Vide Item No 513 N Certificate Course in Aree Narayana Gurus philosophy_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC – 17/05/2022
Item No. – 5.13 (N)
Syllabus for
Certificate Course in Sree Narayana Guru’s Philosophy
(Introduced with effect from the academic year 2022 -23)
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Sree Narayana Guru of Kerala (1855 -1928) is a unique historic personality , whose abiding
contributions for the intellectual awakening and upward social mobility of the people of Kerala in
the 19th century , deserve special analytical studies , as the dynamics of irreversible transformation is
involved in these. Even the G20 under the UN has recognised and realised this. As a token of this
recognition, Srimad Rhithambharananda Swami, The General Sec retary of Sree Naryana Dharma
Sanghom Trust (Sivagiri Mutt) was invited as a special guest to talk about the Guru at the Pre -
Summit Conference of G20, held on 25 —27th July 2015 at Thiruvananthapuram . His talk was
appreciated and the G20 decided to study Guru’s philosophy to promote global inter -religious
A study on Sree Narayana Guru will be extremely relevant in the modern socio - political ambience,
as his non -confrontational approach to the assertion and denial of privileges and rights, his positive
and rational attitude to life , will indicate pathways for finding peaceful solutions to life’s problems,
in the individual, social and global level. In this spirit, in the Academic year 2022 -2023 Mumbai
University proposes to start a Certific ate Course to Study Sree Narayana Guru’s unique philosophy
of integration, and his formulae for spiritual and social advancement of the people.
Aims and Objectives : The main objective behind the Course is to understand how philosophical
notions and spiritual ideals paved the way for social reformations. This is done by making the
participants conversant with the role of Sree Narayana in the spiritual and social emancipation of the
people at large and how he emerged as the unique spiritual preceptor of the marginalised sections
of the people. The Certificate Course forms a sort of preparatory background for Advanced
Studies on the philosophy and writings of Sree Narayana Guru in the Diploma Course.
Learning Outcomes:
a) This course enables the partic ipant to develop a rational but positive outlook on religion and
spirituality and accept the fellow human being, irrespective of religion and caste, as spiritual
b) As the Course provides a general understanding about Guru, and his achievements, it enables the
learner to participate in discussions about Guru from an all- India perspective.
c) The course inspires participants to take up activities leading to social and religious harmony
among the people,
d) This course motivates the participant to attempt d eeper studies on the compositions of Guru and
interpret his philosophy to suit the modern temperament.
The Medium of Instruction shall be English, but students can give examination and can write project
in any language (such as Marathi, Malayalam, Hindi)
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2022 -23
O.6778 Eligibility : HSC/ Old SSC / Any equivalent recognised by the University as Mumbai .
R.9533 Duration of the course : The Certificate Course is a Course and its duration shall be
one academic year, from July to April, consisting of two terms. 45 hours of teaching each term
(inclusive of examination). There will be 1&1/2 hours of lectures on each paper every week with a
total of 3 hours of lectures.
R.9534 Intake Capacity: 120 (offline) 250 (online)
R. Scheme of Examination:
(a)Eligibility for exams: A Candidate for being eligible for admission to the Examination , should
have satisfied the following conditions: (i)attended at least 75% of the total number of hours of
instruction(ii) submitted the project work (iii) paid the Exam Fee of Rs. 700/ (b)Examination
Pattern: There will be a written examination in 2 papers, each paper carrying 100 marks and one
Project work of 50 marks. The total number of marks for both papers and project work is 250.
R.9535 Standard of Passing:
Minimum pass marks is 40% in each paper (40 marks out of 100) and separately in project work (16
marks out of 50).
R Fee structure:
Registration …………….. Rs. 100/
Tuition Fee ................................ ............. Rs. 1540/
ID card ………………Rs. 50/
Prospectus ---------------- Rs.50/ -
Examination… ....................... Rs. 700/
After passing the Exam a ―CER TIFICATE IN SREE NARA YANA
GURU’S PHILOSOPHY‖ will be issued to the candidate.
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Unit 1 – Life Context: Birth, Childhood and Education Socio - cultural background –
adolescent life – higher education – brief career as teacher - a pious rebel - marriage -
leaving home in search of Truth - wanderings –learning Tamil and Yoga - Penance at
Unit 2 – Situating Sree Narayana Guru Philosophically:
(i) Classical Philosophical Influences: Advaita, Saiva Siddhanta, Buddhism
(ii) Guru and His Contemporaries : Ramana Maharishi, Rabindranath Tagore,
Mahatma Gandhi, B.R. Ambedkar
Unit 3 - Reading Guru’s Texts I : Philosophical/Psychological Introspection with Guru’s
Atmopadesa – Satakam (One Hundred Verses of Self –instruction ) Arivu
(Consciousness Examined, Darsana Mala (Garlands of Visions of the Absolute)
Unit 4- Guru’s Texts II: Reflections on Guru’s poems - Advaita Dipika (Lamp of Non -
Duality), Daiva Dasakam (Ten Verses Addressing God) , Jati Nirnaryam (A Critique of Jati),
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Unit 1 – Philosophical Foundations: ‘Oru Jati, Oru Matham, Oru Daivam Manushyanu’
(Philosophy of One Caste , One Religion and One God for Humanity; Oneness); welfare
grounded in egalitarianism, justice & fraternity ; from Jnanayoga to Karmayoga (Unity of
Thought and Practice)
Unit 2 – Transfo rmative Philosophy of Negotiating Dichotomies: The worldly and the spiritual,
the philosophical and the social, the individual body and the community; the self and the
other; faith and reason; commitment to abolishing both ignorance and poverty for
transforming self and society.
