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1 AC – 11/07/2022
Item No. – 6.9 (N)
University of Mumbai
Syllabus for
(P.G. Diploma in Block Chain Technology )
(Introduced from the ac ademic year 2022 -23)
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PGDBCT102 Fundamentals of Web
PGDBCT103 Linux Operating System
PGDBCT104 Data Structures and Algorithms 2 PGDBCT1P4 2
PGDBCT105 Software Engineering 2 PGDBCT1P5 2
PGDBCT106 Introduction to Block Chain 2 PGDBCT1P6 2
Semester I I
Theory Practical
Course Code Course Name Credits Course Code Credits
PGDBCT2 01 Ethereum and Solidity 2 PGDBCT2 P1 2
PGDBCT2 02 Smart Contracts with Ethereum 2 PGDBCT2 P2 2
PGDBCT2 03 Blockchain with Hyperledger 2 PGDBCT2 P3 2
PGDBCT2 04 Building Projects with
Blockchain 2 PGDBCT2 P4 2
PGDBCT2 05 Building Dapps with Ethereum 2 PGDBCT2 P5 2
PGDBCT2 06 Project 4
All practical will be based on the concepts in theory and the department has the freedom of
framing and updating the practical list as and when required .
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5 PGDBCT101 :
P. G. Diploma in Block Chain Technology
(PGDBCT) Semester – I
Course Name: Programming with Python Course Code: PGDBCT1 01
Periods per week (1 Period is 60 minutes) 4
Credits 4
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 40
Internal -- 60
Course Objectives:
Course Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Learn Programming fundamentals using Python
Understand the concepts and usage data types, variables and other basic elements
Learn about using operators and control statements and exception handling in Python
Develop m odular programs using functions and implement object oriented concepts
Learn about GUI programming, text processing and file operations
Introduce blockchain Tools and plot data using appropriate Python visualization libraries
Unit Details Lectures
I Introduction to Python Language : Overview, Features of Python,
Execution of a Python Program, Innards of Python, Frozen Binaries,
Python Interpreter, Comparison of Python with C and Java, Installing
Python, Writing & Executing, IDLE
Data Types, Variables A nd Other Basic Elements : Comments,
Docstrings, Data types -Numeric, Compound, Boolean, Dictionary, Sets,
Mapping, Basic Elements of Python, Variables
Input and Output Operations : Input Function, Output Statements,
Command Line Arguments
Control Statements: Control Statements - Loop Statement, The else
Suite, break Statement, continue Statement, pass Statement, assert
Statement, return Statement 10
II Functions : Defining & Calling a Function, Returning Results, Returning
Multiple Values , Built -in Functions, Parameters and Arguments,
Recursive Functions, Anonymous or Lambda Functions
Operators : Arithmetic operators, Assignment operators, Unary minus
operator, Relational operators, Logical operators, Bitwise operators,
Membership operators, Identity operators, Precedence of Operators,
Associativity of Operators
Arrays : Creating Arrays, Indexing and Slicing, Basic Array Operations,
Arrays Processing, Mathematical Operations on Array, Aliasing Arrays,
Slicing and Indexing in NumPy Arrays, Basic Slicing. Advanced
Indexing. Dimensions of Arrays, Attributes of an Array
Strings : Creating Strings, Functions of Strings, Working with Strings,
Length of a String, Indexing & Slicing, Repeating & Concatenation of
Strings, Checking Membership, Comparing Strings, Removing Spaces, 10
Page 8
6 Finding Substrings, Counting Substrings, Strings are Immutable, Splitting
and Joining Strings, Changing Case, Checking Starting and Ending of a
String, Sorting & Searching in the Strings, Formatting the Strings,
Working with Chara cters
III Lists and Tuples : Lists, List Functions and Methods, List Operations,
Dictionaries : Creating a Dictionary, Operators in Dictionary, Dictionary
Methods, Using for Loop with Dictionaries, Operations on Dictionaries,
Ordered Dictionaries
Files in Python : Files, Opening and Closing, Working with Text Files,
Working with Binary Files, The ‘with’ statement, Pickle in Python, The
seek() and tell() Methods, Random Accessing of Binary Files, Zipping
and Unzipping Files, Working with Directories, Running Other Programs
from Python Program
Regular Expressions : What is a Regular Expression?, Sequence
Characters in Regular Expressions, Quantifiers in Regular Expressions,
Special Characters in Regular Expressions, Using Regular Expression on
Files, Re trieving Information from an HTML File 10
IV OOPs in Python : Problems in Procedure Oriented Approach, Specialty
of Python, Features of Object Oriented Programming System (OOPS),
Constructors and Destructors
Classes and Objects : Creating a Class, The Self Variable, Types of
Variables, Namespaces, Types of Methods, Passing Members of One
Class to Another Class, Inner Classes
Inheritance and Polymorphism : Inheritance in Python, Types of
Inheritance, Constructors in Inheritance, Overriding Super Class
Construc tors and Methods, The super() method, Method Resolution Order
(MRO), Polymorphism, Duck Typing in Python, Operator Overloading,
Method Overloading, Method Overriding
Abstract Classes and Interfaces : Abstract Class, Abstract Method,
Interfaces in Python, Ab stract Classes vs. Interfaces 10
V Date and Time in Python: Date and Time, Date and Time Now,
Combining Date and Time, Formatting Dates and Times, Finding
Durations using “timedelta”, Comparing Two Dates, Sorting Dates,
Stopping Execution Temporarily, Kno wing the Time taken by a Program,
Working with Calendar Module
Exceptions In Python : Errors in a Python Program, Exceptions,
Exception Handling, Types of Exceptions, The Except Block, The Assert
Statement, User -Defined Exceptions, Logging the Exceptions
Graphical User Interface : Creating a GUI in Python, Widget classes,
Working with fonts and colours, Working with Frames, Layout Manager,
Event Handling
Python Packages for Blockchain 10
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Programming through Python M. T. Savaliya,
R.K Maurya, G.M
Magar Staredu
Solutions 1st 2018
Page 9
7 2. Let Us Python
Y. Kanetkar, BPB 1st 2019
3. Programming in Python 3
Summerfield Pearson
Education 2nd 2018
4. Learning Python
Lutz M O’Reilly -
Shroff 5th 2013
5. Beginning Python Magnus Lie
Hetland Apress 2nd 2009
6. Star Python Star Certification Star
Certification 1st 2018
Course Outcome:
Proficiency in using and applying various data types including, string, array list, tuple and
Ability to develop modular programs using object oriented paradigm
Ability to develop GUI bases applications and perform File operations
Learning about handling exceptions and use of date and time in Python
Knowledge about use of various blockchain tools
PGDBCT 102: Fundamentals of Web Programming
P. G. Diploma in Block Chain Technology
(PGDBCT) Semester – I
Course Name: Fundamentals of Web Programming Course Code: PGDBCT 203
Periods per week (1 Period is 60 minutes) 4
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 40
Internal -- 60
Course Objectives:
Introducing the basic concepts of Internet and web design to learners.
