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1Unit I
Unit Structure :
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Data and Information
1.2 Data Structure
1.3 Classification of Data Structure -Primitive Data types, Abstract
Data types, Data type VS File organization
1.4 Operation on Data Structure
1.5 Importance of Algorithm Analysis
1.6 Complexity of an Algorithm -Asymptotic Analysis and
Notations, Big O Notation, Big Omega Notation, Big Theta
Notation, Rate of Growth and Big O Notation
1.7 Summary
1.8 References
1.9 Questions
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
●Explain the use of data structure in computers
●Differentiate between the different types of data structures
●Illustrate the concept of asymptotic notations
●Understand the operations of data structures
1Data Structure is one of the most fundamental subject in computer
science and in -depth understanding of this word i.e Data +
Structure is very important especially when you are developing a
programs for building efficient systems software and applications.
2Definition -In Computer Science, a data structure is a data
organization, management and storage format that enables efficient
access and modification. In simple words It is a way in which data
is stored on a computer.
3Why do we need Data Structures ?
3.1 Data structure is a particular way of storing and organizing
information in a computer so that it can be retrieved and used most
3.2 As each data structure allow data to be stored in specific

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23.3 Data Structure allows efficient d ata search and retrieval.
3.4 Specific data structure are decided to work for specific problems.
3.5It allows to manage large amount of databases and indexing
services such as hash table.
4Examples of Data Structure are Digital Dictionary, Google Map et c
5For eg Array is a Data Structure -will explain with preceded
diagram int number[4]={10,20,30,40}; Here one dimensional array
is created which will stored in RAM in rows and column format
and that resembles array as a Data structure where 10,20,30,40
represents as value.
6What is Data + Information in terms of Data Structure
6.1 Data means an individual unit that contains raw materials which do
not carry any specific meaning, Whereas Information means is a
group of data that collectively carries a log ical meaning.
6.2 For eg if we refer to above example of Array, each array value
which is stored in row and column is belongs to data part and
complete array values can be retrieved at a time is nothing but
information, on that note exact difference betwe en data and
information is data does not depend on information, but
information depend on data.
6.3 Table 1 Shows difference between Data & Information
Points of
ComparisonData Information
Meaning Data means raw facts
gathered about someone
or something which is
bare and randomFacts, Concerning a
particular event or subject,
which are refined by
processing is called
What is it? It is just text and
numbersIt is refined data
Based On Records and Observation Analysis
Form Unorganized Organized
Useful May or May not be
Specific No Yes
Dependency Does not depend on
informationWithout data, information
cannot be processed
Table 1
1.What is binding between Algorithm, Program and Data Structure?
1.1 Algorithm -It outline, the essential of a computational procedure,
step by step

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31.2 Program -A implementation of algorithm in some programming
1.3 Data Structure -Organization of data neede d to solve the program
1.4 for eg Write a program to print 10 numbers
Algorithm would be
Step 1 Take a range of values in a variable A, nothing but an Array
Data Structure
Step 1 Assign a Value to an Array A Such as A[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
Step 2 Apply loop to print values of Array
# include
Void main
int a[10],i;
Printf(“The value of is “,i);
Data structure –here array is one type of data structure used here
1.5 Difference between Algorithm and Pseudocode
Table 2 Represents difference between Algorithm and Pseudocode
Sr.No Algorithm Pseudocode
1 Systematic logical approach
which is a well -defined, step -
by-step procedure that allows
a computer to solve a
problemIt is one of the methods
which can be used to
represent an algorithm for a
2 Algorithms can be expressed
using natural language,
flowcharts etcPseudocode allows you to
include several control
structures such as while, if -
then-else, Repeat -until, for
and case whic h is present in
many high -level languages
Table 2
1.6 Data Structure mainly specifies the following four things
✔Organization of Data
✔Accessing /methods
✔Degree of Associativity
✔Processing alternatives for information
1.7 To study Data structure in basic terms covers the following points
✔Amount of memory require to store
✔Amount of time require to process
✔Representation of data in memory
✔Operations performed on that

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Fig.1 Classification of Data Structure
1Data structures are normally classified in to two broad categories
1 Primitive Data Structures
2 Non -Primitive Data Structure
2Data types -A particular kind of data item, as defined by the values
it can take, the programming language used or the operations that
can be performed on it.
3Primitive Data Structure
3.1 Primitive data structure are basic structures and are directly
operated upon by machine instructions.
3.2 Primitive data structures have different representations on
different computers.
3.3 Integers, floats, character and pointers are examples of
primitive data structures.
3.4 These data types are available in mos t programming languages
as built in type
3.4.1 Integer -It is a data type which allows all values without
fraction part. We can use it for whole numbers.
3.4.2 Float -It is a data type which use for storing fractional
3.4.3 Character -It is a d ata type which is used for character values.
3.4.5 Pointer -A variable that holds memory address of another
variable are called pointer.
4Non Primitive Data type
4.1 These are more sophisticated data structures
4.2 These are derived from primitive dat a structures.
4.3 The non -primitive data structures emphasize on structuring of a
group of homogeneous or heterogeneous data

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54.4 Example of non -primitive data types are Array, List and Files
4.5 A Non -primitive data type is further divided i n to Linear and
Non-Linear data structure
1A r r a y -An array is a fixed size sequenced collection of elements
of the same data type.
2L i s t -An ordered set containing variable number of elements of
the same data type .
3F i l e -A file is a collection of l ogically related information. It can
be viewed as a large list of records consisting of various fields.
5Linear Data Structures
5.1 A data structure is said to be linear, if its elements are
connected in linear fashion by means of logically or in sequen ce
memory locations.
5.2 There are two ways to represent a linear data structure in
1 Static Memory Allocation
2 Dynamic Memory Allocation
5.3 The possible operations on the linear data structure are -
Traversal, insertion, Deletion, Sear ching, Sorting and Merging.
5.4 Examples of Linear Data Strictures are Stack and Queue
5.4.1 Stack -It is a data structure in which insertion and deletion
operation are performed a one end only. The insertion operation is
referred to as “PUSH” and deleti on operation is referred to as
“POP” operation. Stack is also called as Last in First Out(LIFO)
data structure.
5.4.2 Queue -The data structure which permits the insertion at one
end and deletion at another end known as queue. End at which
deletion is occ urs is known as FRONT end and another end at
which insertion occurs as REAR end. It is also called as First in
First Out (FIFO) structure.
6Non Linear data Structures
6.1 These are those data structure in which data items are not
arranged in a sequence.
6.2 Examples of Non -Linear Data Structure are Tree and Graph.
6.3 Tree -A tree can be defined as finite set of data items(nodes) in
which data items are arranged in branches and sub branches
according to requirement. It represent the hierarchical relati onship
between various elements. Tree consist of nodes connected by
edge, the node represented by circle and edge lives connecting to
6.4 Graph -Graph is a collection of nodes(information) and
connecting edges(logical relation) between nodes. A tr ee can be
viewed as restricted graph. Graph have many types like un

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6graph, directed graph, mixed graph, multi graph, simple graph, null
graph, weighted graph.
7Table 3 Shows difference between Linear and Non Linear Data
Sr. No Linear Data Structure Non-Linear Data Structure
1 Every item is related to
its previous and next
timeEvery item is attached with
many other items
2 Data is arranged in
linear sequenceData is not arranged in sequence
3 Data items can be
traversed in a single
run.Data cannot be traversed in a
single run.
4 Eg Array, Stacks,
linked list, queueEg Tree, Graph
5 Implementation is easy Implementation is difficult
Table 3
8Abstract Data type (ADT) -is a type for objects whose behaviour is
defined by a set of value and a set of operations.
8.1 The definition of ADT only mentions what operations are to be
performed but not how these operations will be implemented.
8.2 It does not specify how data will be organized in memory and
what algorithms will be used for implementing the operations.
8.3 It is called “abstract” as it gives an implementation -independent
view. The process of providing only the essentials and hiding the
details is known as abstraction.
Fig 2 ADT
8.4 for eg Stack ADT
1 In Stack ADT implementation instead of data being stored in
each node, the pointer to data is stored.
2 The program allocates memory for the data and address is passed
to the stack

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Fig3Stack as ADT
3The head node and the data nodes are encapsulated in the ADT.
The calling function can only see the pointer to the stack.
4The stack head structure also contains a pointer to top and
count of number of entries currently in stack. As Push(),
pop(),peek(),size(),isempty(),isfull() is already implemented in
STACK ADT, only programmer has to use this function for
implementing program on stack
9Data Type V/s File Organization -Data type is A particular kind of
data item, as defined by th e values it can take, the programming
language used or the operations that can be performed on it,
whereas File organization means how data type values are arranged
or organized in file.
1Design of efficient data structure must take operations to be
performed on the data structures in to account. The most
commonly used operations on data structure are broadly divided in
to following types as follows
1.1Create –The create operation results in reserving memory for
program elements. This can be done by declaration statement.
Creation of data structure may take place either during compile
time or run time. Malloc() function of C language is used for
creation. For eg ptr=(int*) malloc(100*sizeof(in t)) , this syntax
will allocate 400 bytes of memory and the pointer ptr holds the
address of the first byte in the allocated memory.
1.2Destroy -This operation destroys memory space allocated for
specified data structure. Free() function of C language is used
to destroy data structure. For eg syntax of using free() is only
write free(ptr).
1.3Selection -Selection operation deals with accessing a particular
data within a data structure. For eg Pseudocode represent below
will show how selection works
If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60 then
Print passed
Print “failed”

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8In above pseudocode, all students are not passed, only that students
are selected which are above 60. So this is selection operation.
1.4Updation -It updates or modifies t he data in the data structure
1.5Searching -It finds the presence of desired data item in the list
of data items, it may also find the locations of all elements that
satisfy certain conditions.
1.6Sorting -It is a process of combining the data items of two
differ ent sorted list in to a single list.
1.7Merging -It is a process of combining the data items of two
different sorted list in to a single sorted list.
1.8Splitting -It is a process of partitioning single list to multiple
1.9Traversal -It is a process of visiting each and every node of a
list in systematic manner.
1 Algorithm
1.1An essential aspect to data structures is algorithms.
1.2Data Structures are implemented using algorithms.
1.3An algorithm is a pr ocedure that you can write as a C function or
program, or any other language.
1.4An algorithm states explicitly how the data will be manipulated.
2Algorithm Efficiency
2.1Some algorithms are more efficient than others. We would prefer
to choose an efficient algor ithm, so it would be nice to have
metrics for comparing algorithm efficiency.
2.2The complexity of an algorithm is a function describing the
efficiency of the algorithm in terms of the amount of data the
algorithm must process.
2.3Usually there are natural units for the domain and range of this
function. There are two main complexity measure of the efficiency
of an algorithm.
3Time Complexity
3.1It is a function describing the amount of time an algorithm takes in
terms of the amount of input to the algorithm.
3.2Time can mean the number of memory accesses performed, the
number of comparisons between integers, the number of times
some inner loop is executed or some other natural unit related to
the amount of real time the algorithm will be.
4Space complexity
4.1It is a function describing the amount of memory space an
algorithm takes in terms of the amount of input to the algorithm.
4.2We always speak of “extra” memory needed, not counting the
memory needed to store the input itself. Again we use natural but
fixed -length u nits to measure

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94.3We can use bytes, but it's easier to use, say, number of integers
used, number of fixed -sized structures, etc. In the end, the function
we come up with will be independent of the actual
number of bytes needed to represent the unit.
4.4It is sometimes ignored because the space used is minimal and/or
obvious, but sometimes it becomes as important an issue as time.
5Worst Case Analysis
5.1In the worst case analysis, we calculate upper bound on running
time of an algorithm. We must know that cau ses maximum number
of operations to be executed.
5.2For Linear search, the worst case happens when the element to be
searched is not present in the array.
5.3When X element is not present, the search() functions compares it
with all the elements of array[] one by one. So, the worst case time
complexity of linear search would be.
6Average Case Analysis
6.1In average case analysis, we take all possible inputs and calculate
computing time for all of the inputs.
6.2Add all the calculated values and divide the obtained sum by total
number of inputs.
6.3For the linear search problem, let us assume that all cases are
uniformly distributed. So we sum all the cases and divide the sum
7Best Case Analysis
7.1In the best case analysis, we calculate lower bound on running time
of an algorithm. We must know the causes minimum number of
operations to be executed.
7.2In the linear search problem, the best case occurs when x is present
at the first location.
1 Asymptotic notations are the mathematical notations used to describe
the running time of an algo rithm when the input tends towards a
particular value or a limiting value.
2 For example -In bubble sort, when the input array is already sorted,
the time taken by the algorithm is linear i.e the best case.
3 But, when the input array is in reverse condi tion, the algorithm takes
the maximum time (quadratic) to sort the elements i.e the worst

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104 When the input array is neither sorted nor in reverse order, then it
takes average time. These durations are denoted using asymptotic
5 There are mainly three asymptotic notaions
5.1 Big -O Notation
5.2 Omega Notation
5.3 Theta Notation
6B i g -O Notation(O -Notation)
6.1 Big -O notation represents the upper bound of the running time of
an algorithm. Thus, it gives the worst -case complexity of an algori thm.
6.2O(g(n)) = { f(n): there exist positive constants c and
such that 0 ≤f(n) ≤cg(n) for all n ≥n0}
The above expression can be described as a function f(n) belongs to the
set O(g(n)) if there exists a positive constant c such that it lies between
0 and cg(n), for sufficiently large n.
6.3 For any value of n, the running time of an algorithm does not cross
the time provided by O(g(n)).
6.4 Since it gives the worst -case running time of an algor ithm, it is
widely used to analyze an algorithm as we are always interested in the
worst -case scenario.
Fig4Big-O Notation
7Omega Notation( Ω-Notation)

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117.1 Omega notation represents the lower bound of the runni ng time of
an algorithm. Thus it provides the best case complexity of an
7.2Ω(g(n)) = { f(n): there exist positive constants c and n 0
such that 0 ≤cg(n) ≤f(n) for all n ≥n0}
The above expression can be described as a function f(n) belongs to the
set O(g(n)) if there exists a positive constant c such that it lies above
cg(n), for sufficiently large n.
7.3 For any value of n, the minimum time required by the
algorithm is given by omega Ω(g(n)).
Fig5Omega Notation where omega gives the lower bound of a
8Theta Notation( Θ-Notation)
8.1Theta notation encloses the function from above and below. Since
it represents the upper and the lower bound of the running time of
an algorithm, it is used for analyzing the average -case complexity
of an algorithm.
8.2Θ(g(n)) = { f(n): there exist positi ve constants c 1,c2and n 0
such that 0 ≤c1g(n) ≤f(n) ≤c2g(n) for all
The above expression can be described as a function f(n) belongs
to the set Θ(g(n)) if there exists positive constant c1 and c2 such
that it can be sandwiched betw een c1g(n) and c2g(n), for
sufficiently large

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128.3If a function f(n) lies any where in between c1g(n) and c2g(n) for
all n>=n0, then f(n) is said to be asymptotically tight bound.
Fig6Theta Notation where i t gives the function within constant
9Properties of Asymptotic Notations
9.1 General Properties -If f(n) is O(g(n)) then a*f(n) is also O(g(n)) ;
where a is a constant.
Example: f(n) = 2n²+5 is O(n²)
then 7*f(n) = 7(2n²+5) = 14n²+35 is also O(n²) .
Similarly this property satisfies for both ΘandΩnotation. We can
say-If f(n) is Θ(g(n)) then a*f(n) is also Θ(g(n)) ; where a is a
constant. If f(n) is Ω(g(n)) then a*f(n) is also Ω(g(n)) ; where a is a
9.2 Tran sitive Properties
If f(n) is O(g(n)) and g(n) is O(h(n)) then f(n) = O(h(n)) . Example: if
f(n) = n, g(n) = n² and h(n)=n³ n is O(n²) and n² is O(n³) then n is O(n³)
9.3 Reflexive Properties
Reflexive properties are always easy to understand after transit ive. If
f(n) is given then f(n) is O(f(n)). Since maximum value of f(n) will be
f(n) itself Hence x = f(n) and y = O(f(n) tie themselves in reflexive

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13Example: f(n) = n² ; O(n²) i.e O(f(n) Similarly this property satisfies
for both ΘandΩnotation.
9.4 Symmetric Properties
If f(n) is Θ(g(n)) then g(n) is Θ(f(n)) . Example: f(n) = n² and g(n) =
n², then f(n) = Θ(n²) and g(n) = Θ(n²). This property only satisfies for
theta notation.
9.5 Transpose symmetric properties
If f(n) is O(g(n)) then g(n) is Ω(f(n)). Example: f(n) = n , g(n) =
n²,then n is O(n²) and n² is Ω(n). This property only satisfies for
Omega and O notation.
10Practice Problem -In this problem you will compute the asymptotic
time complexity of the follo wing divide -and-conquer algorithm.
You may assume that n is a power of 2. (NOTE: It doesn't matter
what this does!)
float useless(A){
n=A . l e n g t h ;
if (n==1){
return A[0];
let A1,A2 be arrays of size n/2
for (i=0; i <= (n/2) -1; i++){
A1[i] = A[i];
A2[i] = A[n/2 + i];
for (i=0; i<=(n/2) -1; i++){
for (j=i+1; j<=(n/2) -1; j++){
if (A1[i] == A2[j])
A2[j] = 0;
b1 = useless(A1);
b2 = useless(A2);
return max(b1,b2);
The solution to above problem is
Clearly T(1) = Theta(1). The first loop used for splitting has time
Theta(n) and the second has time complexity Theta(n^2). There are 2
recursive calls of size n/2. F inally constant time (Theta(1)) is spent
combining. Hence we get the recurrence.
T(1) = Theta(1)
T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + Theta(n^2) for n >= 2
By the master method we get that T(n) = Theta(n^2). Hence this given
algorithm is a Theta(n^2)

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➢In this chapter we discuss about what is difference between Data
and information.
➢This chapter also gives definition of Data structure along with
operation on Data Structure like Insertion, search, updation,
➢Also seen the concept of why algorithm analysis is important with
respect to best case, worst case and average case analysis and with
respect to time and space complexity.
➢Asymptotic notation can be illustrated in this chapter with function
growth rate and example and a lso discussed usage of BigO, Theta
and Omega in finding out algorithm complexity.
1 An Introduction to Data Structure with Applications, Jean –Paul
Tremblay and Paul Sorenson Tata MacGraw Hill 2 nd 2007.
2 Schaum’s Outlines Data structure Seymour Lipschutz Tata McGraw
Hill 2 nd 2005.
Useful Links
1 Nptel Course of Data Structure -
Q1 Discuss different types of Data Structures
Q2 Define Data Structure and its importance
Q3 What is Best case, Average Case and Worst case w.r.t to algorithm
Q4 Compare and Contrast between Big O notation, Theta Notation and
Omega Notation
Q5 Difference between Linear and Non Linear Data Structure

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Unit Structure :
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 One Dimensional Array -Memory Representation, Traversing,
Insertion, Deletion, Searching, Sorting, Merging of Arrays.
2.3 Multidimensional Arrays -Memory Representation, General
Multidimensional arrays
2.4 Sparse Arrays -Sparse Matrix, Memory Representation of special
kind of matrices
2.5 Advantages and Limitations of Arrays
2.6 Summary
2.7 References
2.8 Questions
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
✔Describe the memory representation of one dimensional array and the
operation on array.
✔Illustrate the concept of M -Dimensional array.
✔Explain the need of Sparse array.
✔Compare and constrast between different types of arrays.
●An array is a data s tructure used to process multiple elements with the
same data type when a number of such elements are known.
●Arrays form an important part of almost all -programming languages.
●It provides a powerful feature and can be used as such or can be used
to form co mplex data structures like stacks and queues.
●An array can be defined as an infinite collection of
homogeneous(similar type) elements.
●This means that an array can store either all integers, all floating point
numbers, all characters, or any other complex data type, but all of
same type.
●Arrays are always stored in consecutive memory locations.
●Types of

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16There are two types of arrays
●One Dimensional Arrays
●Two Dimensional Arrays
1. One Dimensional Arrays
●A one -dimensional array is one in which only one subscript
specification is needed to specify a particular element of the array.
●A one -dimensional array is a list of related variables. Such lists are
common in programming.
●One-dimensional array can be declared as follows :
Data_type var_name[Expression];
2. Initializing One -Dimensional Array
2.1 ANSI C allows automatic array vari ables to be initialized in
declaration by constant initializers as we have seen we can do for scalar
2.2 These initializing expressions must be constant value; expressions with
identifiers or function calls may not be used in the initializers.
2.3 The initializers are specified within braces and separated by commas
as shown in below declarations
int ex[5] = { 10, 5, 15, 20, 25} ;
char word[10] = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' } ;
2.4 Example
// Program to print the element of Array
int main()
/*an array with 5 rows and 2 columns*/
int a[5][2] = {{0,0},{1,2},{2,4},{3,6},{4,8}};
int i,j;
/* Output each array elements value*/
for(i=0; i<5; i++);
for(j=0; j<2; j++);
return 0;

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a[0][0] = 0
a[0][1] = 0
a[1][0] = 1
a[1][1] = 2
a[2][0] = 2
a[2][1] = 4
a[3][0] = 3
a[3][1] = 6
a[4][0] = 4
3Memory Representation of 1 -Da r r a y :
3.1One-dimensional arrays are allocated in a contiguous block of
3.2All the elements are stored next to each other.
3.3Example: int a[4]= {10,20,30,40}
3.4Each element in an array has a unique subscript value from 0 to size of
3.5Example: a[0] = 10 , a[1]= 20 , a[3] = 30 , a[4] = 40
3.6As there are 4 integer elements , the array occupies total of 4*2=8
3.7let the memory location start at value 100, so the memory
representation will look like as depict in below diagram
Fig 1 Memory Representation of 1D Array
4.Operation of One Dimensional Array
4.1 Traversing
1 In traversing operation of an array, each element of an array is accessed
exactly for once for processing. This is also called visiting of an array.
2 Let LA is a Linear Array (unordered) with N elements.
//Write a Program which perform traversing operat ion.
Note -Use online compiler GDB compiler for running this program
int main()
int i,n; //Declaration of Variable used for inputing Value and for

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18printf("Enter the size of array");
int LA[n];//D eclaration of array
printf("The array elements are: \n");
scanf("%d", &LA[i]);
for(i=0; i{
printf("LA[%d] = %d \n",i,LA[i]);
return 0;
Enter the size of array 5
The array elements are:
LA[0] = 1
LA[1] = 2
LA[2] = 3
LA[3] = 4
LA[4] = 5
4.2 Insertion Operation
1.Insert operation is to insert one or more data elements into an array.
Based on the requir ement, new element can be added at the beginning, end
or any given index of array.
2. Here, we see a practical implementation of insertion operation, where
we add data at the end of the array.
3. Example
//Write a program to perform Insertion operation.
//Program for inserting an Array
void main()
int LA[] = {5,6,7,8,9};// Declaration & Initialization of Array
int item = 4, k = 0, n = 5; //Iterator Variable
int i = 0, j = n;
printf("The original array elements are: \n");
for(i = 0; i{

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19printf("LA[%d] = %d \n", i, LA[i]);
n = n + 1;
while( j >= k)
LA[j+1] = LA[j];
LA[k] = item;
printf("The array elements after insertion: \n");
for(i = 0; i{
printf("LA[%d] = %d \n", i, LA[i]);
The original array elements are:
LA[0] = 5
LA[1] = 6
LA[2] = 7
LA[3] = 8
LA[4] = 9
The array elements after insertion:
LA[0] = 4
LA[1] = 5
LA[2] = 6
LA[3] = 7
LA[4] = 8
LA[5] = 9
4.3 Deleti on Operation
1 Deletion refers to removing an existing element from the array and re -
organizing all elements of an array.
2 Example
Consider LA is a linear array with N elements and K is a positive integer
such that K<=N.
//Write a program to perform dele tion operation.
//Program for deleting an element from an array
void main()
int LA[] = {1,2,3,4,5};// Declararing and Initialization of Array
int k = 3, n = 5;// Set the range variables
int i, j; //Declare the Iterator
printf("The original array elements are: \n");
for(i = 0; i{

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20printf("LA[%d] = %d \n", i, LA[i]);
j = k;
while( j < n)
LA[j -1] = LA[j];
j = j + 1;
n=n -1;
printf("The array elements after deletion: \n");
for(i = 0; i{
printf("LA[%d] = %d \n", i, LA[i]);
The original array elements are:
LA[0] = 1
LA[1] = 2
LA[2] = 3
LA[3] = 4
LA[4] = 5
The array elements after deletion:
LA[0] = 1
LA[1] = 2
LA[2] = 4
LA[3] = 5
4.4Update Operation
1.Update operation refers to updating an existing element from the array at
a given index.
Consider LA is a linear array with N elements and K is a positive integer
such that K<=N.
//Write a program to perform updation ope ration.
void main()
int LA[] = {10,11,12,13,14};
int k = 3, n = 5, item = 15;
int i, j;
printf("The original array elements are: \n");
for(i = 0; i{
printf("LA[%d] = %d \n", i, LA[i]);
LA[k -1] = item;

Page 21

21printf("The array elements after updation: \n");
for(i = 0; i{
printf("LA[%d] = %d \n", i, LA[i]);
The original array elements are:
LA[0] = 10
LA[1] = 11
LA[2] = 12
LA[3] = 13
LA[4] = 14
The array elements after updation:
LA[0] = 10
LA[1] = 11
LA[2] = 15
LA[3] = 13
LA[4] = 14
4.5 Searching an Element in an Array
1 Using searching operation on array, an element is searched in an array
using key as variable . If element is found in an a rray at particular location
means element is present, if not means elements is not present in an array.
2 There are two types of Search methods a)Linear Search b) Binary search
3 For Eg Write a program to perform linear search on given array
//Write a pr ogram to perform Search operation.
int main()
int a[10],i,n,key;
printf("Enter size of the array : ");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("Enter elements in array : ");
for(i=0; i{
printf("Enter the key : ");
scanf("%d", &key);
for(i=0; i{
printf("element found ");
return 0;

Page 22

printf("element not found");
Enter size of the array : 5
Enter elements in array : 1
Enter the key : 6
element not found
4.6 Sorting Operation in an array
1 With this operation, the array elements are ordered either in ascending or
descending order. There many sorting tech niques, that you will study later
on. But overhere simple bubble sort technique is implemented
2 For eg Write a program for sorting elements in an array
//Write a program to perform Sort operation.
void main()
int i, j, a, n;
printf("Enter the value of N \n");
scanf("%d", &n);
int number[30];
printf("Enter the numbers \n");
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
scanf("%d", &number[i]);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++ i)
for (j = i + 1; j < n; ++j)
if (number[i] > number[j])

Page 23

23a = number[i];
number[i] = number[j];
number[j] = a;
printf("The numbers arranged in ascending order are given below
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
printf("%d \n", number[i]);
Enter the value of N
Enter the numbers
The numbers arranged in ascending order are given below
4.6 Merging Operation in an Array
1 With this operation, the two arrays be merged together in to an one
2 For eg Write a program to merge two array in to one
//Write a program to perform Merge operation.
int main()
int size1, size2, i, k, merge[100];
printf("Enter Array 1 Size: ");
scanf("%d", &size1);
printf("Enter Array 1 Elements: ");
int arr1[50];
for(i=0; i{
scanf("%d", &arr1[i]);
merge[i] = arr1[i];

