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Unit structure
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Necessity of learning DBMS
1.3 Applications of DBMS
1.4 Types of databases
1.5 Performance Measurement of Databases
1.6 Goals of parallel databases
1.7 Techniques of query Evaluation
1.8 Optimization of Parallel Query
1.9 Goals of Query optimization
1.10 Approaches of Query Optimization
1.11 Virtualization on Multicore Processor
1.12 References
1.13 MOOCS
1.14 Quiz
1.15 Video Links
A database management system (DBMS) is a software package designed
to define, manipulate, retrieve and manage data in a database. A DBMS
generally manipulates the data itself, the data format, field names, record
structu re and file structure. It also defines rules to validate and manipulate
this data.
Database management systems are set up on specific data handling
concepts, as the practice of administrating a database evolves. The earliest
databases only handled individual single pieces of specially formatted data
whereas the newer systems can handle different kinds of data and tie them
together in more elaborate ways.
Traditionally, data was organized in file formats; DBMS overcom es the
deficiencies in traditional style of data management and has the following
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Real -world entity : It is realistic and uses real -world entities to design
its architecture. Example : A University database where we represent
students as an entity and their roll_number as an attribute.
Relation -based tables : It allows entities and the relations among them
to form tables. We can understand the architecture of it by looking at
the table names.
Isolation of data and application : A database system is entirely
different from its data where database is an active entity and data is
said to be passive.
Less redundancy : It follows the rules of normalization and splits a
relation when any of its attributes is having redundancy in value s.
Consistency : It provides a greater consistency as compared to earlier
forms of data storing applications.
Query Language : It is equipped with query language and makes it
more efficient to retrieve and manipulate data which was not possible
in the earlier file -processing system.
ACID Properties : Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability
(ACID) properties help the database stay healthy in multi -transactional
environments & in case of failure.
Multiuser and Concurrent Access : Supports multi -user environment
and allows them to access and manipulate data in parallel.
Multiple views : Facilita tes multiple views for different users. A user
who is in the Accounts department has a different view of database
than a user working in the Transport department. This feature enables
the users to have a concentrate view of the database according to their
Security: Features like multiple views offer security to some extent
where users are unable to access data of other users and departments.
It offers different levels of security features, enabling multiple users to
have different views with d ifferent features. As DBMS is not saved on
the disk as traditional file systems, it is hard for miscreants to break the
Some common examples of relational databases are: Sybase, Oracle,
MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server and etc.
1. Centralized Database
2. Distributed Database
3. Relational Database
4. NoSQL Database
Page 3
5. Cloud Database
6. Object -oriented Databases
7. Hierarchical Databases
8. Network Databases
9. Personal Database
10. Operational Database
11. Enterprise Database
12. Parallel Databases
1) Centralized Database :
It stores data at a centralized database system and comforts the users to
access the stored data from varied locations through various applications.
An example of a University database can be a Student which carries a
central database of each student in the university.
Example: University_of_Mumbai
o Decreased the risk of data management
o Data consistency
o Enables organizations to establish data standards.
o Less costly
Disadvantages :
o Large size increases the response time for fetching the data
o Complex to update
o Server failure leads to the entire data loss.
2) Distributed Database :
In distributed database data is distributed among different database
systems of an organization and are connected via communication links
helping the end-users to access the data easily. Examples : Oracle, Apache
Cassandra, HBase, Ignite and etc.
Distributed database system can be further classified into:
Figure 1: Architecture of a distributed database
Page 4
Homogeneous DDB: Executes on the same operating system using
the same application process carrying same hardware devices.
Heterogeneous DDB: Executes on different operating systems with
different application procedures carrying different hardware devices.
Advantages of Distributed Database :
o Modular development
o Server failure will not affect the entire data set.
3) Relational Database :
It is based on the relational data model that stores data in the form of rows
and columns forming a table. It uses SQL for storing, maintain and
manipulating of the data invented by E.F. Codd invented in the year 1970.
Each table carries a key making the data unique from the
others. Examples : Oracle, Sybase, MySQL and etc.
Properties of Relational Database
Four commonly known properties of a relational model are Atomicity,
Consistency, Durability, Isolation (ACID):
Atomicity: It ensures the data operati on will complete either with success
or with failure following the 'all or nothing' strategy. Example: A
transaction will either be committed or rollbacked.
Consistency: Any operation over the data should be consistent in terms of
its value either before o r after the operation. Example: Account balance
before and after the transaction should remain conserved.
Isolation: Data remains isolated even when numerous concurrent users
are accessing data at the same time. Example: When multiple transactions
are pro cessed at the same instance, effect of a transaction should not be
visible to the other transactions.
Durability: It ensures permanent data storage as it completes the specified
operation and issues commit.
4) NoSQL Database :
NoSQL is used for storing a wide range of data sets in different ways.
Example: MongoDB.
Based on the demand NoSQL is further classified into the following types:
Figure 2: NoSQL database
Page 5
i. Key-value storage: Stores every single item as a key.
ii. Document -oriented Database: It is used to store data as JSON -like
iii. Graph Databases: It is used for storing large amounts of data in a
graph -like structure. Example: Social networking websites internally
uses the graph database.
iv. Wide -column stores: Data is stored in large columns together, in its
place of storing in rows.
Advantages :
Good productivity in the application development
Better option to handle large data sets
Highly scalable
Quicker access using the key field/value
5) Cloud Database :
Data is stored in a virtual environment getting executed over the cloud
computing platform having numerous cloud platforms. Examples:
Amazon Web Services
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud SQL and etc.
6) Object -oriented Databases :
It uses the object -based data model approach for storing data where the
data is represented and stored as objects.
Examples: Realm, ObjectBox
7) Hierarchical Databases :
Stores the data in the form of parent -children relationship and organizes
the data in a tree -like structure. Data in the form of recor ds are connected
through links where each child record has only one parent whereas the
parent record can have numerous child records.
Examples: IBM Information Management System (IMS) and the RDM
Figure 3: Hierarchical Database
Page 6
8) Network Databases :
Data is represented in the form of a network model where the data in the
form of nodes is connected through the links between them.
Examples: Integrated Data Store (IDS), IDMS (Integrated Database
Management System), Raima Database Manager
9) Personal Database :
Designed for a single user where data collection and storing is on the
user's system.
Examples: DSRao_database
Advantages :
Less storage space.
10) Operational Database :
Operational database is designed for executing the day -to-day operations
in businesses.
Examples: Microsoft SQL Server, AWS Dynamo, Apache Cassandra,
11) Enterprise Database :
It is used for managing enormous amount of data allowing simultaneous
access to the users with greater efficiency.
Examples: Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, SAP Sybase ASE,
MariaDB Enterprise
Advantages :
Executing parallel queries.
12) Parallel Databases :
Organizations are in a need to handle and maintain substantial amount of
data with higher transfer rate and greater efficiency of a system. Parallel
database system improves the performance through parallelization of
varied operations like loading, manipul ating, storing, building and
evaluating. Processing speed and efficiency is increased by using
multiple disks and CPUs in parallel. Figure 4, 5 and 6 shows the different
architecture proposed and successfully implemented in the area of Parallel
Database sy stems. In the figures, P represents Processors, M represents
Memory, and D represents Disks/Disk setups.
Parallel database systems are classified into two groups:
i. Multiprocessor architecture and
ii. Hierarchical System or Non -Uniform Memory Architecture
Multiprocessor architecture :
It has the following alternatives:
Page 7
Shared memory architecture
Shared disk architecture
Shared nothing architecture
Shared memory architecture :
In shared memory architecture multiple processors share the same single
primary/main memory and have its own hard disk for storage. As shown in
the figure 4, several processors are connected through an interconnection
network with Main memory and disk setup. Interconnection network is
usually a high speed network making data sharing easy among the various
Figure 4: Shared Memory Architecture
Simple to implement
Effective communication among the processors
Less communication overhead
Limited degree of parallelism
Addition of processor would slow down the existing processors.
Cache -coherency need to be maintained
Bandwidth issue
Shared disk architecture
As shown in figure 5, in shared disk architecture each processor has its
own private memory sharing the single mass storage in common.
Page 8
Figure 5: Shared Disk Architecture
Fault tolerance is achieved
Interconnection to the memory is not a bottleneck
Supports large number of processors
Limited scalability
Inter -processor communication is slow
Digital Equipment Corporation(DEC) .
Shared nothing architecture :
As shown in figure 6, in shared nothing architectur e, each processor has its
own main memory and mass storage device setup The entire setup is a
collection of individual computers connected via a high speed
communication network.
Figure 6: Shared Nothing Architecture
Page 9
Flexible to add any number of processors
Data request can be forwarded via interconnection n/w
Data partitioning is required
Cost of communication is higher
Applications :
The Grace and Gamma research prototypes
Tandem and etc.
Hierarchical System or Non -Uniform Memory Architecture :
Non-Uniform Memory Architecture (NUMA), has the non-uniform
memory access .
Cluster is formed by a group of connected computers including shared
nothing, shared disk and etc.
NUMA takes longer time to communicate among each other as it u ses
local and remote memory.
Improved performance
High availability
Proper resource utilization
Highly Reliable
Disadvantages :
High cost
Numerous Resources
Complexity in managing the systems
Performance measurement includes the factors like Speedup and Scale -
Speedup: Ability to execute tasks in lesser time by increasing the
number of resources.
Speedup= (Original time) / (Parallel time) (Equation 1)
Page 10
Original time = time required as to execute the task using a single or 1
Parallel time = time required as to execute the task using numerous or 'n'
Figure 7: Speedup curve
Figure 8: A CPU requires 3 minutes to execute a process
Figure 9: ‘n’ CPU requires 1 min to execute a process by dividing
into smaller tasks
Scale -up: Ability to maintain the performance of the system when
workload and resources increase proportionally.
Scaleup = (Volume Parallel) / (Volume Original) (Equation 2)
Where ,
Volume Parallel = volume executed in a given amount of time using 'n'
Volume Original = volume executed in a given amount of time using 1
Page 11
Figure 10: Ideal Scaleup curve
Example : –
20 users are using a CPU at 100% efficiency, if we try to add some more
users, it becomes difficult for a single processor to handle additional
users instead a new processor can be added as to serve the users in
parallel mode and provides 200% efficiency.
Figure 11: Increase in efficiency
Improve performance:
Improve availability of data:
Improve reliability
Provide distributed access of data:
Figure 12: Parallel database system
Page 12
1. Inter query parallelism
2. Intra Query Parallelism
Inter query parallelism: A llows running multiple queries on varied
processors simultaneously achieving pipelined parallelism in improving
the output of the system.
Example: If there are 18 queries, each taking10seconds for evaluation.
The total time taken to complete evaluation process is 180 seconds. Inter
query parallelism achieves this task only in 10 seconds.
Intra Query Parallelism: In intra query parallelism query is divided into
sub queries and has the ability to run simultaneously on varied processors
minimizing the query evaluation time. Intra query parallelism improves
the response time of the system.
Example: If there are 18 queries, each taking10seconds for evaluation.
The total time taken to complete evaluation process is 180 seconds. Inter
query parallelism achieves this task only in 10 seconds.We can achieve in
only 10 seconds by using intra query eva luation as each query is divided
in sub -queries.
Parallel Query optimization is about selecting the efficient query
evaluation plan and to minimize the cost of query evaluation.
Factors playing an important role in parallel query optimization
a) Time spent to find the best evaluation plan.
b) Time required to execute the plan.
Speed up the queries
Increase the performance of the system.
Select the best query evaluation plan.
Avoid the unwanted plan.
1. Horizontal partitioning
2. Vertical partitioning
3. De-normalization
Page 13
Horizontal partitioning: Tables are created vertically using columns.
Vertical partitioning: Tables are created with fewer columns and
partition the table row wise.
De-normalization: Multiple tables are combined into one table.
Virtualization is a technique where the processing power of the computer
is enhanced by adding multiple CPUs.
Multicore processors have the ability to solve the complicated processing
and are used for heavy load process.
Figure 13: Virtualization on multicore processor
1. C. J. Date, A. Kannan and S. Swamynathan, An Introduction to
Database Systems, Pearson Education, Eighth Edition, 2009.
2. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth and S. Sudarshan, Database
System Concepts, McGraw -Hill Education (Asia), Fifth Edition, 2006.
3. Shio Kumar Singh, Database Systems Concepts, Des igns and
Application, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2011.
4. Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel, Database Systems Design,
Implementation and Management, Thomson Learning -Course
Technology, Seventh Edition, 2007.
5. Patrick O’Neil and Elizabeth O’Neil, Database Pr inciples,
Programming and Performance, Harcourt Asia Pte. Ltd., First Edition,
6. Atul Kahate, Introduction to Database Management Systems, Pearson
7. Techopedia. -
management -systems -dbms (Last accessed on 18.07.2021)
Page 14
8. DBMS Tutorial. -tutorial (Last
accessed on 18.07.2021)
9. DBMS. -
management -system (Last accessed on 18.07.2021)
1. Database Management Essentials (Coursera). https://www.mooc - -management -essentials -coursera
2. Intro to relational database. -
to-relational -databases --ud197/
3. Database systems Specialization. -systems
4. Database Management System.
5. Introduction to Databases. -
introduction -to-databases
1. A Database Management System is a type of _________software.
2. The term "FAT" is stands for_____
3. A huge collection of the information or data accumulated form several
different sources is known as ________:
4. _______ can be used to extract or filter the data & information from
the data warehouse?
5. _______ refers to the copies of the same data (or information)
occupying the memory space at multiple places.
6. _______refers to the "data about data"?
7. _______refers to the level of data abstraction that describes exactly
how the data actually stored?
8. In general, a file is basically a collection of all related______.
9. The term "Data" refers to _________:
10. Rows of a relation are known as the ___ ____.
11. In a relation database, every tuples divided into the fields are known as
12. In the relational table, __________ be represented by the term
13. _______ is used in the application programs to request data from the
database management system?
Page 15
14. The database management system can be considered as the collection
of ______ that enables us to create and maintain the database.
15. _____ refers collection of the information stored in a database at a
specific time
16. The term "ODBC" stands for_____
17. The architecture of a database can be viewed as the ________
18. The Database Management Query language is generally designed for
the _____
19. _______ is the collection of the interrelated data and set of the
program to access them.
20. A database is the complex type of the _______
21. An advantage of the database management approach is _______
22. ____________ is the disadvantage of the file processing system
23. Redundancy means __________
24. Concurrent access means ______________
25. ___________ refer to the correctness and completeness of the data in a
26. Either all of its operations are executed or none is called _________
27. When data is processed, organized, structured or presented in a given
context so as to make it useful, it is called ____________
28. ____________is an information repository which stores data.
29. ___________ level deals with physical storage of data.
30. The process of hiding irrelevant details from user is called
31. Example of Naive User is ___________.
32. A user who write software using tools such as Java, .Net, PHP etc. is
4. https://www.yo
Page 16
10. https://www.yo
Wd7aiFAN6I8CuV iBuCdJgiOkT2Y&index=4
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Unit Structure
2.1 Types of distributed databases
2.2 Distributed DBMS (DDBMS) Architectures
2.3 Architectural Models
2.4 Design alternatives
2.5 Design alternatives
2.6 Fragmentation
Video Links
As illustrated in figure 1, distributed databases are classified into
homogeneous and heterogeneous, each with further sub -divisions.
Examples: Apache Ignite, Apache Cassandra, Apache HBase, Couchbase
Server, Amazon SimpleDB, Clusterpoint, and FoundationDB
Figure 1: Distributed database environment
2.1.1 Homogeneous Distributed Databases: As illustrated in figure 2, a ll
the sites use identical DBMS & operating systems and have the following
Similar software.
Identical DBMS from the same vendor.
Aware of all other neighboring sites cooperating with each other to
process user requests.
In case of a single database it is accessed through a single interface.
Page 18
Figure 2: Homo genous distributed database
Types of Homogeneous Distributed Database
1. Autonomous
2. Non-autonomous
Autonomous : Each database is independent that functions on its
personal and are incorporated with the aid of controlling software and
use message passingto share data updates.
Non-autonomous : Data is distributed across the homogeneous nodes
and a central or master DBMS co -ordinates data updates throughout
the sites.
2.1.2 Heterogeneous Distributed Databases : As illustrated in figure3,
different sites have d ifferent operating systems, DBMS products and data
models and have the following properties are:
Different sites use varied schemas and software.
The system is composed of varied DBMSs.
Complex query processing due to dissimilar schemas.
Complex transactio n processing due to dissimilar software.
A site is not aware of the other sites leading to limited co -operation in
processing user requests.
Figure 3: Heterogeneous distributed database
Page 19
Types of Heterogeneous Distributed Databases
1. Federated
2. Un-federated
Federated : These systems are independent in nature and are integrated
collectively as to feature as a single database system.
Un-federated : These systems employ a central coordinating module
through which the databases are accessed.
Advantages :
Organizational Structure
Shareability and Local Autonomy
Improved Availability
Improved Reliability
Improved Performance
Modular Growth
Disadvantages :
Integrity Control More Difficult
Lack of Standards
Lack o f Experience
Database Design More Complex
Rules for DDBMS :
i. Local Autonomy
ii. No Reliance on a Central Site
iii. Continuous Operation
iv. Location Independence
v. Fragmentation Independence
vi. Replication Independence
vii. Distributed Query Processing
viii. Distributed Transaction Processing
ix. Hardware Independence
x. Operating System Independence
xi. Network Independence
xii. Database Independence
Page 20
DDBMS architectures are developed on the following parameters:
1. Distribution
2. Autonomy
3. Heterogeneity
Distribution: It states the physical distribution of data throughout the
varied sites.
Autonomy: It indicates the distribution of control of the database
system and the degree to which each constituent DBMS can operate
Heterogeneity : It refe rs to the uniformity or dissimilarity of the data
models, system components and databases.
Common architectural models are:
1. Client - Server Architecture for DDBMS
2. Peer - to - Peer Architecture for DDBMS
3. Multi - DBMS Architecture
Client - Server Architecture for DDBMS: Is a two -level architecture in
which the functionality is divided into servers and clients. Server functions
include primarily encompass data management, query processing,
optimization and transaction management whereas the client functions
include particularly user interface with common functionalities like
consistency checking and transaction management.
Client - server architectures are classified as:
Single Server Multiple Client :
Figure 4: Single Server M ultiple Client
Multiple Server Multiple Client
Page 21
Figure 5: Multiple server multiple client
Peer- to-Peer Architecture for DDBMS
In Peer -to-Peer architecture, each peer acts both as a client and a server to
impart database services and share their resource with other peers to co -
ordinate their activities.
This architecture commonly has four levels of schemas −
Global Conceptual Schema : Illustrates the global logical view of
Local Conceptual Schema : Illustrates logical data organization at
each site.
Local Internal Schema − Illustrates physical data organization at
each site.
External Schema − Illustrates user view of data.
Figure 6: Peer - to-Peer Architecture
Page 22
Multi - DBMS Architectures: I s an integrated database system formed by
a collection of two or more autonomous database systems.
Multi -DBMS can be expressed through six levels of schemas −
Multi -database View Level − Illustrates multiple user views
comprising of subsets of the integrated distributed database.
Multi -database Con ceptual Level − Illustrates integrated multi -
database that comprises of global logical multi -database structure
Multi -database Internal Level − Illustrates the data distribution
across different sites and multi -database to local data mapping.
Local database View Level − Illustrates public view of local data.
Local database Conceptual Level − Illustrates local data organization
at each site.
Local database Internal Level − Illustrates physical data
organization at each site.
Two design alternatives for Multi - DBMS Architectures are:
Model with multi -database conceptual level.
Model without multi -database conceptual level.
Figure 7: Model with multi -database conceptual level
Page 23
Figure 8: Model without multi -database conceptual level
2.4 DESIGN ALTERNATIVES The distribution design alternatives for the tables in a DDBMS are as
Non-replicated and non -fragmented
Fully replicated
Partially replicated
Non-replicated & Non -fragmented :
In this layout, different tables are located at varied sites. Data is placed in
close proximity to the site where it is used maximum and is suitable where
the percentage of queries need to join information in tables placed at
varied sites is low. An appropriate di stribution strategy reduces the
communication cost during data processing.
Fully Replicated :
In fully replicated layout, a copy of all the database tables is stored at each
site due to which queries are executed in a fast manner with negligible
communicat ion cost. On the other side, massive redundancy in data incurs
enormous cost during update operations and is appropriate for the systems
where a large number of queries are to be handled with less number of
database updates.
Page 24
Partially Replicated :
Copies o f tables are stored at varied sites and the distribution is done in
accord to the frequency of access. This takes into attention the truth that
the frequency of having access to the tables range notably from site to site
and the number of copies of the tab les depends on how frequently the
access queries execute and the site which generate the access queries.
Fragmented :
In this layout, a table is split into two or extra pieces known as fragments
or partitions with each fragment stored at varied sites providing increase in
parallelism and better disaster recovery. Various fragmentation techniques
are as follows:
Vertical fragmentation
Horizontal fragmentation
Hybrid fragmentation
Mixed Distribution :
This layout is a combination of fragmentation and par tial replications.
Tables are initially fragmented either in horizontal or vertical form and are
replicated across the different sites in accord to the frequency of accessing
the fragments.
Is amanner of storing separate copies of the database at varied sites and is
a popular fault tolerance technique of distributed databases.
Reduction in Network Load
Quicker Response
Simpler Transactions
Increased Storage Requirements
Increased Cost and Complexity of Data Updating
Undesirable Application – Database coupling
Commonly used replication techniques are:
Snapshot replication
Near -real-time replication
Pull replication
2.6 FRAGMENTATION Fragmentation is process of dividing a table into a set of smaller tables
called as fragments . Fragmentation is classified into three types:
Page 25
horizontal, vertical, and hybrid (combination of horizontal and vertical).
Horizontal fragmentation can further be classified into two strategies:
primary horizontal fragmentation and derived horizontal fragmentation.
Fragmentation should be done in a manner as the original table be
reconstructed from the fragments as required and is referred as
Figure 9: Fragmentation types
Advantages :
Increase in efficiency of the database system.
Local query optimization techniques are enough for most queries.
Security and privacy is maintained.
Disadvantages of Fragmentation :
Requirement of data from varied sites results in low access speed.
Recursive fragmentations need expensive techniques.
Lack of back -up copies renders the database ineffective.
2.6.1 Vertical Fragmentation :
In this layout columns of a table are grouped into fragments and to
maintain rec onstructiveness, each fragment need to include the primary
key field(s) of the table. Vertical fragmentation is primarily used to
enforce privacy of data.
Example: A University database keeps records of all registered students
in a Student table with the following schema.
STUDENT Regd_No Stu_Name Course Address Semester Fees Marks
Now, the fees details are maintained in the accounts section. In this case,
the designer will fragment the database as follows −
Page 26
Figure 10: Vertical fragmentation
2.6.2 Horizontal Fragmentation :
Groups the tuples of a table in accordance to the values of one or more
fields. Horizontal fragmentation confirms the rule of “reconstructiveness”
by having all the columns of the original base table.
Example: Details of all students of CS course needs to be maintained at
the department of Computer Science. Horizontal fragment of the database
is written as:
Figure 11: Horizontal fragmentation
2.6.3 Hybrid Fragmentation :
A combination of horizontal and vertical fragmentation techniques are
used in hybrid fragmentation and is the most flexible fragmentation
technique as it generates fragments with minimal extraneous information,
but reconstruction of the original base table is complex activity.
Page 27
Hybrid fragmentation can be done in two alternative ways −
Generate a set of horizontal fragments followed by the generation of
vertical fragments from one or more of the horizontal fragments.
Generate a set of vertical fragments followed by the generation of
horizontal fragments from one or more of the vertical fragments.
Figure 12: Hybrid fragmentation
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Page 29
1. Storing a separate copy of the database at multiple locations
is ___________
2. ____________is the advantage of a distributed database over a
centralized database
3. A distributed database is a collection of data which belong ————
—– to the same system but are spread over the ———— – of the
4. ————— – mean prog rams can be written as if a database is not
distributed for its user.
5. In a distributed Database reduction of redundancy is obtained by ——
6. ___________are the main goals of a distributed database.
7. An autonomous homogenous environment is ____________
8. A transaction manager is _____________
9. Location transparency allows for ___________
10. _____________ is a heterogeneous distributed database
11. In _________ some of the columns of a relation are from different
12. _________ is a distributed database
13. __________ st rategies is used by a distributed database
14. A sophisticated locking mechanism is known as 2 -phase locking
which includes the Growing phase and …….
15. A transaction processing system is also called as …….
16. The transactions are always ……… if it always locks a dat a item in
shared mode before reading it.
17. ………is a server which is widely used in relational database systems.
18. _____________ transaction property will check whether all the
operation of a transaction completed or none
19. The total ordering of operations across groups ensures ………..of
20. A distributed transaction can be …………. if queries are issued at one
or more nodes.
21. ____________ heterogeneous database systems is/are independent in
nature and integrated together so that they function as a single
datab ase system
Page 30
22. ___________ is true for a heterogeneous database system
23. Global Wait -for graph is used for ________________ in Distributed
24. In Distributed database, ______________ are the transactions for
which a log is found in the log file, but neither a T> log nor an log is found.
25. Read one, write all available protocol is used to increase ___________
in a distributed database system.
Video links
1. Distributed databases.
2. DBMS - Distributed Database System.
3. Introduction to Distributed Databases.
4. Introduction to Distributed Database System.
5. Distributed Databases. -
6. Centralised vs Distributed Databases.
7. Learn System design : Distributed datastores.
8. Arch itecture of Distributed database systems.
9. Distributed Database Introduction.
Page 31
Unit Structure
3.1 Structured data types
3.2 Operations on structured data
3.3 Nested relations
3.4 Structured types in Oracle
3.5 Database objects in DBMS
3.6 Object datatype categories
3.7 Object tables
3.8 Object Identifiers
3.9 REFs
3.10 Collection types
Video Links
It is a user defined data type with elements which aren't atomic, are
divisible and can be used separately or as a single unit as needed. The
major advantage of using objects is the ability to define new data types
(Abstract Data Types).
CREATE TYPE typ e_name AS
(Attribute1_name data_type(size),
Attribute2_name data_type(size),
Attribute3_name data_type(size),
AttributeN_name data_type(size));
Here, data_type can be any of the following;
It can be one of the valid data types like CHAR, VARCHAR2,
It can be another User Defined Type.
(Country_code NUMBER(4),
Page 32
Phone_Number NUMBER(10))
(Contact_name VARCHAR2(20),
Street VARCHAR2(20),
City VARCHAR2(20),
CREATE TYPE is used for creating a structured data type whereas
DROP is used for deleting.
Let us consider ‘Stud -Dept’ schema where table ‘Student ‘is created with
four columns namely Student_No (a system generated column),
Student_Name (Name of the Student), Student_Address (Address of the
student) is a structured type column of type ‘Student_A DDRESS -T’ and
ProjNo (Project number of the Student) and StuImage (Images of the
CREATE TYPE Student_ADDRESS -T as Row (street varchar2 (20),
city varchar2 (20), state varchar2 (20),pin_code varchar2 (10))
CREATE TABLE Student (Student_No integer system
generated, Student_Name varchar2 (20), Student_Address
Student _ADDRESS -T,Proj -no varchar2 (20),Stuimage jpeg-image);
(Projno integer, Pname varchar (20),
Location REF (address -t) SCOPE LOCS,
Student_No set of (integer));
(Dno integer, Dname varchar2 (20),
Dlocation REF (address -t) SCOPE LOCS,
Projno set of (integer));
PROJECT is a table specifying project number, location of the project and
specifies the total n o. of employees working on the project.
DEPT table specifies Department_Name and department_no (unique
value) along with location of department. It also specifies the project
completed or undertaken by the department.
Suppose, there is a need to find the names of Students along with their
images who are living in ‘Namdevwada’ of ‘Nizamabad’.
SELECT Student_Name, Image FROM Student WHERE Address.street =
‘Namdevwada’ and = ‘Nizamabad’;
Page 33
Structured data can be manipulated using built in methods for types
defined using type constructor. These methods are similar to operations
used for data types (atomic) of traditional RDBMS.
i. Operations on Arrays :
Arrays are used in the same manner as in traditional RDBMS. ‘Array
index’ method is used to return the n umber of elements in the array.
ii. Operations on Rows :
Row type is a collection of fields values where each fields are accessed by
traditional notation. Example: address specify the attribute ‘city’ of
the type address -t.
Consider ‘Student -Dept’ schema in which we have to find the names of
those employees who resides in ‘Namdevwada’ of ‘Nizamabad’.
SELECT S Student_No,S.Student_Name
FROM Student S
WHERE S.Address.area =’Namdevwada’ AND’Nizamabad’
AND = ‘Nizamabad’
iii. Operations on Sets and Multi -sets:
Set and multisets are used in the conventional manner by using the use of
=,<,>,>,< evaluation operators. An item of a hard and fast may be as
compared with the aid of other objects the use of E (belongs to) relation.
Two set objects can create a new item the usage of U, (Union Operation).
They also can create a new object by way of subtracting using ‘ -‘ (set
distinction operator ). Multi -set also uses the identical operations as
utilized by the sets however the operations are implemented at the variety
of copies of detail into account.
iv. Operations on Lists :
List includes operations like ‘append’, ‘concatenate’, ‘head’, ‘tail’ and so
forth. To govern the objects of list for example ‘concatenate’ or ‘append’
appends one listing to any other, ‘head’ returns the primary detail of list,
‘tail’ returns the list after getting rid of the primary element.
Attributes having complex kinds like setof (base), bagof (base) etc are
known as ‘Nested Relation,. So ‘Unnesting’ is a manner or transforming a
nested relation into 1NF relation. Let us consider ’Student -dept’ schema
Page 34
wherein for each employee, we store the following information in Student
table: -
1. Student_No
2. Student_Name
3. Student_Address
4. Projno
The domains of some of the information stored for an Student are non
atomic as, Projno, specifies the number of projects worked on by the
Student . A Student may also have a set of projects to be worked on.
Let us see some examples of defining and manipulating Structured types
in Oracle.
(Street VARCHAR2(20),
City VARCHAR2(20),
State VARCHAR2(20),
Pincode NUMBER(10));
Execution of the above statement will create a new ABSTRACT datatype
named ADDRESS and store the definition as part of the database.
This new type can be used to define an attribute in any TABLEs or TYPEs
as follows;
(Student_name VARCHAR2(20),
Phone NUMBER(10));
This table Student will consist of 3 columns wherein the first one and the
third one are of regular datatypes VARCHAR, and NUMBER
respectively, and the second one is of the ab stract type ADDRESS. The
table PERSON will look like as follows;
Student_name Addr Phone Street City State Pincode
Table 1: Student table
Advantages :
1. Adopted by machine learning algorithms
2. Adopted by business users
Page 35
3. Increased access to other tools
Disadvantages :
1. Limited use
2. Limited storage
Examples :
Common examples of machine -generated structured data are weblog
statistics and point of sale data, such as barcodes and quantity.
What is unstructured data?
Unstructured data is data stored in its native format and not
processed until it is used , which is known as schema -on-read. It comes in
a numerous of file formats, including email, social media posts,
presentations, chats, IoT sensor data, and satellite imagery.
Advantages :
1. Freedom of the native format
2. Faster accumulation rates
3. Data lake storage
Disadvantages :
1. Requires data science expertise
2. Specialized tools
Examples :
It lends itself well to determining how effective a marketing campaign is,
or to uncovering potential buying trends through social media and review
Differences between structured and unstructured data:
1. Defined vs Undefined Data
2. Qualitative vs Quantitative Data
3. Storage in Data Houses vs Data Lakes
4. Easy vs Hard to Analyze
5. Predefined format vs a variety of formats
What is semi -structured data? :
Semi -structured data refers to what mightcommonly be considered
unstructured data; however that still h as metadata that identifies certain
characteristics. The metadata incorporates enough information to enable
the information to be extra efficiently cataloged, searched, and analyzed
than strictly unstructured data. Think of semi -structured data as the move -
between of structured and unstructured data.
Page 36
A good example of semi -structured data vs. structured data might be a tab
delimited document containing customer data versus a database
incorporating CRM tables. On the other side of the coin, semi -structured
has more hierarchy than unstructured data; the tab delimited file is more
specific than a list of remarks from a customer’s instagram.
A database object is any described object in a database that is used to
store or reference data. Anything which we make from create
command is called as Database Object. It may be used to keep and
manage the data. Examples: view, sequence, indexes and etc.
Database Object Advantage Table Basic unit of storage; composed rows and colum ns View Logically represents subsets of data from one or
more tables Sequence Generates primary key values Index Improves the performance of some queries Synonym Alternative name for an object
Different database Objects:
1. Table – This database object is used to create a table in database.
Syntax :
CREATE TABLE [schema.]table
(column datatype [DEFAULT expr][, ...]);
Example :
(Deptno NUMBER(2),
Dname VARCHAR2(20),
Location VARCHAR2( 20));
DESCRIBE dept; Name Null? Type DeptNo Number(2) DName Varchar2(20) Location Varchar2(20)
2. View – A view is a logical table. A view contains no data of its own
and is like a window through which data from tables can be viewed or
changed. Table / tables on which a view is based are called base table/
Syntax :
[(alias[, alias]...)]
Page 37
AS subquery
Example :
AS SELECT Student_id ID_NUMBER, last_name Last_Name,
salary*12 Annual_Salary
FROM Student
WHERE department_id = 111;
Output :
FROM dsrao;
3. Sequence – This database object is used to create a sequence in
Use: It is used to create a primary key value by which we can identify
the record uniquely. It is generated and incremented by an internal
Oracle routine.
Syntax :
Example :
CREATE SEQUENCE dept_deptid_seq
Check if sequence is created by :
SELECT sequence_name, min_value, max_value,
increment_by, last_number
FROM user_sequences;
4. Index – Are used to create indexes in database and speed up the rows
with the aid of retrieval the usage of a poi nter. Indexes can be created
explicitly or routinely and calls for a complete scan in the absence of a
index on a column. Indexes are logically and physically impartial of the
table they index. They can be created or dropped at any time and
haven’t any eff ect on the base tables or different indexes.
Page 38
Syntax :
ON table (column[, column]...);
Example :
CREATE INDEX emp_last_name_idx
ON employees(last_name);
5. Synonym – This database item is used to create a indexes in database.
It simplifies access to objects with the aid of developing a synonym.
Creating a synonym eliminates the need to qualify the object name with
the schema and provides you with an alternative name for a table, view,
sequence,procedure, o r other objects.
PUBLIC : creates a synonym accessible to all users
synonym : is the name of the synonym to be created
object : identifies the object for which the synonym is created
Syntax :
Example :
CREATE SYNONYM d_sum FOR dept_sum_vu;
Oracle is an object -relational database management system (ORDBMS),
this means that users can outline additional forms of information --
specifying both the structure of the data and the ways of operating on it --
and use those types within the relational model. This approach provides
value to the facts saved in a database. Object datatypes make it easier for
application developers to work with complex data such as images, audio,
and video.
Complex Data Models :
The Oracle server allows us to go for complicated enterprise models in
SQL and cause them to a part of your database schema.
Multimedia Datatypes :
Much efficiency of database systems arises from their optimized
management of fundamental data types like numbers, dat es, and
characters. Facilities exist for comparing values, determining their
distributions, constructing efficient indexes, and performing other
optimizations. Text, video, sound, graphics, and spatial data are examples
of vital business entities that don’ t suit neatly into those basic kinds.
Oracle Enterprise Edition supports modeling and implementation of these
complex data types commonly known as multimedia data types.
Page 39
There are two categories of object data types:
Object types
Collection types
Object datatypes use the built -in datatypes and other user -defined
datatypes as the constructing blocks for datatypes that model the structure
and behavior of data in applications.
Object Types :
Object types are abstractions of the real -global entities and are a schema
object with three types of components specifically name, attributes and
methods. A structured data unit that matches the template is termed to be
an object .
Purchase Order Example
Examples: external_student , lineitem , and purchase_order .
The attributes of purchase_order are id, contact , and lineitems . The
attribute contact is an object, and the attribute lineitems is a nested table.
CREATE TYPE external_student AS OBJECT (
name VARCHAR2(30),
phone VARCHAR2(20) );
item_name VARCHAR2(30),
quantity NUMBER,
unit_price NUMBER(12,2) );
CREATE TYPE lineitem_table AS TABLE OF lineitem;
CREATE TYPE purchase_order AS OBJECT (
conta ct external_ student,
lineitems lineitem_table,
get_value RETURN NUMBER );
For example, you can define a relational table to keep track of your
CREATE TABLE contacts (
contact external_person
date DATE );
The contacts table is a relational table with an object type defining certainly
one of its columns. Objects that occupy columns of relational tables are
called column objects .
Page 40
Types of Methods :
Methods of an item kind version the behavior of items and are extensively
categorised into member, static and comparison.
In the example, purchase_order has a method named get_value . Each purchase
order object has its own get_value method.
Example: x and y are PL/SQL variables that hold purchase order objects
and w and z are variables that hold numbers, the following two statements
can leave w and z with distinct values:
w = x.get_value();
z = y.get_value();
The term x.get_value () is an invocation of the method get_value .
Object Type Constructor Methods :
Every object type has a system -defined constructor method ; and is, a
method that makes a new object according to the object type's
For example, the expression:
external_ student ("John Smith","1 -800-555-1212"),
represents a purchase order object with the following attributes:
id 1000376
contact external_student ("John Smith","1 -800-555-1212")
lineitems NULL
Comparison Methods :
Oracle has amenities for comparing two data items and determines which
is greater. Oracle affords two ways to define an order relationship among
objects of a given object type: map methods and order strategies.
Map strategies use Oracle's capacity to examine/compare built -in types.
Order methods are more g eneral and are used to compare two objects of a
given object type. It returns -1 if the first is smaller, 0 if they are equal,
and 1 if the first is greater.
An object table is a unique form of table that holds objects and provides a
relational view of the attributes of those items.
For example, the following statement defines an object table for objects of
the external_person type defined earlier:
Page 41
CREATE TABLE external_student _table OF external_student;
INSERT INTO externa l_ student _table VALUES ("John Smith", "1 -800-
555-1212" );
SELECT VALUE(p) FROM external_ student _table p
WHERE = "John Smith";
The first instruction inserts an external_person object
into external_person_table as a multicolumn table. Second selects
from external_person_table as a single column table.
Row Objects and Column Objects :
Objects that appear in object tables are called row objects and the objects
that emerge in table columns or as attributes of other objects are known
as column objects .
Every row object in an object table has an associated logical object
identifier (OID). Oracle assigns a completely unique system -generated
identifier of length 16 bytes as the OID for every row object with the aid
of defau lt. The OID column of an object table is a hidden column. Oracle
uses this value to construct object references to the row objects that might
be used for fetching and navigating objects.
The purpose of the OID for a row object is to uniquely identify it i n an
object table by creating and maintaining an index on the OID column of
an object table.
Primary -Key Based Object Identifiers :
Oracle lets in the choice of specifying the primary key value of a row
object as the object identifier for the row object.
Object Views Description :
An object view is a virtual object table and its rows are row objects.
3.9 REFs
Oracle presents a built -in datatype called REF to encapsulate references to
row objects of a specified object type. From a modeling
perspective, REFs provide the ability to confine an association among two
row objects. Oracle makes use of object identifiers to build such REFs.
Page 42
Scoped REFs :
In declaring a column type, collection element, or object type attribute to
be a REF, you can constrain it to contain only references to a specified
object table. Such a REF is called a scoped REF. Scoped REFs require less
storage space and permit more efficient access than unscoped REFs.
Dangling REFs :
It is feasible for the object identified with the aid of a REF to become
unavailable through either deletion of the object or a change in privileges.
Such a REF is referred to as dangling .
Dereference REFs :
Accessing the object stated by a REF is called dereferencing the REF.
Dereferencing a dangling REF consequences in a null object.
Oracle provides implicit dereferencing of REFs. For example, consider
the following:
name VARCHAR2(30),
manager REF person );
If x represents an object of type PERSON , then the expressio n:
represents a string containing the name attribute of the person object referred
to by the manager attribute of x. The previous expression is a shortened
form of:, where y = DEREF(x.manager)
Obtain REFs :
You can obtain a REF to a row object by selecting the object from its
object table and applying the REF operator. For example, you can obtain
a REF to the purchase order with identification number 1000376 as
DECLARE OrderRef REF to purchase_order;
FROM purchase_order_table po
WHERE = 1000376;
Each collection type describes a data unit made up of an indefinite variety
of elements, all of the identical datatype. The collection types
include array types and table types .
Array types and table types are schema objects. The corresponding data
units are referred to as VARRAYs and nested tables .
Page 43
Collection types have constructor strategies. The call of the constructor
method is the call of the type, and its argument is a comma separated
listing of the new collection's elements. The constructor approach is a
feature. returning the new collection as its value.
An array is an ordered set of data elements . Each element has an index ,
which is a number corresponding to the element's position in the array.
The number of elements in an array is the size of the array. Oracle permits
arrays to be of variable size, that’s why they may be called VARRAY s. You
have to specify a maximum size wh ile you declare the array type.
Example: CREATE TYPE prices AS VARRAY(10) OF
The VARRAY s of type prices have no more than 10 elements, each of
datatype NUMBER(12,2) .
Creating an array type does not allocate space. It defines a datatype, w hich
you can use as:
The datatype of a column of a relational table
An object type attribute
A PL/SQL variable, parameter, or function return type.
A VARRAY is normally stored in line; that is, in the same tablespace as the
other data in its row. If it is sufficiently large, however, Oracle stores it as
a BLOB .
Nested Tables Description :
A nested table is an unordered set of data elements , all of the identical
datatype. It has a single column, and the kind of that column is a built -in
type or an object ty pe. If an object type, the table can also be viewed as a
multicolumn table, with a column for each characteristic of the object
type. For example, in the purchase order example, the following statement
declares the table type used for the nested tables of line items:
CREATE TYPE lineitem_table AS TABLE OF lineitem;
A table type definition does not allocate space. It defines a type, which
you can use as:
The datatype of a column of a relational table
An object kind attribute
A PL/SQL variable, parameter, o r function return type
When a table type seems as the kind of a column in a relational table or as
an characteristic of the underlying object type of an object table, Oracle
stores all of the nested table data in a single table, which it buddies with
Page 44
the enclosing relational or object table. For example, the following
declaration defines an object table for the object type purchase_order :
CREATE TABLE purchase_order_table OF purchase_order
NESTED TABLE lineitems STORE AS lineitems_table;
The second line specifies lineitems_table as the storage table for
the lineitems attributes of all of the purchase_order objects
in purchase_order_table .
A convenient way to get entry to the elements of a nested table
individually is to apply a nested cursor.
A type declaration ought to have NOT FINAL keyword, if you want it to
have subtypes. The default is that the kind is FINAL ; that is, no subtypes
may be created for the kind. This lets in for backward compatibility.
Example of Creatin g a NOT FINAL Object Type
( ssn NUMBER,
name VARCHAR2(30),
address VARCHAR2(100)) NOT FINAL;
Person_t is declared to be a NOT FINAL type. This enables definition of
subtypes of Person_t .
FINAL types can be altered to be NOT FINAL . In
addition, NOT FINAL types with no subtypes can be altered to be FINAL .
NOT INSTANTIABLE Types and Methods
A type can be declared to be NOT INSTANTIABLE . This implies that
there is no constructor (default or user -defined) for the type. Thus, it is not
possible to construct instances of this type.
The typical use would be define instantiable subtypes for such a type, as
CREATE TYPE USAddress_t UNDER Address_t(...);
CREATE TYPE IntlAddress_t UNDER Address_t(...);
For example:
Page 45
A subtype of a NOT INSTANTIABLE type can override any of the non -
instantiable methods of the supertype and provide concrete
implementations. If there are any non -instantiable methods remaining, the
subtype must also necessarily be declared NOT INSTANTIABLE .
A non -instantiable subtype can be defined under an instantiable supertype.
Declaring a non -instantiable type to be FINAL is not allowed.
Difference Between Object Oriented Database and Object Relational
Database :
The most important difference among Object Oriented Database and
Object Relational Database is that Object Oriented D atabase is
a database that represents data in the form of objects like in Object
Oriented Programming at the same time Object Relational Database is a
database that is based totally on the relational model and object -oriented
database model.
Object Oriented Database :
Object -oriented databases constitute data in the form of objects and
classes. As per the object -oriented paradigm, an object is a real -world
entity. In addition, a class enables to create objects. Moreover, object -
oriented databases follow the principles of object -oriented programming.
In addition, object -oriented databases support OOP concepts such as
inheritance, encapsulation and so forth. It additionallyhelps complex
objects such as maps, sets, lists, tuples or collections of mult iple primitive
objects. Furthermore, Object -oriented database permits the user to create
persistent objects which assist to overcome the database issues like
concurrency and recovery. These objects stay in computer memory even
after completing the executio n.
Object Relational Database :
Object -relational database is an advanced version of the object -oriented
database. It gives a approach to the issues users face in object -oriented
databases; some of these issues include cost for computing resources,
possibi lities of design errors and data inconsistency.
Furthermore, these databases help objects and inheritance and offer a
higher interface for many object -oriented languages. Users can also use
data model extensions with custom data types and strategies. Mor eover,
companies like Microsoft, Oracle, and Sybase have object -relational
versions of their products.
Difference between Object Oriented Database and Object Relational
Database :
An object -oriented database is a database that represents information in
the form of objects as used in object -oriented Programming. An object -
relational database, on the other hand, is a database that depends on the
relational model and the object -oriented database model. Thus, this is the
Page 46
main difference among object oriented d atabase and object relational
1. What is an OID?
2. What are the strategies for obtaining a legitimate OID?
3. Which association maintains an OID registry?
1. “Object Database.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Mar.
2019, Available here.
2. “What Is an Object -Relational Database (ORD)? – Definition from
Techopedia.”, Available here.
3. “Object-Relational Database.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 8
July 2018, Available here.
4. “What is an Object -Oriented Database?”,, Available here.