Providing brief knowledge about HTML5 concepts.
Giving insight of the Page layout and navigation with HTML5.
Making students aware about use of Tables, Forms and Media with HTML5.
Provide the knowledge of web page design using CSS.
Data validation using Java Script.
Building applications with angular.
Unit Details Lectures
I HTML5: Introduction, Why HTML5? Formatting text by using tags, using
lists and backgrounds, Creating hyperlinks and anchors.
HTML5 Page layout and navigation: Creating navigational aids: planning
site organization, creating text based navigation bar, creating gr aphics based
navigation bar, creating graphical navigation bar, creating image map,
redirecting to another URL, creating division based layouts: HTML5
semantic tags, creating divisions, creating HTML5 semantic layout,
positioning and formatting divisions. 10
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8 II HTML5 Tables, Forms and Media: Creating tables: creating simple table,
specifying the size of the table, specifying the width of the column, merging
table cells, using tables for page layout, formatting tables: applying table
borders, applying backg round and foreground fills, changing cell padding,
spacing and alignment, creating user forms: creating basic form, using check
boxes and option buttons, creating lists, additional input types in HTML5,
Incorporating sound and video: audio and video in HTM L5, HTML
multimedia basics, embedding video clips, incorporating audio on web page. 10
III Introduction to Style Sheets : Understanding Styles , Constructing Style
Rules , Creating Styles for Nested Tags , Creating Classes and IDs for
Applying Styles , Applying Styles to Hyperlinks , Creating and Linking to
External Style Sheets
Formatting Text by Using Style Sheets : Specifying a Font Family ,
Specifying a Font Size and Color , Applying Bold and Italics , Applying
Strikethrough and Underlining ,
Creating Inli ne Spans , Adjusting Spacing Between Letters
Formatting Paragraphs by Using Style Sheets : Indenting Paragraphs ,
Applying a Border to a Paragraph , Specifying a Border Style , Setting Border
Padding , Specifying Border Width and Color , Formatting Border Sides
Individually , Setting All Border Attributes at Once , Specifying the
Horizontal Alignment of a Paragraph , Specifying Vertical Space within a
Displaying Graphics : Selecting a Graphics Format , Preparing Graphics for
Web Use , Inserting Graphics , Arranging Elements on the Page , Controlling
Image Size and Padding , Hyperlinking from Graphics , Using Thumbnail
Graphics , Including Alternate Text for Graphics , Adding Figure Captions 10
IV Java Script: Introduction, Client -Side JavaScript, Server -Side Ja vaScript,
JavaScript Objects, JavaScript Security
Operators: Assignment Operators, Comparison Operators, Arithmetic
Operators, % (Modulus), ++(Increment), --(Decrement), -(Unary Negation),
Logical Operators, Short -Circuit Evaluation, String Operators, Spec ial
Operators, ?: (Conditional operator), , (Comma operator), delete, new, this,
Statements: Break, comment, continue, delete, do...while, export, for,, function, if...else, import, labelled, return, switch, var, while, with
Core JavaScript (Properties and Methods of Each) : Array, Boolean,
Date, Function, Math, Number, Object, String, regExp
Document and its associated objects: document, Link, Area, Anchor,
Image, Applet, Layer
Events and Event Handlers : General Information about Events, De fining
Event Handlers, event, onAbort, onBlur, onChange, onClick, onDblClick,
onDragDrop, onError, onFocus, onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp,
onLoad, onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseOut, onMouseOver,
onMouseUp, onMove, onReset, onResize, onSelect, onSubmit, onUnload 10
V Angular : Introduction , Environment and Project setup, components,
modules, data binding, event binding, templates, directives, pipes, routing,
services, Http Client, CLI prompts, Forms, Materials/CDK virtual scrolling,
drag and drop, animat ions, materials, testing and building projects. 10
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
7. HTML5 Step by Step Faithe Wempen Microsoft
Press 2011
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Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, a student should be able to:
Understand the meaning of the basic terminologies of web technology and explore, use the
HTML5 concepts. Understand the basic requirement of web design.
Develop web pages using the Page layout, Navigation, Tables, Forms and Media features of
Add Cascading Style sheet for bea utifying the web pages.
Use the Java Script for validation of user forms in web pages.
Develop application using angular.
PGDBCT103: Linux Operating System
P. G. Diploma in Block Chain Technology
(PGDBCT) Semester – I
Course Name: Linux Operating System Course Code: PGDBCT1 03
Periods per week (1 Period is 60 minutes) 4
Credits 4
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 40
Internal -- 60
Course Objectives:
Describe the relationship between GNU and Linux.
Describe the relationship between Linux and Unix.
Discuss features which make Linux a viable and popular operating system.