Page 24

k=i ;
printf(" \nEnter Array 2 Size: ");
scanf("%d", &size2);
int arr2[50];
printf("Enter Array 2 Elements: ");
for(i=0; i{
scanf("%d", &arr2[i]);
merge[k] = arr2[i];
printf(" \nThe new array after merging is: \n");
for(i=0; iprintf("%d ", merge[i]);
return 0;
Enter Array 1 Size: 5
Enter Array 1 Elements: 1
Enter Array 2 Size: 5
Enter Array 2 Elements: 6
The new array after merging is:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
●Two dimensional arrays are also called table or matrix, two
dimensional arrays have two subscripts.
●Two dimensional array in which elements are stored column by
column is called as column major matrix.
●Two dimensional array in which elements are stored row by row is
called as row major matrix.
●First subscript denotes number of rows and second subscript denotes
the number of

Page 25

25●The simplest form of the Multi Dimensionl Array is the Two
Dimensionl Array. A Multi Dimensionl Array is essence a list of One
Dimensionl Arrays.
Two dimensional arrays can be declared as follows :
int int_array[10] ; // A normal one dimensional array
int int_array2d[10][10] ; // A two dimensional array
Initializing a Two Dimensional Array
A 2D array can be initialized like this :
int array[3][3] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } ;
void printarr(int a[][]);
void printdetail(int a[][]);
void print_usingptr(int a[][]);
int a[3][2]; \A
for(int i = 0;i<3;i++)
for(int j=0;j<2 ;j++)
void printarr(int a[][])
for(int i = 0;i<3;i++)
for(int j=0;j<2;j++)
printf("value in array %d,a[i][j]);
void printdetail(int a[][])
for(int i = 0;i<3;i++)
for(int j=0;j<2;j++)
printf( "value in array %d and address is %8u, a[i][j],&a[i][j]);
void print_usingptr(int a[][])
int *b; \B
b=a; \C
for(int i = 0;i<6;i++) \D

Page 26

26printf("value in array %d and address is %16lu,*b,b);
b++; // increase by 2 bytes \E
●Statement A declares a two -dimensional array of the size 3 × 2.
●The size of the array is 3 × 2, or 6.
●Each array element is accessed using two subscripts.
●You can use two for loops to access the array. Since i is used for
accessing a row, the outer loop pr ints elements row -wise, that is, for
each value of i, all the column values are printed.
●You can access the element of the array by using a pointer.
●Statement B assigns the base address of the array to the pointer.
●The for loop at statement C increments th e pointer and prints the value
that is pointed to by the pointer. The number of iterations done by the
for loop, 6, is equal to the array.
●Using the output, you can verify that C is using row measure form for
storing a two dimensional array.
1 A sparse array is an array of data in which many elements have a value
of zero. This is in contrast to a dense array, where most of the elements
have non -zero values or are “full” of numbers. A sparse array may be
treated differently than a dense array in digital data handling.
2 Sparse Matrix Representation
A sparse matrix can be represented by using TWO representations, those
are as follows...
1.Triplet Represe ntation (Array Representation)
2.Linked Representation
3Triplet Representation (Array Representation)
3.1 In this representation, we consider only non -zero values along with
their row and column index values. In this representation, the 0throw
stores the t otal number of rows, total number of columns and the total
number of non -zero values in the sparse matrix. For example, consider a
matrix of size 5 X 6 containing 6 number of non -zero values. This matrix
can be represented as shown in the

Page 27

Fig1Array Representation of Sparse Matrix
In above example matrix, there are only 6 non -zero elements ( those are 9,
8, 4, 2, 5 & 2) and matrix size is 5 X 6. We represent this matrix as shown
in the above image. Here the first row in the right side table is filled with
values 5, 6 & 6 which indic ates that it is a sparse matrix with 5 rows, 6
columns & 6 non -zero values. The second row is filled with 0, 4, & 9
which indicates the non -zero value 9 is at the 0th -row 4th column in the
Sparse matrix. In the same way, the remaining non -zero values also follow
a similar pattern.
4 Linked Representation
4.1 In linked representation, we use a linked list data structure to represent
a sparse matrix. In this linked list, we use two different nodes
namely header node andelement node . Header node consists of three
fields and element node consists of five fields as shown in the image.
Fig2Header and Element Node of Linked Representation
4.2 Consider the above same sparse matrix used in the Triplet
representation. This sparse matrix can be represented using linked
representation as shown in the below image

Page 28

Fig3Linked Repre sentation of Sparse Matrix
In the above representation, H0, H1,..., H5 indicates the header
nodes which are used to represent indexes. Remaining nodes are used to
represent non -zero elements in the matrix, except the very first node which
is used to repre sent abstract information of the sparse matrix (i.e., It is a
matrix of 5 X 6 with 6 non -zero elements). In this representation, in each
row and column, the last node right field points to its respective header
1.1Arrays represent multiple data items of the same type using a single
1.2Arrays allocate memory in contiguous memory locations for all its
elements. Hence there is no chance of extra memory being allocated in
case of arrays. This avoids memory overflow or shortage of memory in
1.3Inarrays, the elements can be accessed randomly by using the index
1.4Using arrays, other data structures like linked lists, stacks, queues,
trees, graphs etc can be implemented.
1.5Two-dimensional arrays are used to represent matrices .
2.1The number of elements to be stored in an array should be known in
2.2An array is a static structure (which means the array is of fixed size).
Once declared the size of the array cannot be modified. The memory
which is allocated to it cannot be increased or

Page 29

292.3Insertion and deletion are quite difficult in an array as the elements are
stored in consecutive memory locations and the shifting operation is
2.4Allocating more memory than the requi rement leads to wastage of
memory space and less allocation of memory also leads to a problem.
➢This chapter highlights the declaration of 1D array with the program
illustrating for operation on array like insertion, updation, deletion,
searching, sorting, merging.
➢Two D array is part of multidimensional array and explained through a
program on matrix.
➢Here we al so did a discussion about types of Sparse matrix i.e Array
and Linked representation.
➢We seen some advantages and limitations of arrays.
1 An Introduction to Data Structure with Applications, Jean –Paul
Tremblay and Paul Sorenson Tata MacGraw Hill 2 nd 2007.
2 Schaum’s Outlines Data structure Seymour Lipschutz Tata McGraw Hill
2 nd 2005.
Useful Links
1 Nptel Course of Data Structure -
Q1 Discuss various operation performed on an array?
Q2 List advantages and Disadvantages of Array?
Q3 Illustrate the concept of Sparse Matrix?
Q4 Define Array?

Page 30

30Unit II

Page 31

31 For example: Cat, Dog, Lion, Elephant We can add more elements in the list at any place beginning, at middle position or at end position. A linked list is ordered collection of data in which each element contains the data and link to its successor and predecessor. 3.2 CONCEPT ON LINKED LIST • A linked list is a non-sequential collection of data element. It is a dynamic data structure. For every data element in a linked list, there is an associated pointer that would give the memory location of the next data element in the linked list. • The data elements in the linked list are not in consecutive memory locations. They may be anywhere, but the accessing of these data elements is easier as each data element contains the address of the next data element. • It is a data Structure which consists of group of nodes that forms a sequence. • It is very common data structure that is used to create tree, graph and other abstract data types. • Linked list comprise of group or list of nodes in which each node have link to next node to form a chain. • A linked list is a linear collection of data-elements, called ‘nodes’. The linear order is maintained by pointers. Fig.3.2.1.Address of Node Advantages of Linked List: • Linked list is dynamic in nature which allocates the memory when required. • Grow and shrink the linked list during run time • Memory Utilization • Insertion and Deletion Operations are quite easy
Data Address of next node

Page 32

32 Disadvantages of Linked List: • Memory Usage-The memory is wasted as pointers require extra memory for storage. • No element can be accessed randomly; it has to access each node sequentially. • Time Consuming • Heap Space Restriction • Reverse Traversing is difficult. • Data accessing is very slow. • No cache Memory Support Applications of Linked List: • In System Programming • In operating System • Used in radix and bubble sorting. • In a FAT file system, the metadata of a large file is organized as a linked list of FAT entries. • To model the different ADT for other data structure as like stack, queue, tree & Graph etc. Difference between Array and Linked List Parameter Array Linked List Size Specified during
declaration. No need to specify; grow
and shrink during
execution. Storage Allocation Element location is
allocated during
compile time. Element position is
assigned during run time. Order of the elements Stored consecutively Stored randomly Accessing the element Direct or randomly
accessed, i.e.,
Specify the array
index or subscript. Sequentially accessed,
i.e., Traverse starting
from the first node in the
list by the pointer. Insertion and deletion
of element Slow relatively as
shifting is required. Easier, fast and efficient. Searching Binary search and
linear search linear search Memory required less More Memory Utilization Ineffective Efficient

Page 33

33 3.3 REPRESENTATION OF LINKED LIST NODE Let's see how each node of the linked list is represented. Each node consists: • A data element • An address of another node We wrap both the data item and the next node reference in a struct as: struct node { int data; struct node *next; }; typedef struct node *node; //Define node as pointer of data type struct node • The above definition is used to create every node in the list. The data field stores the element and the next is a pointer to store the address of the next node. 3.4 TYPES OF LINKED LIST • Singly Linked List – Singly linked lists contain nodes which have a data part as well as an address part i.e. next, which points to the next node in the sequence of nodes. Elements are navigated in forward direction. The operations we can perform on singly linked lists are insertion, deletion and traversal. The representation of the singly linked list as shown below:
Representation of the node in a singly linked list- struct node { int data; struct node *next; }

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34 • Doubly Linked List – The node in a doubly-linked list has two address parts; one part stores the address of the next while the other part of the node stores the previous node's address. The initial node in the doubly linked list has the NULL value in the address part, which provides the address of the previous node. Elements can be navigated forward and backward. The representation of the doubly linked list as shown below: Representation of the node in a doubly linked list struct node { int data; struct node *next; struct node *prev; } • Circular Linked List − A circular linked list is a sequence of elements in which each node has a link to the next node, and the last node is having a link to the first node. The representation of the circular linked list will be similar to the singly linked list, as shown below:
• Doubly Circular linked list The doubly circular linked list in which the last node is attached to the first node and thus creates a circle. It is a doubly linked list also because each node holds the address of the previous node also. The main difference between the doubly linked list and doubly circular linked list is that the doubly circular linked list does not contain the NULL value in the previous field of the node. As the doubly circular linked contains three parts, i.e., two address parts and one data part so its representation is similar to the doubly linked list.

Page 35

35 Basic Operations on Linked List: Following are the basic operations supported by a list. • Insertion − To add a node at the given position. • Deletion − Deletes an element from the list. • Display − Displays the complete list. • Search − Searches an element using the given key. Memory Allocation and reallocation in Linked List: Unlike an array, in linked list individual elements are stored anywhere in memory. Each data element is called a node. A node contain data and address (next) fields. Every nodes holds a pointer (next) to next node in the list. The memory is allocated for new node dynamically at runtime. A linked list maintains the data elements in a logical order rather than in physical order. Dynamic memory management allows us to allocate additional memory space or to release unwanted space during program execution. The functions use for dynamic memory management are as follows- malloc ()-Allocates as specified number of bytes in memory calloc ()-Allocates space for an array of elements free ()- Frees previously allocated space realloc ()-Modifies the size of previously allocated space struct node { int data; struct node *next; } N; N *n; n=(*N) malloc (sizeof (N)) free(n) malloc ( ) is a system function which allocates a block of memory in the "heap" and returns a pointer to the new block. The prototype of malloc() and other heap functions are in stdlib.h. malloc() returns NULL if it cannot fulfill the request. It is defined by: void *malloc (number_of_bytes) void * is returned this pointer can be converted to any type.

Page 36

36 For example: char *cp; cp = (char *) malloc (100); Attempts to get 100 bytes and assigns the starting address to cp. We can also use the sizeof() function to specify the number of bytes. For example, int *ip; ip = (int *) malloc (100*sizeof(int)); free() is the opposite of malloc(), which de-allocates memory. The argument to free() is a pointer to a block of memory in the heap a pointer which was obtained by a malloc() function. The syntax is: free (ptr); The advantage of free() is simply memory management when we no longer need a block. 3.5 SINGLY LINKED LIST Singly linked list is a sequence of elements in which every element has link to its next element in the sequence. In any singly linked list, the individual element is called as "Node". Every "Node" contains two fields, data field, and the next field. The data field is used to store actual value of the node and next field is used to store the address of next node in the sequence. Implementation of Singly Linked List: Before writing the code to build the above list, we need to create a start node, used to create and access other nodes in the linked list. The following structure definition will do • Creating a structure with one data item and a next pointer, which will be pointing to next node of the list? This is called as self-referential structure. • Initialize the start pointer to be NULL. struct slink list
int data;
struc ts link list* next;
Type def structs link list node;
node *start = NULL;

Node Structure:
data next Empty List:

Start=NULL NULL Figure 3.5.1. Structure definition, singly link node and empty list There are various operations which can be performed on singly linked list. A list of all such operations is given below.

Page 37

37 3.5.1. Creation of linked list. 3.5.2. Insertion of any element in the linked list. 3.5.3. Deletion any element from the linked list. 3.5.4. Traversing/Display of the linked list. 3.5.1. Creating a node for Singly Linked List: Creating a singly linked list starts with creating a node. Sufficient memory has to be allocated for creating a node. The information is stored in the memory, allocated by using the malloc() function. The function getnode(), is used for creating a node, after allocating memory for the structure of type node, the information for the item (i.e., data) has to be read from the user, set next field to NULL and finally returns the address of the node. node* getnode()
node* newnode;
newnode = (node *) malloc(si zeof(node));
printf(" \n Enter data: ");
scanf("%d", &newnode -> data);
newnode -> next = NULL;
return newnode;
} newnode

1000 20 NULL Figure the creation of a node for singly linked list. We can use the following algorithm steps to create a node of the singly linked list... Step 1: create the new node using getnode(). newnode = getnode(); Step 3 : If the list is empty, assign new node as start. start = newnode; Step 3 : If the list is not empty, follow the steps given below: • The next field of the new node is made to point the first node (i.e.start node) in the list by assigning the address of the first node. • The start pointer is made to point the new node by assigning theaddress of the new node. Step 4: • Repeat the above steps ‘n’ times.

Page 38

38 Fig. Representation of Creation of singly linked list The function createslist(), is used to create ‘n’ number of nodes: void createslist(int n) { int i; node * newnode; node *temp; for( i = 0; i < n ; i++) { newnode = getnode(); if(start == NULL) { start = newnode; } else

Page 39

39 { temp = start; while(temp -> next != NULL) temp = temp -> next; temp -> next = newnode; } } } 3.5.2.Insertion of any element in the linked list. In a singly linked list, the insertion operation can be performed in three ways. They are as follows... • Inserting At Beginning of the list • Inserting At End of the list • Inserting At Specific location in the list Inserting At Beginning of the list The following algorithm steps are to be followed to insert a new node at the beginning of the list: Step 1• Create the new node using getnode(). newnode = getnode(); Step 2• If the list is empty then start = newnode. Step 3• If the list is not empty, follow the steps given below: newnode -> next = start; start = newnode;
Fig. node at beginning

Page 40

40 The function insert_at_beg(), is used for inserting a node at the beginning void insert_at_beg() { node *newnode; newnode = getnode(); if(start == NULL) { start = newnode; } else { newnode -> next = start; start = newnode; } } Inserting At End of the list The following algorithm steps are followed to insert a new node at the end of the list: Step 1• Create the new node using getnode() newnode = getnode(); Step 2• If the list is empty then start = newnode. Step 3• If the list is not empty follow the steps given below: temp = start; while(temp -> next != NULL) temp = temp -> next; temp -> next = newnode;
Fig. node at end The function insert_at_end(), is used for inserting a node at the end. void insert_at_end() { node *newnode, *temp; newnode = getnode(); if(start == NULL) {

Page 41

41 start = newnode; } else { temp = start; while(temp -> next != NULL) temp = temp -> next; temp -> next = newnode; } } Inserting a node at intermediate position: The following algorithm steps are followed, to insert a new node in an intermediate position in the list: Step 1: Create the new node using getnode(). newnode = getnode(); Step 2: Ensure that the specified position is in between first node and last node. If not, specified position is invalid. This is done by countnode() function. Step 3: Store the starting address (which is in start pointer) in temp and temp1 pointers. Then traverse the temp pointer upto the specified position followed by temp1pointer. Step 4: After reaching the specified position, follow the steps given below: temp -> next = newnode; newnode -> next = temp; • Let the intermediate position be 3.
Fig. node at specified position The function insert_at_mid(), is used for inserting a node in the intermediate position.

Page 42

42 void insert_at_mid() { node *newnode, *temp1, *temp; intpos, nodectr, ctr = 1; newnode = getnode(); printf("\n Enter the position: "); scanf("%d", &pos); nodectr = countnode(start); if(pos> 1 &&pos next; ctr++; } temp -> next = newnode; newnode -> next = temp1; } else { printf("position %d is not a middle position", pos); } } 3.5.3. Deletion of a node: Another primitive operation that can be done in a singly linked list is the deletion of a node. Memory is to be released for the node to be deleted. A node can be deleted from the list from three different places namely. • Deleting a node at the beginning. • Deleting a node at the end. • Deleting a node at intermediate position. • Deleting a node at the beginning: Deleting a node from the beginning of the list is the simplest operation of all. Since the first node of the list is to be deleted, therefore, we just need to make the start, point to the next of the start. This will be done by using the following statements. Step 1: If list is empty then display ‘Empty List’ message. Step 2: If the list is not empty, follow the steps given below: temp = start; start = start -> next; free(temp);

Page 43

43 Fig. node from beginning position The function delete_at_beg(), is used for deleting the first node in the list. void delet_eat_beg() { node *temp; if(start == NULL) { printf("\n No nodes are exist.."); return ; } else { temp = start; start = temp -> next; free(temp); printf("\n Node deleted "); } } • Deleting a node at the end. The following algorithm steps are followed to delete a node at the end of the list: • If list is empty then display ‘Empty List’ message. • If the list is not empty, then follow the steps given below: temp = temp1 = start; while(temp -> next != NULL) { temp1 = temp; temp = temp -> next; } temp1 -> next = NULL; free(temp);

Page 44

44 Fig. node from end position The function delete_at_last(), is used for deleting the last node in the list. void delete_at_last() { node *temp, *temp1; if(start == NULL) { printf("\n Empty List.."); return ; } else { temp = temp1=start; while(temp -> next != NULL) { temp1= temp; temp = temp -> next; } temp1 -> next = NULL; free(temp); printf("\n Node deleted "); } } • Deleting a node at intermediate position. The following algorithm steps are followed, to delete a node from an intermediate position in the list (List must contain more than two node). • If list is empty then display ‘Empty List’ message • If the list is not empty, follow the steps given below. if(pos> 1 &&pos next; ctr++; }

Page 45

45 temp1 -> next = temp -> next; free(temp); printf("\n node deleted.."); }
Fig. node from specified position Thefunctiondelete_at_mid(),isusedfordeletingtheintermediatenodeinthelist. void delete_at_mid() { intctr = 1, pos, nodectr; node *temp, *temp1; if(start == NULL) { printf("\n Empty List.."); return ; } else { printf("\n Enter position of node to delete: "); scanf("%d", &pos); nodectr = countnode(start); if(pos>nodectr) { printf("\nThis node doesnot exist"); } if(pos> 1 &&pos next; ctr ++; } temp1 -> next = temp -> next; free(temp); printf("\n Node deleted.."); } else

Page 46


Page 47


Page 48

48 return (count); } void createslist(int n) { int i; node *newnode; node *temp; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { newnode = getnode(); if(start == NULL) { start = newnode; } else { temp = start; while(temp -> next != NULL) temp = temp -> next; temp -> next = newnode; } } } void traverse() { node *temp; temp = start; printf("\n The contents of List (Left to Right): \n"); if(start == NULL) { printf("\n Empty List"); return; } else { while(temp != NULL) { printf("%d-->", temp -> data); temp = temp -> next; } } printf(" NULL "); } void insert_at_beg() { node *newnode; newnode = getnode(); if(start == NULL) { start = newnode;

Page 49

49 } else { newnode -> next = start; start = newnode; } } void insert_at_end() { node *newnode, *temp; newnode = getnode(); if(start == NULL) { start = newnode; } else { temp = start; while(temp -> next != NULL) temp = temp -> next; temp -> next = newnode; } } void insert_at_mid() { node *newnode, *temp1, *temp; intpos, nodectr, ctr = 1; newnode = getnode(); printf("\n Enter the position: "); scanf("%d", &pos); nodectr = countnode(start); if(pos> 1 &&pos next; ctr++; } temp -> next = newnode; newnode -> next = temp1; } else { printf("position %d is not a middle position", pos); } } void delete_at_beg()

Page 50

50 { node *temp; if(start == NULL) { printf("\n No nodes are exist.."); return ; } else { temp = start; start = temp -> next; free(temp); printf("\n Node deleted "); } } void delete_at_last() { node *temp, *temp1; if(start == NULL) { printf("\n Empty List.."); return ; } else { temp = temp1=start; while(temp -> next != NULL) { temp1= temp; temp = temp -> next; } temp1 -> next = NULL; free(temp); printf("\n Node deleted "); } } void delete_at_mid() { intctr = 1, pos, nodectr; node *temp, *temp1; if(start == NULL) { printf("\n Empty List.."); return ; } else { printf("\n Enter position of node to delete: "); scanf("%d", &pos); nodectr = countnode(start);

Page 51

51 if(pos>nodectr) { printf("\nThis node doesnot exist"); } if(pos> 1 &&pos next; ctr ++; } temp1 -> next = temp -> next; free(temp); printf("\n Node deleted.."); } else { printf("\n Invalid position.."); getch(); } } } void main(void) { intch, n; clrscr(); while(1) { ch = menu(); switch(ch) { case 1: if(start == NULL) { printf("\n Number of nodes you want to create: "); scanf("%d", &n); createslist(n); printf("\n List created.."); } else printf("\n List is already created.."); break; case 2: insert_at_beg(); break; case 3: insert_at_end(); break;

Page 52

52 case 4: insert_at_mid(); break; case 5: delete_at_beg(); break; case 6: delete_at_last(); break; case 7: delete_at_mid(); break; case 8: traverse(); break; case 9: printf("\n No of nodes : %d ", countnode(start)); break; case 10 : exit(0); } getch(); } } 3.7 APPLICATIONS OF LINKED LIST 3.7.1 Searching a node in list: Check whether the given key is present or not in the linked list. Consider the Linked List : 10 20 30 40 NULL. Input-20 Output=Search Found Input-100 Output-Search Not Found int search Node (node * l, int key) { node *temp = l; while(temp != NULL) { if(temp->data == key) return 1; temp = temp->next; } return -1; } 3.7.2 Merging of two linked List: Given two linked list with Node values sorted in ascending order.

Page 53

53 The linked List is- 1->2->3 4->5->6 Merging of two linked list is- 1->2->3->4->5->6 /* merges the two linked lists, restricting the common elements to occur only once in the final list */ void merge ( struct node *l1, struct node *l2, struct node **newnode) { struct node *l3=NULL ; /* if both lists are empty */ if ( l1 == NULL &&l2 == NULL ) return ; /* traverse both linked lists till the end. If end of any one list is reached loop is terminated */ while ( l1 != NULL &&l2 != NULL ) { /* if node being added in the first node */ if ( *newnode == NULL ) { *newnode = malloc(sizeof ( struct node ) ) ; l3= *newnode ; } else { l3->next= malloc(sizeof ( struct node ) ) ; l3 = l3 ->next ; } if ( l1 -> data data ) { l3 -> data = l1 ->data ; l1 = l1 ->next ; } else { if ( l2 -> data data ) { l3 -> data = l2->data ; l2 = l2 ->next ; } else { if ( l1 -> data == l2 -> data ) { l3 -> data = l2 ->data ; l1 = l1 ->next ;

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54 l2 = l2->next ; } } } } /* if end of first list has not been reached */ while ( l1 != NULL ) { l3 ->next = malloc(sizeof ( struct node ) ) ; l3 = l3 ->next ; l3 -> data = l1 ->data ; l1 = l1 ->next ; } /* if end of second list has been reached */ while ( l2 != NULL ) { l3 ->next = malloc(sizeof ( struct node ) ) ; l3 = l3 ->next ; l3 -> data = l2 ->data ; l2 = l2 ->next ; } l3 ->next = NULL ; } 3.7.3 Copy one singly linked list with other list: void copy(node* l1, node*l2) { node* temp1, *temp2; temp1=l1; l2=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); temp2=l2; while(temp1!=NULL) { temp2->data=temp1->data; temp2->next=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); temp2=temp2->next; temp1=temp1->next; } temp2=NULL; printf(“\n The list is copied:”); while(l2->next!=NULL) { printf(“%d”,l2->data); l2=l2->next; } }

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55 3.7.4 Reversing the Linked List: The linked list is- 10->20->34->NULL The reverse Linked List is- 34->20->10-NULL void reverse() { Node* temp1,*temp2,*temp3; temp1=start; If(temp1==NULL) { printf(“\n The List is empty”); getch(); } else { temp2=NULL; while(temp1!=NULL) { temp3=temp2; temp2=temp1; temp1=temp1->next; temp2=temp2->next; } start=temp2; } printf(“\n the List is reversed”); } 3.7.5 Splitting of two linked list: List is : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Enter node after which u want to Split : 5 List is : 1 2 3 4 5 List is : 6 7 void Split(struct node *start, int value, struct node **start1) { struct node *temp=start; while(temp!=NULL) { if(temp->data==value)

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56 break; temp=temp->link; } if(temp==NULL) { printf("\nValue does not exist\n"); return; } *start1=temp->link; temp->link=NULL; }/*End of Split()*/ 3.8 SUMMARY • The malloc() is used for allocation of anode and free()is used for de-allocation operation. • The singly linked list has only forward pointer and no backward link is provided. Hence the traversing of the list is possible only in one direction. • Backward traversing is not possible. • Insertion and deletion operations are less efficient because for inserting the element at desired position the list needs to be traversed. • Similarly traversing of the list is required for locating the element which needs to be deleted. 3.9 LIST OF REFERENCES 3.10 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Yashavant Kanetkar Data Structures Through C ,BPB Publications, ISBN: 9788176567060, 2. Goodrich, Tamassia, Goldwasser, ―Data Structures and Algorithms in C++‖, Wiley publication, ISBN-978-81-265-1260-7 3. D S Malik, Data Structures Using java, Thomson, India Edition 2006. 4. Sahni S, Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in java, McGraw-Hill, 2002. 5. SamantaD, Classic Data Structures, Prentice-Hall of India, 2001. 6. Tremblay P, and Sorenson P G, Introduction to Data Structures with Applications, Tata McGraw-Hill,

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57 7. Jean-Paul Tremblay and Paul G. Sorenson, An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications, Tata McGraw Hill 8. Tanenbaum, Data Structures using C & C++, PHI 9. Robert L. Kruse, Data Structures and Program Design in C, PHI 10. Seymour Lipschutz, “Data structures with C”, Schaum’s Publication 5. Aaron Tanenbaum, “Data Structures using C”, Pearson Education 3.11 UNIT END EXERCISES 1. What is Linked List? State its types. 2. What are the advantages of a Linked List over an Array? 3. What is linked list? How it is different from array? Explain the different types of linked list. 4. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of linked list. 5. Explain applications of Linked list. 6. Write the function to insert and delete a node in the beginning of a Singly Linked List. 7. Write a C program to create and display Singly Linked List. 8. Write a C program to reverse a Singly Linked List. 9. Write a C program to merging of two Singly Linked List. 10. Write a C program to splitting Singly Linked List into two linked list. 11. Write a C program to search a node in Singly Linked List. ❖❖❖❖

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58 4 LINKED LIST-II Unit Structure : 4.0 Objectives 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Doubly Linked List 4.3 Applications of doubly linked list 4.4 Comparison between singly linked list and doubly linked list 4.5 Operations on doubly linked list 4.5.1 Creation of doubly linked list. 4.5.2 Insertion of any element in the linked list. 4.5.3 Deletion any element from the linked list. 4.5.4 Traversing/Display of the linked list. 4.6 Program on implementation of Doubly Linked List 4.7 Circular Linked List 4.8 Applications of circular linked list 4.9 Operations on doubly linked list 4.9.1 Creation of circular linked list. 4.9.2 Insertion of any element in the linked list. 4.9.3 Deletion any element from the linked list. 4.9.4 Traversing/Display of the linked list. 4.10 Program on implementation of Circular Singly Linked List 4.11 Representation of linked list using header node 4.12 Representation of Polynomial using Linked List 4.13 Representation of Sparse Matrix using Linked List 4.14 Summary 4.15 List of References 4.16 Bibliography 4.17 Unit End Exercises 4.0 OBJECTIVES After going through this unit, you will be able to: • Implementation of doubly linked list with various operations • Implementation of circular linked list with various operations • Discuss applications of doubly and circular linked list • Explain the representation of polynomial and sparse matrix using Linked List

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59 4.1 INTRODUCTION The linked list is a non primitive data structure which is free from fixed memory size restriction. It is a linear collection of data element and dynamic in nature. A linked list element cannot be stored in a consecutive memory. It is static free and user can add any number of elements when required. The linked list is a data structure and used to create other data structures, like stacks, queues, etc. It allows the insertion and deletion of nodes at any point in the list. 4.2 DOUBLY LINKED LIST A double linked list is a two-way list in which all nodes will have two links. This helps in accessing both successor node and predecessor node from the given node position. It provides bi-directional traversing. Each node contains three fields: • Prev link. • Data. • Next link. The prev link points to the predecessor node and the next link points to the successor node. The data field stores the required data. Many applications require searching forward and backward through nodes of a list. For example searching for a name in a telephone directory is popular example.
Fig.4.1.Representation of doubly linked list Implementation of Doubly Linked List: Before writing the code to build the above list, we need to create a start node, used to create and access other nodes in the linked list. The following structure definition will do • Creating a structure with one data item and a next pointer, which will be pointing to next node of the list. This is called as self-referential structure. • Initialize the start pointer to be NULL.

