduction and objectives. Precautions while conducting
autopsy. External and internal examination of body, examination of clothing
and other artifacts. Collection of post -mortem samples: viscera, blood, CSF,
vitreous humor, hair, urine.
Injury: Introduction and classification of injuries. Medico legal aspects of
injuries. Mechanical injuries -Abrasions, contusions, lacerations, incised
wounds, stab wounds, defense wound and self -inflicted wounds. Thermal
injuries -Burn and its type, rule o f nine, cause of death from burn,
antemortem and postmortem burns. 15 L
Unit II Fire and Arson Evidence
Introduction to fire and arson and their evidentiary value. Chemistry of Fire,
classification of fire, phases of fire, causes of fire.

Processing of fire/arson scene. Pattern of charring. Determination of
seat/origin of fire. Types of ignitable liquid residues. Field testing of fire
debris. Extraction of incendiary material from fire debris. Instru mental
analysis of fire debris.
National and internatio nal scenario of fire and arson investigation along with 15 L

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case studies.
Unit III Forensic Document Examination -II
Examination of paper: Paper size, thickness, opacity , color, watermarks and
Examination of Ink: Types of inks and their chemical analysis for
Decipherment of secret writings. Decipherment of indented writings and
charred documents. Examination of seal, rubber stamps and other
mechanical evidences. Examination of security documents: Passports,
currency and stamp paper s. Examination of printed documents: Photocopies,
laser prints. Examination of computer generated documents. 15 L

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602 Chemical Science –VI 2 Credits
(45 Lect. )
Course Overview : The course covers three major domains in the field of Forensic C hemistry
namely elemental analysis and spectroscopic techniques, food adulteration, and polymers.

Course Objectives :
 To introduce the basic principles and applications of elemental and spectroscopic analysis
used in Forensic C hemistry .
 To introduce the students to various types of food adulterants and their analysis.
 To understand various polymers and their examination.

Course Outcome s :
 Handle and operate various instruments based on elemental and spectroscopic principles.
 Classify and identify various food adulterants by performing various tests used in their
detection and devise new and effective methods in their analysis.
 Classify polymers based on their composition by conducting various tests and develop new
methods to identify their source.
Unit I Instrumental Techniques:
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy : Introduction, b asic principle,
instrumentation and Forensic applications.
Flame S pectrometry : Principle, instrumentation and working, Forensic
UV S pectroscopy : Introduction , Beer -Lambert’s law, energy absorption
and electronic excitation, t erms used in U.V. Spectroscopy , Woodward and
Fieser Rule s, λ max calculation, colour and visible s pectrum, Forensic
IR Spectroscopy : Introduction, p rinciple , types of molecular vibrations,
condition of absorption of I.R. region , sample handling, working and
instrumentation, I.R. frequencies of function group, f actor affecting I.R.
frequencies, i nterpretation of I.R. spectrum, applications of IR in Forensics. 15 L
Unit II Adulteration in Food
Introduction : Adulterants, types of adulterants
Food additives : Preservatives, antioxidant, sweeteners, colouring agents,
flavouring a gents
Adulteration in d airy products
Adulteration in common food i tems such as vegetable oil, beverages (such
as tea, coffee, cold drinks, fruit juices etc.) spices (such as red c hilli
powder, turmeric powder, etc.)
Adulteration in d rugs and medicines
Preliminary examinat ion, chemical and instrumental analy sis of adulterants
in food items. 15 L
Unit I II Polymers
Introduction: Definition and t ypes of polymerization with examples,
preparation and applications of Polyethylene (Ziegler -Natta p rocess),
Teflon, PVC, Polystyrene. 15 L

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Dyes : Definition, Otto – Witt theory of dye, classification of dyes, chemical
synthesis of indigo, m ethyl orange, phenolphthalein, crystal violet and
methylene b lue, Forensic application of dyes.
Ink: Introduction , different types, properties, sampling and analysis
(chemical and i nstrumental: UV -visible, IR, GC -MS).