Describe various operating system concepts such as multitasking, virtual memory
Describe and apply various command line utilities
Describe and apply various file related commands
Unit Details Lectures
I Linux Basics: History of Linux: (History, FOSS, current Linux
Distributions -Distros examples), Linux Operating System Layers, The 10 8. Web Design The Complete
Reference Thomas Powell TMH 2009
9. Head First HTML 5
programming Eric Freeman O’Reilly 2013
10. JavaScript 2.0: The
Complete Reference Thomas Powell and
Fritz Schneider TMH 2nd 2004
11. ng-book : The Complete
Guide to Angular Nate Murray, Felipe
Coury, Ari Lerner, and
Carlos Taborda 2020
Page 12
10 Linux Shell (different kinds of shell), Process: (parent and child
processes), Files and Directories (File Structure and directory
structure ), Interaction with System. Linux Installation
II Shells and Utilities: Getting Started With Shell Programming: The bash
shell, Shell commands, The role of shells in the Linux environment,
Other standard shells, Write a simple shell script - "Hello World!"
(Starting a script with Shebang line (#!) ,Comments in a script ,Settin g
up permissions on a script, Execute a script, Debug a script), Variables
in shell : (Assign values to shell variables, Default shell variables value
, Rules for Naming variable name, Display the value of shell variables,
Quoting, The export statement, U nset shell and environment variables,
Getting User Input Via Keyboard ), Bash variable existence check,
Customize the bash shell environments: Recalling command history,
Path name expansion, Create and use aliases, The tilde expansion,
Startup scripts -(Using aliases, Changing bash prompt, Setting shell
options , Setting system wide shell options), Commonly Used
Commands and Utilities (ls,rm,cat etc – at least 25 commands/utilities
for example) 10
III Basic Administration: Basic System Administration (Run levels, User
accounts), Kernel Administration: (Linux kernel sources, rebuilding
kernel, installing kernel), Managing Users, Managing File Systems,
Linux File Permissions, Devices and Modules (device drivers) 10
IV Files Systems and Editing Files: File Sy stems, Linux Files, Directories
and Archives, The vi editor, awk, sed. The X Window System: Desktop
(Desktop environments -GNOME, KDE, XFCE) The X Window System
,Xorg, Window manager, Display Managers, Widget Libraries or
toolkits (Athena Widgets, Motif to olkit, Gtk, Qt, LessTif)
V Linux Software: Software Management, Office and Database
Applications, Graphics Tools and Multimedia, Mail and News Clients,
Web, FTP, and Java Clients, Security: Encryption, Integrity Checks, and
Signatures, Security -Enhanced Linux, Secure Shell and Kerberos,
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Linux: The Complete
Reference Richard Peterson McGawHill VI
2. Linux for Beginners: An
Introduction to the Linux
Operating System and
Command Line
Jason Canon Createspace
Pub I 2014
3. Linux with Operating
System Concepts Richard Fox CRC Press 2015
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, a student should be able to:
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11 1. Identify and use UNIX/Linux utilities to create and manage simple file
processing operations
2. Students will be able to create processes background and fore ground
3. Students will be create shared memory segements,pipes ,message queues and can exercise
interprocess communication
4. Able to organize directory structures with appropriate security, and develop shell scripts to
perform more complex tasks.
PGDBCT104: Data Structures and Algorithms
P. G. Diploma in Block Chain Technology
(PGDBCT) Semester – I
Course Name: Data Structures and Algorithms Course Code: PGDBCT1 04
Periods per week (1 Period is 60 minutes) 4
Credits 4
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 40
Internal -- 60
Course Objectives:
To describe the basic concepts of data structures and algorithms
To make understand concepts about searching and sorting techniques
To impart basic concepts about stacks,queues,lists,trees and graphs
To make understand about writing algorithms and step b y step approach in solving
problems with the help of fundamental data structures
Unit Details Lectures
I Algorithm Analysis: Experimental Studies, functions used in analysis,
Asymptotic Analysis, Justification Techniques.
Recursion: Examples, Analyzing Recursive Algorithms, Linear, binary and
multiple recursion, Designing Recursive Algorithms, Eliminating Tail
Recursion 10
II Array -Based Sequences: Low-Level Arrays, Dynamic Arrays and
Amortization, Using Array -Based Sequences, Multidimensional Data Sets .
Stacks, Queues, and Deques: Stacks, Queues, Double -Ended Queues
Linked Lists: Singly Linked Lists, Circularly Linked Lists, Doubly Linked
Lists, The Positional List ADT, Sorting a Positional List, Maintaining Access
Frequencies, Link -Based vs. Array -Base d Sequences 10
III Trees: General Trees, Binary Trees, Implementing Trees, Tree Traversal
Algorithms, An Expression Tree
Priority Queues: The Priority Queue Abstract Data Type, Implementing a 10
Page 14
12 Priority Queue, Heaps, Sorting with a Priority Queue, Adaptable Priority
Maps, Hash Tables, and Skip Lists: Maps and Dictionaries, Hash Tables,
Sorted Maps, Skip Lists, Sets, Multisets, and Multimaps,
IV Search Trees: Binary Search Trees, Balanced Search Trees, AVL Trees,
Splay Trees, (2,4) Trees, Red -Black Trees.
Sorting and Selection: Merge -Sort, Quick -Sort, g Sorting through an
Algorithmic Lens, Comparing Sorting Algorithms, Selection 10
V Text Processing: Abundance of Digitized Text, Pattern -Matching Algorithms,
Dynamic Programming, Text Compression and the Greedy Method, Tries
Graph Algorithms: Graphs, Data Structures for Graphs, Graph Traversals,
Transitive Closure, Directed Acyclic Graphs, Shortest Paths, Minimum
Spanning Trees 10
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Data Structures and
Algorithms in Python Michael T. Goodrich,
Roberto Tamassia.
Michael H.
