TYBSc Physics Applied Component Electronic Instrumentation_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Syllabus for Sem V & VI Program: B.Sc.
Course: Electronic Instrumentation
(Applied Component)
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with
effect from the academic year 201 8 –2019)
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USACEI501 Analog Circuits, Instruments and
Consumer Appliances .
No. of
Credits Lectures/Week
Unit I Transducers, Sensors and
Optoelectronics Devices
02 04 Unit II Signal conditioning, SMPS and
Measuring Instruments
Unit III Data Acquisition and Conversion
Unit IV Modern Techniques and
Consumer Appliances
USACEI5P1 Analog Circuits , Instruments and
Consumer Appliances . 02 04
USACEI601 Digital Electronics,
Microprocessor, Microcontroller
and OOP. No. of
Unit I Digital Electronics .
02 04 Unit II Advanced 8085 Programming and
8255 (PPI) interfacing.
Unit III Introduction to Microcontrollers .
Unit IV Basic Concepts of Object Oriented
Programming and C++ .
USACEI6P1 Digital Electronics,
Microprocessor, Microcontroller
and OOP. 02 04
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The revised syllabus under the credit based grading system in the subject of
Electronic Instrumentation (Applied Component) for Third Year B.Sc. Physics
(Single/Twin major subject) will be implemented from the academic Year
The scheme of examination in the subject of Electronic Instrumentation
(Applied Component) will be as follows:
Semester V & V I: Theory
Course Code: USACEI501 & USAEI601
Theory Examination: 100 marks
• Duration of each Theory paper will be of three hours.
• Each theory paper shall consist of five questions , one from each unit and
the fifth question will be from all the units. All questions are compulsory
and will have internal choice.
• The theory examination will be conducted by the respective colleges and
the marks will be forwarded to the University
The objective of these papers is to introduce the students to sensors and
transducers , Signal conditioning , data acquisition systems and measuring
instruments used in the laboratory . Students are to be e xposed to know , in
principle, the modern techn iques in the field of medical science . To learn PCB
designing and working of consumer electronic devices. To develop logic circuit
design and implementation. To know advanced programming skills and
interfacing techniques. To understand basic building blocks of
microcontrollers . To know the terminologies like embedded, C ISK and RISK
processors. To master Programming and interfacing skills of microprocessor
and microcontrollers. To develop object oriented programming skills and
programming in C++. To develop various experimental skills.
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Expected learning outcomes
Learner will be able to:
Understand the difference between a transducer and a sensor.
Understand the construction, working and uses of different types of
Understand the concept of signal conditioning , devices used and their
Get acquainted with the measuring instruments used in laboratory.
Get the insight of the modern medical instruments in principle, which are
used in day to day life.
Analyze/design and implement combinational logic circuits.
Develop assembly language programing skills and real time applications of
microprocessor .
Illustrate how to interface the I/O peripheral (PPI) with 8085 microprocessor
Understand architecture, silent features, instruction set, programming and
interfacing of 8051 microcontroller.
Develop the programming skills in programming Language C++.
Train their practical knowledge through lab experiments.
Get practical training to interface different programmable peripherals and
I/O devices to microprocessor and microcontroller.
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Semester V & VI: Practical
Course Code: USACEI5P1 & USA CEI6P1
The practical examination will be conducted as per the following scheme by the
respective colleges and the marks will be forwarded to the University:
No Particulars of External Practical
Examination Marks
1 Laboratory Work 80
2 Journal 10
3 Viva 10
Total Marks in each semester: 100 Marks
• Duration of each Practical paper will be of 3 Hours per semester.
• A certified Journal of Electronic Instrumentation must contain a
minimum of EIGHT Experiments in each semester. At least TWO
experiments from each sub group s, as mentioned in the syllabus , should
be performed and reported in journal.
• Every candidate will be required to perform ON E experiment (from sub
groups A or B or C or D) at the semester end practical examination.
• A candidate will be allowed to appear for the Practical Examination only
if the candidate submits his/her certified Journal or a certificate from
the Head of the Department of Physics stating that the candidate has
completed the practical Course of Electronic Instrumentation of the
respective semester as per requirements.
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Unit- I: Transducers, Sensors and Optoelectronic Devices (15 lect.)
1. Transducers: Definition, Classification, Selection of transducer.
2. Electrical transducers: Thermistor, Thermocouple, Pressure Transducer:
Strain gauges (wire, foil, & semiconductor), Displacement transducer:
LVDT, Peizo -electric Transducer. [Ref. 2, 3, 6 & 9]
3. Chemical sensors: PH sensor, Gas sensor (Fundamental aspects),
Humidity sensor (Resistive). [R6, R7].