5. -objects -in-dbms/(14.08.21)
6. -reference -
7. -object -identifier -
8. -between -object -orient ed-database -and-
object -relational -database/(14.08.21)
1. Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL). University of
Michigan. Coursera. -sql
2. Intermediate Relational Database and SQL. Coursera. -rdb-sql
3. Introduction to Relational Database and SQL. Coursera. -to-relational -database -
4. Oracle SQL - A Complete Introduction. Udemy. -to-oracle -
sql/?LSNPUBID=JVFxdTr9V80&ran EAID=JVFxdTr9V80&ranMID=
39197&ranSiteID=JVFxdTr9V80 -
Page 47
5. Oracle SQL: An Introduction to the most popular database. Udemy. -sql-an-introduction -to-the-most -
popular -
databas e/?ranMID=39197&ranEAID=JVFxdTr9V80&ranSiteID=JVFx
dTr9V80 -
rce=aff -campaign&utm_medium=udemyads
6. Oracle SQL Developer: Mastering its Features + Tips & Tricks.
Udemy. cle-sql-developer -tips-and-
D=39197&ranSiteID=JVFxdTr9V80 -
7. Oracle Database 12c Fundamentals. Pluralsight. oracle -database -12c-
8. Step by Step Practical Oracle SQL with real life exercise s. Udemy. m/course/oracle -and-sql-step-by-step-
MID=39197&ranSiteID=JVFxdTr9V80 -
1. Varrays are a good choice when ___________
2. The constructs of a procedure, function or a package are ________ .
3. _________ sorts rows in SQL
4. The _______ is a statement that queries or reads data from a table
5. The SQL keywords(s) _____ is used with wildcards.
6. The advantage of pl/sql is __________
7. ________ are the features of pl/sql
8. _______ clause creates temporary relation for the query on which it is
9. _________ command makes the updates performed by the transaction
permanent in the database
10. ____________ command is used to change the definition o f a table in
11. A CASE SQL statement is ________
Page 48
12. Shared locks are applied while performing _______
13. Sequence can generate _____________
14. A sequence in SQL can generate a maximum number __________
15. ______ is NOT a type of constraint in SQL language
16. _____ ___ data dictionary table can be used to show the object
privileges granted to the user on specific columns
17. _______ is a constraint that can be defined only at the column level
18. ______ is a view
19. SQL Server has mainly ___________ many types of views
20. Dynamic Management View is a type of ___________
21. You can delete a view with ___________ command.
22. ___________ is stored only in the Master database.
Video Links
1. Oracle - SQL - Creating Synonyms.
2. Oracle SQL Programming - Sequences, Indexes & Synonyms.
3. How to Create and Use Indexes in Oracle Database. -to-create -and-use-indexes -in-
oracle -database
4. Oracle - SQL - Creating Index.
5. Oracle - SQL - Creating Views.
6. SQL tutorial 61: SEQUENCE in Oracle Database By Manish Sharma
7. Oracle - SQL - Creating Sequences.
8. SQL tutorial 62: Indexes In Oracle Database By Manish Sharma
RebellionRider. com/watch?v=F5NrQYD4a9g
9. How to Use Create Table, Alter Table, and Drop Table in Oracle
Database. -to-use-create -table -
alter-table -and-drop-table -in-oracle -database
Page 49
Unit Structure
4.0 Objectives
4.1 Dimensional Modelling
4.1.1Objectives of Dimensional Modelling
4.1.2 Advantages of Dimensional Modelling
4.1.3 Disadvantages of Dimensional Modelling
4.2 Elements of Dimensional Data Model
4.3 Steps of Dimensional Modelling
4.3.1 Fact Table
4.3.2 Dimension Tables
4.4 Benefits of Dimensional Modelling
4.5 Dimensional Models
4.6 Types of Data Warehou se Schema:
4.6.1 Star Schema
4.6.2 Snowflake Schema
4.6.3 Galaxy Schema
4.6.4 Star Cluster Schema
4.7 Star Schema Vs Snowflake Schema: Key Differences
4.8 Summary
This chapter will enable the readers to understand the following concepts:
Meaning of Dimensional Modelling including its objectives,
advantages, and disadvantages
The steps in Dimensional Modelling
Understanding of Fact Tables and Dimension Tables
Benefits of Dimensional Modelling
Understanding of different schemas – Star, Snowflake, Galaxy and
Start Cluster schema
Key differences between the Star Schema and the Snowflake Schema
4.1 DIMENSIONAL MODELLING Dimensional Modelling (DM) is a data structure technique optimized for
data storage in a Data warehouse. The purpose of dimensional modelling
Page 50
is to optimize the database for faster retrieval of data. The concept of
Dimensional Modelling was developed by Ralph Kimball and consists o f
“fact” and
A dimensional model in data warehouse is designed to read, summarize,
analyse numeric information like values, balances, counts, weights, etc. in
a data warehouse. In contrast, relation models are optimized for addition,
updating and deletio n of data in a real -time Online Transaction System.
These dimensional and relational models have their unique way of data
storage that has specific advantages.
4.1.1Objectives of Dimensional Modelling :
The purposes of dimensional modelling are:
1. To produce database architecture that is easy for end -clients to
understand and write queries.
2. To maximize the efficiency of queries. It achieves these goals by
minimizing the number of tables and relationships between them.
4.1.2 Advantages of Dimensional M odelling :
Following are the benefits of dimensional modelling are:
Dimensional modelling is simple: Dimensional modelling methods
make it possible for warehouse designers to create database schemas
that business customers can easily hold and comprehend. There is no
need for vast training on how to read diagrams, and there is no
complicated relationship between different data elements.
Dimensional modelling promotes data quality: The star schema
enable warehouse administrators to enforce referential integr ity checks
on the data warehouse. Since the fact information key is a
concatenation of the essentials of its associated dimensions, a factual
record is actively loaded if the corresponding dimensions records are
duly described and also exist in the databas e. By enforcing foreign key
constraints as a form of referential integrity check, data warehouse
DBAs add a line of defence against corrupted warehouses data.
Performance optimization is possible through aggregates: As the
size of the data warehouse increa ses, performance optimization
develops into a pressing concern. Customers who have to wait for
hours to get a response to a query will quickly become discouraged
with the warehouses. Aggregates are one of the easiest methods by
which query performance can be optimized.
4.1.3 Disadvantages of Dimensional Modelling :
To maintain the integrity of fact and dimensions, loading the data
warehouses with a record from various operational systems is
Page 51
It is severe to modify the data warehouse operation if the organization
adopting the dimensional technique changes the method in which it
does business.
Fact :
Facts are business measurements. Facts are normally but not always
numeric values that could be aggregated. e.g., number of products sold
per quarter.
Facts are the measurements/metrics or facts from your business
process. For a Sales business process, a measurement would be
quarterly sales number
Dimension :
Dimensions are called contexts. Dimensions are busine ss descriptors
that specify the facts, for example, product name, brand, quarter, etc.
Dimension provides the context surrounding a business process event.
In simple terms, they give who, what, where of a fact. In the Sales
business process, for the fact q uarterly sales number, dimensions would
Who – Customer Names
Where – Location
What – Product Name
In other words, a dimension is a window to view information in the facts.
Attributes :
The Attributes are the various characteristics of the dimension in
dimensional data modelling.
In the Location dimension, the attributes can be
Zipcode etc.
Attributes are used to search, filter, or classify facts. Dimension Tables
contain Attributes
Fact Table :
A fact table is a primary table in dimension modelling.
A Fact Table contains
1. Measurements/facts
2. Foreign key to dimension table
Page 52
Dimension Table :
A dimension table contains dimensions of a fact.
They are joined to fact table via a foreign key.
Dimension tables are de -normalized tables.
The Dimension Attributes are the various columns in a dimension
Dimensions offers descriptive characteristics of the facts with the help
of their attributes
No set limit set for given for number of dimensions
The dimension can also contain one or more hi erarchical relationships
The accuracy in creating your Dimensional modelling determines the
success of your data warehouse implementation. Here are the steps to
create Dimension Model
1. Identify Business Process
2. Identify Grain (level of detail)
3. Identify Dimensions
4. Identify Facts
5. Build Schema
The model should describe the Why, How much, When/Where/Who and
What of your business process
Figure 1- Steps of Dimensional Modelling
Step 1) Identify the Business Process :
Identifying the actual business process a datar Warehouse should cover.
This could be Marketing, Sales, HR, etc. as per the data analysis needs of
the organization. The selection of the Business process also depends on
the quality of data available for that process. It is the most important step
of the Data Modelling process, and a failure here would have cascading
and irreparable defects.
Page 53
To describe the business process, you can use plain text or use basic
Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) or Unified Modelling
Language (UML).
Step 2) Identify the Grain :
The Grain describes the level of detail for the business problem/solution. It
is the process of identifying the lowest level of information for any table
in your data wareho use. If a table contains sales data for every day, then it
should be daily granularity. If a table contains total sales data for each
month, then it has monthly granularity.
During this stage, you answer questions like
Do we need to store all the availabl e products or just a few types of
products? This decision is based on the business processes selected for
Do we store the product sale information on a monthly, weekly, daily
or hourly basis? This decision depends on the nature of reports
requested by executives
How do the above two choices affect the database size?
For example, the CEO at an MNC wants to find the sales for specific
products in different locations on a daily basis.So, the grain is "product
sale information by location by the day."
Step 3) Identify the Dimensions :
Dimensions are nouns like date, store, inventory, etc. These dimensions
are where all the data should be stored. For example, the date dimension
may contain data like a year, month and weekday.
For example, t he CEO at an MNC wants to find the sales for specific
products in different locations on a daily basis.
Dimensions: Product, Location and Time
Attributes: For Product: Product key (Foreign Key), Name, Type,
Hierarchies: For Location: Country, State, City, Street Address, Name
Step 4) Identify the Fact :
This step is co -associated with the business users of the system because
this is where they get access to data stored in the data warehouse. Most of
the fact table rows are numerical values like price or cost per unit, etc.
For example, t he CEO at an MNC wants to find the sales for specific
products in different locations on a daily basis.The fact here is Sum of
Sales by product by location by time.
Page 54
Step 5) Build Schema :
In this step, you implement the Dimension Model. A schema is nothing
but the database structure (arrangement of tables). There are two popular
For example , a city and state can view a store summary in a fact table.
Item summary can be viewed by brand, color, etc. Customer information
can be viewed by name and address.
Figure 2 - Fact Tables and Dimension Tables
2.2.1 Table : Location ID Product Code Customer ID Unit Sold 172321 22345623 2 82 212121 31211324 1 58 434543 10034213 3
In this example, Customer ID column in the facts table is the foreign keys that
join with the dimension table. By following the links, we can see that row 2 of
the fact table records the fact that customer 31211324, Gaurav, bought one items
at Location 82.
2.2.2 Dimension Tables :
Customer ID Name Gender Income Education Region 12232232 Rohan Male 23000 3 4 22432253 Sandeep Male 35000 5 1 31211324 Gaurav Male 120000 1 3
Page 55
Standardization of dimensions allows easy reporting across areas of the
Dimension tables store the history of the dimensional information.
It allows to introduce entirely new dimension without major disruptions
to the fact table.
Dimensional also to store data in such a fashion that it is easier to
retrieve the information from the data once the data is stored in the
Compared to the normalized model dime nsional table are easier to
Information is grouped into clear and simple business categories.
The dimensional model is very understandable by the business. This
model is based on business terms, so that the business knows what each
fact, dimens ion, or attribute means.
Dimensional models are deformalized and optimized for fast data
querying. Many relational database platforms recognize this model and
optimize query execution plans to aid in performance.
Dimensional modelling in data warehouse cre ates a schema which is
optimized for high performance. It means fewer joins and helps with
minimized data redundancy.
A multidimensional model views data in the form of a data -cube. A data
cube enables data to be modelled and viewed in multiple dimensions. It is
defined by dimensions and facts.
The dimensions are the perspectives or entities concerning which an
organization keeps records. For example, a shop may create a sales data
warehouse to keep records of the store's sale s for the dimension time,
item, and location. These dimensions allow the save to keep track of
things, for example, monthly sales of items and the locations at which the
items were sold. Each dimension has a table related to it, called a
dimensional table, which describes the dimension further. For example, a
dimensional table for an item may contain the attributes item_name,
brand, and type.
A multidimensional data model is organized around a central theme, for
example, sales. This theme is represented by a fact table. Facts are
numerical measures. The fact table contains the names of the facts or
measures of the related dimensional table.
Page 56
Multidimensional Schema is especially designed to model data
warehouse systems. The schemas are designed to address t he unique needs
of very large databases designed for the analytical purpose (OLAP).
For example, consider the data of a shop for items sold per quarter in the
city of Delhi. The data is shown in the table. In this 2D representation, the
sales for Delhi ar e shown for the time dimension (organized in quarters)
and the item dimension (classified according to the types of an item sold).
The fact or measure displayed in rupee_sold (in thousands).
Now, if we want to view the sales data with a third dimension , For
example, suppose the data according to time and item, as well as the
location is considered for the cities Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, and Delhi.
These 3D data are shown in the table. The 3D data of the table are
represented as a series of 2D tables.
Conceptually, it may also be represented by the same data in the form of a
3D data cube, as shown in fig: 3
Page 57
Following are 3 chief types of multidimensional schemas each having its
unique advantages.
Star Schema
Snowflake Schema
Galaxy Schema
4.6.1 Star Schema :
Star Schema in data warehouse, in which the center of the star can have
one fact table and a number of associated dimension tables. It is known as
star schema as its structure resembles a star. The Star Schema data model
is the simplest type of Data Warehouse schema. It is also known as Star
Join Schema and is optimized for querying large data sets.
In the following Star Schema example, the fact table is at the center which
contains keys to every dimensi on table like Dealer_ID, Model ID,
Date_ID, Product_ID, Branch_ID & other attributes like Units sold and
Figure 3 - Star Schema
Characteristics of Star Schema:
Every dimension in a star schema is represented with the only one -
dimension table.
The dimension table should contain the set of attributes.
Page 58
The dimension table is joined to the fact table using a foreign key
The dimension table are not joined to each other
Fact table would contain key and measure
The Star schema is easy to understand and provides optimal disk usage.
The dimension tables are not normalized. For instance, in the above
figure, Country_ID does not have Country lookup table as an OLTP
design would have.
The schema is widely supported by BI Tools
4.6.2 Snowflake Schema :
Snowflake Schema in data warehouse is a logical arrangement of tables
in a multidimensional database such that the ER diagram resembles a
snowflake shape. A Snowflake Schema is an extension of a Star Schema,
and it adds additional dimensions. The dimension tables are normalized
which splits data into additional tables.
In the following Snowflake Schema example, Country is further
normalized into an individual table.
Figure 4 - Snowflake Schema
Characteristics of Snowflake Schema:
The main benefit of the snowflake schema it uses smaller disk space.
Easier to implement a dimension is added to the Schema
Due to multiple tables query performance is reduced
The primary challenge that you will face while using the snowflake
Schema is that you need to perform more maintenance efforts because
of the more lookup tables.
Page 59
4.6.3 Galaxy Schema :
A Galaxy Schema contains two fact table that share dimension tables
between them. It is also called Fact Constella tion Schema. The schema is
viewed as a collection of stars hence the name Galaxy Schema.
Figure 5 - Galaxy Schema
As you can see in above example, there are two facts table
1. Expense
2. Revenue.
In Galaxy schema shared dimensions are called Conformed Dimensions.
Characteristics of Galaxy Schema:
The dimensions in this schema are separated into separate dimensions
based on the various levels of hierarchy.For example, if geography has
four levels of hierarchy like region, country, state, and city then Galaxy
schema should have four dimensions.
Moreover, it is possible to build this type of schema by splitting the
one-star schema into more Star schemes.
The dimensions are large in this schema which is needed to build based
on the lev els of hierarchy.
This schema is helpful for aggregating fact tables for better
4.6.4 Star Cluster Schema :
Snowflake schema contains fully expanded hierarchies. However, this can
add complexity to the Schema and requires extra joins. On the other hand,
star schema contains fully collapsed hierarchies, which may lead to
redundancy. So, the best solution may be a balance between these two
schemas which is Star Cluster Schema design.
Page 60
Figure 6 - Star Cluster Schema
Overlapping dimensions can be found as forks in hierarchies. A fork
happens when an entity acts as a parent in two different dimensional
hierarchies. Fork entities then identified as classification with one -to-many
Following is a key difference between Star Schema and Snowflake
Star Schema Snowflake Schema Hierarchies for the dimensions are stored in the dimensional table Hierarchies are divided into
separate tables. It contains a fact table surrounded by dimension tables. One fact table surrounded by dimension table which are in turn surrounded by dimension table In a star schema, only single join creates the relationship between the fact table and any dimension tables A snowflake schema requires many joins to fetch the data. Simple DB Design. Very Complex DB Design. Denormalized Data structure and query also run faster. Normalized Data Structure High level of Data redundancy Very low-level data redundancy Single Dimension table contains aggregated data. Data Split into different Dimension Tables. Cube processing is faster. Cube processing might be slow because of the complex join. Offers higher performing queries using Star Join Query Optimization. Tables may be connected with multiple dimensions. The Snowflake schema is represented by centralized fact table which unlikely connected with multiple dime
Page 61
Multidimensional schema is especially designed to model data
warehouse systems
The star schema is the simplest type of Data Warehouse schema. It is
known as star schema as its structure resembles a star.
A Snowflake Schema is an extension of a Star Schema, and it adds
additional dimensions. It is called snowflake because its diagram
resembles a Snowflake.
In a star schema, only single join defines the relationship between the
fact table and any dimension tables.
Star schema contains a fact table surrounded by dimension tables.
Snowflake schema is surrounded by dimension table which are in turn
surrounded by dimension table
A snowflake schema requires many joins to fetch the data.
A Galaxy Schema contains two fact table that shares dimension tables.
It is also called Fact Constellation Schema.
Star cluster schema contains attributes of Star and Snowflake Schema.
Page 62
Unit Structure
5.0 Objectives
5.1 Introduction to Data Warehouse
5.2 Evolution of Data Warehouse
5.3 Benefits of Data Warehouse
5.4 Data Warehouse Architecture
5.4.1 Basic Single -Tier Architecture
5.4.2 Two -Tier Architecture
5.4.3 Three -Tier Architecture
5.5 Properties of Data Warehouse Architectures
5.6 ETL Process in Data Warehouse
5.7 Cloud -based ETL Tools vs. Open Source ETL Tools
5.8 ETL and OLAP Data Warehouses
5.8.1 The Technical Asp ects of ETL
5.9 Data Warehouse Design Approaches
5.9.1 Bill Inmon – Top-down Data Warehouse Design Approach
5.9.2 Ralph Kimball – Bottom -up Data Warehouse Design
5.10 Data Mart
5.10.1 Reasons for creating a data mart
5.11 Types of Data Marts
5.11.1 Dependent Data Marts
5.11.2 Independent Data Marts
5.11.3 Hybrid Data Marts
5.12 Characteristics of Data Mart
5.13 Summary
5.14 References for further reading
This chapter will make the readers understand the following concepts:
Meaning of data warehouse
Concept behind Data Warehouse
History and Evolution of Data Warehouse
Different types of Data Warehouse Architectures
Properties of data warehouse
Page 63
Concept of Data Staging
ETL process
Design approaches to Data Warehouse
Data Marts and their types
As organizations grow , they usually have multiple data sources that store
different kinds of information. However, for reporting purposes, the
organization needs to have a single view of the data from these different
sources. This is where the role of a Data Warehouse comes in. A Data
Warehouse helps to connect and analyse data that is stored in various
heterogeneous sources. The process by which this data is collected,
processed, loaded, and analysed to derive business insights is called Data
The data that is pre sent within various sources in the organization can
provide meaningful insights to the business users if analysed in a proper
way and can assist in making data as a strategic tool leading to
improvement of processes. Most of the databases that are attached to the
sources systems are transactional in nature. This means that these
databases are used typically for storing transactional data and running
operational reports on it. The data is not organized in a way where it can
provide strategic insights. A data warehouse is designed for generating
insights from the data and hence, helps to convert data into meaningful
information that can make a difference.
Data from various operational source systems is loaded onto the Data
Warehouse and is therefore a centra l repository of data from various
sources that can provide cross functional intelligence based on historic
data. Since the Data Warehouse is separated from the operational
databases, it removes the dependency of working with transactional data
for intellig ent business decisions.
While the primary function of the Data Warehouse is to store data f or
running intelligent analytics on the same, it can also be used as a central
repository where historic data from various sources is stored.
In order to be able to provide actionable intelligence to the end users, it is
important can the Data Warehouse consists of information from different
sources that can be analysed as one for deriving business intelligence for
the organization as a whole. F or example, in case of an insurance
company, t o be able to find out the customers who have more propensity
provide a fraud claim, the insurance company must be able to analyse data
from the various sources like the policy system, claims systems, CRM
system s, etc.
Page 64
In most cases, the data is these disparate systems is stored in different
ways and hence cannot be taken as it is and loaded onto the data
warehouse. Also, the purpose for which a data warehouse is built is
different from the one for which the source syste m was built. In the case
of our insurance company above, the policy system was built to store
information with regards to the policies that are held by a customer. The
CRM system would have been designed to store the customer information
and the claims sy stem was built to store information related to all the
claims made by the customers over the years. For use to be able to
determine which customers could potentially provide fraud claims, we
need to be able to cross reference information from all these sou rce
systems and then make intelligent decisions based on the historic data.
Hence, the data has to come from various sources and has to be stored in a
way that makes it easy for the organization to run business intelligence
tools over it. There is a spec ific process to extract data from various source
systems, translate this into the format that can be uploaded onto the data
warehouse and the load the data on the data warehouse. This process for
extraction, translation and loading of data is explained in detail
subsequently in the chapter.
Besides the process of ensuring availability of the data in the right format
on the data warehouse, it is also important to have the right business
intelligence tools in place to be able to mine data and then make intel ligent
predictions based on this data. This is done with the help of business
intelligence and data visualization tools that enable converting data into
meaningful information and then display this information in a way that is
easy for the end users to und erstand.
With the improvement in technology and the advent of new tools, an
enormous amount of data is being collected from various sources. This
could be data collected from social media sites where every click of the
user is recorded for further analysis. Such enormous amount of data
creates a big data situation that is even more complex to store and analyse.
Specialised tools are required to analyse such amounts of data.
The kind of analysis that is done on the data can vary from high level
aggregated dashboards that provide a cockpit view to a more detailed
analysis that can provide as much drill down of information as possible.
Hence, it is important to ensure that the design of the data warehouse takes
into consideration the various uses of th e data and the amount of
granularity that is needed for making business decisions.
Most times, the kind of analysis that is done using the data that is stored in
the data warehouse is time -related. This could mean trends around sales
numbers, inventory h olding, profit from products or specific segments of
customers, etc. These trends can then be utilized to forecast the future with
the use of predictive tools and algorithms. The Data Ware house provides
Page 65
the basic infrastructure and data that is need by su ch tools to be able to
help the end -users in their quest for information.
In order to understand Data Warehouse and the related concepts in more
details, it is important for us to understand a few more related terms:
1. An Operational Data Store (ODS)
2. Data Marts
3. Data Lakes
Operational Data Store (ODS) :
As the name suggests, an Operational Data Store or ODS is primarily
meant to store data that near current operational data from various
systems. The advantage of such a data store is that it allows querying of
data which is more real -time as compared to a data warehouse However,
the disadvantage is that the data cannot be used to do complex and mo re
time-consuming queries that can be run on a data warehouse. This is
because the data on the operational data store has not yet gone through the
process of transformation and is not structured for the purpose of complex
queries. It provides a way to quer y data without having to burden the
actual transactional system.
Data Marts :
Data marts are like a mini data warehouse consisting of data that is more
homogenous in nature rather than a varied and heterogeneous nature of a
data warehouse. Data marts are typically built for the use within an
department or business unit level rather than at the overall organizational
level. It could aggregate data from various systems within the same
department or business unit. Hence, data marts are typically smaller in size
than data warehouses.
Data Lakes :
A concept that has emerged more recently is the concept of data lakes that
store data in a raw format as opposed to a more structures format in the
case of a data warehouse. Typically, a data lake will not need much
transformation of data without loading onto the data lake. It is generally
used to store bulk data like social media feeds, clicks, etc. One of the
reasons as to why the data is not usually transformed before loading onto a
data lake is because it is not usually known what kind of analysis would be
carried out on the data. More often than not, a data scientist would be
required to make sense of the data and to derive meaningful information
by applying various models on the data.
Table 1 - Data Mart v/s Data Lake v/s Data Warehouse Data Store Primary Use Amount of Data and Cost of Setup Data Mart Meant for use within a business unit or function Lesser than Data Warehouse and Data Lake
Page 66
Data Warehouse Meant for use at organizational level across business units Moe than Data Mart but less than Data Lake Data Lake Meant for advanced and predictive analytics Greater than Data Mart and Data Warehouse
Some of the other names of a Data Warehouse system are Decision
Support System, Management Information System. Business Intelligence
System or Executive Informatio n System.
As the information systems within the organizations grew more and more
complex and evolved over time, the systems started to develop and handle
more and more amount of information. The need for an ability to analyze
the data coming out from the various sys tems became more evident over
The initial concept of a “Business Data Warehouse” was developed by
IBM researchers Barry Devlin and Paul Murphy in late 1980s. It was
intended to provide an architectural model as to how the data would flow
from an op erational system to an environment that could support decision
making for the business. The evolution of Data Warehouse can be traced
back to the 1960 when Dartmouth and General Mills developed the terms
like dimension and facts in a joint research paper. In 1970, A. Nielsen and
IRI used this concept to introduce the dimensional data marts for retail
sales. It was much later in the year 1983, that Tera Data Corporation
introduced a Database Management System that was designed specifically
for the decision s upport process.
Later, in the late 1980s, IBM researchers developed the Business Data
Warehouse. Inmon Bil l was considered as a father of data warehouse. He
had written about a variety of topics for building, usage, and maintenance
of the warehouse & the Corporate Information Factory .
There are numerous benefits that a data warehouse can provide
organizations. Some of these benefits are listed below:
1. Enhancing business intelligence within the organization:
A data warehouse is able to bring data from various source systems into a
single platform . This allows the users to make better business decisions
that are based on data which cuts across different system and can provide
an integrated vie rather than an isolated view of the data.
Page 67
This is made possible since the data has been extracted, translated, and
then loaded onto the data warehouse platform from various cross -
functional and cross -departmental source systems. Information that
provides such an integrated view of the data is extremely useful for the
senior management in making decisions at the organizational level.
2. Right information at the right time :
Given the ability of the Data Warehouse to be able to provide information
requested on demand, it is able to provide the right information to the
organizational users at the time when it is required the most. Time is
usually of essence when it comes to bus iness decisions. Organizations not
only need to spend valuable time and effort in collating information from
various sources. Manual collation of such data not only takes time but is
also error prone and cannot be completely trusted.
A Data warehouse platform can take care of all such issues since the data
is already loaded and can be queried upon as desired. Thereby saving
precious time and effort for the organizational users.
3. Improving the quality of data :
A data warehouse platform consists of data that Is extracted from various
systems and has been translated to the required format for the data
warehouse. Second disk significantly improves the quality of the data
second thereby increases the quality of deci sions that are made based on
such data.
Given that the data in the data warehouse is usually automatically
uploaded, the chances of errors to creep into the process are quite minimal.
This is not a manual process which is prone to errors.
4. Return on investment :
Building a data warehouse is usually an upfront cost for the organization.
However, the return that it provides in terms of information and the ability
to make right decisions at the right time provides a return on investment
that is usually manyfold with respect to the amount that has been invested
upfront. In the long run, a datawarehouse helps the organization in
multiple ways to generate new revenue and save costs.
6. Competitive edge :
A data warehouse is able to provide the top management within the
organization a capability to make business decisions that are based on data
that cuts across the organizational silos.It is therefore more reliable and the
decisions that are based on such d ata are able to provide a competitive
edge to the organization viz -a-viz their competition
7. Better decision -making process :
Use of a data warehouse that provides the capability to integrate
information from various systems across the organization can lead to
Page 68
better decision -making process within the organization. The senior
management will have an integrated view of information coming from
video source systems and therefore will be able to make decisions that are
not limited by a siloed view.
8. Predict with more confidence :
The data that is stored within the data warehouse provides better quality
and consistency than any manual process. This can give more confidence
to the users that any predictions that are driven from this data warehouse
would be more accu rate and can be trusted with more confidence than
manual processes.
9. Streamlined data flow within the organization :
A data warehouse is able to integrate data from multiple sources within the
organization and therefore streamlines and provides a consisten t view of
data that is stored in various systems – bringing them into a single
As we seek to understand what the data warehouse is, it is important for us
to understand the different types of deployment architectures by way of
which a data warehouse can be implemented within an organization.
Every datawarehouse implementation is diff erent from each other
However, there are certain elements that can common between all of them.
The data warehouse architecture defines the way in which information is
processed, transformed, loaded and then presented to the end users for the
purpose of ge nerating business insights. In order to understand the data
warehouse architecture, we need to understand the some of the
terminologies associated with it.
Day-to-day operations of an organization are typically run by production
systems such as payroll, HR, finance, etc. that generate data and
transactions on a daily basis and are usually called Online Transaction
Processing (OLTP) systems. Such applications are usually the sources of
data for a data warehousing platform. On the other hand, a data warehou se
is primarily designed to support analytical capabilities on top of data that
comes from all of these various source systems and is therefore termed as
an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) system. The online analytical
processing system provides users with the capability to produce ad hoc
reports as required and on demand .
As can be seen that the online transaction processing systems are usually
updated regularly based on the data and transactions that happen daily on
that system. In contrast, an online analytical processing system or the data
warehouse is usually updated through an ETL process that extracts the
data from the source systems on a regular basis, transforms the data into a
format that will be required for the data warehouse and the n loads the data
onto the data warehouse as per the pre -defined processes.
Page 69
It may be noticed that the data in the data warehouse is typically not real
time data and there is usually a delay in moving the data from these sourc e
systems to the data warehous e. However , this is something that most
businesses are fine with as long as they get an integrated view of data from
across different functions of the organization and as long as the data is
automatically uploaded on the data warehouse for generation of th ese
insights on demand.
A data warehouse architecture may be imp lemented in many different
ways . Some of the common ways of implementing the data warehouse
architecture are listed below.
• Basic architecture for a Data Warehous e or a single tier architectu re
• Staging -areabased architecture for a Data Warehous e or a two tier
• Staging area and data -martbased architecture for a Data Warehouse or a
three -tier architecture
Figure 7 - Various Implementation Architectures for Data Warehouse
5.4.1 Basic Single -Tier Architecture :
This type of architecture is not used much but it does provide a good idea
of how basic data warehouse can be implemented. It aims to remove data
redundancy. In this basic architecture, the only physical layer available is
the source systems.
This means that the data warehouse is implemented as a multidimensional
view of operational data created by specific middleware, or an
intermediate processing layer.
The figure below shows the implementation of a basic data warehouse
architecture which has the sourc es systems abstracted by a middleware
that aims to remove the provide a separation between transaction and
analytical capabilities.
Page 70
Figure 8 - Basic Data Warehouse Architecture
5.4.2 Two -Tier Architecture :
The need for separation plays a crucial role in defining the two -tier
architecture for a data warehouse system, as shown in the figure below:
Figure 9 - Two Tier architecture for Data Warehouse
The two the two -layer architectures highlights a separation between
physically available resources and data warehouse thus it is divided into
four different four different stages which are according to the dataflow.
these different stages are mentioned as below.
1. Source Layer : as discussed earlier the data warehouse uses
heterogeneous sources of data the data which is initially stored in a
corporate relational databases or legacy databases or it may come from
any source within the organization or outside the organization.
2. Data Staging : The data which we are going to store should be
extracted, cleans to remove any inconsistencies integrity to merge
Page 71
heterogeneous sources into one standard schema. Thus extraction,
transformation, loading tools ETL can combine heterogeneous s chema
by extracting , cleaning , transforming , validating and load data into data
3. Data Warehouse layer: Information is saved to one logically
centralized individual repository: a data warehouse. The data
warehouses can be directly accessed, but it can also be used as a source
for creating data marts, which partially replicate data warehouse
contents and are designed for specific enterprise departments. Meta -
data repositories store information on sources, access procedures, data
staging, users, da ta mart schema, and so on.
4. Analysis: In this layer, integrated data is efficiently, and flexible
accessed to issue reports, analyse information, and simulate business
scenarios. It should feature information navigators, complex query
optimizers, and customer -friendly GUIs.
5.4.3 Three -Tier Architecture :
The three -tier architecture consists of the source layer (containing multiple
source system), the reconciled layer and the data warehouse layer
(containing both data warehouses and data marts).
The reconciled layer is between the source data and data warehouse. It
creates a standard reference model for the whole enterprise. And , at the
same time it separates the problem of data extraction and integration from
datawarehouse. This layer is also directly used to perform better
operational task s e.g. producing daily reports or generating data flows
periodically to benefit from cleaning and integration.
While t his architecture is useful for extensive global enterprise systems ,
the major disadvantage is the use of extra file storage space because of
redundant reconciled layer that makes the analytical tools little further
away from being real time.
Figure 10 - Three Tier architecture for Data Warehouse
Page 72
The following architecture properties are necessary for a data warehouse
1. Separation: There should be separation between analytical and
transactional processing as much as possib le.
2. Scalability: To upgrade the data volumes which has to be managed and
processed and number of user requirements which have to be met we
need hardware and software architectures that should be simple to
3. Extensibility: The architecture should be able to perform new
operations and technologies without redesigning the whole system.
4. Security: Security plays a very important role in information
technology . Monitoring accesses providing passwords are necessary
because of the strategic data stored in the data warehouses.
5. Administrability: Data Warehouse management should not be
Figure 11 – Properties of Data Warehouse Architecture
ETL (or Extract, Transform, Load) is a process of data integration that
encompasses three steps — extraction, transformation, and loading. In a
nutshell, ETL systems take large volumes of raw data from multiple
sources, converts it for analysis, and loads that data into your warehouse
Page 73
It is a process in which an ETL tool extracts the data from various data
source systems, transforms it in the staging area and then finally, loads it
into the Data Warehouse system.
Figure 12 - High Level ETL Process flow
In this step data is extracted from various sources into a staging area.
This area acts as a buffer between the datawarehouse and source
systems . As we know the data comes from various sources ,hence the data
will b e in different formats and we cannot directly transfer this data into
data warehouse . The staging area is used by companies for data cleaning.
A major challenge during this extraction process is how ETL tool
differentiates structured and unstructured data.All unstructured items such
as emails web pages etc can be difficult to extract without the right tool. It
is important to extract the data from various source systems and store it
into staging area first and not indirectly into datawarehouse because of
their various formats . It is, therefore, one of the major steps of ETL
The second step of the ETL process is transformation. In this step, a set
of rules or functions are applied on the extracted data to convert it into a
single standard format. All the data from multiple source systems is
normalized and converted to a single syste m format — improving data
quality and compliance. ETL yields transformed data through these
Filtering – loading only certain attributes into the data warehouse.
Cleaning – filling up the NULL values with some default values,
mapping U.S.A, United States and America into USA, etc.
Joining – joining multiple attributes into one.
Splitting – splitting a single attribute into multipe attributes.
Page 74
Sorting – sorting tuples on the basis of some attribute (generally key -
The thi rd and final step of the ETL process is loading. In this step, the
transformed data is finally loaded into the data warehouse. Sometimes the
data is updated by loading into the data warehouse very frequently and
sometimes it is done after longer but regula r intervals. The rate and period
of loading solely depends on the requirements and varies from system to
ETL process can also use the pipelining concept i.e. as soon as some data
is extracted, it can be transformed and during that period some new data
can be extracted. And while the transformed data is being loaded into the
data warehouse, the already extracted data can be transformed.
Finally, data that has been extracted to a staging area and transfor med is
loaded into your data warehouse. Depending upon your business needs,
data can be loaded in batches or all at once. The exact nature of the
loading will depend upon the data source, ETL tools, and various other
The block diagram of the pipel ining of ETL process is shown below:
Figure 13 - ETL Pipeline View
ETL Tools: Most used ETL tools are
Oracle Warehouse builder,
5.7 CLOUD -BASED ETL TOOLS VS. OPEN SOURCE ETL TOOLS ETL is a critical component off overall data warehouse architecture so
choosing the right one is very crucial there are various different options
Page 75
available and one can choose depending upon the overall ETL needs, data
schemas Ant operational structure
Cloud -based ETL tools like Xplenty offer rapid, real -time streaming,
quick integrations, and easy pipeline creation. The primary benefit of
cloud -based ETL tools is that they work immediately out -of-the-box. Plus,
they're hyper -useful for a variety of ETL needs, especially if most of your
warehouse exists in the cloud (i.e., Redshift, Snowflake, or Big Query).
Open source ETL tools come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are
ETL frameworks and libraries that you can use to build ETL pipelines in
Python. There are tools and frameworks you can leverage for GO and
Hadoop. Really, there is an open -source ETL tool out there for almost any
unique ETL need.
Data engineers have been using ETL for over two decades to integrate
diverse types of data into online analytical processing (OLAP) data
warehouses. The reason for doing this is simple: to make data analysis
Normally, business applications use online transactional processing
(OLTP) database systems. These are optimized for writing, updating, and
editing the information inside them. They’re not good at reading and
analysis. However, online analytical processing database systems are
excellent at high -speed reading and analysis. That’s why ETL is necessary
to tran sform OLTP information, so it can work with an OLAP data
During the ETL process, information is:
Extracted from various relational database systems (OLTP or RDBMS)
and other sources.
Transformed within a staging area, into a compatible relation al format,
and integrated with other data sources.
Loaded into the online analytical processing (OLAP) data warehouse
5.8.1 The Technical Aspects of ETL :
It's important to pay close attention to the following when designing your
ETL and ELT processes:
Ensure accurate logging: It's vital to make sure your data system
provides "accurate logging" of new information. To ensure accurate
logging, you'll need to audit data after loading to check for lost or
corrupt files. With proper auditing procedures, you can debug your
ETL/ELT process when data integrity challenges arise (as they
invariably do).
Page 76
Flexibility to work with diverse sources of structured and
unstructured data: Your data warehouse may need to integrate
information from a lot of i ncompatible sources like PostgreSQL,
Salesforce, Cassandra, and in -house financial applications. Some of this
information could lack the data structures required for analysis. You
need to design your ETL/ELT process to deal with all forms of data —
structure d and unstructured alike.
Stability and reliability: ETL/ELT pipelines get overloaded, crash,
and run into problems. Your goal should be to build a fault -tolerant
system that can recover after a shutdown so your data can move
without getting lost or corrup ted even in the face of unexpected issues.
Designing an alert system: To ensure the accuracy of your business
insights, an alert system that notifies you of potential problems with the
ETL/ELT process is essential. For example, you’ll want to receive
notif ications and reports for expired API credentials, bugs related to
third -party APIs, connector errors, general database errors, and more.
Strategies to speed up the flow of data: When data warehouses and
BI platforms have access to information that is up -to-date, they offer
better, more accurate insights at a moment’s notice. Therefore, it’s
important to focus on reducing data latency , i.e., the time it takes for a
data packet to move from one area of the system to the next.
Growth flexibility: Your ETL/ELT solution should be flexible to scale
up and down according to your organization’s changing data needs.
This will save money on cloud -server processing and storage fees,
while providing the ability to scale up as required.
Support for incremental loading: Using change data capture (CDC)
speeds up th e ETL process by permitting incremental loading. This lets
you update only a small part of your data warehouse while ensuring
data synchronicity.
Very important aspect of building data warehouses is the design of
datawarehouse. Selection of right data Warehouse saves lot of time,
efforts, and project cost.
The two different approaches are normally followed when designing a
data warehouse solution a nd based on the requirement of the project we
can choose one that suits the particular scenario.
These methodologies are a result of research from Bill Inmon and Ralph
5.9.1 Bill Inmon – Top-down Data Warehouse Design Approach :
“Bill Inmon” is sometimes also referred to as the “father of data
warehousing”; his design methodology is based on a top -down approach.
Page 77
In the top -down approach, the data warehouse is designed first and then
data mart are built on top of data warehouse.
Figure 14 - Top Down Approach
Below are the steps that are involved in top -down approach:
Data is extracted from the various source systems. The extracts are
loaded and validated in the stage area. Validation is required to make
sure the extracted data is accurate and correct. You can use the ETL
tools or approach to extract and push to the data warehouse.
Data is extracted from the data warehouse in regular basis in stage area.
At this step, you will apply various aggregation, summarization
techniques on extracted data and loaded back to the data warehouse.
Once the aggregation and summarization is completed, various data
marts extract that data and apply the some more transformation to make
the data structure as defined by the data marts.
5.9.2 Ralph Kimball – Bottom -up Data Warehouse Design Approach :
Ralph Kimball is a renowned author on the subject of data warehousing.
His data warehouse design approach is called dimensional modelling or
the Kimball methodology. This methodology follows the bottom -up
approach. As per this method, data marts are first created to provide the
reporting and analytics capability for specific business process, later with
these data marts enterprise data warehouse is created.
Basically, Kimball model reverses the Inmon model i.e. Data marts are
directly loaded with the data from the source systems and then ETL
process is used to load in to Data Warehouse.
Page 78
Figure 15 - Bottom up Approach
Below are the steps that are involved in bottom -up approach:
The data flow in the bottom -up approach starts from extraction of data
from various source system into the stage area where it is processed
and loaded into the data marts that are handling specific business
After data marts are refreshed the current data is once again extrac ted
in stage area and transformations are applied to create data into the data
mart structure. The data is the extracted from Data Mart to the staging
area is aggregated, summarized and so on loaded into EDW and then
made available for the end user for ana lysis and enables critical
business decisions.
Data marts is the access layer of a data warehouse that is used to provide
users with data. Data warehouses typically house enterprise -wide data,
and information stored in a data mart usually belongs to a specific
department or team.
The key objective for data marts is to provide the business user with the
data that is most relevant, in the shortest possible amount of time. This
allows users to develop and follow a project, without needing to wait
long periods for queries to complete. Data marts are designed to meet the
demands of a specific group and have a comparatively narrow subject
area. Data marts may contain millions of records and require gigabytes
of storage.
The fundamental use of a data mart is Business Intelligence
(BI) applications. BI is used to gather, store, access, and analyze record.
Page 79
It can be used by smaller businesses to utilize the data they have
accumulated since it is less expensive than implementing a data
5.10.1 Reasons for creating a data mart :
o Creates collective data by a group of users
o Easy access to frequently needed data
o Ease of creation
o Improves end -user response time
o Lower cost than implementing a complete data warehouse
o Potential clients are more clearly defined than in a comprehensive data
o It contains only essential business data and is less cluttered.
There are mainly two approaches to designing data marts. These
approaches are
o Dependent Data Marts
o Independent Data Marts
5.11.1 Dependent Data Marts :
A dependent data mart is a logical subset or a physical subset of a higher
data warehouse. According to this technique, the data marts are treated as
the subsets of a data warehouse. In this technique, firstly a da ta warehouse
is created from which further various data marts can be created. These
data mart is dependent on the data warehouse and extract the essential
record from it. In this technique, as the data warehouse creates the data
mart; therefore, there is n o need for data mart integration. It is also known
as a top-down approach .
Figure 16 - Dependent Data Mart
Page 80
5.11.2 Independent Data Marts :
The second approach is Independent data marts (IDM) Here, firstly
independent data marts are created, and then a data warehouse is designed
using these independent multiple data marts. In this approach, as all the
data marts are designed independently; therefore, the integration of data
marts is required. It is also termed as a bottom -up appro ach as the data
marts are integrated to develop a data warehouse.
Figure 17 - Independent Data Warehouse
Other than these two categories, one more type exists that is called
"Hybrid Data Marts .
5.11.3 Hybrid Data Marts :
It allows us to combine input from sources other than a data warehouse.
This could be helpful for many situations; especially when Adhoc
integrations are needed, such as after a new group or product is added to
the organizations
Below are some of the feature s of a data mart :
Since the source of the data is concentrated to subject the user response
time is enhanced by using it.
For frequently required data, using data marts will be beneficial since it
is subset to central D ata Warehouse and hence data size will be lesser.
Also , since the volume of the data is limited the processing time will be
quite reduced compared to central Data Warehouse .
These are basically agile and can accommodate the changes in the
model quite quick ly and efficiently compared to the data warehouse.
Datamart requires a single subject expert to handle, in contrast to
warehouse data, the expertise we require in multiple subject
warehouses. Because of this, we say that data mart is more agile.
Page 81
We can seg regate access categories to a low level with partitioned data
and with data mart, it is a lot easy.
Infrastructure dependency is quite limited, and data can be stored in on
different hardware platforms upon segmentation.
A data warehouse is a data base which is kept separate from
organizations operational database.
It possesses consolidated historical data which helps organizations to
analyse its business
Data warehouse helps in consolidated historical data analysis
An operational database query allow s to read and modify operations
while an OLAP query needs read only access of stored data
An operational database second maintains current data while on the
other hand a data warehouse maintains historical data
OLAP system s are used by knowledge workers such as executives ,
managers , and analysts
ETL stands for extract, transform and load
ETL provides a method of moving the data from various sources into
data warehouse
In the first step, extraction, data is extracted from the source system
into the staging area.
In the transformation step, the data extracted from source is cleaned
and transformed.
In the third step, loading, data into the target data warehouse
A data mart is defined as a subset of data warehouse time is focused on
a single functional area of an organization
Datamart helps to enhance user experience by reducing response time
due to reduction in the volume of data
There are three types of data m arts – dependent, independent and
Reference books:
1. Ponniah, Paulraj, Data warehousing fundamentals: a comprehensive
guide for IT professionals, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
2. Dunham, Margaret H, Data mining: Introductory and advanced topics,
Pearson Education India, 2006.
Page 82
3. Gupta, Gopal K, Introduction to data mining with case studies, PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2014.
4. Han, Jiawei, Jian Pei, and Micheline Kamber, Data mining: concep ts
and techniques, Second Edition, Elsevier, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011.
5. Ramakrishnan, Raghu, Johannes Gehrke, and Johannes Gehrke,
Database management systems, Vol. 3, McGraw -Hill, 2003
6. Elmasri, Ramez, and Shamkant B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database
Systems, Pearson Education, 2008, (2015)
7. Silberschatz, Abraham, Henry F. Korth, and Shashank
Sudarshan,Database system concepts, Vol. 5,McGraw -Hill, 1997.
Web References:
1. https://www.guru99 .com/data -mining -vs-datawarehouse.html
4. -of-things/web -mining -text-mining -
depth -mining -guide
Page 83
Unit Structure
6.0 Objectives
6.1 What is OLAP
6.2 OLAP Cube
6.3 Basic analytical operations of OLAP
6.3.1 Roll -up
6.3.2 Drill -down
6.3.3 Slice
6.3.4 Pivot
6.4 Characteristics of OLAP Systems
6.5 Benefits of OLAP
6.5.1 Motivations for using OLAP
6.6 Types of OLAP Models
6.6.1 Relational OLAP
6.6.2 Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) Server
6.6.3 Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP) Server
6.6.4 Other Types
6.7 Difference between ROLAP, MOLAP, and HOLAP
6.8 Difference Between ROLAP and MOLAP
6.9 Summary
This chapter will enable the readers to unders tand the following concepts:
An overview of what OLAP is
Meaning of OLAP cubes
The basic analytical operations of OLAP including Rollup, Drill down, Slide
& Dice and Pivot
Characteristics of an OLAP Systems
Types of OLAP systems that consist of Relational OLAP, Multi -dimensional
OLAP and Hybrid OLAP
Other types of OLAP systems
Advantages and disadvantages of each of the OLAP systems
Differences between the three major OLAP systems
6.1 WHAT IS OLAP Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a category of software that
allows users to analyse information from multiple database systems at the
Page 84
same time. It is a technology that enables analysts to extract and view
business data from different points of view.