Goldwasser Wiley 2013
2. Teach yourself Data
Structures and Algorithms
in 24 Hours Robert Lafore Sams 1999
3. Data Structures and
Algorithms Alfred V Aho and
John E Hopcroft and
Jeffrey D Ullman, Pearson
Education 2002
4. Data Structures And
Algorithmic Thinking With
Python Narasimha
Karumanchi CareetMonk
Publications 2016
5. Learning Functional Data
Structures and Algorithms Atul S. Khot Raju
Kumar Mishra Packt
Publishing 2017
6. Data Structures And
Algorithms Made Easy Narasimha
Karumanchi CareetMonk
Publications 2017
Course Outcomes:
1. After completion of the course, a student should be able to:
2. Analyze algorithms and algorithm correctness.
3. Summarize searching and sorting techniques
4. Describe stack,queue and linked list operation.
5. Have knowledge of tree and graphs concepts.
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PGDBCT105: Software Engineering
P. G. Diploma in Block Chain Technology
(PGDBCT) Semester – I
Course Name: Software Engineering Course Code: PGDBCT105
Periods per week (1 Period is 60 minutes) 4
Credits 4
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 40
Internal -- 60
Course Objectives:
to understand the ideas that drive effective agile teams, and the values and principles that
bring them together.
to understand the most popular agile schools of thought —Scrum, XP, Lean, and Kanban —and
how they can all be agile, even though they’re very different from each other.
to teach specific agile practices th at can be applied to projects today
to give you the framework of values and principles that are needed to implement them
to help to understand own team and company better, so that an agile approach can be chosen
that matches the mindset
to lear n a new way of thinking that will help to become a more effective agile team
Unit Details Lectures
I Agile and its values : Introduction , Team lead, Silver bullet, how agile helps,
Fractured perspective and its problems, Agile Manifesto, understanding agile,
where to start a new methodology.
Agile Principles: 12 principles of agile software, customer is always right,
delivering a project, communicating and working together, project execution,
constantly improving project and team, bringing all principle s together 12
II Scrum and Self -Organizing Teams: Rules of scrum, Everyone on scrum
team owns a project, whole team uses daily scrum, scripts, planning and
Scrum planning and Collective environment: not expecting the unexpected,
victory lap. 12
III XP and embracing change: XP primary practices, The XP Values Help the
Team Change Their Mindset , Shift of momentum, Understanding XP
XP, Simplicity and Incremental Design: Code and Design, Make Code and
Design Decisions at the Last Responsible Moment, Incremental Design and
the Holistic XP Practices, Final Score . 12
IV Lean, Eliminating Waste, and Seeing the Whole: Lean thinking, creating
heroes and magical thinking, eliminate waste, gain deeper understanding of
the product, delive r as fast as possible.
Kanban, Flow, and Constantly Improving: Principles of Kanban, improving 12
Page 16
14 process with Kanban, measure and manage flow, emergent behaviour with
The Agile Coach: Coaching and its principles.
V Promote Agile Budgeting: Moving away from agile budgeting, why agile
budgeting? value -driven supply and demand, structuring around high -value
ideas, Components of an Agile Budgeting Framework, people involved with
agile budgeting, lightning bolt shaped teams, tailoring the framework, cadence
for curating ideas, investing.
Applying Agile Success Measures : outcomes matter, value of metrics , value
of leading indicators, measures for running enterprise, end -to-end lead time,
enterprise dashboard for correlation, measures of succ ess.
Reinventing HR for agile: HR as promoters of agile, Supporting the Shift
toward Agile Roles, Hiring for Agile -Minded Employees, Adapting toward
Excellence 12
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
12. Learning Agile Andrew Stellman and
Jennifer Greene O’Reilly 2014
13. Building and Running Agile
Organizations Mario E. Moreira Apress 2017
14. Head First Agile Andrew Stellman and
Jennifer Greene O’Reilly 2017
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, a student should be able to:
Understand and think the agile way
Understand the SCRUM and adopt scrum practices and mechanics.
Change the mindset and apply the XP practices.
Start lean thinking and eliminate waste.
Apply the agile methodology to budgeting, HR and agile success measures.
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PGDBCT10 6: Introduction to Blockchain
P. G. Diploma in Block Chain Technology
(PGDBCT) Semester – I
Course Name: Introduction to Blockchain Course Code: PGDBCT106
Periods per week (1 Period is 60 minutes) 4
Credits 4
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 40
Internal -- 60
Course Objectives:
This course aims to provide basic concepts of block chain
It covers the what is block chain and what are its uses
To know when and why we need to use block chain technology.
To make students understand what is block chain who have no prior knowledge
Unit Details Lectures
I Blockchain: Introduction, growth, distributed systems, history of blockchain
and bitcoin, types of blockchain, consensus CAP theorem and blockchain.
Decentralization: Decentralization using blockchain, methods of
decentralization, blockchain and full ecosystem decen tralization, smart
contracts, decentralized organisations, platforms for decentralization. 12
II Symmetric Cryptography: Working with openSSL command line,
Introduction, Mathematics, Cryptography, Confidentiality, Integrity,
Authentication, Non -repudiation, Accountability, Cryptographic primitives,
Symmetric cryptography, data encryption standard, advanced encryption
Public Key Crypto graphy : Asymmetric cryptography, Public and private
keys, RSA, Discrete logarithm problem in ECC, Hash functions, RSA digital
signature algorithm, Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm, Financial
markets and trading 12
III Bitcoin: Introduction, definition, digital keys and addresses, transactions,
blockchain, mining,
Bitcoin network and payments: Bitcoin network, Wallets, payments,
Bitcoin Clients and APIs: Bitcoin installation, Types of bitcoins core clients,
setting up bitcoin node, setting up source code, setting up bitcoin.conf, setting
up a node testnet, setting up a node regtest, experiment with cli, bitcoin
programming and cli. 12
IV Alternative coins: Theoretical foundations, bitcoin limitations, Namecoin,
Litecoin, Primecoin, Zcash. 12
V Smart contracts: History, definition, Ricardian contracts.
Alternative Blockchains: Blockchains, platforms and frameworks.