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60 structdlink list
int data;
structdlink list* next, * prev;
typedefstructdlinklist node;
node *start = NULL;

prev data next Empty List:

Start=NULL NULL Figure 4.2 Structure definition, doubly link node and empty list The prev part of the first node and the next part of the last node will always contain null indicating end in each direction. There are various operations which can be performed on doubly linked list. 4.3 APPLICATIONS OF DOUBLY LINKED LIST 1. Represents a deck of cards in a game. 2. Undo and redo operations in text editors 3. A music player which has next and previous button uses doubly linked list 4. It is used to implement rewind and forward functions in the playlist. 4.4. COMPARISON BETWEEN SINGLY LINKED LIST AND DOUBLY LINKED LIST Singly Linked List Doubly Linked List Singly Linked List is a collection
of nodes and each node is having
one data field and next link field
Example: Data Next field
Doubly Linked List is a collection
of nodes and each node is having
one data field and one previous link
field and one next link field
Example: Previous Data Next
The elements can be accessed using
next link The elements can be accessed using
both previous link as well as next
link It is not required extra field .Hence
node takes less memory in SLL One filed is required to store
previous link .Hence node takes
more memory in DLL Less efficient access to elements More efficient access to elements

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61 4.5 OPERATIONS ON DOUBLY LINKED LIST A list of all such operations is given below. 4.5.1. Creation of doubly linked list. 4.5.2. Insertion of any element in the linked list. 4.5.3. Deletion any element from the linked list. 4.5.4. Traversing/Display of the linked list. 4.5.1. Creation of doubly linked list. Creating a double linked list starts with creating a node. Sufficient memory has to be allocated for creating a node. The information is stored in the memory, allocated by using the malloc() function. The function getnode(), is used for creating a node, after allocating memory for the structur e of type node, the information for the item (i.e., data) has to be read from the user and set prev field to NULL and next field also set to NULL node* getnode()
node* newnode;
newnode = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
printf(" \n Enter data: ");
scanf("%d", &newnode -> data);
newnode -> next = NULL;
newnode ->prev=NULL;
return newnode;
} newnode

1000 NULL 20 NULL Creating a Doubly Linked List with ‘n’ number of nodes: The following algorithm steps are to be followed to create ‘n’ number of nodes: • Get the new node using getnode(). newnode =getnode(); • If the list is empty then start =temp= newnode • If the list is not empty, follow the steps given below: temp-> next=newnode; newnode->prev=temp; • Repeat the above steps ‘n’ times.

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62 Fig.4.3 Creation of doubly linked list for ‘n’ nodes 4.5.2. Insertion of any element in the linked list. Inserting a node in the doubly linked list, there are 3 cases- • Inserting a node at beginning position • Inserting node at last position • Inserting node at intermediate position. • Inserting a node at the beginning: The following algorithm steps are to be followed to insert a newnode at the beginning of the list: • Cerate the newnode using getnode(). newnode=getnode(); • If the list is empty then start=newnode. • If the list is not empty, follow the steps given below: newnode->next= start; start->prev=newnode; start=newnode;

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63 Fig.4.4.Shows inserting a node into the double linked list at the beginning. • Inserting a node at the end: The following algorithm steps are followed to insert a newnode at the end of the list: • Create the new node using getnode() newnode=getnode(); • If the list is empty then start=newnode. • If the list is not empty follow the steps given below:temp=start; while(temp -> next != NULL) temp=temp->next; temp -> next = newnode; newnode->prev =temp;
Figure 4.5 shows inserting a node into the double linked list at the end. • Inserting a node at an intermediate position: The following algorithm steps are followed, to insert a new node in an intermediate position in thelist: • Create the newnode using getnode(). newnode=getnode();

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64 • Check that the specified position is in between first node and last node. If not, specified position is invalid. This is done by countnode() function. • Store the starting address (which is in start pointer) in temp and prev pointers. Then traverse the temp pointer upto the specified position followed by prev pointer. • After reaching the specified position, follow the steps given below: newnode -> next= temp -> next; newnode->prev =temp; temp -> next ->prev = newnode; temp->next=newnode;
Figure 4.6 shows inserting a node into the double linked list at a specified intermediate position other than beginning and end. 4.5.3. Deletion any element from the linked list Deleting a node in the doubly linked list, there are 3 cases- ▪ Delete a node from beginning position ▪ Delete a node from last position ▪ Delete a node from intermediate position. • Deleting a node at the beginning: The following algorithm steps are followed, to delete a node at the beginning of the list: • If list is empty then display ‘Empty List’ message. • If the list is not empty, follow the steps given below: temp=start; start = start -> next; start ->prev = NULL; free(temp);

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65 Figure 4.7 Delete a node from beginning position • Deleting a node at the end: The following steps are followed to delete a node at the end of the list: • If list is empty then display ‘Empty List’ message • If the list is not empty, follow the steps given below: temp=start; while(temp-> next !=NULL) { temp=temp->next; } temp ->prev -> next = NULL;free(temp);
Figure 4.8.showsdeleting a node at the end of a double linked list. • Deleting a node at Intermediate position: The following steps are followed, to delete a node from an intermediate position in the list(List must contain more than two nodes). • If list is empty then display ‘Empty List’ message. • If the list is not empty, follow the steps given below:

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66 • Get the position of the node to delete. • Ensure that the specified position is in between first node and last node.If not, specified position is invalid. Then perform the following steps: if(pos>1&&posnext;i++; } temp -> next ->prev = temp ->prev; temp ->prev -> next = temp -> next; free(temp); printf("\nnode deleted.."); }
Figure 4.9 shows deleting a node at a specified intermediate position other than beginning and end from a double linked list. 4.6 PROGRAM ON IMPLEMENTATION OF DOUBLY LINKED LIST #include #include #include struct dlinklist { structdlinklist *prev; int data; structdlinklist *next; };

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67 typedef struct dlinklist node; node *start = NULL; node* getnode() { node * newnode; newnode = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node)); printf("\n Enter data: "); scanf("%d", &newnode -> data); newnode ->prev = NULL; newnode -> next = NULL; returnnewnode; } int countnode(node *start) { if(start == NULL) return 0; else return 1 + countnode(start -> next); } int menu() { intch; clrscr(); printf("\n 1.Create"); printf("\n------------------------------"); printf("\n 2. Insert a node at beginning "); printf("\n 3. Insert a node at end"); printf("\n 4. Insert a node at middle"); printf("\n------------------------------"); printf("\n 5. Delete a node from beginning"); printf("\n 6. Delete a node from Last"); printf("\n 7. Delete a node from Middle"); printf("\n------------------------------"); printf("\n 8. Traverse the list in forward direction "); printf("\n 9. Traverse the list from backward direction "); printf("\n------------------------------"); printf("\n 10.Count the Number of nodes in the list"); printf("\n 11.Exit"); printf("\n\n Enter your choice: "); scanf("%d", &ch); returnch; } void createdlist(int n) { int i; node *newnode; node *temp; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { newnode = getnode();

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68 if(start == NULL) start = newnode; else { temp = start; while(temp -> next) temp = temp -> next; temp -> next = newnode; newnode ->prev = temp; } } } void traverse_forward() { node *temp; temp = start; printf("\n The contents of List: "); if(start == NULL ) printf("\n Empty List"); else { while(temp != NULL) { printf("\t %d ", temp -> data); temp = temp -> next; } } } void traverse_backward() { node *temp; temp = start; printf("\n The contents of List: "); if(start == NULL) printf("\n Empty List"); else { while(temp -> next != NULL) temp = temp -> next; } while(temp != NULL) { printf("\t%d", temp -> data); temp = temp ->prev; } } void dll_insert_beg() { node *newnode; newnode = getnode();

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69 if(start == NULL) start = newnode; else { newnode -> next = start; start ->prev = newnode; start = newnode; } } void dll_insert_end() { node *newnode, *temp; newnode = getnode(); if(start == NULL) start = newnode; else { temp = start; while(temp -> next != NULL) temp = temp -> next; temp -> next = newnode; newnode ->prev = temp; } } void dll_insert_mid() { node *newnode,*temp; intpos, nodectr, ctr = 1; newnode = getnode(); printf("\n Enter the position: "); scanf("%d", &pos); nodectr = countnode(start); if(pos - nodectr>= 2) { printf("\n Position is out of range.."); return; } if(pos> 1 &&pos next; ctr++; } newnode ->prev = temp; newnode -> next = temp -> next; temp -> next ->prev = newnode; temp -> next = newnode; }

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70 else printf("position %d of list is not a middle position ", pos); } void dll_delete_beg() { node *temp; if(start == NULL) { printf("\n Empty list"); getch(); return ; } else { temp = start; start = start -> next; start ->prev = NULL; free(temp); } } void dll_delete_last() { node *temp; if(start == NULL) { printf("\n Empty list"); getch(); return ; } else { temp = start; while(temp -> next != NULL) temp = temp -> next; temp ->prev -> next = NULL; free(temp); temp = NULL; } } void dll_delete_mid() { int i = 0, pos, nodectr; node *temp; if(start == NULL) { printf("\n Empty List"); getch(); return; } else

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71 { printf("\n Enter the position of the node to delete: "); scanf("%d", &pos); nodectr = countnode(start); if(pos>nodectr) { printf("\nthis node does not exist"); getch(); return; } if(pos> 1 &&pos next; i++; } temp -> next ->prev = temp ->prev; temp ->prev -> next = temp -> next; free(temp); printf("\n node deleted.."); } else { printf("\n It is not a middle position.."); getch(); } } } void main(void) { intch, n; clrscr(); while(1) { ch = menu(); switch(ch) { case 1 : printf("\n Enter Number of nodes to create: "); scanf("%d", &n); createdlist(n); break; case 2 : dll_insert_beg(); break; case 3 : dll_insert_end();

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72 break; case 4 : dll_insert_mid(); break; case 5 : dll_delete_beg(); break; case 6 : dll_delete_last(); break; case 7 : dll_delete_mid(); break; case 8 : traverse_ forward (); break; case 9 : traverse_backward(); break; case 10 : printf("\n Number of nodes: %d", countnode(start)); break; case 11: exit(0); } getch(); } } 4.7. CIRCULAR SINGLY LINKED LIST The linked list where the last node points the start node is called circular linked list. A circular linked list has no beginning and no end. It is necessary to establish a special pointer called start pointer always pointing to the first node of the list. Hence we can move from last node to the start node of the list very efficiently. Hence accessing of any node is much faster than singly linked list. In circular linked list no null pointers are used, hence all pointers contain valid address. A circular singly linked list is shown in figure 3.6.1. Figure 4.7.1.Circular Singly Linked List

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73 Advantages of circular linked list: • Accessibility of a number node in the list • No null link problem • Merging and splitting operations implemented easily • Saves time when you want to go from last node to first node Disadvantages of circular linked list • The list will go infinite lop, if proper case is not taken. • It is not easy to reverse the list elements. 4.8 APPLICATIONS IN CIRCULAR LINKED LIST 1. It is used in operating system. When multiples applications are running in PC operating system to put the running applications on a list and then to cycle through them ,giving each of them a slice of time to execute, and then making them wait while the CPU is given to another applications. 2. To repeat songs in the music player 3. Escalator which will run circularly uses the circular linked list 4.9 OPERATIONS IN A CIRCULAR SINGLE LINKED LIST ARE 4.9.1. Creation of node in circular linked list 4.9.2. Insertion a node in circular linked list 4.9.3. Delete a node in circular linked list 4.9.4. Displaying/Traversing a node in circular linked list 4.9.1.Creating a circular single Linked List with ‘n’ number of nodes: The following algorithm steps are to be followed to create ‘n’ number of nodes: • Create the new node using getnode(). newnode = getnode(); • If the list is empty, assign new node as start. start = newnode; • If the list is not empty, follow the steps given below: temp = start; while(temp -> next != NULL) temp = temp -> next; temp -> next = newnode; • Repeat the above steps ‘n’ times. • newnode -> next = start;

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74 Fig.4.10. Creation of circular linked list The function createlist(), is used to create ‘n’ number of nodes: 4.9.2. Insertion a node in circular linked list Inserting a node in the doubly linked list, there are 3 cases- ▪ Inserting a node at beginning position ▪ Inserting node at last position ▪ Inserting node at intermediate position. • Inserting a node at the beginning: The following algorithm steps are to be followed to insert a new node at the beginning of the circular list: • create the new node using getnode(). newnode = getnode(); • If the list is empty, assign new node as start. start = newnode; newnode -> next = start; • If the list is not empty, follow the steps given below: temp = start; while(temp -> next != start) temp= temp -> next; newnode -> next = start; start = newnode; temp -> next = start;

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75 4.11. shows inserting a node into the circular single linked list at the beginning. • Inserting a node at the end: The following algorithm steps are followed to insert a new node at the end of the list: • create the new node using getnode(). newnode = getnode(); • If the list is empty, assign new node as start. start = newnode; newnode -> next = start; • If the list is not empty follow the steps given below: temp = start; while(temp -> next != start) temp = temp -> next; temp -> next = newnode; newnode -> next = start; The function cll_insert_end(), is used for inserting a node at the end. Figure 4.12 shows inserting a node into the circular single linked list at the end.
Figure 4.12 Inserting a node at the end

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76 • Inserting a node at intermediate position: The following algorithm steps are followed, to insert a new node in an intermediate position in the list: Step 1: Create the new node using getnode(). newnode = getnode(); Step 2: Ensure that the specified position is in between first node and last node. If not, specified position is invalid. This is done by countnode() function. Step 3: Store the starting address (which is in start pointer) in temp and prev pointers. Then traverse the temp pointer upto the specified position followed by prev pointer. Step 4: After reaching the specified position, follow the steps given below: temp1 -> next = newnode; newnode -> next = temp; • Let the intermediate position be 3.
Figure 4.13 shows inserting a node into the double linked list at a specified intermediate position other than beginning and end. 4.9.3 Deletion any element from the linked list Deleting a node in the doubly linked list, there are 3 cases- ▪ Delete a node from beginning position ▪ Delete a node from last position ▪ Delete a node from intermediate position. • Deleting a node at the beginning: The following algorithm steps are followed, to delete a node at the beginning of the list: • If the list is empty, display a message ‘Empty List’. • If the list is not empty, follow the steps given below: temp1 = temp = start; while(temp1 -> next != start) temp1= temp1 -> next; start = start -> next; temp1 -> next = start; • After deleting the node, if the list is empty then start = NULL.

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77 The function cll_delete_beg(), is used for deleting the first node in the list
Figure 4.14 Deleting a node at beginning. • Deleting a node at the end: The following algorithm steps are followed to delete a node at the end of the list: • If the list is empty, display a message ‘Empty List’. • If the list is not empty, follow the steps given below: temp = start; temp1 = start; while(temp -> next != start) { temp1=temp; temp = temp -> next; } temp1 -> next = start; • After deleting the node, if the list is empty then start = NULL. The function cll_delete_last(), is used for deleting the last node in the list.
Figure 4.15 Deleting a node at the end • Deleting a node at intermediate position. The following algorithm steps are followed, to delete a node from an intermediate position in the list (List must contain more than two node). • If list is empty then display ‘Empty List’ message • If the list is not empty, follow the steps given below.

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78 if(pos> 1 &&pos next; ctr++; } temp1 -> next = temp -> next; free(temp); printf("\n node deleted.."); }
Figure 4.16 .Deleting a node in intermediate position 4.9.4 Traversing a circular single linked list from left to right: The following algorithm steps are followed, to traverse a list from left to right: • If list is empty then display ‘Empty List’ message. • If the list is not empty, follow the steps given below: temp = start; do { printf("%d", temp -> data); temp = temp -> next; } while(temp != start); 4.10 PROGRAM ON IMPLEMENTATION OF CIRCULAR SINGLE LINKED LIST # include # include # include struct cslinklist {

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79 int data; struct cslinklist *next; }; typedef struct cslinklist node; node *start = NULL; int nodectr; node* getnode() { node * newnode; newnode = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node)); printf("\n Enter data: "); scanf("%d", &newnode -> data); newnode -> next = NULL; returnnewnode; } int menu() { intch; clrscr(); printf("\n 1. Create a list "); printf("\n\n--------------------------"); printf("\n 2. Insert a node at beginning "); printf("\n 3. Insert a node at end"); printf("\n 4. Insert a node at middle"); printf("\n\n--------------------------"); printf("\n 5. Delete a node from beginning"); printf("\n 6. Delete a node from Last"); printf("\n 7. Delete a node from Middle"); printf("\n\n--------------------------"); printf("\n 8. Display the list"); printf("\n 9. Exit"); printf("\n\n--------------------------"); printf("\n Enter your choice: "); scanf("%d", &ch); returnch; } void createlist(int n) { int i; node *newnode,*temp; nodectr = n; for(i = 0; i < n ; i++) { newnode = getnode(); if(start == NULL) { start = newnode; } else {

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80 temp = start; while(temp -> next != NULL) temp = temp -> next; temp -> next = newnode; } } newnode ->next = start; /* last node is pointing to starting node */ } void display() { node *temp; temp = start; printf("\n The contents of List (Left to Right): "); if(start == NULL ) printf("\n Empty List"); else { do { printf("\t %d ", temp -> data); temp = temp -> next; } while(temp != start); printf(" NULL "); } } void cll_insert_beg() { node *newnode, *temp; newnode = getnode(); if(start == NULL) { start = newnode; newnode -> next = start; } else { temp = start; while(temp -> next != start) temp= temp -> next; newnode -> next = start; start = newnode; temp -> next = start; } printf("\n Node inserted at beginning.."); nodectr++; } void cll_insert_end() { node *newnode, *temp; newnode = getnode();

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81 if(start == NULL ) { start = newnode; newnode -> next = start; } else { temp = start; while(temp -> next != start) temp = temp -> next; temp -> next = newnode; newnode -> next = start; } printf("\n Node inserted at end.."); nodectr++; } void cll_insert_mid() { node *newnode, *temp, *prev; int i, pos ; newnode = getnode(); printf("\n Enter the position: "); scanf("%d", &pos); if(pos> 1 &&pos next; i++; } temp1 -> next = newnode; newnode -> next = temp; nodectr++; printf("\n Node inserted at middle.."); } else { printf("position %d of list is not a middle position ", pos); } } void cll_delete_beg() { node *temp, *last; if(start == NULL) { printf("\n No nodes exist..");

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82 getch(); return ; } else { last = temp = start; while(last -> next != start) last= last -> next; start = start -> next; last -> next = start; free(temp); nodectr--; printf("\n Node deleted.."); if(nodectr == 0) start = NULL; } } void cll_delete_last() { node *temp,*prev; if(start == NULL) { printf("\n No nodes exist.."); getch(); return ; } else { temp = start; temp1 = start; while(temp -> next != start) { temp1= temp; temp = temp -> next; } temp1 -> next = start; free(temp); nodectr--; if(nodectr == 0) start = NULL; printf("\n Node deleted.."); } } void cll_delete_mid() { int i = 0, pos; node *temp, *prev; if(start == NULL) { printf("\n No nodes exist..");

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83 getch(); return ; } else { printf("\n Which node to delete: "); scanf("%d", &pos); if(pos>nodectr) { printf("\nThis node does not exist"); getch(); return; } if(pos> 1 &&pos next ; i++; } temp1 -> next = temp -> next; free(temp); nodectr--; printf("\n Node Deleted.."); } else { printf("\n It is not a middle position.."); getch(); } } } void main(void) { int result; intch, n; clrscr(); while(1) { ch = menu(); switch(ch) { case 1 : if(start == NULL) { printf("\n Enter Number of nodes to create: ");

Page 84

84 scanf("%d", &n); createlist(n); printf("\nList created.."); } else printf("\n List is already Exist.."); break; case 2 : cll_insert_beg(); break; case 3 : cll_insert_end(); break; case 4 : cll_insert_mid(); break; case 5 : cll_delete_beg(); break; case 6 : cll_delete_last(); break; case 7 : cll_delete_mid(); break; case 8 : display(); break; case 9 : exit(0); } 4.11 REPRESENTATION OF LINKED LIST USING HEADER NODE A header linked list is a type of linked list which always contains a special node called the header node at the very beginning of the linked list. It is an extra node kept at the front of a list. Such a node does not represent an item in the linked list. The information part of this node can be used to store any global information about the whole linked list. A header node is a special dummy node found at the front of the list. The use of header node is an alternative to remove the first node in a list.

Page 85

85 For example, the picture below
Fig.4.17 Representation of Polynomial using Linked List Advantages of header node- ▪ In header node, you can maintain count variable which gives number of nodes in the list. You can update header node count member whenever you add /delete any node. It will help in getting list count without traversing list. ▪ In addition to address of first node you can also store the address of last node. So that if you want to insert node at the rear end you don't have to iterate from the beginning of the list. Also in the case of DLL(Doubly Linked List) if you want to traverse from rear end it helps. ▪ We can also use it to store the pointer to the current node in the linked list which eliminates the need of an external pointer during the traversal of the linked list. ▪ While inserting a new node in the linked list we don't need to check whether start node is null or not because the header node will always exist and we can insert a new node just after that. 4.12 REPRESENTATION OF POLYNOMIAL USING LINKED LIST A polynomial is composed of different terms where each of them holds a coefficient and an exponent. An essential characteristic of the polynomial is that each term in the polynomial expression consists of two parts: one is the coefficient and other is the exponent 13x2 + 36x, here 13 and 36 are coefficients and 2, 1 is its exponential value. The sign of each coefficient and exponent is stored within the coefficient and the exponent itself Additional terms having equal exponent is possible one. The storage allocation for each term in the polynomial must be done in ascending and descending order of their exponent. The linked list

Page 86

86 can be used to represent a polynomial of any degree. Simply the information field is changed according to the number of variables used in the polynomial. If a single variable is used in the polynomial the information field of the node contains two parts: one for coefficient of variable and the other for exponent of variable. Let us consider an example to represent a polynomial using linked list as follows: Polynomial: 3x3-4x2+2x-9 Polynomial can be represented in the following ways.
Fig.4.18 Representation of Polynomial using Linked List Representation of a polynomial using the linked list is beneficial when the operations on the polynomial like addition and subtractions are performed. The resulting polynomial can also be traversed very easily to display the polynomial. The linked list is used for polynomial arithmetic because it can have separate coefficient and exponent fields for representing each term of polynomial. Hence there is no limit for exponent. We can have any number as an exponent. The arithmetic operation on any polynomial of arbitrary length is possible using linked list. Program for polynomial creation with help of linked list: #include #include #include struct link { Int coef; int expo; struct link *next; }; typedef struct link node; node * getnode() { node *newnode;

Page 87

87 newnode =(node *) malloc( sizeof(node) ); printf("\n Enter Coefficient : "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%f",&newnode ->coef); printf("\n Enter Exponent : "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&newnode ->expo); newnode ->next = NULL; returnnewnode; } node * create_poly (node *p ) { charch; node *temp,*newnode; while( 1 ) { printf ("\n Do U Want polynomial node (y/n): "); ch = getche(); if(ch == 'n') break; newnode = getnode(); if( p == NULL ) p= newnode; else { temp = p; while(temp->next != NULL ) temp = temp->next; temp->next = newnode; } } return p; } void display (node *p) { node *t = p; while (t != NULL) { printf("+ %.2d", t ->coef); printf("X^ %d", t -> expo); t=t -> next; } } void main() { node *poly1 = NULL ,*poly2 = NULL,*poly3=NULL; clrscr(); printf("\nEnter First Polynomial..(in ascending-order of exponent)"); poly1 = create_poly (poly1);

Page 88

88 printf("\nEnter Second Polynomial..(in ascending-order of exponent)"); poly2 = create_poly (poly2); clrscr(); printf("\n Enter Polynomial 1: "); display (poly1); printf("\n Enter Polynomial 2: "); display (poly2); getch(); } 4.13 REPRESENTATION OF SPARSE ARRAY USING LINKED LIST A matrix can be defined as a two-dimensional array having 'm' columns and 'n' rows representing m*n matrix. Sparse matrices are those matrices that have the maximum elements equal to zero. In other words, the sparse matrix can be defined as the matrix that has a greater number of zero elements than the non-zero elements. Advantages of sparse matrix instead of over a simple matrix o Storage: As we know, a sparse matrix that contains lesser non-zero elements than zero so less memory can be used to store elements. It evaluates only the non-zero elements. o Computing time: In the case of searching n sparse matrix, we need to traverse only the non-zero elements rather than traversing all the sparse matrix elements. It saves computing time by logically designing a data structure traversing non-zero elements. Representing a sparse matrix by a 2D array leads to the wastage of lots of memory. The zeroes in the matrix are of no use to store zeroes with non-zero elements. To avoid such wastage, we can store only non-zero elements. If we store only non-zero elements, it reduces the traversal time and the storage space. Representation of Sparse Matrix The non-zero elements can be stored with triples, i.e., rows, columns, and value. The sparse matrix can be represented in the following ways: • Array representation • Linked list representation • Array Representation The 2 d array can be used to represent a sparse matrix in which there are three rows named as: 1. Row: It is an index of a row where a non-zero element is located.