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603 Physical Science – VI 2 Credits
(45 Lect. )
Course Overview : The course covers core modules of Footwear Impressions, Forensic Microscopy
and Forensic applications in Trace Analysis.
Course Objectives :
 To familiarize different methods of footwear impression analysis.
 To understand principle, construction working, application of different microscopes.
 To understand and learn physical properties of glass, soil, fibre, paint and plastics.
Course Outcomes :
 To learn, apply and evaluate the different footw ear impressions and methods of c asting at the
crime scene .
 To apply the knowledge of microscopy in analysis of various forensic evidences.
 To learn, apply and interpret the knowledge about various trace evidences viz. glass, soil,
fibre, paint, plastic etc.
Unit I Footwear Impressions -
Casting 3 -D Footwear Impressions : Introduction to casting, Importance of
casting, Benefits of casts over photographs, Casting materials, Methods of
casting with dental stone, Casting footwear impressions in snow.
Treatment of 2 -D Footwear Impressions: Lifting 2 -D footwear
impressions, Lifting impressions electro statically and electrostatic lifting
devices, G elatin and adhesive lifting, Other lifting materials and choices,
Powdering impressions, Deformable impressions, Impressions on carpets,
cushions, grass and skin.
Enhancement of Footwear Impressions: Specialized lighting and
photographic methods, Chemical enhancement, Other enhancement
15 L
Unit II Forensic Microscopy -
Basics of microscope, common terms used in microscopy, Construction,
working, applications and limitations of -Compound microscope,
Comparison microscope, Stereomicroscope, Polarizing microscope ,Micro
spectrophotometer, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Transmission
Electron Microscope (TEM).
15 L

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Unit III Forensic Applications in Trace Analysis -
Physical properties of materials: temperature, weight and mass, density,
refractive index and their forensic importance.
Glass: Composition of glass, Comparison of glass fragments, Measuring and
comparing density and refractive index of glass, classification of glass
samples, Glass fractures, Collection and preservation of glass evidence.
Soil: Significance of soil evidence, Variations in soil, Collection and
preservation of soil evidence, Forensic examination of soil.
Fibre: Types, Identification and comparison of manufactured fibres
(Microscopic examination, Dye composition, Che mical composition, Other
properties for examination), Significance of match, Collection and
preservation of fibre evidence. Forensic examination of cloth and cloth
Paint: Composition of paint, Classification of common paints, Pigment
Volume concent ration number, Microscopic examination of paint, Analytical
tools used in paint comparison, significance of paint evidence, collection and
preservation of paint evidence. Forensic examination of paint.
15 L

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604 Biological Science - VI 2 Credits
(45 Lect. )
Course overview : The course in the field of For ensic biology covers Forensic Anthropology,
Forensic Odontology and Forensic Entomology
Course Objective s :
 To understand, identify and distinguish between anthropological features for the
determination of age, sex, race, stature and species.
 To understand the concepts of odontology with reference to crime scene investigations.
 To identify, classify forensically significant insects and understand their role in forensic

Course O utcome s :
 Identification of individual and population characteristics from bone remains.
 Application of their knowledge of teeth/oral structure to explain death associated with crime
and mass disasters .
 Development of collection procedures for entomological evidence, and calculation of PMI
from entomological evidence.
Unit I Forensic Anthropology
Anthropology : Introduction , history and branches .
Crime scene processing and Identification of remains : Human or Non -
human / Old or New, Sex Determination from human bones, Age estimation
from long bones and skull, Population Ancestry determination, Stature
estimation from long bones, Individual characteristics of the remains,
Documentation and Expert Witness Testimony.
DNA a nalysis from bones : Sources, processing, extraction methods,
Bertillon’s Portrait Parle system
15 L
Unit II Forensic Odontology :
Odontology : Introduction and History, Chronological eruption of teeth in
humans .
Role of odontology in forensics : Age estimation from teeth by Gustafson
method, Body Identification by Dental Re cords :Post Mortem Examination
and Records, Ante mortem examination and records, Record Analysis and
Processing, Forensic odontology in Mass Disasters .
Bite Mark Analysis – Time of Death, Response of Assailant or Victim,
Collection of Bite mark evidence form living and dead and comparison,
Case studies .
15 L
Unit III Forensic Entomology :
Collection of Entomological Evidence: Methods of collection, Factors 15 L

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affecting entomological evidence, Stages of Decomposition in terrestrial and
aquatic environment, Dipterans Larval Development, Successional
Colonization of Corpse, Challenges encountered in Entomology, Report
Submission, Testifying in Court.
Role of Forensic Entomology : Determination of PMI, Determination of
displacement and disturbance of the body, Presence and Position of wounds,
Drugs consumption antemortem, Human and Animal neglect or abuse, Role
of entomology in civil cases, Case studies .