Blockchain outside the currencies: Internet of things, IoT blockchain
experiment, government, health, finance, media. 12
Books and References:
Page 18
16 Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
15. Mastering Blockchain Imran Bashir Packt Second 2018
16. Architecture for
Blockchain Applications Xiwei Xu, Ingo
Weber, Mark Staples Springer 2019
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, a student should be able to:
Explain the blockchain evolution and decentralization using blockchain.
Secure applications suing symmetric and public key cryptography.
Understand bitcoins in detail.
Explain different types of coins.
Apply blockchain beyond crypto currencies to other applications.
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PGDBCT 201: Blockchain Development in Ethereum and Solidity
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18 P. G. Diploma in Block Chain Technology
(PGDBCT) Semester – II
Course Name: Blockchain Development in Ethereum
and Solidity Course Code: PGDBCT201
Periods per week (1 Period is 60 minutes) 4
Credits 4
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 40
Internal -- 60
Course Objectives:
See how Ethereum (and other cryptocurrencies) work
Compare distributed apps (dapps) to web apps
Rrite Ethereum smart contracts in Solidity language
Connect Ethereum smart contracts to your HTML/CSS/JavaScript web applications
Deploy you r own dapp, coin, and blockchain
Work with basic and intermediate smart contracts
Unit Details Lectures
I Bridging the Blockchain Knowledge Gap : Blockchain, What Ethereum
does? Three parts of blockchain, Ether as currency and commodity, Protocol
Power, What smarts contracts do? Where is data? Inside EVM, What is
Ethereum good for? State of smart contract, Building public and private
The Mi st Browser: Wallets, The bank teller metaphor, Bank history,
Encryption and trust, System requirements, using parity with geth, into the
mist, blockchain, anonymity in cryptocurrency.
The EVM: Central Bank network, Virtual machines, What EVM does? EVM
Applications are called smart contracts, State machines, How the Guts of the
EVM Work, Blocks: The History of State Changes, Mining’s Place in the
State Transition Function, Renting Time on the EVM , Gas, Working with Gas,
Estimating Gas Fees for Operations, Opcodes in the EVM. 12
II Solidity Programming: Introduction, Global Banking made real,
Complementary Currency, Learning to Program the EVM, Design Rationale,
The Importance of Formal Proofs, Automated Proofs, Testing , Ethereum
Virtual Machine , Solidity and Solidity files, Structure of a contract, Data types
in Solidity, Storage and memory data locations, Literals, Integers, Boolean,
The byte data type, Arrays, Structure of an array, Enumeratio ns, Address,
Mappings .
Global Variables and Functions: The var type variables, Variables hoisting,
Variable scoping, Type conversion, Block and transaction global variables,
Cryptography global variables, Address global variables, Contract global
variables .
Expressions and Control Structures : Solidity expressions, The if decision
control, The while loop, The for loop, The do...while loop, The break
statement, The continue statement, The return statement.
Writing Smart Contracts : Smart contracts, Writing a simple contract,
Creating contracts, Constructors, Contract composition, Inheritance,
Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Method overriding, Abstract contracts, 12
Page 21
19 Interfaces.
III Smart Contracts and Tokens : EVM as Back End, Assets Back ed by
Anything, Cryptocurrency Is a Measure of Time, The Function of Collectibles
in Human Systems, Platforms for High -Value Digital Collectibles, Tokens Are
a Category of Smart Contract, Creating a Token on the Testnet, Deploying
Contract, Playing with Co ntracts.
Functions, Modifiers, and Fallbacks: Function input and output, Modifiers,
The view, constant, and pure functions, The address functions, The fallback
Exceptions, Events, and Logging : Error handling, Events and logging.
Truffle Basics an d Unit Testing: Application development life cycle
management, Truffle, Development with Truffle, Testing with Truffle.
Debugging Contracts. 12
IV Mining Ether : Introduction, Ether’s source, Mining, Versions of the Truth,
Dag and Nonce, Faster blocks, Stale blocks, difficulty, Evaluating the
Ancestry of Blocks and Transactions, How Ethereum and Bitcoin Use Trees,
Forking, Executing Commands in the EVM via the Geth Console, Launching
Geth with Flags, S tarting the miner, Mining on testnet, GPU mining rigs,
Mining on a Pool with Multiple GPUs .
Cryptoeconomics Survey: Introduction, Use, Speed of blocks, Ether
insurance scheme, common attack scenarios.
Dapp Deployment: Seven Ways to Think About Smart Contracts, Dapp
Contract Data Models, EVM Back End and JS Front End, Web 3, JavaScript
API, Using Meteor with the EVM, Executing Contracts in the Console,
Prototyping, Third -Party Deployment Libraries. 12
V Creating Private Chains: Private and Permissioned Chains, Setting Up a
Local Private Chain, Optional Flags to Use with New Chains, Private
Blockchains in Production Usage .
Use Cases: Chains Everywhere, The Internet of Ethereum Things, Retail and
E-Commerce, Community and Government Financing, Human and
Organizational Behavior, Financial and Insurance Applications, Inventory and
Accounting Systems, Software Development, Gaming, Gambling, and
Advanced Concepts: Leading Software Developers Toward Decentralization,
Ethereum Release Schedule, What the Future Holds, Innovations, Ethereum
Roadmap. 12
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
17. Introducing Ethereum and
Solidity Chris Dannen Aperss 2017
18. Solidity Programming
Essentials Ritesh Modi Packt 2018
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, a student should be able to:
use Solidity and the Ethereum project
use skills in smart contract patterns and distributed application development
deploy own smart contracts and learn how they can serve as a back -end for JavaScript and
HTML applications on the Web
Extend JavaScript development skills to blockchain environment
Page 22
PGDBCT 202: Smart Contracts with Ethereum
P. G. Diploma in Block Chain Technology
(PGDBCT) Semester – II
Course Name: Smart Contracts with Ethereum Course Code: PGDBCT202
Periods per week (1 Period is 60 minutes) 4
Credits 4
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 40
Internal -- 60
Course Objectives:
to build powerful, robust, and optimized smart contracts using solidity from scratch and in
combination with other open source JavaScript libraries
to build own extensive, decentralized applications that can smartly execute on a blockchain
to give the insight of the blockchain as a service and the dark web market
Unit Details Lectures
I Building Smart Contracts: A smart contract in seven lines of code , Remix ,
Increment and decrement operations using Solidity , Coding a loop , Raising an
issue on GitHub , Smart contract on a private blockchai n, Writing the genesis
block , Building a private blockchain , Connecting MIST browser using geth ,
Mining ethers in a private blockchain , Deploying smart contracts on private
chain . 12
II A Noob's Guide to DApps and DAO : Understanding DApps , Steps to
develop a DApp , Architecture of a DApp , What is ethercast? , , , Understanding the design of DAO , The rise
and fall of DAO .