Page 89

89 2. Column: It is an index of the column where a non-zero element is located. 3. Value: The value of the non-zero element is located at the index (row, column). Let us consider 4X4 matrix elements are- 1 0 0 -4 0 6 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 5 0 0 As we can observe above, that sparse matrix is represented using triplets, i.e., row, column, and value. In the above sparse matrix, there are 11 zero elements and 5 non-zero elements. If the size of the sparse matrix is increased, then the wastage of memory space will also be increased. The above sparse matrix can be represented in the tabular form shown as below: Row Col Value 4 4 5 0 0 1 0 3 -4 1 1 6 2 2 7 3 1 5 In the above table structure, the first column is representing the row number, the second column is representing the column number and third column represents the non-zero value at index(row, column). The size of the table depends upon the number of non-zero elements in the sparse matrix. • Linked List Representation In linked list representation, linked list data structure is used to represent a sparse matrix. In linked list representation, each node consists of four fields whereas, in array representation, there are three fields, i.e., row, column, and value. The following are the fields in the linked list: • Row: It is an index of row where a non-zero element is located. • Column: It is an index of column where a non-zero element is located. • Value: It is the value of the non-zero element which is located at the index (row, column). • Next node: It stores the address of the next node.

Page 90

90 Fig.4.19. Representation of Sparse Matrix using Linked List 4.14 SUMMARY • The doubly linked list has two pointer fields. One field is previous link field and another is next link field. By using these two pointers we can access any node efficiently whereas in singly linked list only one pointer field which stores forward pointer. • In circular list the next pointer of last node points to start node, whereas in doubly linked list each node has two pointers. The main advantage of circular list over doubly linked list is that with the help of single pointer field we can access start node quickly. So amount of memory get saved. • The header node is the first node of linked list. This node is useful for getting starting address of linked list. • Polynomials and Sparse Matrix are two important applications of arrays and linked lists. 4.15 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4.16 Bibliography 1. YashavantKanetkar Data Structures Through C ,BPB Publications, ISBN: 9788176567060, 2. Goodrich, Tamassia, Goldwasser, ―Data Structures and Algorithms in C++‖, Wiley publication, ISBN-978-81-265-1260-7 3. D S Malik, Data Structures Using java, Thomson, India Edition 2006. 4. Sahni S, Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in java, McGraw-Hill, 2002. 5. SamantaD, Classic Data Structures, Prentice-Hall of India, 2001.

Page 91

91 6. Tremblay P, and Sorenson P G, Introduction to Data Structures with Applications, Tata McGraw-Hill, 7. Jean-Paul Tremblay and Paul G. Sorenson, An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications, Tata McGraw Hill 8. Tanenbaum, Data Structures using C & C++, PHI 9. Robert L. Kruse, Data Structures and Program Design in C, PHI 10. Seymour Lipschutz, “Data structures with C”, Schaum’s Publication 5. Aaron Tanenbaum, “Data Structures using C”, Pearson Education 4.17UNIT END EXERCISES 1. What is a Doubly Linked List? Write a ‘C’ program to add new node at the end of a Doubly Linked List. 2. What is difference between the singly and doubly link list. Mention the significance of a circular linked list. 3. What is doubly linked list? What advantages does a doubly linked list have over linear linked lists? 4. How a linked list can be used to represent a polynomial of type:- 9x2y2-8xy2+10xy+9y2 5. Describe the applications of linked list on polynomial Expressions. 6. Describe the operations are performed on Circular Linked List. 7. Explain the operations are performed on the singly linked list. 8. What is header node and what is the use of it? 9. Write a C function to find product of all elements of Linked List? 10. What are advantages of doubly linked list over singly linked list? 11. Why the linked list is used for representation of polynomial? 12. What are advantages of circular linked list over doubly linked list? 13. Write program to implement circular linked list. 14. Write program to implement doubly linked list. 15. What is Circular Linked List? State the advantages and disadvantages of Circular Link List Over Doubly Linked List and Singly Linked List ❖❖❖❖

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92Unit III
Unit Structure
5.0 Objectives
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Operations on the Stack Memory Representation of Stack
5.3 Array Representation of Stack
5.4 Applications of Stack
5.4.1 Evaluation of Arithmetic Expression
5.4.2 Matching Parenthesis
5.4.3 I nfix and postfix operations
5.4.4 Memory management
5.4.5 Recursion
5.5 Summary
5.6 References
5.7 Unit End Exercise
After reading through this chapter, you will be able to –
To understand thebasic concepts about stacks .
Toimpart theoperations on the stack memory representation .
To understand the array representation of stack.
To understand the applications of stack.
To understand the evaluation of arithmetic operations on stack.
To understand the matching parenthesis.
To understand the infix and postfix operations on stack.
Stack is a simple data structure that allows adding and removing
elements in a particular order.
Every time an element is added, it goes on the topof the stack and the
only element that can be removed is the element that is at the top of
the stack, just like a pile of

Page 93

Stack is an ordered list ofsimilar data type.
Stack is a LIFO (Last in First out) structure or we can s ayFILO (First
in Last out).
push() function is used to insert new elements into the Stack
andpop() function is used to remove an element from the stack. Both
insertion and removal are allowed at only one end of Stack called Top.
Stack is said to be in Overflow state when it is completely full and is
said to be in Underflow state if it is completely empty.
Stack can be easily implemented using an Array or a Linked List .
Arrays are quick, but are limited in size and Linked List requires overhead
to allocate, link, unlink, and deallocate, but is not limited in siz e. Here we
will implement Stack using array.
Basic Operations

Page 94

94Stack operations may involve initializing the stack, using it and then
de-initializing it. Apart from these basi c stuffs, a stack is used for the
following two primary operations
push() −Pushing (storing) an element on the stack.
pop() −Removing (accessing) an element from the stack.
When data is Pushed onto stack. To use a stack efficiently, we need to
check the status of stack as well .
For the same purpose, the following functionality is added to stacks
peek() −get the top data element of the stack, without removing it.
isFull() −check if stack is full.
isEmpty() −check if stack is empty.
At all times, we maintain a pointer to the last Pushed data on the stack.
Asthis pointer always represents the top of the stack, hence
named top.
Thetoppointer provides top value of the stack without actually
removing it.
Algorithm for PUSH operation :
1.Check if the stack is fullor not.
2.If the stack is full, then print error of overflow and exit the program.
3.If the stack is not full, then increment the top and add the element.
Algorithm for POP operation :
1.Check if the stack is empty or not.
2.If the stack is empty, then print e rror of underflow and exit the program.
3.If the stack is not empty, then print the element at the top and decrement
the top.
Below we have a simple C++ program implementing stack data
structure while following the objec t-oriented programming concepts.
# include
using namespace std;
class Stack
int top;
int a[10]; //Maximum size of Stack
top = -1;
// declaring all the function
void push(int x);
int pop();
void isEmpty();

Page 95

95// function to insert data into stack
void Stack::push(int x)
if(top >= 10)
cout << "Stack Overflow \n";
a[++top] = x;
cout << "Element Inserted \n";
// func tion to remove data from the top of the stack
int Stack::pop()
if(top < 0)
cout << "Stack Underflow \n";
return 0;
int d = a[top --];
return d;
// function to check if stack is empty
void Stack::isEmpty()
if(top < 0)
cout << "Stack is empty \n";
cout << "Stack is not empty \n";
// main function
int main() {
Stack s1;

Page 96

96Position of Top Status of Stack
-1 Stack is Empty
0 Only one element in Stack
N-1 Stack is Full
N Overflow state of Stack
Astack is a data structure that can be represented as an array. Let us
learn more about Array representation of a stack .
An array is used to store an ordered list of elements. Using an array for
representation of stack is one of the easy techniques to manage the
There is a major difference between an array and a stack.
Size of an arr ay is fixed.
While, in a stack, there is no fixed size since the size of stack
changed with the number of elements inserted or deleted to and
from it.
The difference, an array can be used to represent a stack by taking an
array of maximum size big enough to manage a stack.
We are given a stack of elements: 12, 08, 21, 33, 18, 40.

Page 97

Push (40)
Top = 40
Element is inserted at a[5]
Push ( 18)
Top = 18
Element is inserted at a[4]
Push ( 33)
Top = 33
Element is inserted at a[3]
Step 4:
Push ( 21)
Top = 21
Element is inserted at a[2]
Step 5:
Push ( 8)
Top = 8
Element is inserted at a[1]
Step 6:
Push ( 12)
Top = 12
Element is inserted at a[0]

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Step 7:
Top = -1
End of array
Code of stack (using structure)
// Program for Implementation of stack (array) using structure
// A structure to represent a stack
struct Stack {
int top;
int maxSize;
int* array;
struct Stack* create(int max )
struct Stack* stack = (struct Stack*) malloc (sizeof (struct Stack));
stack ->maxSize = max;
stack ->top = -1;
stack ->array = (int*) malloc(stack ->maxSize * sizeof(int));
//here above memory for array is being created
// size would be 10*4 = 40
return stack;
// Checking with this function is stack is full or not
// Will return true is stack is full else false
//Stack is full when top is equal to the last index
int isFull(struct Stack* stack)
if(sta ck->top == stack ->maxSize -1){
printf ("Will not be able to push maxSize reached \n");
// Since array starts from 0, and maxSize starts from 1
return stack ->top == stack ->maxSize -1;
// By definition the Stack is empty when top is equa lt o-1
// Will return true if top is -1
int isEmpty (struct Stack* stack)

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99return stack ->top == -1;
// Push function here, inserts value in stack and increments stack top by 1
void push (struct Stack* stack, int item)
if (isFull(stack))
stack ->array[++stack ->top] = item;
printf("We have pushed %d to stack \n", item);
// Function to remove an item from stack. It decreases top by 1
int pop(struct Stack* stack)
if (isEmpty(stack) )
return INT_MIN;
return stack ->array[stack ->top--];
// Function to return the top from stack without removing it
int peek(struct Stack* stack)
if (isEmpty(stack))
return INT_MIN;
return stack ->array[stack ->top];
int main ()
struct Stack* stack = create (10);
push(stack, 5);
push(stack, 10);
push(stack, 15);
int flag=1;
if(! isEmpty(stack))
printf("We have popped %d from stack \n", pop(stack));
printf("Can't Pop stack must be empty \n");
printf("Do you want to Pop again? Yes: 1 No: 0 \n");
return 0;
We have pushed 5 to

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100We have pushed 10 to stack
We have pushed 15 to stack
We have popped 15 from the stack
Do you want to Pop again? Yes: 1 No: 0
In a stack, only limited operations are performed because it is restricted
data structure. The elements are deleted from the stack in the reverse
Following are the applications of stack:
1.Evaluation of Arithmetic Expression
2.Matching Parenthesis
3. Expression Conversion
i. Infix to Postfix
ii. Postfix to Infix
iii. Prefix to Infix
4. Memory Management
5.4.1Evaluation of Arithmetic Expression:
Stack data structure is used for evaluating the given express ion. For
example, consider the following expression
5 * (6 + 2) -12 / 4
Since parenthesis has the highest precedence among the arithmetic
(6 +2) = 8 will be evaluated first. Now, the expression becomes
5*8 -12 / 4
* and / have equal precedence and their associativity is from left -to-
right. So, start evaluating the expression from left-to-right.
5 * 8 = 40 and12 / 4 = 3
Now, the expression becomes
And the value returned after the subtraction operation is 37.
5.4.2 Matching Parenthesis :
One of the most important applications of stacks is to check if the
parentheses are balanced in a given expression. The compiler generates an
error if the parentheses are not matched.
Here are some of the balanced and unbalanced expressions:

Page 101

101Consider the above -mentioned unbalanced expressions:
The first expression (a+bis unbalanced as there is no closing
parenthesis given.
The second expression [(c-d*e]is unbalanced as the closed
round parenthesis is not given.
The third expression {[(])}is unbalanced as the nesting of
square parenthesis and the round parenthesis are incorrect.
Steps to find whether a given expression is balanced o r unbalanced
Input the expression and put it in a character stack.
Scan the characters from the expression one by one.
If the scanned character is a starting bracket (‘(‘or ‘{‘or ‘[ ‘), then
push it to the stack.
If the scanned character is a closing brack et(‘)’or ‘}’ or ‘]’), then
pop from the stack and if the popped character is the equivalent
starting bracket, then proceed. Else, the expression is unbalanced.
After scanning all the characters from the expression, if there is
any parenthesis found in th e stack or if the stack is not empty, then
the expression is unbalanced.
5.4.3 Expression Conversion :
There are three popular methods used for representation of an
Infix A+B Operator between operands.
Prefix +A B Operator before operands.
Postfix AB + Operator after operands.
i.Conversion of Infix to Postfix:
Step 1: Consider the next element in the input.
Step 2: If it is operand, display it.
Step 3: If it is opening parenthesis, insert it on stack.
Step 4: If it is an operator, then
If stack is empty, insert operator on stack.
If the top of stack is opening parenthesis, insert the operator on
If it has higher priority than the top of stack, insert the operator on
Else, delete the operato r from the stack and display it, repeat Step
Step 5: If it is a closing parenthesis, delete the operator from stack and
display them until an opening parenthesis is encountered. Delete and
discard the opening

Page 102

102Step 6: If there is more input, go to Step 1.
Step 7: If there is no more input, delete the remaining operators to output.
Example: Suppose we are converting 3*3/ (4 -1) +6*2 expression into
postfix form.
Expression Stack Output
3 Empty 3
* * 3
3 * 33
/ / 33*
( /( 33*
4 /( 33*4
- /(- 33*4
1 /(- 33*41
) - 33*41 -
+ + 33*41 -/
6 + 33*41 -/6
* +* 33*41 -/62
2 +* 33*41 -/62
Empty 33*41 -/62*+
So, the Postfix Expression is 33*41 -/62*+
ii. Conversion of Postfix to Infix:
Following is an algorithm for Postfix to Infix conversion:
Step 1: While there are input symbol left.
Step 2: Read the next symbol from input.
Step 3: If the symbol is an operand, insert it onto the stack.
Step 4: Otherwise, the symbol is an operator.
Step 5:If there are fewer than 2 values on the stack, show error /* input
not sufficient values in the expression */
Step 6: Else,
a. Delete the top 2 values from the stack.
b. Put the operator, with the values as arguments and form a
c. Encapsulate the resulted string with parenthesis.
d. Insert the resulted string back to stack.
Step 7: If there is only one value in the stack, that value in the stack is the
desired infix

Page 103

103Step 8: If there are more values in the stack, show error /* The user input
has too many values */
Example: Suppose we are converting efg -+he-sh-o+/* expression into
Following table shows the evaluation of Postfix to Infix
efg-+he-sh-o+/* NULL
fg-+he-sh-o+/* “e”
g-+he-sh-o+/* “f”
-+he-sh-o+/* “g”
+he-sh-o+/* “f”-“g”
he-sh-o+/* “e+f-g”
e-sh-o+/* “h”
-sh-o+/* “e”
sh-o+/* “h-e”
h-o+/* “s”
-o+/* “h”
o+/* “h-s”
+/* “o”
/* “s-h+o”
* “(h-e)/(s-h+o)”
NULL “(e+f -g) * (h -e)/(s-h+o)”
So, the Infix Expression is (e+f-g) * (h -e)/(s-h+o)

Page 104

104iii.Prefix to Infix :
Algorithm for Prefix to Infix Conversion
Step 1: The reversed input string is inserted into a stack ->
Step 2: If stack is not empty,
a. Temp ->pop the stack
b. If temp is an operator,
Write a opening parenthesis “(“to show -> prefix ToInfix(stack)
Write temp to show -> prefixToInfix(stack)
Write a closing parenthesis “)” to show
c. Else If temp is a space ->prefixToInfix(stack)
d. Else, write temp to show if! = spac e-
Example: Suppose we are converting / -bc+-pqr expression from Prefix to
Following table shows the evaluation of Prefix to Infix Conversion
Expression Stack
-bc+-pqr Empty
/-bc+-pq “q”
/-bc+- “p”
/-bc+ “p-q”
/-bc “p-q+r”
/-b “c”
/- “b”
/ “b-c”
NULL “((b-c)/((p -q) +r))”
So, the Infix Expression is ((b-c)/((p -q) +r))
5.4.4Memory management :
The assignment of memory takes place in contiguous memory blocks.
We call this stack memory allocation because the assignment takes place
in the function call

Page 105

105The size of the memory to be allocated is known to the compiler. When
a function is called, its variables get memory allocated on the stack.
When the function call is completed, the memory for the variables is
released. All this happens with the help of some predefined routines in the
The user does not have to worry about memory allocation and release
of stack variables.
int main ()
// All these variables get memory
// allocated on stack
int f;
int a[10];
int c = 20;
int e[n];
The memory to be allocated to these variables is known to the compiler
and when the function is called, the allocation is done and when the
function terminates, the memory is released.
5.4.5 Recursion :
Some computer programming languages allow a module or function to
call itself. This technique is known as recursion.
In recursion, a function αeither calls itself directly or calls a
function βthat in turn calls the original function α. The function αis called
recursive function.
Example: a function calling itself.
int function (int v alue) {
if (value < 1)
function (value -1);
printf ("%d “, value);
Example −a function that calls another function which in turn calls it
int function1(int value1) {
if (value1 < 1)
function2(value1 -1);
printf ("%d ",value1);
int function2(int value2) {

Page 106

Properties :
A recursive function can go infinite like a loop. To avoid infinite running
of recursiv e function, there are two properties that a recursive function
must have
Base criteria −There must be at least one base criteria or
condition, such that, when this condition is met the function stops
calling itself recursively.
Progressive approach −The recursive calls should progress in
such a way that each time a recursive call is made it comes closer
to the base criteria.
In this chapter we studied Operations on the Stack Memory
Representation like push (), pop (), peek (), isFull (), isEmpty ().
we are focused on array representation of stack;A stack is a data
structure that can be repr esented as an array. Let us learn more about
Array representation of a stack .
Also, we studied various applications of stack like evaluation of
arithmetic expression ,
Matching Parenthesis ,Infix and postfix operations ,Memory management
1) Complete the class with all function definitions for a stack
class stack
int data [10];
int top;
stack () {top= -1;}
void push ();
void pop ();
2) Change the following infix expression to postfix expression.
(A + B) *C+D/E

Page 107

1073) Evaluate the following postfix expression using a stack and show the
contents of stack after execution of each operation:
50,40, +,18, 14, -, *, +
4)Each node of a STACK contains the following information, in addition
to required pointer field:
i) Roll number of the student
ii) Age of the student
Give the structure of node for the linked stack in question TOP is a pointer
which points to the topmost node of the STACK. Write the following
i) PUSH () -To push a node to the stack which is alloca ted dynamically
ii) POP () -To remove a node from the stack and release the memory.

Page 108

Unit Structure
6.0 Objectives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Queue
6.3 Operations on the Queue
6.4 Memory Representation of Queue
6.5 Array representation of queue
6.6 Linked List Representation of Queue
6.7 Circular Queue
6.8 Deque
6.9 Priority Queue
6.10Applications of Queues
6.11 Summary
6.12 Bibliography
6.13 Unit End Exercise
To understand the queue.
To be able to implement queue and deque.
To be able to recognize problem properties where queues, and deques
are appropriate data structures.
To be able to understand the applications of Queue.
Queue is an abstract data structure, somewhat similar to Stacks.
Unlike stacks, a queue is open at both its ends. One end is always used to
insert data(enqueue) and the other is used to remove data (dequeue).
Queue follows First-In-First-Out methodology, i.e., the dataitem stored
first will be accessed first.
A Queue is a linear structure which follows a particular order in
which the operations are performed. The order is First In First Out (FIFO)

Page 109

109A good example of a queue is any queue of consumers for a resource
where the consumer that came first is served first. The difference
between stacks and queues is in removing. In a stack we remove the item
the most recently added; in a queue, we remove the item the least recently
Like Stack ,Queue is a linear structure which follows a particular
order in which the operations are performed. The order
isFirstInFirstOut (FIFO). A good example of queue is any queue of
consumers for a resource where the consumer that came first is served
The difference between stacks and queues is in removing. In a
stack we remove the item the most recently added; in a queue, we remove
the item the least recently added.
Queue operations may involve initializing or defining the queue,
utilizing it, and then completely erasing it from the memory. Here we shall
try to understand the basic operations associated with queues −
enqueue() −add (store) an item to the queue.
dequeue() −remove (access) an item from the queue.
Few more functions are required to make the above -mentioned
queue operation efficient.
These are −
peek() −Gets the element at the front of the queue without removing it.
isfull() −Checks if the queue is full.
isempty() −Checks if the queue is empty.
In queue, we always dequeue (or access) data, pointed
byfront pointer and while enqueing (or storing) data in the queue we take
help of rearpointer.
Enqueue Operation
Queues maintain two data pointers, front andrear. Therefore, its
operations are comparatively difficult to implement than that of

Page 110

110The following steps should be taken t o enqueue (insert) data into a
queue −
Step 1 −Check if the queue is full.
Step 2 −If the queue is full, produce overflow error and exit.
Step 3 −If the queue is not full, increment rearpointer to point the next
empty space.
Step 4 −Add data element to the queue location, where the rear is
Step 5 −return success.
Implementation of enqueue() in C programming language −
int enqueue(int data)
return 0;
rear = rear + 1;
queue[rear] = data;
return 1;
end procedure
Dequeue Operation
Accessing data from the queue is a process of two tasks −access
the data where front is pointing and remove the data after access. The
following steps are taken to perform dequeue operation −
Step 1 −Check i f the queue is empty.
Step 2 −If the queue is empty, produce underflow error and exit.
Step 3 −If the queue is not empty, access the data where front is pointing.
Step 4 −Increment front pointer to point to the next available data
Step 5 −Return success.
Implementation of dequeue() in C programming language −
int dequeue() {
return 0;
int data = queue[front];
front = front + 1;
return data;

Page 111

Like Stacks , Queues can also be represented in memory in two ways.
Using the contiguous memory like an array
Using the non -contiguous memory like a linked list
Using the Contiguous Memory like an Array
In this representation the Queue is implemented using the array.
Variables used in this case are
QUEUE -the name of the array storing queue elements.
FRONT -the index where the first element is stored in the array
representing the queue.
REAR -the index where the last element is stored in array representing the
MAX -defining that how many elements (maximum count) can be stored
in the array representing the queue.
Using the Non -Contiguous Memory like a Linked List
In this representation the qu eue is implemented using the dynamic
data structure Linked List.
Using linked list for creating a queue makes it flexible in terms of
size and storage.
You don’t have to define the maximum number of elements in the queue.
Pointers (links) to store addre sses of nodes for defining a queue are.
FRONT -address of the first element of the Linked list storing the Queue.
REAR -address of the last element of the Linked list storing the Queue.
We can easily represent queue by using linear arrays. There are
two variables i.e. front and rear, that are implemented in the case of every
queue. Front and rear variables point to the position from where insertions
and deletions are performed in a queue. Initially, the value of front and
queue is -1 which represents an empty queue. Array representation of a
queue containing 5 elements along with the respective values of front and
rear, is shown in the following

Page 112

The above figure shows the queue of characters forming the
English word "HELLO" . Since, No deletion is performed in the queue
tillnow, therefore the value of front remains -1.
However, the value of rear increases by one every time an insertion
is performed in the queue. After inserting an element into the queue shown
in the above figure, the queue will look something like following .T h e
value of rear will become 5 while the value of front remains same.
After deleting an element, the value of front will increase from -1
to 0. however, the queue will look somethi ng like following.
The array implementation can not be used for the large scale
applications where the queues are implemented.
One of the alternative of array implementation is linked list
implementation of

Page 113

113The storage requirement of linked representation of a queue with n
elements is o(n) while the time requirement for operations is o(1).
In a linked queue, each node of the queue c onsists of two parts i.e.
data part and the link part.
Each element of the queue points to its immediate next element in
the memory.
In the linked queue, there are two pointers maintained in the memory
i.e. front pointer and rear pointer. The front point er contains the address of
the starting element of the queue while the rear pointer contains the
address of the last element of the queue.
Insertion and deletions are performed at rear and front end
respectively. If front and rear both are NULL, it indica tes that the queue is
The linked representation of queue is shown in the following figure.
A circular queue is the extended version of a regular queue where
the last element is connected to the first element. Thus forming a circle -
like structure.
The c ircular queue solves the major limitation of the normal queue.
In a normal queue, after a bit of insertion and deletion, there will be non -
usable empty

Page 114

Here, indexes 0and1can only be used after resetting the queue
(deletion of all elements).
This reduces the actual size of the queue.
How Circular Queue Works
Circular Queue works by the process of circular increment i.e. when
we try to increment the pointer and we reach the end of the queue, we start
from the beginning of the queue.
Here, the circular increment is performed by modulo division with
the queue si ze. That is,
if REAR + 1 == 5 (overflow!), REAR = (REAR + 1)%5 = 0 (start of
A deque is also a special type of queue. In this queue, the enqueue
and dequeue operations take place at both front and rear . That means,
we can insert an item at both the ends and can remove an item from both
the ends. Thus, it may or may not adhere to the FIFO order:
It’s used to save browsing history, perform undo operations,
implement A -Steal job scheduling algorithm, or implement a stack or
implement a simple queue.
Further, it has two special cases: input-restricted
deque andoutput -restricted deque .
In the first case, the enqueue operation takes place only at the rear,
but the dequeue operation takes place at both rear and

Page 115

An input -restricted queue is useful when we need to remove an
item from the rear of the queue.
In the second case, the enqueue operation takes place at both rear
and front, but the dequeue operation takes place only at the front:
An out put-restricted queue is handy when we need to insert an item
at the front of the queue.
Priority Queue is an extension of queue with following properties.
Every item has a priority associated with it.
An element with high priority is dequeued before an element with
low priority.
If two elements have the same priority, they are served according to
their order in the queue.
In th e below priority queue, element with maximum ASCII value
will have the highest priority.
Atypical priority queue supports following