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605 Psychology – VI 2 Credits
(45 Lect. )
Course Overview : The course covers the post examination steps carried out after detection namely
the various therapies used in psychology for treating offenders, rehabilitation, counseling and
courtroom psychology.
Course Objectives :
 To understand the various psychological therapies used in treatment of offenders.
 To understand the concepts and importance of counseling, practice of rehabilitation and the
possible causes for tendency to return to criminal behavior(Recidivism)
 To explain the final step in invest igation; dealing with detailed courtroom procedure
followed in the field of forensic psychology.
Course Outcome:
 Understand the procedure and select from the various psychological therapies as per the
offenders need.
 Understand the various types of rehabi litation, counseling process, design new strategies and
apply them as per the case for prevention of crime.
 Document and create detailed report of the psychological findings for the courtroom at the
end of the investigation.
Unit I Psychological Therapies
Psychoanalytical therapy: Free Association, Dream analysis, Therapeutic
transference, Interpretation .
Behavior therapy: Cognitive behavior therapy (REBT, Albert Ellis, Aaron
Beck), Flooding, System desensitization, Aversion therapy . 15 L
Unit II Rehabilitation, Recidivism and Counseling Psychology
Rehabilitation: Types of rehabilitation, process, techniques and skills in
rehabilitation, rehabilitation of offenders, rehabilitation of victims of crime.
Recidivism: Introduction, Criminal recidivism, Recidivism measures and
models .
Counseling: Definition, aims and fields of counseling, skills of a counselor,
nature and goal of correctional counseling, theories of counseling, Methods
- Directive and Non -directive ethi cs in counseling . 15 L
Unit III Psychology and Court
Courtroom psychology, Psychologist as an expert witness, Mc Naughten’s
rule and Insanity, Competency to stand trial, eye witness, risk Assessment,
Sentencing Evaluation, Mental Health Act 1987 (Reception Order, Object,
Establishment or Maintenance of Psychiatric Hospitals and Psychiatric
Nursing Homes, Proced ures on Producti on of Mentally ill p erson in front of
Magistrate) . 15 L

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606 Computer Science – VI 2 Credits
(45 Lect. )
Course Overview : The course covers core modules in the field of digital and cyber forensics
namely, internet and file related artifacts, mobile forensics, and cyber crime.

Course Objectives :
 To recall and compare internet artifacts, and file analysis.
 To classify and experiment with mobile forensics, mobile operating systems.
 To explain and formulate cybercrime prevention.

Course Outcome s :
 Find and illustrate investigation of internet and file related artifacts.
 Organize and analyze Smartphone investigation.
 Evaluate and devise counter measures to prevent cyber crimes.
Unit I Internet Artifacts : Browser Artifacts , Mail Artifacts .
File Analysis : File Analysis Concepts , Images , Audio , Video , Archives . 15 L
Unit II Introduction to Mobile Forensics : The Cellular Network , Base Transceiver
Station, Evolution of Wireless Telecommunications Technologies , Mobile
Station, SIM card, SIM file system.
Mobile Operating Systems: Android OS, Symbian OS, RIM, Windows
Phone, iOS, other Mobile Operating System .
Understanding Mobile Forensics: Standard Operating Procedures for
Handling Handset Evidence, National Institute of Standards and Technolo gy,
Preparation and Containment, Wireless Capabilities, Documenting the
Investigation . 15 L
Unit III Cyber Crime Prevention : Ways to Prevent Cyber Crime Targeted at You ,
Ways to Prevent Cyber Crime Targeted at the Family , Ways to Prevent
Cyber Crime Targeted at Personal Property , Ways to Prevent Cyber Crime
Targeted at a Business, Ways to Prevent Cyber Crime Targeted at an
Organization , Ways to Prevent Cyber Crime Targeted at a Government
Agency .
Understanding Cybercrime Prevention: Understanding Security Concepts ,
Understanding the Technical Aspects of Network Security , Making the Most
of Hardware and Software Security , Understanding Firewalls , Deploying an
Incident Response Team , Designing and Implementing Security Policies . 15 L