Smart Contracts in Detail: What makes a contract "smart"? Definition and
design , Role of code in a smart contract , Basic anatomy of a smart contract
design , Smart contract optimization , Smart contract auditing and compliance ,
Designing a voting DApp 12
III Web3.js : Introduction, Web3.js in the Ethereum , Ecosystem, API structure of
Web3.js, Designing an ownership contract .
Developing a Cryptocurrency: Token versus coin, ERC20 token
development using Truffle, Arbitrage trading for cryptocurrencies, The ICO
story, Fiat2Crypto and Crypto2Crypto exchange, Parity hack demystified,
Parity hack returns . 12
IV Enterprise Use Cases : Banking and payments, Insurance, Supply chain
management, Forecasting and prediction market, Charity, Public Benefits,
Energy management, Art and Music, Retail, Real estate, Cyber Security,
crowdfunding, Networkin g and IoT, Voting, Government, Private transport
and ride sharing, cloud storage, healthcare,
Smart Contract Use Cases: Insurance, Trade finance, Derivatives, Securities,
Accounts, Digital identity, Record -keeping, Loans and mortgages, Legal,
Supply chain, Clinical trials, Terminal disease research, Decentralized
microblogging, Administrative and security constraints, TwtAccount.sol,
TwtRegistry.sol, Service setup on the private blockchain, Reading tweets 12
Page 23
21 V BaaS and the Dark Web Market : Privacy , types of blockchain, private
blockchains, public blockchains, consortium blockchains, Blockchain as a
service, Enterprise platform for BaaS, IBM Hyperledger, Microsoft Azure
EBaaS, Amazon Eris, Dark web marketplace, Project smartCV .
Advanced Topics and t he Road Ahead : Common design patterns,
Restricting access, Token systems , Factory pattern , Registries , Voting
systems , DACs and DAS , Ethereum improvement proposal , Rational behind
EIPs , Types of EIP , EIP life cycle , EIP template , Consortium blockchains ,
Case study on R3 Corda , Tangle beyond blockchain , Shortcomings of a
blockchain , Tangle demystified , Iota GitHub analysis
Purchase and storage of Iota . 12
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
19. Ethereum Smart Contract
Development Mayukh
Mukhopadhyay Packt Publishing -- 2018
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, a student should be able to:
Build the smart contracts efficiently
Build Dapps and deploy them on blockchain
Develop Cryptocurrency
Identify the applications of blockchain in Industry
Understand the blockchain as a service and the dark web market
PGDBCT 203: Blockchain with Hyperledger
P. G. Diploma in Block Chain Technology
(PGDBCT) Semester – II
Course Name: Blockchain with Hyperledger Course Code: PGDBCT203
Periods per week (1 Period is 60 minutes) 4
Credits 4
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 40
Internal -- 60
Course Objectives:
Page 24
22 To lay a solid foundation for understanding the state of the technology landscape —including
active and incubating projects under development at Hyperledger.
To provide with a framework for choosing the right technology platform, designing your
solution, and integration with existing systems.
To explain the various governance models for establishing and operating a blockchain
business network.
Unit Details Lectures
I Blockchain - Enterprise and Industry Perspective: terms, Four core
building blocks of blockchain frameworks, Fundamentals of the secure
transaction processing protocol, Blockchain in the enterprise, Enterprise
design principles, Technology considerations for choosing a blockchain
framework, Enterprise integration and designing for extensibility .
Exploring Hyperledger Fabric: Building on the foundations of open
computing , Hyperledger frameworks, tools, and building blocks, Hyperledger
Fabric component design, Hyperledger Fabric, Understanding governance in
business networks powered by blockchain . 12
II Setting the Stage with a Business Scenario : Trading and lette r of credit ,
Business scenario and use case, Setting up the development Environment,
Network components' configuration Files, Launching a sample trade network .
Designing a Data and Transaction Model with Golang : Starting the
chaincode development, Creating a chaincode, Access control, Implementing
chaincode functions, Testing chaincode, Chaincode design, Logging output. 12
III Exposing Network Assets and Transactions: Building a complete
application , Integration with existing systems and processes .
Business Networks: Introduction , Defining business networks, Introducing
participants, Introducing assets, Introducing transactions, Events,
Implementing a business network , Example, The letter of credit sample,
Analyzing the letter of cred it process, A description of the business network,
A model of the business network, Examining the live network, Creating
business network APIs 12
IV Agility in a Blockchain Network: Defining the promotion process,
Configuring a continuous integration Pipeline, Configuring Git repository,
Testing the end -to-end process, Updating the network .
Life in a Blockchain Network: Modifying or upgrading a Hyperledger Fabric
application, System monitoring and performance 12
V Governance, Necessary Evil of Regulated Industries: Decentralization and
governance, Exploring the business models, Role of governance in a business
Network, Business domains and processes, Governance structure, Governance
and the IT solution .
Hyperledger Fabric Security : Hyperledger Fabric desi gn goals impacting
security, Hyperledger Fabric architecture, Network bootstrap and governance,
Strong identities, Chaincode security, Common threats and how Hyperledger
Fabric mitigates them, Hyperledger Fabric and Quantum Computing, General
data protecti on regulation (GDPR) considerations .