Page 116

116insert(item, priority): Inserts an item with given priority.
getHighest Priority ():Returns the highest priority item.
delete Highest Priority(): Removes the highest priority item.
How to implement priority queue?
Using Array :A simple implementation is to use array of following
struct item {
int item;
int priority;
insert() operation can be implemented by adding an item at end of array in
O(1) time.
Applications of Priority Queue:
1)CPU Scheduling
2)Graph algorithms like Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm ,Prim’s
Minimum Spanning Tree ,e t c
3)Allqueue applications where priority is involved.
Queues are used in various applications in Computer Science -
Job scheduling tasks of CPU.
Printer’s Buffer to store printing commands initiated by a user.
Input commands sent to CPU by devices like Keyboard and
Document downloading from internet.
User Requests for call center services.
Order Queue for Online Food Delivery Chains.
Online Cab Booking applications.
Aqueue is kind of like the opposite of a stack. Instead of having a
“last--in, first --out” structure, it is “first --in, first --out”. Inserting A,
B, and then C, will make the first removed A, then B, then C. The first
item inserted is called the “head” of the queue, and the last item is the

Page 117

1. -appli cations -introduction -and-memory
3. -set-1introduction -and-array -
4. -representation -of-queue
5. -queue
6. -of-queues
1.Explain Queue data structure in details?
2.Explain briefly operations on queue?
3.What is circular queue ? how to implement it?
4.Write short notes on :
a) Priority queue
b) Dequeue
c) Enqueue
5)Explain Applications of Queue and Dequeue

Page 118

118Unit IV
Unit Structure :
7.0 Objectives
7.1 Sorting
7.1.4Merge Sort
7.2 Searching
7.2.1 Indexed Sequential Searches
7.2.2 Binary Search
7.3 Summary
7.4 List of References
7.5 Model Questions
This chapter would make you understand the following concepts :
Sorting and its types, also its time complexity.
Searchin g and its types also its advantages and disadvantages.
Sorting is a process, in which we can perform on data structure in
order to arrange data elements in ascending and descending order.Ther e
are different methods that can be used to arrange data in ascending or
descending order. There are two types of sorting.
Internal sorting:
Internal sorting is used when the data to be sort, all stored in main
memory. Bubble sort, selection sort, Insert ion sort, Quick sort, Radix sort
are internal sorting techniques.
External sorting:
If all the data that is to be sorted do not fit entirely in the main
memory, external sorting is required. An external sort requires the use of
external memory such as dis ks or tapes during sorting. In external sorting,
some part of the data is loaded into the main memory, sorted using

Page 119

119internal sorting technique and written back to the disk in some
intermediate file. This process continues until all the data is sorted. Merge
sort is an example of external sorting.
7.1.1 Bubble sort
The simplest sorting algorithm is bubble sort.A bubble sort is an
internal exchange sort.This sorting technique is named bubble because
of the logic is similar to the bubble in water.When a b ubble are a
formed it is small at the bottom and when it moves up it becomes
bigger and bigger i.e. bubbles are in ascending order of their size from
the bottom to the top.
The key idea of the bubble sort is to make pairwise comparisons and
exchange the po sition of the pair if they are out of order.
This sorting method proceeds by scanning through the elements one
pair at a time, and swapping any adjacent pairs it finds to be out of
Bubble sort starts by comparing first element with second element;If
first element is greater than second elementthen it will swap both the
elements and the move on to the compare second element with third
element and so on.
Let Array[Max] is integer array, N is size of array. Bubble sort is
simplest sorting algorithm wher e after every pass the largest elements
of array bubbles up toward the last place/index. If we have total n
elements in array then to sort all these element we need to repeat this
process for n -1 times. In each pass, sorting starts from starting index
andend on (N -pass-1) element.
Bubble Sort Algorithm
Let Array[Max] is array, N is size of array.
1.Repeat for pass=1 to N -1.
2.Repeat for j=0 to N -pass-1.
3.If array[j]>array[j+1].
4.Interchange a[j] with a[j+1].
5.Print sorted Array.
Time complexity of bubble sort in worst case is O(N2), in Best case is
O(N) and in Average case is O(N2).
Program: -Bubble sort
Input: -array of numbers
Output: -numbers arranged in ascending order.
Bubble sort example: -consider the following numbers

Page 120

120Pass 1: compare the elements j and j+1 and do swap / no swap operations
At the end of pass first largest element is filtered and placed at the end
compare the elements j and j+1 and do swap / no swap operations
Pass 2:
At the end of pass second largest element is filtered and placed at its
proper place
Pass 3:
At the end of pass thir d largest element is filtered and placed at the end
Pass 4:
At the end of pass fourth largest element is filtered and placed at the

Page 121

121Pass 5:
At the end of pass fifth largest element is filtered and placed at the end and
finally sorted
Advantages of Bubble sort
1)Bubble sort is easy and simple to implement.
2)Elements are swapped in place without using additional temporary
storage, so the space req uirement is at a minimum.
Disadvantages of Bubble sort
1)Bubble sort is slow as it takes O(n!) comparison to complete sorting.
2)It is not sufficient for large lists.
Bubble sort program: -
//program for implementation of Bubble Sort
void bubbleSort(int arr[] , int n )
for (int i = 0; i < n -1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n -i-1; j++)
if (arr[j] < arr[j+1])
// swap temp and arr[i]
int temp = arr[j];
arr[j] = arr[j+1];
arr[j+1] = temp;
Output: -run:
Sorted array
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)
7.1.2 Selection sort
Selection sort performs in -place comparison which means that the
array is divided into two parts, the sorted part at the left end and the
unsorted part at the r ight end Initially, the sorted part is empty and the
unsorted part is the entire list.
During Iteration 1, smallest element in the array (index 0 to last index)
is selected and that selected element is replaced with first position
During Iteration 2 smallest element from sub array (starting from
index 1 to last index) is selected and that selected element is replaced
with second position element and so

Page 122

122In other words , the idea of the selection sort is to search the smallest
element in the list and exchange it with the element in the first
position, Then, find the second smallest element and exchange it with
the element in the second position, and so on until the entire array is
In selection sort, iteration 1 looks for s mallest element in the array and
replace first position with that smallest element. After that iteration 2
look for smallest element present in the sub array, starting from index
1, till the last index and replace second position with that smallest
element . This is repeated, until the array is completely sorted.
Selection sort algorithm
Let array {Max} integer array, N is size of array.
1.Repeat for i=0 to N -2.
2. Set min=Array[i] and loc=i.
3.Repeat for j=i+1 toN -1.
4. IF MIN>Array[j] then.
5. Set MIN=[j] and loc=j;
6.Interchange Array [j] with Array [loc].
Time complexity of selection sort in worst case is O(N2), in best case
is O(N2) and in average case is O(N2).
Selection sort example: -consider the following numbers
Following procedure is used:
Selection sort program: -
void sort(int arr[] , int n )
// One by one move boundary of unsorted subarray
for (int i = 0; i < n -1; i++)

Page 123

123// Find the minimum element in unsorted array
int min_idx = i;
for (int j = i+1; j < n; j++)
if (arr[j] > arr[min_idx])
min_idx = j;
// Swap the found minimum element with the first
// element
int temp = arr[min_idx];
arr[min_idx] = arr[i];
arr[i] = temp;
Sorted array
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)
Advantages of selection sort.
1.Selection sort is simple and easy to implement.
2.It gives 60% performance improvement over bubble sort.
Disadvantages of selection sort.
Selection sort performs poor when dealing with large number of elements.
7.1.3 Insertion Sort
Insertion sort is different from other sorting algorithms as sorting starts
from the index 1(not0), i.e. the element at index1compared with index0
first. If element at index 1 is smaller is smaller than element at index 0
then we insert the element at inde x 1 to index 0.
Insertion sort algorithm
Let array [Max] is integer array , N is size of array
1.Repeat for i =to N-1.
2.Set temp =Array[i]and j=i -1.
3. While j >=0 andarray [j] >temp do.
4. Array [j +1]=Array[j].
5. J=j-1.
6. Array [j +1]=temp.
Insertion sort example: -consider the following numbers
Following procedure is

Page 124

Insertion sort program:
void sort(int arr[] ,int n )
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
int key = arr[i];
int j = i -1;
/* Move elements of arr[0..i -1], that are
greater than key, to one position ahead
of their current position */
while (j >= 0 && arr[j] > key) {
arr[j + 1] = arr[j];
arr[j + 1] = key;

Page 125

5 6 11 12 13
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)
Radix sort example: -consider the following numbers
Pass 1: Bucket sort the numbers while scanning the input from left to
right one’s digit (LSD).
At the end of this pass 1 remove the elements from the buckets from 0 to 9
in first out manner. The elements will be 721,13 ,123, 35, 537, 27, 438, 9
Pass 2: now it will scan as per pass 1, but the ten’s place (i.e next LSD )
At the end of this pass 2 remove the elements from the buckets from 0 to 9
in first out manner. The elements will be 9,13,7,21,123,27,35,537,438.
Pass 3: now it will scan as per pass 1, but the hundred’s place (i.e next
At the end of this pass 3 remove the elements from the buckets from 0 to 9
in first out manner. The elements will be 9,13,27,35,123,438,537,721.
And the numbers are soreted.
7.1.4 MergeSort:
Algorithm:Input: -array of numbers
Output: -numbers arranged in ascending order
1. MergeSort(array A, int p, int r) {
2. if (p < r) { // we have at least 2

Page 126

126q=( p+r ) / 2
3. MergeSort(A, p, q) // s ort A[p..q]
4. MergeSort(A, q+1, r) // sort A[q+1..r]
5. Merge(A, p, q, r) // merge everything together
// Merges two subarrays of arr[].
// First subarray is arr[l..m]
// Second subarray is arr [m+1..r]
void merge(int arr[], int l, int m, int r)
// Find sizes of two subarrays to be merged
int n1 = m -l + 1;
int n2 = r -m;
/* Create temp arrays */
int L[] = new int [n1];
int R[] = new int [n2];
/*Copy data to temp arrays*/
for (int i=0; iL[i] = arr[l + i];
for (int j=0; jR[j] = arr[m + 1+ j];
/* Merge the temp arrays */
// Initial indexes of first and second subarrays
int i = 0, j = 0;
// Initial in dex of merged subarry array
int k = l;
while (i < n1 && j < n2)
if (L[i] <= R[j])

Page 127

127arr[k] = L[i];
arr[k] = R[j];
/* Copy remaining elements of L[] if any */
while (i < n1)
arr[k] = L[i];
/* Copy remaining elements of R[] if any */
while (j < n2)
arr[k] = R[j];
// Main function that sorts arr[l..r] using
// merge()
void sort(int arr[], int l, int r)
if (l < r)
// Find the middle point
int m = (l+r)/2;
// Sort first and second halves
sort(arr, l, m);
sort(arr , m+1, r);
// Merge the sorted halves
merge(arr, l, m, r);
Advantages -Merge Sort
1.Merge sort algorithm is best case for sorting slow -access data
e.g) tape

Page 128

1282.Merge sort algorithm is better at handling sequential -accessed
Disadvantages -Merge Sort
1.The running time of merge sort algorithm is 0(n log n) which
turns out to be the worsecase.
2.Merge sort algorithm requires additional memory space of 0(n)
for the temporary array TEMP.
Searching is the process of discovery some particular element in
the list. If the element is existing in the list, then the process is called
successful and the process returns the location of that element, otherwise
the search is called unsuccessful. There are two popular search methods
that are w idely used in order to search some item into the list. However,
choice of the algorithm depends upon the organization of the list.
7.2.1 Linear Search
Linear search is the simplest search algorithm and often called
sequential search. In this type of sea rching, we simply traverse the list
completely and match each element of the list with the item whose
location is to be found. If the match found, then location of the item is
returned otherwise the algorithm return NULL. Linear search is mostly
used to se arch an unordered list in which the items are not sorted.
Features of Linear Search Algorithm
It is used for unsorted and unordered small list of elements.
It has a time complexity of O(n), which means the time is linearly
dependent on the number of elements, which is not bad, but not that good
It has a very simple implementation.
The algorithm of linear search is given as follows
Step 2: [INITIALIZE] SET I = 1
Step 3: Repe at Step 4 while I<=N
Step 4: IF A[I] = VAL
Go to Step

Page 129

129[END OF IF]
SET I = I + 1
Step 5: IF POS = -1
Step 6: EXIT
Complexity of algorithm
Complexity Best Case Average Case Worst Case
Time O(1) O(n) O(n)
Space O(1)
int[] arr = {1, 3, 5, 8, 4, 3, 5, 0, 4, 9};
int item,flag=0;
item =3
for(int i = 0; i<10; i++)
flag = i+1;
flag = 0;
if(flag != 0)
printf ("Item found at location %d" , flag);
printf ("Item not found");
Enter Item ?
Item found at location 2
Enter Item ?
Item not found

Page 130

130Binary search is the search technique which works efficiently on
the sorted lists. Hence, in order to search an element into some list by
using binary search technique, we must ensure that the list is sorted.
7.2.2 Binary search follows divide and conquer approach in which, the list
is divided into two halves and the item is compared with the middle
element of the list. If the match is found then, the location of middle
element is returned otherwise, we search into either of the halves
depending upon the result produced through the match.
Features of Binary Search
It is great to search through large sorted arrays.
It has a time complexity of O(log n) which is a very good time
complexity. We will discuss this in details in the Binary Search tutorial.
It has a simple implementation.
Binary search algorithm is given below.
BINARY_SEARCH(A, lower_bound, upper_bound, VAL)
Step 1: [INITIALIZE] SET BEG = lower_bound
END = upper_bound, POS = -1
Step 2: Repeat Steps 3 and 4 while BEG <=END
Step 3: SET MID = (BEG + END)/2
Step 4: IF A[MID] = VAL
Go to Step 6
Step 5: IF POS = -1
Step 6:

Page 131

SNPerformance Complexity
1Worst case O(log n)
2Best case O(1)
3Average Case O(log n)
4Worst case space O(1)
Let us consider an array arr = {1, 5, 7, 8, 13, 19, 20, 23, 29}. Find
the location of the item 23 in the array.
In 1st step :
BEG = 0
END = 8ron
MID = 4
a[mid] = a[4] = 13 < 23, therefore
in Second step:
Beg = mid +1 = 5
End = 8
mid = 13/2 = 6
a[mid] = a[6] = 20 < 23, therefore;
in third step:
beg = mid + 1 = 7
End = 8
mid = 15/2 = 7
a[mid] = a[7]
a[7] = 23 = item;
therefore, set location = mid;
The location of the item will be

Page 132

int[] arr = {16, 19, 20, 2 3, 45, 56, 78, 90, 96, 100};
int item =45
intlocation = -1;
System.out.println("Enter the item which you want to search");
location = binarySearch(arr,0,9,item);
if(location != -1)
printf ("the location of the item is %d", location);
printf ("Item not found");
static int binarySearch(int[] a, int beg, int end, int item)
int mid;
if(end >= beg)
mid = (beg + end)/2;
if(a[mid] == item)
return mid+1;
else if(a[mid] < item)
return binarySearch(a,mid+1,end,item);

Page 133

133return binarySearch(a,beg,mid -1,item);
return -1;
Enter the item which you want to search
the location of the item is 5
The sorting algorithms are used to arrange data in order and we use
array as a data storage structure.
All the algorithms in this chapter execute in O(N2) time. Nevertheless,
some can be substantially faster than others.
An invariant is a condition that remains unchanged while an algorithm
The bubble sort is the least efficient, but the simplest, sort .
The insertion sort is the most commonly used of the O(N2) sorts
described in this chapter.
None of the sorts in this chapter require more than a single temporary
variable, in addition to the original array.
Linear search is a very simple search algorithm which is a type
ofsearch, a sequential search is made over all items one by one. Every
item is checked and if a match is found then that particular item is
returned, otherwise the search continues till the end of the data
Binary search is an efficient algorithm for finding an item from a
sorted list of items. It works by repeatedly dividing in half the portion
of the list that could contain the item, until you've narrowed down the
possible locations to just one.
Data S tructures using C BalgurusanwJL_ McGraw Hill Education,
New Delhi 2013, ISBN: 978 -1259029547
Data Structures using C ISRD Group McGraw Hill Education, New
Delhi 2013, ISBN: 978 -12590006401
 -structures/

Page 134

1.Arrange the following numbers in ascending as well as descending
order with the help of the specified algorithms and show each pass i n
Numbers: -123,456,200,23,56,12
Algorithms: -
Bubble sort
2.Write the short note on the above (ques 2) sorting algorithms with
3.Write down the complexity for any 2 algorithms from above (ques 2).
4.Write the advantages and disadvantages of any 3 algorithms from
above (ques 2).
5.Write down the algorithm for any 3 algorithms from above (ques 2).
6.Explain Linear and Binary Search.
7.Trace 2,45,56,67,78,99,100 using Linear and Binary Search

Page 135

Unit Structure :
8.0 Objectives:
8.1 Introduction to Tree
8.1.1 Binary Tree
8.1.2 Properties of Binary Tree
8.1.3 Memory Representation of Binary Tree
8.1.4 Operations Performed on Binary Tree
8.1.5 Reconstruction of Binary Tree from its Traversals
8.2 Huffman Algorithm
8.3 Binary Search Tree
8.3.1 Operations on Binary Search Tree
8.4 Heap
8.4.1 Memory Representation of Heap
8.4.2 Operation on Heap, Heap Sort
8.5 Summary
8.6 List of References
8.7 Model Questions
This chapter would make you understand the following concepts:
Introduction to Trees.
Binary Tree s, memory representations, operations and its properties.
Two types of traversals.
Huffman algorithm, its benefits and its implementation.
Binary Search Tree and Operations on Binary Search Tree.
Heap, Memory Representation of Heap and Operations on Heap.
Heap Sort and its complexity.
In all the previous topics we have seen data structures like stack,
queue and linked list which follows a specific order and are called as
linear data structures. Now we are going to understand non -linear data
structures do not form a sequence and thus called as non -linear data
structures. This hierarchical structure which has relationship between

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136elements is called as tree. Tree Data structures not only stores data in
hierarchical manner but hav e number of applications, ease and efficiency
of various data structure operations like searching, sorting ,etc compare to
linear data structure.
Tree Data Structure:
Tree is a collection of finite set “T” of one or more nodes such that
there is a node as signed as the root of the tree and other nodes are divided
into n>=0 disjoint sets T1,T2,…..Tn and each of this node is tree in turn.
Nodes in root are called as sub -tree or child of the root.
Definition of Tree:
A tree is a non -linear data structure used to represent the
hierarchical structure of one or more elements known as nodes.
Tree holds values and has either zero or more than zero references
which are referring to other nodes known as child nodes. A tree can have
zero or more child nodes, which is at one level below it and each child
node can have only one parent node which above it.The node at the top of
the tree is known as root of the tree and the node at the lowest level is
known as leaf node.
Ex:-a tree of an organization
Tree with one or more child nodes are called as internal nodes and
the node without child is called as external nodes.
Applications of Trees:
Hierarchical Management: -a tree like structure helps us to understand
the protocol easily. Example : -Board of management.
Effortlessness searching: -as data is in sorted manner so searching is
easier compare to other linear data structures. Example: -searching a
file in linux .
Easy Manipulations: as data is two linear so can be used to process
.Example : -sorting according to date_of _joining.
8.1.1 Binary Trees:
A binary tree has a special requirement that each node can have a
maximum of two children.
One of the advantage of using binary tree over both static linear
data structure i.e ordered array and a dynamic linear d ata structure i.e
linked list will have searching

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8.1.2 Properties of Binary Tree
Following are the important terms with respect to tree.
1.Root –The mother node at the top of the tree is called root. There is
only one root per tree and one path from the root node to any node.
2.Path −Path refers to the sequence of nodes along the edges of a tree.
3.Node −Every individual element in tree is called as node. Every
information is stored in the node with the value and link to other
4.Parent node −Any node excluding the root node has one edge
upward to a node called parent node.
5.Child node −The node belo w a given node connected by its edge
downward is called its child node.
6.Siblings –Nodes which belongs to same node is called as siblings of
each other.
7.Leaf −The node which does not have any child node is called the
leaf node.
8.Subtree −Subtree denotes t he descendants of a node.
9.Visiting −Visiting means checking the value of a node when control
is on the node.
10.Traversing −Traversing means passing through nodes in a specific
11.Levels −Level of a node represents the generation of a node. If the
root node is at level 0, then its next child node is at level 1, its
grandchild is at level 2, and so on.
12.Keys −Key represents a value of a node based on which a search
operation is to be carried out for a

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13813.Predecessor : Every node in binary tree, except the root has unique
parent called predecessor of
14.Descendents : The descendents of a node are all those nodes which
are reachable from that node Eg E,F and H are descendents in of B
in fig:5.1
15.Ancestors: The ancestors of a nodes are all the node along the path
from the root to that node B and A are ancestor of E in fig:5.1
16.In-degree: The in -degree of a node is the total number of edges
coming to the node.
17.Out degree: The out degree of a node is the total number of edges
going outside from the node
18.Level: Level is a rank of a tree order. The whole tree structure is
leveled. The level of root node is always at 0.the immediate children
of root are at level 1 and their immediate children are at level 2 and
so on as shown in fig.5.1.
19.Depth of Tree :the depth of a tree is the longest path from the root to
leaf node. In a tree data structure ,the total number of edges from
node to a particular node is called as depth of that node.
20.Height :The highest number of nodes that is possible in a way
starting from the firs t node {root} to a leaf node is called the height
of a tree.
8.1.3Memory Representation of Binary Tree
In this representation we use singly linked list. In this representation
each node requires three fields, (see, Fig.)
1)One for the link of the left child,
2)Second field for representing the information associated with the node,
and information associated with the node, and
3)The Third is used to represent the link of the right child.
When a node has no child then the corre sponding pointer fields are
null. The left and right field of a node is pointer to left and the right child
of that node.
Example :Fig 5.21 shows an example of linked representation of tree.
Following is the code to declarant a tree data structure in jav a. Each
node of binary tree,(as the root of some sub -tree)has both left and right
sub tree, which we can access through pointer by declaring as follows:
Class Node
Node left, right

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1398.1.4 Operations on Binary Search Tree
There are many operations which can be performed on a binary
search tree but few are the following: -
1.Insertion Operation
2.Deletion Operation
1. Insertion Operation -
The insertion of a new key always considers the child of some leaf
For finding out the suitable leaf node,
Search the key to be inserted from the root node till some leaf node is
Once a leaf node is reached, insert the key as child of that leaf node.
Example -
Consider the following example where key = 40 is inserted in the
given BST -
We from 40 the root node 100.
As 40 < 100, so we search in 100’s left subtree.
As 40 > 20, so we search in 20’s right subtree.
As 40 > 30, so we add 40 to 30’s right subtree.
2. Deletion Operation -
When it comes to deleting a node from the binary search tree,
following three cases are possible -
Case -01: Deletion Of A Node Having No Child (Leaf Node) -
Just remove / disconnect the leaf node that is to deleted from the
Example -
Consider the following example where node with value = 20 is
deleted from the BST

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Case -02: Deletion Of A Node Having Only One Child -
Just make the child of the deleting node, the child of its grandparent.
Example -
Consider the following example where node with value = 30 is
deleted from the BST -
Case -02: Deletion Of A Node Having Two Children -
A node with two children may be deleted from the BST in the
following two ways -
Visit to the right subtree of the deleting node.
Pluck the least value element called as inorder successor.
Replace the deleting element with its inorder successor.
Example -
Consider the following example where node with value = 15 is deleted
from the BST -

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1418.1.5 Reconstruction of Binary Tree from its Traversals:
Algorithm for Inorder traversal:
1)Create stack S.
2)Set current node as root
3)Push the current node to S and set current = current ->left until current
=N U L L
4)If current = NULL and stack is not empty then
a) Pop the top item.
b) Print the popped item, set current = popped -item->right
c) Go to step 3.
5)If current is NULL and stack is empty then done.
Algorithm for preorder traversal:
1)Create an stack nodeStack and push root node to stack.
2)Do following while nodeStack is not empty.
I.Pop an item from stack and print it.
II.Push right child of popped item to stack
III.Push left child of popped item to stack
Algorithm for postraversal
1.Create a stack
2.Do following while root != NULL
a) Push root's right child and then root to stack.
b) Set root as root's left child.
3.Pop an item from stack and set it as root.
a)If the popped item has a right child and the right child is at top of
stack, then remove the right child from stack, push the root back
and set root as root's right child.
b)Else print root's data and set root as NULL.
4.Repeat steps 2 and 3 while stack is not empty.
Huffman coding is a lossless data compression algorithm. In this
algorithm, a variable -length code is assigned to input different characters.
The code length is related to how frequently characters are used. Most
frequent characters have the smallest codes and longer codes for least

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142There are mainly two parts. First one to create a Huffman tree, and
another one to traverse the tree to find codes.
For an example, consider some strings “YYYZXXYYX”, the
frequency of character Y is larger than X and the character Z has the least
frequency. So the length of the code for Y is smaller than X, and code for
X will be smaller than Z.
Complexity for assigning the code for each character according to
their frequency is O (n log n)
Input and Output
A string with di fferent characters, say
Code for different characters:
Data: K, Frequency: 1, Code: 0000
Data: L, Frequency: 1, Code: 0001
Data: E, Frequency: 2, Code: 001
Data: F, Frequency: 4, Code: 01
Data: B, Frequency: 2, Code: 100
Data: C, Frequency: 2, Code: 101
Data: X, Frequency: 2, Code: 110
Data: A, Frequency: 3, Code: 111
Huffman Coding (string)
Input: A string with different characters.
Output: The codes for each individual characters.
define a node with chara cter, frequency, left and right child of the node
for Huffman tree.
create a list ‘freq’ to store frequency of each character, initially, all are 0
for each character c in the string do
increase the frequency for character ch in freq list.
for all type of character ch do
if the frequency of ch is non zero then
add ch and its frequency as a node of priority queue Q.
while Q is not empty do
remove item from Q and assign it to left child of node
remove item from Q and assign to the right child of node
traverse the node to find the assigned

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traverseNode(n: node, code)
Input: The node n of the Huffman tree, and the code assigned from the
previous call
Output: Code assig ned with each character
if a left child of node n ≠φthen
traverseNode(leftChild(n), code+’0’) //traverse through the left child
traverseNode(rightChild(n), code+’1’) //traverse through the right child
display the character and data of curre nt node.
Binary Search tree can be defined as a class of binary trees, in
which the nodes are organized in a specific order. This is also called
ordered binary tree. In a binary search tree, the value of all the nodes in
the left s ub-tree is less than the value of the root. Similarly, value of all the
nodes in the right sub -tree is greater than or equal to the value of the root.
This rule will be recursively applied to all the left and right sub -trees of
the root.
A Binary search tree is shown in the above figure. As the
constraint applied on the BST, we can see that the root node 30 doesn't
contain any value greater than or equal to 30 in its left sub -tree and it also
doesn't contain any value less than 30 in its right sub -tree.
Benefits of using binary search tr ee
1.Searching become very efficient in a binary search tree since, we get a
hint at each step, about which sub -tree contains the preferred element.
2.The binary search tree is considered as well -organized data structure in
compare to arrays and linked lists. In searching process, it removes
half sub -tree at every step. Searching for an element in a binary search
tree takes o(log 2n) time. In worst case, the time it takes to search an
element is 0(n)