4. Electronic Weighing Systems: Operating principle, Block diagram,
features [Ref12 & 13].
5. Optoelectronic Devices: LDR, LED (Construction, Working &
Applications), Multicolour LED, Seven Segment Display, Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD), Photodiode (construction, Characteristics & applications),
Phototransistor. [Ref. 1, 2 & 3]
Unit-II: Signal Conditioning, SMPS and Measuring
(15 lect.)
1. Half wave precision rectifier, Active Peak detector, Active Positive Clamper
[M & B].
2. Active Positive and Negative Clippers [G]
3. Microphones: characteristics, types (list only), carbon microphone and
dynamic type microphone (principle, construction and working) [R4].
4. Loud speakers: Characteristics, Dynamic (Moving coil type) speaker,
Multi -way speaker system (woofer and tweeter) [R4]
5. Switching Regulators: Basic and Monolithic Switching regulators (buck,
boost and buck – boost) (Only basic Configurations) Ref M: 24.7
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6. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope: Single trace CRO (Block diagram), Front
Panel Controls (Intensity, F ocus, Astigmatism, X & Y position, L evel knob ,
Time base (Time/Division ) and attenuation (V olts/Division) knobs,
X-Y mode), Dual Trace CRO (Block diagram), Probes: 1:1&10:1.
Digital Storage Oscilloscope [R3 &10].
7. DMM: 3 ½ Digit, resolution and sensitivity, general specification. [R3]
Unit- III: Data Acquisition and Conversion (15 lect.)
1. Data acquisition system: Objectives of DAS, Signal conditioning of
inputs, Single channel Data Acquisition system, Multichannel Data
Acquisition system. [Data Transmission systems IEEE -488 GPIB*]
[Ref. 11]
2. D to A Converters: Resistive divider network, Binary ladder
network [Ref 7 & 8]
3. A to D Converters: Successive approximation type, Voltage to Time
(Single slope, Dual slope). [Ref. 7 & 8]
Unit-IV: Modern Techniques and Appliances (15 lect.)
1. Printed Circuit Board: Idea of PCB, advantages, copper clad, Etching
processes, Principle of Photolithography (For PCB). [Ref. 4, 14 & 15].
2. Microwave Oven: Operating principle, block diagram, features.
[Ref. 12 & 13]
3. Medical instruments: Bio-Potential , Types of electrodes, ECG, EEG,
EMG, CT Scan an d MRI (principle, block diagram and features),
Ultrasonography: working principle [R 16, 17 and18].
1. A Textbook of Applied Electronics – R S Sedha, S Chand & Company,
New Delhi.
2. Basic Electronics Solid state - B. L. Thereja, S Chand & Company, New
3. Electronic Instrumentation – H S Kalsi, Tata McGraw -Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
4. Electronic components and materials: Principles, Manufacture and
Maintenance - S. M. Dhir, Tata McGraw -Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi.
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https://books.google.co.in/books?id=sGbwj4J76tEC&pg= PA384&lpg=PA
cture+and+Maintenance -+S.+M.+Dhir,+Tata+McGraw -
N3pB&sig=viKj6soAvVom4Hx9W -53Q-
koqFM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjCq97viYX aAhUEPo8KHfMNBaQQ6
terials%3A%20Principles%2C%20Manufacture%20and%20Maintenance -
%20S.%20M.%20Dhir%2C%20Tata%20McGraw -
https://books.google.co.in/books?id=bftp5ZG8v5kC&pg=PP1 &lpg=PP1&
dq=digital+Electronics+ -
aJBKIQ6AEINTAB#v=onepage&q=digital%20E lectronics%20 -
5. Measurement and Instrumentation Principles: Alan S. Morris.,
Butterworth -Heinemann.
6. Transducers and display systems: B. S. Sonde, Tata McGraw -Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
7. Digital principles and applications: A.P. Malvino and D. P. Leach. Tata
McGraw -Hill.
8. Data Converters – B. S. Sonde , Tata McGraw -Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi.
9. Modern Electronic Instruments and Measurement techniques - Albert
D. Helfrick, Willam D. Cooper, Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
10. A course in electrical and electronic Measuremen ts and
Instrumentation: A. K. Sawhney, DhanpatRai and Sons.
https://www.scribd.com/document/258017718/A -K-sawhney -A-
Course -in-Electrical -and-Electronic -Measurements -and-Instrumentation
11. Instrumentation Devices & Systems , 2nd Edition Tata McGrawHill - C.S.
Rangan, G.R. Sarma,V.S. Mani
12. Consumer Electronics R. P. Bali, Pearson Education (2008)
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13. S.P Bali, “Consumer Electronics”, Pearson Education Asia Pvt., Ltd.,
2008 Edition,
14. Printed Circuits Handbook pdf, Clyde F. Coombs. Jr. , McGraw Hill
Handbooks, 6th ed.