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607 Law – VI 2 Credits
(45 Lect. )
Course Overview : The course covers core modules in Criminal Procedure Code,1973, viz.
Constitution of Courts, Powers of Police and Trial Procedure.

Course Objectives :
 To introduce various Sections of CrPC related to organization and power of courts.
 To learn various Sections of CrPC related to Police, Power of police for arrest, preventive
action and investigation.
 To understand various Sections of CrPC related to proceedings before magistrate and trial

Course Outcomes :
 Understand and determine admission of cases in various courts
 Understand the powers of police and apply Sections of CrPC during the investigation by the
 Evaluate the trial procedure with respect to complaint, judgment, appeal and bail provisions.
Unit I Constitution of Criminal Courts and Powers of Courts ( Sec 1-35)
Preliminary, constitution of criminal courts and offices, classes of criminal
courts, metropolitan magistrate, court of session, courts of judicial
magistrates, public prosecutors, power of courts, sentences which high courts
and sessions judges may pass . 15 L
Unit II Powers of Police and arrest of persons and production person and things
(Sec 36 - 105)
Powers of superior officers of police, power of police for arrest, power of
search of arrested persons, seize offensive weapons, examination of arrested
person by medical practitioner, production, custody and discharge of arrested
person, proclamation and attachment, serving summons and warrant.
Jurisdiction of Criminal Courts ( Sec 105-189)
Security for keeping the peace and for good behavior
Police office rs powers of preventive Action and Investigation ( Sec 154-
Preventive action of the police, information to the police and their powers to
investig ate, information in cognizable and non-cognizable cases (FIR),
police officer's p ower to investigate cogni zable and non-cognizable cases,
Jurisdiction of the criminal courts in inquiries and trials, ordinary place of
inquiry and trial, high courts power to decide different district of inquiry or
trial, offence committed outside India . 15 L
Unit III Proceeding before magistrate and Trial Procedure (Sec 204-265)
Commencement of proceedings before magistrates, charge, trial before a
court of session, trial of warrant -cases by magistrates, trial of summons -
cases by magistrates, summary trials .
Complaint, Judgment, Appeal and Bail Provisi ons ( Sec 200-204, Sec
353-371, Sec 372-394 and Sec 436-450)
Complaints to magistrates, judgment, appeals, bail, anticipatory bail, special 15 L

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powers of high court or court of session regarding bail, bail bond, surety,
order for disposal of property at conclusion of trial, procedure by police upon
seizure of property .

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Semester VI – Practical
Note: Every Department is advised to arrange maximum number of experiments from list
provided or experiments based on theory syllabus having forensic relevance. However,
minimum seven experiments should be reported in journal for the purpose of certification.

6P1 Forensic Science and Chemical Science Practical Credits: 02
Practical/Week: 06

6P1 Forensic Science Practical
1 To differentiate various types of paper.
2 To perform TLC of ink from various writing instruments.
3 To decipher indented writing.
4 To decipher invisible writing.
5 To decipher writing from a charred document.
6 To examine various rubber stamps, seal impressions and postal cancellation stamps.
7 To examine given currency notes.
8 To examine various signatures.
9 To identify incendiary material from fire debris.
10 To observe morgue analysis of a corpse for describing wounds/putrefaction and
other artifacts.

6P1 Chemical Science Practical
1 Extraction of Caffeine from tea leaves.
2 Identification of a dulterant in given milk sample.
3 Identification of a dulterant in given vegetable oil.
4 Identification of a dulterant in given spices.
5 To determine a cid value of given oil sample.
6 To determine s aponification value of given oil sample.
7 To determine i odine value of given oil sample.
8 Interpretation of given IR spectr um.
9 Interpretation of given UV -visible spectr um.
10 To determine Na/K from given sample using Flame P hotometer.
11 To characterize given d ye sample using UV - visible spectroscopy.
12 To determine the λmax for unknown KMnO 4 sample.
13 Synthesis of P henolphthalein.
14 Synthesis of Methyl orange/ Methyl Red.
15 Synthesis of Azo – dye.
16 Analysis of p aint.