Analysts frequently need to grou p, aggregate, and join data. These
operations in relational databases are resource intensive. With OLAP data
can be pre -calculated and pre -aggregated, making analysis faster.
OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) is the technology behind
many Business Intelligence (BI) applications. OLAP is a powerful
technology for data discovery, including capabilities for limitless report
viewing, complex analytical calculations, and predictive “what if”
scenario (budget, forecast) planning. OLAP performs multidimensional
analysis of business data and provides the capability for complex
calculations, trend analysis, and sophisticated data modelling.
It is the foundation for many kinds of business applications for Business
Performance Management, Planning, Budgeting, Forec asting, Financial
Reporting, Analysis, Simulation Models, Knowledge Discovery, and Data
Warehouse Reporting. OLAP enables end -users to perform ad hoc
analysis of data in multiple dimensions, thereby providing the insight and
understanding they need for bet ter decision making.
OLAP databases are divided into one or more cubes. The cubes are
designed in such a way that creating and viewing reports become easy.
OLAP stands for Online Analytical Processing.
Figure 18 - OLAP Cube
At the core of the OLAP concept, is an OLAP Cube. The OLAP cube is a
data structure optimized for very quick data analysis.
Page 85
The OLAP Cube consists of numeric facts called measures which are
categorized by dimensions. OLAP Cube is also called t he hypercube .
Usually, data operations and analysis are performed using the simple
spreadsheet, where data values are arranged in row and column format.
This is ideal for two -dimensional data. However, OLAP contains
multidimensional data, with data usuall y obtained from a different and
unrelated source. Using a spreadsheet is not an optimal option. The cube
can store and analyse multidimensional data in a logical and orderly
How does it work? :
A Data warehouse would extract information from multiple data sources
and formats like text files, excel sheet, multimedia files, etc.
The extracted data is cleaned and transformed. Data is loaded into an
OLAP server (or OLAP cube) where information is pre -calculated in
advance for further analysis.
Four types of analytical operations in OLAP are:
1. Roll-up 2. Drill -down 3. Slice and dice 4. Pivot (rotate )
6.3.1 Roll-up:
Roll-up is also known as "consolidation" or "aggregation." The Roll -up
operation can be performed in 2 ways
Reducing dimensions
Climbing up concept hierarchy. Concept hierarchy is a system of
grouping things based on their order or level.
Consider the following diagram
Figure 19 - Example of Roll -up
Page 86
In this example, cities Pune and Mumbai are rolled up as West; and the sales
figures of Chennai and Bengaluru are rolled up as South
The sales figure of Pune and Mumbai are 200 and 350 respectively.
They become 550 after roll -up
In this aggregation process, data is location hierarchy moves up from
city to the region.
In the roll -up process at least one or more dimensions need to be
removed. In this example, Quarter dimension is removed.
6.3.2 Drill -down :
In drill -down data is fragmented into smaller parts. It is the opposite of the
rollup process. It can be done via
Moving down the concept hierarchy
Increasing a dimension
Figure 20 - Drill down Example
Consider the diagram above
Quarter Q1 is drilled down to months January, February, and March.
Corresponding sales are also registered
In this example, dimension months are added.
6.3.3 Slice :
Here, one dimension is selected, and a new sub -cube is created.Following
diagram explain how slice operation performed:
Page 87
Figure 21 - Example of Slice
Dimension Time is Sliced with Q1 as the filter.
A new cube is created altogether.
Dice :
This operation is similar to a slice. The difference in dice is you select 2 or
more dimensions that result in the creation of a sub -cube.
Page 88
Figure 22 - Example of Dice
6.3.4 Pivot :
In Pivot, you rotate the data axes to provide a substitute presentation of data.
In the following example, the pivot is based on item types.
Figure 23 - Example of Pivot
Page 89
In the FASMI characteristics of OLAP methods , the term derived from
the first letters of the characteristics are:
It defines which the system targeted to deliver the most feedback to the
client within about five seconds, with the elementary analysis taking no
more than one second and very few taking more than 20 seconds.
Analysis :
It defines which the method can cope with any business logic and
statistical analysis t hat is relevant for the function and the user, keep it
easy enough for the target client. Although some pre -programming may be
needed we do not think it acceptable if all application definitions have to
be allow the user to define new Adhoc calculations as part of the analysis
and to document on the data in any desired method, without having to
program so we excludes products (like Oracle Discoverer) that do not
allow the user to define new Adhoc calculation as part of the analysis and
to document on the da ta in any desired product that do not allow adequate
end user -oriented calculation flexibility.
Share :
It defines which the system tools all the security requirements for
understanding and, if multiple write connection is needed, concurrent
update locatio n at an appropriated level, not all functions need customer to
write data back, but for the increasing number which does, the system
should be able to manage multiple updates in a timely, secure manner.
Multidimensional :
This is the basic requirement. OLA P system must provide a
multidimensional conceptual view of the data, including full support for
hierarchies, as this is certainly the most logical method to analyze business
and organizations.
Information :
The system should be able to hold all the data n eeded by the applications.
Data sparsity should be handled in an efficient manner.
The main characteristics of OLAP are as follows:
1. Multidimensional conceptual view: OLAP systems let business
users have a dimensional and logical view of the data in the data
warehouse. It helps in carrying slice and dice operations.
2. Multi -User Support: Since the OLAP techniques are shared, the
OLAP operation should provide normal database operations,
containing retrieval, update, adequacy control, integrity, and security.
Page 90
3. Accessibility: OLAP acts as a mediator between data warehouses and
front -end. The OLAP operations should be sitting between data
sources (e.g., data warehouses) and an OLAP front -end.
4. Storing OLAP results: OLAP results are kept separate from data
5. Uniform documenting performance: Increasing the number of
dimensions or database size should not significantly degrade the
reporting performance of the OLAP system.
6. OLAP provides for distinguishing between zero values and missing
values so that aggregates are computed correctly.
7. OLAP system should ignore all missing values and compute correct
aggregate values.
8. OLAP facilitate interactive query and complex analysis for the users.
9. OLAP allows users to drill down for greater details or roll up for
aggregation s of metrics along a single business dimension or across
multiple dimensions.
10. OLAP provides the ability to perform intricate calculations and
11. OLAP presents results in several meaningful ways, including charts
and graphs.
OLAP holds several benefits for businesses: -
OLAP helps managers in decision -making through the
multidimensional record views that it is efficient in providing, thus
increasing their productivity.
OLAP functions are self -sufficient owing to the inherent flexibility
support to the organized databases.
It facilitates simulation of business models and problems, through
extensive management of analysis -capabilities.
In conjunction with data warehouse, OLAP can be used to support a
reduction in the application backlog, faster data retrieval, and reduction
in query drag.
6.5.1 Motivations for using OLAP :
1. Understanding and improving sales: For enterprises that have much
products and benefit a number of channels for selling the product,
OLAP can help in finding the most suitable products and the most
famous channels. In some methods, it may be feasible to find the most
profitable users. For example, considering the teleco mmunication
industry and considering only one product, communication minutes,
Page 91
there is a high amount of record if a company want to analyze the sales
of products for every hour of the day (24 hours), difference between
weekdays and weekends (2 values) and split regions to which calls are
made into 50 region.
2. Understanding and decreasing costs of doing business: Improving
sales is one method of improving a business, the other method is to
analyze cost and to control them as much as suitable without affecting
sales. OLAP can assist in analyzing the costs related to sales. In some
methods, it may also be feasible to identify expenditures which produce
a high return on investments (ROI). For example, recruiting a top
salesperson may contain high costs, but the r evenue generated by the
salesperson may justify the investment.
Figure 24 - OLAP Hierarchical Structure
OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) was introduced into the business
intelligence (BI) space over 20 years ago, in a time where computer
hardware and software technology weren’t nearly as powerful as they are
today. OLAP introduced a ground -breaking way for business
users (typically analysts) to easily perform multidimensional analysis of
large volumes of business data.
Aggregating, grouping, and joining data are the most difficult types of
queries for a relational database to process. The magic behind OLAP
derives from its ability to pre -calculate and pre -aggregate data. Otherwise,
end users would be spending most of their time waiting for query results
to be returned by the database. However, it is also what causes OLAP -
based solutions to be extremely rigid and IT -intensive.
6.6.1 Relational OLAP :
These are intermediate servers which stand in between a relational back -
end server and user frontend tools. They use a relational or extended -
relational DBMS to save and handle warehouse data, and OLAP
Page 92
middleware to provide missing pieces. ROLAP servers contain
optimization for each DBMS back end, implementation of aggregation
navigation logic, and additional tools and services.ROLAP technology
tends to have higher scalability than MOLAP technology.
ROLAP systems work primarily from the data that resides in a relational
database, where the base dat a and dimension tables are stored as relational
tables. This model permits the multidimensional analysis of data.
This technique relies on manipulating the data stored in the relational
database to give the presence of traditional OLAP's slicing and dicin g
functionality. In essence, each method of slicing and dicing is equivalent
to adding a "WHERE" clause in the SQL statement.
ROLAP stands for Relational Online Analytical Processing. ROLAP
stores data in columns and rows (also known as relational tables) and
retrieves the information on demand through user submitted queries. A
ROLAP database can be accessed through complex SQL queries to
calculate information. ROLAP can handle large data volumes, but the
larger the data, the slower the processing times.
Because queries are made on -demand, ROLAP does not require the
storage and pre -computation of information. However, the disadvantage of
ROLAP implementations are the potential performance constraints and
scalability limitations that result from large and inefficient join operations
between large tables. Examples of popular ROLAP products include Meta
cube by Stanford Technology Group, Red Brick Warehouse by Red Brick
Systems, and AXSYS Suite by Information Advantage.
Relational OLAP Architecture :
ROLAP Ar chitecture includes the following components
• Database server. ROLAP server. Front -end tool.
Figure 25 - ROLAP Architecture
Page 93
Relational OLAP (ROLAP) is the latest and fastest -growing OLAP
technology segment in the market. This method allows multiple
multidimensional views of two -dimensional relational tables to be created,
avoiding structuring record around the desired view.
Some products in this segment have supported reliable SQL engines to
help the complexity of multidimensi onal analysis. This includes creating
multiple SQL statements to handle user requests, being 'RDBMS' aware
and also being capable of generating the SQL statements based on the
optimizer of the DBMS engine.
Advantages :
Can handle large amounts of information: The data size limitation of
ROLAP technology is depends on the data size of the underlying
RDBMS. So, ROLAP itself does not restrict the data amount.
RDBMS already comes with a lot of features. So ROLAP technologies,
(works on top of the RDBMS ) can control these functionalities.
Disadvantages :
Performance can be slow: Each ROLAP report is a SQL query (or
multiple SQL queries) in the relational database, the query time can be
prolonged if the underlying data size is large.
Limited by SQL functi onalities: ROLAP technology relies on upon
developing SQL statements to query the relational database, and SQL
statements do not suit all needs.
6.6.2 Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) Server :
A MOLAP system is based on a native logical model that directly supports
multidimensional data and operations. Data are stored physically into
multidimensional arrays, and positional techniques are used to access
One of the significant distinctions of MOLAP against a ROLAP is that
data are summarized and are stor ed in an optimized format in a
multidimensional cube, instead of in a relational database. In MOLAP
model, data are structured into proprietary formats by client's reporting
requirements with the calculations pre -generated on the cubes.
MOLAP Architecture :
MOLAP Architecture includes the following components
Database server.
MOLAP server.
Front -end tool.
Page 94
Figure 26 - MOLAP Architecture
MOLAP structure primarily reads the precompiled data. MOLAP
structure has limited capabilities to dynamically create aggregations or to
evaluate results which have not been pre -calculated and stored.
Applications requiring iterative and comprehensive time -series analysis of
trends are well suited for MOLAP technology (e.g., financial analysis and
Examples include Arbor Software's Essbase. Oracle's Express Server,
Pilot Software's Lightship Server, Sniper's TM/1. Planning Science's
Gentium and Kenan Technology's Multiway.
Some of the problems faced by clients are related to maintaining support
to multiple subject areas in an RDBMS. Some vendors can solve these
problems by continuing access from MOLAP tools to detailed data in and
This can be very useful for organizations with performance -sensitive
multidimensional analysis requir ements and that have built or are in the
process of building a data warehouse architecture that contains multiple
subject areas.
Page 95
An example would be the creation of sales data measured by several
dimensions (e.g., product and sales region) to be stored an d maintained in
a persistent structure. This structure would be provided to reduce the
application overhead of performing calculations and building aggregation
during initialization. These structures can be automatically refreshed at
predetermined interval s established by an administrator.
Advantages :
Excellent Performance: A MOLAP cube is built for fast information
retrieval and is optimal for slicing and dicing operations.
Can perform complex calculations: All evaluation have been pre -
generated when the cube is created. Hence, complex calculations are
not only possible, but they return quickly.
Limited in the amount of information it can handle: Because all
calculations are performed when the cube is built, it is not possible to
contain a l arge amount of data in the cube itself.
Requires additional investment: Cube technology is generally
proprietary and does not already exist in the organization. Therefore, to
adopt MOLAP technology, chances are other investments in human
and capital resour ces are needed.
6.6.3 Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP) Server :
HOLAP incorporates the best features of MOLAP and ROLAP into a
single architecture. HOLAP systems save more substantial quantities of
detailed data in the relational tables while the aggregations are stored in
the pre -calculated cubes. HOLAP also can drill through from the cube
down to the relational tables for delineated data. The Microsoft SQL
Server 2000 provides a hybrid OLAP server.
Figure 27 - HOLAP Architecture
Page 96
Advantages of HOLAP :
HOLAP provide benefits of both MOLAP and ROLAP.
It provides fast access at all levels of aggregation.
HOLAP balances the disk space requirement, as it only stores the
aggregate information on the OLAP server and the detail record
remai ns in the relational database. So no duplicate copy of the detail
record is maintained.
Disadvantages of HOLAP :
HOLAP architecture is very complicated because it supports both
MOLAP and ROLAP servers.
6.6.4 Other Types :
There are also less popular types of OLAP styles upon which one could
stumble upon every so often. We have listed some of the less popular
brands existing in the OLAP industry.
Web -Enabled OLAP (WOLAP) Server :
WOLAP pertains to OLAP application which is accessible via the web
browser. Unl ike traditional client/server OLAP applications, WOLAP is
considered to have a three -tiered architecture which consists of three
components: a client, a middleware, and a database server.
Desktop OLAP (DOLAP) Server :
DOLAP permits a user to download a sec tion of the data from the
database or source, and work with that dataset locally, or on their desktop.
Mobile OLAP (MOLAP) Server :
Mobile OLAP enables users to access and work on OLAP data and
applications remotely through the use of their mobile devices.
Spatial OLAP (SOLAP) Server :
SOLAP includes the capabilities of both Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) and OLAP into a single user interface. It facilitates the management
of both spatial and non -spatial data.
6.7 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ROLAP, MOLAP, AND HOLAP ROLAP MOLAP HOLAP ROLAP stands for Relational Online Analytical Processing. MOLAP stands for Multidimensional Online Analytical Processing. HOLAP stands for Hybrid Online Analytical Processing. The ROLAP storage mode causes the aggregation of the division to be stored The MOLAP storage mode principle the aggregations of the division and a copy of The HOLAP storage mode connects attributes of both MOLAP and ROLAP.
Page 97
in indexed views in the relational database that was specified in the partition's data source. its source information to be saved in a multidimensional operation in analysis services when the separation is processed. Like MOLAP, HOLAP causes the aggregation of the division to be stored in a multidimensional operation in an SQL Server analysis services instance. ROLAP does not because a copy of the source information to be stored in the Analysis services data folders. Instead, when the outcome cannot be derived from the query cache, the indexed views in the record source are accessed to answer queries. This MOLAP operation is highly optimize to maximize query performance. The storage area can be on the computer where the partition is described or on another computer running Analysis services. Because a copy of the source information resides in the multidimensional operation, queries can be resolved without accessing the partition's source record. HOLAP does not causes a copy of the source information to be stored. For queries that access the only summary record in the aggregations of a division, HOLAP is the equivalent of MOLAP. Query response is frequently slower with ROLAP storage than with the MOLAP or HOLAP storage mode. Processing time is also frequently slower with ROLAP. Query response times can be reduced substantially by using aggregations. The record in the partition's MOLAP operation is only as current as of the most recent processing of the separation. Queries that access source record for example, if we want to drill down to an atomic cube cell for which there is no aggregation information must retrieve data from the relational database and will not be as fast as they would be if the source information were stored in the MOLAP architecture.
Page 98
Figure 28 - Difference between ROLAP, MOLAP and HOLAP
6.8 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ROLAP AND MOLAP ROLAP MOLAP ROLAP stands for Relational Online Analytical Processing. MOLAP stands for
Multidimensional Online
Analytical Processing. It usually used when data warehouse contains relational data. It used when data warehouse
contains relational as well as non -
relational data. It contains Analytical server. It contains the MDDB server. It creates a multidimensional view of data dynamically. It contains prefabricated data cubes. It is very easy to implement It is difficult to implement. It has a high response time It has less response time due to prefabricated cubes.
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a category of software that
allows users to analyse information from multiple database systems at
the same time.
OLAP enables end -users to perform ad hoc analysis of data in multiple
dimensions, thereby providing the insight and understanding they need
for better decision making.
At the core of the OLAP concept, is an OLAP Cube. The OLAP cube is
a data structure optimized for very quick data analysis.
The OLAP Cube consists of numeric facts called measures which are
categorized by dimensions. OLAP Cube is also called the hypercube.
Four types of analytical operations in OLAP are Roll -up, Drill -down,
Slice & dice and Pivot (rotate)
Page 99
The Roll -up operation can be performed by Reducing dimensions or
climbing up concept hier archy
The Drill down operation can be performed by moving down the
concept hierarchy or Increasing a dimension
Slice is when one dimension is selected, and a new sub -cube is created.
Dice is where two or more dimensions are selected as a new sub -cube
is created
In Pivot, you rotate the data axes to provide a substitute presentation of
FASMI characteristics of OLAP methods - Fast, Analysis, Share,
Multi -dimensional and Information
OLAP helps in understanding and improving sales. It also helps in
unders tanding and improving the cost of doing business
Three major types of OLAP models are Relational OLAP, Multi -
dimensional OLAP and Hybrid OLAP
Relational OLAP systems are intermediate servers which stand in
between a relational back -end server and user fron tend tools. They use
a relational or extended -relational DBMS to save and handle warehouse
data, and OLAP middleware to provide missing pieces
MOLAP structure primarily reads the precompiled data. MOLAP
structure has limited capabilities to dynamically cre ate aggregations or
to evaluate results which have not been pre -calculated and stored.
HOLAP incorporates the best features of MOLAP and ROLAP into a
single architecture. HOLAP systems save more substantial quantities of
detailed data in the relational tab les while the aggregations are stored in
the pre -calculated cubes.
Page 100
Module III
Unit Structure
7.0 Objectives
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Data Mining Applications
7.3 Knowledge Discovery In Data (Kdd) Process
7.4 Architecture Of Data Mining System / Components Of Data
Mining System
7.5 Issues And Challenges In Data Mining
7.6 Summary
7.7 Exercises
6.8 References
This chapter provides an overview of the following –
What is Data mining?
Data Mining Applications
Knowledge Discovery in Data (KDD) Process in detail
Basic architecture of Data Mining system
Issues and Challenges in Data Mining
We say that today is the age of Big Data. The sheer volume of dat a being
generated today is exploding.The rate of data creation or generation is
mind boggling. Mobile phones, social media, imaging technologies which
are used for medical diagnosis, non -traditional IT devices like RFID
readers, GPS navigation systems —all these are among the fastest growing
sources of data. Now keeping up with this huge influx of data is difficult,
but what is more challenging is analysing vast amounts of this generated
data, to identify meaningful patterns and extract useful information. Data
in its original form is crude, unrefined so it must be broken down,
analysed to have some value. So, Data Mining is finding insightful
information which is hidden in the data.
Page 101
Data Mining , (sometimes also known as Knowledge Discovery in Data
(KDD)), is an automatic or semi -automatic ‘mining’ process used for
extracting useful data from a large set of raw data. It analyses large
amount of scattered information to find meaningful constructs from it and
turns it into knowledge. It checks for anomalies or irregularities in the
data, identifies patterns or correlations among millions of records and then
converts it into knowledge about future trends and predictions. It covers a
wide variety of d omains and techniques including Database Technology,
Multivariate Statistics, Engineering and Economics (provides methods for
Pattern recognition and predictive modelling), ML (Machine Learning),
Artificial Intelligence, Information Science, Neural Network s, Data
Visualization many more.
Data Mining – Confluence of Multiple Domains
Data Mining and big data are used almost everywhere. Data Mining is
increasingly used by companies having solid consumer focus like in
retail sales, advertising and marketing, financial institutions,
bioinformatics etc. Almost all Commercial companies use data mining
and big data to gain insights into their customers, proce sses, staff, and
products. Many companies use mining to offer customers a better user
experience, as well as to cross -sell, increase the sale, and customize their
Data Mining is helping the consumer -oriented companies in determining
the relatio n between product price and product positioning. It also helps to
determine the relation between consumer demographics and competition.
It aids in determining the impact of relationships on consumer satisfaction,
sales and profits. The retail companies con duct sales campaigns including
discount coupons, bonuses for loyal customers, advertisements to attract
and retain their customers. Careful analysis of the effectiveness of such
sales campaigns is essential to improve profits and reduce business cost.
Statistics ML, AI, Pattern Recognition Data Mining
Page 102
Financial institutions use data mining and analysis to predict stock
markets, determine the risk of lending money, and learn how to attract
new clients for their services.
Credit card companies monitor the spending habits of the customer and
can easily recognize duplicitous purchases with a certain degree of
accuracy using rules derived by processing billions of transactions.
Mobile phone companies study their subscribers’ calling patterns to
determine, for example, whether a caller’s frequent contacts are on a rival
network. If that rival network is offering an attractive promotion which
might cause the subscriber to defect, the mobile phone company can
proactively offer the subscriber an attractive offer to avoid defection.
Social media companies such as LinkedIn and Facebook, data itself is
their primary product. The valuations of these companies are heavily
derived from the data they gather and host, which contains more and more
intrinsic value as the data grows. For example, a small update on your
social media account bombardes you with related information and
advertisements. Facebook constructs social graphs to analyze which users
are connected to ea ch other as an interconnected network. These graphs
also help them to search people with similar interest, hobbies and shared
Another domain where data mining is gaining rapid grounds is biological
data analysis . Genetic sequencing and human g enome mapping provide a
detailed genetic makeup and lineage. The healthcare industry is using this
information to predict illnesses a person is likely to get in his lifetime and
Page 103
take steps to avoid these diseases or reduce its impact through the use of
customized medications and treatment.
The process of gathering data is fairly well established. In fact, forward -
thinking organizations started collecting data even before they knew how
they were going to use it. They recognized that data had great value, e ven
if they did not yet know how to extract that value. The challenge is now
how to use that data to gain valuable insights for the business.
Efforts among data mining professionals are now focused on how to
leverage all of the data. Companies that effect ively employ data mining
tools and techniques can translate their collected data into valuable
insights about their business processes and strategies. Such insights can
then be us ed to make better business decisions that increase productivity
and revenue, leading to accelerated business growth and higher profits.
It is aninteractive and iterative sequence comprising of 9 phases. Teams
commonly learn new things in a phase that cause them to go back and
refine the work done in prior phases based on new insights and
information that have been uncovered. The diagram given below depicts
the iterative movement between phases until the team m embers have
sufficient information to move to the next phase. The process begins with
finding the KDD goals and ends with the successful implementation of the
discovered knowledge.
1. Domain Understanding – In this preliminary step the team needs to
understand and define the goals of the end -user and the environment in
which the KDD process will take place.
2. Selection & Addition – In this phase it is important to determine the
dataset which will be utilize d for the KDD process. So, the team needs
to first find the relevant data which is accessible. Data from multiple
sources can be integrated in this phase. Note that this is the data which
is going to lead us to Knowledge. So, if some attributes from the da ta
are missing then it will lead to half -cooked Knowledge. Therefore, the
objective of this phase is determining the suitable and complete dataset
on which the discovery will be performed.
3. Pre-processing & Cleansing – The data received from the earlier
phase is like a rough diamond. Now in this phase you need to polish the
diamond so that everyone can know its beauty. So now the main task in
this phase is to sanitize and prepare the data for use. Data cleansing is a
subprocess that focuses on removing error s in your data so your data
becomes true and consistent. Sanity checks are performed to check that
the data does not contain physically or theoretically impossible values
such as people taller than 3 meters or someone with an age of 299
Page 104
4. Data Transfo rmation – Once your team has cleansed and integrated
the data, now you may have to transform your data so it becomes
suitable for the next phase of data mining. In this phase, the data is
transformed or consolidated into forms appropriate for mining by
performing summary or aggregation operations. The aggregation
operators perform mathematical operations like Average, Count, Max,
Min, Sum etc. on the numeric property of the elements in the
collection. This phase is very project -specific.
5. Data Mining – In this phase methods like Association, Classification,
Clustering and/or Regression are applied in order to extract patterns.
We may need to use the Data Mining Algorithm several times until the
desired output is obtained.
6. Evaluation – In this phase we evaluate and understand the mined
patterns, rules and reliability to the goal set in the first phase. Here we
assess the pre -processing steps for their impact on the Data Mining
Algorithm outcomes. For example, we can assess the outcome of the
algorithm by adding an extra feature in phase 4 and repeating from
there. This phase focuses on comprehensibility and efficacy of the
newly developed model.
7. Discovered Knowledge Presentation – The last phase is all about the
use and overall feedba ck and discovery results acquired by Data
Mining. The interesting discovered patterns are presented to the end -
user and may be stored as new knowledge in the knowledge base. The
success of this phase decides the effectiveness of the entire KDD
Data Mining architecture consists of various components which make up
the entire process of data mining.
Sources of Data – There is varied sources of data available today.
Many a times data is present only in the form of text files or
spreadsheets, excel worksheets. Today major chunk of data is gathered
from internet or WWW which forms the information repository units.
Data from these various sources are in different formats. So, this data
Page 105
cannot be used directly for processing. The main challenge is to clean
and transform the data so that it can be used for analysis. Various tools
and techniques are implemented to ensure reliability and completeness
of the data.
Database or Data Warehouse Server – The data received from
various data sources is stored in the database server. This data is ready
to be processed. It is fetched depending on the user’s request.
Data Mining Engine – This is the most crucial component of this
architectur e. It usually contains a lot of modules which perform a
variety of tasks. The tasks like Association, Characterization,
Prediction, Clustering, Classification, Regression, Time series analysis,
naïve Bayes, Support Vector machines, Random Forests, Decision
Trees etc can be performed.
Pattern Evaluation Modules – This module measures how interesting
the pattern that has been devised is actually. Usually, a threshold value
is used for evaluation. This module has a direct link of interaction with
the data min ing engine. The main aim of this module is to determine
the interesting and useful patterns that could make the data of better
Graphical User Interface (GUI) – This module interacts with the
user. GUI helps the user to access and use the system e fficiently. GUI
hides the complexity of the system thereby displaying only the relevant
components to the user. When the user submits a query, the module
interacts with the overall set of data mining system, producing a
relevant output which is displayed i n an appropriate manner. This
component also allows the user to browse database and database
warehouse schemas, evaluate mined patterns and visualize the patterns
in different forms.
Knowledge Base – Knowledge Base contains the domain knowledge
which is required to search or evaluate the patterns. It may also contain
data from user experiences and beliefs. The data mining engine
interacts with the knowledge base thereby providing more efficient,
accurate and reliable results. The pattern evaluation module also
interacts with the knowledge base to get various inputs and updates
from it.
Efficient and effective data mining in large databases poses number of
challenges to researchers and developers. The issues in data mining
include the following
Mining methodology and user interaction issues – These include the
types of knowledge mined, the ability to mine the knowledge at multiple
granularities, the use of domain knowledge, ad hoc mining and knowledge
Page 106
Mining different types of knowledge in databases – The need of
different users is never the same. Different users may be i nterested in
different kinds of knowledge. So, it is necessary for data mining to
cover broad range of knowledge discovery tasks like association,
correlation analysis, prediction, clustering, outlier analysis etc. These
tasks require the development of nu merous data mining techniques.
Interactive mining of knowledge at multiple levels of abstraction –
Data mining process should be interactive. User should be able to
interact with the data mining system to view the data and discovered
patterns at multiple granularities and from different angles. Interactive
mining is very essential as it allows the user to concentrate on
discovered patterns and to refine the data mining requests based on the
Incorporation of background knowledge – To guide the d iscovery
process and to express the discovered patterns in a proper way at
multiple levels of abstraction, background knowledge of the domain
being studied is essential.
Data mining query languages and ad hoc data mining – Data mining
query language shoul d be developed for giving access to the user and
describing ad hoc mining tasks. Also, it should be integrated with a
data warehouse query language and optimized for efficient and flexible
data mining.
Presentation and Visualization of data mining results – Once the
patterns are discovered it needs to be expressed in high -level languages,
visual presentations or in any other appropriate form so that it is easily
understood by the stakeholders. Various visualization techniques like
trees, graphs, charts, ma trices etc need to be used.
Handling noisy or incomplete data – Data cleaning methods need to
be applied to deal with the noisy data. If such techniques are not
applied then the accuracy of the discovered patterns will be poor.
Pattern evaluation – A dat a mining system may discover thousands of
patterns, many of which are uninteresting to the user as they represent
the common knowledge or lack any freshness. So, the challenge faced
by data mining systems are development of techniques to assess the
‘interestingness’ of discovered patterns.
Performance Issues – There are performance issues related to the data
mining systems. Few are given below –
Efficiency and scalability of data mining algorithms – In order to
effectively extract the information from huge databases, data mining
algorithms must be efficient and scalable. The running time of data
mining algorithm must be predictable and acceptable in huge databases.
Parallel, distributed and increm ental mining algorithms – Wide
distribution of data, huge size of databases and the computational
complexity of some data mining methods are the factors responsible for
Page 107
development of parallel and distributed data mining algorithms. These
algorithms divide the data into partitions, which are processed in
parallel. The results are then merged. The high cost of some data
mining processes promotes the need for incremental data mining
Diversity of database types :
Handling relation and complex type s of data – As relational
databases and data warehouses are the most commonly used, there is a
need for developing efficient and effective data mining systems for
handling such data. There are diverse data types so it must not be
expected that one system s hould mine all kinds of data. So, specific
data mining systems must be developed for mining specific type of
Mining information from heterogeneous databases and global
information systems – Today we have huge, distributed and
heterogeneous databases which are connected with each other using
computer networks. Data mining systems may help us reveal high -level
data regularities in multiple heterogeneous databases which was not
possible with simple query systems. Web mining which is one of the
most chal lenging and evolving data mining field, reveals interesting
knowledge about web usage, web dynamics, web contents etc.
Social impact of data mining – Today we have powerful data mining
tools being developed and put into use. But these tools and techniques
pose a threat to our privacy and data security. Data mining applications
derive large set of demographic information about the consumers that was
previously not known or hidden in the data. The unauthorized use of such
data could result in the disclosure of information that is supposed to be
confidential. The focus of data mining technology is on the discovery of
useful patterns and not on specific information regarding an individual.
But due to the exploratory nature of data mining, it is impossible to kn ow
what patterns may be discovered and so, there is no certainty over how
they may be used. So, data security -enhancing techniques and privacy -
preserving data mining are the two new areas where research is being
carried out. We must not definitely lose sig ht of all the benefits that data
mining research brings (ranging from insights gained from medical and
scientific applications to increased customer satisfaction) but we definitely
expect our researchers and scientists to build solutions which ensure data
privacy protection and security.
All these issues and challenges stimulate and motivate the researchers and
experts to investigate this data mining field deeper.
Data Mining is a task of discovering meaningful patterns and insights
from huge datasets. It is an interdisciplinary field linked with areas like
Page 108
machine learning, artificial intelligence, statistics, data warehousing,
neural networks, pattern recognition etc. It is widely used in telecom
industry, retail industry, financial organizations, biomedical analysis,
intrusion detection etc.
Knowledge Discovery of Data (KDD) Process consists of data cleaning,
data integration, data selection, data transformation , data mining, pattern
evaluation and knowledge presentation.
The various components of a data mining system include database, data
warehouse, servers, data mining engine, pattern evaluation module and
Performance issues, mining methodology and use r interface issues,
diversity of databases and social impact of data mining are the few
challenges faced in this domain. The issues and challenges in data mining
motivate the researchers and scientists to explore this field further.
1. What i s data mining?
2. What are the steps involved in data mining when viewed as a process of
knowledge discovery?
3. How data mining helps in businesses? Explain with few examples.
4. Explain in detail the purpose of each component of the data mining
5. Explain t he challenges in data mining field w.r.t to social implications
of mining.
Dunham, Margaret H, Data mining: Introductory and advanced topics,
Pearson Education India, 2006.
Han, Jiawei, Jian Pei, and Micheline Kamber, Data mining: concepts
and techniques, Second Edition, Elsevier, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011.
Page 109
Unit Structure
8.0 Objectives
8.1 Introduction To Data Preprocessing
8.2 Introduction To Data Cleaning
8.3 Data Integration
8.4 Data Transformation
8.5 Summary
8.4 Data Transformation
8.5 Summary
8.6 Exercises
8.7 References
This chapter provides an overview of the following –
What is the need of Data Preprocessing?
What is Data Cleaning?
How to deal with missing values, noisy data?
What is Data Integration?
What is Data Transformation?
In real world data comes from various heterogeneous sources. Data
directly taken from such diverse sources may have inconsistencies, errors,
missing values or redundancy. Since redundancies, missing values and
inconsistencies compromise the integrity of th e dataset, we need to fix
these issues otherwise the final outcome would be plagued with faulty
insights and misleading conclusions. Chances are that with faulty dataset
the system will develop biases and deviations which will result in poor
user experienc e. So, Data Preprocessing is a technique to turn raw and
crude information gathered from diverse sources into clean and
consistent dataset .
Page 110
Data Preprocessing is one of the most vital steps in the data mining
process. Data Preprocessing involves Data Cle aning, Data Integration,
Data Transformation, Data Reduction etc . These techniques are useful
for removing the noisy data and preparing the quality data which gives
efficient result of the analysis. These techniques, when applied before the
data mining pro cess will definitely improve the quality of the patterns
mined as well as the time needed for actual mining process. Note that
these techniques are not mutually exclusive.
Data Preprocessing is required because in real wor ld collected data is
Incomplete – Data collected from various sources may be missing
some important attributes, or it may have only aggregate data. Reasons
for incomplete data lies in data collection process itself. The data or
few of the important attributes were not collected in the first place as
they were not relevant at the time of data collection. Data collection
and data entry are error -prone processes. They often require hum an
intervention, and because humans are only human, they make typos or
lose their concentration for a second and introduce an error into the
chain. The data collected by machines or computers isn’t free from
errors either. Incomplete data can be collected because of
malfunctioning machine or sensor.
Noisy – Data may be erroneous or may have outliers. An outlier is an
observation that seems to be distant from other observations or an
observation that follows a different logic or generative process than all
the other observations. Outliers can gravely influence your data
modelling so there is a need to investigate them first. Data errors may
also point to defective equipment such as broken transmission lines or
defective sensors. Data errors can also point to software bugs. So,
fixing the data as soon as its captured is very important.
Inconsistent – Data may have discrepancies like physically or
theoretically impossible values, different codes or names. Inconsistent
data may also be a result of deviation fro m codebook. A codebook is a
description of your data, a form of metadata.
Before using the data for analysis, we need it to be organized and sanitized
properly. In the following section we will learn the various techniques
which are used to get a clean d ataset.
Data Cleaning , also called as Data Cleansing or Scrubbing, is required
because dataset is dirty. It is a part of data preprocessing. Inconsistent,
incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete data is identified as a part of the data
cleansing process.
Page 111
Data Cleaning can be implemented in many ways by adjusting the
missing values, identifying and removing outliers, removing
redundant rows or deleting irrelevant records.
8.2.1 Missing Values :
You may notice that many tuples from your dataset have no recorded
values for certain attributes. Following are the methods for handling
missing values. Which technique to use at what time is dependent on your
particular case. Following techniques can be u sed to handle missing values
– Sr. No. Technique Advantage Disadvantage 1 Ignore the tuple or omit the values Easy to perform You lose information for the tuple. It is especially poor when the percentage of missing values per attribute varies considerably. 2 Set value to null Easy to perform Not every modelling technique can handle null values 3 Fill the missing value manually Approach is tedious and time consuming (in some cases not feasible) if there is a large set of data with missing values. 4 Input a static value such as 0 or a global constant in place of missing value Easy to perform. You don’t lose information from the other attributes in the tuple Can lead to false estimations. 5 Fill the missing value with the attribute mean Does not disturb the model as much Harder to execute. You make data assumptions. 6 Fill the missing value with the most probable value Widely popular Not easy to perform. Probable value can be estimated with Regression, Bayesian inference or decision trees.
Techniques from 4 to 6 bias the data. There is a high chance that the
filled -in value is incorrect. However, technique 6 is used heavily as it uses
the large percentage of information from the available data to predict
missing values. Due to inference -based tools or decision tree induction
there is a greater probability that the relationship between the missing
value and the other attributes is preserved.
Page 112
8.2.2 Noisy Data :
Noisy data is the data with a large amount of additional meaningless
information in it. In general, noise is a random error or variance which
may include faulty data gathering equipment, technology limitations,
resource limitations and data entry problems. Due to noise, algorithms
often miss out data patterns. Noisy data can be handle d by the following
methods –
1. Binning : In this method, the data values are sorted in an order, then
grouped into ‘bins’ or buckets. Then each value in a particular bin is
smoothed using its neighbourhood i.e., its surrounding values. It is said
that binning method performs local smoothing as it looks up at its
surrounding values to smooth the values of the attribute.
Consider an example : Suppose we have a set of following values which
are sorted: [4, 8, 9, 15, 21, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 34]
Now, we will divide this dataset into sets of equal frequency –
Bin1: 4, 8, 9, 15
Bin2: 21, 21, 24, 25
Bin3: 26, 28, 29, 34
There are several ways of binning the values –
Smoothing by bin means – Here, all the values of a bin are replaced by
the mean of the values fro m that bin.
Mean of 4, 8, 9, 15 = 9
Mean of 21, 21, 24, 25 = 23
Mean of 26, 28, 28, 34 = 29
Therefore,this way results in the following bins -
Bin1: 9, 9, 9, 9
Bin2: 23, 23, 23, 23
Bin3: 29, 29, 29, 29
Smoothing by bin medians – Here, all the values of a bin are replaced by
the median of the values from that bin.
Median of 4, 8, 9, 15 = 9
Median of 21, 21, 24, 25 = 23
Median of 26, 28, 28, 34 = 28
Therefore,this way results in the following bins -
Bin1: 9, 9, 9, 9
Bin2: 23, 23, 23, 23
Bin3: 28, 28, 28, 28
Smoothing by bin boundaries – Here, all the values of a bin are replaced
by the closet boundary of the values from that bin. Therefore,this way
results in the following bins -
Bin1: 4, 4, 4, 15
Bin2: 21, 21, 25, 25
Bin3: 26, 26, 26, 34
Page 113
Alternatively, bins may be equal -width or of equal -depth. Equal -width
binning divides the range into N intervals of equal size. Here, outliers may
dominate the result. Equal -depth binning divides the range into N
intervals, each containing approximately same number of r ecords. Here
skewed data is also handled well.
2. Regression : Diagnostic plots can be insightful to find and identify data
errors. We use a measure to identify data points which are outliers. We
do a regression to get accustomed with the data and detect the impact of
individual observations on the regression line. W hen a single
observation has too much impact, this can point to an error in the data
but it can also be a valid point.
3. Clustering : Clustering involves grouping datapoints which exhibit
similar characteristics. Datapoints which fall outside the set of cl usters
can be considered as outliers. The clusters should be optimized in such
a way that the distance between the data points inside the cluster should
be minimal and the distance among the different clusters should be as
far as possible.
Page 114
Data comes from diverse sources which we need to integrate. Data varies
in size, type, format and structure, ranging from databases, spreadsheets,
Excel files to text documents. Data Integration technique combines
data from diverse sources into a coherent data store and provides a
unified view of that data.
While performing the data integration you have to deal with several issues.
Major issues faced during Data Integration are listed below –
Entity Identification Problem – As the data is unified from diverse
sources then how to match equivalent real -world e ntities. For instance,
we have student data from two different sources. An entity from one
source has student_ID and the entity from other source has
student_PRN. Now, it’s very difficult for a data analyst or the system to
understand that these two entiti es actually refer to the same attribute.
Here Schema Integration can be achieved using metadata of each
attribute. Metadata is the data about data. Analyzing the metadata
information can prevent error in schema integration. Structural
integration can be ac hieved by ensuring that the functional dependency
of an attribute in the source system and its referential constraints
matches the functional dependency and referential constraint of the
same attribute in the target system. For instance, suppose in one dat aset
Data Source 1 Data Source 2 Data Source 3 Data Integration Data Source 3
Page 115
discount is applied to an entire order whereas in another dataset
discount is applied to every single product in the order. This
discrepancy must be identified before the data from these two sources
is integrated into a target system.
Redundancy and Correlation Analysis – Redundant data can arise
when attributes can be derived using another attribute in the data set.
For instance, one data set has student age attribute and another dataset
has student’s date of birth attribute. Now, the age attribute is redundant
as it could be derived using the date of birth. Inconsistencies in the
attribute can also be one of the reasons for redundancy. Correlation
Assessment can be used to determine redundancy. The attributes are
analyzed to detect their interdepend ency on each other thereby
detecting the correlation between them. Correlation is a statistical
analysis method used to measure and describe the relationship between
two attributes. It can also be used to determine how strong the
relationship is. Correlati on between attributes A and B is computed by
Pearson’s formula known as Correlational Coefficient.
Here is the mean of X attribute and is the mean of Y attribute.
Higher the correlation coefficient r, more strongly the attributes are
correlated and one of them (either X or Y) can be discarded. If the
correlation constant is 0 then the attributes are independent and if it is
negative then one attribute discourages the other i.e., if value of one
attribute increases then value of the other decreases.
Note that Correlation does not imply causation. It means that if there is a
correlation between two attributes that does not necessarily imp ly that one
is the cause of the other.
For discrete data, correlation between two attributes can be discovered
using chi -square test χ2. Formula for chi -square is
Here, χ2 is value of chi -square, O is the observed value of an attribute, E is
the expected value of attributes which needs to be calculated. E represents
how the attributes would be distributed if there would be NO relationship
between the attributes.
For calculating the expected value E, use the following formula
Page 116
Here, E is the expected value, M R is the row marginal for the cell you are
calculating an expected value for, M C is the column marginal and n is the
sample size.
Example – Suppose we have surveyed 100 people asking whether they
voted during State Assembly Elections . Respondents are categorized
based on their age – one category is 18 – 35 years and second is 36 to 50
years. There are also two categories of voting – Voted and Not Voted.
Below is the 2x2 contingency table which depicts two rows for age
categories and two columns for voting behaviour.
Voted Not Voted Total Age 18 -35 24 31 55 Age 36 -50 36 9 45 Total 60 40 100
Now, let us determine the expected value for each cell,
Expected value for Age 18 -35, Voted: E=55*60/100=33
Expected value for Age 18 -35, Not Voted: E=55*40/100=22
Expected value for Age 36 -50, Voted: E=45*60/100=27
Expected value for Age 36 -50, Not Voted: E=45*40/100=18
Voted, Expected Value Not Voted, Expected Value Total Age 18-35 33 22 55 Age 36-50 27 18 45 Total 60 40 100
Now, as we have the observed value and the expected value, we can easily
calculate chi -square.
χ2 = [(24 -33)2 /33] + [(31 -22)2 / 22] + [(36 -27)2 /27] + [(9 -18)2 / 18] =
2.45+3.68+3+4.5 = 13.63
Now, let’s calculate the degrees of freedom
df = (rows - 1) * (columns - 1) = (2 – 1) * (2 – 1) =1
Now, we need to use the chi -square distribution table and find the critical
value at the intersection of the degrees of f reedom (df =1) and the level of
significance which is 0.01. Our critical value is 6.63 which is smaller than
χ2value 13.63. Therefore, we can conclude that voter age and voter turnout
are related. However, we cannot determine how much they are related
using this test.
Tuple Duplicatio n: Information unification may also lead to duplicate
tuples. These duplicate tuples are the result of denormalized tables
which are used as a source for data integration.
Page 117
Detection and resolution of data value conflicts : During data fusion
process we need to pay attention to the units of measurement of the
datasets. This may be due to differences in representation, scaling or
encoding. For instance, if we are to study prices of fuel in different
parts of the world then so me datasets may contain price per gallon and
others may contain price per litre. An attribute in one system may be
recorded at a lower level of abstraction than the same attribute in
another. Having different levels of aggregation is similar to having
different types of measurements. For instance, one dataset may contain
data per week whereas the other dataset may contain data per work -
week. These types of errors are easy to detect and fix.
The diversity of the data sources poses a real challenge in the d ata
integration process. Intelligent and vigilant integration of data will
definitely lead to correct insights and speedy data mining process.
The next task after cleansing and integration is transforming your data so
it takes a suitable form for data mining. When data is homogeneous and
well-structured, it is easier to analyze and look for patterns.
Data transformation involves the following –
Smoothing – It is a process which is used to remove noise from the
dataset by applying certain algorithms. It helps in predicting patterns
from the dataset. Smoothing techniques include binning, regression and
Aggregation – Aggregation is the method of storing, analyzing and
presenting the data in a report or summary format. Telecom companies
collect data about their customers. This gives them an idea about
customer demographics and calling patterns. This aggregated data
assists them in designing custom ized offers and discounts.
Generalization – Here, low -level attributes are transformed into high -
level attributes using concept hierarchies. This transformation from a
lower level to a higher level is beneficial in getting a clear picture of
the data. For instance, age data can be in the form of (20, 30, 40…) in a
dataset. It can be transformed into a higher level into a categorical
value (young, middle -aged, old). Data generalization can be divided
into two approaches – Data cube process (OLAP) and Attrib ute
oriented induction approach (AOI).
Normalization – Data is transformed so that it falls under a given
range. The popular normalization methods are Min -Max
normalization, Z -Score normalization and Decimal Scaling . Note
that Z -Score normalization and Dec imal Scaling can change the
original data slightly.