15. PCB design basics, Mahmoud Wahby, EDN Networks, Nov 2013.
16. Introduction to Bio -medical Electronics: Joseph -Du-bary, McGraw Hill
Co. Ltd.
17. Medical instrumentation Application and design - J. C. Wobster
18. Biomedical instruments and measurements – L. Cromwell, F. J. Weibell,
Printice hall of India of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
Course Code: USACEI5P1
1. Perform Minimum TWO Experiments from each group .
2. Group C experiments must be performed on Bread Boards .
Name of the Experiments
1 Thermistor Characteristics –Thermal and electrical . (H & C)
2 Thermistor as sensor in temperature to voltage converter using OPAMP .
(C&D Ch.8)
3 Study of LVDT characteristics . (K Ch. 13)
4 Study of Load Cell / Strain Guage . (K Ch. 13)
5 Study of seven segment display .
6 Characteristics of Photo diode and photo transistors .
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Name of the Experiments
1 Basic Instrumentation Amplifier using 3 Op -Amps coupled to
resistance bridge . (C & D Ch. 8 )
2 Temperature to frequency Conversion using 555 timer . (C & D Ch.13)
3 OPAMP D/A Converter: Binary weighted resistors .
4 OPAMP D/A Converter: Ladder network . (M & L Ch. 12)
5 Sample an d hold circuit using op -amp 741. (G Ch. 8)
6 Peak detector using op -amp 741. (G Ch. 8)
(Must be performed on Bread Board)
Name of the Experiments
1 Half wave precision rectifier us ing precision op-amps (OPA177)
(C & D Ch. 7)
2 Positive and Negative Clippers using op -amp.(G Ch. 8)
3 Positive and Negative Clampers using single power supply op -amp
(124/324). (G Ch. 8)
4 Second Order active Low Pass filter (frequency response & phase
5 Second Order active High Pass filter (frequency response & phase
relation) (K.Ch15)
6 Active Notch Filter (frequency response & phase relation) (K.Ch.15)
7 Square and Triangular wave generator using OPAMPs wit h concept of
duty cycle (M.Ch 23)
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Name of the Experiments
1. Study of variable dual power supply using LM 317& LM 337 (± 3v to ±
15v). (C&D Ch.13)
2. Constant Current source using OPAMP and PNP transistor (o/p current
less than 50 mA) (C & D Ch 5)
3. Simple microphone amplifier using a transistor.
4. Low voltage audio amplifier using IC LM386
5. Construction of Audio power amplifier using IC TBA 810.
6. Making PCB for simple circuits (like rectifiers, regulators, oscillators,
multivibrators, op -amp applications, single stage amplifier etc.) ,
building and testing of the circuit .
7. Visit to Hospital/Diagnostic Center/ Bio -medical Research Laboratory
and submission of its report .
Experiment No. 5 & 6 are Hands -on experiment s. Learner have to prepare
report, PPT and viva voice. Which is equivalent to 2 regular experiments .
Visit to Hospital/Diagnostic Center/ Bio -medical Research Laboratory and
submission of its report which is also equivalent to 2 regular experiments.
Learner will be examined for Expt. No. 5, 6 and 7 on the basis of submitted
report, PPT and viva , and need not perform regular experiment during the
Practical Examination.
1. H & C: Modern Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques
by Albert D. Helfrick & William D. Cooper PHI) Edition .
2. C & D: OPAMPs and linear integrated circuits” by Coughlin &
F. F. Driscoll (6th edition PHI)
3. G: OP AMPs and linear integrated circuits by R.A. Gayakwad
(4th edition, PHI) .
4. M: Electronic Principles by A. P. Malvino , (PHI), 6th edition.
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5. K: Electronic Instrumentation by H. S. Kalsi , (TMH) 2nd Edition
6. M & L: Digital Principle and Applications” by Malvino and Leach , (TMH) ,
5th edition,
7. RPJ: Modern Digital Electronics , R .P. Jain, (TMH), 3rd edition .
Unit- I: Digital Electronics
(15 lect.)
1. Combinational Logic Design: Introduction, Boolean identities, K – map
(2, 3 and 4 variable), Ref: N G P 4.1 – 4.8. (additional ref. RPJ)
2. Design and implementations of: Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, De -
multiplexers, Use of MUX and DEMUX in Combinational Logic design.