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6P2 Physical Science and Biological Science Practical Credits: 02
Practical/Week: 06

6P2 Physical Science Practical
1 Photography of 3 -D /2- D shoe/bear foot prints.
2 Casting of 3 -D Shoeprint using plaster of Paris/dental stone in mud or clay.
3 Footwear sizing .
4 Study of forensic sample under stereomicroscope.
5 Examination of fibers .
6 Examination of soil sample .
7 Particle size of soil .
8 Study of glass fractures due to impacts.
9 Study of glass fractures due to heat.
10 Physical fit/match.
11 Determination of density of solid material by volume displacement method.
12 Microscopic examination of paint sample.
13 Examination of plastic evidences .
14 Refractive Index of transparent liquid by using laser .
15 Refractive Index of liquids by using Abbey Refractometer.

6P2 Biological Science Practical
1 Study of Bertillon’s Portrait parle
2 Estimation of stature from long bones
3 Somatoscopic measurements on humans
4 Examination of dental radiogram
5 Bitemark analysis
6 Preparation of Dental Chart
7 Differentiation of Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae
 Adult flies
 Larvae based (anterior and posterior spiracle)
 Pupa based
8 Dissection of larva(3rd instar)
9 Rearing of blow fly and flesh fly in lab
10 Study of cephalopharyngeal skeleton of 2nd ,3rd instar larvae
11 Dete rmination of PMI with the help of insect evidence
12 Study of life cycle of fly (upto adul t)
13 Study of life span of fly ( upto death of adult)

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6P3 Psychology and Computer Science Practical Credits: 02
Practical/Week: 06

6P3 Psychology Practical
1 Self Concept Questionnaire – Dr. Rajkumar Saraswat.
2 Bender -Gestalt Test .
3 Social Motive Test .
4 Social Distance Scale .
5 Wechsler Child Intelligence Test .
6 Differential Aptitude Test .
7 Self-Expression Inventory .
8 State trait anxiety anger expression inventory - Charles D., Spielberger .
9 State trait anxiety inventory (adult) - Charles D., Spielbergers .
10 House Tree Person Test/Family Drawing test/Children Apperception test .
11 Mental Depression Scale .

6P3 Computer Science Practical
1 Browser analysis -I.
2 Browser analysis –II.
3 File analysis -I.
4 File analysis –II.
5 File analysis -III.
6 Study of PyFlag -I.
7 Study of PyFlag -II.
8 Mobile Forensic Basics .
9 Firewall configuration .
10 IDS configuration .
11 CCTV footage analysis .

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Semester VI – References

USFS 601: Forensic Science – VI

No. Suggested Readings
1 Rai Bahadur Jaising P. Modi , Modi's Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology,
2 C. K. Parikh, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, CBS Publishers & Distributors
Pvt. Ltd., India.
3 Anil Aggrawal , APC Insight into Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,
Avichal Publishing Company.
4 R.K. Sharma, Concise Textbook of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Elsevier,
India, 2007.
5 John J. Lentini , Scientific Protocols for Fire Investigation, CRC Press.
6 John D. DeHaan , David J. Icove , Kirk's Fire Investigation, Pearson Education.
7 José R. Almirall and Kenneth G. Furton, Analysis and Interpretation of Fire Scene
Evidence, CRC Press.
8 Niamh Nic Daeid , Fire Investigation, CRC Press.
9 Jan Seaman Kelly and Brian S. Lindblom, Scientific Examination of Questioned
Documents ,Second Edition, Taylor and Francis, 2006.
10 Jan A.Lewis, Forensic Document Examination: Fundamentals and Current Trendsm,
Elsevier, 2014.
11 Ordway Hilton, Scientific Examination of Questioned Documents, Revised
Edition,CRC Press,South Carolina, 1992.
12 Wilson R. Harrison, Suspect Documents: Their Scientific Examination, Burnham
Inc Pub, 1981.