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1443.It also speed up the insertion and deletion operations as com pare to
that in array and linked list.
Create the binary search tree using the following data elements.
43, 10, 79, 90, 12, 54, 11, 9, 50
1.Insert 43 into the tree as the root of the tree.
2.Read the next element, if it is lesser than the root node element, i nsert
it as the root of the left sub -tree.
3.Otherwise, insert it as the root of the right of the right sub -tree.
The process of creating BST by using the given elements, is shown below
8.3.1 Operations on Binary search trees (insertion and deletion)
A Binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree that is either empty or in
which every node contains a key (data/info)andsatisfies the following
1.The key in the left child of a node,is less than the key in its parent
2.The key in the right child of a node,is greater than the key in its
parent node.
3.The left and right sub -trees of node are again binary search trees.
The definition ensures that no two entries in a binary search tree can
have equal keys, following is the example of binary search trees where
all keys in left subtree is less than root and all keys in right subtree are
greater than root.
In order to create a binary search tree on given data use following
Step1:Read a data in item variable.
Step2:Allocate memory for a new node and store the address in pointer
Step3:Store the data x in the node

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145Step4:If(dataStep5:Recursively create the left subtree of root and make it the left child
of root.
Step7:Recursively create the right subtree of root and make it the right
child of root.
Below is a recursive algorithm to perform above mentioned steps.
Root is initially NULL, data is key which you want to insert
1.If root is NULL
2.create a node with data
5.If data is greater than
Let create a binary search tree for sequence:20,17,29,22,45,9,19
Step1:The first item is 20 and this is the root node, so begin the tree.
Step2:Sequence 20,17,29,22,45,9,19.
This is a binary search tree,so there are two child nodes available, the
left and the right.The next number is 17,the rule is applied(left is less
than parent node) and so it has to be the left node,like this,
Step3:Sequence 20,17,29,22,45,9,19.
This next number is 29,this is higher than the root node so it goes to
the RIGHT sub -tree which happens to be empty at this stage,so the
tree now looks like this,
The next number is 22.This is more than the root and so need so be o n
the RIGHT sub -tree.The first node is already the rule is
applied again to that node,22 comes before 29 and so it needs to be on
the LEFT sub -tree of that node like this,
Step5:Sequence 20,17,29,22,45,9,19.
The next number is 45, this is more than the root and more than the
first right node,so it is placed on the right side of the tree like this,
Step6:Sequence 20,17,29,22,45,9,19.
The next number is 9 which is less than the root, the first left node is
occupied and 9 is less than that node too ,so it is placed on the left sub -
tree, like this,
Step7:Sequence 20,17,29,22,45,9,

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146Thwe next number is 19,which is less than the root,so it will need to be
in the left sub -tree.It is greater than the occupied 17 node and so it is
placed in the right sub -tree,like this.
8.4 HEAP
A binary heap is a heap data structure that takes the form of a
binary tree. Binary heaps are a common way of applying priority queues.
The binary heap was announced by J. W. J. Williams in 1964.
A binary heap is defined as a b inary tree with two constraints: -
Form property: a binary heap is a complete binary tree and all levels of the
tree, except possibly the last one are fully filled, and, if the last level of the
tree is not complete, the nodes of that level are filled from left to right.
Heap property: the key stored in each node is either greater than or equal
to or less than or equal to the keys in the node's children, according to
some total order .
Max-heaps are the parent key which are greater than or equal to ( ≥)
the child keys and those where it is less than or equal to are called min -
heaps. Effective algorithms are known for the two operations needed to
implement a priority queue on a binary h eap: inserting an element, and
removing the smallest or largest element from a min -heap or max -heap,
respectively. Binary heaps are also commonly employed in the heapsort
sorting algorithm, which is an in -place algorithm because binary heaps can
be impleme nted as an implicit data structure, storing keys in an array and
using their relative positions within that array to represent child -parent
8.4.1 Memory Representation of Heap
Binary Heap is a Complete Binary Tree, it can be easily
represe nted as an array and array -based representation is space -efficient.
8.4.2 Heap operati ons
Both the insert and remove operations modify the heap to adapt to
the shape property first, by adding or removing from the end of the

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147Then the heap property is restored by traversing up or down the heap.
Both operations have complexity of an O (l og n) time.
To add an element to a heap we must perform an up -heap
operation (also known as bubble -up, percolate -up, sift -up, trickle -up,
swim -up, heapify -up, or cascade -up), by following this algorithm:
Add the element to the bottom level of the heap at the most left.
Compare the added element with its parent; if they are in the correct
order, stop.
If not, swap the element with its parent and return to the previous step.
The number of operations required depends only on the number of
levels the new element must rise to satisfy the heap property, thus the
insertion operation has a worst -case time complexity of O(log n) but an
average -case complexity of O(1).
As an example of binary heap insertion, say we have a max -heap
and we want to add the number 15 to the heap. We first place the 15 in the
position marked by the X. However, the heap property is violated since 15
> 8, so we ne ed to swap the 15 and the 8. So, we have the heap looking as
follows after the first swap:
However the heap property is still violated since 15 > 11, so we
need to swap

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which is a valid max -heap. There is no need to check the left child after
this final step: at the start, the max -heap was valid, meaning 11 > 5; if 15
> 11, and 11 > 5, then 15 > 5, because of the transitive relation.
The procedure for deleting the root from the heap (effectively
extracting the maximum element in a max -heap or the minimum element
in a min -heap) and restoring the properties is called down -heap (also
known as bubble -down, percolate -down, sift -down, sink -down, trickle
down, heapify -down, cascade -down, and extract -min/ma x).
Replace the root of the heap with the last element on the last level.
Compare the new root with its children; if they are in the correct
order, stop.
If not, swap the element with one of its children and return to the
previous step. (Swap with its sm aller child in a min -heap and its larger
child in a max -heap.)
So, if we have the same max -heap as before
We remove the 11 and replace it with the

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Now the heap property is violated since 8 is greater than 4. In this
case, swapping the two elements, 4 and 8, is enough to restore the heap
property and we need not swap elements further:
The downward -moving no de is swapped with the larger of its
children in a max -heap (in a min -heap it would be swapped with its
smaller child), until it satisfies the heap property in its new position. This
functionality is achieved by the Max -Heapify function as defined below in
pseudocode for an array -backed heap A of length heap_length[A]. Note
that "A" is indexed starting at 1.
Max-Heapify (A, i):
left←2×i // ←means "assignment"
right ←2×i + 1
largest ←i
if left ≤heap_length[A] and A[left] > A[large st] then:
largest ←left
if right ≤heap_length[A] and A[right] > A[largest] then:
largest ←right
if largest ≠i then:
swap A[i] and A[largest]
Max-Heapify (A, largest)

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150Heap Sort
Heap sort processes the elements by creating the min heap or max
heap using the elements of the given array. Min heap or max heap
represents the ordering of the array in which root element represents the
minimum or maximum element of the array. At each ste p, the root element
of the heap gets deleted and stored into the sorted array and the heap will
again be heapified.
The heap sort basically recursively performs two main operations.
oBuild a heap H, using the elements of ARR.
oRepeatedly delete the root ele ment of the heap formed in phase 1.
Complexity Best Case Average Case Worst case
Time Complexity Ω(n log (n)) θ(n log (n))O(n log (n))
Space Complexity O(1)
oStep 1 : [Build Heap H]
Repeat for i=0 to N -1
oStep 2 : Repeatedly Delete the root element
Repeat while N > 0
CALL Delete_Heap(ARR,N,VAL)
SET N = N+1
oStep 3 :E N D
3.void heapify(int arr[], intsize, inti)
5.intlargest =i;
7.intright =2*i+2;
9.largest =left;
10.if(right arr[largest])
11.largest =right;
12.if(largest !=i)
14.temp =arr[i];
15. arr[i]= arr[largest];
16. arr[largest] =temp;
17.heapify(arr, size, largest);
20.void heapSort(int arr[], intsize)

Page 151

24.heapify(arr, size, i);
25.for(i=size -1;i>=0; i--)
27.temp =arr[0];
28. arr[0]= arr[i];
29. arr[i] =temp;
30.heapify(arr, i,0);
33.void main()
35.intarr[] ={1,10,2,3,4,1,2,100,23, 2};
38.heapSort(arr, size);
39.printf("printing sorted elements \n");
40.for(i=0; i41.printf("%d \n",arr[i]);
Output:printing sorted elements
Tree is a hierarchical data structure which stores the information
naturally in the form of hierarchy style.
A binary tree is a special type of tree in which every node or vertex
has either no child node or one child node or two child nodes.
Binary traversals are pre -order,inorder and postorder.
Stack is the approach to traverse tree without recursion
A binary tr ee is made threaded by making all right child pointers that
would normally be NULL point to the inorder successor of the node (if
it exists)

Page 152

152Binary search tree (BST) is a special kind of binary tree where each
node contains only larger values in its righ t subtree and Only smaller
values in its left subtree.
Data Structures using C BalgurusanwJL_ McGraw Hill Education,
New Delhi 2013, ISBN: 978 -1259029547
Data Structures with C (S1E) (Schaums Outline Series. Lipschutz
McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi 2013, ISBN: 978 -0070701984
Practical C programming Steve Oualline O’Reilly Media
1.Define Binary Tree and state its properties.
2.Explain the me mory representation of Binary Tree
3.Explain Traversals of Binary Tree.
4.State and explain Huffman algorithm.
5.Explain binary search Tree
6.Explain heap data structure.
7.Explain the memory representation of heap.
8.Create a binary Tree from 12,56,3,4,67,34,89,10.

Page 153

Unit Structure :
9.0 Objectives:
9.1 Advanced Tree Structures
9.1.1 Red Black Tree
9.1.2 Operations Performed on Red Black Tree
9.2 AVL Tree
9.2.1 Operations performed on AVL Tree
9.3 2-3T r e e
9.4 B-Tree
9.5 Summary
9.6 List of References
9.7 Model Questions
Advanced Tree Structures and its types.
AVL Tree and Operations performed on AVL Tree
2-3T r e e and its operations
B-Tree Introduction
Data Structures are used to store and manage data in an efficient
and organised way for faster and easy access and modification of Data.
Some of the basic data structures which we already have discussed are
Arrays, LinkedList, Stacks, Queues etc. In this chapter we will discuss
some of the complex and advanced Data Structures like Disjoint Sets, Red
Black, 2 -3 tree,Self -Balancing Trees, Segment Trees, Tries etc.
9.1.1Red-Black tree
TheRed-black tree is a self -balanced binary search tree in which
each node contains one extra bit of information that denotes the color of
the node. The color of the node could be either Red or Black, depending
on the bit information stored by the

Page 154

The following are the properties associated w ith a Red -Black tree:
The root node of the tree should be Black.
A red node can have only black children. Or, we can say that two adjacent
nodes cannot be Red in color.
If the node does not have a left or right child, then that node is said to be a
leafnode. So, we put the left and right children below the leaf node known
The black depth or black height of a leaf node can be defined as the
number of black that we encounter when we move from the leaf node to
the root node. One of the key propertie s of the Red -Black tree is that every
leaf node should have the same black depth.
Let's understand this property through an example.
In the above tree, there are five nodes, in which on e is a Red and the other
four nodes are Black. There are three leaf nodes in the above tree. Now we
calculate the black depth of each leaf node. As we can observe that the
black depth of all the three leaf nodes is 2; therefore, it is a Red -Black
Ifthe tree does not obey any of the above three properties, then it is not a
Red-Black tree.
Height of a red -black tree
Consider h as the height of the tree having n nodes. What would be the
smallest value of n?. The value of n is the smallest when all the nodes are
black. If the tree contains all the black nodes, then the tree would be a
complete binary tree. If the height of a complete binary tree is h, then the
number of nodes in a tree is:
n = 2h -1
What would be the l argest value of n?
The value of n is largest when every black node has two red children, but
the red node cannot have red children, so that it will have black children.
In this way, there are alternate layers of black and red children. So, if

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155number o f black layers is h, then the number of red layers is also h;
therefore, the tree's total height becomes 2h. The total number of nodes is:
n = 2*2h -1
9.1.2 Operations Performed on Red Black Tree
The search -tree operations TREE -INSERT and TREE -DELETE,
when runs on a red -black tree with n keys, take O (log n) time. Because
they customize the tree, the conclusion may violate the red -black
properties. To restore these properties, we must change the co lor of some
of the nodes in the tree and also change the pointer structure.
1. Rotation:
Restructuring operations on red -black trees can generally be
expressed more clearly in details of the rotation operation.
Clearly, the order (Ax By C) is preserved by the rotation operation.
Therefore, if we start with a BST and only restructure using rotation, then
we will still have a BST i.e. rotation do not break the BST -Property.
1.y←right [x]
1. y←right [x]
2. right [x] ←left [y]
3. p [left[y]] ←x
4. p[y] ←p[x]
5. If p[x] = nil [T]
then root [T] ←y
else if x = left [p[x]]
then left [p[x]] ←y
else right [p[x]] ←y
6. left [y] ←x.
7. p [x] ←y.
2. Insertion:
oInsert the new node the way it is done in Binary Search Trees.
oColor the node red
oIf an inconsistency arises for the red -black tree, fix the tree
according to the type of

Page 156

156A discrepancy can decision from a paren t and a child both having a
red color. This type of discrepancy is determined by the location of the
node concerning grandparent, and the color of the sibling of the parent.
1.y←nil [T]
2.x←root [T]
3.while x ≠NIL [T] y ←x
5.if key [z] < key [x]
6.then x ←left [x]
7.else x ←right [x]
8.p[ z ] ←y
9.if y = nil [T]
10. then root [T] ←z
11. else if key [z] < key [y]
12. then left [y] ←z
13. else right [y] ←z
14. left [z] ←nil [T]
15. right [z] ←nil [T]
16.color [z] ←RED
17. RB -INSERT -FIXUP (T, z)
After the insert new node, Coloring this new node into black may
violate the black -height conditions and coloring this new node into red
may violate coloring conditions i.e. root is black and red node has no red
children. We know the black -height violations are hard. So we color the
node red. After this, if there is any color violation, then we have to correct
them by an RB -INSERT -FIXUP procedure.
1.while color [p[z]] = RED if p [z] = left [p[p[z]]]
3.then y ←right [p[p[z]]]
4.If color [y] = RED
5.then color [p[z]] ←BLACK //Case 1
6.color [y] ←BLACK //Case 1
7.color [p[z]] ←RED //Case 1
8.z←p[p[z]] //Case 1
9.else if z= right [p[z]]
10. then z ←p [z] //Case 2
11. LEFT -ROTATE (T, z) //Case 2
12. color [p[z]] ←BLACK //Case

Page 157

15713. color [p [p[z]]] ←RED //Case 3
14. RIGHT -ROTATE (T,p [p[z]]) //Case 3
15. else (same as then clause)
With "right" and "left" exchanged
16. color [root[T]] ←BLACK
3. Deletion:
First, search for an element to be deleted
oIfthe element to be deleted is in a node with only left child, swap
this node with one containing the largest element in the left
subtree. (This node has no right child).
oIf the element to be deleted is in a node with only right child, swap
this node with t he one containing the smallest element in the right
subtree (This node has no left child).
oIf the element to be deleted is in a node with both a left child and a
right child, then swap in any of the above two ways. While
swapping, swap only the keys but no t the colors.
oThe item to be deleted is now having only a left child or only a
right child. Replace this node with its sole child. This may violate
red constraints or black constraint. Violation of red constraints can
be easily fixed.
oIf the deleted node i s black, the black constraint is violated. The
elimination of a black node y causes any path that contained y to
have one fewer black node.
oTwo cases arise:
oThe replacing node is red, in which case we merely color it
black to make up for the loss of one bl ack node.
oThe replacing node is black.
The strategy RB -DELETE is a minor change of the TREE -
DELETE procedure. After splicing out a node, it calls an auxiliary
procedure RB -DELETE -FIXUP that changes colors and performs rotation
to restore the red -black pro perties.
1.if left [z] = nil [T] or right [z] = nil [T]
2.then y ←z
3.else y ←TREE -SUCCESSOR (z)
4.if left [y] ≠nil [T]
5.then x ←left [y]
6.else x ←right [y]
7.p[ x ] ←p[ y ]

Page 158

1588.if p[y] = nil [T]
9.then root [T] ←x
10. else if y = left [p[y]]
11. then left [p[y]] ←x
12. else right [p[y]] ←x
13. if y ≠z
14. then key [z] ←key [y]
15. copy y's satellite data into z
16. if color [y] = BLACK
17. then RB -delete -FIXUP (T, x)
18. return y
1.while x ≠root [T] and color [x] = BLACK if x = left [p[x]]
3.then w ←right [p[x]]
4.if color [w] = RED
5.then color [w] ←BLACK //Case 1
6.color [p[x]] ←RED //Case 1
7.LEFT -ROTATE (T, p [x]) //Case 1
8.w←right [p[x]] //Case 1
9.If color [left [w]] = BLACK and color [right[w]] = BLACK
10. then color [w] ←RED //Case 2
11. x ←p[x] //Case 2
12. else if color [right [w]] = BLACK
13. then color [left[w]] ←BLACK //Ca se 3
14. color [w] ←RED //Case 3
15. RIGHT -ROTATE (T, w) //Case 3
16. w ←right [p[x]] //Case 3
17. color [w] ←color [p[x]] //Case 4
18. color p[x] ←BLACK //Case 4
19. color [right [w]] ←BLACK //Case 4
20. LEFT -ROTATE (T, p [x]) //Case 4
21. x ←root [T] //Case 4
22. else (same as then clause with "right" and "left" exchanged)
23. color [x] ←

Page 159

1599.2 AVL TREE
AnAVL tree is a sel f-balancing binary search tree if we observe
the below case, which is a binary search tree and a balanced tree.
In the above tree, the worst -case time complexity for searching an
element is O(h), i.e., the height of the tree. In the above case, the number
of comparisons made to search 17 element is 4, and the height of the tree
is also 4.
If we consider the skewed binary tree, as shown below:
In the above right skewed tree, the number of comparisons made to
search 17 element is 5, and the number of elements present in the tree is
also 5. Therefore, we can say that if the tree is a skewed binary tree then
the time complexity would be O(n).
Now, we have to balance these skewed trees so that they will have
the time complexity O(h). There is a term known as a balance factor ,
which is used to self -balance the binary search tree. The balance factor
can be computed as:
Balance factor = height of left subtree -height of right subtree
The value of the balance factor could be either 1, 0 or -1. If each
node in the binary tree is having a value of either 1, 0, or -1, then that tree
is said to be a balanced binary tree or AVL tree.
The tree is known as a perfectly balanced tree if the balance factor
of each node is 0. The AVL tre e is an almost balanced tree because each
node in the tree has the value of balance factor either 1, 0 or

Page 160

160Rule of the AVL tree:
Every node should have the balance factor either as -1, 0 or 1.
In the above figure, we need to check whether the tree is a Red -
Black tree or not. In order to check this, first, we need to check whether
the tree is a binary search tree or not. As we can observe in the above
figure that it satisfies al l the properties of the binary search tree; therefore,
it is a binary search tree. Secondly, we have to verify whether it satisfies
the above -said rules or not. The above tree satisfies all the above five
rules; therefore, it concludes that the above tree is a Red -Black tree.
In the above figure, we need to check whether the tree is an AVL
tree or not. As each node has a value of balance factor either as -1, 0, or 1,
so it is an AVL tree.
9.2.1 Operations on an AVL Tree
The following operations are performed on AVL tree...

Page 161

161Search Operation in AVL Tree
In an AVL tree, the search operation is performed with O(log
n)time complexity. The search operation in the AVL tree is similar to the
search operation in a Binary search tree. We use the following steps to
search an element in AVL tree...
Step 1 -Read the search element from the user.
Step 2 -Compare the search element with the value of root node in the
Step 3 -If both are matched, then display "Given node is found!!!" and
terminate the function
Step 4 -If both are not matched, then check whether search element is
smaller or larger than that node value.
Step 5 -If search element is smaller, then continue the search process
in left subtree.
Step 6 -If search element is larger, then continue the search process in
right subtree.
Step 7 -Repeat the same until we find the exact element or until the
search element is compared with the leaf node.
Step 8 -If we reach to the node having the value equal to the search
value, then display "Element is found" and terminate the function.
Step 9 -If we reach to the leaf node and if it is also not matched with
the search eleme nt, then display "Element is not found" and terminate
the function.
Insertion Operation in AVL Tree
In an AVL tree, the insertion operation is performed with O(log
n)time complexity. In AVL Tree, a new node is always inserted as a leaf
node. The insertion operation is performed as follows...
Step 1 -Insert the new element into the tree using Binary Search Tree
insertion logic.
Step 2 -After insertion, check the Balance Factor of every node.
Step 3 -If the Balance Factor of every node is 0 or 1 or -1then go for
next operation.
Step 4 -If the Balance Factor of any node is other than 0 or 1 or -
1then that tree is said to be imbalanced. In this case, perform
suitable Rotation to make it balanced and go for next operation.
Example: Construct an AVL Tree by inserting numbers from 1 to

Page 162

Deletion Operation in AVL Tree
The deletion operation in AVL Tree is similar to deletion operation
in BST. But after every deletion operation, we need to check with the
Balance Factor condition. If the tree is balanced after deletion go for next
operation otherwise perform suitable rota tion to make the tree Balanced.
Time complexity
In the Red -Black tree case, the time complexity for all the
operations, i.e., insertion, deletion, and searching is O(logn)

Page 163

163In the case of AVL tree, the time complexity for all the operations,
i.e., inserti on, deletion, and searching is O(logn).
9.3 2-3T r e e
A2-3 Tree is a specific form of a B tree. A 2 -3 tree is a search tree.
However, it is very different from a binary search tree.
Here are the properties of a 2 -3t r e e :
each node has either one value or two valuea node with one value is
either a leaf node or has exactly two children (non -null).
Values in left subtree < value in node < values in right subtreea node
with two values is either a leaf node or has exactly three children (non -
Values in left subtree < first value in node < values in middle subtree <
second value in node < value i n right subtree.
all leaf nodes are at the same level of the tree
The insertion algorithm into a two -three tree is quite different from
the insertion algorithm into a binary search tree. In a two -three tree, the
algorithm will be as follows:
Ifthe tree is empty, create a node and put value into the node
Otherwise find the leaf node where the value belongs.
If the leaf node has only one value, put the new value into the node
If the leaf node has more than two values, split the node and promot e the
median of the three values to parent.
If the parent then has three values, continue to split and promote, forming
a new root node if necessary
Insert 50
Insert 30

Page 164

164Insert 10
Insert 70
Insert 60
Time Complexity
The property of being perfectly balanced, enables the 2-3T r e e operations
of insert, delete and search to have a time complexity of O(log
9.4B Tree
BT r e e is a specialized m -way tree that can be widely used for disk
access. A B -Tree of order m can have at most m -1 keys and m children.
One of the main reason of using B tree is its capability to store large
number of keys in a single node and large key values by keeping the
height of the tree relatively small.
A B tree of order m contains all the properties of an M way tree. In
addition, it contains the following properties.
Every node in a B -Tree contains at most m children.
Every node in a B -Tree except t he root node and the leaf node contain at
least m/2

Page 165

165The root nodes must have at least 2 nodes.
All leaf nodes must be at the same level.
It is not necessary that, all the nodes contain the same number of children
but, each node must have m/2 n umber of nodes.
A B tree of order 4 is shown in the following image.
While performing some operations on B Tree, any property of B
Tree may violate such as number of minimum children a node can have.
To ma intain the properties of B Tree, the tree may split or join.
Searching :
Searching in B Trees is similar to that in Binary search tree. For
example, if we search for an item 49 in the following B Tree. The process
will something like following :
Compare item 49 with root node 78. since 49 < 78 hence, move to
its left sub -tree.
Since, 40<49<56, traverse right sub -tree of 40.
49>45, move to ri ght. Compare 49.
match found, return.
Searching in a B tree depends upon the height of the tree. The
search algorithm takes O(log n) time to search any element in a B tree.
Insertions are done a t the leaf node level. The following algorithm
needs to be followed in order to insert an item into B Tree.
Traverse the B Tree in order to find the appropriate leaf node at
which the node can be inserted.
If the leaf node contain less than m -1 keys then insert the element
in the increasing

Page 166

166Else, if the leaf node contains m -1 keys, then follow the following steps.
Insert the new element in the increasing order of elements.
Split the node into the two nodes at the median.
Push the median element upto its parent node.
If the parent node also contain m -1 number of keys, then split it too by
following the same steps.
Insert the node 8 into the B Tree of order 5 shown in the following image.
8 will be inserted to the right of 5, therefore insert 8.
The node, now contain 5 keys which is greater than (5 -1 = 4 ) keys.
Therefore split the node from the median i.e. 8 and push it up to its parent
node shown as follows.
Deletion is also performed at the leaf nodes. The node which is to be
deleted can either be a leaf node or an internal node. Following algorithm
needs to be followed in order to delete a node from a B tree.
Locate the leaf node.
If there are more than m/2 keys in the leaf node then delete the desired key
from the node.
If the leaf node doesn't contain m/2 keys then complete the keys by taking
the element from eight or left s ibling.
If the left sibling contains more than m/2 elements then push its largest
element up to its parent and move the intervening element down to the
node where the key is

Page 167

167If the right sibling contains more than m/2 elements then push its smal lest
element up to the parent and move intervening element down to the node
where the key is deleted.
If neither of the sibling contain more than m/2 elements then create a new
leaf node by joining two leaf nodes and the intervening element of the
parent n ode.
If parent is left with less than m/2 nodes then, apply the above process on
the parent too.
Ifthe node which is to be deleted is an internal node, then replace the node
with its in -order successor or predecessor. Since, successor or predecessor
will always be on the leaf node hence, the process will be similar as the
node is being deleted from the leaf node.
Example 1
Delete the node 53 from the B Tree of order 5 shown in the following
53 is present in the right child of element 49. Delete it.
Now, 57 is the only element which is left in the node, the minimum
number of elements that must be present in a B tree of order 5, is 2. it is
less than that, the elements in its left and right sub -tree are also not
sufficient therefore, merge it with the left sibling and intervening element
of parent i.e. 49.
The final B tree is shown as follows.
Application of B tree
B tree is used to index the data and provides fast access to the actual data
stored on the disks since, the access to value stored in a large database that
is stored on a disk is a very time consuming

Page 168

1689.5 SUMMARY:
Advanced D ata Structures are used to store and manage data in an
efficient and organized way for faster and easy access and
modification of data like Disjoint Sets, Red Black, 2 -3 tree,Self -
Balancing Trees, Segment Trees, Tries etc.
TheRed-black tree is a self -balanced binary search tree in which each
node contains one extra bit of information that denotes the color of the
node. The color of the node could be either Red or Black, depending
on the bit information stored by the node.
A2-3 Tree is a specific form of a B tree. A 2 -3 tree is a search tree.
However, it is very different from a binary search tree.
AVL tree is a self -balancing Binary Search Tree (BST) where the
difference between heights of left and right subtrees cannot be more
than one for all nodes.
B-tree is a self -balancing tree data structure that maintains sorted data
and allows searches, seq uential access, insertions, and deletions in
logarithmic time.
Data Structures using C BalgurusanwJL_ McGraw Hill Education,
New Delhi 2013, ISBN: 978 -1259029547
Data Structures with C (S1E) (Schaums Outline Series. Lipschutz
McGra w Hill Education, New Delhi 2013, ISBN: 978 -0070701984
1.Explain Red Black Tree with an example.
2.State and explain various operations Performed on Red Black Tree .
3.Explain AVL Tree with an example.
4.State and explain various Operations performed on AVL Tree .
5.Explain 2 -3 Tree with an example.
6.Explain B -Tree with an example .
7.Draw the complete binary tree of height 3 on the keys {1, 2, 3... 15}.
Add the NIL leaves and color the nodes in three different ways such
that the black heights of the resulting trees are: 2, 3 and 4.
8.Show the red -black tre es that result after successively inserting the
keys 41,38,31,12,19,8 into an initially empty red -black tree.