Page 118
1. Min-Max Normalization – This method transforms the original data
linearly. Suppose min F and max F are the minimum and maximum
values of an attribute F. This method maps a value v of F to v’ in the
range [ new_min F, new_max F] using the following formula
Example - Suppose the minimum and maximum value for an attribute
profit are Rs10,000 and Rs1,00,000. We want the profit in the range of
[0,1]. Using the above formula value Rs20,000 for a ttribute profit can
be plotted to
v' = (ଶିଵ)
(ଵିଵ) (1 – 0) + 0 = 0.11
Min-Max Normalization preserves the relationships among the original
data values. It can easily flag a ‘out -of-bounds’ error if a future input case
falls outside of the original data range for the attribute.
2. Z-Score Normalization – This is used when actu al minimum and
maximum value of an attribute are unknown or when there are outliers.
Here, the values for an attribute are normalized based on mean ad
standard deviation.
Example – Suppose mean of an attribute = 60000 and standard deviation
= 10000. A value of 85000 for attribute can be transformed to
z = ଼ହି
ଵ = 2.50
3. Decimal Scaling – It normalizes the values of an attribute by changing
the position of their decimal points. The number of points by which the
decimal point is moved can be determined by the absolute maximum
value of attribute. Decimal Scaling formula is
Here, v i value is normalized to v’ i, j is the smallest integer such that
Max(|v’|) <1
For instance , Values of an attribute varies from -99 to 99. The maximum
absolute value is 99. For normalizing the values, we divide the numbers by
100 (i.e., j=2) so that values come out to be as 0.98, 0.97 and so on.
Page 119
Attribute Construction – Here, new attributes are created from an
existing set of attributes. Attribute construction can discover missing
information about relationships between data attributes which can be
important for knowledge discovery.
Data Preprocessing is an extremely important step in mining as real -world
data is usually noisy and inconsistent. Data Preprocessing involves data
cleaning, data integration, data transformation and data reduction.
Data Cleaning deals with missing values in the dataset, sanitizes the data
by removing the noise, identifies the outliers and remedies the
Data Integration combines data from varied sources. Metadata, correlation
analysis, data conflict detection con tribute towards smooth data
Data Transformation methods transforms the data into required forms for
1. Mostly in real -world data, tuples have missing values. What are the
various methods to deal with missing values?
2. What are the various issues to be considered w.r.t data integration?
3. What are the normalization methods? Also explain the value ranges for
each of them.
4. Suppose a group of 12 sales price records has been sorted as follows –
5, 10, 11, 13, 15, 35, 50, 55, 72, 9 2, 204, 215
Partition them into 3 bins by using the following methods –
a) Equal -width partitioning
b) Equal -frequency partitioning
c) Clustering
Dunham, Margaret H, Data mining: Introductory and advanced topics,
Pearson Education India, 2006.
Han, Jiawei, Jian Pei, and Micheline Kamber, Data mining: concepts
and techniques, Second Edition, Elsevier, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011.
Page 120
Data Reduction
Unit Structure
9.0 Objectives
9.1 Introduction To Data Reduction
9.2 Introduction To Data Discretization And Concept Hierarchy
9.3 Data Discretization And Concept Hierarchy Generation For
Numerical Data
9.4 Concept Hierarchy Generation For Categorical Data
9.5 Summary
9.6 Exercises
9.7 References
This chapter provides an overview of the following –
What is Data Reduction?
Data Cube Aggregation
Dimensionality Reduction
What is Data Compression?
Numerosity reduction
Data discretization and Concept hierarchy
In real world we usually deal with big data. So, it takes a long time for
analyzing and mining this big data. In some case it may not be practically
feasible to analyze such a huge amount of data. Data reduction method
resul ts in a simplified and condensed description of the original data
that is much smaller in size/quantity but retains the quality of the
original data. The strategy of data reduction decreases the sheer volume
of data but retains the integrity of the data. A nalysis and mining on such
smaller data is practically feasible and mostly results in same analytical
Page 121
Data Reduction methods are given below –
1. Data Cube Aggregation – Here, data is grouped in a more manageable
format. Mostly it is a summary o f the data. Aggregation operations are
applied to the data in the construction of a data cube.
For instance , suppose we have quarterly average of company sales from
year 2015 to 2020. Now, instead of quarterly average we require yearly
sales. So, we can summarize the data in such a way that we get cumulative
sales each year instead of quarterly average. The resulting dataset is
reduced in volume but its quality or integrity is not compromised as no
data is lost.
Data cube is a multi -dimensional architec ture. For simple data analysis,
data cubes are widely used. Data cubes provide fast access to
precomputed, summarized data, thereby benefitting on -line analytical
processing (OLAP) as well as data mining.
1. Attribute Subset Selection – Here, irrelevant and redundant attributes
are detected and removed to form the core attribute set. This process
reduces the data volume and dimensionality. The main objective of this
process is to determine minimum set of attributes such that removing
irrelevant attributes wil l not affect usability of the data. Moreover, it
also reduces the cost of data analysis.
Mining on a reduced data set may also make the discovered pattern easier
to understand. The question arises about how to select the attributes to be
removed. Statist ical significance tests are used so that such attributes can
be selected.
Following methods are used for attribute subset selection –
Stepwise Forward Selection – This method starts with an empty set of
attributes as the minimal set. The most relevant attribute is chosen and
added to the minimal set. At each iteration, the most relevant attribute
from the remaining original attributes is selected and added to the
minimal set.
Stepwise Backward Elimination – Here, all the original attributes are
considered in the initial set of attributes. In each iteration, the worst or
irrelevant attribute is removed from the set.
Combination of Forward Selection and Backward E limination –
This is the most common method used for attribute selection. As the
name itself suggests this method combines Forward Selection and
Backward Selection to select the most relevant attributes efficiently.
Decision Tree Induction – Here, a flowc hart like structure with nodes
is constructed. Nodes denote a test on an attribute. Each branch
corresponds to the result of the test and leaf nodes is a class prediction.
The attribute which does not become a part of the tree is considered to
be irrelevan t and therefore discarded.
Page 122
Dimensionality Reduction – In this method number of dimensions over
which the data is spread across is reduced. With reduced dimensionality, it
is easy to visualize and manipulate the data. Handling the high -
dimensional data is very difficult in practice. There are two types of
Dimensionality reduction –
Wavelet Transform – Here, data vector X is transformed into another
vector Y, in such a way that both the vectors are of same length. Now,
the question arises that if both the ve ctors are of same length then how
it can be useful for data reduction? The result of the wavelet transform
can be truncated thus accomplishing dimensionality reduction. A small
compressed approximation of the data can be retained by storing only a
small fr action of the strongest wavelet coefficients.
For example , retain all wavelet coefficients larger than some particular
threshold and the remaining coefficients are set to 0. The general
procedure for applying a discrete wavelet transform uses a hierarchical
pyramid algorithm that halves the data in each iteratio n, resulting in fast
computational speed.
The method is as follows –
a) The length, L, of the input data vector must be a power of 2. This
condition can be satisfied by adding extra zeros to the data vector if
b) Each transform involves applying two functions. The first applies some
data smoothing such as sum or weighted average. The second performs
a weighted difference which brings out the detailed features of the data.
c) The two functions are recursively applied to the sets of data obtained in
the p revious iteration, until the resulting dataset obtained is of length 2.
d) Selected values from the data sets obtained in the above iterations are
designated the wavelet coefficients of the transformed data.
Wavelet transforms are well suited for data cube, sparse data or data
which is highly skewed. Wavelet transform is often used in image
compression, computer vision, analysis of time -series data and data
Principal Components Analysis (PCA) – It is a statistical process
which transforms the observations of the correlated features into a set
of linearly uncorrelated features with the help of orthogonal
transformation. These new transformed features are called Principal
Components .
PCA combines th e essence of attributes by creating an alternative, smaller
set of variables. The original data can now be projected onto this smaller
set. So many a times PCA reveals relationships that were not previously
detected or identified.
Page 123
The basic process of PC A is as follows –
a) For each attribute to fall within the same range, the input data is
normalized. So, attributes with large domains do not dominate
attributes with smaller domains.
b) PCA computes k orthonormal vectors that provide a base for the
normalized input data. These unit vectors are called as Principal
Components. The input data is a linear combination of the principal
c) Principal components are sorted in order of decreasing strength. The
principal components essentially serve as a new set of axes for the data,
by providing important information about variance. Observe in the
below figure the direction in which the data varies the most actually
falls along the red line. This is the direction with the most variation in
the data. So, it’s the first principal component (PC1). The direction
along which the data varies the most out of all directions that are
uncorrelated with the first direction is shown using the blue line. That’s
the second principal component (PC2).
d) As the components are s orted based on decreasing order of strength, the
size of data can be reduced by eliminating the weaker components. The
weaker components will be with low variance. It is possible to
reconstruct a good approximation of the original data with the help of
strongest principal components.
PCA can also be used for finding hidden patterns if data has high
dimensions. Some fields where PCA is used is AI, Computer vision and
image compression.
Numerosity Reduction: Numerosity Reduction is a data reduction
technique which replaces the original data by smaller form of data
representation to reduce the volume of data. These techniques can be
parametric or nonparametric . For Parametric methods, data is
represented using some model. The model is used to estimate the data so
that only parameters of data are required to be stored instead of actual
original data. Regression and Log -Linear methods are used for creating
such models. Non -Parametric methods are used to store red uced
Page 124
representations of the data. These methods include histograms, clustering,
sampling and data cube aggregation.
Parametric Methods:
a) Regression : Regression is of two types – Simple Linear regression and
Multiple Linear regression. Regression model is Simple Linear
regression when there is only single independent attribute, however, if
there are multiple independent attributes then the model is Mul tiple
Linear Regression. In Simple Linear regression the data are modelled to
fit a straight line.
For example , a random variable ‘y’ can be modelled as a linear function
of another random variable ‘x’ with the equation y=ax+b where a
represents the slop of the line and b represents the y -intercept of the line.
With reference to data mining, x and y are numerical database attributes.
In Multiple Linear regression, y will be modelled as a linear function of
two or more independent variables.
b) Log-Linear M odel: Log-Linear models approximate discrete
multidimensional probability distributions. The method can be used to
estimate the probability of each cell in a base cuboid for a set of
discretized attributes, based on smaller cuboids making up the data
cube lattice.
Non-Parametric Methods :
a) Histograms: It is popular method of data reduction. Here, data is
represented in terms of frequency. It uses binning to approximate data
distribution. A Histogram for an attribute partitions the data distribution
of the a ttribute into disjoint subsets or buckets. The buckets are
displayed on a horizontal axis while the height and area represent the
average frequency of the values depicted by the bucket. Many a times
buckets represent continuous ranges for the given attribu te.
Page 125
There are several partitioning rules for buckets –
o Equal -width – Here, the width of each bucket range is same.
o Equal -frequency – Here, the bucket is created in such a way so that
the number of contiguous data samples in each bucket are roughly the
o V-optimal – It is based on the concept of minimizing a quantity called
as weighted variance. This method of partitioning does a better job of
estimating the bucket contents. V -optimal Histogram attempts to have
the smallest variance pos sible among the buckets.
o Max -Diff – Here, we consider the difference between each pair of
adjacent values. A bucket boundary is established between each pair for
pairs having the β -1 largest differences, where β is the user specified
number of buckets.
b) Clustering – Clustering divides the data tuples into groups/clusters.
Partitioning is done in such way that objects within a cluster are similar
to one another and are different to objects from other clusters. IN many
fields it is beneficial to group toge ther similar objects.
For instance , in a financial application we might be interested to find
clusters of organizations who have similar financial performance. In
medical application we might be interested to find clusters of patients with
similar sympto ms. It is easier to visualize clusters in two dimensions.
Centroid of a cluster is the point (sometimes imaginary) for which each
attribute value is the average of the values of the corresponding attribute
for all the points in the cluster.
So, the centr oid of four points with 6 attributes
8.0 6.2 0.5 24 11.1 -6.2 2.0 -3.5 0.9 24.2 17.3 -5.1 -3.6 8.1 0.8 20.6 10.3 -7.2 -6.0 6.7 0.7 12.7 9.2 -8
would be
0.1 4.38 0.73 20.38 11.98 -6.63
The Diameter of a cluster is the maximum distance between any two
points of the cluster. The quality of the cluster depends upon the diameter
of the cluster. We may merge those clusters whose resulting cluster has
the lowest diameter. In data reduction, th e cluster representations of the
data are used to replace the original data.
c) Sampling – Sampling is one of the data reduction method which
reduces the large dataset into a much smaller data sample.
Page 126
There are many methods using which we can sample a large data set D
containing N tuples –
o Simple Random Sample Without Replacement of size (SRSWOR) –
Here, ‘S’ number of tuples are drawn from N tuples such that Sthe dataset D. The probability of drawing any tuple from the dataset D
is 1/N which means all the tuples have an equal chance of getting
selected in the sample.
o Simple Random Sample with Replacement of size (SRSWR) – It is
similar to SRSWOR but the tuple is drawn from dataset D, is recorded
and then replaces back into the dataset D so that it can be drawn again.
o Cluster Sample – The tuples in the dataset D are clustered into M
mutually disjoint subsets. From these clusters, a simple random sample
of size S could be drawn where Simplemented by using SRSWOR on these clusters.
o Stratified Sample – Here, the large dataset D is partitioned into
mutually disjoint sets called ‘strata’. Now a simple random sample is
taken from each stratum to get stratified data. This method is useful for
skewed data.
Page 127
Data Discretization is a method of translating attribute values of
continuous data into a finite set of intervals with minimal information
loss. It is process of translating continuous d ata into intervals and then
assigning specific label to each interval. Interval labels can then be used to
replace actual data values. Replacing large number of continuous data
values with small number of labels, reduces and simplifies the actual data.
For instance , suppose we have an attribute age with following data values
Before Discretization
Age 10,11,13,14,17,19,30,31,32,38,40,42,70,72,73,75
After Discretization :
Attribute Age Age Age 10,11,13,14,17,19 30,31,32,38,40,42 70,72,73,75 Interval Label Young Middle-Aged Senior
Discretizing techniques can be categorized as foll ows :
Discretization of the top -down – Here, the procedure begins by first
determining one or few points to divide the whole set of attributes,
called as split points and th en performs this recursively at the resulting
Discretization from Bottom -up – Here, the procedure begins by
considering all the continuous values as possible split points. Then it
discards few by combining neighbourhood values to form intervals .
This process is then recursively applied to resulting intervals.
Page 128
Discretization can be performed recursively on an attribute to provide
a hierarchical or multi resolution partitioning of the attribute values
known as Concept Hierarchy .
For instance , Consider a concept hierarchy for the dimension ‘location’.
City values for location include Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Amritsar, Chandigarh,
Cochin, Thrissur, Lucknow, Varanasi, Bangalore, Mysore. Each city can
be mapped to the state to which it belongs. Each stat e can then be mapped
to province (North or South) to which they belong. These mappings form
a concept hierarchy for the dimension ‘location’ mapping a set of low -
level concepts (i.e. cities) to higher level, more general concepts (i.e.
The be low given diagram shows this concept hierarchy.
There may be more than one concept hierarchy for a given attribute or
dimension, based on different user viewpoints.
Following are the methods which can be used –
Binning : We have already discussed about this method as a part of
Data smoothing. Binning can be used for data discretization and also
for creation of idea hierarchy. Attribute values are grouped together
into a number of equal -frequency bins or equal -width bins. Then bin
mean or bin median is used for smoothing the values. This process can
be recursively used for generating concept hierarchy. As binning does
not use class information, it is an unsupervised disc retization.
Histogram Analysis : We have already discussed about Histograms as
a part of Data Reduction techniques. Histograms partitions the values
for an attribute into disjoint ranges called as buckets. We have already
discussed Equal -width histogram an d Equal -frequency Histogram the
partitioning techniques. To automatically generate multilevel concept
hierarchy, histogram analysis algorithm is applied recursively to each
partition. The process is curtailed once the desired number of concept
levels are r eached.
Page 129
Entropy -based Discretization : Entropy is one of the most popularly
used discretization technique. We always want to make meaningful
splits or partitions in our continuous data. Entropy -base discretization
helps to split our data at points where we will gain the most insights
when we give it to our data mining systems. Entropy describes how
consistently a potential split will match up with a classifier. Lower
entropy is better and a Zero value entropy is the best.
For instance , suppose we have dat a about income of people below 25
years of age.
Income<=50000 Income>50000 Age<25 4 6
The above data will result in a high entropy value, almost closer to 1.
Based on the above data we cannot be sure that if a person is below 25
years of age, then he will have income greater than 50000. Because data
indicates that only 6/10 make more than 50000 and the rest makes below
it. Now, let’s change our data values.
Income<=50000 Income>50000 Age<25 9 1
Now, this data will give a lower entropy value as it provides us more
information on relation between age and income.
Now, let’s see how we calculate the entropy value.
Here, m is the number of classifier values. In our example value of m=2 as
we have 2 options: income<=50000 and income>50000. ‘p’ is the
probability of getting specific classifier given the bin you are looking at.
Now, lets just calculate entropy values for the above two table values.
In the first table we had 4 samples below 50000 inc ome and 6 above
Entropy (Age<25) = - (ସ
ଵ log 2(ସ
ଵ) +
ଵ log 2(
ଵ)) = 0.529 + 0.442 = 0.971
Now, let’s calculate for second table.
Entropy (Age<25) = - (ଽ
ଵ log 2(ଽ
ଵ) + ଵ
ଵ log 2(ଵ
ଵ)) = 0.137 + 0.332 = 0.469
So, if you observe entropy value moved from 0.971 to 0.469. We would
have 0 entropy value if we had 10 in one category and 0 in the other
Page 130
Entropy -based discretization performs the following algorithm –
1. Calculate Entropy value for your data.
2. For each potential split in your data
o Calculate Entropy in each potential bin
o Find the net entropy for your split
o Calculate entropy gain
3. Select the split with highest entropy gain
4. Recursively perform the partition on each split until a termination
criterion is met. Terminate once you have reached a specified number
of bins or terminate once the entropy gain falls below a certain limit.
We want to perform splits which improve the insights we get from our
data. So, we want to perform splits that maximize the i nsights we get from
our data. Entropy gain measures that. So, we need to find and maximize
entropy gain to perform splits.
We can calculate net entropy using the following equation.
The formula indicates that our information across two bins is equal to the
ratio of the bin’s size multiplied by that bin’s entropy.
Consider the following example . Here, we have data regarding number
of hours studied (continuous variable) and scored gra de A achieved in test
Hours Studied Scored Grade A in test 4 N 5 Y 8 N 12 Y 15 Y
We will discretize the above given data by first calculating entropy of the
data set.
Scored Grade A Scored Grade lower than A Overall students 3 2
Entropy (D) = - (ଷ
ହ log 2(ଷ
ହ) + ଶ
ହ log 2(ଶ
ହ)) = 0.529 + 0.442 = 0.971
Page 131
Now, we will iterate through and see which splits give us the maximum
entropy gain. To find a split, we average two neighbouring values in the
Split 1: 4.5
4 and 5 are the neighbouring values in the list. Suppose we split at (4+5)/2
= 4.5
Now we get 2 bins as follows
Scored grade A Scored lower than A <=4.5 0 1 >4.5 3 1
Now, we need to calculate entropy for each bin and find the information
gain of this split.
Entropy (D <=4.5) = - (ଵ
ଵ log 2(ଵ
ଵ) +
ଵ log 2(
ଵ)) = 0 + 0 = 0
Entropy (D >4.5) = - (ଷ
ସ log 2(ଷ
ସ) +ଵ
ସ log 2(ଵ
ସ)) = 0.311 + 0.5 = 0.811
Net entropy is Info A (Dnew) = ଵ
ହ (0) + ସ
ହ (0.811) = 0.6488
Entropy gain is Gain(D new) = 0.971 – 0.6488 = 0.322
Split 2: 6.5 – Average of next 2 values is (5+8)/2 = 6.5. Now, we will
repeat the above procedure which we carried for Split1.
Scored grade A Scored lower than A <=6.5 1 1 >6.5 2 1
Entropy (D <=6.5) = 1
Entropy (D >6.5) = 0.917
Net entropy is Info A (Dnew) = 0.944
Entropy Gain is Gain(D new) = 0.971 – 0.944 = 0.27
This is less gain than we had in the earlier split (0.322) so our best split is
still at 4.5. Let’s check the next split at 10.
Split3: 10 – Average of next 2 values is (8+12)/2 = 10. Now we w ill
repeat the procedure. Scored grade A Scored lower than A <=10 1 2 >10 2 0
Entropy (D <=10) = 0.917
Entropy (D >10) = 0
Net entropy is Info A (Dnew) = 0.55
Page 132
Entropy Gain is Gain (D new) = 0.971 – 0.55 = 0.421
This is the maximum gain value we have as compared to the earlier splits
(0.322 and 0.27).
Split 4: 13.5 –This split will also result in lower entropy gain.
Conclusion – So, now after calculating entropy gains for various splits,
we conclude that the best split is Split3. So, we will partition the data at
The entropy and information gain measures are also used for decision tree
Interval Merging by χ2 Analysis – Chi merge is a simple algorithm
which uses χ2 (chi-square) statistic to discretize numeric attributes.
It is a supervised bottom -up data discretization technique. Here, we
find the best neighbouring intervals and merge them to form larger
intervals. This process is recursive in nature. The basic idea is that for
accurate discretization, the relative class frequencies should be fairly
consistent within an interval. If two adjacent intervals have a very
similar distribution of classes, then the in tervals can be merged.
Otherwise, they should remain separate. It treats intervals as discrete
categories. Initially, in the ChiMerge method each distinct value of a
numerical attribute A is considered to be one interval.χ2 test is
performed for every pair of adjacent intervals.Adjacent intervals with
the least χ2 values are merged together, since low χ2 values for a pair
indicate similar class distributions. This merge process proceeds
recursively until a predefined stopping criterion is met like significa nce
level, max -interval, max inconsistency etc.
Cluster Analysis – It is a popular data discretization technique. A
clustering algorithm is applied to discretize a numerical attribute ‘A’ by
partitioning the values of A into clusters. Clustering can prod uce high
quality discretization result. By using the top -down splitting strategy or
a bottom -up merging strategy, Clustering can be used to generate a
concept hierarchy of A. Here, each cluster will form a node of the
concept hierarchy. In the top -down app roach, each cluster may be
further decomposed into several subclusters forming a lower level of
hierarchy. In the bottom -up approach, clusters are formed by repeatedly
grouping neighbouring clusters in order to form higher -level concepts.
Intuitive Parti tioning – Intuitive partitioning or Natural partitioning is
one of the easiest way of data discretization. The 3 -4-5 rule can be
used to segment numerical data into relatively uniform intervals.
Here, partitions are created at 3, 4 or 5 relatively equal -width intervals,
recursively and level by level, based on the value at the most significant
digit (MSD).
Page 133
The 3 -4-5 rule is as follows –
o If an interval covers 3, 6, 7 or 9 distinct values at most significant digit,
then create 3 intervals. Here, there can be 3 equal -width intervals for
3,6,9; and 3 intervals in the grouping of 2 -3-2 each for 7.
o If it covers 2,4 or 8 distinct values at most significant digit, then create
4 sub -intervals of equal -width.
o If it covers 1,5 or 10 distinct values at the most signi ficant digit, then
partition the range into 5 equal -width intervals.
For instance , breaking up annual salaries in the range of into ranges like
50000 – 100000 are often more desirable than ranges like 51263 – 98765.
Example - Assume that we have records showing profits made in each
sale throughout a financial year. Profit data range is -351976 to 47000896.
(Negative profit value indicates loss.)
Now, we need to perform data smoothing so we will discard 5% data
values from top and bottom of the dataset. This may avoid noisy data.
Suppose after discarding 5% of the data values, our new values for Low =
-159876 and High = 183876. Observe that here MSD is at million
Now, we will round down the Low and High at MSD. So Low = -1000000
(rounding down -159876 to nearest million gives -1000000) and High =
2000000 (rounding 183876 to nearest million gives 2000000). So here
Range is 2000000 – (-1000000) = 3000000. We will con sider only MSD
here, so range of this interval is 3.
Now, as the interval covers 3 distinct values at MSD, we will divide this
interval into 3 equal -width size intervals.
Interval 1: ( -1000000 to 0]
Interval 2: (0 to 1000000]
Interval 3: (1000000 to 2000 000]
Observe the notation (a to b] in above intervals – it denotes the range that
excludes ‘a’ but includes ‘b’.
Further, we can apply 3 -4-5 rule recursively to each interval creating a
concept hierarchy.
Generalization is the generation of concept hierarchies for categorical
data. Categorical attributes have a finite number of distinct values, with no
ordering among the values. Geographic location, product type, job
category etc. can be its few ex amples.
Page 134
Methods for generation of concept hierarchies for categorical data are as
follows –
Specification of a partial ordering of attributes explicitly at the
schema level by users or experts – A user can easily define a concept
hierarchy by specifying ordering of the attributes at schema level.
For instance , dimension ‘location’ may contain a group of attributes
like street, city, state and country. A hierarchy can be defined by
specifying th e total ordering among these attributes at schema level
such as
Street < City < State < Country
Specification of a portion of a hierarchy by explicit data grouping –
We can easily specify explicit groupings for a small portion of
intermediate -level data.
For instance , after specifying that state and country form a hierarchy at
schema level, a user can define some intermediate levels manually such
{Jaisalmer, Jaipur, Udaipur} < Rajasthan
Specification of a set of attributes, but not of their partial or dering
– A user can specify a set of attributes forming a concept hierarchy, but
may not explicitly state their partial ordering. The system can then try
to automatically generate the attribute ordering so as to construct a
meaningful concept hierarchy. A concept hierarchy can be
automatically generated based on the number of distinct values per
attribute in the given attribute set. The attribute with the most distinct
values is placed at the lowest level in the hierarchy. The lower the
number of distinct v alues an attribute has, the higher it is placed in the
hierarchy. You can observe in the below given diagram ‘street’ is
placed at the lowest level as it has largest number of distinct values.
Specification of only a partial set of attributes – Many a times user
has only a vague idea about what should be included in a hierarchy. So,
he/she may include only a subset of relevant attributes in the hierarchy
Page 135
specification. For instance, a user may include only street and city in
the hierarchy specification of dimension ‘location’. To handle such
partially defined hierarchies, it is suggested to embed data semantics in
the database schema so that attributes with tight semantic connections
can be pinned together.
Data Reduction methods include data cube aggregation, attribute subset
selection, dimensionality reduction, numerosity reduction and
discretization can be used to obtain a reduced representation of the data
while minimizing the loss of information and its quality.
Data discretization and generation of concept hierarchies for numerical
data consists of methods like binning, histogram analysis, entropy -based
discretization, chi -square analysis, cluster analysis and natural
partitioning. Concept hierarchy fo r categorical data can be generated
based on the number of distinct values of the attributes defining the
1. Which method according to you is the best method for data reduction?
2. Write a short note on data cube aggregation.
3. What is concept hierarchy in data mining?
4. How concept hierarchy is generated for numeric data?
5. How concept hierarchy is generated for categorical data?
Dunham, Margaret H, Data mining: Introductory and advanced topics,
Pearson Education India, 200 6.
Han, Jiawei, Jian Pei, and Micheline Kamber, Data mining: concepts
and techniques, Second Edition, Elsevier, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011.
Page 136
Unit structure
10.0 Objectives
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Association Rule Mining
10.3 Support and Confidence
10.3.1 Support
10.3.2 Confidence
10.3.3 Lift
10.4 Frequent Pattern Mining
10.4.1 Market Basket Analysis
10.4.2 Medical Diagnosis
10.4.3 Census Data
10.4.4 Protein Sequence
10.5 Market Basket Analysis
10.5.1 Implementation of MBA
10.6 Apriori Algorithm
10.6.1 Apriori Property
10.6.2 Steps in Apriori
10.6.3 Example of Apriori
10.6.4 Apriori Pseudo Code
10.6.5 Advantages and Disadvantages
10.6.6 Method to Improve Apriori Efficiency
10.6.7 Applications of Aprio ri
10.7 Associative Classification - Rule Mining
10.7.1 Typical Associative Classification Methods
10.7.2 Rules for Support and confidence in Associative
10.8 Conclusion
10.9 Summary
10.10 References
In this chapter we will describe a class of unsupervised learning models
that can be used when the dataset of interest does not include a target
Page 137
attribute. These are methods that derive association rulesthe aim of which
is to identify regular patterns and recurrences within a large set of
transactions. They are fairly simple and intuitive and are frequently used
to investigate sales transactions in market basket analysis and navigation
paths within websites.
Association rule mining represents a data mining technique and its goal is
to find interesting association or correlation relationships among a large
set of data items. With massive amounts of data continuously being
collected and stored in databases, many companies are becoming
interested in mining ass ociation rules from their databases to increase their
The Main objective of data mining is to find out the new, unknown and
unpredictable information from the used database, which is useful and
helps in decision making. There are a number of tec hniques used in data
mining to identify the frequent pattern and mining rules includes clusters
analysis, anomaly detection, association rule mining etc. In this Chapter
we provide an overview of association rule research.
Data Mining is the discovery of hidden information found in databases
and can be viewed as a step in the knowledge discovery process. Data
mining functions include clustering, classification, prediction, and link
analysis. One of the most important data mining applic ations is that of
mining association rules.
Association rules, first introduced in 1993 and are used to identify
relationships among a set of items in a database. These relationships are
not based on inherent properties of the data themselves (as with functional
dependencies), but rather based on co -occurrence of the data items. In
Data mining significant data dig out from a huge database repository. It is
the progression of selection of significant information from big amount of
data by using convinced sophisticated algorithms. Data mining is
becoming a gradually more vital tool to convert data into valuable
information which facilitate in decision making.
It is the most important and deeply considered functions of mining of data.
It not only provides a well -organized method of discovering the patterns
and recognition of the model but also verifies the rule that exist, which
ultimately helps in providing new rules. Association rules provide the
effective scientific base for decision making. Rule of associations have
been used in many applications to find frequent patterns in data.One of the
key domains which use association rule is business field where it hel ps in
a very effective and efficient decision making and marketing. Other field
areas where association rule mining can be applied are market basket
Page 138
analysis, medical diagnosis, census data, fraud detection in web and DNA
data analysis etc.
For example, in the field of electrical power engineering, the methods of
data mining have been used for the condition monitoring of high voltage
equipment. In medical field ARM is used to find frequently occur diseases
in particular area and to diagnose different dise ases. It is also used to attain
information about the navigational activities of users in web Log data.
Recently it is discovered that there are various algorithms for finding the
association rules. For frequent pattern mining different frameworks have
been defined.
Association Rule Mining, as the name suggests, association rules are
simple If/Then statements that help discover relationships between
seemingly independent relational databases or other data repositories.
Most algorithms work with numeric datasets and he nce tend to be
mathematical. However, association rule mining is suitable for non -
numeric, categorical data and requires just a little bit more than simple
Association rule mining is a procedure which aims to observe frequently
occurring patter ns, correlations, or associations from datasets found in
various kinds of databases such as relational databases, transactional
databases, and other forms of repositories. Main purpose of Association
rule mining is,
Finding frequent patterns, associations, correlations, or causal
structures among sets of items in transaction databases.
Understand customer buying habits by finding associations and
correlations between the different items that customers place in their
“shopping basket”.
Association Rule Mining is one of the ways to find patterns in data. It
Features (dimensions) which occur together.
Features (dimensions) which are “correlated”.
We can use Association Rules in any dataset where features take only two
values i.e., 0/1. Some examples are listed below:
Market Basket Analysis is a popular application of Association Rules.
People who visit webpage X are likely to visit webpage Y.
People who have age -group [30,40] & income [>$100k] are likely to
own home.
Page 139
Association rules are us ually required to satisfy a user -specified minimum
support and a user -specified minimum confidence at the same time.
Association rule generation is usually split up into two separate steps:
A minimum support threshold is applied to find all frequent itemse ts in
a database.
A minimum confidence constraint is applied to these frequent itemsets
in order to form rules.
While the second step is straightforward, the first step needs more
A set of transactions process aims to find the rules that enable us to predict
the occurrence of a specific item based on the occurrence of other items in
the transaction.
An association rule has 2 parts:
An Antecedent (if) and
a Consequent (then)
An antecedent is something that’s found in data, and a consequent is an
item that is found in combination with the antecedent.
Antecedent → Consequent [support, confidence]
(support and confidence are user defined measures of interestingness)
“If a customer buys bread, he’s 70% likely of buying milk.”
In the above association rule, bread is the antecedent and milk is the
consequent. These types of relationships where we can find out some
association or relation between two items is known as single cardinality . It
is all about creating rules, and if the number of items increases, then
cardinality also increases accordingly. So, to measure the associations
between thousands of data items, there are several metrics. If the above
rule is a result of a thorough anal ysis of some data sets, it cannot be only
used to improve customer service but also improve the company’s
Association rules are created by thoroughly analyzing data and looking for
frequent if/then patterns. Then, depending on the following two
parameters, the important relationships are observed:
10.3.1 Support :
Support indicates how frequently the if/then relationship appears in the
database. It is the frequency of A or how frequently an item appears in the
dataset. It is defined as the fraction of the transaction T that contains the
Page 140
itemset X. If there are X dat asets, then for transactions T, it can be written
10.3.2 Confidence:
Confidence tells about the number of times these relationships have been
found to be true. It indicates how often the rule has been found to be true.
Or how often the items X and Y occur together in the dataset when the
occurrence of X is already given. It is the ratio of the transaction that
contains X and Y to the number of records that contain X.
10.3.3 Lift:
Lift is the strength of any rule, which can be defined as below formula:
It is the ratio of the observed support measure and expected support if X
and Y are independent of each other. It has three possible values:
Lift= 1 : The probability of occurrence of antecedent and consequent is
independent of each other.
Lift>1 : It determines the degree to which the two itemsets are
dependent to each other.
Lift<1 : It tells us that one item is a substitute for other items, which
means one item has a negative effect on another.
So, in a given transaction with multiple item s, Association Rule Mining
primarily tries to find the rules that govern how or why such
products/items are often bought together.
Frequent Pattern Mining is also known as the Association Rule Mining.
Finding frequent patterns, causal structures and associations in data sets
and is an inquisitive process called pattern mining. When a series of
transactions are given, pattern mining’s main motive is to find the rules
that enable us to speculate a certain item based on th e happening of other
items in the transaction.
Page 141
Frequent Pattern Mining is an analytical process that finds frequent
patterns, associations, or causal structures from data sets found in various
kinds of databases such as relational databases, transactional databases,
and other data repositories. Frequent pattern: a pattern (a set of items,
subsequences, substructures, etc.) that occurs frequently in a data set.
For instance, a set of items, such as pen and ink, often appears together in
a set of data tran sactions, is called a recurrent item set. Purchasing a
personal computer, later a digital camera, and then a hard disk, if all these
events repeatedly occur in the history of shopping database, it is a
(frequent) sequential pattern. If the occurrence of a substructure is regular
in a graph database, it is called a (frequent) structural pattern.
Given a set of transactions, we can find rules that will predict the
occurrence of an item based on the occurrences of other items in the
Before we start defining the rule, let us first see the basic definitions.
Support Count ( δ)– Frequency of occurrence of a itemset.
Here δ ({Milk, Bread, Diaper}) =2
Frequent Itemset – An itemset whose support is greater than or equal to
minsup threshold.
Association Rule – An implication expression of the form X -> Y, where
X and Y are any 2 itemsets.
Example: {Milk, Diaper} ->{Beer}
From the above table, {Milk, Diaper}=>{Beer}
Support = ({Milk, Diaper, Beer}) ÷ |T|
Page 142
= 2/5
= 0.4
Confidence = (Milk, Diaper, Beer) ÷ (Milk, Diaper)
= 2/3
= 0.67
Lift = Supp({Milk, Diaper, Beer}) ÷ Supp({Milk,
= 0.4/(0.6*0.6)
= .11
Let’s look at some areas where Association Rule Mining has helped
quite a lot:
10.4.1 Market Basket Analysis:
This is the most typical example of association mining. Data is collected
using barcode scanners in most supermarkets. This database, known as the
“market basket” database, consists of a large number of records on past
transactions. A single record lists all the items bought by a customer in
one sale. Knowing which groups are inclined towards which set of items
gives these shops the freedom to adjust the store layout and the store
catalog to place the optimally c oncerning one another.
10.4.2 Medical Diagnosis:
Association rules in medical diagnosis can be useful for assisting
physicians for curing patients. Diagnosis is not an easy process and has a
scope of errors which may result in unreliable end -results. Using relational
association rule mining, we can identify the probability of the occurrence
of illness concerning various factors and symptoms. Further, using
learning techniques, this interface can be extended by adding new
symptoms and defining relations hips between the new signs and the
corresponding diseases.
10.4.3 Census Data:
Every government has tonnes of census data. This data can be used to plan
efficient public services (education, health, transport) as well as help
public businesses. This appli cation of association rule mining and data
mining has immense potential in supporting sound public policy and
bringing forth an efficient functioning of a democratic society.
10.4.4 Protein Sequence:
Proteins are sequences made up of twenty types of amino acids. Each
protein bears a unique 3D structure which depends on the sequence of
these amino acids. A slight change in the sequence can cause a change in
structure which might change the functioning of the protein. This
dependency of the protein functioni ng on its amino acid sequence has
been a subject of great research.
Page 143
To understand the value of this applied technique, let’s consider two
business use cases.
Use Case One
Business Problem: A retail store manager wants to conduct Market
Basket analysis to come up with a better strategy of product placement
and product bundling.
Business Benefit: Based on the rules generated, the store manager can
strategically place the products together or in sequence leading to
growth in sales and, in turn, revenue of the store. Offers such as “Buy
this and get this free” or “Buy this and get % off on this” can be
designed based on the rules generated.
Use Case Two :
Business Problem: A bank -marketing manager wishes to analyze
which products are frequently and sequentially bought together. Each
customer is represented as a transaction, containing the ordered set of
products, and which products are likely to be purchased
simultaneously/sequentially can then be predicted.
Business Benefit: Based on the rules generated, bankin g products can
be cross -sold to each existing or prospective customer to drive sales
and bank revenue. For example, if savings, personal loan and credit
cards are frequently/sequentially bought, then a new saving account
customer can be cross -sold with a p ersonal loan and credit card.
Association Rule Mining is sometimes referred to as “Market Basket
Analysis”, as it was the first application area of association mining. It is a
modeling technique that helps to identify which items should be purchased
together. The aim is to discover associations of items occurring together
more often than you’d expect from randomly sampling all the possibilities.
The classic anecdote of Beer and Diaper will help in understanding this
Assume that, there are large number of items like Tea, Coffee, Milk,
Sugar. Among these, the customer buys the subset of items as per the
requirement and market gets the information of items which customer has
purchased together. So, the market uses this i nformation to put the items
on different positions (or locations).
Market Basket Analysis method of determining customer obtained
patterns by mining association from retailer transactional database. Now a
day’s every product comes with the bar code. This data is rapidly
documented by the business world as having the huge possible value in
marketing. In detailed, commercial organizations are interested in
“association rules” that identify the patterns of purchases, such that the
Page 144
occurrence of one item in a basket will indicate the presence of one or
more additional items. This “market basket analysis” result can then be
used to recommend the combinations of the products for special
promotions or sales, devise a more actual store layout, and give vision into
brand loyalty and co -branding. It will also lead the managers towards
efficient and real strategic decision making.
10.5.1 Implementation of market based analysis :
The market basket analysis is used to decide the perfect location, where
the items can be placed inside the store.
For example: If the customer buys a coffee, it is possible that the
customer may buy milk or sugar along with coffee.
So keeping the coffee and sugar next to each other in store will be
helpful to customers to buy the items together and improves sales of the
The problem of large volume transactions can be minimized by
using differential market basket analysis , which is capable of finding
interesting results and eliminates the large volume.
Algorithm which is used in market basket analysis (MBA) is apriori
algorithm because it is a candidate generation algorithm. It is founded on
information that this algorithm uses the preceding knowledge of the
regular item set possessions. Apriori procedure pays to an iterative tac tic
that is recognized as a level wise search in which k -item sets are used to
discover (k+1) itemsets. Based on this possession, if a set cannot pass the
minimum verge than all of its super sets will also fail the test as well.
Thus, if an item set is n ot a recurrent item set, then item set will not use to
create large item set. Apriori procedure is the most recurrently used
algorithm among the association rules algorithms that were used at the
analysis phase. The problems occur in apriori algorithm are that it scans
the databases again and again to check the recurrent item sets and it also
generate infrequent itemsets.
Strong associations have been observed among the purchased item sets
group with regard to the purchase behaviour of the customers of th e retail
store. The customer’s shopping information analyzed by using the
association rules mining with the apriori algorithm. As a result of the
analysis, strong and useful association rules were determined between the
product groups with regard to unders tanding what kind of purchase
behaviour customer’s exhibit within a certain shopping visit from both in -
category and from different product categories for the specialty store
Example of Marketing and Sales Promotion:
Let the rule discovered be
{Bagels, … } --> {Potato Chips}
Page 145
Potato Chips as consequent => Can be used to determine what should
be done to boost its sales.
Bagels in the antecedent => Can be used to see which products would
be affected if the store discontinues selling bagels.
Bagels in antecedent and Potato chips in consequent => Can be used
to see what products should be sold with Bagels to promote sale of
Potato chips!
With the quick growth in e -commerce applications, there is an
accumulation vast quantity of d ata in months not in years. Data Mining,
also known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases(KDD), to find
anomalies, correlations, patterns, and trends to predict outcomes.
Apriori algorithm is a classical algorithm in data mining. It is used for
mining frequ ent itemsets and relevant association rules. It is devised to
operate on a database containing a lot of transactions, for instance, items
brought by customers in a store.
Apriori algorithm was the first algorithm that was proposed for frequent
itemset min ing. It uses prior(a -prior) knowledge of frequent itemset
properties. A minimum threshold is set on the expert advice or user
Apriori algorithm is given by R. Agrawal and R. Srikant in 1994 for
finding frequent itemsets in a dataset for boolean association rule. Name
of the algorithm is Apriori because it uses prior knowledge of frequent
itemset properties. We apply an iterative approach or level -wise search
where k -frequent itemsets are used to find k+1 itemsets.
To improve the efficien cy of level -wise generation of frequent itemsets, an
important property is used called Apriori property which helps by
reducing the search space.
10.6.1 Apriori Property:
All non -empty subset of frequent itemset must be frequent. The key
concept of Aprio ri algorithm is its anti -monotonicity of support measure.
Apriori assumes that All subsets of a frequent itemset must be frequent
(Apriori propertry). If an itemset is infrequent, all its supersets will be
10.6.2 Steps in Apriori :
Apriori algorithm is a sequence of steps to be followed to find the most
frequent itemset in the given database. This data mining technique follows
the join and the prune steps iteratively until the most frequent itemset is
Page 146
achieved. A minimum support thre shold is given in the problem or it is
assumed by the user.
Step 1: In the first iteration of the algorithm, each item is taken as a 1 -
itemsets candidate. The algorithm will count the occurrences of
each item.
Step 2: Let there be some minimum support, min _sup ( eg 2). The set of
1 – itemsets whose occurrence is satisfying the min sup are
determined. Only those candidates which count more than or
equal to min_sup, are taken ahead for the next iteration and the
others are pruned.
Step 3: Next, 2 -itemset freq uent items with min_sup are discovered. For
this in the join step, the 2 -itemset is generated by forming a group
of 2 by combining items with itself.
Step 4: The 2 -itemset candidates are pruned using min -sup threshold
value. Now the table will have 2 –itemsets with min -sup only.
Step 5: The next iteration will form 3 –itemsets using join and prune step.
This iteration will follow antimonotone property where the
subsets of 3 -itemsets, that is the 2 –itemset subsets of each group
fall in min_sup. If all 2 -itemset subsets are frequent then the
superset will be frequent otherwise it is pruned.
Step 6: Next step will follow making 4 -itemset by joining 3 -itemset with
itself and pruning if its subset does not meet the min_sup criteria.
The algorithm is stopped when the most frequent itemset is
10.6.3 Example of Apriori:
Support threshold=50%, Confidence= 60%
Page 147
Transaction List of items T1 I1,I2,I3 T2 I2,I3,I4 T3 I4,I5 T4 I1,I2,I4 T5 I1,I2,I3,I5 T6 I1,I2,I3,I4
Support threshold=50% => 0.5*6= 3 => min_sup=3
1. Count of Each Item :
Table -2 Item Count I1 4 I2 5 I3 4 I4 4 I5 2
2. Prune Step: TABLE -2 shows that I5 item does not meet min_sup=3,
thus it is deleted, only I1, I2, I3, I4 meet min_sup count.
Table -3 Item Count I1 4 I2 5 I3 4 I4 4
3. Join Step: Form 2 -itemset. From TABLE -1 find out the occurrences of
Table -4 Item Count I1,I2 4 I1,I3 3 I1,I4 2 I2,I3 4
Page 148
I2,I4 3 I3,I4 2
4. Prune Step: TABLE -4 shows that item set {I1, I4} and {I3, I4} does
not meet min_sup, thus it is deleted.
Table -5 Item Count I1,I2 4 I1,I3 3 I2,I3 4 I2,I4 3
5. Join and Prune Step: Form 3 -itemset. From the TABLE - 1 find out
occurrences of 3 -itemset. From TABLE -5, find out the 2 -itemset subsets
which support min_sup.
We can see for itemset {I1, I2, I3} subsets, {I1, I2}, {I1, I3}, {I2, I3} are
occurring in TABLE -5 thus {I1, I2, I3} is frequent.
We can see for itemset {I1, I2, I4} subsets, {I1, I2}, {I1, I4}, {I2, I4}, {I1,
I4} is not frequent, as it is not o ccurring in TABLE -5 thus {I1, I2, I4} is
not frequent, hence it is deleted.
Table -6
Item I1,I2,I3 I1,I2,I4 I1,I3,I4 I2,I3,I4
Only {I1, I2, I3} is frequent .
6. Generate Association Rules: From the frequent itemset discovered
above the association could be:
{I1, I2} => {I3}
Confidence = support {I1, I2, I3} / support {I1, I2} = (3/ 4)* 100 = 75%
{I1, I3} => {I2}
Confidence = support {I1, I2, I3} / support {I1, I3} = (3/ 3)* 100 = 100%
{I2, I3} => {I1}
Confidence = support {I1, I2, I3} / support {I2, I3} = (3/ 4)* 100 = 75%
Page 149
{I1} => {I2, I3}
Confidence = support {I1, I2, I3} / support {I1} = (3/ 4)* 100 = 75%
{I2} => {I1, I3}
Confidence = support {I1, I2, I3} / support {I2 = (3/ 5)* 100 = 60%
{I3} => {I1, I2}
Confidence = support {I1, I2, I3} / support {I3} = (3/ 4)* 100 = 75%
This shows that all the above association rules are strong if minimum
confidence threshold is 60%.