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USFS 602: Chemical Science – VI

No. Suggested Reading
1 Qualitative organic analysis by Vogel .
2 Organic Spectroscopy by P. S. Kalsi .
3 Introduction to Organic Spectroscopy, Donal L. Pavia, Gary M .
4 Spectroscopic Identification of Organic compounds, Robert M. Silverstein .
5 Analytical Chemistry, 4th edition, Gary G. Christian .
6 Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 5th edition, Skoog , Holler and Nieman .
7 Basic concepts of Analytical Chemistry by S. M. Khopkar .
8 Instrumental methods of Chemical Analysis, Chatwal and Anand, Himalaya
Publications .
9 Applied Chemistry Theory and Practice, O. P. Vermani and A. K. Narula .
10 Textbook of Polymer Science, Fred W. Billmeyer Jr .
11 Principles of Polymer Science, 2nd edition, P. Bahadur and N. V. Sastry .
12 Outlines of Polymer Technology: Manufacture of Polymers, R. Sinha .
13 Organic Chemistry: A Modern Approach, vol. II, C. T. Bhastana , D. P. Nabar and H.
D. Upadhyaya, S. Chand Publications .
14 Fierz – David and Blangey, Fundamental Process of Dye Chemistry, Interscience
Publishers (1949, translated by Vittum) .
15 LUBS (edition), The Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes and Pigments, Reinhold, (1955) .
16 College Practical Chemistry by Ahluwalia and Dhingra .
17 Introductory Practical Biochemistry, S. K. Sawhney, R Singh, Narosa Publication
House .
18 Lab Manual in Biochemistry, J. Jayaraman, New Age International Publishers, 2nd
edition .

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USFS 603: Physical Science - VI

No. Suggested Readings
1 Footwear Impressions Evidence Detection, Recovery, and Examination Second
Edition by William J. Bodziak , CRC Press .
2 Criminalistics - An Introduction to Forensic Science By Richard Saferstein.
3 Measurement, Instrumentation and Experiment Design in Physics and Engineering By
Michael Sayer and Abhaaiman Singh.
4 Laboratory Procedural manual, Physics Section, DFSL, Mumbai.
5 Laboratory Procedural Manual, Forensic Ballistics, DFS, New Delhi.
6 Building Materials By P. C. Varghese.
7 Trace Evidence By Max M. Houck.

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USFS 604: Biological Science - VI

No. Suggested Readings
1 Practical Crime Scene Analysis & Reconstruction – Roos M. Gardner & Tom Bevel .
2 Death Scene Investigation – Scott A. Wagner .
3 Forensic Science in criminal investigation and trials – B.R. Sharma .
4 Forensic Science in Crime Investigation – Dr. Mrs. Rukmani Krishnamurthy .
5 Forensic Science – An introduction to scientific and investigative techniques –
Stuart H. James & Jon J. Nordby .
6 Forensic Medicine – P.V. Guharaj & M. R. Chandran .
7 Bryant, V.M. Jr, Mildenhall, D.C. and Jones, J.G., Forensic Polynology in the
United States of America Polynology. 1990, 14.PP.193 -208.
8 Faegri, K. Iverson, J. and Krzywinski, K. Textbook of Pollen Analysic 4th Edition.
John Wiley & Sons, New York 1989.
9 Microbial forensics By Roger Breeze, Bruce Budowle, Steven E. Schutzer. Elsevier
Academic Press .
10 The Forensic Laboratory Handbook Procedures and Practice By Ashraf Mozayani,
Carla Noziglia.2nd edition. 2011. Human Press.
11 Forensic Science in Wildlife Investigations. Adrian Linacre Taylor and Francis,
2009 .
12 The Wildlife Detectives: How Forensic Scientists Fight Crimes Against Nature By
Donna M. Jackson, Wendy Shattil, Bob RozinskiUniversalAthenaeum (Denver, CO,
U.S.A.) .
13 Forensic Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations Jason H.
Byrd, James L. Castner Taylor and Francis, 2009 .
14 Forensic entomology: an introduction By Dorothy E. Gennard Wiley.
15 Forensic palynology Dallas Mildenhall, Patricia Wilts hire, Vaughn Bryant Elsevier,
2006 .
16 Forensic palynology: an in -depth look at its indispensable value National University,
San Diego, 2002 .
17 Molecular Biology By Watson .
18 Genome Analysis By Primrose .
19 Genome Analysis By Richard Reiss .
20 Biotechnology By B.D. Singh .
21 Genetics By C.B. Pawar .
22 Gene Cloning and DNA analysis by T.A. Brown.
23 Recombinant DNA: Genes and Genomes - A Short Course, Third Edition (Watson,
Recombinant DNA) by James D. Watson, Richard M. Myers, Amy A. Caudy and
Jan A. Witkowski (Dec 8, 2006)