Page 169

169Unit V
Unit Structure:
10.0 Objective
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Why Hashing?
10.3 Hash function
10.3.1 Need for a good hash function
10.3.2 Different hashing functions
10.4 Hash Table
10.4.1 A simple Hash Table in operation
10.5 Collision
10.6 Indexing
10.6.1 Types of Indexes
10.7 Rehashing
10.7.1 Why rehashing?
10.7.2 How Rehashing is done?
10.8 Summary
10.9 Questions
10.10 Reference for further reading
This chapter would make you understand the following concepts:
Hash function
Address calculation techniques
Common hashing functions Collision resolution
Linear probing, Quadratic
Double hashing, Bucket h ashing
Deletion and rehashing
We have already seen a number of different ways of storing items
in a computer: arrays and variants thereof (e.g., sorted and unsorted arrays,
heap trees), linked lists (e.g., queues, stacks), and trees (e.g., binary search
trees, heap trees). We have also seen that these approaches can perform
quite differently when it comes to the particular tasks we expect to carry
out on the items, such as insertion, del etion and searching, and that

Page 170

170best way of storing data does not exist in general, but depends on the
particular application. This chapter looks at another way of storing data,
thatis quite different from the ones we have seen so far. The idea is to
simply put each item in an easily determined location, so we never need to
search for it, and have no ordering to maintain when inserting or deleting
items. This has impressive performance as far as time is concerned, but
that advantage is payed for by needi ng more space (i.e., memory), as well
as by being more complicated and therefore harder to describe and
Sequential search requires, on the average O(n) comparisons to
locate an element. So many comparisons arenotdesirable foralarge
database ofelements. Binary search requires much fewer comparisons on
theaverage O(logn) butthere isanadditional requirement that the data
should be sorted. Even with best sorting algorithm, sorting of elements
require 0(nlogn) comparisons. There is another widely used technique for
storing of data called hashing. It does away with the requirement of
keeping data sorted (asinbinary search) and itsbest case timing
complexity isof constant order (0(1)). Initsworst case, hashingalgorithm
starts behaving likelinear search.
Best case timing behaviour ofsearching using hashing=O(1) Worst
case timing Behavior ofsearching using hashing =O(n)
Inhashing, there cord forakeyvalue" key", isdirectly referred by
calculating theaddress from thekey value. Address or location of an
element or record, x, is obtained by computing some arithmetic function
f.f(key) gives theaddress ofxinthetable.
Hashing is implemented in two steps:
An element is converted into an integer by using a hash function.
This element can be used as an index to store the original element, which
falls into the hash

Page 171

171The element is stored in the hash table where it can be quickly
retrieved using hashed ke y.
index = hash % array_size
In this method, the hash is independent of the array size and it is
then reduced to an index (a number between 0 and array_size −1) by
using the modulo operator (%).
Hashing is a technique to convert a ra nge of key values into a
range of indexes of an array. We're going to use modulo operator to get a
range of key values. Consider an example of hash table of size 20, and the
following items are to be stored. Item are in the (key, value) format.

Page 172

A hash function is any function that can be used to map a data set
of an arbitrary size to a data set of a fixed size, which falls into the hash
table. The values returned by a hash function are called hash values, hash
codes, hash sums, or simply hashes.
To achieve a good hashing mechanism, It is important to have a
good hash function with the following basic requirements:
Easy to compute: It should be easy to compute and must not become an
algorithm in itself.
Uniform distribution: It should provide a uniform distribution across the
hash table and should not result in clustering.
Less collisions: Collisions occur when pairs of elements are mapped to the
same hash value. These should be avoided.
10.3.1 Need for a good hash function
Let us understand the need for a good hash function. Assume that
you have to store strings in the hash table by using the hashing technique
{“abcdef”, “bcdefa”, “cdefab” , “defabc” }.
To compute the index for storing the strings, use a hash function that states
the following:
The index for a specific string will be equal to the sum of the ASCII
values of the characters modulo 599.
As 599 is a prime number, it will reduce the possibility of indexing
different strings (collisions). It is recommended that you use prime
numbers in case of modulo. The ASCII values of a, b, c, d, e, and f ar e 97,
98, 99, 100, 101, and 102 respectively. Since all the strings contain the
same characters with different permutations, the sum will 599.
The hash function will compute the same index for all the strings and the
strings will be stored in the hash tab le in the following format. As the
index of all the strings is the same, you can create a list on that index and
insert all the strings in that list.
10.3.2 Different hashing functions
1.Division -Method
2.Midsquare Methods
3.Folding Method
4.Digit Analysis
5.Leng th Dependent Method
6.Algebraic Coding

Page 173

1731.Division -Method
Inthismethod weusemodular arithmetic system todivide thekey
value bysome integer divisorm (may be table size).
Itgives usthelocation value, where theelement canbeplaced.
We can write, L = (K mod m) + 1
where L=>location intable /fileK=>keyvalue
m=> table size/number of slots in file
Suppose, k=23,m=10then
L = (23 mod 10) + 1= 3 + 1=4, The key whose value i s 23 is placed in 4th
2.Midsquare Methods
Inthiscase, wesquare thevalue ofakeyandtake thenumber of
digits required toform anaddress, from themiddle position ofsquared
Suppose akeyvalue is16,then itssquare is256. Now ifwewant
address oftwodigits, then you select theaddress as56(i.e. twodigits
starting from middle of256).
3.Folding Method
Most machines have a small number of primitive data types for
which there are arithmetic instructions.
Frequently keytobeused willnotfiteasily intooneofthese data
types .
Itisnotpossible todiscard theportion ofthekeythatdoesnot fit
intosuch anarithmetic datatype.
Thesolution istocombine thevarious parts ofthekeyinsuch a
way thatallparts ofthekeyaffect for final result such anoperation is
termed folding ofthekey.
That isthekeyisactually partitioned intonumber ofparts, each
parthaving thesame length asthat of the required address. Add thevalue
ofeach parts, ignoring thefinal carry togettherequired address.
This isdone intwoways:
a.Fold-shifting :Here actual values ofeach parts ofkeyareadded.
Suppose, thekeyis:12345678, andtherequired address isoftwodigits,
Then break thekeyinto:12,34,56,78.
Add these, weget12+34+56+78:180, ignore

Page 174

174b.Fold-boundary :Here there versed values ofouter parts ofkeyare
Suppose, thekeyis:12345678, andtherequired address isoftwodigits,
Then break thekeyinto:21,34,56,87.
Add these, weget21+34+56+87:198, ignore first1weget98aslocation
4.Digit Analysis
This hashing function isadistribution -dependent. Here wemake a
statistical analysis ofdigits ofthekey, andselect those digits (offixed
position) which occur quite frequently. Then reverse orshifts thedigits to
gettheaddress. Forexample, ifthekeyis:9861234. Ifthestatistical
analysis hasrevealed thefactthatthethird and fifth position digits occur
quite frequently, then wechoose thedigits inthese positions from thekey.
Soweget,62.Reversing itweget26astheaddress.
5.Length Dependent Method
Inthistype ofhashing function weusethelength ofthekeyalong
with some portion ofthekeyjto produce the address, directly.
In the indirect method, thelength ofthekeyalong with some portion
ofthekeyisused toobtain inter mediate value.
6.Algebraic Coding
Here anbitkeyvalue isrepresented asapolynomial.
The divisor polynomial isthen constructed based ontheaddress range
Themodular division ofkey-polynomial bydivisor polynomial, togetthe
address -polynomial.
Letf(x)=polynomial ofnbitkey=a1+a2x+……. +anxn-1
d(x)=divisor polynomial =x1+d1+d2x+….+d1x1-1
then therequired address polynomial willbef(x)modd (x)
7.Multiplicative Hashing
This method isbased onobtaining anaddress ofakey, based onthe
multiplication value.
IfkIsthenon-negative key, andaconstant c,(0kcmod1, which isafractional partof kc.
Multiply thisfractional partbymandta keafloor value togettheaddress

Page 175

The underlying idea of a hash table is very simple, and quite
appealing: Assume that, given a key, there was a way of jumping straight
to the entry for that key. Then we would never have to search at a ll, we
could just go there! Of course, we still have to work out a way for that to
be achieved. Assume that we have an array data to hold our entries. Now
if we had a function h(k) that maps each key k to the index (an integer)
where the associated entry w ill be stored, then we could just look up
data[h(k)] to find the entry with the key k. It would be easiest if we could
just make the data array big enough to hold all the keys that might appear.
For example, if we knew that the keys were the numbers from 0 to 99,
then we could just create an array of size 100 and store the entry with key
67 in data[67], and so on. In this case, the function h would be the identity
function h(k) = k. However, this idea is not very practical if we are dealing
with a relativel y small number of keys out of a huge collection of possible
keys. For example, many American companies use their employees' 9 -
digit social security number as a key, even though they have nowhere near
109employees. British National Insurance Numbers are even worse,
because they are just as long and usually contain a mixture of letters and
numbers. Clearly it would be very ineffcient, if not impossible, to reserve
space for all 109 social security numbers which might occur. Instead, we
use a non -trivial func tion h, the so -called hash function, to map the space
of possible keys to the set of indices of our array. For example, if we had
to store entries about 500 employees, we might create an array with 1000
entries and use three digits from their social securi ty number (maybe the
first or last three) to determine the place in the array where the records for
each particular employee should be stored.
10.4.1 A simple Hash Table in operation
Let us assume that we have a small data array we wish to use, of
size 1 1, and that our set of possible keys is the set of 3 -character strings,
where each character is in the range from A to Z. Obviously, this example
is designed to illustrate the principle typical real -world hash tables are
usually very much bigger, involving arrays that may have a size of
thousands, millions, or tens of millions, depending on the problem. We
now have to define a hash function which maps each string to an integer in
the range 0 to 10. Let us consider one of the many possibilities. We first
map each string to a number as follows:
Each character is mapped to an integer from 0 to 25 using its place
in the alphabet (A is the First letter, so it goes to 0, B the second so it goes
to 1, and so on, with Z getting value 25). The string X1X2X3 therefo re
gives us three numbers from 0 to 25, say k1, k2, and k3. We can then map
the whole string to the number calculated as
k = k1 * 262+ k2 * 261+ k3 * 260= k1 * 262+ k2 * 26 + k3
That is, we think of the strings as coding numbers in base 26. Now
it isquite easy to go from any number k (rather than a string) to a

Page 176

176from 0 to 10. For example, we can take the remainder the number leaves
when divided by 11. This is the C or Java modulus operation k % 11. So
our hash function is
h(X1X2X3) = (k1* 262+k2 * 26 + k3)%11 = k%11
This modulo operation, and modular arithmetic more generally, are
widely used when con -structing good hash functions. As a simple
example of a hash table in operation, assume that we now wish to insert
thefollowing three -letter a irport acronyms as keys (in this order) into our
hash table: PHL, ORY, GCM, HKG, GLA, AKL, FRA, LAX, DCA. To
make this easier, it is a good idea to start by listing the values the hash
function takes for each of the keys
It is clear already that we will have hash collisions to deal with.
We naturally start of with an empty table of the required size, i.e. 11
Clearly we have to be able to tell whether a particular location i n the array
is still empty, or whether it has already been filled. We can assume that
there is a unique key or entry (which is never associated with a record)
which denotes that the position has not been filled yet. However, for
clarity, this key will not appear in the pictures we use. Now we can begin
inserting the keys in order. The number associated with the first item
PHL is 4, so we place it at index 4, giving
Next is ORY, which gives us the number 8, so we get :
Then we have GCM, with value 6, giving:
Then HKG, which also has value 4, results in our first collision
since the corresponding position has already been filled with PH L. Now
we could, of course, try to deal with this by simply saying the table is full,
but this gives such poor performance (due to the frequency with which
collisions occur) that it is unacceptable.
This approach sounds like a good idea, but there is a pretty obvious
problem with it: What happens if two employees happen to have the same
three digits? This is called a collision between the two keys. Much of the
remainder of this chapter will be spent o n the various strategies for dealing
with such collisions. First of all, of course, one should try to avoid
collisions. If the keys that are likely to actually occur are not evenly spread
throughout the space of all possible keys, particular attention shou ld

Page 177

177paid to choosing the hash function h in such a way that collisions among
them are less likely to occur. If, for example, the first three digits of a
social security number had geographical meaning, then employees are
particularly likely to have the t hree digits signifying the region where the
company resides, and so choosing the first three digits as a hash function
might result in many collisions. However, that problem might easily be
avoided by a more prudent choice, such as the last three digits .
There are several strategies forcollision resolution. The most
commonly used are:
2.Separate chaining -used with open hashing
3.Open addressing -used with closed hashing
1.Buckets . One obvious option is to reserve a two -dimensional array
from the start. We can think of each column as a bucket in which we
throw all the elements which give a particular result when the hash
function is supplied, so the FIfth column contains all the ke ys for
which the hash function evaluates to 4. Then we could put HKG into
the slot `beneath' PHL, and GLA in the one beneath ORY, and
continue FIlling the table in the order given until we reach:
The disadvantag e of this approach is that it has to reserve quite a
bit more space than will be eventually required, since it must take into
account the likely maximal number of collisions. Even while the table is
still quite empty overall, collisions will become increas ingly likely.
Moreover, when searching for a particular key, it will be necessary to
search the entire column associated with its expected position, at least
until an empty slot is reached. If there is an order on the keys, they can be
stored in ascending order, which means we can use the more effcient
binary search rather than linear search, but the ordering will have an
overhead of its own. The average complexity of searching for a particular
item depends on how many entries in the array have been filled already.
This approach turns out to be slower than the other techniques we shall
consider, so we shall not spend any more time on it, apart from noting that
it does prove useful when the entries are held in slow external storage.
2.Separate chaining
Inthisstrategy, aseparate listofallelements mapped tothesame
value ismaintained. Separate chaining isbased oncollision avoidance. If
memory space istight, separate chaining should beavoided. Additional
memory space forlinks iswasted instoring address oflinked elements.
Hashing function should ensure even distribution of elements

Page 178

178buckets; otherwise the timing behaviour ofmost operations onhash table
Example : The integers g iven below are to be inserted in a hash table with
5 locations using chaining to resolve collisions. Construct hash table and
use simplest hash function. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 21, 22, 33, 34, 15, 32, 31, 48,
49, 50An element can be mapped to a location in the hash table using the
mapping function key % 10 .
Hash Table Location Mapped element
0 5, 10, 15, 50
1 1, 21, 31
2 2, 22, 32
3 3, 33, 48
4 4, 34, 49
3.Open Addressing
Separate chaining requires additional memory space for pointers.
Open addressing hashing is an alternate method of handling collision.

Page 179

179open addressing, if a collision occurs, alternate cells are tried until an
empty cell is found.
I.Linear probing
II.Quadrat icprobing
III.Double hashing.
I.Linear Probing
In linear probing, whenever there is a collision, cells are searched
sequentially (with wrap around)f oranempty cell. Fig.shows theresult of
inserting keys {5,18,55,78,35,15} using thehash function (f(key) =k e y
%10)andlinear probing strategy.
0 15
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 55 55 55 55
7 35 35
8 18 18 18 18 18
9 78 78 78
Linear probing iseasy toimplement butitsuffers from "primary
clustering "
When many keys are mapped to the same location (clustering), linear
probing will not distribute these keys evenly inthehash table. These keys
will bestored inneighbourhood of the location where they aremapped.
This willleadtoclustering ofkeys around thepoint of collision
II.Quadratic probing
One way ofreducing "primary clustering" istousequadratic
probing toresolve collision.
Suppose the"key" ismapped tothelocation jandthecelljisal
ready occupied. Inquadratic probing, thelocation j,(j+1), (j+4), (j+9),...
areexamined tofindthefirstempty cellwhere the key istobeinserted.
This table reduces primary clustering.
Itdoes notensure thatallcells inthetable willbeexamined tofind
anempty cell. Thus, itmay be possible thatkeywillnotbeinserted even
ifthere isanempty cellinthetable.
III.Double Hashing
This method requires twohashing functions f1(key) andf2(key)

Page 180

180Problem ofclustering caneasily behandled through double hashing.
Function f1(key) isknown asprimary hash function. Incase theaddress
obtained byf1(key) isalready occupied byakey, thefunction f2(key) is
Thesecond function f2(key) isused tocompute theincrement tobeadded
totheaddress obtained bythefirst hash function f1(key) incase of
Thesearch foranempty location ismade successively attheaddresses f1
(key) +f2(key), f1 (key) +2f2(key), f1(key) +3f2(key),...
10.6 Indexing
Indexing isused tospeed upretrieval ofrecords. It isdone with thehelp of
aseparate sequential file.Each record ofintheindex fileconsists oftwo
fields, akeyfield andapointer intothemain file. To findaspecific record
forthegiven keyvalue, index issearched forthegiven keyvalue. Binary
search canused tosearch inindex file.After getting theaddress ofrecord
from index file,the record inmain filecaneasily beretrieved.
Index fileisordered ontheordering keyRoll No.each record ofindex file
points tothecorresponding record. Main fileisnotsorted.
Advantages of indexing over sequential file:
Sequential filecanbesearche defectively onordering key. When itis
necessary tosearch forarecord on the basis of some other attribute than
the ordering key field, sequential file representation is inadequate.
Multiple indexes can bemaintained foreach type offield used for
searching. Thus, indexing provides much better flexibility.
Anindex fileusually requires lesss torages pace than themain file.Abinary
search onsequential filewill require accessing ofmore blocks. This canbe
explained with thehelp ofthefollowing example. Consider theexample ofa
sequential filewith r=1024 records offixed length with record sizeR=
128bytes stored ondiskwith block sizeB=2048 bytes.
Number ofblocks required tostore

Page 181

181Number ofblock accesses forsearching arecord=log 264=6
Suppose, wewant toconstruct anindex onakeyfield thatisV=4bytes
long andtheblock pointer isP=4b y t e s long.
Arecord ofanindex fileisoftheform anditwillneed 8bytes
Total Number ofindex entries =1024
Number ofblocks b'required tostore thefile=
Number ofblock accesses forsearching arecord =log24=2
With indexing, new records canbeadded attheendofthemain file. It
will notrequire movement ofrecords abs in the case ofsequential file.
Updation ofindex filerequires fewer block accesses compare tosequential
10.6.1 Types of Indexes:
1.Primary Indexes (Indexed Sequential File):
Anindexed sequential fileischaracterized by Sequential organization
(ordered onprimary key)
Indexed on primary key An indexed sequential fileisboth ordered and
Records areorganized insequence based onakeyfield, known asprimary
Anindex tothefileisadded tosupport random access. Each record inthe
index fileconsists oftwo fields :akeyfield, which isthesame asthekey
field inthemain file.
Number ofrecords intheindex fileisequal tothenumber ofblocks inthe
main file(data file) andnot equal tothenumber ofrecords inthemain file
(data file). To create aprimary index ontheordered files how nintheFig.
weusetherollnofield asprimary key. Each entry intheindex filehasroll
novalue andablock pointer. Thefirstthree index entries areas follows.
Total number ofentries inindex issame asthenumber ofdisk blocks in
theordered datafile.
Abinary search ontheindex filerequires very fewblock

Page 182

2.Clustering Indexes
Ifrecords ofafileareordered onanon-keyfield, wecancreate adifferent
type ofindex known as clustering index.
Anon-keyfield does nothave distinct value foreach record. AClustering
index isalsoanordered filewith twofields.
3.Secondary indexes (Simple Index File)
While the hashed, sequential and indexed sequential files are
suitable for operations based on ordering key or the hashed key.

Page 183

183file organizations are not suitable for operations involving a search on a
field other than ordering or hashed key.
If sea rching is required on various keys, secondary indexes on
these fields must be maintained. A secondary index is an ordered file with
two fields. Some non -ordering field of the data file.
A block pointer There could be several secondary indexes for the
same file.
One could use binary search on index file as entries of the index
file are ordered on secondary key field. Records of the data files are not
ordered on secondary key field. A secondary index requires more storage
space and longer search time than d oes a primary index.
Asecondary index filehasanentry forevery record where as
primary index filehasanentry fore very block in data file. There isa
single primary index filebutthenumber ofsecondary indexes could be
quite afew.

Page 184

As the name suggests, rehashing means hashing again .
Basically, when the load factor increases to more than its pre -defined
value (default value of load factor is 0.75), the complexity increases. So
to overcome this, the size of the array is increased (doubled) and all the
values are hashed again and store di nt h en e wd o u b l es i z e da r r a yt o
maintain a low load factor and low complexity.
10.7.1 Why Rehashing ?
Rehashing is done because whenever key value pairs are inserted
into the map, the load factor increases, which implies that the time
complexity also increases as explained above. This might not give the
required time complexity of O (1).
Hence, rehash must be done, increasing the size of the bucket Array so
as to reduce the load factor and the time complexity.
Rehashing can be done as follows:
For each addition of a new entry to the map, check the load factor.
If it’s greater than its pre -defined value (or default value of 0.75 if
not given), then Rehash.
For Rehash, make a new array of double the previous size and make
it the new bucket array.
Then traverse to each element in the old bucket Array and call the
insert( ) for each so as to insert it into the new larger bucket array.
In this chapter o f Hashing function we discussed about impotence
of Hashing, Hashing Function and how it works. Real world example and
advantages and disadvantages of Hashing. Students who will choose
Database or Data science as career will get benefites of this chapter.
1.The integers given below are to be inserted in a hash table with 5
locations using chaining to resolve collisions. Construct hash table and
use simplest hash function. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 21, 22, 33, 34, 15, 32, 31,
48, 49, 50
2.Write a diffe rence between Separate Chaining and Open Addressing.
3.The keys 12, 18, 13, 2, 3, 23, 5 and 15 are inserted into an initially
empty hash table of length 10 using open addressing with hash
function h(k) = k mod 10 and linear probing. What is the resultant
hash table?

Page 185

1854.Hash the following in the table of size 11. Use any two collision
resolution techniques. 23, 55, 10, 71, 67, 32, 100, 18, 10, 90, 44.
5.What is hashing? Explain hashing function.
6.Explain Linear Probing with example.
7.What do you mea n by Collision? How to avoid?
8.How Rehashing is done?
9.Give importance of Indexing.
10.Explain Different Hashing Techniques.
10.10 REFERENCE FOR FURTHER READING gramming/781 -tutorial -data-structure -
and-algorithm -notes.html -structures/hash -tables/basics -
of-hash-tables -structures/hash -tables/basics -

Page 186

Unit Structure:
11.0 Objective
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Some Important Terminology
11.3 Memory Represenation of Graph
11.3.1Adjacency Matrix Representation
11.3.2Adjacency List Representation
11.4 Basic Operations
11.5 Graph Traversal –systematically visiting all vertices
11.5.1 Depth First Traversal (DFS)
11.5.2 Breadth First Search (BFS)
11.6 Applications of the Graph
11.7 Reachability
11.8 Shortest Path Problems
11.8.1Shortest paths -Dijkstra's algorithm
11.8.2Shortest paths Floyd's algorithm
11.9Spanning trees
11.9.1Prim's Algorithm -Ag r e e d yv e r t e x -based approach.
11.9.2Kruskal's algorithm -A greedy edge -based approach.
11.12Reference for further reading
This chapter would make you understand the following concepts:
Graph Terminology,
Memory Representation of Graph,
Adjacency Matrix Representation of Graph,
Adjacency List or Linked Representation of Graph,
Operations Performed on Graph,
Graph Traversal,
Applications of the Graph,

Page 187

Shortest Path Pr oblems,
Spanning Trees.
Graph G is a pair (V, E), where V is a finite set of vertices and E is
a finite set of edges.
We will often denote n = |V|, e = |E|.
A graph is generally displayed as figure 6.5.1, in which the vertices are
represented by circles and the edges by lines.
Agraph Gconsist ofanon-empty setVcalled these tofnodes (points,
vertices) ofthegraph, asetEwhich isthese tofedges andamapping from
these tofedges Etoasetof pairs ofelements ofV.
Itisalsoconvenient towrite agraph asG=(V,E).
Notice thatdefinition ofgraph implies thattoevery edge ofagraph G,we
canassociate ap a i r ofnodes ofthegraph. Ifanedge XЄEisthus
associated with apair ofnodes (u,v) where u,vЄVthen wesays that
edge xconnect uandv.
a.Adjacent Nodes
Any two nodes which areconnected byanedge inagraph arecalled
adjacent node.
b.Directed & Undirected Edge
In a graph G=(V,E) an edge which is directed from one end to another end
is called a directed edge, while theedge which hasnospecific direction is
called undirected edge.
c.Directed graph(Digraph)
Agraph inwhich every edge isdirected iscalled directed graph or
d.Undirected graph
Agraph inwhich every edge isundirected iscalled undirected graph.
e.Mixed Graph
Ifsome oftheedges aredirected andsome areundirected ingraph then
thegraph iscalled mixed graph.
Anedge ofagraph which joins anode toitselfiscalled aloop (sling)

Page 188

188g.Parallel Edges
Insome directed aswell asundirected graphs, wemay have certain pairs
ofnodes joine dbymore than oneedges, such edges arecalled Parallel
h.Multi graph
Any graph which contains some parallel edges iscalled multi graph.
i.Weighted Graph
Agraph inwhich weights areassigned toevery edge iscalled weighted
j.Isolated Node
Inagraph anode which isnotadjacent toanyother node iscalled isolated
k.Null Graph
Agraph containing only isolated nodes arecalled null graph. Inother
words setofedges in null graph is empty.
l.Path of Graph
LetG=(V,E)beasimple digraph such thattheterminal node ofanyedge
inthese quence is the initial node oftheedge, ifanyappearing next in
these quence defined aspath ofthe graph.
m.Length of Path
Thenumber ofedges appearing inthese quence ofthepath iscalled length
n.Degree of vertex
Then oofedges which have Vastheir terminal node iscallasindegree of
node V
Then oofedges which have Vastheir initial node iscallasoutdegree of
node V
Sum ofindegree andoutdegree ofnode Viscalled itsTotal Degree or
Degree ofvertex.
o.Simple Path (Edge Simple)
Apath inadiagraph inwhich theedges aredistinct iscalled simple path
oredge simple.
p.Elementary Path (Node Simple)
Apath inwhich allthenodes through which ittraverses aredistinct is
called elementary path.
Apath which originates andends inthesame node iscalled cycle (circuit)

Page 189

In this graph, there are five vertices and five edges. The edges are directed.
As an example, if we choose the edge connecting vertices B and D, the
source vertex is B and destination is D. So we can move B to D but not
move from D to B.
The graphs are non -linear, and it has no regular structure. To r epresent a
graph in memory, there are few different styles. These styles are −
1.Adjacency matrix representation
2.Edge list representation
3.Adjacency List representation
11.3.1Adjacency Matrix Representation
We can represent a graph using Adjacency matrix. The given
matrix is an adjacency matrix. It is a binary, square matrix and from ith
row to jth column, if there is an edge, that place is marked as 1. When we
will try to represent an undirected graph using adjacency matrix, the
matrix will be symmetric.
11.3.2Edge List Representation
Graphs can be represented using one dimensional array also. This is called
the edge list. In this representation there are five edges are present, for
each edge the first element is the source and t he second one is the
destination. For undirected graph representation the number of elements in
the edge list will be

Page 190

19011.3.3Adjacency List Representation
This is another type of graph representation. It is called the
adjacency list. This representation is based on Linked Lists. In this
approach, each Node is holding a list of Nodes, which are Directly
connected with that vertices. At the end of list, each node is connected
with the null values to tell that it is the end node of that list.
Following are the basic primary operations that can be performed
on a Graph:
Add Vertex −Adds a vertex to the graph.
Add Edge −Adds an edge between the two vertices of the graph.
Display Vertex −Displays a vertex of the graph.
In order to traverse a graph, i.e. systematically visit all its vertices,
weclearly need a strategy for exploring graphs which guarantees that we
do not miss any edges or vertices. Because, unlike trees, graphs do not
have a root vertex, there is no natural place to start a traversal, and
therefore we assume that we are given, or randomly pick, a starting vertex
i. There are two strategies for performing graph traversal. The first is
known as breadth first traversal: We start with the given vertex i. Then
we visit its neighbours one by one (which must be possible no matter
which implementation we use), placing them in an initially empty queue.
We then remove the first vertex from the queue and one by one put its
neighbours at the end of the queue. We then visit the next vertex in the
queue and again put its neighbours at the end o f the queue. We do this
until the queue is empty. However, there is no reason why this basic
algorithm should ever terminate. If there is a circle in the graph, like A, B,
C in the first unweighted graph above, we would revisit a vertex we have
already v isited, and thus we would run into an in finite loop (visiting A's
neighbours puts B onto the queue, visiting that (eventually) gives us C,

Page 191

191and once we reach C in the queue, we get A again). To avoid this we
create a second array done of booleans, where do ne[j] is true if we have
already visited the vertex with number j, and it is false otherwise. In the
above algorithm, we only add a vertex j to the queue if done[j] is false.
Then we mark it as done by setting done[j] = true. This way, we will not
visit a ny vertex more than once, and for a finite graph, our algorithm is
bound to terminate. In the example we are discussing, breadth first search
starting at A might yield: A, B, D, C, E.
To see why this is called breadth first search, we can imagine a tree being
built up in this way, where the starting vertex is the root, and the children
of each vertex are its neighbours (that haven't already been visited). We
would then first follow all the edges emanating from the root, leading to
all the vertices on le vel 1, then find all the vertices on the level below, and
so on, until we find all the vertices on the `lowest' level. The second
traversal strategy is known as depth first traversal: Given a vertex i to start
from, we now put it on a stack rather than a q ueue (recall that in a stack,
the next item to be removed at any time is the last one that was put on the
stack). Then we take it from the stack, mark it as done as for breadth first
traversal, look up its neighbours one after the other, and put them onto the
stack. We then repeatedly pop the next vertex from the stack, mark it as
done, and put its neighbours on the stack, provided they have not been
marked as done, just as we did for breadth first traversal. For the example
discussed above, we might (st arting from A) get: A, B, C, E, D.
Again, we can see why this is called depth firstby formulating the
traversal as a search tree and looking at the order in which the items are
added and processed.
11.5.1 Depth First Traversal
Depth First Search (DFS) algorithm traverses a graph in a
depthward motion and uses a stack to remember to get the next vertex to
start a search, when a dead end occurs in any iteration.