Code Converters (based on – binary, BCD, Gray and Excess – 3 codes ).
Tri-State logic, buffer s, D latch.
Ref: N G P - 5.1 (only introduction), 5.3, 7 .1 -7.6 (except 7.5) RPJ - 4.20.
RG: 3.5.1, 3.5.2, 3.5.3, 3.5.4 & 3.5.5
NGP: Digital Electronics and Logic design by N G PALAN ,
RG: Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with
the 8085, Ramesh Gaonkar, 5th Edition .
RPJ: R. P. Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th
Edition .
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Unit-II: Advanced 8085 Programming and 8255(PPI) (15 lect.)
1. Introduction to advanced instructions and applications
Ref. RG: 10.7, 10.8, 10.9
2. Stack and Subroutines : Stack, Subroutine
Ref. RG: 9.1, 9.1.1, 9.2&9.2.1
3. The 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface: Block Diagram of the
Mode 0 – Simple Input / Output mode, BSR (Bit Set/Reset Mode)
Ref. RG: 15.1.1, 15.1.2& 15.1.3
RG: Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with
the 8085, Ramesh Gaonkar, 5th Edition .
Unit- III: Introduction to Microcontrollers (15 lect.)
1. Introduction, Microcontrollers and Microprocessors, History of
Microcontrollers and Microprocessors, Block diagram of 8051
Microcontroller*, Embedded Versus External Memory Devices, 8 -bit &
16-bit Microcontrollers, CISC and RISC Processors, Harvard and Von
Neumann Architectures, Commercial Microcontrollers.
Ref. AVD -Ch: 1
Ref. MMM - For * Refer 1.2 The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded
Systems by M.A. Mazidi, J.G. Mazidiand R. D. Mckinlay, Second Edition,
Pearson .
2. 8051 Microcontrollers:
Introduction, MCS-Architecture, Registers in MCS -51, 8051 Pin
Description, 8051 Connections, 8051 Parallel I/O Ports, Memory
AVD-Ch: 2, 3.
3. 8051 Instruction Set and Programming:
MCS-51 Addressing Modes and Instructions : 8051 Addressing modes,
MCS-51 Instruction Set, 8051 Instructions and Simple Programs, Using
Stack Pointer
AVD-Ch: 4
Ref. AVD: Microcontrollers (Theory and Applications) by Ajay V
Deshmukh, The Tata -McGraw -Hill Companies
Ref. Intel’s 8031/8051 Data sheet
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https://www.8051projects.net/download -d215 -intel-mcs-51-8051 -user-
https://archive.org/stream/212656146The8051Microcontroll erByIScott
Mackenzie4th Edition/212656146 -The-8051 -Microcontroller -by-I-
Scott -Mackenzie -4th-Edition#page/n47/mode/2up
Additional Reference books :
1. The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems -Dr. Rajiv Kapadia
(Jaico Pub. House)
2. 8051 Micro -controller by K.J.Ayala., Penram International.
3. Programming & customizing the 8051 microcontroller By Myke Predko,
4. The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems by M.A. Mazidi, J.G.
Mazidiand R.D.Mckinlay, Second Edition, Pearson .
Unit-IV: Basic Concepts of Object Oriented Programming
and C++ (15 lect.)
1. Basics of Object -Oriented Programming & Beginning with C++: Basic
concepts of Object -Oriented Programming, Benefits of OOP, Object -
Oriented Languages, Applications of OOP.
What is C++?, Applications of C++, A simple C++ program, More C++
Statements, Example with Class, Structure of C++ Program, Creating the
Source Fil e, Compiling and Linking.
Ref EB: 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 & 1.8
EB: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 & 2.8
2. Tokens and Expressions in C++:
Introduction, Tokens, Keywords, Identifiers and Constants, Basic Data
Types, User -Defined Data Types, Derived Data Types, Symbolic
Constants, Type Compatibility, Declaration of Variables, Dynamic
Initialization of Variables, Reference Variables, Operators in C++, Scope
Resolution Operator, Member Dereferencing Operators, Memory
Management Operators, Manipulators, Type Cast Operator, Expressions
and Their Types, Special Assignment Expressions, Implicit Conversions,
Operator Ov erloading, Operator Precedence.
Ref EB: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13,
3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21, 3.22 & 3.23
3. Control Structures and Functions:
Control Structures, Functions: The Main Function, Function
Prototyping, Call by Reference, Return by Reference, Inline Functions,
Default Arguments, Constant Arguments, Function Overloading, Math
Library Functions.