The Future of Blockchain and the Challenges Ahead : Hyperledger
framework – business blockchain technology, The road ahead for Blockchain,
Staying engaged with the Hyperledger blockchain . 12
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
20. Hands -On Blockchain with
Hyperledger - Building Nitin Gaur
Luc Desrosiers Packt 2018
Page 25
23 decentralized applications
with Hyperledger Fabric and
Composer Venkatraman
Petr Novotny
Dr. Salman A. Baset
Anthony O'Dowd
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, a student should be able to:
Overcome the hype related to the cryptocurrency aspects of public, permission -less
blockchain —ICOs as a substitute for more traditional IPOs .
Gain the potential fo r disrupting traditional systems of banking, insurance, securities, and so
Use blockchain might to company's advantage over the rest of a given domain
Explain that for blockchain to be successful in an enterprise, it demands a degree of industry
collab oration not seen before.
Understand various governance models for establishing and operating a blockchain business
PGDBCT 204: Building Projects with Blockchain
P. G. Diploma in Block Chain Technology
(PGDBCT) Semester – I
Course Name: Building Projects with Blockchain Course Code: PGDBCT105
Periods per week (1 Period is 60 minutes) 4
Credits 4
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 40
Internal -- 60
Course Objectives:
To build projects based on blockchain making the understanding of concept better.
Unit Details Lectures
I Building a wallet service: Difference between offline and online wallets,
hooked -web3 -provider and ethereumjs -tx libraries, hierarchical deterministic
wallet, key derivation functions, Lightwallet , building wallet service.
Building a Smart Contract Deployment Platform: Calculating a
transaction’s nonce, Itroduction to soljs, building a contract deployment
platform. 12
Page 26
24 II Building a Betting App: Introduction to oraclize, working with strings,
build ing the betting contract, building a client for betting contract.
Building Enterprise Level Contracts : ethereumja -testrpc, event topics,
truffle contract, truffle
Building a Consortium Blockchain : consortium blockchain, proof -of-
authority consensus, parity 12
III Crypto -economics and Game Theory: Securing the Blockchain, Forming
Consensus, Transaction Fees, Incentives, Attack Vectors
Ponzis and Pyramids: Schemes: Ponzi vs. Pyramid, Verifiably Corrupt,
Simple Ponzi, Realistic Ponzi, Simple Pyramid, Governmental 12
IV Lotteries: Random -Number Generation, Simple Lottery, Recurring Lottery,
Constants and Variables, Gameplay, Cleanup and Deployment, RNG Lotte ry,
Powerball 12
V Prize Puzzles : Obscuring Answers, Simple Puzzle, Commit -Reveal Puzzle,
Additional Prize Challenges.
Prediction Markets : Contract Overview, Tracking State with Events, Trading
Shares, Resolving Markets
Gambling: Gameplay Limitations, Sa toshi Dice, Roulette 12
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
21. Building Blockchain
Projects Narayan Prusty Packt 2017
22. Building Games with
Ethereum Smart
Contracts Kedar Iyer
Chris Dannen Apress 2018
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, a student should be able to:
Build a wallet service and smart contract deployment contract.
Build betting app, enterprise level contracts and consortium blockchain.
Build games, ponzis and pyramids
Build lotteries games
Build prize puzzles and prediction market games and understand gambling.
PGDBCT 205: Building Dapps with Ethereum
P. G. Diploma in Block Chain Technology
(PGDBCT) Semester – I
Course Name: Building Dapps with Ethereum Course Code: PGDBCT205
Periods per week (1 Period is 60 minutes) 4
Credits 4
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 40
Internal -- 60
Page 27
Course Objectives:
to help transition to this new paradigm of Dapp as easily as possible
to develop Ethereum application
to provide a solid understanding of the main components of the Ethereum
Unit Details Lectures
I Writing complex smart contracts: Simple Crowdsale a crowdsale contract,
extending functionality with inheritance
Generalizing functionality with abstract contracts and interfaces: Making
a contract abstract , Allowing multiple contract implementations with
inheritance, Real -world crowdsale contracts, Solidity’s object oriented
features, Libraries, Making simple copin ERC20 complaint. 12
II Managing smart contracts with Web3.js : Geth’s interactive console,
interacting with simplecoin through Geth;s interactive console. Simplyfying
command based deployment with node.js. making development more efficient
by deploying on mock networks, smoother interaction with simplecoin through
a web UI. 12
III Unit testing contracts with Mocha: Installing Mocha, Setting up SimpleCoin
in Mocha, Writing unit tests for SimpleCoin.
Improving the development cycle with Truff le: Setting up truffle, Moving
SimpleCoin under truffle. 12
IV Building a complete voting Dapp : Defining the requirements of a voting
dapp, the development plan, starting the truffle project, implementing the
voting contract, compiling and deploying simplevot ing, writing unit tests,
creating a web UI, Improvements.
Making a Dapp production ready : Event logging, Designing an upgradable
library, Designing an upgradable contract. 12
V Security Considerations: General security weak spots, Risks associated with
external calls, performing external calls safely, avoiding known security
attacks, general security guidelines.