Page 192

192As in the example given above, DFS algorithm traverses from A to B to C
to D first then to E, then to F and lastly to G. It employs the following
Rule 1 −Visit the adjacent unvisited vertex. Mark it as visited. Display it.
Push it in a stack.
Rule 2 −If no adjacent vertex is found, pop up a vertex from the stack. (It
will pop up all the vertices from the stack, which do not have adjacent
Rule 3 −Repeat Rule 1 and Rule 2 until the stack is empty.

Page 193

AsCdoes not have any unvisited adjacent node so we keep
popping the stack until we find a node that has an unvisited adjacent node.
In this case, there's none and we keep popping until the stack is empty.
Depth First Traversal in C
We shall not see the implementation of Depth First Traversal (or
Depth First Search) in C programming language. For our reference
purpose, we shall follow our example and take this as our graph model –

Page 194

Implementation in C
#define MAX 5
struct Vertex {
char label;
bool visited;
};//stack variables
int stack[MAX];
int top = -1;
//graph variables
//array of vertices
struct Vertex* lstVertices[MAX];
//adjacency matrix
//vertex count
intvertexCount = 0;
//stack functions
void push(int item) {
stack[++top] = item;
int pop() {
return stack[top --];
int peek() {
return stack[top];
boolisStackEm pty() {
return top == -1;
}//graph functions
//add vertex to the vertex list
voidaddVertex(char label) {
struct Vertex* vertex = (struct Vertex*) malloc(sizeof(struct Vertex));

Page 195

195vertex ->label = label;
vertex ->visited = false;
lstVertices[vertexCount++] = vertex;
//add edge to edge array
voidaddEdge(intstart,int end) {
adjMatrix[start][end] = 1;
adjMatrix[end][start] = 1;
//display the vertex
voiddisplayVertex(intvertexIndex) {
printf("%c ",lstVertices[vertexIndex] ->label);
//get the adjacent unvisited vertex
intgetAdjUnvisitedVertex(intvertexIndex) {
int i;
for(i = 0; iif(adjMatrix[vertexIndex][i] == 1 &&lstVertices[i] ->visited == false) {
return i;
return -1;
}voiddepthFirstSearch() {
int i;
//mar k first node as visited
lstVertices[0] ->visited = true;
//display the vertex
//push vertex index in stack
while(!isStackEmpty()) {
//get the unvisited vertex of vertex which is at top of the stack
intunvisitedVertex = getAdjUnvisitedVertex(peek());
//no adjacent vertex found
if(unvisitedVertex == -1) {
}else {
lstVertices[unvisitedVertex] ->visited = true;

Page 196

//stack is empty, search is complete, reset the vi sited flag
for(i = 0;i lstVertices[i] ->visited = false;
}int main() {
int i, j;
for(i = 0; ifor(j = 0; jadjMatrix[i][j] = 0;
addVertex('S'); // 0
addVertex('A'); // 1
addVertex ('B'); // 2
addVertex('C'); // 3
addVertex('D'); // 4
addEdge(0, 1); // S -A
addEdge(0, 2); // S -B
addEdge(0, 3); // S -C
addEdge(1, 4); // A -D
addEdge(2, 4); // B -D
addEdge(3, 4); // C -D
printf("Depth First Search: ");
return 0;
11.5.2 Breadth First Search (BFS)
Algorithm traverses a graph in a breadth ward motion and uses a
queue to remember to get the next vertex to start a search, when a dead
end occurs in any iteration.

Page 197

197As in the example given above, BFS algorithm traverses from A to B to E
to F first then to C and G lastly to D. It employs the following rules.
Rule 1 −Visit the adjacent unvisited vertex. Mark it as visited. Display it.
Insert it in a queue.
Rule 2 −If no adjacent vertex is found, remove the first vertex from the
Rule 3 −Repeat Rule 1 and Rule 2 until the queue is empty.

Page 198

At this stage, we are left with no unmarked (unvisited) nodes. But as per
the algorithm we keep on dequeuing in order to get all unvisited nodes.
When the queue gets emptied, the program is over.
Breadth First Traversal in C
We shall not see the implement ation of Breadth First Trav ersal (or
Breadth First Search) in C programming language. For our reference
purpose, we shall follow our example and take this as our graph model –
Implementation in

Page 199

#define MAX 5
struct Vertex {
char label;
bool visited;
//queue variables
int queue[MAX];
int rear = -1;
int front = 0;
intqueueItemCount = 0;
//graph variables
//array of vertices
struct Vertex* lstVertices[MAX];
//adjacency matrix
//vertex count
intvertexCount = 0;
//queue functions
void insert(int data) {
queue[++rear] = data;
intremoveData() {
queueItemCount --;
return queue[front++];
boolisQueueEmpty() {
returnqueueItemCount == 0;
//graph functions
//add vertex to the vertex list
voidaddVertex(char label) {
struct Vertex* vertex = (struct Vertex*) malloc(sizeof(struct Vertex));
vertex ->label = label;
vertex ->visited = false;
lstVertices[vertexCount++] = vertex;
//add edge to edge

Page 200

200voidaddEdge(intstart,int end) {
adjMatrix[start][end] = 1;
adjMatrix[end][start] = 1;
//display the vertex
voiddisplayVertex(intvertexIndex) {
printf("%c ",lstVertices[vertexIndex] ->label);
//get the adjacent unvisited vertex
intgetAdjUnvisitedVertex(intvertexIndex) {
int i;
for(i = 0; iif(adjMatrix[vertexIndex][i] == 1 &&lstVertices[i] ->visited == false)
return i;
return -1;
voidbreadthFirstSearch() {
int i;
//mark first node as visited
lstVertices[0] ->visited = true;
//display the vertex
//insert vertex index in queue
while(!isQueueEmpty()) {
//get the unvisited vertex of vertex which is at front of the queue
inttempVertex = removeData();
//no adjacent vertex found
while((unvisitedVertex = getAdjUnvisitedVertex(tempVertex)) != -1) {
lstVertices[unvisitedVertex] ->visited = true;
//queue is empty, searc h is complete, reset the visited flag
for(i = 0;ilstVertices[i] ->visited = false;

Page 201

201int main() {
int i, j;
for(i = 0; ifor(j = 0; jadjMatrix[i][j] = 0;
addVertex('S'); // 0
addVertex('A'); // 1
addVertex('B'); // 2
addVertex('C'); // 3
addVertex('D'); // 4
addEdge(0, 1); // S -A
addEdge(0, 2); // S -B
addEdge(0, 3); // S -C
addEdge(1, 4); // A -D
addEdge(2, 4); // B -D
addEdge(3, 4); // C -D
printf(" \nBreadth First Search: ");
return 0;
If we compile and run the above program, it will produce the following
result −
Breadth First Search: S A B C D
InComputer science graphs are used to represent the flow of
Google maps uses graphs for building transportation systems, where
intersection of two(or more) roads are considered to be a vertex and the
road connecting two vertices is considered to be an edge, thus their
navigation system is based on the algorithm to calculate the shortest path
between two vertices.
InFacebook ,u s e r sa r ec o n s i d e r e dt ob et h ev e r t i c e sa n di ft h e ya r e
friends then there is an edge running between them. Facebook’s Friend
suggestion algorithm uses graph theory. Facebook is an example
ofundirected graph

Page 202

202InWorld Wide Web, web pages are considered to be the vertices. There
is an edge from a page u to other page v if there is a link of page v on
page u. This is an example of Directed graph .I tw a st he basic idea
behind Google Page Ranking Algorithm .
InOperating System , we come across the Resource Allocation Graph
where each process and resources are considered to be ver tices. Edges
are drawn from resources to the allocated process, or from requesting
process to the requested resource. If this leads to any formation of a
cycle then a deadlock will occur.
Thus the development of algorithms to handle graphs is of major int erest
inthe field of computer science.
Social graphs draw edges between you and the people, places and things
you interact with online.
Facebook's Graph API
Facebook's Graph API is perhaps the best example of application of
graphs to real life problems. The Graph API is a revolution in large -scale
data provision.
On The Graph API, everything is a vertice or node. This are entities such
as Users, Pages, Places, Groups, Comments, Photos, Phot o Albums,
Stories, Videos, Notes, Events and so forth. Anything that has properties
that store data is a vertice.
And every connection or relationship is an edge. This will be something
like a User posting a Photo, Video or Comment etc., a User updating t heir
profile with a their Place of birth, a relationship status Users, a User liking
a Friend's Photo etc.
The Graph API uses th is collections of vertices and edges (essentially
graph data structures) to store its data. The Graph API is also a GraphQL
API. This is the language it uses to build and query the

Page 203

203The Graph A PI has come into some problems because of it's ability to
obtain unusually rich info about user's friends.
Knowledge Graphs
Google's Knowledge Graph
A knowledge graph has something to do with linking data and
graphs...some kin d of graph -based representation of knowledge. It still
isn't what is can and can't do yet. Recommendation Engines
Yelp's Local Graph
Yelps has been slowly phasing out their old Fusion API for a GraphQL
TheLocal Graph API promises to make it easier for developers to
integrate Yelp's data and share great local businesses through their apps.
Graph QL leverages the power of graph data structures by modeling the
business problem as a graph within its schema .The most common use
case for GraphQL is operating on graph data structures. Both Apollo
Client and Relay operate on Grap hQL data as a normalized graph. On the
Local Graph API, Yelp represents your business as a
vertice with name ,id,alias,is_claimed ,is_closed etc. graph p roperties.
Yelp also creates additional vertices for Place (as custom type Location in
GraphQL schema, ), Categories (as custom type Category in GraphQL
schema), Review (as type Review ) and Hours (as type Hours )Yelp creates
edges with relationships such as the location of a business with a certain
name, the opening hours of a business, the reviews of a busine ss, the
category of a business. Using the local graph feature, a yelp app can uses
your location to match recommendations of businesses close to you .I n
this case your location and the location of the business are both vertices
while the recommendation is the edge.
Path Optimization Algorithms
Path optimizations are primarily occupied with finding the best connection
that fits some predefined criteria e.g. speed, safety, fuel etc or set of
criteria e.gprodecures, routes.
In unweighted graphs, the Shortest Path of a graph is the path with the
least number of edges .Breadth First Search (BFS) is used to find the
shortest paths in graphs —we always reach a node from another node in
the fewest number of edges in breadth graph traversals.
Flight Networks
For flight networks, efficient route optimizations perfectly fit graph data
structures . Using graph models, airport procedures can be modelled and
optimized efficiently. Computing best connections in flight networks is a
key application of algorithm engineering. In flight netw ork, graph data
structures are used to compute shortest paths and fuel usage in route
planning, often in a multi -modal context.
Thevertices in flight networks are places of departure and destination,
airports, aircrafts, cargo

Page 204

204Theflight traject ories between airports are the edges . Turns out it's very
feasible to fit graph data structures in route optimizations because of
precompiled full distance tables between all airports.
Entities such as flights can have properties such as fuel usage, crew
pairing which can themselves be more graphs.
GPS Navigations Systems
Car navigations also use Shortest Path APIs . Although this is still a type of
a routing API it would differ from the Google Maps Routing API because
itis single -source (from one vertex t o every other i.e. it computes
locations from where you are to any other location you might be interested
in going.)
BFS is used to find all neightbouring locations.
Ingraph theory ,reachability refers to the ability to get from
onevertex to another within a graph. A vertex scan reach a
vertex t(and tis reachable from s) if there exists a sequence
ofadjacent vertices (i.e. a path) which starts with sand ends with t.I na n
undirected graph, reachability between all pairs of vertices can be
determined by identifying the connected components of the graph. Any
pair of vertices in such a graph can reach each other if and only if they
belong to the same connected component; therefore, in such a graph,
reachability is symmetric ( sreaches tifftreaches s). The connected
components of an undirected graph can be identified in linear time. The
remainder of this article focuses on the more difficult problem of
determining pairwise reachability in a directed graph (which, incidentally,
need not be symmetric).
For a directed graph ,
with vertex set Vand edge set E, the
reachability relation ofGis the transitive closure ofE, which is to say the
set of all ordered pairs (s,t) of vertices in Vfor which there exists a
sequence of vertices
such that the
is in Efor all
Ingraph theory , the shortest path problem is the problem of finding
apath between two vertices (or nodes) in a graph such that the sum of
theweights of its constituent edges is minimized.
The problem of finding the shortest path between tw o intersections on a
road map may be modeled as a special case of the shortest path problem in
graphs, where the vertices correspond to intersections and the edges
correspond to road segments, each weighted by the length of the

Page 205

20511.8.1Shortest paths -Dijkstra's algorithm
A common graph based problem is that we have some situation
represented as a weighted di -graph with edges labelled by non -negative
numbers and need to answer the following question:
For two particular vertices, what is the shortest rou te from one to the
other? Here, by \shortest route" we mean a path which, when we add up
the weights along its edges, gives the smallest overall weight for the path.
This number is called the length of the path. Thus, a shortest path is one
with minimal le ngth. Note that there need not be a unique shortest path,
since several paths might have the same length. In a disconnected graph
there will not be a path between vertices in di fferent components, but we
can take care of this by using 1 once again to stand for\no path at all".
Dijkstra's algorithm. The first version of such an algorithm is not as
efficient as it could be, but it is relatively simple and certainly correct. (It
is always a good idea to start with an inefficient simple algorithm, so that
theresults from it can be used to check the operation of a more complex
efficient algorithm.) The general idea is that, at each stage of the
algorithm's operation, if an entry D[u] of the array D has the minimal
value among all the values recorded in D, then the overestimate D[u] must
actually be tight, because the improvement algorithm discussed above
cannot possibly find a shortcut.
The following algorithm implements that idea:
// Input: A directed graph with weight matrix `weight' and
// a start vertex `s'.
// Output: An array `D' of distances as explained above.
// We begin by bui lding the distance overestimates.
D[s] = 0 // The shortest path from s to itself has length zero.
for ( each vertex z of the graph ) {
if ( z is not the start vertex s )
D[z] = infinity // This is certainly an overestimate.
// We use an auxiliary array `tight' indexed by the vertices,
// that records for which nodes the shortest path estimates
// are ``known'' to be tight by the algorithm.
for ( each vertex z of the graph ) {
tight[z] = false
// We now repeatedly update the arrays `D' and `tight' until
// all entries in the array `tight' hold the value true.
repeat as many times as there are vertices in the graph {
find a vertex u with tight[u] false and min imal estimate D[u]
tight[u] = true
for ( each vertex z adjacent to u )
if ( D[u] + weight[u][z] < D[z] )
D[z] = D[u] + weight[u][z] // Lower overestimate exists.
// At this point, all entries of array `D' hold tight

Page 206

206The time complexity of this algorithm is clearly O(n2) where n is the
number of vertices, since there are operations of O(n) nested within the
repeat of O(n).
A simple example. Suppose we want to compute the shortest path from A
(node 0) to E (node 4) in the weighted graph we looke d at before:
A direct implementation of the above algorithm, with some code added to
print out t he status of the three arrays at each intermediate stage, gives the
following output, in which ∞is used to represent the inf inity symbol
Vertex A has minimal estimate, and so is tight. Neighbour B has estimate
decreased from ∞to 1 taking a shortcut via A. Neighbour D has estimate
decreased from ∞to 4 taking a sh ortcut via A.
Vertex B has minimal estimate, and so is tight. Neighbour A is already
Neighbour C has estimate decreased from ∞to 3 taking a shortcut via B.
Neighbour D has estimate decreased from 4 to 3 taking a shortcut via B.
Neighbour E has estimate decreased from ∞to 7 taking a shortcut via

Page 207

Vertex C has minimal estimate, and so is tight.
Neighbour B is already tight.
Neighbour D has estimate unchanged.
Neighbour E has estimate decreased from 7 to 4 taking a shortcut via C.
Vertex D has minimal estimate, and so is tight.
Neighbour E has estimate unchanged.
Vertex E has minimal estimate, and so is tight.
Neighbour C is already tight.
Neighbour D is already tight.
End of Dijkstra's computation.
A shortest path from A to E is: A B C E.
11.8.2 Shortest paths Floyd's algorithm
If we are not only interested in _nding the shortest path from one
specific vertex to all the others, but the shortest paths between every pair
of vertices, we could, of course, apply Dijkstra's algorithm to every
starting vertex. But there is actually a simpler way of doing this, known as
Floyd's algorithm. This maintains a square matrix `distance' which
contains the overestimates of the shortest paths between every pair

Page 208

208vertices, and systematically decreases the overestimates using the same
shortcut i dea as above. If we also wish to keep track of the routes of the
shortest paths, rather than just their lengths, we simply introduce a second
square matrix `predecessor' to keep track of all the `previous vertices'. In
the algorithm below, we attempt to decrease the estimate of the distance
from each vertex s to each vertex z by going systematically via each
possible vertex u to see whether that is a shortcut; and if it is, the
overestimate of the distance is decreased to the smaller overestimate, and
the p redecessor updated:
// Store initial estimates and predecessors.
for ( each vertex s ) {
for ( each vertex z ) {
distance[s][z] = weight[s][z]
predecessor[s][z] = s
}// Improve them by considering all possible shortcuts u.
for ( each vertex u ) {
for ( each vertex s ) {
for ( each vertex z ) {
if ( distance[s][u]+distance[u][z] < distance[s][z] ) {
distance[s][z] = distance[s][u]+distance[u][z]
predecessor[s][z] = predecessor[u][z]
As with Dijkstra's algorithm, this can easily be adapted to the case
of non -weighted graphs by assigning a suitable weight matrix of 0s and 1s.
The time complexity here is clearly O(n3), since it involves three nested
for loops of O(n).
This is the same complexity as running the O(n2) Dijkstra 's
algorithm once for each of the n possible starting vertices. In general,
however, Floyd's algorithm will be faster than Dijkstra's, even though they
are both in the same complexity class, because the former performs fewer
instructions in each run throug h the loops. However, if the graph is sparse
with e = O(n), then multiple runs of Dijkstra's algorithm can be made to
perform with time complexity O(n2log2n), and be faster than Floyd's
A simple example.
Suppose we want to compute the lengths of the shortest paths
between all vertices in the following undirected weighted

Page 209

We start with distance matrix based on the connection weights, and trivial
Then for each vertex in turn we test whether a shortcut via that
vertex reduces any of the distances, and update the distance and
predecessor arrays with any reductions found. The five steps, with the
updated entries in quotes, are as follows:

Page 210

The algorithm finishes with the matrix of shortest distances and the
matrix of associated predecessors. So the shortest distance from C to B is
11, and the predecessors of B are E, then D, then C, giving the path C D E
B.Note that updating a distance does not necessarily mean updating the
associated predecessor { for example, when introducing D as a shortcut
between C and B, the predecessor of B remains A.
We now move on to another common graph -based problem.
Suppose you have been given a weighted undirected graph such as the
We could think of the vertices as representing houses, and the
weights as the distances between them. Now imagine that you are tasked
with supplying all these houses with some commodity such as water, gas,
or electricity. For obvious reasons, you will want to keep the amount of
digging and laying of pipes or cable to a minimum. So, what is the best
pipe or cable layout that you can find, i.e. what layout has the shortest
overall length? Obviously, we will have to choose som e of the edges to
dig along, but not all of them. For example, if we have already chosen

Page 211

211edge between A and D, and the one between B and D, then there is no
reason to also have the one between A and B. More generally, it is clear
that we want to avoid circles. Also, assuming that we have only one
feeding -in point (it is of no importance which of the vertices that is), we
need the whole layout to be connected. We have seen already that a
connected graph without circles is a tree.
Hence, what we are look ing for is a minimal spanning tree of the
graph. A spanning tree of a graph is a subgraph that is a tree which
connects all the vertices together, so it `spans' the original graph but using
fewer edges. Here, minimal refers to the sum of all the weights of the
edges contained in that tree, so a minimal spanning tree has total weight
less than or equal to the total weight of every other spanning tree. As we
shall see, there will not necessarily be a unique minimal spanning tree for
a given graph.
11.9.1Prim's Alg orithm -A greedy vertex -based approach.
Suppose that we already have a spanning tree connecting some set
of vertices S. Then we can consider all the edges which connect a vertex
in S to one outside of S, and add to S one of those that has minimal
This cannot possibly create a circle, since it must add a vertex not
yet in S. This process can be repeated, starting with any vertex to be the
sole element of S, which is a trivial minimal spanning tree containing no
edges. This approach is known as Pri m's algorithm. When implementing
Prim's algorithm, one can use either an array or a list to keep track of the
set of vertices S reached so far. One could then maintain another array or
list closest which, for each vertex i not yet in S, keeps track of the vertex
in S closest to i. That is, the vertex in S which has an edge to i with
minimal weight. If closest also keeps track of the weights of those edges,
we could save time, because we would then only have to check the
weights mention ed in that array or li st.For the above graph, starting with
S = {g}, the tree is built up as follows:

Page 212

21211.9.2Kruskal's algorithm -A greedy edge -based approach.
This algorithm does not con -sider the vertices directly at all, but
builds a minimal spanning tree by considering and adding edges as
follows: Assume that we already have a collection of edges T. Then, from
all the edges not yet in T, choose one with mini mal weight such that its
addition to T does not produce a circle, and add that to T. If we start with
T being the empty set, and continue until no more edges can be added, a
minimal spanning tree will be produced. This approach is known as
Kruskal's algori thm. For the same graph as used for Prim's algorithm, this
algorithm proceeds as follows:
In practice, Kruskal's algorithm is implemented in a rather
different way to Prim's algorithm. The general idea of the most effcient
approaches is to start by sorting the edges according to their weights, and
then simply go through that list of edges in or der of increasing weight, and
either add them to T, or reject them if they would produce a circle. There
are implementations of that which can be achieved with overall time
complexity O(e log 2e), which is dominated by the O(e log 2e)complexity
of sorting the e edges in the first place. This means that the choice
between Prim's algorithm and Kruskal's algorithm depends on the
connectivity of the particular graph under consideration. If the graph is
sparse, i.e. the number of edges is not much more than the number of
vertices, then Kruskal's algorithm will have the same O(nlog 2n)
complexity as the optimal priority queue based versions of Prim's
algorithm, but will be faster than the standard O(n2) Prim's algorithm.
However, if the graph is highly connected, i.e. the number of edges is near
the square of the number of vertices, it will have complexity O(n2log2n)
and be slower than the optimal O(n2) versions of Prim's algorithm
11.10 S UMMARY
From this chapter students got the idea about graphs and its type.
Implementation of graphs in their real life. As well as they understood At
what situation which traversal algorithm they suppose to

Page 213

21311.11 QUESTIONS
a.Describe the algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree T of a
weighted graph G.
b.Find the minimum spanning tree T of the graph shown below.
2.For the graph given below f ind the following:
Linked representation of the graph. Adjacency list. Depth first
spanning tree. Breadth first spanning tree. Minimal spanning tree using
Kruskal‘s and Prim‘s algorithms.
3.Show that the sum of degrees of all vertices in an undirected graph is
twice the number of edges.
4.Explain how existence of a cycle in an undirected graph may be
detected by traversing the graph in a depth first manner.
5.Give an example of a connected directed graph so that a depth first
traversal of that graph yields a forest an d not a spanning tree of the
6.Write a ―C function to find out whether there is a path between any
two vertices in a graph (i.e. to compute the transitive closure matrix of
a graph)
7.Construct a weighted graph for which the minimal spanning trees
produced by Kruskal‘s algorithm and Prim‘s algorithm are different.
8.Write a difference between Kruskal‘s algorithm and Prim‘s

Page 214

2149.Explain Floyd's algorithm.
10.What are Applications of the Graph
11.12 REFERENCE FOR FURTHER READING -tutorial -data-structure -
and-algorithm -notes.html
https://www.tutorial -and-its-representations -of-graph -data-structure/ -data-structures -applications/