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Ref EB: 3.24, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9 & 4.11
EB: Object Oriented Programming with C++ by E Balagurusamy, Third
/Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw -Hill Publishing Company Limited.
Additional references:
1) Microprocessor and Applications by Vibhute and Borole, Techmax
2) Microprocessor, Principles & Applications by Gilmore (2nd Ed) TMH
3) Programming with C++ by D. Ravichandran, Tata McGraw -Hill
Publishing Company Limited.
4) Starting out with C++ by Tony Gaddis, Third Edition, Addison Wesley
Publishing Company.
5) Digital Electronics - by A.P Godse & D.A Godse Technical public ations,
Pune, Revised third edit ion, 2008. Pg.No:2.25 -2.70 (for K-maps) .
https://www.scribd.com/document/103027386/Digital -Electronics -By-
D-A-Godse -A-P-Godse
q=Digital+Electronics+ -
+by+A.P+Godse+%26+D.A+G odse+Technical+publications,+Pune,+Revise
wabgqRMoWz6snI8s&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiv55 -
nics%20 -
%20by%20A.P%20Godse%20%26%20D.A%20Godse%20 Technical%20pu
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Course Code: USACEI6 P1
Note: Perform Minimum TWO Experiments from each group.
GROUP – A: Digital Electronics
Name of the Experiments
1 Study of 3:8 Decoder (74LS138), 8:3 Priority Encoder (74LS148) and
their applications.
2 Study of Latc h (74LS373) and its application.
3 Study of 8:1 Multiplexer (74LS151), 1: 4 De -multiplexer (74LS155) and
their applications.
4 Study of unidirectional buffer (74LS244) and bidirectional buffer
5 Design using K –map and implement 4:1 MUX, 1:4 DEMUX, 2bit
comparator, Full adder and Full subtractor. [Note: Use suitable circui t
simulator for implementation]
6 Designing (using K –map) and implementation of code convertors. (any
two – Binary to Gray, Gray to Binary , BCD to Excess – 3 and Excess -3
to BCD ) [Note: Use suitable circu it simulator for implementation]
GROUP – B : 8085 Advanced P rogramming and 8255 interfacing
Note: The students should be familiar with Keyboard and Display utilities
DISPLAY ON DATA FIELD, mentioned in the 8085 μp kit’s manual.
Name of the Exper iments
8085 programming
1 Write An ALP: a) To Evaluate simple arithmetic Expression (like Y= a x
b + c x d where a, b, c and d are 8 -bit HEX numbers ) b) To Add parity
bit to 7-bit ASCII characters .
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2 Write An ALP for code conversion (any two)
3 16-bit Data manipulation (Addition, subtraction) Display result on
Address field.
4 Write ALP for Addition/ Subtraction/Multiplication of two, 8 -bit hex,
numbers. [Note: Use Read Keyboard Utility for inputting the hex
numbers and display the result on the Address field. ]
8255 interfacing
1. Design a system (both Software and Hardware) that will cause 4 LEDs
to flash when a push button switch is pressed. Assume persistence of
vision to be 0.1 seconds.
2. Design a system (both Software and Hardware) using 8 LED display to
a) Binary - up, down and ring counters.
b) Flashing display.
3. Design a system (both Software and Hardware) to control ON/OFF
operation of 4 electrical loads (appliances).
4. Interfacing 8 switches and 8 LEDs to 8255:
a) Write ALP to read the status of the switches and display on the
b) Write ALP so that when the first switch is made ON all the LEDs
should glow and when the second switch is made OFF all the LEDs
should become off.
GROUP – C: Experiments for 8031 / 8051 / 89C51
Name of the Experiments
1 8031/51 assembly language programming:
a) Simple data manipulation programs. (8/16 ‐bit addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division.
b) 8/16 bit data transfer, cubes of nos., to rotate a 32 ‐ bit number
c) Finding greatest/smallest number from a block of data, decimal /
hexadecimal counter.
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2 Study of IN and OUT port of 8031/51 by Interfacing switches,
LEDs and Relays:
a) To display bit pattern on LED’s
b) To count the number of “ON” switches and display on LED’s,
c) To trip a relay depending on the logic condition of switches
d) Event counter (using LDR and light source)
GROUP – D: C++ Programming
Name of the Experiments
1. Program based on Input, Output St atements. (Programs to read any
two numbers through keyboard and to perform simple arithmetic
operations and to display the result) .
2. Program based on Control Statements
a) Program based on if -else statement
b) Program based on nested if statement
3. Program based on for loop, while loop and do -while loop.
4. Program using switch statements and if -else ladder.
5. Program to study function declaration, function calling and function