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USFS 605: Psychology - VI

No. Suggested Readings
1 Bull, R. (2011). Forensic Psychology(Four vol ume set). LA: Sage publications.
2 Davies, G. &Beech,A . (2012).Forensic Psychology : Crime, Justice, Law,
Interventions (2 nd ed.). BPS Blackwell: BPS text books &John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
3 Scott, A. (2010).Forensic psychology. NY: Palgrave MacMillan.
4 Donohue, W.T. & Levensky, T.R. (2004). Handbook of Forensic Psychology. NY:
5 Goldstein, A. M. Volume ed. Weiner, I.B. Series ed. (2003). Handbook of
Psychology: Forensic psychology (Vol. 11). NJ: J. Wiley and Sons.
6 Heilbrun, K, Marczyk, G.R. and DeMatteo, D. (2002) Forensic Mental Health
Assessment: A Casebook. UK: OUP.
7 McCaffrey, R.J., Williams, A.D., Fisher, J. M., and Laing, L.C. (1997). The practice of
forensic neuropsychology. NY: Plenum pres s.
8 Weiner, I.B. & Hess, A.K. (2006). Handbook of Forensic Psychology. NJ: J.Wiley
and Sons .
9 Forensic and Criminal Psychology’, Dennis Howitt, 2002 Pearson Education LTD,
10 ‘Introduction to Forensic Psychology -Court, Law Enforcement and Correctional
Practices’, Stacy L. Shipley, Bruce A. Arrigo, Edition 3rd, 2012, Elsevier Academic
press .
11 ‘Forensic Psychology and Neuropsychology for Criminal and Civil Cases’, Harold
V.Hall, Edition 1st, 2008, CRC Press .
12 ‘Criminology’ [2005] S. M. A. Qadri, fifth edition, EBC Publication, Lucknow
‘Stress Management’, Walt Schafer, Edition 4th Cengage Learning India Private
Ltd.,New Delhi.

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USFS 606 : Computer Science – VI
No. Suggested Readings
1 Cory Altheide and Harlan Carvey , Digital Forensics with open source tools, Syngress .
2 Cyber Crime investigations .
3 Debra Littlejohn Shinder and Ed Tittel , Scene of Cyber Crime -
Computer_forensics_handbook, Syngress Publishing .
4 Dr, Dar ren R. Hayes, Practical Guides to Computer Forensics Investigation, Pearson
5 Digital Forensics for Network, Internet and Cloud Computing by Clint P. Garrison .
6 Practical Mobile Forensics, Satish Bommisetty, Rohit Tamma, Heather Mahalik, Packt
Publishing Ltd., 2014, ISBN 978 -1-78328 -831-1.
7 Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations, Fourth Edition, Bill Nelson, Amelia
Phillips, Christopher Steuart, Cengage Learning, 2010, ISBN -13: 978 -1-435-49883 -9,
ISBN -10: 1 -435-49883 -6.
8 Andriod Forensic, Investigation, and Security by Andrew Hogg, Publisher Synergy .

USFS 607 : Law – VI
No. Suggested Readings
1 The Code o f Criminal Procedure, 1973 Bare Act .
2 The Criminal Procedure Code/Takwani .
3 The Criminal Procedure Code/Ratanlal and Dhirajlal .
4 Criminal manual, (Major Acts), Justice M.R.Mallick, Professional Publication, 2014 .