Unit 3 –Egalitarianism in Religion:
(i) Critique of caste hierarchy and ritualism
(ii) Temple Entry, Religious Pluralism and Communal Harmony
(iii) The significance of piety, Distinction between community (samudayam ) and
religion( matham ), the right to worship, religion as free internal search.
Unit 4 – Sree Narayana Guru’s Contributions to Social Change:
(i) Education, Cleanliness, Organization, Agriculture, Commerce & Trade, Handicraft,
Science & Technology
(ii) Sree Narayana Guru’s Contemporary Relevance
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A study based on any one of the Units,/ a report of any activity for communal harmony, either
personally or through Organisations or educational institutions / projects of Adult Education or
Health Care / a personal experience involving the Guru’s ideals / Reviews of any latest published
book on the Guru.
Atherton, Anthony Atmopadesa – Satakam 2015(2014) Advaita Vedanta
Chandramohan, P. Developmental Modernity in Kerala: Nārayaṇa Guru, SNDP Yogam and
Social Reform . New Delhi: Tulika Books, 2016.
Devika J. (trans) Thinking with Sree Narayana Guru Mattancherry: URU Art Harbour
Guru, Natarāja. The Word of the Guru: The Life and Teachings of Guru Nārayaṇa . New
Delhi: D.K. Printworld, 2003.
Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati,. That Alone, The Core of Wisdom: A Commentary on
Ātmopadēśa Śatakam , the One Hundred Verses of Self -Instruction of Nārayaṇa Guru . New
Delhi: D.K. Printworld, 2003.
Muni Naryana Prasad (trans) Naryana Guru: Complete Works New Delhi National Book
Trust, 2006
Murkothu Kumaran _ Biography of Sree Narayana Guru - Sivagiri Mutt
Nityachaitanya Yati, Narayana Guru – A brief biographical sketch,
Omana .S, Philosophy of Sree Narayana Guru, Narayana Gurukulam, Varkala, Kerala ,1984.
Prasad, Swami Muni Narayana Shorter Philosophical Works New Delhi: D.K. Printworld,
Samuel, V. Thomas. One Caste, One Religion, One God: A Study of Sree Narayana Guru .
New Delhi: Sterling, 1977.
Sanoo M.K., Sri Narayana Guru -Life and Time (Tr.Mukundan.P.A.),Alapuzha Open Door
Media, 2017
Thadathil, George, The Transformative Power of the One World Vision of Sri Narayana
Guru (December 25, 2019). Vinay Lal, Ed, India and Civilizational Futures: Metaphysics and
Politics II, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2019 at
SSRN: 3525274
―Sree Narayana Guru’s Vision of Liberative Religiosity: A Post-secular and
Postreligion Model‖ Divyadaan 16/2 (2005) 195 -228
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(Appendix ‘B’)
New ordinances 6777 & 6778 relating to the
Certificate Course in Sree Narayana Guru’s Philosophy .
i)What is the necessity for starting this course? (i)The University of Mumbai has signed a MOU with the Universal
Confederation of Sree Narayana Guru Organizations for introducing his work through Certificate, Diploma and Degree
courses on January 21, 2021. (ii) Sree Narayana Guru of Kerala (1855 -1928) is a unique historic personality , who has
made abiding contributions for in the domain of philo sophy and has also worked for upliftment of the marginalized. He is a
contemporary Indian philosopher like Mahatma Gandhi, Ramana Maharishi, Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore and Dr.
Babasaheb Ambedkar. Hence we will be enriching our existing studies in contempo rary Indian philosophy by including
Sree Narayana Guru.(iii)He has drawn upon Advaita Vedanta, Saiva Siddhanta, Yoga, Buddhism and other sources to
articulate a philosophy of an integrated and interconnected humanity that balances theory and practice (iv) The G20 under
the UN has recognised and realised this.SrimadRhithambharananda Swami, The General Secretary of SreeNaryana
DharmaSanghom Trust (Sivagiri Mutt) was invited as a special guest to talk about the Guru at the Pre -Summit Conference
ofG20, held on 25—27th July 2015 at Thiruvananthapuram . His talk was appreciated and the G20 decided to study Guru's
philosophy to promote global interreligious understanding.
ii)Whether UGC has recommended that this course be started? This course is in keeping with the
spirit of learning from one's own culture that UGC is committed to. Moreover, there is a topic on
SreeNaryana Guru in the NET exam for philosophy that is governed by UGC prescription.
iii)Whether all the courses have commenced from the year 2019 -20? This course is proposed with
effect from the academic year 2022 -23.
iv)The courses of the University that are self -financed, are there adequate permanent faculty
available? We have an adequate faculty of experts -both permanent and visiting - for teaching this
course. It is both self -financed and supported by funding received through the MOU with the Universal
Confederation of Sree Narayana Guru Organizations.
v)What is the duration of this course? Can it be compressed? It is a one year course and cannot be
comp ressed.
vi)What is the intake capacity of this course? How many students have enrolled during this
academic year? The intake capacity is 120 for offline and 250 for online course. Since it is proposed
for the academic year 2022 -23, we do not yet have stude nts enrolled for this course.
vii)What are the opportunities for employment after undertaking this course? Students can engage
with deeper study of contemporary Indian philosophy at the research level. They can teach at this course
after qualifying in furt her studies. Besides they will be able to perform better in the NET exam if
equipped with knowledge of Sree Narayana Guru.
Date: 11.2.2022 Dr. Kanchana Mahadevan
Professor and Head
BOS in Logic and Philosophy (ad hoc) University of Mumbai