10.6.4 The Apriori Algorithm: Pseudo Code
C: Candidate item set of size k
L: Frequent itemset of size k
10.6.5 Advantages and Disadvantages :
1. Easy to understand algorithm
2. Join and Prune steps are easy to implement on large itemsets in large
1. It requires high computation if the itemsets are very large and the
minimum support is kept very low.
2. The entire database needs to be scanned.
10.6.6 Methods to Improve Apriori Efficiency :
Many methods are available for improving the efficiency of the
1. Hash -Based Technique: This method uses a hash -based structure
called a hash table for generating the k -itemsets and its corresponding
count. It uses a hash function for generating the table.
Page 150
2. Transaction Reduction: This method reduces the number of
transactions scanning in iterations. The transactions which do not
contain frequent items are marked or removed.
3. Partitioning: This method requires only two database scans to mine
the frequent itemsets. It says that for any itemset to be potentially
frequent in the database, it should be frequent in at least one of the
partitions of the database.
4. Sampling: This method picks a random sample S from Database D and
then searches for frequent itemset in S. It may be possible to lose a
global frequent itemset. This can be reduced by lowering the min_sup.
5. Dynamic Itemset Counting: This technique can add ne w candidate
itemsets at any marked start point of the database during the scanning
of the database.
10.6.7 Applications of Apriori Algorithm :
Some fields where Apriori is used:
1. In Education Field: Extracting association rules in data mining of
admitted st udents through characteristics and specialties.
2. In the Medical field: For example Analysis of the patient’s database.
3. In Forestry: Analysis of probability and intensity of forest fire with the
forest fire data.
4. Apriori is used by many companies like Amazon in the Recommender
System and by Google for the auto -complete feature.
Associative classifiers are a classification system based on associative
classification rules. Although associative classification is more accurate
than a traditional classification approach, it cannot handle numerical data
and its relationships.
Associative Classification, a combination of two important and different
fields (classification and association rule mining), aims at building
accurate and interpretable classifiers by means of association rules. A
major problem in this field is that existing proposals do not scale well
when Data Mining is considered.
Associative classification (AC) is a promising data mining approach that
integrates classification and association rule discovery to build
classification models (classifiers). Previously several AC algorithms have
been proposed such as Classification based Association (CBA),
Classification based on Predicted Association Rule (CPAR ), Multi -class
Classification using Association Rule (MCAR), Live and Let Live (L3)
and others. These algorithms use different procedures for rule learning,
Page 151
rule sorting, rule pruning, classifier building and class allocation for test
Data flow diagram of associative classification
Associative Classification :
Association rules are generated and analyzed for use in classification
Search for strong associations between frequent patterns (conjunctions
of attribute -value pairs) and class labels
Classification: Based on evaluating a set of rules in the form of
P1 ^ p2 … ^ pl à ―Aclass = Cǁ (conf, sup)
It explores highly confident associations among multiple attributes and
may overcome some constraints introduced by decision -tree induction,
which c onsiders only one attribute at a time
10.7.1 Typical Associative Classification Methods :
1. CBA (Classification By Association):
Mine association possible rules in the form of
Cond -set (a set of attribute -value pairs) à class label
Build classifier: Organize rules according to decreasing precedence
based on confidence and then support .
2. CMAR (Classification based on Multiple Association Rules):
Classification: Statistical analysis on multiple rules
3. CPAR (Classification based on Predictive Association Rules):
Generation of predictive rules (FOIL -like analysis)
High efficiency, accuracy similar to CMAR
10.7.1 Rule support and confidence :
Given a training data set T, for a rule R: P → C
Page 152
The support of R, denoted as sup(R), is the number of objects in T
matching R condition and having a class label c
The confidence of R, denoted as conf(R), is the the number of objects
matching R condition and having class label cover the number of
objects matching R condition
Any Item has a support larger than the user minimum support is called
frequent itemset
Associative classification is a promising approach in data mining.
Since more than LLHs ( Low-Level Heuristic) could improve the
objective function in the hyperheuristic, we need a multi -label rules in
the classifier.
Associative classifiers produce more accurate classification models
than traditional classification algorithms such as decision trees and rule
induc tion approaches.
One challenge in associative classification is the exponential growth of
rules, therefore pruning becomes essential
In this chapter we have presented some needed concepts for dealing with
association rules, recalled previous efforts concerning association rule
mining. Presented an efficient algorithm for identifying association rules
of interest. Introduced detailed ef forts on mining association rules;
Association rule mining: support and confidence and frequent item sets,
market basket analysis, Apriori algorithm and Associative classification.
P. N. Tan, M. Steinbach, and V. Kumar, Introduction to D ata Mining.
Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, Data Mining: Concepts and
Tan, P., Steinbach, M., & Kumar, Introduction to data mining. Pearson
Agrawal, R., Imielinski, T., Mining association rules between sets of
items in large databases. -Classification_8326/ -algorithm/
Page 153
Unit V
Unit structure
11.0 Objectives
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Classification
11.2.1 Training and Testing
11.2.2 Categories of Classification
11.2.3 Associated Tools and Languages
11.2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages
11.3 Classification of Data Mining
11.3.1 Two Important steps
a. Model Construction
b. Model Usage
11.3.2 Classification Methods
11.4 Statistical -based Algorithms
11.4.1 Regression
11.4.2 Terminologies Related to the Regression Analysis
11.4.3 Use of Regression Analysis
11.4.4 Types of Regression
a. Linear Reg ression
b. Logistic Regression
c. Polynomial Regression
d. Support Vector Regression
e. Decision Tree Regression
f. Random Forest Regression
g. Ridge Regression
h. Lasso Regression
11.5 Naïve Bayesian Classification
11.5.1 Working of Naïve Bayes
11.5.2 Advantages and Disadvantages
11.5.3 Types of Naïve Bayes Model
11.6 Distance -based algorithm
11.6.1 K Nearest Neighbor
11.6.2 Working of KNN Algorithm
Page 154
11.6.3 Advantages and Disadvantages
11.7 Conclusion
11.8 Summary
11.9 References
The main objective of classification is to create a courseware that focuses
on creating materials to achieve the goal of helping the students get deeper
understanding of the most used classification algorithms in data mining.
The existing materials on the clas sification algorithms are completely
textual and students find it difficult to grasp. With the help of this
courseware, students will be able to learn the algorithms and then visualize
the steps with the help of interactive examples that can be modified in
many ways by the student to get a complete understanding of the
algorithms. There is also information provided on how to make practical
use of these algorithms using data mining tools.
Classification is used in data mining to classify data based on class labels.
It involves building a model using training data set, and then using the
built model to assign given items to specific classes/categories. In the
model building process, also called training process, a classification
algorithm f inds relationships between the attributes of the data and the
target. Different classification algorithms use different techniques for
finding relationships. These relationships are summarized in a model,
which can then be applied to a new data set in whic h the class assignments
are unknown. According to Carlo Vercellis, Classification models are
supervised learning methods for predicting the value of a categorical target
attribute, unlike regression models which deal with numerical attributes.
Starting from a set of past observations whose target class is known,
classifi cation models are used to generate a set of rules that allow the
target class of future examples to be predicted.
Classification holds a prominent position in learning theory due to its
theoretical implications and the countless applications it affords. F rom a
theoretical viewpoint, the development of algorithms capable of learning
from past experience represents a fundamental step in emulating the
inductive capabilities of the human brain.
On the other hand, the opportunities afforded by classification e xtend into
several different application domains: selection of the target customers for
a marketing campaign, fraud detection, image recognition, early diagnosis
of diseases, text cataloguing and spam email recognition are just a few
examples of real probl ems that can be framed within the classification
Page 155
In this chapter, we will review the major classification methods:
classification trees, Bayesian methods, neuralnetworks, logistic regression
and support vector machines. Statistical -based algorith ms- Regression,
Naïve Bayesian classification, Distance -based algorithm - K Nearest
Neighbour, Decision Tree -based algorithms -ID3, C4.5, CART and so on.
Classification is a data analysis task, i.e. the process of finding a model
that describes and distinguishes data classes and concepts. Classification
is the problem of identifying to which of a set of categories
(subpopulations), a new observation belongs to, on the basis of a training
set of data containing observations and whose cat egories membership is
Example : Before starting any project, we need to check its feasibility. In
this case, a classifier is required to predict class labels such as ‘Safe’ and
‘Risky’ for adopting the Project and to further approve it. It is a two -step
process such as:
1. Learning Step (Training Phase) : Construction of Classification
Different Algorithms are used to build a classifier by making the
model learn using the training set available. The model has to be
trained for the prediction of accurate results.
2. Classification Step : Model used to predict class labels and testing the
constructed model on test da ta and hence estimate the accuracy of the
classification rules.
11.2.1 Training and Testing:
Suppose there is a person who is sitting under a fan and the fan starts
falling on him, he should get aside in order not to get hurt. So, this is his
training part to move away. While Testing if the person sees any heavy
object coming towards him or fallin g on him and moves aside then the
system is tested positively and if the person does not move aside then the
system is negatively tested.
Same is the case with the data, it should be trained in order to get the
accurate and best results.
There are certa in data types associated with data mining that actually
tells us the format of the file (whether it is in text format or in numerical
Attributes – Represents different features of an object. Different types of
attributes are:
1. Binary : Possesses only two values i.e. True or False
Example: Suppose there is a survey evaluating some products. We
need to check whether it’s useful or not. So, the Customer has to
answer it in Yes or No.
Page 156
Product usefulness: Yes / No
Symmetric : Both values are equally important in all aspects
Asymmetric : When both the values may not be important.
2. Nominal : When more than two outcomes are possible. It is in
Alphabet form rather than being in Integer form.
Example : One needs to choose some material but of different colors. So,
the color might be Yellow, Green, Black, Red.
Different Colors: Red, Green, Black, Yellow
Ordinal : Values that must have some meaningful order.
Example: Suppose there are grade sheets of fe w students which might
contain different grades as per their performance such as A, B, C, D
Grades: A, B, C, D
Continuous : May have an infinite number of values, it is in float
Example: Measuring the weight of few Students in a sequence or
orderly m anner i.e. 50, 51, 52, 53
Weight: 50, 51, 52, 53
Discrete : Finite number of values.
Example: Marks of a Student in a few subjects: 65, 70, 75, 80, 90
Marks: 65, 70, 75, 80, 90
11.2.2 Categories of Classification :
Classifiers can be categorized into two major types:
1. Discriminative : It is a very basic classifier and determines just one
class for each row of data. It tries to model just by depending on the
observed data, depends heavily on the quality of data rather than on
2. Example : Logistic Regression
Acceptance of a student at a University (Test and Grades need to be
Suppose there are few students and the Result of them are as follows :
3. Generative : It models the distribution of individual classes and tries
to learn the model that generates the data behind the scenes by
estimating assumptions and distributions of the model. Us ed to predict
the unseen data.
Example : Naive Bayes Classifier Detecting Spam emails by looking at
the previous data. Suppose 100 emails and that too divided in 1:4 i.e.
Class A: 25%(Spam emails) and Class B: 75%(Non -Spam emails). Now
if a user wants to check that if an email contains the word cheap, then
that may be termed as Spam.
Page 157
It seems to be that in Class A(i.e. in 25% of data), 20 out o f 25 emails
are spam and rest not.
And in Class B(i.e. in 75% of data), 70 out of 75 emails are not spam and
rest are spam.
So, if the email contains the word cheap, what is the probability of it
being spam ?? (= 80%)
11.2.3 Associated Tools and Languages :
Used for mining/ to extract useful information from raw data.
Main Languages used : R, SAS, Python, SQL
Major Tools used : RapidMiner, Orange, KNIME, Spark, Weka
Libraries used : Jupyter, NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, ScikitLearn,
NLTK, TensorFlow, Seaborn, Basemap, etc.
Real –Life Examples:
Market Basket Analysis:
It is a modeling technique that has been associated with frequent
transactions of buying some combination of items.
Example : Amazon and many other Retailers use this technique.
While viewing some products, certain suggestions for the
commodities are shown that some people have bought in the past.
Weather Forecasting:
Changing Patterns in weather conditions needs to be observed based
on parameters such as temperature, humidity, wind di rection. This
keen observation also requires the use of previous records in order to
predict it accurately.
11.2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages :
Mining Based Methods are cost -effective and efficient
Helps in identifying criminal suspects
Helps in predicting the risk of diseases
Helps Banks and Financial Institutions to identify defaulters so that
they may approve Cards, Loan, etc.
Privacy: When the data is either are chances that a company may give
some information about t heir customers to other vendors or use this
information for their profit.
Accuracy Problem: Selection of Accurate model must be there in order
to get the best accuracy and result.
Page 158
Data Mining is considered as an interdisciplinary field. It includes a set
of various disciplines such as statistics, database systems, machine
learning, visu alization and information sciences. Classification of the
data mining system helps users to understand the system and match their
requirements with such systems.
Data mining systems can be categorized according to various criteria, as
1. Classificat ion according to the application adapted:
This involves domain -specific application. For example, the data
mining systems can be tailored accordingly for telecommunications,
finance, stock markets, e -mails and so on.
2. Classification according to the type of techniques utilized:
This technique involves the degree of user interaction or the technique
of data analysis involved. For example, machine learning,
visualization, pattern recognition, neural networks, database -oriented
or data -warehouse oriented techniques.
3. Classification according to the types of knowledge mined:
This is based on functionalities such as characterization, association,
discrimination and correlation, prediction etc.
4. Classification according to types of databases mined:
A database system can be classified as a ‘type of data’ or ‘use of data’
model or ‘application of data’.
11.3.1 The two important steps of classification are:
a. Model construction :
A predefine class label is assigned to every sample tuple or object.
These tuples or subset data are known as training data set.
The constructed model, which is based on training set is represented as
classification rules, decision trees or mathematical formulae.
b. Model usage
The constructed model is used to perform classification of unknown
A class label of test sample is compared with the resultant class label.
Accuracy of model is compared by calculating the percentage of test set
samples, that are correctly classified by the constructed model.
Test sample data and trainin g data sample are always different.
Page 159
11.3.2 Classification methods :
Classification is one of the most commonly used technique when it comes
to classifying large sets of data.This method of data analysis includes
algorithms for supervised learning adapted to the data quality. The
objective is to learn the relation which links a variable of interest, of
qualitative type, to the other observed variables, possibly for the purpose
of prediction. The algorithm that performs the classification is the
classifier wh ile the observations are the instances. The classification
method uses algorithms such as decision tree to obtain useful information.
Companies use this approach to learn about the behavior and preferences
of their customers. With classification, you can d istinguish between data
that is useful to your goal and data that is not relevant.
The study of classification in statistics is vast, and there are several types
of classification algorithms you can use depending on the dataset you’re
working with. Below are the most common algorithms in Data Mining.
a) Statistical -based algorithms - Regression
b) Naïve Bayesian classification
c) Distance -based algorithm - K Nearest Neighbour
d) Decision Tree -based algorithms -ID3
e) C4.5
There are two main phases present to work on classification. The first
can easily identify the statistical community. The second, “modern” phase
concentrated on more flexible classes of models. In which many of which
attempt has to take. That provides an estimat e of the joint distribution of
the feature within each class. That can, in turn, provide a classification
Generally, statistical procedures have to characterize by having a precise
fundamental probability model. That used to provide a probability of
being in each class instead of just a classification. Also, we can assume
that techniques will use by statisticians.
11.4.1 Regression :
Regression analysis is a statistical method to model the relationship
between a dependent (target) and independent (predictor) variables with
one or more independent variables. More specifically, Regression analysis
helps us to understand how the value of the dependent variable is changing
corresponding to an independent variable when other independent
variables are he ld fixed. It predicts continuous/real values such
as temperature, age, salary, price, etc.
Regression is an important and broadly used statistical tool. The key
Page 160
objective of regression -based tasks is to predict output labels or responses
which are continues numeric values, for the given input data. The output
will be based on what the model has learned in training phase. Basically,
regression models use the input data features (independent variables) and
their corresponding continuous numeric output values (dependent or
outcome variables) to learn specific association between inputs and
corresponding outputs.
In Regression, we plot a graph between the variables which best fits the
given datapoints, using this plot, the machine learning model can mak e
predictions about the data. In simple words, "Regression shows a line or
curve that passes through all the datapoints on target -predictor graph in
such a way that the vertical distance between the datapoints and the
regression line is minimum." The dista nce between datapoints and line
tells whether a model has captured a strong relationship or not.
Some examples of regression can be as:
Prediction of rain using temperature and other factors
Determining Market trends
Prediction of road accidents due to ra sh driving.
11.4.2 Terminologies Related to the Regression Analysis:
o Dependent Variable: The main factor in Regression analysis which
we want to predict or understand is called the dependent variable. It is
also called target variable .
o Independent Variable: The factors which affect the dependent
variables or which are used to predict the values of the dependent
variables are called independent variable, also called as a predictor .
o Outliers: Outlier is an observation which contains either very low
value or very high value in comparison to other observed values. An
outlier may hamper the result, so it should be avoided.
o Multicollinearity: If the independent variables are highly correlated
with each other than other variables, then such condition is cal led
Multicollinearity. It should not be present in the dataset, because it
creates problem while ranking the most affecting variable.
o Underfitting and Overfitting: If our algorithm works well with the
training dataset but not well with test dataset, then s uch problem is
called Overfitting . And if our algorithm does not perform well even
with training dataset, then such problem is called underfitting .
11.4.3 Use of Regression Analysis :
As mentioned above, Regression analysis helps in the prediction of a
continuous variable. There are various scenarios in the real world where
we need some future predictions such as weather condition, sales
prediction, marketing trends, etc., for such case we need some technology
which can make predictions more accurately. So for such case we need
Page 161
Regression analysis which is a statistical method and used in machine
learning and data science.
Below are some other reasons for using Regression analysis:
o Regression estimates the relationship between the target and the
independent variable.
o It is used to find the trends in data.
o It helps to predict real/continuous values.
o By performing the regression, we can confidently determine the most
important factor, the least important factor, and how each factor is
affecting the other factors .
11.4.4 Types of Regression :
a. Linear Regression
b. Logistic Regression
c. Polynomial Regression
d. Support Vector Regression
e. Decision Tree Regression
f. Random Forest Regression
g. Ridge Regression
h. Lasso Regression
a. Linear Regression:
It is one of the most widely known modeling techniques, as it is amongst
the first elite regression analysis methods picked up by people at the time
of learning predictive modeling. Here, the dependent variable is
continuous and independent variable is more often continuous or discreet
with a linear regression line.
Please note, in a multiple linear regression there is more than one
Page 162
independent variable and in a simple linear regression, there is only o ne
independent variable. Thus, linear regression is best to be used only when
there is a linear relationship between the independent and a dependent
Example: A business can use linear regression for measuring the
effectiveness of the marketing ca mpaigns, pricing, and promotions on
sales of a product. Suppose a company selling sports equipment wants to
understand if the funds they have invested in the marketing and branding
of their products has given them substantial return or not. Linear
regressi on is the best statistical method to interpret the results. The best
thing about linear regression is it also helps in analyzing the obscure
impact of each marketing and branding activity, yet controlling the
constituent’s potential to regulate the sales. If the company is running two
or more advertising campaigns at the same time; as if one on television
and two on radio, then linear regression can easily analyze the independent
as well as the combined influence of running these advertisements
b. LogisticRegression :
Logistic regression is commonly used to determine the probability of
event=Success and event=Failure. Whenever the dependent variable is
binary like 0/1, True/False, Yes/No logistic regression is used. Thus, it can
be said that logistic regression is used to analyze either the close -ended
questions in a survey or the questions demanding numeric response in a
Please note, logistic regression does not need a linear relationship between
a dependent and an independent variable just l ike linear regression. The
logistic regression applies a non -linear log transformation for predicting
the odds’ ratio; therefore, it easily handles various types of relationships
between a dependent and an independent variable.
Example: Logistic regressio n is widely used to analyze categorical data,
particularly for binary response data in business data modeling. More
often logistic regression is used to when the dependent variable is
categorical like to predict whether the health claim made by a person is
real(1) or fraudulent, to understand if the tumor is malignant(1) or not.
Businesses use logistic regression to predict whether the consumers in a
particular demographic will purchase their product or will buy from the
competitors based on age, income, ge nder, race, state of residence,
previous purchase, etc.
c. Polynomial Regression:
Polynomial regression is commonly used to analyze the curvilinear data
and this happens when the power of an independent variable is more than
1. In this regression analysis me thod, the best fit line is never a ‘straight -
line’ but always a ‘curve line’ fitting into the data points.
Page 163
Please note, polynomial regression is better to be used when few of the
variables have exponents and few do not have any. Additionally, it can
model non-linearly separable data offering the liberty to choose the exact
exponent for each variable and that too with full control over the modeling
features available.
Example: Polynomial regression when combined with response surface
analysis is considered as a sophisticated statistical approach commonly
used in multisource feedback research. Polynomial regression is used
mostly in finance and insurance -related industries where the relationship
between dependent and independent variable is curvilinear. Supp ose a
person wants to budget expense planning by determining how much time
it would take to earn a definitive sum of money. Polynomial regression by
taking into account his/her income and predicting expenses can easily
determine the precise time he/she nee ds to work to earn that specific sum
of amount.
d. Support Vector Regression:
Support Vector Machine is a supervised learning algorithm which can be
used for regression as well as classification problems. So if we use it for
regression problems, then it is t ermed as Support Vector Regression.
Support Vector Regression is a regression algorithm which works for
continuous variables. Below are some keywords which are used in
Support Vector Regression:
Kernel: It is a function used to map a lower -dimensional dat a into higher
dimensional data.
Hyperplane: In general SVM, it is a separation line between two classes,
but in SVR, it is a line which helps to predict the continuous variables and
cover most of the datapoints.
Boundary line: Boundary lines are the two li nes apart from hyperplane,
which creates a margin for datapoints.
Support vectors: Support vectors are the datapoints which are nearest to
the hyperplane and opposite class.
In SVR, we always try to determine a hyperplane with a maximum
margin, so that ma ximum number of datapoints are covered in that
margin. The main goal of SVR is to consider the maximum datapoints
within the boundary lines and the hyperplane (best -fit line) must contain a
maximum number of datapoints.
e. Decision Tree Regression:
Decision Tree is a supervised learning algorithm which can be used for
solving both classification and regression problems. It can solve problems
for both categorical and numerical data. Decision Tree regression builds a
tree-like structure in which each internal n ode represents the "test" for an
attribute, each branch represents the result of the test, and each leaf node
Page 164
represents the final decision or result. A decision tree is constructed
starting from the root node/parent node (dataset), which splits into left and
right child nodes (subsets of dataset). These child nodes are further
divided into their children node, and themselves become the parent node
of those nodes.
f. Random Forest Regression:
Random forest is one of the most powerful supervised learning algorithms
which is capable of performing regression as well as classification tasks.
The Random Forest regression is an ensemble learning method which
combines multiple decision trees and predi cts the final output based on the
average of each tree output. Random forest uses Bagging or Bootstrap
Aggregation technique of ensemble learning in which aggregated decision
tree runs in parallel and do not interact with each other. With the help of
Rando m Forest regression, we can prevent Overfitting in the model by
creating random subsets of the dataset.
g. Ridge Regression:
Ridge regression is one of the most robust versions of linear regression in
which a small amount of bias is introduced so that we can get better long
term predictions.
The amount of bias added to the model is known as Ridge Regression
penalty. We can compute this penalty term by multiplying with the lambda
to the squared weight of each individual features.
A general linear or polynomi al regression will fail if there is high
collinearity between the independent variables, so to solve such problems,
Ridge regression can be used.
Ridge regression is a regularization technique, which is used to reduce the
complexity of the model. It is al so called as L2 regularization.
It helps to solve the problems if we have more parameters than samples.
h. Lasso Regression:
Lasso regression is another regularization technique to reduce the
complexity of the model. It is similar to the Ridge Regression exc ept that
penalty term contains only the absolute weights instead of a square of
weights. Since it takes absolute values, hence, it can shrink the slope to 0,
whereas Ridge Regression can only shrink it near to 0.
Naive Bayes classifiers are a collection of classification algorithms based
on Bayes’ Theorem. A Naive Bayesian method is easy to build, with no
complicated iterative parameter estimation which makes it particularly
useful for very large datasets. Despite its simplicity, the Naive Bayesian
classifier often does surprisingly well and is widely used because it often
outperforms more sophisticated classification methods. It is based on
Page 165
probability models that incorporate strong independence assumptions. The
independence assumptions often do not have an impact on reality.
Therefore, they are considered as naive.
Naive Bayes classification is one of the simplest and popular algorithms in
data mining. It is not a single algorithm but a family of algorithms where
all of them share a common principle, i.e. every pair of features being
classified is independent of each other. It is mainly used in text
classification that includes a high -dimensional training dataset.
For example, a fruit may be considered to be an apple if it is red, round,
and about 3" in diameter. A naive Bayes classifier considers each of these
features to contribute independently to the probability that this fruit is an
apple, regardless of any possible correlations between the color, roundness
and diameter features. Although the assumption that the predictor
(independent) variables are independent is not always accurate, it does
simplify the classification task dramatic ally, since it allows the class
conditional densities to be calculated separa tely for each variable, i.e., it
reduces a multidimensional task to a number of one -dimensional ones. In
effect, Naive Bayes reduces a high -dimensional density estimation task to
a one -dimensional kernel density estimation. Furthermore, the assumption
does not seem to greatly affect the posterior probabilities, especially in
regions near decision boundaries, thus, leaving the classification task
Now, before moving to the formula for Naive Bayes, it is important to
know about Bayes’ theorem.
Bayes’ Theorem
o Bayes' theorem is also known as Bayes' Rule or Bayes' law , which is
used to determine the probability of a hypothesis with prior knowledge.
It depends on the conditional probability.
o The formula for Bayes' theorem is given as:
P(A|B) is Posterior probability: Probability of hypothesis A on the
observed event B.
P(B|A) is Likelihood probability: Probability of the evidence given that
the probability of a hypothesis is true.
P(A) is Prior Probability: Probability of hypothesis bef ore observing the
Page 166
11.5.1 Working of Naive Bayes Classifier:
Working of Naïve Bayes' Classifier can be understood with the help of the
below example:
Suppose we have a dataset of weather conditions and corresponding target
variable "Play". So using this dataset we need to decide that whether we
should play or not on a particular day according to the weather conditions.
So to solve this problem, we need to follow the below steps:
Convert the given dataset into frequency tables.
Generate Likeliho od table by finding the probabilities of given features.
Now, use Bayes theorem to calculate the posterior probability.
Problem: If the weather is sunny, then the Player should play or not?
Solution: To solve this, first consider the below dataset:
Outlook Play 0 Rainy Yes 1 Sunny Yes 2 Overcast Yes 3 Overcast Yes 4 Sunny No 5 Rainy Yes 6 Sunny Yes 7 Overcast Yes 8 Rainy No 9 Sunny No 10 Sunny Yes 11 Rainy No 12 Overcast Yes 13 Overcast Yes
Frequency table for the Weather Conditions:
Weather Yes No Overcast 5 0 Rainy 2 2 Sunny 3 2 Total 10 5
Page 167
Likelihood table weather condition:
Weather No Yes Overcast 0 5 5/14= 0.35 Rainy 2 2 4/14=0.29 Sunny 2 3 5/14=0.35 All 4/14=0.29 10/14=0.71
Applying Bayes' theorem:
P(Yes|Sunny)= P(Sunny|Yes)*P(Yes)/P(Sunny)
P(Sunny|Yes)= 3/10= 0.3
P(Sunny)= 0.35
So P(Yes|Sunny) = 0.3*0.71/0.35= 0.60
P(No|Sunny)= P(Sunny|No)*P(No)/P(Sunny)
P(Sunny|NO)= 2/4=0.5
P(No)= 0.29
P(Sunny)= 0.35
So P(No|Sunny)= 0.5*0.29/0.35 = 0.41
So as we can see from the above calculation that
Hence on a Sunny day, Player can play the game.
11.5.2 Advantages and Disadvantages :
Advantages of Naive Bayes Classifier:
Naïve Bayes is one of the fast and easy ML algorithms to predict a
class of datasets.
It can be used for Binary as well as Multi -class Classifications.
It performs well in Multi -class predictions as compared to the other
It is the most popular choice for text classification problems.
Disadvantages of Naive Bayes Classifier:
Naive Bayes assumes that all features are independent or unrelated, so
it cannot learn the relationship between features.
Applications of Naive Bayes Classifier:
It is used for Credit Scoring.
Page 168
It is used in medical data classificat ion.
It can be used in real -time predictions because Naïve Bayes Classifier
is an eager learner.
It is used in Text classification such as Spam filtering and Sentiment
11.5.3 Types of Naive Bayes Model:
There are three types of Naive Bayes Model , which are given below:
a. Gaussian: The Gaussian model assumes that features follow a normal
distribution. This means if predictors take continuous values instead of
discrete, then the model assumes that these values are sampled from the
Gaussian distributi on.
b. Multinomial: The Multinomial Naïve Bayes classifier is used when the
data is multinomial distributed. It is primarily used for document
classification problems, it means a particular document belongs to
which category such as Sports, Politics, educatio n, etc. The classifier
uses the frequency of words for the predictors.
c. Bernoulli: The Bernoulli classifier works similar to the Multinomial
classifier, but the predictor variables are the independent Booleans
variables. Such as if a particular word is present or not in a document.
This model is also famous for document classification t asks.
Distance -based algorithms are nonparametric methods that can be used for
classification. These algorithms classify objects by the dissimilarity
between them as measured by distance functions.
It classifies queries by computing distances between these queries and a
number of internally stored exemplars. Exemplars that are closest to the
query have the largest influence on the classification assigned to the query.
Here we will study one distance based algorithm, K Neares t Neighbor in
11.6.1 K Nearest Neighbor :
k-Nearest Neighbours is a non -parametric lazy classification algorithm. It
is one of the simplest data -mining algorithms where if there are N given
training samples and a sample point S is given, the algori thm identifies k
closest neighbors to S. The algorithm is lazy because it doesn’t have any
training phase before making decisions and it is non -parametric because it
does not make any assumptions of the input data. It is widely disposable in
real-life scen arios since it is non -parametric, meaning, it does not make
any underlying assumptions about the distribution of data
Page 169
11.6.2 Working of KNN Algorithm :
K-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm uses ‘feature similarity’ to predict
the values of new datapoints which further means that the new data point
will be assigned a value based on how closely it matches the points in the
training set. We can understand its working with the help of following
steps −
Step 1 : For implementing any algorithm, we need dataset. So during the
first step of KNN, we must load the training as well as test data.
Step 2 : Next, we need to choose the value of K i.e. the nearest data
points. K can be any integer.
Step 3 : For each point in the test data do the following −
3.1 − Calculate the distance between test data and each row of
training data with the help of any of the method namely:
Euclidean, Manhattan or Hamming distance. The most
commonly used method to calculate distance is Euclidean.
3.2 − Now, based on the distance value, sort them in ascending
3.3 − Next, it will choose the top K rows from the sorted array.
3.4 − Now, it will assign a class to the test point based on most
frequent class of these rows.
Step 4 – End
Example :
The following is an example to understand the concept of K and working
of KNN algorithm
Suppose we have a dataset which can be plotted as follows,
Now, we need to classify new data point with black dot (at point 60,60) into blue
or red class. We are a ssuming K = 3 i.e. it would find three nearest data points. It
is shown in the next diagram.
Page 170
We can see in the above diagram the three nearest neighbors of the data point
with black dot. Among those three, two of them lies in Red class hence the black
dot will also be assigned in red class.
In the case of KNN, indeed it doesn’t “compare” the new unclassified data with
all other, actually he performs a mathematical calculation to measure the distance
between the data to mak es the classification.
The KNN’s steps are:
1. Receive an unclassified data;
2. Measure the distance (Euclidian, Manhattan, Minkowski or
Weighted) from the new data to all others data that is already
3. Gets the K(K is a parameter that you define) smaller distances;
4. Check the list of classes had the shortest distance and count the
amount of each class that appears;
5. Takes as correct class the class that appeared the most times;
6 . Classifies the new data with the class that you took in step 5
Calculating distance:
To calculate the distance between two points (your new sample and all the data
you have in your dataset) is very simple, as said before, there are several ways to
get this value, in this article we will use the Euclidean d istance.
The Euclidean distance’s formule is like the image below:
Using this formula that you will check the distance between 1 point and 1 other
point in your dataset, one by one in all your dataset, the smaller the result of this
calculation is the most similar between these two data.
To make it simple,
Page 171
Let’s use the example from the previous worksheet but now with 1
unclassified data, thas’s the information we want to discover.
We have 5 data (lines) in this example, each sample (data/line) have your
attributes (characteristics), let’s imagine that all these are images, each line
would be an image and each column would be an image’s pixel.
So let’s start by that confuse explain above,.
Let’s take the first line, which is the data that we want to classify and let’s
measure the Euclidean distance to line 2
1 — Subtraction
Let’s subtract each attribute (column) from row 1 with the attributes from
row 2, example:
(1–2) = -1
2 — Exponentiation:
After you had subtract column 1 from row 1, with col umn 1 from row 2,
we will get the squared root, so the result numbers are aways positive,
(1–2)² = ( -1)²(-1)² = 1
3 — Sum
After you have done step 2, for all the row 1's columns and row 2’s
columns, we will sum all these results, let’s make an ex ample using the
spreadsheet’s columns’s image and we will have the following result:
(1–2)² + (1 –2)² + (1 –2)² + (1 –2)² + (1 –2)² + (1 –2)² + (1 –2)² + (1 –2)² = 8
Note that we have 8 attribute columns, both in row 1 and row 2, and we
performed step 2 for e ach dataset’s attribute, so our final result was 8, but
why 8? Because each time we run step 2, the result gave 1, by a
“coincidence” we have the same data in all columns and the result of (1 –2)
² is equal to 1, I used those values to facilitate the math h ere, but no, this
attributes doesn’t need always be the same number, later we will see this
better in implementing a code with this algorithm.
Page 172
4 —Square root:
After performed step 3, we will get our subtractions’s sum’s square root.
In step 3, the result was 8, so let’s take the square root of number 8:
√8 = 2,83 ou 8^(½) = 2,83
(Note: ou – Euclidean distance.)
Now you have the Euclidean distance from line 1 to line 2, look, it was not
so difficult, you could do it in a simple paper!
Now, you only need to make these for all dataset’s lines, from line 1 to all
other lines, when you do this, you will have the Euclidean distance from
line 1 to all other lines, then you will sort it to get the “k”(e.g. k = 3)
smallest distances, so you will check which is th e class that most appears,
the class that appears the most times will be the class that you will use to
classify the line 1 (which was not classified before).
11.6.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of KNN :
Advantages :
It is very simple algorithm to understand and interpret.
It is very useful for nonlinear data because there is no assumption about
data in this algorithm.
It is a versatile algorithm as we can use it for classification as well as
It has relatively high accuracy but there are much better supervised
learning models than KNN.
Disadvantages :
It is computationally a bit expensive algorithm because it stores all the
training data.
High memory storage required as compared to other supervised
learning algorithms.
Prediction is slow in case of big N.
It is very sensitive to the scale of data as well as irrelevant features.
Data mining offers promising ways to uncover hidden patterns within
large amounts of data. These hidden patterns can potentially be used to
predict future behavior. The availability of new data mining algorithms,
however, should be met with caution. First of all, these techniques are
only as good as the data that has been collected. Good data is the first
requirement for good data exploration. Assuming good data is available,
the next step is to choose the most appropriate technique to mine the data.
Howeve r, there are tradeoffs to consider when choosing the appropriate
Page 173
data mining technique to be used in a certain application. There are
definite differences in the types of problems that are conductive to each
The presented discussion on knowledge extraction from medical databases
is merely a short summary of the ongoing efforts in this area. It does,
however, point to interesting directions of our research, where the aim is
to apply hybrid classification scheme s and create data mining tools well
suited to the crucial demands with using statistical based algorithms and
Distance based algorithms. Different techniques with Regression Analysis,
Naïve Bayesian Classification, K Nearest Neighbor are explained with
The objectives listed above would have been achieved if readers can gain
a good understanding of data mining and be able to develop data mining
applications. There is no doubt that data mining can be a very powerful
technology and methodology for g enerating information from raw data to
address business and other problems. This usefulness, however, will not
be realised unless knowledge of data mining is put to good use.
Anurag Upadhayay, Suneet Shukla, Sudsanshu Kumar, Empirical
Com parison by data mining Classification algorithms
Jaiwei Han and Micheline Kamber, Data Mining Concepts and
Techniques.Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. /cap6635/Fall -97/Short -papers/2.htm -and-regression -
trees -for-machine -learning/
Page 174
Unit Structure
12.0 Objectives
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Decision Tree
12.2.1 Decision Tree Terminologies
12.2.2 Decision Tree Algorithm
12.2.3 Decision Tree Example
12.2.4 Attribute Selection Measures
a. Information Gain
b. Gini Index
c. Gain Ratio
12.2.5 Overfitting in Decision Trees
a. Pruning Decision Trees
b. Random Forest
12.2.6 Better Linear of Tree -based Model
12.2.7 Advantages and Disadvantages
12.3 Iterative Dichotomiser 3 (ID3)
12.3.1 History of ID3
12.3.2 Algorithm of ID3
12.3.3 Advantages and Disadvantages
12.4 C4.5
12.4.1 Algorithm of C4.5
12.4.2 Pseudocode of C4.5
12.4.3 Advantages
12.5 CART (Classification and Regression Tree)
12.5.1 Classification Tree
12.5.2 Regression Tree
12.5.3 Difference between Classification and R egression Trees
12.5.4 Advantages of Classification and Regression Trees
12.5.5 Limitations of Classification and Regression Trees
12.6 Conclusion
12.7 Summary
12.8 References
Page 175
After going through this lesson you will be able to learn following things.
1. Learn about the decision tree algorithm for classification problems.
2. Decision tree -based classification algorithms serve as the fundamental
step in application of the decision tree method, which is a predictive
modeling technique for cla ssification of data.
3. This chapter provides a broad overview of decision tree -based
algorithms that are among the most commonly used methods for
constructing classifiers.
4. You will also learn the various decision tree methods like ID3, C4.5,
CART etc. in det ail.
As you studied in previous chapter, that Classification is a two -step
process, learning step and prediction step, in Data mining. In the learning
step, the model is developed based on given training data. In the prediction
step, the model is used to predict the response for given data. Decision
Tree is one of the easiest and popular classification algorithms to
understand and interp ret.
In this chapter, you will learn Tree based algorithms which are considered
to be one of the best and mostly used supervised classification methods.
Tree based algorithms empower predictive models with high accuracy,
stability and ease of interpretati on. Unlike linear models, they map non -
linear relationships quite well. They are adaptable at solving any kind of
problem at hand.
A decision tree is a plan that includes a root node, branches, and leaf
nodes. Every internal node characterizes an examination on an attribute,
each division characterizes the consequence of an examination, and each
leaf node grasps a class tag. The primary node in the tree is the root node.
Decision Trees usually mimic human thinking ability while mak ing a
decision, so it is easy to understand. The logic behind the decision tree can
be easily understood because it shows a tree -like structure.
Using a decision tree, we can visualize the decisions that make it easy to
understand and thus it is a popula r data mining classification technique.
The goal of using a Decision Tree is to create a training model that can use
to predict the class or value of the target variable by learning simple
decision rules inferred from prior data (training data). In Decisio n Trees,
for predicting a class label for a record we start from the root of the tree.
We compare the values of the root attribute with the record’s attribute. On
Page 176
the basis of comparison, we follow the branch corresponding to that value
and jump to the nex t node.
12.2.1 Decision Tree Terminologies :
1. Root Node: Root node is from where the decision tree starts. It
represents the entire dataset, which further gets divided into two or
more homogeneous sets.
2. Leaf Node: Leaf nodes are the final output node, and the tree cannot be
segregated further after getting a leaf node.
3. Splitting: Splitting is the process of dividing the decision node/root
node into sub -nodes according to the given conditions.
4. Branch/Sub Tree: A tree formed by splitting the tree.
5. Pruning: Pruning is the process of removing the unwanted branches
from the tree.
6. Parent/Child node: The root node of the tree is called the parent node,
and other nodes are called the child nodes.
12.2.2 Decision tree algorithm :
Decision tree algorithm falls under t he category of supervised learning.
They can be used to solve both regression and classification problems.
Decision tree uses the tree representation to solve the problem in which
each leaf node corresponds to a class label and attributes are
represented o n the internal node of the tree.
We can represent any boolean function on discrete attributes using the
decision tree.
Working of Decision Tree algorithm :
In a decision tree, for predicting the class of the given dataset, the
algorithm starts from the root node of the tree. This algorithm compares
the values of root attribute with the record (real dataset) attribute and,
based on the comparison, follows the branch and jumps to the next node.
For the next node, the algorithm again compares the attribute value with
the other sub -nodes and move further. It continues the process until it
reaches the leaf node of the tree. The complete process can be better
understood using the below algorithm:
Step -1: Begin the tree with the root node, says S, which contai ns the
complete dataset.
Step -2: Find the best attribute in the dataset using Attribute Selection
Measure (ASM).
Step -3: Divide the S into subsets that contains possible values for the best
Step -4: Generate the decision tree node, which cont ains the best attribute.
Page 177
Step -5: Recursively make new decision trees using the subsets of the
dataset created in step -3. Continue this process until a stage is
reached where you cannot further classify the nodes and called
the final node as a leaf node.
12.2.3 Example :
Suppose there is a candidate who has a job offer and wants to decide
whether he should accept the offer or Not. So, to solve this problem, the
decision tree starts with the root node (Salary attribute by ASM). The root
node splits further into the next decision node (distance from the office)
and one leaf node based on the corresponding labels. The next decision
node further gets split into one decision node (Cab facility) and one leaf
node. Finally, the decision node splits into two leaf n odes (Accepted offers
and Declined offer). Consider the below diagram:
12.2.4 Attribute Selection Measures :
While implementing a Decision tree, the main issue arises that how to
select the best attribute for the root node and for sub -nodes. So, to solve
such problems there is a technique which is called as Attribute selection
measure or ASM. By this measurement, we can easily select the best
attribute for the nodes of the tree. There are following popular techniques
for ASM, which are:
a. Information Gain
b. Gini Index
c. Gain ratio
a. Information Gaim :
This method is the main method that is used to build decision trees. It
reduces the information that is required to classify the tuples. It reduces
Page 178
the number of tests that are needed to classify the given tupl e. The
attribute with the highest information gain is selected.
Information gain is the measurement of changes in entropy after the
segmentation of a dataset based on an attribute.
It calculates how much information a feature provides us about a class.
According to the value of information gain, we split the node and build
the decision tree.
A decision tree algorithm always tries to maximize the value of
information gain, and a node/attribute having the highest information
gain is split first. It can be calculated using the below formula:
Information Gain= Entropy(S) - [(Weighted Avg) * Entropy
(each feature)
Entropy: Entropy is a metric to measure the impurity in a given attribute.
It specifies randomness in data. Entropy can be calculated as:
Entropy(s)= -P(yes)log2 P(yes) - P(no) log2 P(no)
S= Total number of samples
P(yes)= probability of yes
P(no)= probability of no
b. Gini Index :
Gini index is a measure of impurity or purity used while creating a
decision tree in the CART (Classification and Regression Tree)
An attribute with the low Gini index should be preferred as compared
to the high Gini index.
It only creates binary splits, and the CART algorithm uses the Gini
index to create binary splits.
Gini index can be calculated using the below formula:
Gini Index= 1 - ∑jPj2
c. Gain Ratio
Information gain is biased towards choosing attributes with a large
number of values as root nodes. It means it prefers the attribute with a
large number of distinct values.
C4.5, an improvement of ID3, uses Gain ratio which is a modification
of Information gain that reduces its bias and is usually the best option.
Gain ratio overcomes the problem with information gain by taking into
account the number of branches that would result before making the
Page 179
It corrects information gain by taking the intrinsic information of a split
into account.
Gain Ratio (A) = Gain (A) / Splitinfo (D)
12.2.5 Overfitting in Decision Trees :
The common problem with Decision trees, especially having a table full of
columns, they fit a lot. Sometimes it looks like the tree memorized the
training data set. If there is no limit set on a decision tree, it will give you
100% accuracy on the training data set because in the worst case it will
end up making 1 leaf for each observation. Thus this affects the accuracy
when predicting samples that are not part of the training set. Overfitting
reduces the predictive nature of the decision tree.
Here are two ways to remove overfitting:
a. Pruning Decision Trees.
b. Random Forest
a. Pruning Decision Trees: The splitting process results in fully grown
trees until the stopping criteria are reached. But, the fully grown tree is
likely to overfit the data, leading to p oor accuracy on unseen data.
Pruning is the method of removing the unused branches from the
decision tree. Some branches of the decision tree might represent
outliers or noisy data. Tree pruning is the method to reduce the
unwanted branches of the tree. Th is will reduce the complexity of the
tree and help in effective predictive analysis. It reduces the overfitting
as it removes the unimportant branches from the trees.
b. Random Forest: Many decision trees can produce more accurate
predictions than just one single decision tree by itself. Indeed, the
random forest algorithm is a supervised classification algorithm that
builds N slightly differently trained decision trees and merges them
together to get more accurate and stable predictions. Random Forest is
an example of ensemble learning; in which we combine multiple
machine learning algorithms to obtain better predictive performance.
12.2.6 Better Linear or tree -based models :
It depends on the kind of problem you are solving.
1. If the relationship between dependent & independent variables is well
approximated by a linear model, linear regression will outperform the
tree-based model.
2. If there is a high non -linearity & complex relationship between
dependent & independent variables, a tree model will outperfor m a
classical regression method.
3. If you need to build a model that is easy to explain to people, a
decision tree model will always do better than a linear model. Decision
tree models are even simpler to interpret than linear regression!
Page 180
12.2.7 Advantages and Disadvantages :
Advantages of the Decision Tree :
It is simple to understand as it follows the same process which a human
follows while making any decision in real -life.
It can be very useful for solving decision -related problems.
It helps to think about all the possible outcomes for a problem.
There is less requirement of data cleaning compared to other
Disadvantages of the Decision Tree :
The decision tree contains lots of layers, which makes it complex.
It may have an overfitting issue , which can be resolved using
the Random Forest algorithm.
For more class labels, the computational complexity of the decision
tree may increase.
ID3 stands for Iterative Dichotomiser 3 and is named such because the
algorithm iteratively (repeatedly) dichotomizes(divides) features into two
or more groups at each step. ID3 algorithm uses Information Gain to
decide which attribute is to be used classi fy the current subset of the
data. For each level of the tree, information gain is calculated for the
remaining data recursively.