Evolution: Evolution of Ethereum, Alternative Ethereum implementations,
Beyond the Ethereum Blockchain. 12
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
23. Building Ethereum Dapps:
Decentralized applications
on the Ethereum blockchain Roberto Infante Mannng
Publications 2019
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, a student should be able to:
design, implement, and deploy a complete Ethereum Dapp
Page 28
Evaluation Scheme
Both Internal and External Examination will be conducted by the
The result declaration, marksheet and the Diploma will be awarded by
the department
Internal Evaluation (6 0 Marks)
The internal assessment marks shall be awarded as follows:
1. Unitwise Quiz (10 Marks each unit) : 10 marks Average
2. Problem Solving or Assignments(Practical based):20 Marks
3. Personation of topics assigned related to subject: 20 Ma rks
External Examination: (4 0 marks) : Online MCQ as per the following format
All questions are compulsory
Q1 (Based on Unit 1 ) 8 sub questions 8
Q2 (Based on Unit 2) 8 sub questions 8
Q3 (Based on Unit 3) 8 sub questions 8
Q4 (Based on Unit 4) 8 sub questions 8
Q5 (Based on Unit 5) 8 sub questions 8
Practical Evaluation (50 marks)
Page 29
A Certified copy of hard -bound journal is essential to appear for the practical
1. Practical Question 1 20
2. Practical Question 2 20
3. Journal 5
4. Viva Voce 5
1. Practical Question 40
2. Journal 5
3. Viva Voce 5
Project Documentation and Viva Voce Evaluation
The documentation should be checked for plagiarism and as per UGC guidelines, should be less
than 10%.
1. Documentation Report ( 1 to 4) 20
2. Innovation in the topic 10
3. Documentation/Topic presentation and viva voce 20
Project Implementation and Viva Voce Evaluation
1. Documentation Report ( 5 to last) 20
2. Implementation 10
3. Relevance of the topic 10
4. Viva Voce 10
Appendix – 1
Project Documentation and Viva -voce (Semester I I)
Goals of the course Project Documentation and Viva -Voce
The student should:
be able to apply relevant knowledge and abilities, within the main field of study, to a given
within given constraints, even w ith limited information, independently analyse and discuss
complex inquiries/problems and handle larger problems on the advanced level within the main
field of study
reflect on, evaluate and critically review one’s own and others’ scientific results
be abl e to document and present one’s own work with strict requirements on structure, format,
and language usage
be able to identify one’s need for further knowledge and continuously develop one’s own
To start the project:
Start thinking early in the programme about suitable projects.
Page 30
28 Read the instructions for the project.
Attend and listen to other student ´s final oral presentations.
Look at the finished reports .
Talk to senior master students.
Attend possible information events (workshops / seminars / conferences etc.) about the related
topics .
Application and approval:
Read all the detailed information about project.
Finalise finding a place and supervisor.
Check with the coordinator about subject/project, place and supervi sor.
Write the project proposal and plan along with the supervisor.
Fill out the application together with the supervisor.
Hand over the complete application , proposal and plan to the coordinator.
Get an acknowledgement and approval from the coordinator to start the project.
During the project :
Search, gather and read information and literature about the theory.
Document well the practical work and your results.
Take part in seminars and the ru nning follow -ups/supervision.
Think early on about disposition and writing of the final report.
Discuss your thoughts with the supervisor and others.
Read the SOP and the rest you need again.
Plan for and do the mid -term reporting to the coordinator/ex aminer.
Do a mid -term report also at the work -place (can be a requirement in some work -places).
Write the first draft of the final report and rewrite it based on feedback from the supervisor
and possibly others.
Plan for the final presentation of the report.
Finishing the project:
Finish the report and obtain an OK from the supervisor.
Ask the supervisor to send the certificate and feedback form to the coordinator .
Attend the pre-final oral presentation arranged by the Coordinator .
Rewrite the final report again based on feedback from the opponents and possibly others.
Prepare a title page and a popular science summary for your report.
Send the completed final report to the coordinator (via plagiarism software)
Rewrite the report based on possible f eedback from the coordinator .
Appear for the final exam.
Project Proposal/research plan
The student should spend the first 1 -2 weeks writing a 1 -2 pages project plan containing:
- Short background of the project
- Aims of the project
- Short description of methods that will be used
- Estimated time schedule for the project
The research plan should be handed in to the supervisor and the coordinator.
Page 31
29 Writing the project plan will help you plan your project work and get you started in finding
information and understanding of methods needed to perform the project.
Project Documentation
The documentation should contain:
Introduction - that should contain a technical and social (when possible) motivation of the
project topic .
Description of the problems/topics.
Status of the research/knowledge in the field and literature review.
Description of the methodology/approach. (The actual structure of the s here depends on the
topic of the documentation .)
Results - must always contain analyses of results and associated uncertainties.
Conclusions and proposals for the future work.
Appendices (when needed).
Bibliography - references and links.
Page 32
30 Appendix ‘B’)
New ordinances 6827 & 6828 relating to the
Post Graduate Diploma in Block Chain Technology
1. Necessity for starting the course:
Blockchain helps in the verification and
traceability of multistep transactions
needing verification and traceability. It
can provide secure transactions, reduce
compliance costs, and speed up data
transfer processing. Blockchain
technology can help contract
managem ent and audit the origin of a
product. It also can be used in voting
platforms and managing titles and
deeds. So there is a need to have skilled
manpower to create such platform for
secured credential management whether
it is finance, education, industry,
Government etc.
2. Whether the UGC has recommended
the course: UGC has allowed to start 13 -Month
Advance Diploma Course in Blockchain
By Jetking
3. Whether all the courses have
commenced from the academic year
2019 -2020 (2022 -23): New programme to be started in 2022 -
4. The courses started by the University
are self -financed, whether adequate
number of eligible permanent
faculties are available?: Thisprogramme needs industry experts
who are in the field. Full time adhoc
teachers and industry experts will be
conducting this programme
5. To give details regarding the duration
of the Course and is it possible to
compress the course?: 1 year with two semesters
6. The intake capacity of each course
and no. of admissions given in the
current academic year: 30 seats after conducting a CET
Page 33
31 7. Opportunities of Employability /
Employment available after
undertaking these courses: The demand for people with Blockchain
skills is high. Due to its many fields of
application, it is looking to hire those who
have the skills set to navigate this new
technology. Job designations like
Blockchain developer. ...
Blockchain Solution Architect. ...
Blockchain project manager. ...
Blockchain UX designer. ...
Blockchain quality engineer. ...
Blockchain legal consultant. ...
Everyone in the business.
are on demand worldwide.
Dr. Mrs. R. Srivaramangai
Chairman, Board of Studies
Information Technology