ID3 is a precursor to the C4.5 Algorithm. The ID3 follows the Occam’s
razor principle. Attempts to create the smallest possible decision tree. It
uses a top-down greedy approach to build a decision tree. In simple
words, the top-down approach means that we start building the tree from
the top and the greedy approach means that at each iteration we select
the best feature a t the present moment to create a node.
13.3.1 History of ID3 :
The ID3 algorithm was invented by Ross Quinlan. Quinlan was a
computer science researcher in data mining, and decision theory. Received
doctorate in computer science at the University of Washin gton in 1968.
13.3.2 ID 3 Algorithm :
Calculate the entropy of every attribute using the data set
Split the set into subsets using the attribute for which entropy is
minimum (or, equivalently, information gain is maximum)
Make a decision tree node containing that attribute
Recurse on subsets using remaining attributes
Page 181
Entropy :
In order to define information gain precisely, we need to discuss
entropy first.
A formula to calculate the homogeneity of a sample.
A completel y homogeneous sample has entropy of 0 (leaf node).
An equally divided sample has entropy of 1.
The formula for entropy is:
Entropy(S) = -p(I) log2 p(I)
where p(I) is the proportion of S belonging to class I.
∑ is over total outcomes.
Log2 is log base 2.
If S is a collection of 14 examples with 9 YES and 5 NO examples
Entropy(S) = - (9/14) Log2 (9/14) - (5/14) Log2 (5/14) = 0.940
12.3.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of ID3 :
Advantage of ID3 :
Understandable prediction rules are created from the training data.
Builds the fastest tree.
Builds a short tree.
Only need to test enough attributes until all data is classified.
Finding leaf nodes enables test data to be pruned, reducing number of
Disadvantage of ID3 :
Data may be over -fitted or overclassified, if a small sample is tested.
Only one attribute at a time is tested for making a decision.
Classifying continuous data may be computationally expensive, as
many trees must be generated to see where to break the continuum.
12.4 C4.5
The C4.5 algorithm was proposed in 1993, again by RossQuinlan, to
overcome the limitations of ID3 algorithm. This algorithm is a famous
algorithm in Data Mining. The C4.5 algorithm acts as a Decisi on Tree
Classifier. The C4.5 algorithm is very helpful to generate a useful
decision, that is based on a sample of data.
Page 182
This algorithm uses either Information gain or Gain ratio to decide upon
the classifying attribute. It is a direct improvement from th e ID3
algorithm as it can handle both continuous and missing attribute
values. C4.5 is given a set of data representing things that are already
classified. When we generate the decision trees with the help of C4.5
algorithm, then it can be used for classification of the dataset, and that is
the main reason due to which C4.5 is also known as a statistical classifier.
C4.5 algorithm is an algorithm to form a decision tree by counting the
value of the gain, where the biggest gains are to be used as an i nitial node
or the root node. C4.5 algorithms step in building a decision tree as
Select the attribute with the largest gain value as the root.
Create a branch for each value.
For the case of the branches.
Repeat the process for each branch unt il all cases the branches have
the same class.
*Note: Entropy and Gain formula given in__________.
The following figure is a decision tree generated by a typical C4.5
algorithm on a data set.The data set is shown in Figure 1, which represents
the relatio nship between weather conditions and whether to go golfing.
Data set 1
Page 183
Decision tree generated by C4.5 on the data set
12.4.1 Algorithm description :
C4.5 is not an algorithm, but a set of algorithms —C4.5, non -prune C4.5
and C4.5 rules. The pseudo code in the figure below will give the basic
workflow of C4.5:
C4.5 algorithm flow
Page 184
12.4.2 Pseudocode :
Check for the above base cases.
For each attribute a, find the normalised information gain ratio from
splitting on a.
Let a_best be the attribute with the highest normalized information
Create a decision node that splits on a_best.
Recur on the sublists obtained by splitting on a_best, and add those
nodes as children of node.
12.4.3 Advantages of C4.5 over other Decision Tree systems:
The algorithm inherently employs Single Pass Pruning Process to
Mitigate overfitting.
It can work with both Discrete and Continuous Data
C4.5 can handle the issue of incomplete data very well
Further, it is important to know that C4.5 is not the best algo rithm in all
cases, but it is very useful in some situations.
As name include the CART or Classification & Regression Trees
methodology refers to these two types of decision trees. It is a dynamic
learning a lgorithm which can produce aclassification tree as well as
regression tree depending upon the dependent variable. Classification and
regression trees (CART) are a set of techniques for classification and
prediction. The technique is aimed at producing rule s that predict the value
of an outcome (target) variable from known values of predictorvariables.
The predictor variables may be a mixture of categorical and continuous
variables. The Classification and regression tree(CART) methodology are
one of the olde st and most fundamental algorithms. It is used to predict
outcomes based on certain predictor variables.
12.5.1 Classification Trees:
A classification tree is an algorithm where the target variable is fixed or
categorical. The algorithm is then used to identify the “class” within which
a target variable would most likely fall.
An example of a classification -type problem would be determining who
will or will not subscribe to a digital platform; or who will or will not
graduate from high school.
These ar e examples of simple binary classifications where the categorical
dependent variable can assume only one of two, mutually exclusive
Page 185
values. In other cases, you might have to predict among a number of
different variables. For instance, you may have to predi ct which type of
smartphone a consumer may decide to purchase.
In such cases, there are multiple values for the categorical dependent
variable. Here’s what a classic classification tree looks like.
Classification Trees
12.5.2 Regression Trees:
A regression tree refers to an algorithm where the target variable is and
the algorithm is used to predict its value. As an example of a regression
type problem, you may want to predict the selling prices of a residential
house, which is a continuous depe ndent variable.
This will depend on both continuous factors like square footage as well as
categorical factors like the style of home, area in which the property is
located, and so on.
Regression Trees
Page 186
12.5.3 Difference Between Classification and Regression Trees :
Decision trees are easily understood and there are several classification
and regression trees ppts to make things even simpler. However, it’s
important to understand that there are some fundamental differences
between classification and regression trees.
When to use Classification and Regression Trees :
Classification trees are used when the datase t needs to be split into classes
that belong to the response variable. In many cases, the classes Yes or No.
In other words, they are just two and mutually exclusive. In some cases,
there may be more than two classes in which case a variant of the
classifi cation tree algorithm is used.
Regression trees, on the other hand, are used when the response variable is
continuous. For instance, if the response variable is something like the
price of a property or the temperature of the day, a regression tree is use d.
In other words, regression trees are used for prediction -type problems
while classification trees are used for classification -type problems.
How Classification and Regression Trees Work :
A classification tree splits the dataset based on the homogeneity of data.
Say, for instance, there are two variables; income and age; which
determine whether or not a consumer will buy a particular kind of phone.
If the training data shows that 95% of people who are older than 30 bought
the phone, the data gets split there and age becomes a top node in the tree.
This split makes the data “95% pure”. Measures of impurity like entropy
or Gini index are used to quantify the homogeneity of the data when it
comes to classification trees.
In a regression tree, a regression model is fit to the target variable using
each of the independent variables. After this, the data is split at several
points for each independent variable.
At each such point, the error between the predicted values and actual
values is squared to get “A Sum of Squared Errors” (SSE). The SSE is
compared across the variables and the variable or point which has the
lowest SSE is chosen as the split point. This process is continued
CART Working
Page 187
12.5.4 Advantages of Classification and Regression Trees :
The purpose of the analysis conducted by any classification or regression
tree is to create a set of if -else conditions that allow for the accurate
prediction or classification of a case.
Classification and regression trees work to produ ce accurate predictions or
predicted classifications, based on the set of if -else conditions. They
usually have several advantages over regular decision trees.
(i) The Results are Simplistic
The interpretation of results summarized in classification or re gression
trees is usually fairly simple. The simplicity of results helps in the
following ways.
1. It allows for the rapid classification of new observations. That’s
because it is much simpler to evaluate just one or two logical
conditions than to compute sco res using complex nonlinear equations
for each group.
2. It can often result in a simpler model which explains why the
observations are either classified or predicted in a certain way. For
instance, business problems are much easier to explain with if -then
statements than with complex nonlinear equations.
(ii) Classification and Regression Trees are Nonparametric &
Nonlinear :
The results from classification and regression trees can be summarized in
simplistic if -then conditions. This negates the need for the following
implicit assumptions.
1. The predictor variables and the dependent variable are linear.
2. The predictor variables and the dependent variable follow some
specific nonlinear link functions.
3. The predictor variables and the dependent variable are mono tonic.
Since there is no need for such implicit assumptions, classification and
regression tree methods are well suited to data mining. This is because
there is very little knowledge or assumptions that can be made beforehand
about how the different varia bles are related.
As a result, classification and regression trees can actually reveal
relationships between these variables that would not have been possible
using other techniques.
(iii) Classification and Regression Trees Implicitly Perform Feature
Selection :
Feature selection or variable screening is an important part of analytics.
When we use decision trees, the top few nodes on which the tree is split
are the most important variables within the set. As a result, feature
selection gets performed automatically and we don’t need to do it again.
Page 188
12.5.5 Limitations of Classification and Regression Trees :
Classification and regression tree tutorials, as well as classification and
regression tree ppts, exist in abundance. This is a testament to the
popularity of these decision trees and how frequently they are used.
However, these decision trees are not without their disadvantages.
There are many classification and regression tree examples where the use
of a decision tree has not led to the optimal result. Here are some of the
limitations of classification and regression trees.
i. Overfitting :
Overfitting occurs when the tree takes into account a lot of noise that
exists in the data and comes up with an inaccurate result.
ii. High variance :
In this case, a small variance in the data can lead to a very high variance in
the prediction, thereby affecting the stability of the outcome.
iii. Low bias :
A decision tree that is very complex usually has a low bias. This makes it
very difficult for the model to incorporate any new data.
Decision Trees are data mining techniques for classification and
regression analysis.This technique is now spanning over many areas like
medical diagnosis, target marketing, etc. These trees are constructed by
following an algorithm such as ID3, CART. These algorithms find
different ways to split the data into partitions.
Page 189
Decision tree algorithms transform the raw data into rule based
mechanism. Even though decision tree algorithms are powerful, they have
long training time. On the other hand, they tend to fall over -fitting.It is the
most widely known supervised learning technique that is used in machine
learning and pattern analysis. The decision trees predict the values of the
target variable by building model s through learning from the training set
provided to the system.
In this Chapter, we have mentioned one of the most common decision tree
algorithm named as ID3. They can use nominal attributes whereas most of
common machine learning algorithms cannot. However, it is required to
transform numeric attributes to nominal in ID3. Besides, its evolved
version C4.5 exists which can handle nominal data. CART methodology
are one of the oldest and most fundamental algorithms. All these are
excellent for data mining tasks because they require very little data pre -
processing. Decisi on tree models are easy to understand and implement
which gives them a strong advantage when compared to other analytical
Anurag Upadhayay, Suneet Shukla, Sudsanshu Kumar, Empirical
Comparison by data mining Classification algorit hms
Jaiwei Han and Micheline Kamber, Data Mining Concepts and
Techniques.Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. -97/Short -papers/2.htm -and-regression -
trees -for-machine -learning/
Page 190
Unit Structure
13.1 What is Clustering?
13.2 Requirements of Clustering
13.3 Clustering Vs Classification
13.4 Types of Clusters
13.5 Distinctions between Sets of Clusters
13.6 What is Cluster Analysis?
13.7 Applications of Cluster Analysis
13.8 What kind of classification is not considered a cluster analysis?
13.9 General Algorithmic Issues
13.10 Clustering Methods
13.11 Clustering Algorithm Applications
13.12 Summary
13.13 Reference for further reading
13.14 Model Questions
Clustering is the task of dividing the population or data points into a
number of groups such that data points in the same groups are more
similar to other data points in the same group. In simple words, the aim is
to segregate groups with similar traits and assign them into clusters.
Let’s understand this with an example.
Suppose, you are the head of a rental store and wish to understand
preferences of your customers to scale up your business. Is it possible for
you to look at detai ls of each costumer and devise a unique business
strategy for each one of them? What you can do is to cluster all of your
costumers into say 10 groups based on their purchasing habits and use a
separate strategy for costumers in each of these 10 groups whi ch is called
Cluster is a collection of data objects
Similar (or related) to one another within the same group
Dissimilar(or unrelated) to one another in other groups
Page 191
Points to Remember :
A cluster of data objects can be treated as one group .
While doing cluster analysis, first the set of data is partitioned into
groups based on data similarity and then labels are assigned to the
The main advantage of clustering is that, it is adaptable to changes and
helps single out useful features that distinguish different groups.
This section is to make you learn about the requirements for clustering as
a data mining tool, as well as aspects that can be used for comparing
clustering methods. The following are typical requirements of clustering in
data mining.
Scalability :
Many clustering algorithms work well on small data sets containing fewer
than several hundred data objects; however, a large database may contain
millions or even billions of objects, partic ularly in Web search scenarios.
Clustering on only a sample of a given large data set may lead to biased
results. Therefore, highly scalable clustering algorithms are needed.
Ability to deal with different types of attributes :
Many algorithms are designe d to cluster numeric (interval -based) data.
However, applications may require clustering other data types, such as
binary, nominal (categorical), and ordinal data, or mixtures of these data
types. Recently, more and more applications need clustering techni ques
for complex data types such as graphs, sequences, images, and documents.
Page 192
Discovery of clusters with arbitrary shape :
Many clustering algorithms determine clusters based on Euclidean or
Manhattan distance measures (Chapter 2). Algorithms based on such
distance measures tend to find spherical clusters with similar size and
density. However, a cluster could be of any shape. Consider sensors, for
example, which are often deployed for environment surveillance. Cluster
analysis on sensor readings can de tect interesting phenomena. We may
want to use clustering to find the frontier of a running forest fire, which is
often not spherical. It is important to develop algorithms that can detect
clusters of arbitrary shape.
Requirements for domain knowledge to determine input
parameters :
Many clustering algorithms require users to provide domain knowledge in
the form of input parameters such as the desired number of clusters.
Consequently, the clustering results may be sensitive to such parameters.
Parameters a re often hard to determine, especially for high - dimensionality
data sets and where users have yet to grasp a deep understanding of their
data. Requiring the specification of domain knowledge not only burdens
users, but also makes the quality of clustering difficult to control.
Ability to deal with noisy data :
Most real -world data sets contain outliers and/or missing, unknown, or
erroneous data. Sensor readings, for example, are often noisy —some
readings may be inaccurate due to the sensing mechanisms, an d some
readings may be erroneous due to interferences from surrounding transient
objects. Clustering algorithms can be sensitive to such noise and may
produce poor -quality clusters. Therefore, we need clustering methods that
are robust to noise.
Increment al clustering and insensitivity to input order :
In many applications, incremental updates (representing newer data) may
arrive at any time. Some clustering algorithms cannot incorporate
incremental updates into existing clustering structures and, instead, have
to recompute a new clustering from scratch. Clustering algorithms may
also be sensitive to the input data order. That is, given a set of data objects,
clustering algorithms may return dramatically different clusterings
depending on the order in which the objects are presented. Incremental
clustering algorithms and algorithms that are insensitive to the input order
are needed.
Capability of clustering high -dimensionality data :
A data set can contain numerous dimensions or attributes. When clustering
documents, for example, each keyword can be regarded as a dimension,
and there are often thousands of keywords. Most clustering algorithms are
good at handling low -dimensional data such as data sets involving only
two or three dimensions. Finding clusters o f data objects in a high -
dimensional space is challenging, especially considering that such data can
be very sparse and highly skewed.
Page 193
Constraint -based clustering :
Real-world applications may need to perform clustering under various
kinds of constraints. Suppose that your job is to choose the locations for a
given number of new automatic teller machines (ATMs) in a city. To
decide upon this, you may cluster households while considering
constraints such as the city’s rivers and highway networks and the type s
and number of customers per cluster. A challenging task is to find data
groups with good clustering behavior that satisfy specified constraints.
Interpretability and usability :
Users want clustering results to be interpretable, comprehensible, and
usable. That is, clustering may need to be tied in with specific semantic
interpretations and applications. It is important to study how an
application goal may influence the selection of clustering features and
clustering methods.
Difference between Clustering and Classification :
Clustering and classification techniques are used in machine -learning ,
information retrieval, image investigation, and related tasks.These two
strategies are the two main divisions of data mining processes. In the data
analysis world, these are essential in managing algorithms . Specifically,
both of these processes divide data into sets. This task is highly relevant in
today’s information age as the immense increase of data coupled with
developmen t needs to be aptly facilitated. Notably, clustering and
classification help solve global issues such as crime, poverty, and diseases
through data science.
What is Clustering? :
Basically, clustering involves grouping data with respect to their
similaritie s. It is primarily concerned with distance measures and
clustering algorithms which calculate the difference between data and
divide them systematically.
For instance, students with similar learning styles are grouped together
and are taught separately from those with differing learning approaches.
In data mining, clustering is most commonly referred to as “unsupervised
learning technic” as the grouping is based on a natural or inherent
characteristic. It is applied in several scientific fields such as
information technology , biology , criminology , and medicine .
Characteristics of Clustering :
No Exact Definition :
Clustering has no precise definition that is why there are various clustering
algorithms or cluster models. Roughly speaking, the two kinds of
clustering are hard and soft . Hard clustering is concerned with labeling an
object as simply belonging to a cluster or not. In contrast, soft clustering
Page 194
or fuzzy clustering specifies the degree as to how something belongs to a
certain group .
Difficult to be Evaluated :
The validation or assessment of results from clustering analysis is often
difficult to ascertain due to its inherent inexactness.
Unsupervised :
As it is an unsupervised learning strategy, the analysis is merely based on
current features; thu s, no stringent regulation is needed.
What is Classification? :
Classification entails assigning labels to existing situations or classes;
hence, the term “classification”. For example, students exhibiting certain
learning characteristics are classified as visual learners.Classification is
also known as “supervised learning technic” wherein machines learn from
already labeled or classified data. It is highly applicable in pattern
recognition, statistics, and biometrics.
Characteristics of Classification :
Utilizes a “Classifier” :
To analyze data, a classifier is a defined algorithm that concretely maps
information to a specific class. For example, a classification algorithm
would train a model to identify whether a certain cell is malignant or
Eval uated Through Common Metrics :
The quality of a classification analysis is often assessed via precision and
recall which are popular metric procedures. A classifier is evaluated
regarding its accuracy and sensitivity in identifying the output.
Supervised :
Classification is a supervised learning technic as it assigns previously
determined identities based on comparable features. It deduces a function
from a labeled training set.
Differences between Clustering and Classification :
Supervision :
The main diffe rence is that clustering is unsupervised and is considered as
“self-learning” whereas classification is supervised as it depends on
predefined labels.
Use of Training Set :
Clustering does not poignantly employ training sets, which are groups of
instances employed to generate the groupings, while classification
imperatively needs training sets to identify similar features.
Page 195
Labeling :
Clustering works with unlabeled data as it does not need training. On the
other hand, classification deals with both unlabeled and labeled data in its
Goal :
Clustering groups objects with the aim to narrow down relations as well as
learn novel information from hidden patterns while classification seeks to
determine which explicit group a certain object belong s to.
Specifics :
While classification does not specify what needs to be learned, clustering
specifies the required improvement as it points out the differences by
considering the similarities between data.
Phases :
Generally, clustering only consists of a single phase (grouping) while
classification has two stages, training (model learns from training data set)
and testing (target class is predicted).
Boundary Conditions :
Determining the boundary conditions is highly important in the
classification proces s as compared to clustering. For instance, knowing the
percentage range of “low” as compared to “moderate” and “high” is
needed in establishing the classification.
Prediction :
As compared to clustering, classification is more involved with prediction
as it particularly aims to identity target classes. For instance, this may be
applied in “facial key points detection” as it can be used in predicting
whether a certain witness is lying or not.
Complexity :
Since classification consists of more stages, deals w ith prediction, and
involves degrees or levels, its’ nature is more complicated as compared to
clustering which is mainly concerned with grouping similar attributes.
Number of Probable Algorithms :
Clustering algorithms are mainly linear and nonlinear whil e classification
consists of more algorithmic tools such as linear classifiers, neural
networks, Kernel estimation, decision trees, and support vector machines.
Clustering vs Classification: Table comparing the difference
between Clustering and Classifica tion
Clustering Classification Unsupervised data Supervised data Does not highly value training sets Does highly value training sets Works solely with unlabeled data Involves both unlabeled and labeled data
Page 196
Aims to identify similarities among data Aims to verify where a datum
belongs to Specifies required change Does not specify required improvement Has a single phase Has two phases Determining boundary conditions is not paramount Identifying the boundary conditions is essential in executing the phases Does not generally deal with prediction Deals with prediction Mainly employs two algorithms Has a number of probable algorithms to use Process is less complex Process is more complex
Broadly speaking, clustering can be divided into two subgroups:
Hard Clustering:
In hard clustering, each data point either belongs to a cluster completely or
not. For example, in the above example each customer is put into one
group out of the 10 groups.
Soft Clustering:
In soft clustering, instead of putting each data point into a separate cluster,
a probability or likelihood of that data point to be in those clusters is
assigned. For example, from the above scenario each costumer is assigned
a probability to be in either of 10 c lusters of the retail store.
Apart from which clusters can also be divided into
Well separated clusters
Center -based clusters
Contiguous clusters
Density -based clusters
Property or conceptual
Described by an objective function
Well separated clusters :
A cluster is a set of points such that any point in a cluster is closer (or more
similar) to every other point in the cluster than to any point not in the
These clusters need not be globular but, can have any shape.
Page 197
Sometimes a threshold is used to specify that all the objects in a cluster
must sufficiently close to one another. Definition of a cluster is
satisfied only when the data contains natural clusters.
Centre based cluster :
A cluster is a set of points such that a point in a cluster is closer (more similar)
to the “center” of that cluster than to the center of any other cluster.
The center of a cluster can be either centroid or medoid
If the data is numerical, the prototype of the cluster is often a centroid i.e.,
the average of all the points in the cluster.
If the data has categorical attributes, the prototype of the cluster is often
a medoid i.e., the most representative point of the cluster.
“Center-Based” Clusters can also be referred asPrototype based clusters.
These clusters tend to be globular.
K-Means and K -Medoids are the examples of Prototype Based
Clustering algorithms
Contiguous cluster (Nearest neighbour or transitive clustering) :
Two objects are connected only if they are within a specified distance
of each other.
Each point in a cluster is closer to at least one point in the same cluster
than to any point in a different cluster.
Useful when clusters are irregular and intertwined.
Clique is another type of Graph Based
Agglomerative hierarchical clustering has close relation with Graph
based clustering technique.
Page 198
Density based cluster definition :
A cluster is dense region of points, which is separated by low -density
regions, from other regions of high density.
Density based clusters are employed when the clusters are irregular,
intertwined and when noise and outliers are present.
Points in low density region are classified as noise and omitted.
DBSCAN is an example of Density based clustering algorithm .
Shared property or conceptual clusters :
A cluster is set of objects that share some common property or represent a
particular concept.
The most general notion of a cluster; in some ways includes all other types.
Clusters defined by an objective function :
Set of clusters minimizes or maximizes some objective function.
Enumerate all possible ways of dividing the points into clusters and evaluate
the `goodness' of each potential set of clusters by using the given objective
function (NP -hard).
Can have global or local objective function.
Hierarchical clustering algorithms typically have local objective function.
Partitional algorithms typically have global objective function.
Exclusive versus non -exclusive
Fuzzy versus non -fuzzy
Partial versus complete
Heterogeneous versus homogeneous
Exclusive versus non -exclusive
In non -exclusive clusterings, points may belong to multiple clusters. – Can
represent multiple classes or ‘border’ points
Fuzzy versus non -fuzzy :
In fuzzy clustering, a point belongs to every cluster with some weight
between 0 and 1 – Weights must sum to 1 – Probabilistic clustering has
similar characteristics
Page 199
Partial versus complete :
In some cases, we only want to cluster some of the data
Hete rogeneous versus homogeneous :
Cluster of widely different sizes, shapes, and densities
Cluster analysis or clustering or data segmentation is a type of strategy
that is used to categorize objects or cases into proximate groups called
clusters. For instance, in the insurance providers, these steps in cluster
analysis help segregate fraudulent access of the customer data. Cluster
analysis is applied in
Data reduction :
Summarization: Preprocessing for regression, PCA, Class ification and
association analysis
Hypothesis generation and testing
Prediction based on groups:
Cluster and find characteristics/patterns for each group
Find K -nearest neighbors
Localizing search to one or a small number of clusters
Outlier detection: O utliers are often viewed as those “far away” from any
Types Of Data Used In Cluster Analysis Are:
Interval -Scaled variables
Binary variables
Nominal, Ordinal, and Ratio variables
Variables of mixed types
Interval -Scaled Variables :
Interval -scaled variables are continuous measurements of a roughly linear
scale. Typical examples include weight and height, latitude and longitude
coordinates (e.g., when clustering houses), and weather temperature.The
measurement unit used can affect the clustering analysis. For example,
changing measurement units from meters to inches for height, or from
kilograms to pounds for weight, may lead to a very different clustering
In general, expressing a variable in smaller units will lead to a larger range
for that variable, and thus a larger effect on the resulting clustering
Page 200
To help avoid dependence on the choice of measurement units, the data
should be standardized. Standardizing measurements attempts to give all
variables an equal weight.
This is especially useful when given no prior knowledge of the data.
However, in some applications, users may intentionally want to give more
weight to a certain set of variables than to others. For example, when
clustering basketball player candidates, we may prefer to give more
weight to the variable height.
Binary Variables :
A binary variable is a variable that can take only 2 values. For example,
generally, gender variables can take 2 variables male and female.
Contingency Table For Binar y Data
Let us consider binary values 0 and 1
Let p=a+b+c+d
Simple matching coefficient (invariant, if the binary variable is
Jaccard coefficient (noninvariant if the binary variable is asymmetric):
Nominal or Categorical Variables :
A generalization of the binary variable in that it can take more than 2
states, e.g., red, yellow, blue, green.
Method 1: Simple matching
The dissimilarity between two objects i and j can be computed based on
the simple matching.
m: Let m be no of matches (i.e., the number of variables for which i and j
are in the same state).
p: Let p be total no of variables.
Method 2: use a large number of binary variables
Creating a new binary variable for each of the M nominal states.
Ordinal Variables :
An ordinal variable can be discrete or continuous. In this order is
important, e.g., rank. It can be treated like interval -scaled By replacing xif
by their rank,
By mapping the range of each variable onto [0, 1] by replacing the i-th
object in the f-th variable by, Then compute the dissimilarity using
methods for interval -scaled variables.
Ratio -Scaled Intervals :
Ratio -scaled variable : It is a positive measurement on a nonlinear scale,
approximately at an exponential scale, such as Ae^Bt or A^e-Bt.
Page 201
Methods :
First, treat them like interval -scaled variables — not a good choice!
Then apply logarithmic transformation i.e.y = log(x)
Finally, treat them as continuous ordinal data treat their rank as
interval -scaled.
Variables of Mixed Type:
A database may contain all the six types of variables
symmetric binary, asymmetric binary, nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.
And those combinedly called as mixed -type variables.
Types of Data Structures :
Suppose that a data set to be clustered contains n objects, which may
represent persons, houses, documents, countries, and so on.Main memory -
based clustering algorithms typically operate on either of the following
two data structures.
Types of data structures in cluster analysis are
Data Matrix (or object by variable structure)
Dissimilarity Matrix (or object by object structure)
Data Matrix :
This represents n objects, such as persons, with p variables (also called
measurements or attributes), such as age, height, weight, gender, race and
so on. The structure is in the form of a relational table, or n-by-p matrix (n
objects x p variables).
The Data Matrix is often called a two-mode matrix since the rows and
columns of this represent the different entities.
Dissimilarity Matrix :
This stores a collection of proximities that are available for all pairs of n
objects. It is often represented by a n – by – n table, where d(i,j) is the
measured difference or dissimilarity between objects i and j. In general,
d(i,j) is a non-negative number that is close to 0 when objects i and j are
higher similar or “near” each other and becomes larger the more they
differ. Since d(i,j) = d(j,i) and d(i,i) =0.
This is also called as one mode matrix since the rows and columns of this
represent the same entity.
Marketing: Finding groups of customers with similar behavior given a
large database of customer data containing their properties and past buying
Biology: Classification of plants and animals given their features;
Page 202
Libraries: Book ordering;
Insurance: Identifying groups of motor insurance policy holders with a
high a verage claim cost; identifying frauds;
City-planning: Identifying groups of houses according to their house
type, value and geographical location;
Earthquake studies: Clustering observed earthquake epicenters to
identify dangerous zones;
WWW document classification: Clustering weblog data to discover
groups of similar access patterns.
Graph Partitioning :
The type of classification where areas are not the same and are only
classified based on mutual synergy and relevance is not cluster analysis.
Results of a query :
In this type of classification, the groups are created based on the
specification given from external sources. It is not counted as a Cluster
Simple Segmentation :
Division of names into separate groups of registration based on the last
name does not qualify as Cluster Analysis.
Supervised Classification :
These types of classifications which is classified using label information
cannot be said as Cluster Analysis because cluster analysis involves group
based on the pattern.
Assessment of Results
How Many Clusters?
Data Preparation
Proximity Measures
Handling Outliers
Assessment of Results :
The data mining clustering process starts with the assessment of whether
any cluster tendency has a place at all, and correspondingly includes,
appropriate attribute selection, and in many cases feature construction. It
finishes with the validation and eva luation of the resulting clustering
system. The clustering system can be assessed by an expert, or by a
Page 203
particular automated procedure. Traditionally, the first type of assessment
relates to two issues:
Cluster interpretability,
Cluster visualization.
Interpretability depends on the technique used.
How Many Clusters? :
In many methods number k of clusters to construct is an input user
parameter. Running an algorithm several times leads to a sequence of
clustering systems. Each system consists of more gra nular and less -
separated clusters. In the case of k -means, the objective function is
monotone decreasing. Therefore, the answer to the question of which
system is preferable is not trivial. Many criteria have been introduced to
find an optimal k.
Data Pr eparation :
Irrelevant attributes make chances of a successful clustering futile,
because they negatively affect proximity measures and eliminate
clustering tendency. Therefore, sound exploratory data analysis (EDA) is
Proximity Measures :
Both hierarchical and partitioning methods use different distances and
similarity measures
Euclidean (p=2) distance is by far the most popular choice used in k -
means objective function (sum of squares of distances between points and
centroids) that has a clea r statistical meaning of total inter -clusters
Manhattan distance corresponds to p=1. The distance that returns the
maximum of absolute difference in coordinates is also used and
corresponds to ≤ p < ∞ p = ∞. In many applications (profile analys es)
points are scaled to have a unit norm
Handling Outliers :
Applications that derive their data from measurements have an associated
amount of noise, which can be viewed as outliers. Alternately, outliers can
be viewed as legitimate records having abnormal behavior. In general,
clustering techniques do not distingu ish between the two: neither noise nor
abnormalities fit into clusters. Correspondingly, the preferable way to deal
with outliers in partitioning the data is to keep one extra set of outliers, so
as not to pollute factual clusters. There are multiple ways of how
descriptive learning handles outliers. If a summarization or data
preprocessing phase is present, it usually takes care of outliers.
Page 204
Hierarchical Method
Partitioning Method
Density -based Method
Grid-Based Method
Model -Based Method
Hierarchical Methods:
A Hierarchical clustering method works via grouping data into a tree of
clusters. Hierarchical clustering begins by treating every data points as a
separate cluster. Then, it repeatedly executes the subsequent steps:
Identify the 2 clusters which can be closest together, and
Merge the 2 maximum comparable clusters.
Continue these steps until all the clusters are merged together.
In Hierarchical Clustering, the aim is to produce a hierarchical series of
nested clusters. A diagram called Dendrogram (A Dendrogram is a tree -
like diagram that statistics the sequences of merges or splits) graphically
represents this hierarchy and is an inverted tree that describes the order
in which factors are merged (bot tom-up view) or cluster are break up
(top-down view).
There are two types of hierarchical clustering methods:
Page 205
Divisive Clustering
Agglomerative — Bottom up approach. Start with many small clusters
and merge them together to create bigger clusters.
Divisive — Top down approach. Start with a single cluster than break
it up into smaller clusters.
Some pros and cons of Hierarchical Clustering
Pros :
No apriori information about the number of clusters required.
Easy to implement and gives best result in some cases.
Algorithm can never undo what was done previously.
Time complexity of at least O( n2 log n ) is required, where ‘n’ is the
number of data points.
Based on the type of distance matrix chosen for merging different
algori thms can suffer with one or more of the following:
Sensitivity to noise and outliers
Breaking large clusters
Difficulty handling different sized clusters and convex shapes
No objective function is directly minimized
Sometimes it is difficult to identify the correct number of clusters by
the dendogram.
The basic method to generate Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering:
Initially consider every data point as an individual Cluster and at every
step, merge the nearest pairs of the cluster. (It is a bottom -up method). At first
every data set is considered as individual entity or cluster and at every iteration,
the clusters merge with different clusters until one cluster is formed.
Page 206
Algorithm for Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering:
Calculate the similarity of one cluster with all the other clusters
(calculate proximity matrix)
Consider every data point as a individual cluster
Merge the clusters which are highly similar or close to each other.
Recalculate the proximity matrix for each cluster
Repeat Step 3 an d 4 until only a single cluster remains.
Graphical representation of the algorithm using a dendrogram is given
Let’s say there are six data points A, B, C, D, E, F .
Figure – Agglomerative Hierarchical clustering
Step -1:
Consider each alphabet as a single cluster and calculate the distance of
one cluster from all the other clusters.
Step -2:
In the second step comparable clusters are merged together to form a
single cluster. Let’s say cluster (B) and cluster (C) are very similar to
each other th erefore merge them in the second step similarly with
cluster (D) and (E) and at last, get the clusters
[(A), (BC), (DE), (F)
Step -3:
Recalculate the proximity according to the algorithm and merge the
two nearest clusters([(DE), (F)]) together to form new clusters as [(A),
(BC), (DEF)]
Step -4:
Repeating the same process; The clusters DEF and BC are comparable
Page 207
and merged together to form a new cluster. Finally left with clusters
[(A), (BCDEF)].
Step -5:
At last the two remaining clusters are merged together to form a single
cluster [(ABCDEF)].
How to join two clusters to form one cluster?
To obtain the desired number of clusters, the number of clusters needs to
be reduced from initially being n cluster (n equals the total number of data -
points). Two clusters are combined by computing the similarity between
There are some methods which are used to calculate the similarity between
two clusters:
Distance between two closest points in two clusters.
Distance between two farthest points in two clust ers.
The average distance between all points in the two clusters.
Distance between centroids of two clusters.
Linkage Criteria :
Similar to gradient descent, certain parameters can be tweaked to get drastically
different results.
The linkage criteria refers to how the distance between clusters is
Page 208
Single Linkage :
The distance between two clusters is the shortest distance between two points in
each cluster
Complete Linkage :
The distance between two clusters is the longest distance between two points in
each cluster
Average Linkage :
The distance between clusters is the average distance between each point in one
cluster to every point in other cluster
Ward Linkage :
The distance between clusters is the sum of squared differences within all clusters
Page 209
Distance Metric :
The method used to calculate the distance between data points will affect the end
Euclidean Distance :
The shortest distance between two points. For example, if x=(a,b) and y=(c,d), the
Euclidean distance between x and y is √(a−c)²+(b−d)²
Manhattan Distance :
Imagine you were in the downtown center of a big city and you wanted to get
from point A to point B. You wouldn’t be able to cut across buildings, rather
you’d have to make your way by walking along the various streets. For example,
if x=(a,b) and y=(c,d), the Manhattan distance between x and y is |a−c|+|b−d|
Page 210
The Divisive Hierarchical clustering is precisely opposite of the Agglomerative
Hierarchical clustering. The divisive clustering algorithm is a top -down
clustering approach in which all the data points are taken as a single cluster and
in every iteration, the data points are seperated from the clusters which aren ’t
comparable. In the end, it is left with N clusters.
Figure – Divisive Hierarchical clustering
Steps of Divisive Clustering :
Initially, all points in the dataset belong to one single cluster.
Partition the cluster into two least similar cluster
Proceed recursively to form new clusters until the desired number of
clusters is obtained.
1st Image:
All the data points belong to one cluster, 2nd Image: 1 cluster is separated
from the previous single cluster, 3rd Image: Further 1 cluster is separated
from the previous set of clusters.
In the above sample dataset, it is observed that there is 3 cluster that is far
separated from each other so stopped after getting 3 clusters. Even
separating for further more clusters are done, below is the ob tained result.
Page 211
Sample dataset separated into 4 clusters
How to choose which cluster to split?
Check the sum of squared errors of each cluster and choose the one with
the largest value. In the below 2 -dimension dataset, currently, the data
points are separated into 2 clusters, for further separating it to form the 3rd
cluster find the sum of squared errors (SSE) for each of the points in a red
cluster and blue cluster.
Sample dataset separated into 2clusters
The cluster with the largest SSE value is separated into 2 clusters, hence
forming a new cluster. In the above image, it is observed red cluster has
larger SSE so it is separated into 2 clusters forming 3 total clusters.
How to split the above -chosen cluster?
Once it is decided to split which cluster, then the question arises on how to
split the chosen cluster into 2 clusters. One way is to use Ward’s
criterion to chase for the largest reduction in the difference in the SSE
criterion as a result of the split.
How to handle the noise or outlier ?
Due to the presence of outlier or noise, it can result in forming a new
cluster of its own. To handle the noise in the dataset using a threshold to
determine the termination criterion that means do not generate clusters that
are too small.
Approaches to Improve Quality of Hierarchical Clustering
Page 212
Here are the two approaches that are used to improve the quality of
hierarchical clustering −
Perform careful analysis of object linkages at each hierarchical
Integrate hierarchical agglomeration by first using a hierarchical
agglomerative algorithm to group objects into micro -clusters, and then
performing macro -clustering on the micro -clusters.
Difference between Hierarchical Clustering and Non Hierarchical
Hierarchical Clustering:
Hierarchical clustering is basically an unsupervised clustering technique
which involves creating clusters in a predefined order. The clusters are
ordered in a top to bottom manner. In this type of clustering, similar
clusters are grouped together and are a rranged in a hierarchical manner.
It can be further divided into two types namely agglomerative
hierarchical clustering and Divisive hierarchical clustering. In this
clustering, we link the pairs of clusters all the data objects are there in
the hierarchy.
Non Hierarchical Clustering:
Non Hierarchical Clustering involves formation of new clusters by
merging or splitting the clusters.It does not follow a tree like structure
like hierarchical clustering.This technique groups the data in order to
maximize or minimize some evaluation criteria.K means clustering is an
effective way of non hierarchical clustering.In this method the partitions
are made such that non -overlapping groups having no hierarchical
relationships between themselves.
Difference between Hierarchical Clustering and Non Hierarchical
S.NO. Hierarchical Clustering: Non Hierarchical Clustering: 1. Hierarchical Clustering involves creating clusters in a predefined order from top to bottom. Non Hierarchical Clustering involves formation of new clusters by merging or splitting the clusters instead of following a hierarchical order. 2. It is considered less reliable than Non Hierarchical Clustering. It is comparatively more reliable than Hierarchical Clustering 3. It is considered slower than Non Hierarchical Clustering. It is comparatavely more faster than Hierarchical Clustering. 4. It is very problematic to apply this technique when we have data with high level of error. It can work better then Hierarchical clustering even when error is there.
Page 213
5. It is comparatively easier to read and understand The clusters are difficult to read and understand as compared to Hierarchical clustering. 6. It is relatively unstable than Non Hierarchical clustering. It is a relatively stable technique.
Partitioning Method :
Suppose we are given a database of ‘n’ objects and the partitioning
method constructs ‘k’ partition of data. Each partition will represent a
cluster and k ≤ n. It means that it will classify the data into k groups,
which satisfy the following requirements −
Each group contains at least one object.
Each object must belong to exactly one group.
Points to remember :
For a given number of partitions (say k), the partitioning method will
create an initial partitioning.
Then it uses the iterative relocation technique to improve the
partitioning by moving objects from one group to other.
What is K -Means Algorithm? :
K-Means Clustering is an Unsupervised Learning algorithm , which groups
the unlabeled dataset into different clusters. Here K defines the number of
pre-defined clusters that need to be created in the process, as if K=2, there
will be two clusters, and for K=3, there will be three clusters, and so on. It
is an iterative algorithm that divides the unlabeled dataset into k different
clusters in such a way that each dataset belongs to only one group that has
similar Properties.
It allows us to cluster the data into different groups and a convenient way
to discover the categories of groups in the unlabeled dataset on its own
without the need for any training. It is a centroid -based algorithm, where
each cluster is associated with a centroid. The main aim of this algorithm
is to minimize the sum of distances between the data point and their
corresponding clusters.
The algorithm takes the unlabeled dataset as input, divides the dataset into
k-number of clusters, and repeats the process until it does not find the best
clusters. The value of k should be predetermined in this algorithm.
The k -means clustering algorithm mainly performs two tasks:
Determines the best value for K center points or centroids by an iterative
Assigns each data point to its closest k -center. Tho se data points which are
near to the particular k -center, create a cluster.
Page 214
Hence each cluster has datapoints with some commonalities, and it is
away from other clusters.
Working of K -Means algorithm :
How does the K -Means Algorithm Work?
Step -1: Select the number K to decide the number of clusters.
Step -2: Select random K points or centroids. (It can be other from the
input dataset).
Step -3: Assign each data point to their closest centroid, which will form
the predefined K clusters.
Step -4: Calculate the variance and place a new centroid of each cluster.
Step -5: Repeat the third steps, which mean reassign each datapoint to the
new closest centroid of each cluster.
Step -6: If any reassignment occurs, then go to step -4 else go to FINISH.
Step -7: The model is ready.
x-y axis scatter plot of two variables M1 and M2
o Let's take number k of clusters, i.e., K=2, to identify the dataset and to
put them into different clusters. It means here we will try to group
these datasets into two different clusters.
o Need to choose some random k points or centroid to form the cluster.
These points can be either the points from the dataset or any other
point. So, here select the below two points as k points, which are not
the part of our dataset. Consider the below image:
Page 215
o Now assign each data point of the scatter plot to its closest K -point or
centroid. Compute it by applying some mathematics that calculate the
distance between two points and draw a median between both the
From the above image, it is clear that points left side of the line is near to
the K1 or blue centroid, and points to the right of the line are close to the
yellow centroid. Color them as blue and yellow for clear visualization.
o Find the closest cluster and repeat the process by choosing a new
centroid . To choose the new centroids, compute the center of gravity
of these centroids, and will find new centroids as below:
Page 216
o Next, reassign each datapoint to the new centroid. For this repeat the
same process of finding a median line. The median will be like below
From the above image, one yellow point is on the left side of the line, and
two blue points are right to the line. So, these three points will be assigned
to new centroids.
As reassignment has taken p lace, again go to the step -4, which is finding
new centroids or K -points.
o Repeat the process by finding the center of gravity of centroids, so the
new centroids will be as shown in the below image:
Page 217
o As new centroids are formed again draw the median line and reassign
the data points. So, the image will be:
o As per the above image; there are no dissimilar data points on either
side of the line, which means the model is formed. Consider the below
As the model is ready, now remove the assumed centroids, and the two
final clusters will be as shown in the below image:
Page 218
How to choose the value of "K number of clusters" in K -means
The performance of the K -means clustering algorithm depends upon
highly efficient clusters that it forms. But choosing the optimal number of
clusters is a big task. There are some different ways to find the optimal
number of clusters, but here the discussi onis on the most appropriate
method to find the number of clusters or value of K.
Elbow Method :
The Elbow method is one of the most popular ways to find the optimal
number of clusters. This method uses the concept of WCSS
value. WCSS stands for Within Cl uster Sum of Squares , which defines
the total variations within a cluster. The formula to calculate the value of
WCSS (for 3 clusters) is given below:
WCSS= ∑ Pi in Cluster1 distance(P i C1)2 +∑Pi in Cluster2 distance(P i C2)2+∑Pi in
CLuster3 distance(P i C3)2
In the above formula of WCSS,
∑Pi in Cluster1 distance(P i C1)2: It is the sum of the square of the distances
between each data point and its centroid within a cluster1 and the same for
the other two terms. To measure the distance between data points and
centroid, we can use any method such as Euclidean distance or Manhattan
To find the optimal value of clusters, the elbow method follows the below
It executes the K -means clustering on a given dataset for different K
values (ranges from 1 -10).
For each value of K, calculates the WCSS value.
Plots a curve between calculated WCSS values and the number of
clusters K.
The sharp point of bend or a point of the plot looks like an arm, then
that point is considered as the best value of K.
Page 219
Since the graph shows the sharp bend, which looks like an elbow, hence it
is known as the elbow method. The graph for the elbow method looks like
the below image:
Applications :
K-means algorithm is very popular and used in a variety of applications
such as market segmentation, document clustering, image segmentation
and image compression, etc. The goal usually when we undergo a cluster
analysis is either:
Get a meaningful intuition of the structure of the data we’re dealing
Cluster -then-predict where different models will be built for different
subgroups if there is a wide variation in the behaviors of different
subgroups. An example is clustering patients into different subgroups
and building a model for each subgroup to predict the probability of the
risk of having heart attack.
K-means algorithm Disadvantages :
The learning algorithm requires apriori specification of the number of
cluster centers.
The use of Exclusive Assignment - If there are two highly overlapping
data then k -means will not be able to resolve that there are two
The learning algorithm is not invariant to non -linear transformations
i.e. with different representation of data different results are obtained
(data represented in form of cartesian co -ordinates and polar c o-
ordinates will give different results).
Euclidean distance measures can unequally weight underlying factors.
The learning algorithm provides the local optima of the squared error
Page 220
Randomly choosing of the cluster center cannot lead us to the fr uitful
Applicable only when mean is defined i.e. fails for categorical data.
Unable to handle noisy data and outliers .
Algorithm fails for non -linear data set.
K-Medoids (also called as Partitioning Around Medoid) algorithm :
K-Medoids (also called as Partitioning Around Medoid) algorithm was
proposed in 1987 by Kaufman and Rousseeuw. A medoid can be
defined as the point in the cluster, whose dissimilarities with all the
other points in the cluster is minimum.
The dissimilarit y of the medoid(Ci) and object(Pi) is calculated by
using E = |Pi - Ci| The cost in K -Medoids algorithm is given as
1. Initialize: select k random points out of th e n data points as the
2. Associate each data point to the closest medoid by using any common
distance metric methods.
3. While the cost decreases:
For each medoid m, for each data o point which i s not a medoid:
1. Swap m and o, associate each data point to the closest medoid,
recompute the cost.
2. If the total cost is more than that in the previous step, undo the swap.
Let’s consider the following example:
Page 221
If a graph is drawn using the above data points, we obtain the following:
Step 1:
Let the randomly selected 2 medoids, so select k = 2 and let C1 -(4,
5) and C2 -(8, 5) are the two medoids.
Step 2: Calculating cost.
The dissimilarity of each non -medoid point with the medoids is
calculated and tabulated:
Each point is assigned to the cluster of that medoid whose dissimilarity
is less.
The points 1, 2, 5 go to cluster C1 and 0, 3, 6, 7, 8 go to cluster C2.
The Cost = (3 + 4 + 4) + (3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2) = 20
Step 3: randomly select one non-medoid point and recalculate the
Let the randomly selected point be (8, 4). The dissimilarity of each non -
medoid point with the medoids – C1 (4, 5) and C2 (8, 4) is calculated
and tabulated.
Page 222
Each point is assigned to that cluster whose dissimilarity is less. So, the
points 1, 2, 5 go to cluster C1 and 0, 3, 6, 7, 8 go to cluster C2.
The New cost = (3 + 4 + 4) + (2 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 3) = 22
Swap Cost = New Cost – Previous Cost = 22 – 20 and 2 >0
As the swap cost is not less than zero, we undo the swap. Hence (3,
4) and (7, 4) are the final medoids. The clustering would be in the
following way
1. It is simple to understand and easy to implement.
2. K-Medoid Algorithm is fast and converges in a fixed number of
3. PAM is less sensitive to outliers than other partitioning algorithms.
1. The main disadvantage of K -Medoid algorithms is that it is not
suitable for clustering non -spherical (arbitrary shaped) groups of
objects. This is because it relies on minimizing the distances
between the non -medoid objects and the medoid (the cluster cent re)
Page 223
– briefly, it uses compactness as clustering criteria instead of
2. It may obtain different results for different runs on the same dataset
because the first k medoids are chosen randomly.
Important distinction between hierarchical and parti tional clustering
Partitional :
data points are divided into finite number of partitions (non - overlapping
subsets) i.e., each data point is assigned to exactly one subset
Hierarchical :
data points placed into a set of nested clusters are organized into a
hierarchical tree i.e., tree expresses a continuum of similarities and
Density -based Method :
This method is based on the notion of density. The basic idea is to
continue growing the given cluster as long as the density in the
neighborhood exceeds some threshold, i.e., for each data point within a
given cluster, the radius of a given cluster has to contain at least a
minimum number of points.
Grid -based Method :
In this, the objec ts together form a grid. The object space is quantized into
finite number of cells that form a grid structure.
Advantages :
The major advantage of this method is fast processing time.
It is dependent only on the number of cells in each dimension in the
quantized space.
Model -based methods :
In this method, a model is hypothesized for each cluster to find the best fit
of data for a given model. This method locates the clusters by clustering
the density function. It reflects spatial distribution of the data p oints.
This method also provides a way to automatically determine the number
of clusters based on standard statistics, taking outlier or noise into account.
It therefore yields robust clustering methods.
Constraint -based Method :
In this method, the clustering is performed by the incorporation of user or
application -oriented constraints. A constraint refers to the user expectation
or the properties of desired clustering results. Constraints provide us with
an interactive way of communication with the clustering process.
Constraints can be specified by the user or the application requirement.
Page 224
Clustering algorithms is used in various areas or fields of real -life
examples such as data mining, web cluster engines,
academics, bioinformatics, image processing & transformation.
Recommendation engines :
The recommendation engines is a widely used method for providing
automated personalized suggestions about products, services and
information where collaborative filtering is one of the
famous recommendation system and techniques. In this method, the
cluste ring algorithm provide an idea of like -minded users. The
computation/estimation as data provided by several users is leveraged for
improving the performance of collaborative filtering methods. And this
can be implemented for rendering recommendations in di verse
For example, the recommendation engine is broadly used in Amazon,
Flipkart to recommend product and Youtube to suggest songs of the same
Even though dealing with extensive data clustering is suitable as the first
step for n arrowing the choice of underlying relevant neighbours in
collaborative filtering algorithms that also enhances the performance of
complex recommendation engines. Essentially, each cluster will be
assigned to specific preferences on the basis of customers’ choices that
belong to the cluster. And then, within each cluster, customers would
receive recommendations estimated at the cluster level.
Market and Customer segmentation :
A process of splitting the target market into smaller and more defined
categor ies is known as market segmentation. This segments
customers/audiences into groups of similar characteristics (needs, location,
interests or demographics) where target and personalization, under it, is an
immense business.
For instance, a business is looking to get the best return on investment, it
is necessary to target customers in a proper way. If wrong decisions are
made then there is a high risk of not making any sales and ruining
customers trust. So, the right approach is looking at specific char acteristics
of people and sharing campaigns with them that are also helpful in
engaging with more people of similar behaviour. Clustering algorithms are
capable of grouping people with identical traits and prospects to purchase.
For example, once the grou ps are created, you can conduct a test campaign
on each group by sending marketing copy and according to response, you
can send more target messages (consisting information about products and
services) to them in future.
Page 225
Under the customer segmentation application, various clusters of
customers are made with respect to their particular attributes. On the basis
of user -based analysis, a company can identify potential customers for
their products or services.
As groups of identical customers are made by clustering method in this
area, it is very similar to collaborative filtering while embracing the very
fine difference, here, irregular characteristics of objects are deployed for
clustering purposes rather than rating/review information. Clustering
method s enable us to segment customers into diverse clusters, depending
on which companies can consider novel strategies to apply to their
customer base.
For example, K -means clustering is helpful for marketers to improve
customer base, work on targeted areas, and divide customers on the basis
of purchase history, interests or activities.
Another example, a telecom company makes a cluster of prepaid users to
understand the pattern/behaviour in the form of recharging amount,
sending SMS, and using the internet , this also helps a company to make
segments and plan any campaigns for targeted users (specific cluster of
Social Network Analysis (SNA) :
It is the process of examining qualitative and quantitative social structures
by utilizing Graph Theory ( a major branch of discrete mathematics) and
networks. Here the mapping of social networks structure is arranged in
terms of nodes (individual personality, people, or other entity inside the
network) and the edges or links (relationships, interaction, or
communication) that connect them.
Clustering methods are required in such analysis in order to map and
measure the relationship and conflicts amid people, groups, companies,
computer networks, and other similar connected information/knowledge
entities. Clustering analysis can provide a visual and mathematical
analysis/presentation of such relationships and give social network
For example, for understanding a network and its participants, there is a
need to evaluate the location and groupin g of actors in the network, where
the actors can be individual, professional groups, departments,
organizations or any huge system -level unit.
Now, through a clustering approach, SNA can visualize the interaction
among participants and obtain insights ab out several roles and groupings
in the network, such as who are connectors, bridges, and experts, who are
isolated actors and much similar information. It also tells where there are
clusters, who are into them, who are at the gist in the network or on the
outer edge.
Page 226
Search Result Clustering :
You must have encountered similar results obtained while searching
something particular at Google, these results are a mixture of the similar
matches of your original query. Basically, this is the result of clustering, it
makes groups of similar objects in a single cluster and renders to you, i.e
provides results of searched data in terms with most clo sely related objects
that are clustered across the data to be searched.
Therefore, the concept of similar objects serves as a backbone in getting
searched results. Even though, most of the parameters are taken into
consideration for defining the portrai t of similar objects.
Depending on the closest similar objects/properties, the data is assigned to
a single cluster, giving the plethora sets of similar results of the users. In
simple terms, the search engine attempts to group identical objects in one
cluster and non -identical objects in another cluster.
Biological Data Analysis, Medical Imaging Analysis and Identification
of Cancer Cells :
One of the means to connect analytical tools with biological content is
Biological data analysis for a heavy and extended understanding of the
relationships identified as to be linked with experimental observations. On
the other side, from the past few years, the exploitation of research done
on the human genome and the expanding facility of accumulating diverse
types of gene expression data lead to evolving biological data analysis
Clustering helps in extracting useful knowledge from huge datasets
collected in biology, and other life sciences realm as medicine
or neuroscience with the fundamental ai m of providing prediction and
description of data structure.
Using clustering algorithms, cancerous datasets can be identified; a mix
datasets involving both cancerous and non -cancerous data can be analyzed
using clustering algorithms to understand the d ifferent traits present in the
dataset, depending upon algorithms produces resulting clusters. On
feeding to unsupervised clustering algorithms, we obtain accurate results
from cancerous datasets.
Identifying Fake News :
Fake news is not a new phenomenon, but it is one that is becoming
What the problem is: Fake news is being created and spread at a rapid rate
due to technology innovations such as social media. The issue gained
attention recently during the 2016 US presidential campaign. During t his
campaign, the term Fake News was referenced an unprecedented number
of times.
Page 227
How clustering works: In a paper recently published by two computer
science students at the University of California, Riverside, they are using
clustering algorithms to iden tify fake news based on the content. The way
that the algorithm works is by taking in the content of the fake news
article, the corpus, examining the words used and then clustering them.
These clusters are what helps the algorithm determine which pieces a re
genuine and which are fake news. Certain words are found more
commonly in sensationalized, click -bait articles. When you see a high
percentage of specific terms in an article, it gives a higher probability of
the material being fake news.
Spam filter :
You know the junk folder in your email inbox? It is the place where
emails that have been identified as spam by the algorithm. Many machine
learning courses, such as Andrew Ng’s famed Coursera course, use the
spam filter as an example of unsupervised lear ning and clustering.
What the problem is: Spam emails are at best an annoying part of
modern day marketing techniques, and at worst, an example of people
phishing for your personal data. To avoid getting these emails in your
main inbox, email companies use algorithms. The purpose of these
algorithms is to flag an email as spam correctly or not.
How clustering works: K-Means clustering techniques have proven to be
an effective way of identifying spam. The way that it works is by looking
at the different sections of the email (header, sender, and content). The
data is then grouped together.
These groups can then be classified to identify which are spam. Including
clustering in the classification process improves the accuracy of the filter
to 97%. This is excellent news for people who want to be sure they’re not
missing out on your favorite newsletters and offers.
Classifying network traffic :
Imagine you want to understand the different types of traffic coming to
your website. You are particularly interes ted in understanding which
traffic is spam or coming from bots.
What the problem is: As more and more services begin to use APIs on
your application, or as your website grows, it is important you know
where the traffic is coming from. For example, you wan t to be able to
block harmful traffic and double down on areas driving growth. However,
it is hard to know which is which when it comes to classifying the traffic.
How clustering works: K-means clustering is used to group together
characteristics of the t raffic sources. When the clusters are created, you
can then classify the traffic types. The process is faster and more accurate
than the previous Autoclass method. By having precise information on
Page 228
traffic sources, you are able to grow your site and plan ca pacity
Identifying fraudulent or criminal activity :
In this scenario, we are going to focus on fraudulent taxi driver behavior.
However, the technique has been used in multiple scenarios.
What is the problem: You need to look into fraudulen t driving activity.
The challenge is how do you identify what is true and which is false?
How clustering works: By analysing the GPS logs, the algorithm is able
to group similar behaviors. Based on the characteristics of the groups you
are then able to classify them into those that are real and which are
Document analysis :
There are many different reasons why you would want to run an analysis
on a document. In this scenario, you want to be able to organize the
documents quickly and efficiently.
What the problem is : Imagine you are limited in time and need to
organize information held in documents quickly. To be able to complete
this ask you need to: understand the theme of the text, compare it with
other documents and classify it.
How clustering works: Hierarchical clustering has been used to solve this
problem. The algorithm is able to look at the text and group it into
different themes. Using this technique, you can cluster and organize
similar documents quickly using the characte ristics identified in the
Fantasy Football and Sports :
Ok so up until this point we have looked into different business problems
and how clustering algorithms have been applied to solve them. But now
for the critical issues - fantasy football !
What is the problem: Who should you have in your team? Which players
are going to perform best for your team and allow you to beat the
competition? The challenge at the start of the season is that there is very
little if any data available to help you i dentify the winning players.
How clustering works: When there is little performance data available to
train your model on, you have an advantage for unsupervised learning. In
this type of machine learning problem, you can find similar players using
some of their characteristics. This has been done using K -Means
clustering. Ultimately this means you can get a better team more quickly
at the start of the year, giving you an advantage.
Page 229
The objective of clustering is to assign observations to groups ( \clusters")
so that observations within each group are similar to one another with
respect to variables or attributes of interest, and the groups themselves
stand apart from one another. In o ther words, the objective is to divide the
observations into homogeneous and distinct groups.
There are a number of clustering methods. One method, for example,
begins with as many groups as there are observations, and then
systematically merges observations to reduce the number of groups by
one, two, :: :, until a single group containing all obser vations is formed.
Another method begins with a given number of groups and an arbitrary
assignment of the observations to the groups, and then reassigns the
observations one by one so that ultimately each observation belongs to the
nearest group.
Cluster analysis is also used to group variables into homogeneous and
distinct groups. This approach is used, for example, in revising a
questionnaire on the basis of responses received to a draft of the
questionnaire. The grouping of the questions by means of cl uster analysis
helps to identify redundant questions and reduce their number, thus
improving the chances of a good response rate to the final version of the
1. What is Cluster Analysis? List and explain requirements of clustering in data
2. Discuss on types of clusters?
3. What are the applications of clustering?
4. Describe the features of partition based clustering algorithms?
5. List out some clustering methods?
6. Explain k -means partitioning algorithm in Cluster Analysis?
7. What is Hierarchical method?
8. Explain the General Steps of Hierarchical Clustering?
9. Explain the Methods of Hierarchical Clustering and give example for each
10. Differentiate between Agglomerative and Divisive Hierarchical Clustering
11. Discuss the following clustering algorithm using examples :
a. K-means.
b. K-medoid.
Page 230
12. What is the difference between hierarchical clustering and non hierarchical
13. Discuss in detail various types of data that are considered in the cluster
14. Given two objects represented by the tuples (22,1,42,10) and (20,0,36,8)
Compute the Manhattan distance between the two objects.
13.13 REFERENCE FOR FURTHER READING -innovative -uses-of-clustering -algorithms/6224
Page 231
Unit Structure
14.0 Objectives
14.1 Introduction
14.2 An Overview
14.2.1 What is Web mining?
14.2.2 Applications of web mining
14.2.3 Types of techniques of mining
14.2.4 Difference Between Web Content, Web Structure, and Web
Usage Mining
14.2.5 Comparison between data mining and web mining
14.3 Future Trends
14.3.1 To Adopt a Framework
14.3.2 A Systematic Approach
14.3.3 Emerging Standards to Address the Redundancy and Quality
of Web -Based Content
14.3.4 Development of Tools and Standards
14.3.5 Use of Intelligent Software
14.4 Web Personalization
14.4.1 Personalization Process
14.4.2 Data Acquisition
14.4.3 Data Analysis
14.5 Tools and Standards
14.6 Trends and challenges in personalization
14.7 Let us Sum Up
14.8 List of References
14.9 Bibliography
14.10 Chapter End Exercises
After going through this chapter, you will be able to understand:
Web Mining, Applications of Web mining
Techniques of Mining
Difference Between Web Content, Web Structure, and Web
Usage Mining
Comparison between data mining and web mining
Page 232
Need for Web Warehousing and Knowledge Management
Future trends
Web personalization
Tools and standards
Trends and challenges
Web mining is pushing the World Wide Web toward a more valuable
environments in which clients/users can rapidly and effectively discover
the data they need. It incorporates the disclosure and examination of
information, reports, and interactive media from the World Wide Web.
Web mining utilizes archive content, hyperlink design, a nd utilization
insights to help clients in gathering their data needs. The actual Web and
web search tools contain relationship data about records. In this, Content
mining is coming first. Discovering keywords and discovering the
connection between a Web p age content and a query content will be
content mining. Hyperlinks give data about different records on the Web
thought to be critical to another report. These connections add profundity
to the report, giving the multi -dimensionality that describes the Web .
Mining this connection structure is the second space of Web mining. At
long last, there is a relationship to different records on the Web that are
recognized by past look. These relationships are recorded in logs of
searches and gets to.
Mining these lo gs is the third space of Web mining. Understanding the
client is likewise a significant piece of Web mining. Examination of the
client’s past meetings favoured showcase of data, and communicated
inclinations might impact the Web pages returned in response to a query.
Web mining is interdisciplinary in nature, spreading over across such
fields as data recovery, natural language preparing, data extraction, AI,
data set, data mining, data warehousing, UI plan, and visual
representation. Strategies for mining the Web have down to earth
application in m -commerce, online business, e -government, e -learning,
distance learning, virtual associations, knowledge management and digital
Information, data, and information are so basic to an association's
generally speaking functional achievement, Web mining, warehousing and
KM are intelligent augmentations of existing functional exercises. In the
journey for opportune, exact choices, a fundamental component is to get
the most ideal DIKs to cr eate fitting and compelling approaches. The idea
of Web warehousing started with the improvement of information
warehousing. W.H. Inmon (1992) characterized information warehousing
as a "subject -arranged, coordinated, non -unstable, time variation
Page 233
assortmen t of information on the side of the board's choices" . The solitary
contrast among information and Web warehousing is that in the last
mentioned, the hidden data set is the whole World Wide Web. As a
promptly available asset, the Web is a gigantic informat ion stockroom that
contains unpredictable data that is assembled and extricated into
something important for use in the association circumstance. Utilizing
customary information mining philosophies and strategies (Tech
Reference, 2003), the Web mining is t he way toward extricating
information from the Web and arranging them into recognizable examples
and connections.
Data is backbone of any organization and so critical to any
organization’s overall operational success, Web mining, warehousing
and KM are logical extensions of existing operational
activities. Timely, accurate decisions, an important element is to
get the simplest DIKs possible to supply appropriate and effective
courses of action. The concept of Web warehousing originated
with the event of knowledge warehousing.
The only difference between data and Web warehousing is that within
the latter, the underlying database is that the entire World Wide Web.
As a readily accessible resource, the online may be a huge data
warehouse that contains volatile information that's gathered and
extracted into something valuable to be used within the organization
situation. Using traditional data processing methodologies and
techniques (Tech Reference, 2003), the Web mining is that the process
of extracting data from the web and sorting them into identifiable
patterns and relationships.
14.2.1 What is Web Mining? :
Web Mining is the cycle of Data Mining strategies to consequently find
and concentrate information from Web and various services. The
principal motivation behind web mining is finding valuable data from the
World -Wide Web and its usage.
14.2.2 Applications of Web Mining :
1. Web mining assists to improve the power of web search engine by
classifying and identifying the web pages.
2. It is utilized for W eb Searching e.g., Google, Yahoo etc and Vertical
3. Web mining is utilized to predict behaviour.
4. Web mining is extremely helpful of a particular website and e -
14.2.3 Types of techniques of mining
Various techniques described below:
Web Content Mining
Web Structure Mining
Page 234
Web Usage Mining
Web Content Mining :
This technique extracts useful information from the content of the
online documents. It contains several sorts of data – text, image, audio, video
etc. Content data is that the group of facts and gives pattern about user needs.
Text documents are associated with text mining, machine learning and NLP.
This mining is additionally referred to as text mining
Two methodologies are discussed below:
(i) Agent -based approach:
In this methodology applicable sites are recognized utilizing shrewd
(ii) Data -based approach:
This methodology is used to sort out semi -organized information to
organized information.
Web Structure Mining :
Web structure mining is the use of finding structure data from the web.
The design of the web chart comprises of site pages as nodes, and
hyperlinks as edges connecting related pages. Structure mining
fundamentally shows the organized summary of a specific site.It
recognizes connection bet ween site pages connected by data or direct
connection association. To decide the association between two business
sites, Web structure mining can be exceptionally helpful.
Web Usage Mining :
Web use mining is the use of distinguishing or finding fascinat ing use
designs from enormous informational indexes. Also, these examples
empower you to comprehend the client practices or something to that
effect. In web use mining, client access information on the web and
gather information in type of logs. Thus, web usage mining is likewise
called log mining.
14.2.4 Difference Between Web Content, Web Structure, and Web
Usage Mining :
Criterion Web Content Web Structure Web Usage IR VIEW DB VIEW View of data Unstructured Structured Semi-structured Website as DB Link structure Interactivity Main Data Text Document Hyper Documents Hyper Documents Link structure Server logs Browser logs
Page 235
Method Machine Learning Statistical (Including NLP) Proprietary algorithm Association rules Proprietary algorithm Machine learning Statistical Association Rules Representation Bag of words, Phrases, concepts, or ontology Edged Labeled graph Relational Graph Relational Table Graph Application Categories Categorizatio
Patterns in
Finding frequent sub structures Web site schema discovery 1.Categorization 2 Clustering 1. Site construction 2. Adaptation and management
14.2.5 Comparison between data mining and web mining :
Here, differences between Data Mining and Web Mining given below,
Data Mining Web Mining “Data Mining” works with the plan which is distinguishedfrom the data that’s already accessible within the framework, The technique of “Web Mining” works with the plan which is perceived with the help of various “Web Data” exclusively. It is generally used in various kinds of organizations which works on “Artificial Intelligence”, where different trade decisions are upgraded with the assistance of different choice-making activities with the assistance of innovation, It is used in the field of “Data Analytics”, where the available unrefined data is changed over/and additionally changed into a huge mastermind separately. It incorporates the processes like Data Extraction, Design Disclosure, Algorithm Fathoming, etc. It also incorporates the processes like Information Extraction, Design Revelation, Algorithm Understanding, and so on however these all process occurs with the help of "Web" which excessively on various "Web Servers" and "Web Documents" independently. It is, generally, done by the specialists It is carried out by the
Page 236
like unique different “Data Engineers’, ‘Data Scientists’ specialists like “Data Analysts” and different “Data Scientists”, “Data Engineers” The various tools which are used to handle of “Data Mining” are “Machine Learning Algorithms” etc. The various devices which are used of “Web Mining” are “Apache Logs”, “Scrapy”, “PageRank” etc., with the help of these processes are completed independently. Various organizations are relying upon data mining for decision making. Web mining is vital to drag the current data/information mining measure. Skills needed for this and data cleaning and AI, machine learning algorithms, Skills needed for Web mining are Application-level knowledge, “Data engineering”, “statistics”. Applications are “Financial Data Analysis”,” Retail Industry”, “TelecommunicationIndustry”,“Biological Data Analysis”. Web mining is the use of data mining techniques to remove data from web data, checking web reports, hyperlinks between documents
Information and metadata will turn into an "resource" as a feature of the
KM work, hierarchical pioneers will be confronted with serious
circumstances that will direct their requirement for it. With circulated Web
warehousing exercises, the vital job of DIKs is to turn into another asset in
an ass ociation's current circumstance. A brought together coherent way to
deal with create and oversee metadata content information bases might be
important. With unified intelligent metadata that is listed, looked, and
handled by tools, it turns into an empower ing agent for associations to
survey and utilize its information. This IRM metadata archive and
information -based environment upholds the general mission and
objectives of the association. The ramification of this change is that more
powerful insightful to ols will be required. They should uphold
programmed ordering, approval, looking, planning of relaxed connections,
versatile displaying, and fluffy set rationale advances to quantify the
metadata's utility with regards to authoritative conveyance and variat ion to
their current circumstance.
Numerous structures will foster glossaries, word references, subject
scientific categorizations (nonexclusive to -explicit progressions), semantic
Page 237
guides (term/definition -to-homonym(s) - synonym(s)), representation
methods to assemble relationship maps and new dialects to help
relationship structures. This infers that overseeing metadata, information
and data is plainly and unequivocally connected to the association's
procedure with a genuine comprehension of its informatio n advantage.
14.3.1 A Systematic Approach for Adopting a Knowledge
Management Practice :
Fundamental standards are the establishment for accomplishment in giving
an orderly methodology.
They are:
(1) to catch, classify, and share both data and informat ion.
(2) to focus on the synergistic endeavours among individuals and
networks with an accentuation on learning and preparing; and
(3) to focus on the information and expertise utilized in the everyday work
Keep in mind, in the underlyin g evaluation of an association's necessities,
one KM best practice may not work in another circumstance because of
hierarchical culture and setting (Glick, 2002). An arrangement can be set
up utilizing this precise methodology and investigation, explicit v enture
objectives, necessities, assets, and measurements. The development of an
association's knowledge management practice can move from present
moment to longer -term activities to full acknowledgment dependent on the
achievement of every information driv e inside its legitimate setting. This
infers a convincing vision and design for your association's KM mission
and objective.
14.3.2 Emerging Standards to Address the Redundancy and Quality
of Web -Based Content :
The planning of connections between various articles in the meta -model of
models is beginning to assume a critical part in both hierarchical and
industry guidelines. The advancement of different industry -based
scientific categorizations (a class of article s and connections that exist
between them in a nonexclusive to -explicit design) has begun. The
planning of equivalent words, homonyms, and information with
definitional clearness turns into a fundamental fixing to the exchange of
DIKs. Ontologies (informat ion bases that contains the planned
connections of one item to at least one articles) will be every now and
again used to give the ability to gather new realities and perceptions. Ideas
examined in the InfoMap (Burk, 1988), particularly those that attentio n on
estimating cost and the maintenance rehearses for DIKs, will be of basic
significance to the utility of the metadata information base store.
Data frameworks vendors and expert associations will uphold endeavours
to construct these scientific classifi cations and ontologies to give
equipment, programming and consulting administrations that help their
Page 238
utilization. The ramifications are that if programming items are created to
help these exercises, the items might be restrictive in nature. The
American Na tional Standards Institute (ANSI) is one of the bodies that
propose U.S. guidelines be acknowledged by the International Standards
Organization (ISO). Every guideline association is comprised of
volunteers who create, evaluate, and present a norm for forma l
endorsement. There can be contending principles that are created, and
some must be accommodated. This could affect the turn of events and
temporary endeavours expected to construct powerful scientific
classifications and ontologies. This infers an effici ent methodology for
capturing explicit and verifiable information into a well created
14.3.3 Development of Tools and Standards to Assess Semantic
Integrity of Web Delivered Pages :
The efforts to foster a semantic Web by the W3C gathering will be key
being developed of guidelines. This work from different members will
address an enormous chance to build the utility of the Web. The most
troublesome service will be the semantic interpr etation between a Web
client's solicitation and utility of the outcomes. Items being produced for
natural language, conversational, and parametric looking (Abrams, 2003)
will be essential to their successful executions.
14.3.4 Use of Intelligent Software :
The efforts supporting the improvement of DARPA's Agent Markup
Language (DAML) and Resource Definition Framework (RDF) are
centred around the semantic combination, recovery, and utility of the
Web's assets. A key exertion is to have a binding together met a-model to
store the metadata adequately in its information -based repository for
viable and effective use in the association. The achievement of the
information put together environment is predicated with respect to
connecting different advancements and pr actices with basic spotlight on
the nature of the information, data, and keeping up with information. This
will be one of the greatest authoritative difficulties!
The Web has become a gigantic store of data and continues to devel op
dramatically under no control, while the human capacity to discover,
peruse and comprehend content remaining parts steady. Furnishing
individuals with admittance to data isn't the issue; the issue is that
individuals with fluctuating requirements and in clinations explore through
enormous Web structures, missing the objective of their request. Web
personalization is quite possibly the most encouraging methodologies for
easing this data over -burden, giving custom -made Web encounters. This
part investigates the various essences of personalization, follows back its
underlying foundations and follows its encouraging. It portrays the
modules ordinarily including a personalization interaction, shows its
nearby connection to Web mining, portrays the specialized i ssues that
Page 239
emerge, suggests arrangements whenever the situation allows, and talks
about the adequacy of personalization and the connected concerns.
Besides, the part represents latest things in the field proposing headings
that might prompt new logical out comes.
14.4.1 Personalization Process :
In this part we examine the general personalization measure as far as the
discrete modules including it: data acquisition, data analysis and
personalized output. We portray exhaustively the destinations of every
module and survey the methodologies taken so far by researchers working
in the field, the deterrents met, and whenever the situation allows, the
solutions suggested.
14.4.2 Data Acquisition :
In the larger part of cases, Web personalization is an informat ion
concentrated assignment that depends on three general sorts of
information: information about the client, information about the Website
use and information about the product and equipment accessible on the
client's side.
• User information. This class signifies data about personal attributes of
the client. A few such kinds of information have been utilized in
personalization applications, for example,
• Demographics (name, telephone number, geographic data, age, sex,
instruction, pay, and so on)
Client's information on ideas and connections between ideas in an
application space (input that has been of broad use in natural language
processing system) or area explicit aptitude; Skills and abilities (as in
separated from "wha t" the client knows, as a rule it is of equivalent
significance to know what the client knows "how" to do, or significantly
further, to recognize what the client knows about and what she can really
Interests and inclinations :
Goals and plans (plan acknowledgment methods and recognized
objectives permit the Website to anticipate client interests and needs and
change its substance for simpler and quicker objective accomplishment).
There are two general methodologies for gaining client informati on of the
kinds depicted above: either the client is asked expressly to give the
information (utilizing surveys, fill -in inclination discoursed, or even
through machine readable data -carriers, like smart cards), or the
framework verifiably infers such data without starting any association
with the client (utilizing procurement rules, plan acknowledgment, and
generalization thinking).
• Usage Data . Utilization information might be straightforwardly noticed
and recorded or obtained by examining detectable i nformation (whose
Page 240
sum and detail differ contingent upon the advances utilized during
Website execution, i.e., java applets, and so on), an interaction previously
referred to in this part as Web use mining. Use information may either be:
Observable inform ation involving specific activities like tapping on a
connection, information with respect to the fleeting review conduct,
ratings (utilizing binary or a restricted, discrete scale) and other
corroborative or disconformity activities (purchases, ,
messagin g/saving/printing a record, bookmarking a Web page and that's
just the beginning), or
Data that get from additional handling the noticed and respect use
normalities (estimations of recurrence of choosing a
choice/connect/administration, creation of ideas /proposals dependent on
circumstance activity relationships, or varieties of this methodology, for
example recording activity arrangements).
14.4.3 Data Analysis :
Client profiling drastically influences the sorts of examination that can be
applied get-togethers period of information obtaining to achieve more
complex personalization. The strategies that might be applied for
additional breaking down and growing client profiles to determine
deductions differ and come from various logical regions that i nclude AI,
insights, and data recovery. In this section, we follow the methodology of
data recovery and set our emphasis on conveying Web digging for
breaking down client conduct and inducing "intriguing" designs,
similitudes, groups, and connections among clients or potentially page
demands. In the previous years, a few analysts have applied Web usage
mining for developing client profiles and settling on personalization
choices. Web usage mining utilizes worker logs as its wellspring of data
and the way to ward getting important data from them advances as
indicated by the accompanying stages (Srivastava et al., 2000):
information readiness and pre -preparing, design revelation and example
Data Preparation and Pre processing :
The target of this s tage is to determine a bunch of worker meetings from
crude utilization information, as recorded as Web worker logs. Prior to
continuing with a more point by point depiction of information readiness,
it is important to give a bunch of information reflection s as presented by
the W3C1 (World Wide Web Consortium) for portraying Web utilization.
A worker meeting is characterized as a bunch of site hits served because
of a progression of HTTP demands from a solitary client to a solitary Web
A site visit is a bunch of page documents that add to a solitary presentation
in a Web program window (the meaning of the site hit is fundamental on
the grounds that for investigating client conduct what is of worth is the
total site hit and not every last one of the continuous separate demands
Page 241
that are produced consequently for obtaining portions of the site hit like
contents, designs, and so on) Figuring out which log passages allude to a
solitary site hit (an issue known as online visit distinguishing proof)
require s data about the webpage organizing and substance.
A consecutive series of online visit demands is named click stream and it
is its full substance that we preferably need to know for solid ends. A
client meeting is the clickstream of site hits for a solit ary client across the
whole Web, while a worker meeting is the arrangement of site hits in a
client meeting for a specific site. During information planning the
undertaking is to recognize the log information sections that allude to
designs or traffic natu rally produced by arachnids and specialists.
These sections in the majority of the cases are taken out from the log
information, as they don't uncover genuine utilization data. In any case, an
official conclusion on the most ideal approach to deal with them relies
upon the particular application. In the wake of cleaning, log sections are
typically parsed into information fields for simpler control. Aside from
eliminating passages from the log information, by and large information
planning likewise incorporates improving the use data by adding the
missing snaps to the client clickstream. The explanation directing this
assignment is customer and intermediary storing, which cause numerous
solicitations not to be recorded in the worker logs and to be served by the
reserved site visits. The way toward re -establishing the total snap stream is
called way fruition and it is the last advance for pre -handling utilization
Missing site visit solicitations can be identified when the referrer page
document for a site hit isn't essential for the past si te hit. The lone sound
approach to have the total client way is by utilizing either a product
specialist or an altered program on the customer side. In any remaining
cases the accessible arrangements (utilizing for example, aside from the
referrer field, i nformation about the connection design of the site) are
heuristic in nature and can't ensure exactness. With the exception of the
way fulfilment issue, there stays a bunch of other specialized impediments
that should be defeated during information planning and pre -preparing.
All the more explicitly, a significant such issue is client ID. Various
strategies are sent for client distinguishing proof and the general appraisal
is that the more precise a strategy is, the higher the protection intrusion
issue it faces. Expecting that every IP address/specialist pair distinguishes
a novel client isn't generally the situation, as numerous clients might
utilize a similar PC to get to the Web and a similar client might get to the
Web from different PCs. An implanted m eeting ID requires dynamic
locales and keeping in mind that it recognizes the different clients from a
similar IP/Agent, it neglects to distinguish similar client from various IPs.
Treats and programming specialists achieve the two destinations yet are
normally not very much acknowledged (or even dismissed and
incapacitated) by most clients.
Page 242
Enlistment additionally gives dependable ID yet not all clients will go
through such a technique or review logins and passwords. On the other
hand, adjusted programs m ight give exact records of client conduct even
across Websites, however they are not a practical arrangement in most of
cases as they require establishment and just a set number of clients will
introduce and utilize them. To wrap things up, there emerges t he issue of
meeting ID. Unimportant arrangements tackle this by setting a base time
limit and accepting that resulting demands from a similar client surpassing
it have a place with various meetings (or utilize a greatest edge for
finishing up individually) . Example Discovery Pattern revelation expects
to identify fascinating examples with regards to the pre -handled Web
utilization information by sending measurable and information mining
strategies. These strategies typically involve (Eirinaki and Vazirgiann is,
• Association rule mining:
A procedure utilized for discovering continuous examples, affiliations and
relationships among sets of things. In the Web personalization space, this
strategy might demonstrate relationships between pages not
straigh tforwardly associated and uncover beforehand obscure relationship
between gatherings of clients with explicit interests. Such data might
demonstrate important for online business stores to further develop
Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
• Cluster ing:
A technique utilized for gathering things that have comparative attributes.
For our situation things may either be clients (that exhibit comparative
online conduct) or pages (that are comparability used by clients).
• Classification:
A process that figures out how to allot information things to one of a few
predefined classes. Classes normally address distinctive user profiles, and
classification is performed utilizing chosen highlights with high
discriminative capacity as alludes to the arrangement of classes portraying
each profile.
• Sequential pattern discovery:
An expansion to the affiliation rule mining method, utilized for
uncovering examples of co -event, consequently consolidating the thought
of time sequence. An example for this situation m ight be a Web page or a
bunch of pages got to following another arrangement of pages. In this last
stage the goal is to change over found standards, examples and
measurements into information or knowledge including the Website being
dissected. Information here is a theoretical thought that generally depicts
the change from data to comprehension; it is along these lines profoundly
subject to the human playing out the examination and arriving at
resolutions. In the vast majority of the cases, perception proce dures are
utilized for "imparting" better the information to the investigator.
Page 243
This methodology is for sure better than other more conventional
strategies, (for example, collective or content -based sifting) as far as both
adaptability and dependence on target input information (and not, for
example, on abstract client appraisals). In any case, utilization -based
personalization can likewise be dangerous when little use information are
free relating to certain articles, or when the site content changes
consistently. Mobasher et al. (2000a) claims that for more viable
personalization, bo th utilization and content credits of a site should be
coordinated into the information examination stage and be utilized
consistently as the premise of all personalization choices.
This way semantic information is consolidated into the cycle by
addressi ng area ontologies in the pre -handling and example disclosure
stages and utilizing powerful procedures to get uniform profiles portrayal
and tell the best way to utilize such profiles for performing continuous
personalization (Mobasher&Dai, 2001).
From the past, clearly customizing the Web insight for clients by tending
to address necessities and inclinations is a difficult task for the Web
industry. Electronic applications (e.g., portals, internet business
destinations, e -learning conditions, and so forth) can work on their
presentation by utilizing appealing new tools, for example, dynamic
suggestions dependent on singular qualities and recorded navigational
history. Nonetheless, the inquiry that emerges is the means by which this
can be really refined. Both the web industry and specialists from assorted
logical regions have zeroed in on different parts of the point. The
exploration draws near, and the business apparatuses that convey
customized Web encounters dependent on bus iness rules, Website content
and construction, just as the client conduct recorded in Web log
documents are various.
WebWatcher incorporates three learning approaches:
(a) learning from previous tours,
(b) learning from the hypertext structure and
(c) combination of the first two approaches.
A proposal framework that helps Web search and customizes the
aftereffects of an inquiry dependent on close to home history and
inclinations (substance and evaluations of visited pages) is Fab
(Balabanovic and Shoham, 1997). By joining both community oriented
and content -based strategies, it prevails to dispose of a considerable lot of
the shortcomings found in each approach. Humos/Wifs (Ambrosini et al.,
1997) has two segments, the Hydrid User Modeling Subsyste m and the
Web -situated Information Filtering Subsystem, helping Web search and
customizing the consequences of a question dependent on an inside
portrayal of client interests (construed by the framework through an
Page 244
exchange). It utilizes a mixture way to de al with client demonstrating
(combination of case -based segments and counterfeit neural organization)
and exploits semantic organizations, just as an all -around organized
information base, to perform exact sifting. Another specialist that learns
clients' i nclinations by taking a gander at their visit records and afterward
gives them refreshed data about the Website is SiteHelper (Ngu and Wu,
The specialist does two kinds of gradual learning: intuitive learning, by
asking client for criticism, and q uiet learning, by utilizing the log records.
Individual WebWatcher (Mladenic, 1999) is a "individual" specialist,
propelled essentially by WebWatcher, that helps Web perusing and
features valuable connections from the current page utilizing individual
history (content of visited pages), while Let's Browse (Lieberman et al.,
1999) executed as an augmentation to Letizia, upholds programmed
discovery of the presence of clients, robotized "station surfing" perusing,
dynamic presentation of the client profiles a nd clarification of proposals.
The utilization of affiliation rules was first proposed in Agrawal et al.
(1993) and Agrawal and Srikant (1994). Chen et al. (1998) use affiliation
rules calculations to find "fascinating" relationships among client
meetings, while the meaning of a meeting as a bunch of maximal forward
references (which means an arrangement of Web pages got to by a client)
was presented in Chen et al. (1996). This work is likewise the premise of
SpeedTracer (Wu et al., 1998), which utilizes referrer and specialist data
in the pre -preparing schedules to distinguish clients and worker meetings
without extra customer side data, and afterward recognizes the most much
of the time visited gatherings of Web pages.
Krishnan et al. (1998) depict way profiling procedures to anticipa te future
solicitation practices. Along these lines, content can be progressively
created before the client demands it. Manber et al. (2000) presents Yahoo!
personalization experience. Yippee! was one of the main websites to
utilize personalization for an enormous scope. This work examines three
instances of personalization: Yahoo! Friend, Inside Yahoo! Search and My
Yahoo! application, which were presented in July 1996.
Cingil et al. (2000) depict the requirement for interoperability when
mining the Web and how the different norms can be utilized for
accomplishing personalization. Besides, they set up a design for giving
Web workers consequently produced, machine processable, unique client
profiles, while adjusting to clients' protection inclinations.
Mobasher et al. (2000b) depict an overall design for programmed Web
personalization utilizing Web use mining strategies. WebPersonalizer is a
high-level framework targeting mining Web log records to find
information for the creation of customized proposals for the current client
dependent on her similitudes with past clients. These client inclinations
are consequently gained from Web utilization information, dispensing
Page 245
with in this way the subjectivity from profile information, just as keeping
them refreshed . The pre -handling steps illustrated in Cooley et al. (1999a)
are utilized to change over the worker signs into worker meetings.
The framework suggests pages from groups that intently match the current
meeting. For customizing a site as per the necessiti es of every client,
Spiliopoulou (2000) portrays an interaction dependent on finding and
breaking down client navigational examples. Mining these examples, we
can acquire knowledge into a website’s use and optimality regarding its
present client populace. Utilization designs removed from Web
information have been applied to a wide scope of uses. WebSIFT (Cooley
et al., 1997, 1999b, 2000) is a site data channel framework that joins use,
content, and design data about a website. The data channel consequently
recognizes the found examples that have a serious level of emotional
intriguing quality.
As referenced previously, the strategies applied for Web personalization
ought to be founded on principles and dialects guaranteeing
interoperability, better use of the put away data, just as close to home
honesty and protection (Cingil et al., 2000). Extensible Markup Language
(XML)2 is a straightforward, entirely adaptable book design initially
intended to address the difficulties of enormous scope electronic
distri buting. XML assumes an inexorably significant part in the trading of
a wide assortment of information on the Web and the XML Query
Language3 can be utilized for removing information from XML archives.
Asset Description Framework (RDF)4 is an establishment for handling
metadata and comprises a proposal of W3C. It gives interoperability
between applications that trade machine -reasonable data on the Web and
its grammar can utilize XML.
RDF applications incorporate asset disclosure, content
portrayal/connecti ons, information sharing and trade, Web pages' licensed
innovation rights, clients' protection inclinations, Websites' security
approaches, etc. Stage for Privacy Preferences (P3P)5 was created by the
W3C in 1999 and involves a standard that gives a straig htforward and
mechanized way for clients to deal with their own data when visiting
Websites. Individual profiling is a type of Website guest reconnaissance
and prompts various moral contemplations.
Site guests should be persuaded that any gathered data w ill stay private
and secure. P3P empowers Websites to communicate their protection
rehearses in a standard arrangement that can be recovered naturally and
deciphered effectively by client specialists. P3P client specialists permit
clients to be educated re garding site rehearses (in both machine and
intelligible arrangements) and to mechanize dynamic dependent on these
practices when proper. Along these lines, clients need not read the security
approaches at each site they visit. Nonetheless, while P3P gives a standard
system to portraying security rehearses, it doesn't guarantee that Websites
really follow them.
Page 246
Open Profiling Standard (OPS)6 is a proposed standard by Netscape that
empowers Web personalization. It permits clients to keep profile records
on their hard drives, which can be gotten to by approved Web workers.
The clients approach these records and can handle the introduced data.
These records can supplant treats and manual online enlistment.
The OPS has been analyzed by the W3C, and its key th oughts have been
consolidated into P3P. Client Profile Exchange (CPEX)7 is an open norm
for working with the security empowered trade of client data across
dissimilar endeavor applications and frameworks. It coordinates on the
web/disconnected client infor mation in a XML -based information model
for use inside different venture applications both on and off the Web,
coming about in an arranged, client centered climate. The CPEX working
gathering plans to foster open -source reference execution and engineer
rules to speed selection of the norm among sellers 1.6
Trends and Challenges In Personalization :
While personalization looks significant and engaging for the Web
insight, a few issues actually stay hazy. One such issue is privacy
preserving and comes from the way that personalization requires
gathering and putting away undeniably more close to personal
information than common non -customized Websites. As per Earp and
Baumer (2003), there is minimal legitimate insurance of buyer data
gained on the web — eithe r intentionally or automatically — while
frameworks attempt to gather however much information as could
reasonably be expected from clients, generally without clients' drive and
at times without their mindfulness, to stay away from client interruption.
Various overviews effectively accessible delineate client inclinations
concerning on the web security (Kobsa and Schreck, 2003), with the
necessity for protection of namelessness while interfacing with an online
framework winning.
• World Wide Web toward a more significant conditions in which
customers/clients can quickly and adequately find the information they
• Web Mining" is used inside the field of "Information Analytics"
• Web Content Mining method extricates helpful data from the substance
of the online records.
• Web structure mining is the use of finding structure data from the web.
1. Web Mining: Applications and Techniques by Anthony Scime State
University of N ew York College at Brockport, USA
Page 247
2. Web Mining and Social Networking, Techniques and Applications by
Authors: Xu, Guandong, Zhang , Yanchun , Li, Lin
3. Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data
(Data -Centric Systems and Applications) by Bing Lu
4. Mining the Web by Soumen Chakrabarti
1. Wang Bin and Liu Zhijing, "Web mining research," Proceedings Fifth
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and
Multimedia Applications. ICCIMA 2003 , 2003, pp. 84-89, doi:
2. G. Dileep Kumar, Manohar Gosul, Web Mining Research and Future
Directions ,Advances in Network Security and, Applications, 2011,
Volume 196, ISBN : 978 -3-642-22539 -0
3. Lorentzen, D.G. Webometrics benefitting from web mining? An
investigation of methods and applications of two research
fields. Scientometrics 99, 409–445 (2014).
4. Jeong, D.H, Hwang, M., Kim, J., Song, S.K., Jung, H., Peters, C.,
Pietras, N., Kim, D.W.: Information Service Quality Evaluation Model
from the Users Perspective, The 2nd International Semantic
Technology (JIST) Conference 2012, Nara, Japan, 2012.
5. Helena Ahonen, Oskari Heinonen, Mika Klemettinen, A. Inkeri
Verkamo, (1997), Applying Data Min ing Techniques in Text Analysis,
Report C -1997 -23, Department of Computer Science, University of
Helsinki, 1997
6. Web Mining: Applications and Techniques by Anthony Scime State
University of New York College at Brockport, USA
7. Web Mining and Social Networking, Techniques and Applications
by Authors: Xu, Guandong, Zhang , Yanchun , Li, Lin
8. Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data
(Data -Centric Systems and Applications) by Bing Lu
9. Mining the Web by Soumen Chakrabarti
1. What is Web Mining?
2. How do you suggest we could estimate the size of the estimate the size of the
3. Why is Web Information Retrieval Important?
4. Why is Web Information Retrieval Difficult?
5. What is web Content Mining?
Page 248
6. Explain Web structure mining.
7. What is Web Usage Mining?
8. Compare Data mining and Web Mining?
9. List out difference Between Web Content, Web Structure, and Web
Usage Mining.
10. Explain Web Personalization.
Page 249
Unit Structure
15.0 Objectives
15.1 Introduction
15.2 An Overview
15.2.1 What is Text mining?
15.2.2 Text Mining Techniques
15.2.3 Information Retrieval Basics
15.2.4 Text Databases and Information Retrieval
15.3 Basic methods of Text Retrieval
15.3.1 Text Retrieval Methods
15.3.2 Boolean Retrieval Model
15.3.3 Vector Space Model
15.4 Usage of Text Mining
15.5 Areas of text mining in data mining
15.5.1 Information Extraction
15.5.2 Natural Language Processing
15.5.3 Data Mining and IR
15.6 Text Mining Process
15.7 Text Mining Approaches in Data Mining
15.7.1 Keyword -based Association Analysis
15.7.2 Document Classification Analysis
15.8 Numericizing text
15.8.1 Stemming algorithms
15.8.2 Support for different languages
15.8.3 Exclude certain character
15.8.4 Include lists, exclude lists (stop -words)
15.9 What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)?
15.9.1 Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
15.10 Big Data and the Limitations of Keyword Search
15.11 Ontologies, Vocabularies and Custom Dictionaries
15.12 Enterprise -Level Natural Language Processing
15.13 Analytical Tools
15.14 Scalability
15.15 Issues in Text Mining Field
15.16 Let us Sum Up
Page 250
15.17 List of References
15.18 Bibliography
15.19 Chapter End Exercises
After going through this chapter, you will be able to understand:
Can be able to define Text mining
Knowing various Text mining Techniques
Knowledge about text databases and information retrieval
Usage of text mining
Areas of text mining
Text Mining Approaches
Natural Language Processing
Looking into issues in Text Mining
Text mining is a minor departure from a field called data mining that
attempts to discover intriguing examples from huge data sets. Text data
sets are quickly becoming because of the expanding measure of data
accessible in electronic structure, like electronic publications, different
sorts of electronic records, email, and the World Wide Web. These days
the vast majority of the data in government, industry, business, and
different organizations are put away electronically, as text information
Information put away in most content data sets are semi organized
information in that they are neither totall y unstructured nor totally
organized. For instance, a report might contain a couple of organized
fields, like title, creators, distribution date, and class, etc, yet in addition
contain some generally unstructured content parts, like theoretical and
substa nce. There has been a lot of studies on the demonstrating and
execution of semi organized information in late data set examination. In
addition, data recovery strategies, for example, text ordering techniques,
have been created to deal with unstructured re ports. Customary data
recovery strategies become insufficient for the undeniably tremendous
measures of text information. Ordinarily, just a little part of the numerous
accessible archives will be applicable to a given individual client.
15.2.1 Text Mining :
Text information mining can be portrayed as the way toward extricating
fundamental information from standard language text. Every one of the
Page 251
information that we produce through instant messages, records, messages,
documents are written in like mann er language text. Text mining is
basically used to draw valuable experiences or patterns from such
15.2.2 Text Mining Techniques :
Text mining frequently incorporates the accompanying methods:
Information extraction is a strategy for extricating space explicit data
from messages. Text pieces are planned to field or layout templates
that have a semantic method:
Text summarization synopsis includes recognizing, summing up and
arranging related co ntent so clients can effectively manage data in
huge records.
Text categorization includes sorts out archives into a scientific
categorization, in this manner considering more effective ventures. It
includes the task of subject descriptors or arrangement codes or
theoretical ideas to finish messages.
Text clustering includes naturally grouping archives into groups where
records inside each gathering share normal highlights.
All content mining approaches use data recovery components. Surely, the
qualification between data recovery techniques and text mining is
obscured. In the following area data recovery essentials are examined.
Various complex expansions to fundamental data recovery progressed in
the lawful field are portrayed. We then, at that point talk about instances
of data extraction, text outline, text arrangement and text grouping in law.
15.2.3 Information Retrieval Basics :
The point of proficient data recovery ought to be to recover that data, and
just that data which is considered pertinent to a given question. Salton
states that a regular data recovery framework chooses archives from an
assortment because of a client's que stion and positions these reports as
indicated by their importance to the inquiry. This is essentially refined by
coordinating with a book portrayal with a portrayal of the inquiry.
Data recovery and information base frameworks have a few similitudes.
While data set frameworks have zeroed in on question preparing and
exchanges identifying with organized information, data recovery is
worried about the association and data from an enormous number of text -
based records. The undertaking of questioning informa tion bases and text
recovery frameworks is totally different. For text recovery frameworks,
the coordinating isn't deterministic and regularly joins a component of
vulnerability. Recovery models commonly rank the recovered record as
per their possible impo rtance to the inquiry.
Legitimate data recovery thinks about looking through both organized and
unstructured substance. For organized data, the semantics can be
Page 252
obviously not set in stone and can be portrayed with straightforward and
clear ideas. This dat a classification contains, for example, distinguishing
proof information of the writings, information for rendition the board and
the capacity and job of specific parts. This information are regularly
included the type of metadata (i.e information that dep ict different
information) to the reports. Unstructured data regularly happens in normal
language messages or in different configurations like sound and video and
for the most part has an intricate semantics.
The listed terms chosen concern single words a nd multi word stages and
are expected to mirror the substance of the content. She asserts that a
pervasive cycle of choosing regular language file terms from messages
that mirror its substance is made out of the accompanying advances:
1. Lexical investiga tion the content is parsed, and singular words are
2. The expulsion of stopwords – a book recovery framework regularly
relates a stop list with a bunch of reports. A stop list is a bunch of
words that are considered unessential, (for example, a , the, for) or if
nothing else unimportant for the given question.
3. The discretionary decrease of the leftover words to their stem structure
A gathering of various words might have a similar word stem.
The content recovery framework needs to recogniz e gatherings of
words that have a little syntactic variety from one another and just
utilize single word from each gathering of. just use penetrate rather
than breaks, penetrate, penetrated. There are various strategies for
stemming, a considerable lot of which depend upon phonetic
information on the assortment's language.
4. The discretionary definition of expressions as list terms. Strategies of
expression acknowledgment utilize the measurements of co -events of
words or depend upon semantic information on the assortment's
5. The alternative substitution of words, word stems or expressions by
their thesaurus class terms – A thesaurus replaces the individual words
or expressions of a book by more uniform ideas.
6. The calculation of the signi ficance marker or term wight of each
leftover word stem or word, thesaurus class term or expressions term.
15.2.4 Text Databases and Information Retrieval:
Text databases (record information bases) are huge assortments of reports
from different sources: n ews, stories, research papers, books,
computerized libraries, E -mail messages, and Web pages, library data set,
and so on Information put away is typically semi -organized and
Traditional inquiry strategies become insufficient for the inexorably
tremendous measures of text information
Page 253
Information retrieval (IR) :
A field created in corresponding with data set frameworks Information is
coordinated into (an enormous number of) records IR manages the issue of
finding significant archives as for the client info rmation or inclination
IR Systems and DBMS manage various issues Typical DBMS issues are
update, exchange the executives, complex items
IR issues are management of unstructured reports, rough hunt utilizing
catchphrases and importance
1. Typical IR systems Online library catalogues
2. Online document management systems
3. Main IR approaches
4. pull for short -term information need
5. push for long -term information need (e.g., recommender systems)
15.3.1 Text Retrieval Methods :
Document Selection Query characterizes a set of imperatives
Only the reports that fulfill the inquiry are returned A regular
methodology is the Boolean Retrieval Model
Document Ranking
Documents are positioned based on their significance concerning the
client question
For each report a level of importance to the question is estimated
A regular methodology is the Vector Space Model.
Generally, not suitable to satisfy information need Useful only in very
specific domain where users have a big expertise
How to select keywords to capture Basic concepts? How to assign weights
to each term?
15.3.2 Boolean Retrieval Model :
An inquiry is made out of keyword connected by the three consistent
connectives: not, and, or
E.g.: vehicle and fix, plane, or plane
In the Boolean model each record is either pertinent or non -important,
contingent upon it matches or not the question
For the most part, not reasonable to fulfill data need Useful just in quite
certain area where clients have a major skill
Page 254
15.3.3 Vector Space Model:
A record and a question are addressed as vectors in high dimensional
space comparing to every one of the keywords. Pertinence is estimated
with a suitable closeness measure characterized over the vector space.
How to choose Basic ideas? How to allot loads to each term?
Text Mining intends to separate helpful information from text reports
• Approaches Keyword -based
• Relies on IR methods Tagging
• Manual labeling
• Automatic order Information -extraction
• Natural Language Processing (NLP) Keyword -Based Association
Analysis Document Classification
Natural Language Processing is a field of software engineering, AI, and
semantics concerned about the associations amon g PCs and human
(normal) dialects. In that capacity, NLP is identified with the space of
human computer interaction. Numerous difficulties in NLP include regular
language understanding, that is, empowering PCs to get importance from
human or normal languag e info, and others include normal language age
Modern NLP calculations depend on AI, particularly statistical machine
learning. The worldview of AI is not quite the same as that of earlier
endeavours at language preparing. Earlier executions of language -handling
undertakings normally elaborate the immediate hand coding of huge
arrangements of rules. The AI worldview calls rather for utilizing general
learning algorithms regularly, although not generally, grounded in
statistical inference to naturally learn such principles through the
investigation of enormous corpora of ordinary certifiable models. A
corpus (plural, "corpora") is a bunch of records (or now and again,
singular sentences) that have been hand -clarified with the right qualities to
be learned.
Various classes of AI calculations have been applied to NLP undertakings.
These algorithms take as information an enormous arrangement of
"highlights" that are produced from the information. Some of the earliest -
used algorithms, such as decision trees, pro duced systems of hard if -then
rules similar to the systems of hand -written rules that were then common.
Progressively, nonetheless, research has focused in on measurable models,
which make delicate, probabilistic choices dependent on connecting
genuine est eemed loads to each input highlight. Such models enjoy the
benefit that they can communicate the general sureness of a wide range of
potential answers instead of just one, creating more dependable outcomes
Page 255
when a particular model is incorporated as a segme nt of a bigger
Systems based on machine -learning algorithms have many advantages
over hand -produced rules:
• The learning systems utilized during AI naturally centre around the
most widely recognized cases, though when composing rules by hand
it is normal not clear at all where the work ought to be coordinated.
• Automatic learning systems can utilize measurable deduction
calculations to create models that are vigorous to new information (for
example containing words or constructions that have not been seen
previously) and to mistake information (for example with incorrectly
spelled words or words inadvertently precluded). By and large, taking
care of such info smoothly with transcribed guidelines or all the more
for the most part, making framew orks of written by hand decides that
settle on delicate choices is very troublesome, mistake inclined and
• Systems dependent on consequently learning the standards can be
made more exact basically by providing more info information.
Notwithstand ing, frameworks dependent on transcribed principles
must be made more precise by expanding the intricacy of the
guidelines, which is a significantly more troublesome undertaking.
Specifically, there is a breaking point to the intricacy of frameworks
depend ent available made guidelines, past which the frameworks
become increasingly unmanageable. Notwithstanding, making more
information to contribution to AI frameworks essentially requires a
relating expansion in the quantity of worker hours worked, by and
large without huge expansions in the intricacy of the explanation
15.5.1 Information Extraction:
The automatic extraction of structured data such as entities, entities
relationships, and attributes describing entities from an unstructured
source is called information extraction.
15.5.2 Natural Language Processing:
NLP represents Natural language preparing. PC programming can
comprehend human language however same as it very well might be
spoken. NLP is essentially a part of counterfeit intelligence (AI). The
improvement of the NLP application is troublesome on the grounds that
PCs by and large anticipate that humans should "Talk" to them in a
programming language that is precise, clear, and particula rly organized.
Human discourse is generally not legitimate with the goal that it can rely
upon numerous perplexing factors, including slang, social setting, and
local lingos
Page 256
15.5.3 Data Mining and IR :
Information mining alludes to the extraction of valuable information,
concealed examples from huge informational indexes. Information mining
instruments can foresee practices and future patterns that permit
organizations to settle on a superior information driven choice.
Information mining instruments can be utilized to determine numerous
business issues that have generally been too tedious.
Data recovery manages recovering valuable information from information
that is put away in our frameworks. Then aga in, as a similarity, we can see
web indexes that occur on sites, for example, online business destinations
or some other locales as a feature of data recovery.
The content mining market has encountered remarkable development and
selection throughout the most recent couple of years and furthermore
expected to acquire critical development and reception in the coming
future. One of the essential purposes for the reception of text mining is
higher rivalry in the business market, numerous associations looking for
esteem added answers for contend with different associations. With
expanding finish in business and adjusting client points of view,
associations are making colossal speculations to discover an answer that is
fit for breaking down client and contender information to further develop
The essential wellspring of information is internet business sites, web -
based media stages, distributed articles, study, and some more. The bigger
piece of the produced information is unstructured, which makes it trying
and costly for the associations to examine with the assistance of
individuals. This test coordinates with the remarkable development in
information age has prompted the development of logical instruments. It
isn't simply ready to deal with enormous volumes of text information yet
in addition helps in dynamic purposes. Text mining programming enables
a client to draw valuable data from a tremendous arrangement of
information accessible sources.
The text mining process incor porates the following steps to extract the
data from the document.
Figure 1 Process of Text Mining
Page 257
Text transformation :
A Text transformation is a strategy that is utilized to control the
capitalization of the content
Here the two significant method of archive portrayal is given.
1. Bag of words
2.Vector Space
Text Pre -processing :
Pre-processing is a huge task and a critical step in Text Mining, Natural
Language Processing (NLP), and information retrieval (IR). In t he field of
text mining, information pre -handling is utilized for extracting useful data
and information from unstructured data. IR involves picking which
records in an assortment ought to be recovered to satisfy the client's need.
Feature selection:
Feature determination is a huge piece of data mining. It can be
characterized as the process toward decreasing the contribution of
handling or tracking down the fundamental data sources. This is
additionally called as “variable selection”.
Data Mining:
Presen tly, in this progression, the text mining strategy converges with the
traditional interaction. Exemplary Data Mining systems are utilized in the
primary information base.
Afterward, it evaluates the results. Once the result is evaluated, the res ult
Applications explained below:
Risk Management:
Risk Management is a deliberate and sensible technique of examining,
distinguishing, treating, and observing the dangers implied in any activity
or process in associations. Inadequ ate danger examination is normally a
main source of frustration. It is especially obvious in the monetary
associations where appropriation of Risk Management Software
dependent on text mining innovation can adequately improve the capacity
to decrease risks . It empowers the organization of millions of sources and
petabytes of text documents and enabling to associate the information. It
assists with getting to the suitable information at the ideal opportunity.
Customer Care Service:
Text mining strategies, especially NLP, are discovering expanding
importance in the field of customer care. Organizations are spending in
text investigation programming to work on their general insight by getting
Page 258
to the text -based information from various sources like client input,
overviews, client calls, and so on. The essential target of text analysis is to
decrease the reaction time of the organizations and help to address the
complaints of the customer quickly and productively
Business Intelligence:
Organizations and business firms have begun to utilize text mining
techniques as a significant part of their business intelligence. Other than
giving huge experiences into customerbehaviour and patterns, text mining
procedures likewise support organizations to analyze the characteristics
and weakness of their rival's along these lines, giving them an upper hand
on the lookout.
Social Media Analysis:
Web -based media investigation assists with following the online data, and
there are various text mining tools designed particularly for execution of
social media sites. These tools help to screen and decipher the content
created by means of the web from the news, messages, online journals,
and so on Text mining devices can correctly examine the all -out no of
posts, followers, and absolute no of preferences of your image on an
online media stage that empowers you to comprehend the reaction of the
people who are interacting with your image and content.
These are the foll owing text mining approaches that are used in data
15.7.1 Keyword -based Association Analysis:
It gathers sets of keywords or terms that regularly happen together and
thereafter find the affiliation relationship among them. To begin with, its
pre-processes the textdata by parsing, stemming, removing stop words,
and so forth. When it pre -prepared the information, then, at that point it
actuates assooiation mining algorithms. Here, human exertion isn't
needed, so the quantity of undesirable outcomes and the execution time is
15.7.2 Document Classification Analysis:
Automatic document classification:
This investigation is utilized for the classif ication of the colossal number
of online content archives like site pages, messages, and so forth. Text
document varies with the grouping of social information as archive data
sets are not coordinated by quality qualities sets.
Page 259
15.8.1 Stemming algorithms :
A critical pre -processing step prior to requesting of information reports
begins with the stemming of words. The expressions "stemming" can be
characterized as a decrease of words to their roots. For instance, unique
syntactic types of words and requested are something very similar. The
main role of stemming is to guarantee a comparable word by text mining
15.8.2 Support for different languages:
There are some exceptionally language - dependent operations, for
example, stemming, equivalents, the letters that are permitted in words.
Accordingly, support for different dialects is significant.
15.8.3 Exclude certain character:
Excluding numbers, explicit characters, or series of characters, or words
that are more limited or more than a particular number of letters should be
possible before the requesting of the input records.
15.8.4 Include lists, exclude lists (stop -words):
A specific of words to be recorded can be described, and it is helpful when
we need to lo ok for a particular word. It likewise orders the information
reports dependent on the frequencies with which those words happen.
Moreover, "stop words," which means terms that are to be dismissed from
the requesting can be portrayed. Regularly, a default l ist of English stop
words fuses "the," "a," "since," and so on These words are utilized in the
individual language regularly yet convey next to no information in the
Natural Language Understanding aides’ machines "read" text (or another
input such as speech) by mimicking the human ability to comprehend a
characteristic language like English, Spanish or Chinese. Natural
Language Processing incorporates both Natural Language Understanding
and Natural Language Generation, which simulates the human capacity to
make natural language text for example to sum up data or partake in a
As an innovation, natural language handling has grown up in the course of
recent years, with items, for example, Siri, Alexa and Google's voice
search utilizing NLP to comprehend and react to user requests. Refined
content mining applications have additionally been created in fields as
different as clinical examination, risk management, customer care,
insurance, and logical promoting.
Page 260
Today’s natural language processing systems can examine limitless
measures of text -based information without weariness and in a steady, fair
way. They can comprehend ideas inside complex settings and interpret
ambiguities of language to remove key realities and connections or give
outlines. Given the immense amount of unstructured information that is
created each day, from electronic health records (EHRs) to social media
posts, this type of computerization has gotten basic to investigati ng text -
based information effectively.
15.9.1 Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing :
AI is a computerized reasoning (AI) innovation which furnishes
frameworks with the capacity to consequently gain as a matter of fact
without the requirement fo r explicit programming and can assist with
tackling complex issues with exactness that can equal or even here and
there outperform humans.However, AI requires well -curated contribution
to prepare from, and this is ordinarily not accessible from sources, fo r
example, electronic health records (EHRs) or logical writing where the
greater part of the information is unstructured content.
When applied to EHRs, clinical preliminary records or full content
writing, normal language preparing can remove the spotles s, organized
information expected to drive the high -level prescient models utilized in
AI, subsequently lessening the requirement for costly, manual explanation
of preparing information.
While customar y web crawlers like Google presently offer refinements
like equivalents, auto -consummation and semantic inquiry (history and
setting), by far most of query items just highlight the area of reports,
leaving searchers with the issue of going through hours ph ysically
extricating the vital information by perusing singular records.
The restrictions of customary pursuit are compounded by the development
in large information over the previous decade, which has helped increment
the quantity of results returned for a solitary question by a web index like
Google from many thousands to many millions.
Ontologies, vocabularies, and custom word references are incredible assets
to help with search, information ex traction and information incorporation.
They are a critical part of numerous content mining devices, and give
arrangements of key ideas, with names and equivalents regularly
orchestrated in an order.
Page 261
Web search tools, text examination devices and normal language
preparing arrangements become considerably more impressive when
conveyed with area explicit ontologies. Ontologies empower the genuine
importance of the content to be seen, in any event, when i t is
communicated in an unexpected way (for example Tylenol versus
Acetaminophen). NLP methods broaden the force of ontologies, for
instance by permitting coordinating of terms with various spellings
(Estrogen or Estrogen), and by considering setting ("SCT " can allude to
the quality, "Secretin", or to "Step Climbing Test").
The detail of a metaphysics incorporates a jargon of terms and formal
imperatives on its utilization. Venture prepared normal language handling
requires scope of vocabularies, ontologi es and related procedures to
recognize ideas in their right setting:
Thesauri, vocabularies, scientific categorizations and ontologies for
ideas with known terms.
Pattern -based methodologies for classes like estimations,
transformations and compound names that can incorporate novel
(concealed) terms.
Domain -explicit, rule -based idea distinguishing proof, explanation,
and change.
Integration of client vocabularies to empower bespoke comment.
Advanced search to empower the distinguishing proof of informat ion
ranges for dates, mathematical qualities, region, fixation, rate, span,
length and weight.
The utilization of cutting -edge investigation addresses a genuine chance
inside the drug and medical care ve ntures, where the test lies in choosing
the proper arrangement, and afterward carrying out it proficiently across
the enterprise. Effective natural language handling requires various
highlights that ought to be joined into any undertaking level NLP
arrange ment, and a portion of these are depicted below.
There is immense assortment in archive piece and text -based setting,
including sources, arrangement, language, and syntax. Handling this
assortment requires a scope of procedures:
Transformation of interior and outside record designs (for example
HTML, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF text, PDF picture) into a
normalized accessible organization.
Page 262
The capacity to recognize, tag and search in explicit record segments
(regions), for instan ce: centering an inquiry to eliminate commotion
from a paper's reference area.
Linguistic handling to distinguish the significant units inside text like
sentences, thing, and action word assembles with the connections
between them.
Semantic apparatuses th at distinguish ideas inside the content like
medications and sicknesses and standardize to ideas from standard
ontologies. Notwithstanding center life science and medical care
ontologies like MedDRA and MeSH, the capacity to add their own
word references i s a prerequisite for some associations.
Pattern acknowledgment to find and recognize classifications of data,
not effectively characterized with a word reference approach. These
incorporate dates, mathematical data, biomedical terms (for example
focus, vo lume, dose, energy) and quality/protein transformations.
The capacity to handle inserted tables inside the content, regardless of
whether designed utilizing HTML or XML, or as free content.
Text-mining difficulties differ in size, from infrequent admittance to a
couple of archives to combined ventures over numerous storehouses and a
great many records. An advanced regular language preparing arrangement
should hence:
• Provide the capacity to run refined questions more than a huge number
of records, every one of which might be a great many pages long.
• Handle vocabularies and ontologies containing a huge number of
• Run on equal designs, regardless of whether standard multi -center,
group or cloud.
• Provide a connector to run regular language handling in help situated
conditions like ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), semantic
enhancement and sign location, for instance: clinical danger observing
in medical care.
Numerous issues happen during the content mining interaction and impact
the productivity and adequacy of dynamic. Intricacies can emerge at the
middle of the road phase of text mining. In pre -handling stage different
guidelines and guidelines are character ized to normalize the content that
make text mining measure proficient. Prior to applying design
investigation on the record there is a need to change over unstructured
information into moderate structure however at this stage mining measure
has its own co nfusions.
Another significant issue is a multilingual book refinement reliance that
make issues. Just couple of apparatuses are accessible that help different
dialects. Different calculations and methods are utilized freely to help
Page 263
multilingual content. Since various significant records endure outside the
content mining measure in light of the fact that different devices don't
uphold them. These issues make a ton of issues in information disclosure
and dynamic cycle.
The utilization of equivalents, poly sems and antonyms in the archives
make issues (recondition) for the content mining devices that take both in
a similar setting. It is hard to classify the archives when assortment of
reports is huge and produced from different fields having a similar area.
Shortened forms gives changed significance in various circumstance is
likewise a major issue. Differing ideas of granularity change the setting of
text as indicated by the condition and space information. There is need to
depict rules as indicated by the field that will be utilized as a norm nearby
and can be inserted in text mining instruments as a module.
It involves loads of exertion and time to create and send modules in all
fields independently. Words having same spelling yet give different
signific ance, for instance, fly and fly. Text mining apparatuses considered
both as comparative while one is action word and other is thing. Syntactic
standards as indicated by the nature and setting is as yet an open issue in
the field of text mining.
The issue of TR can be officially defined as to distinguish a subset of
important reports to a question from an assortment of records. There are
two systems to execute this objective: (1) direct choice; and (2)
backhanded determination through positioning.
By and large, positioning is liked and more basic since pertinence involves
degree and regardless of whether we can choose the right archives, it's as
yet attractive to rank them. Therefore, most existing examination in data
recovery has accepted that the objective is to foster a decent positioning
capacity. We will cover various approaches to rank reports later. These are
additionally called recovery models.
All recovery frameworks have some normal segments. One of them is the
tokenizer, which has to do with planning a book to a flood of
tokens/terms. This has to do with the more broad issue of addressing text
in the framework in some structure so we can coordinate with a question
with a report. The overwhelming procedure for text portrayal is to address
a book as a "sack of terms". Tokenization has to do with deciding the
A term can be a solitary work, an expression, or n -grams of characters
(i.e., a succession of n characters). One usually utilized method in
preparing a language like English is stemming, which maps semantically
related words, for example, "PCs", "PC", "figure", and "calculation"
everything appears a similar root structure (e.g., "process"). This
methodology regularly helps yet doesn't generally. It is as yet an open
Page 264
inquiry wheth er one ought to do stemming, and the appropriate response
exceptionally relies upon explicit applications.
A fundamental part of any recovery model is the criticism instrument.
That is, the point at which the client will pass judgment on archives and
mark some as significant others as non -applicable, the framework ought to
have the option to gain from such guides to further develop search
precision. This is called significance input. Client contemplates have
shown; notwithstanding, a client is regularly r eluctant to make such
decisions, raising worries about the commonsense worth of pertinence
input. Pseudo criticism (likewise called daze/programmed input)
essentially expects some highest level reports to be applicable, hence
doesn't need a client to mark records.
Pseudo criticism has likewise been demonstrated to be successful by and
large, however it might hurt execution for certain questions. Naturally,
pseudo criticism approach depends on term co -events in the highest -level
records to dig for related terms to the question terms. These new terms can
be utilized to extend an inquiry and increment review. Pseudo input may
likewise further develop exactness through enhancing the first inquiry
terms with new related terms and allotting more precise loads to question
1. Explain Text Mining.
2. What are the various text mining Techniques?
3. Briefly explain issues in text mining field.
4. Short notes on: Ontologies, Vocabularies and Custom Dictionaries
5. What is Natural Language Processing?
6. Explain Text mining Process.
1. Text Mining: Applications and Theory by Michael W. Berry, Jacob
2. The Text Mining Handbook: Advanced Approaches in Analyzing
Unstructured Data by Book by James Sanger and Ronen Feldman
3. An Introduction to Text Mining: Research Design, Data Collection,
and Analysis Book by Gabe Ignatow and Rada Mihalcea
Page 265
1. Zanini, Nadir & Dhawan, Vikas. (2015). Text Mining: An
introduction to theory and some applications. Research Matters. 38 -
2. Anton Kanev, Stuart Cunningham, Terekhov Valery, "Application of
formal grammar in text mining and construction of an
ontology", Internet Tec hnologies and Applications (ITA) 2017 , pp.
53-57, 2017.
3. Wang Huiqin, Lin Weiguo, "Analysis of the Art of War of Sun Tzu
by Text Mining Technology", Computer and Information Science
(ICIS) 2018 IEEE/ACIS 17th International Conference on , pp. 626 -
628, 2018.
4. Avik Sarkar, Md. Sharif Hossen, "Automatic Bangla Text
Summarization Using Term Frequency and Semantic Similarity
Approach", Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT) 2018
21st International Conference of , pp. 1 -6, 2018.
5. Anoud Shaikh, Naeem Ahmed Mahoto, Mukhtiar Ali Unar,
"Bringing Shape to Textual Data – A Feasible
Demonstration", Mehran University Research Journal of
Engineering and Technology , vol. 38, pp. 901, 2019.
6. Said A. Salloum, Mostafa Al -Emran, Azza Abdel Monem, Khaled
Shaalan , Intelligent Natural Language Processing: Trends and
Applications , vol. 740, pp. 373, 2018.
7. Text Mining: Applications and Theory by Michael W. Berry, Jacob
8. The Text Mining Handbook: Advanced Approaches in Analyzing
Unstructured Data by Book by James Sanger and Ronen Feldman
9. An Introduction to Text Mining: Research Design, Data Collection,
and Analysis Book by Gabe Ignatow and Rada Mihalcea
10. Text Mining in Practice with R Book by Ted Kwartler
11. Natural Language Processing and Text M ining Book by Steve R.
Page 266
Unit Structure
16.0 Objectives
16.1 Introduction
16.2 An Overview
16.2.1 What is Information Retrieval?
16.2.2 What is an IR Model?
16.2.3 Components of Information Retrieval/ IR Model
16.3 Difference Between Information Retrieval and Data Retrieval
16.4 User Interaction with Information Retrieval System
16.5 Past, Present, and Future of Information Retrieval
16.5.1 IR on the Web
16.5.2 Why is IR difficult?
16.6 Functional Overview
16.6.1 Item Normalization
16.6.2 Selective Dissemination (Distribution, Spreading) of
16.6.3 Document Database Search
16.6.4 Multimedia Database Search
16.7 Application areas within IR
16.7.1 Cross language retrieval
16.7.2 Speech/broadcast retrieval
16.7.3 Text Categorization
16.7.4 Text Summarization
16.7.5 Structured document element retrieval
16.8 Web Information Retrieval Models
16.8.1 Vector Model
16.8.2 Vector space model
16.8. 3 Probabilistic Model
16.9 Let us S um Up
16.10 List of References
16.11 Bibliography
16.12 Chapter End Exercises
16.0 OBJECTIVES Knowledge about Information Retrieval
Page 267
Various IR models
Components of IR
User Interaction
Application Area
An IR framework can address, store, sort out, and access data things. A
bunch of catchphrases are needed to look. Catchphrases are the thing
individuals are looking for in web crawlers. These keywords sum up the
portrayal of the data.
The framework looks more than billions of records put away on large
number of PCs. A spam channel, manual or programmed implies are given
by email program to grouping the sends so it very well may be put
straightforwardly into specific envelopes. For insta nce, Information
Retrieval can be the point at which a client enters an inquiry into the
Not just custodians, proficient searchers, and so on draw in themselves in
the action of data recovery however these days countless individuals take
part in IR consistently when they use web indexes. Data Retrieval is
accepted to be the prevailing type of Information access. The IR
framework helps the clients in discovering the data they require yet it
doesn't expressly return the responses to the inquiry. It tells in regard to
the presence and area of reports that may comprise of the necessary data.
Data r ecovery additionally stretches out help to clients in perusing or
sifting record assortment or preparing a bunch of recovered reports.
16.2.1 What is Information Retrieval? :
IR characterized as a product program that arrangements with the
association, s tockpiling, recovery, and assessment of data from record
storehouses, especially literary data. Data Retrieval is the action of getting
material that can generally be recorded on an unstructured nature for
example typically text which fulfills a data need from inside huge
assortments which is put away on PCs.
16.2.2 What is an IR Model? :
An Information Retrieval (IR) model chooses and positions the archive
that is needed by the client, or the client has requested as an inquiry. The
reports and the inquiries are addressed likewise, so that record
determination and positioning can be formalized by a coordinating with
work that profits a recovery status esteem (RSV) for each archive in the
assortment. A considerable lot of the Information Retrieval frameworks
address report substance by a bunch of descriptors, called terms, having a
Page 268
place with a jargon V. An IR model decides the inquiry report
coordinating with work as per four fundamental methodologies:
16.2.3 Components of Information Retrieval/ IR Model :
Figure 1: IR Model
In this progression, the choice of records and different items from
different web assets that comprise of text-based archives happens. The
necessary information is gathered by web crawlers and put away in the
data set.
It comprises of ordering that contains free-text terms, controlled jargon,
manual and programmed strategies also. model: Abstracting contains
summing up and Bibliographic portrayal that contains creator, title,
sources, information, and metadata .
File Organization: There are two sorts of document association
strategies. for example Consecutive: It contains records by archive
information. Altered: It contains term by term, rundown of records under
each term. Mix of both.
An IR cycle begins when a client enters an inquiry into the framework.
Questions are formal explanations of data needs, for instance, search
strings in web search tools. In data recovery, an inquiry doesn't
remarkably recognize a solitary article in the assortment. All thing s
being equal, a few articles might coordinate with the inquiry, maybe with
various levels of pertinence.
Page 269
16.3 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL AND DATA RETRIEVAL Information Retrieval Data Retrieval The softwarethe program that deals with the organization, storage, retrieval, and evaluation of information from document repositories particularly textual information Data retrieval deals with obtaining data from a database management system such as ODBMS. It is A process of identifying and retrieving the data from the database, based on the query provided by user or application. Retrieves information about a subject. Determines the keywords in the
user query and retrieves the data. Small errors are likely to go unnoticed. A single error object means total
failure. Not always well structured and is semantically ambiguous. Has a well -defined structure and
semantics? Does not provide a solution to the user of the database system. Provides solutions to the user of
the database system. The results obtained are approximate matches. The results obtained are exact
matches. Results are ordered by relevance. Results are unordered by
relevance. It is a probabilistic model. It is a deterministic model
Figure 2 : User Interaction with Information Retrieval System
Page 270
The User Task:
The data initially should be converted into an inquiry by the client. In the
data recovery framework, there is a bunch of words that pass on the
semantics of the data that is required though, in an information recovery
framework, a question articulation is utilized to pass on the limitations
which are fulfilled by the items. Model: A client needs to look for
something yet winds up looking with something else. This implies that
the client is perusing and not looking. The above figure shows the
collaboration of the client through various errands.
Logical View of the Documents:
Quite a while past, records were addressed through a bunch of file terms
or catchphrases. These days, present day PCs address archives by a full
arrangement of words which lessens the arrangement of agent
watchwords. This should be possible by disposing of key words for
example articles and connectives. These tasks are text activities. These
content tasks diminish the intricacy of the report portrayal from full
content to set off list t erms.
1. Early Developments:
As there was an increment in the requirement for a great deal of data, it
became important to construct information designs to get quicker access.
The file is the information structure for quicker recovery of data. Over
hundreds of years manual order of chains of importance was
accomplished for records.
2. Data Retrieval in Libraries:
Libraries were quick to receive IR frameworks for data recovery. In
original, it comprised, mechanization of past advances, and the pursuit
depended on creator name and title. In the subsequent age, it included
looking by subject heading, catchphrases, and so on in the third era, it
comprised of graphical interfaces, electronic structures, hypertext
highlights, and so on
3. The Web and Digital Libraries:
It is less expensiv e than different wellsprings of data, it gives more
noteworthy admittance to networks because of computerized
correspondence, and it gives free admittance to distribute on a bigger
16.5.1 IR on the Web :
No stable document collection (spider, crawler)
Invalid document, duplication, etc.
Huge number of documents (partial collection)
Page 271
Multimedia documents
Great variation of document quality
Multilingual problem
16.5.2 Why is IR difficult? :
Vocabularies mismatching – Synonymy: e.g., car vs. automobile –
Polysemy: table
• Queries are ambiguous, they are partial specification of user’s need
• Content representation may be inadequate and incomplete
• The user is the ultimate judge, but we d on’t know how the judge
– The notion of relevance is imprecise, context - and user dependent
A Total Information Storage and Retrieval System is composed of four
major functional processes:
1) Item Normalization
2) Selective Dissemination of Information (i.e., “Mail”)
3) Archival Document Database Search, and an Index
4) Database Search along with the Automatic File Build process that
supportsIndex Files.
16.6.1 Item Normalization:
The initial phase in any incorporated framework is to standardize the
approaching things to a standard arrangement. Thing standardization gives
consistent rebuilding of the thing. Extra activities during thing
standardization are expected to make an access ible information structure:
recognizable proof of preparing tokens (e.g., words), portrayal of the
tokens, and stemming (e.g., eliminating word endings) of the tokens.
The handling tokens and their portrayal are utilized to characterize the
accessible co ntent from the complete got text. shows the standardization
cycle. Normalizing the information takes the diverse outer organizations
of information and plays out the interpretation to the arrangements worthy
to the framework. A framework might have a solit ary configuration for all
things or permit numerous organizations. One illustration of normalization
could be interpretation of unknown dialects into Unicode. Each language
has an alternate inner twofold encoding for the characters in the language.
One sta ndard encoding that covers English, French, Spanish, and so forth
is ISO -Latin.
To help the clients in creating lists, particularly the expert indexers, the
framework gives an interaction called Automatic File Build (AFB). Multi -
media adds an additional measurement to the standardization interaction.
As well as normalizing the printed input, the multi -media input likewise
Page 272
should be normalized. There are a ton of alternatives to the principles
being applied to the standardization. In the event that the inf ormation is
video the reasonable advanced norms will be either MPEG -2, MPEG -1,
AVI or Real Media. MPEG (Motion Picture Expert Group) guidelines are
the most all -inclusive principles for better video where Real Media is the
most well -known norm for lower qu ality video being utilized on the
Internet. Sound guidelines are normally WAV or Real Media (Real
Audio). Pictures differ from JPEG to BMP.
The following cycle is to parse the thing into coherent sub -divisions that
have importance to the client. This cyc le, called "Drafting," is apparent to
the client and used to build the accuracy of a hunt and streamline the
showcase. A run of the mill thing is partitioned into zones, which might
cover and can be various levelled, like Title, Author, Abstract, Main Text ,
Conclusion, and References. The drafting data is passed to the handling
token recognizable proof activity to store the data, permitting searches to
be confined to a particular zone. For instance, on the off chance that the
client is keen on articles talk ing about "Einstein" the inquiry ought to
exclude the Bibliography, which could incorporate references to articles
composed by "Einstein." Systems decide words by separating input
images into 3 classes:
1) Valid word symbols
2) Inter -word symbols
3) Special processing symbols.
A word is characterized as a bordering set of word images limited by
between word images. In numerous frameworks between word images are
non-accessible and ought to be painstakingly chosen. Instances of word
images are alphabet ic characters and numbers. Instances of conceivable
between word images are spaces, periods and semicolons. The specific
meaning of a between word image is subject to the parts of the language
area of the things to be prepared by the framework. For instanc e, a
punctuation might be of little significance if by some stroke of good luck
utilized for the possessive case in English yet may be basic to address
unfamiliar names in the information base. Then, a Stop List/Algorithm is
applied to the rundown of poten tial handling tokens.
The target of the Stop work is to save framework assets by disposing of
from the arrangement of accessible preparing tokens those that have little
worth to the framework. Given the critical expansion in accessible modest
memory, sto ckpiling and handling power, the need to apply the Stop
capacity to preparing tokens is diminishing. Instances of Stop calculations
are: Stop all numbers more prominent than "999999" (this was chosen to
permit dates to be accessible) Stop any handling toke n that has numbers
and characters intermixed.
Page 273
16.6.2 Selective Dissemination (Distribution, Spreading) of
Information :
The Selective Dissemination of Information (Mail) Process gives the
ability to powerfully analyse recently got things in the data framework
against standing proclamations of interest of clients and convey the thing
to those clients whose assertion of interest coordinates with the substance
of the thing. The Mail interaction is made out of the hunt cycle, client
explanations of intere st (Profiles) and client mail records. As everything is
gotten, it is prepared against each client's profile. A profile contains an
ordinarily wide hunt proclamation alongside a rundown of client mail
records that will get the report if the pursuit explana tion in the profile is
fulfilled. Particular Dissemination of Information has not yet been applied
to sight and sound sources.
16.6.3 Document Database Search :
The Document Database Search Process gives the capacity to an inquiry to
look against all things got by the framework. The Document Database
Search measure is made out of the inquiry cycle, client entered questions
(normally specially appointed inquiries) and the record data set which
contains all things that have been gotten, handled and put away by the
framework. Regularly things in the Document Database don't change (i.e.,
are not altered) once got.
File Database Search When a not set in stone to be of interest, a client
might need to save it for future reference. This is in actuality documenting
it. In a data framework this is refined by means of MRCET -IT Page 11 the
record interaction. In this interaction the client can legitimately store a
thing in a record alongside extra file terms and distinct content the client
needs to connect with the thing. The Index Database Search Process gives
the ability to make records and search them.
There are 2 classes of index files:
1) Public Index files
2) Private Index files
Each client can have at least one Private Index documents prompting an
extremely enormous number of records. Every Private Index record
references just a little subset of the complete number of things in the
Document Database. Public Index r ecords are kept up with by proficient
library administrations staff and regularly file each thing in the Document
Database. There are few Public Index records. These records approach
records (i.e., arrangements of clients and their advantages) that permit
anybody to look or recover information. Private Index documents
commonly have extremely restricted admittance records
16.6.4 Multimedia Database Search :
According to a framework point of view, the multi -media information isn't
sensibly its own informatio n structure, however an expansion to the
current designs in the Information Retrieval System. Relationship to
Page 274
Database Management Systems From a common -sense stance, the joining
of DBMS's and Information Retrieval Systems is vital. Business data set
organi zations have effectively coordinated the two kinds of frameworks.
One of the initial business data sets to coordinate the two frameworks into
a solitary view is the INQUIRE DBMS. This has been accessible for more
than fifteen years. A more current model is the ORACLE DBMS that
presently offers an imbedded ability called CONVECTIS, which is an
educational recovery framework that utilizes a complete thesaurus which
gives the premise to produce "topics" for a specific thing. The INFORMIX
DBMS can connection to RetrievalWare to give reconciliation of
organized information and data alongside capacities related with
Information Retrieval Systems.
Cross language retrieval
Speech/broadcast retrieval
Text categorization
Text summarization
Structured document element retrieval (XML)
16.7.1 Cross language retrieval :
Cross -lingual Information Retrieval is the assignment of recovering
important data when the report assortment is written in an alternate
language from the client question.
16.7.2 Speech/broadcast retrieval:
Speech search is worried about the recovery of spoken substance from
assortments of discourse or sight and sound information. The key
difficulties raised by discourse search are ordering through a suitable
interaction of discourse acknowledgment and productively getting to
explicit substance components inside spoken information.
16.7.3 Text Categorization :
Text categorization (a.k.a. text classification ) is the errand of allocating
predefined classifications to free -message archives. It can give reasonable
perspectives on archive assortments and has significant applications in
reality. For instance, reports are commonly coordinated by subject
classifications (points) or geological codes; schola stic papers are regularly
grouped by specialized spaces and sub -areas; patient reports in medical
services associations are frequently listed from various perspectives,
utilizing scientific categorizations of sickness classes, sorts of surgeries,
protectio n repayment codes, etc.
16.7.4 Text summarization :
Text summarization is the issue of making a short, exact, and familiar
rundown of a more extended book document.Automatic text outline
Page 275
strategies are enormously expected to address the always developing
measure of text information accessible online to both better assist with
finding important data and to devour applicable data quicker.
16.7.5 Structured document element retrieval :
Structured document retrieval is Organized record recovery is worried
about the recovery of archive parts. The design of the record, regardless of
whether unequivocally given by an increase language or inferred, is
abused to decide the most pertinent archive sections to return as answers
to a given question. The recognized m ost applicable record pieces would
themselves be able to be utilized to decide the most pertinent reports to
return as answers to the given question.
16.8.1 Vector Model:
• Index terms are assigned positive and non - binary weights
• The index terms in the query are also weighted
d j (w1, j , w2, j , , wt , j ) q (w1,q , w2,q , , wt ,q )
• Term weights are used to compute the degree of similarity between
documents and the user query • Then, retrieved documents are sorted
in decreasing order
Advantages :
- Its term -weighting scheme improves retrieval performance
– Its partial matching strategy allows retrieval of documents that
approximate the query conditions
– Its cosine ranking formula sorts the documents according to their
degree of similarity to the query
Disadvantage :
– The assumption of mutual independence between index terms
16.8.2 Vector space model :
• Vector space = all the keywords encountered
• Document D = < a1, a2, a3, …, an> ai = weight of ti in D
Query Q = < b1, b2, b3, …, bn> bi = weight of ti in Q
• R(D,Q) = Sim(D,Q)
16.8.3 Probabilistic Model :
• Introduced by Roberston and Sparck Jones, 1976 – Binary
independence retrieval (BIR) mode l
• Idea: Given a user query q, and the ideal answer set R of the relevant
documents, the problem is to specify the properties for this set
Page 276
– Assumption (probabilistic principle): the probability of relevance
depends on the query and document representations only; ideal
answer set R should maximize the overall probability of relevance
– The probabilistic model tries to estimate the probability that the
user will find the document dj relevant with ratio P(djrelevant to
q)/P(dj non relevant to q)
Information retrieval (IR) is the science of searching for information
in documents
Three types of Information Retrieval (IR) mode ls- Classical IR
Model , Non -Classical IR Model, Alternative IR Model
Boolean Model — This model required information to be translated
into a Boolean expression and Boolean queries
Vector Space Model — This model takes documents and queries
denoted as vectors and retrieves documents depending on how
similar they are
Probability Distribution Model — In this model, the documents are
considered as distributions of terms and queries are matched based
on the similarity of these representations.
Probabilisti c Models — The probabilistic model is rather simple and takes
the probability ranking to display results.
1. Define information retrieval
2. What are the applications of IR?
3. What are the components of IR?
4. How to AI applied in IR systems?
5. Give the functions of information retrieval system.
6. List the issues in information retrieval system.
7. Discuss the impact of IR on the web
8. Define indexing & document indexing.
9. What are the three classic models in information retrieval system?
10. Explain Boolean Model.
11. Explain Vector Model
12. Why the Classic IR might lead to poor retrieval?
13. Draw the flow diagram for relevance feedback query processing
Page 277
14. Give brief notes about user Relevance feedback method and how it is
used in query expansion
15. What is the use of Link analysis?
1. Stefan Buettcher, Charles L. A. Clarke, Gordon V. Cormack,
Information Retrieval: Implementing and Evaluating Search Engines,
The MIT Press, 2010.
2. OphirFrieder “Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Heuristics: The
Information Retrieval Series “, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2004.
3. Manu Konchady, “Building Search Applications: Lucene, Ling Pipe”,
and First Edition, Gate Mustru Publishing, 2008.
4. Introduction to information retrieval - Book by Christopher D.
Manning, Hinrich Schütze, and Prabhakar Raghavan
5. Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval - Book by Gobinda G.
1. Sanjib Kumar Sahu, D. P. Mahapatra, R. C. Balabantaray,
"Analytical study on intelligent information retrieval system using
semantic network", Computing Communication and Automation
(ICCCA) 2016 International Conference on , pp. 704 -710, 2016.
2. Federico Bergenti, Enr ico Franchi, Agostino Poggi, Collaboration
and the Semantic Web , pp. 83, 2012.
3. Introduction to information retrieval - Book by Christopher D.
Manning, Hinrich Schütze, and Prabhakar Raghavan
4. Information Retrieval: Implementing and Evaluating Search Engines
- Book by Charles L. A. Clarke, Gordon Cormack, and Stefan
5. Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval - Book by Gobinda G.
6. Stefan Buettcher, Charles L. A. Clarke, Gordon V. Cormack,
Information Retrieval: Implementing and Evaluating Search
Engines, The MIT Press, 2010.
7. OphirFrieder “Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Heuristics:
The Information Retrieval Series “, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2004.
8. Manu Konchady, “Building Search Applications: Lucene, Ling
Pipe”, and First Edition, Gate Mustru Publishing, 2008.